LABR v. Bath Iron Works ( 1994 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 94-1094


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendant, Appellee.




    [Hon. Gene Carter, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Selya, Cyr and Boudin,

    Circuit Judges. ______________


    Joshua T. Gillelan II, Senior Attorney, Office of the Solicitor, ______________________
    Department of Labor, with whom Thomas S. Williamson, Jr., Solicitor of _________________________
    Labor, and Carol A. De Deo, Associate Solicitor, were on brief for ________________
    Robert H. Koehler with whom Judith Bartnoff and Patton, Boggs & __________________ ________________ _______________
    Blow were on brief for appellee. ____


    December 16, 1994

    BOUDIN, Circuit Judge. Bath Iron Works, Inc. ("Bath") ______________

    is a Maine corporation that has long engaged in shipbuilding

    and the repair of ships. It has employees who are covered by

    the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, 33 U.S.C.

    901-50 (the "Longshore Act"). That statute enacts an

    extensive workers' compensation program that protects

    longshore and other specific classes of workers whose

    injuries occur upon navigable waters of the United States or

    adjoining facilities like piers and dry docks. Id. 903(a). ___

    For the most part, scheduled payments for death or

    disability are made either by the employer or under insurance

    coverage; Bath, as it happens, is a self-insurer. But

    Congress has also included in the Longshore Act a so-called

    "special fund," 33 U.S.C. 944, administered by the

    Secretary of Labor ("the Secretary"). The fund is used for

    various purposes--most importantly, for "second injury" or

    "section 8(f)" payments made under 33 U.S.C. 908(f), a

    provision described below. See 33 U.S.C. 944(i). The ___

    special fund is primarily funded by annual assessments levied

    by the Secretary on employers subject to the Longshore Act.

    Id. 944(c).1 ___


    1The statute refers to contributions by self-insured
    employers or carriers; but for simplicity we refer to __
    "employers" throughout the opinion.

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    In this case the Secretary brought suit against Bath in

    the district court to recover supplemental assessments for

    the special fund claimed to be due by the Secretary. Because

    the dispute involves Bath's obligation to the special fund,

    the statutory formula used to determine such obligations--33

    U.S.C. 944(c)(2)--needs to be explained. First, the

    statute requires the Secretary to estimate the fund's

    expected obligations for the forthcoming year, including

    expected section 8(f) payments. Id. Then, the Secretary ___

    estimates other fund income (e.g., fines) and levies the ____

    balance by assessing employers. Id. Specifically, the ___

    Secretary fixes and assesses each employer's share under a

    formula that takes the average of two fractions, both of

    which use the prior year's experience as a base. Id. ___

    One fraction is the ratio of the individual employer's

    workers' compensation payments "under this chapter" [the

    Longshore Act] during the prior year to all such payments by

    all employers under the chapter during that year. 33 U.S.C.

    944(c)(2)(A). The other fraction is the ratio of the

    section 8(f) payments attributable to the employer during the

    prior year to all such section 8(f) payments attributable to

    all employers for that year. Id. 944(c)(2)(B). In brief, ___

    the employer's obligation is based in part on its own prior

    payment experience and in part on the special fund's

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    experience in making section 8(f) payments to that employer's


    For example, if Bath's compensation payments under the

    Longshore Act for 1988 represented three percent of all such

    employer payments for that year, and the special section 8(f)

    payments for Bath employees represented one percent of all

    such section 8(f) payments for that year, Bath's assessment

    would be two percent of the (otherwise unfunded) special fund

    obligations for 1989, as estimated by the Secretary. Under

    such a formula, every employer has an interest in seeing its

    own workers' compensation payments "under this chapter"

    represented by as small a figure as possible. The lower the

    figure, the more the burden of financing the special fund is

    shifted to other employers.

    The present case arose because Bath calculated its own

    assessment by excluding from the formula calculation under

    section 944(c)(2)(A) most payments it made to injured

    employees who were covered both by the Longshore Act and the

    Maine Workers Compensation Act. Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 39,

    1 et seq. The Maine statute generally provides comparable ______

    payments, and both regimes encourage the employer to make

    payment without having the employee file a formal claim.

    Where both statutes covered the same injury in the same

    amount, Bath said that it was making payment under the Maine

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    statute and filed a boilerplate denial of liability under the

    Longshore Act. See 33 U.S.C. 914(d). ___

    An employer's payment of workers' compensation under a

    state statute discharges the employer's liability pro tanto _________

    under the Longshore Act. This was well settled by court

    decision long ago and eventually Congress enacted a provision

    to this effect. 33 U.S.C. 903(e). Thus, in such dual

    liability cases, Bath's payments--purportedly under the Maine

    statute--erased its liability under the federal statute as

    well. This erasure of federal obligations led the Secretary

    to recalculate Bath's formula assessment on the premise that

    such dual liability payments should be treated as ones made

    "under" the Longshore Act. Bath disagreed. The Secretary

    brought suit.

    In the district court, the magistrate judge entered a

    recommended decision in favor of Bath, and the district court

    approved the recommendation and dismissed the Secretary's

    complaint. The gist of the district court's decision was

    that the language of the formula--specifically, its reference

    to an employer's payments made "under this chapter"--was

    clear and unambiguous. "The subsection [944(c)(2)(A)]," said

    the district court, "speaks in terms of payments, not

    liability"; and it deemed the dual liability payments in

    dispute to be ones made under Maine law, not the Longshore

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    Act. The court also relied secondarily on legislative

    history and policy.

    On this appeal, the Secretary takes the position that

    his own reading of the formula language is at least

    permissible, is a reasonable one, and is entitled to the

    deference ordinarily due to the agency or department under

    the Chevron doctrine. Chevron v. NRDC, 467 U.S. 837 (1984). _______ _______ ____

    We generally agree with the Secretary that the statutory

    language permits his reading, which is entitled to a measure

    of deference. We also think that the history of the

    provision supports the Secretary's reading. Finally, there

    is no clue anywhere that the distinction proposed by Bath was

    ever considered, let alone adopted, by Congress.

    Starting with statutory language, the parties devote

    many pages to the question whether the disputed payments are,

    in a literal sense or by various characteristics, payments

    "under" the Longshore Act. We do not think that the bare

    words "under this chapter" are precise enough to resolve our

    case. As a matter of dictionary meaning, the phrase could

    (as Bath claims) refer to the statute invoked by the payor

    when making the payment--here, the Maine statute--or it could

    (as the Secretary claims) cover any payment that erases or

    discharges a liability that otherwise exists under the

    federal statute, regardless of what the payor says when

    handing over the money.

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    The surrounding circumstances seem to us equally

    uninformative. It makes no difference to any known purpose

    of Congress, or any suggested policy underlying the statute,

    that Bath did, as it claims, file repeated boilerplate

    notices of contravention denying liability under the federal

    statute. Conversely, it does not matter whether, as the

    Secretary claims, Bath reported the accidents in question to

    federal authorities, as other provisions required it to do.

    These arguments are examples of fussing about inessentials.

    What matters, given that the statute's language is open

    to more than one reading, is the history and purpose of the

    provision. Congress adopted an earlier version of this

    formula in 1972 when the assessment device was first adopted

    to support the special fund. Under the 1972 amendments, the

    assessment was based on the proportion of the employer's

    prior year "payments made on risks covered by this Act" to

    "the total of such payments made by all" employers. 86 Stat.

    1251, 1256. This is a variation, of course, on the language

    now comprising the first half of the statutory formula.

    Compare 33 U.S.C. 944(c)(2)(A). _______

    In recent years, the main use of the special fund has

    been to encourage employers to hire workers who have suffered

    a previous partial permanent disability. For various

    reasons, employers feared that such a worker who suffered a

    new disability might impose extra liability on the employer ___

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    where the first injury contributed to the severity of the

    second; a good example is the loss of an eye by a worker

    already blind in one eye. See Lawson v. Suwannee Fruit & ___ ______ _________________

    Steamship Co., 336 U.S. 198 (1949); 2 A. Larson, Workmen's _____________ _________

    Compensation Law 59.31(a) (1994). The section 8(f) regime ________________

    was designed to lessen this discouragement.

    For some years, section 8(f) has accomplished this end

    by making the special fund, and not the employer, liable in

    certain circumstances for so-called "second-injury"

    compensation payments, beginning after 104 weeks of employer

    payments. 33 U.S.C. 908(f). In 1972, when Congress first

    adopted the employer assessment device to support the special

    fund, it also greatly enlarged the scope of the fund's

    liability by inter alia extending the fund's liability ___________

    retroactively to provide some coverage for some second

    injuries that had occurred prior to the new statutory


    What Congress discovered between 1972 and 1984 is that

    employers were "dumping" as many cases as possible in the

    section 8(f) basket. This meant that the employer not only

    avoided compensation liability to the worker after 104 weeks

    (as intended) but also (unexpectedly) lowered the employer's

    future formula payments to the special fund below the level

    that would otherwise have applied. The lowering occurred

    because the original 1972 formula only counted payments by

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    the employer as increasing the employer's fraction; section

    8(f) payments made by the fund, on account of the employer's

    double-injury employees, did not increase the employer's


    Under the new section 944(c)(2) formula adopted in 1984

    and in force today, the payments by the fund on account of

    these double-injury employees is now attributed to the

    employer to the extent that such payments increase the

    employer's assessment under the second half of the formula.

    This second half represents only 50 percent of the final

    assessment; thus the employer gets some help when the fund

    takes over compensation and, presumably, the employer retains

    some incentive to hire the partly disabled. But the employer

    does see its future assessments rise somewhat as the employer

    transfers responsibility to the special fund.

    As Congress saw it, "[t]his [new] formula will, at once,

    dissuade the dumping of cases into the fund, and will more

    equitably apportion the responsibility of paying for the


    130 Cong. Rec. 25,904 (1984) (statement of Mr. Miller).2

    Further, because the employer now has a continuing (albeit

    indirect) interest in holding down unjustified payments to


    2The statutory solution ultimately devised by Congress
    was adopted late in the day by the Conference Committee and
    explained only in floor statements. Compare H. Rep. No. 98- _______
    570, 98th Cong., 1st Sess. 20-21 (1983), with Conf. Rep. No. ____
    98-1027, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. 31 (1984).

    -9- -9-

    employees even after 104 weeks, the legislators expected that

    unjustified disability claims would be better policed than

    they had been by the fund administrators. Id. Other ___

    explanations for the change are consistent. 130 Cong. Rec.

    26,297 (1984) (statement of Senator Nickles).

    In sum, prior to 1984 Congress intended the special fund

    to be paid for by employers primarily in proportion to their

    experience in paying compensation claims required to be paid

    by the federal statute ("payments made on risks covered by

    [the] Act"). No reason is suggested to us why Congress might

    have wished in 1984 to lower an employer's share because, by

    happenstance, the employer was located in a state with

    generous compensation laws of its own and the employer chose

    to pin a state label on its payment while discharging an

    obligation that existed under both federal and state law. By

    the same token, no legislative evidence indicates that

    Congress intended to make such a change in 1984.

    Bath infers such an intent because Congress in 1984

    altered the 1972 phrase "payments made on risks covered by

    [the] Act" to refer instead to payments "under this chapter."

    As best we can tell, Congress happened by chance to alter the

    wording of the original 1972 sentence when--in a last-minute

    compromise (see note 2, supra)--it adopted the 1972 provision ___ _____

    as the first part of the new two-part formula. To the extent

    that the 1972 language is slightly more helpful to the

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    Secretary, it strengthens the Secretary's present position

    slightly, rather than detracts from it, precisely because

    there is no indication that Congress meant to change the

    substance of that part of the formula.

    There is only one discrepancy that gives us any pause.

    In 1991, the Secretary's Benefits Review Board rendered a

    decision in a case entitled Stewart v. Bath Iron Works Corp., _______ _____________________

    25 B.R.B.S. 151 (1991). There, it appears that a second-

    injury employee of Bath withdrew a claim for compensation

    under the Longshore Act when Maine's benefits proved more

    generous. Although the Stewart opinion is difficult to _______

    decipher without more information, the Board apparently took

    the view that section 8(f) relief from the special fund was

    not available to Bath because the payments that Bath was

    making to the employee were required of Bath by the Maine

    statute but not by federal law.

    Bath argued to the district court, and repeats here, its

    claim that "it would be anomalous to base [Bath's] special

    fund assessments on state law payments, when special fund

    relief is not available to [Bath] from its obligations under

    the Maine [compensation law]." The technical responses

    offered in the government's reply brief may explain why the

    district court saw some merit in Bath's reliance on Stewart. _______

    The government's failure either to answer Bath's central

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    argument, or to concede the discrepancy, is not what we would

    expect from government counsel.

    Bath's argument is relevant in the sense that a

    construction that produces anomalous results is, by that fact

    alone, a more doubtful reading of a statute. Public ______

    Employees Retirement Sys. of Ohio v. Betts, 492 U.S. 158, __________________________________ _____

    177-78 (1989). Still, nothing in Stewart is literally _______

    inconsistent with the government's reading of the assessment

    formula; Stewart turns on a reading of other provisions of _______

    the Longshore Act that are not centrally involved in this

    case. At worst, Stewart--assuming it was correctly decided-- _______

    produces an apparent possible inequity of a kind that is not

    unknown in complex statutory arrangements. Puerto Rico ____________

    Telephone Co. v. FCC, 553 F.2d 694, 700 (1st Cir. 1977). _____________ ___

    We have far too little information to assess fully the

    dense and elliptical opinion in Stewart. The case may have _______

    been wrongly decided; or the anomaly may be a rarity that

    carries no great weight in interpreting the formula

    provisions before us; or it may not be an inequity at all

    (the Board in Stewart refers to the possibility that Bath _______

    could seek relief from Maine's counterpart to the special

    fund provision). Bath gives us no information on any of

    these matters, so there is no reason to feel distress on its

    behalf in having to leave this dangling loose end.

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    The judgment of the district court is vacated and the _______

    case remanded for further proceedings consistent with this ________


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