Eastern Mountain v. Sherwin Williams Co. ( 1994 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 94-1044


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendant, Appellee.


    No. 94-1045


    Plaintiff, Appellee,



    Defendant, Appellant.




    [Hon. Clarence C. Newcomer,* Senior U.S. District Judge] __________________________



    Torruella, Circuit Judge, _____________
    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Carter,** District Judge. ______________


    * Of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by

    ** Of the District of Maine, sitting by designation.


    Ovide M. Lamontagne with whom George R. Moore and Devine, ____________________ _______________ _______
    Millimet & Branch, P.A. were on brief for The Sherwin-Williams ________________________
    Stephen S. Ostrach, Patrick W. Hanifin, Todd S. Brilliant ___________________ ___________________ __________________
    and New England Legal Foundation were on brief for Business and _____________________________
    Industry Association of New Hampshire, amicus curiae. _____________
    Kenneth G. Bouchard with whom Paul B. Kleinman and Bouchard ____________________ ________________ ________
    & Mallory, P.A. were on brief for Eastern Mountain Platform ________________
    Tennis, Inc.


    November 28, 1994


    CARTER, Chief District Judge. This action arose from ______________________

    the sale of a paint system recommended by Defendant, The Sherwin-

    Williams Company ("Sherwin-Williams"), to Plaintiff, Eastern

    Mountain Platform Tennis, Inc. ("EMPT"), for use in producing

    platform tennis courts. Sherwin-Williams' representative David

    Shelley ("Shelley") recommended a paint system to EMPT after EMPT

    informed Shelley that it would not change products unless the new

    system met or exceeded the performance of the paint system it had

    used previously. The Sherwin-Williams system did not perform as

    well as the system it replaced. In fact, the courts covered with

    Sherwin-Williams paints began to show signs of wear, with the

    coating peeling away from the aluminum panels and the courts'

    surface becoming slick due to loss of aluminum oxide aggregate

    during the first season of use.1 After a jury trial, the jury

    entered a verdict in favor of EMPT in the amount of $1,087,000.

    The special verdict form indicated that the jury found that


    1 The painting of the tennis platform courts involves a six-step
    process and two types of paint. First, aluminum panels are
    washed with acid to eliminate grease and etch the surface.
    Second, the panels are sanded to increase the profile of the
    surface. Third, a layer of primer epoxy paint is applied.
    Fourth, aluminum oxide aggregate is pneumatically broadcast over
    the wet epoxy primer layer. Fifth, a topcoat of epoxy paint is
    applied. Sixth, aluminum oxide aggregate is pneumatically
    broadcast over the wet topcoat.

    The paint system must have two important characteristics.
    First, the primer coat must adhere to the aluminum through
    extreme changes of temperature because the game is played
    outdoors on a year-round basis with a heater installed under the
    platform to melt snow and ice. Second, both the primer coat and
    the topcoat must have the capacity to hold aluminum oxide
    aggregate to insure a gritty nonslip surface for platform tennis


    Sherwin-Williams had violated an express warranty, an implied

    warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and the New

    Hampshire Consumer Protection Act ("CPA" or "the Act"). N.H.

    Rev. Stat. Ann. 358-A (1993). In addition, the jury found

    that Sherwin-Williams had willfully or knowingly engaged in

    unfair or deceptive practices. Pursuant to section 10 of the

    CPA, the trial judge doubled the jury verdict. N.H. Rev. Stat.

    Ann. 358-A:10 (1993). In addition, the trial judge awarded

    prejudgment interest on the amount of the original jury verdict

    up to the date of entry of the final judgment. N.H. Rev. Stat.

    Ann. 524:1-b (1993).

    ISSUES ON APPEAL ________________

    Sherwin-Williams raises a number of issues on appeal.

    First, it challenges the trial judge's denial of summary judgment

    on the CPA claim contending that the CPA does not apply to purely

    commercial transactions (i.e., transactions that do not involve ____

    sales to ultimate consumers). Second, Sherwin-Williams argues

    that, if the CPA does govern purely commercial transactions, the

    trial judge nevertheless erred in denying its motion for summary

    judgment on the CPA claim because the undisputed facts did not

    establish a violation of the Act. Third, Sherwin-Williams argues

    that the trial judge erred in denying its motion to set aside the

    verdict on the CPA claim because the issue should not have been

    presented to the jury and because it was impossible to determine

    what portion, if any, of the award was the result of the CPA


    violation. Fourth, Sherwin-Williams contends that the judge

    erred in failing to give the jury instructions on "plaintiff's

    misconduct" or comparative fault. Fifth, Sherwin-Williams seeks

    a new trial, or remittitur, on the basis that the damages awarded

    were speculative. Sixth, Sherwin-Williams asserts that the trial

    judge's conduct during the trial requires a new trial. Finally,

    Sherwin-Williams challenges the calculation of the award of

    prejudgment interest on the grounds that such interest is

    available only to the date of the jury verdict, rather than to

    the date of entry of final judgment. It further contends that it

    was error to award prejudgment interest on the portion of the

    verdict which represented an award of future lost profits.

    On cross-appeal, EMPT argues that the trial judge erred

    in awarding prejudgment interest only on the original jury

    verdict and not on the entire amount of the judgment, including

    the doubled verdict under the CPA.

    We will address, in turn, each of these contentions.

    DISCUSSION __________

    I. Application of the New Hampshire Consumer Protection Act to
    the Purely Commercial Transaction. ___________________________________________________________

    The Appellant has failed to preserve this point for

    review on appeal. The denial of a motion for summary judgment ______

    does not merge into the final judgment. Glaros v. H.H. Robertson ________________________

    Co., 797 F.2d 1564, 1573 (Fed. Cir. 1986). Such a denial, to be ___

    preserved for review of a legal conclusion subsumed in the

    ruling, must be perfected by making a motion for judgment as a


    matter of law at the close of the evidence. Watson v. Amedco _________________

    Steel, Inc., 29 F.3d 274, 279 (7th Cir. 1994); Whalen v. Unit ___________ _______________

    Rig, Inc., 974 F.2d 1248, 1251 (10th Cir. 1992); see Lama v. __________ ___ _______

    Borras, 16 F.3d 473 (1st Cir. 1994). The denial of this latter ______

    motion does merge into the judgment, and all rulings of law

    subsumed within it are subject to review on appeal from the


    Here, Appellant failed to make any motion for judgment

    as a matter of law at the close of all the evidence.

    Accordingly, the determination, as a matter of law, by the trial

    judge in ruling on the summary judgment motion that the CPA

    applied to business transactions never merged into the judgment

    and is not available for review on this appeal.

    Even though the issue of statutory construction was not

    preserved for appeal, we have nevertheless reviewed the record

    and are satisfied that, in determining the legal question as to

    whether the CPA applied to the type of transaction disclosed by

    the evidence in this case, the trial judge committed no "manifest

    error." The appeal on this point raises a question of statutory

    construction. In short, Sherwin-Williams argues that the

    Consumer Protection Act was intended to redress the discrepancies

    between a knowledgeable commercial seller and a consumer who is

    placed in the position of relying on the representations of that

    seller. The provisions of the Act, Sherwin-Williams argues, have

    no application where, as here, a commercial buyer acquires a

    product for use in the manufacture of another product in which


    its expertise may easily be greater than that of the seller. On

    amicus brief, the Business and Industry Association of New ______

    Hampshire agrees. Because the issue raised is an issue of law,

    our review is de novo. __ ____

    We begin, and could easily conclude, our assessment of

    this argument by considering the plain meaning of the words of

    the statute. Town of Wolfeboro v. Smith, 556 A.2d 755, 756-57 ___________________________

    (N.H. 1989). We must glean the intention of the legislature as

    to the scope of the Act "from its construction as a whole, not by

    examining isolated words and phrases." Petition of Jane Doe, 564 ____________________

    A.2d 433, 438 (N.H. 1989). A thorough reading of the entire

    statute provides no direct support for Sherwin-Williams'

    contention that the Act applies only to transactions with

    ultimate consumers.

    The unfair and deceptive practices prohibited by the CPA appear

    to include transactions between business competitors as well as

    those involving ultimate consumers. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 358-A:2

    (1993). There are no provisions which limit the Act's protection

    to ultimate "consumers" alone. Indeed, there is no definition of

    a consumer, a consumer good, or a consumer transaction, although

    such definitions would be critical if the Act were intended to be

    limited in the way that Sherwin-Williams suggests. Moreover, the

    statute specifies "exempt transactions" and does not include

    among them the kind of "commercial transactions" the defendant

    would delete from the purview of the statutory provisions. N.H.

    Rev. Stat. Ann. 358-A:3 (1993).


    With this overview of the statute, we now turn to the

    specific provisions that EMPT contends make Sherwin-Williams'

    acts unlawful, and provide EMPT with a right of action. Here,

    the statute declares that "[i]t shall be unlawful for any person __________

    to use any unfair method of competition or any unfair or

    deceptive act or practice in the conduct of any trade or commerce _____________________

    within this state." N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 358-A:2 (1993)

    (emphasis added).2 Section 10 of the statute provides a private

    right of action as follows:

    I. Any person injured by another's use of __________
    any method, act or practice declared unlawful
    under this chapter may bring an action for

    2 The statute defines a "person" and "trade or commerce"

    I. "Person" shall include, where applicable, natural
    persons, corporations, trusts, partnerships,
    incorporated or unincorporated associations, and any
    other legal entity.

    II. "Trade" and "commerce" shall include the
    advertising, offering for sale, sale, or distribution
    of any services and any property, tangible or
    intangible, real, personal or mixed, and any other
    article, commodity, or thing of value wherever situate,
    and shall include any trade or commerce directly or
    indirectly affecting the people of this state.

    N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 358-A:1 (1993).

    Sherwin-Williams' contention that the "where applicable"
    language in the definition of person creates ambiguity as to
    whether the act applies to commercial transactions is
    unconvincing. The language is not surplusage because section 6
    of the Act provides different penalties for natural persons and
    all other persons. The relevant portions of the statute in this
    action specifically override any restriction on the term "person"
    by providing that "any person" may be guilty of unlawful or ___
    deceptive practices under section 2, and that "any person" has a ___
    private right of action for damages under section 10 (emphasis


    damages and for such equitable relief,
    including an injunction, as the court deems
    necessary and proper. If the court finds for
    the plaintiff, recovery shall be in the
    amount of actual damages or $200, whichever
    is greater. If the court finds that the use
    of the method of competition or the act or
    practice was a willful or knowing violation
    of this chapter, it shall award as much as 3
    times, but not less than 2 times, such
    amount. In addition, a prevailing plaintiff
    shall be awarded the costs of the suit and
    reasonable attorney's fees, as determined by
    the court. Any attempted waiver of the right
    to the damages set forth in this paragraph
    shall be void and unenforceable.

    N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 358-A:10 (1993) (emphasis added). Defendant

    points to nothing in the statute that suggests that "any person"

    in either of these sections should be read to exclude commercial

    purchasers. Nor do they point to language that indicates that

    "commerce or trade" is restricted to commerce or trade involving

    ultimate consumers. The plain meaning of the statute clearly

    includes both retail and commercial transactions.

    This construction is supported by the decisions of New

    Hampshire courts. The New Hampshire Supreme Court has recently


    [T]he Consumer Protection Act "is a
    comprehensive statute designed to regulate
    business practices for consumer protection by
    making it unlawful for persons engaged in
    trade or commerce to use various methods of
    unfair competition and deceptive business
    practices." Chase v. Dorais, 122 N.H. 600, _______________
    601, 448 A.2d 390, 391 (1982). The very
    words contained in the statute indicate that
    the act's proscriptions are to be broadly

    Gilmore v. Bradgate Assoc., Inc., 604 A.2d 555, 557 (N.H. 1992) _________________________________

    (holding that although the condominium industry was regulated by


    a state authority, it was not exempt from the CPA under section 3

    because, given the Act's expansive language, "the legislature

    . . . could [not] have intended to exclude from the protection of

    the act the large number of industries which are subject to

    regulation in this State simply because the legislature has

    provided for regulation of that industry within a statutory

    framework." Id.). Since Gilmore, the issue of whether ___ _______

    nonconsumer plaintiffs have a cause of action under the CPA has

    been raised in two New Hampshire courts and, in each instance,

    the Courts have held that the plain meaning of the statute and

    Gilmore do not require a plaintiff to be a consumer. Christian _______ _________

    Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Kemper Securities Group, 91-C-190 ______________________________________________________

    (Merrimack County Superior Court, Nov. 19, 1993); A & B _______

    Electronics Co. v. Permagile Industries, Inc., 91-C-107 (Coos ________________________________________________

    County Superior Court Jan. 15, 1993).3 While these cases are

    not controlling, the decisions of lower state courts are often

    3 Prior to Gilmore, the three courts which had considered the _______
    issue had not reached uniform decisions. Bowman Business Forms, ______________________
    Inc. v. Bowman, 87-E-0022-D (Merrimack County Superior Court Aug. ______________
    11, 1988)(358-A available to nonconsumer plaintiffs), contra, ______
    International Corp. v. IDG Communications/Peterborough, Inc., No. ____________________________________________________________
    90-E-247 (Hillsborough County Superior Court August 27, 1990),
    and Thermal Dynamics Corp. v. McGrath, No. 88-C-090 (Grafton ___________________________________
    County Superior Court May 4, 1989)(nonconsumer plaintiffs did not
    have a cause of action under the CPA.) International Corp. was ___________________
    decided by Justice Kathleen McGuire who, in light of Gilmore, has _______
    since held that the CPA's provisions extend to actions between
    businesses in Christian Mutual Life, supra. _____________________ _____

    Federal judges considering the same issue have uniformly
    concluded the New Hampshire Supreme Court would construe the Act
    as applying to commercial transactions. See, e.g., Nault's ___ _____ _______
    Automobile Sales, Inc. v. America Honda Motor Co., Acura Auto _________________________________________________________________
    Div., 148 F.R.D. 25, 48 (D.N.H. 1993); Globe Distributors, Inc. ____ _________________________
    v. Adolph Coors Co., 111 B.R. 377 (Bankr. D.N.H. 1990). ___________________


    the best indicator of how the high court will resolve an issue.

    Commissioner v. Estate of Bosch, 387 U.S. 456, 465 (1967); In re ________________________________ _____

    Brooklyn Navy Yard Asbestos Litigation, 971 F.2d 831, 850 (2d _______________________________________

    Cir. 1992). Despite the plain language of the statute and the

    dearth of case law to support its proposition that the New

    Hampshire courts would adopt this narrow construction of the Act,

    Sherwin-Williams makes several other arguments in favor of this

    construction. We will address these arguments briefly.

    Sherwin-Williams first argues that the New Hampshire

    Supreme Court's decision in Chase v. Dorais, 448 A.2d 390 (N.H. _______________

    1982), supports its contention that the Consumer Protection Act

    is not as broad as it appears. In Chase, the New Hampshire _____

    Supreme Court held that no cause of action was available under

    chapter 358-A when an individual, who was not in the business of

    selling used cars, sold a used car to another private individual.

    Id. at 391-92. This transaction was characterized by the Court ___

    as "strictly private in nature." Id. at 392. Because the sale ___

    in Chase did not take place in a "trade or business context" it _____

    was not in the course of "commerce or trade" as required by

    section 2 of the CPA. Id. Therefore, the CPA had no ___

    application. The decision in Chase did not turn on whether the _____

    transaction was a "consumer transaction" or a "commercial

    transaction" but on whether it was a "private transaction" or a

    "commercial transaction." Because the transaction between

    Sherwin-Williams and EMPT took place in the "trade or business

    context," Chase has no relevance to the issue at hand in this _____



    Sherwin-Williams next argues that the CPA does not

    apply to purely commercial transactions because it is analogous

    to the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act (Mass. Gen. L. ch.

    93A, "chapter 93A"), but, unlike chapter 93A, has never been

    expressly amended to provide a cause of action for transactions

    between businesses. This argument is based on a myopic view of

    the history of the two acts. It is true that the New Hampshire

    Act is analogous in many regards to the Massachusetts Act, and

    that New Hampshire courts refer to Massachusetts case law where

    appropriate in construing the Act. See Chase, 448 A.2d at 391. ___ _____

    However, Massachusetts authorities lose relevance when, as here,

    the New Hampshire legislature opted to enact different provisions

    from those set out in chapter 93A. The New Hampshire Act never

    included any counterpart to section 9 of chapter 93A which, prior

    to 1979, restricted the availability of a private right of action

    "to any person who purchases or leases goods, services or

    property . . . primarily for personal, family or household ________________________________

    purposes." The New Hampshire legislature did not adopt this ________

    restriction, opting instead for broad applicability in all

    commerce and trade. Therefore, New Hampshire had no need to

    adopt an express provision to cover commercial transactions.

    Because we find no ambiguity in the plain language of

    the statute, we need not consider the title of the Act in

    determining the correct construction. See 2A Sutherland on ___ ______________

    Statutory Construction 47.03 (5th ed. 1992) (the title of a ______________________


    statute should be considered only when the language of the law is

    ambiguous). Even so, reference to the title "Regulation of

    Business Transactions for Consumer Protection" does nothing to

    shed doubt on our conclusion. The Act regulates "Business

    Transactions." It is clear from the facts of the case at hand

    that deceptive practices in the sale of inputs between a producer

    and a manufacturer can have significant impact on consumer

    welfare. This is particularly true where, as here,

    misrepresentations about such matters are likely to be discovered

    only after the final product begins to fail, creating costly and

    potentially dangerous situations for end-line consumers.

    Because the plain language of the statute encompasses

    the transaction at issue and Defendant points to no authority

    which would require this Court's deviation from the plain

    language of the statute, there is ample basis for the trial

    judge's determination to stand that the sale of the Sherwin-

    Williams paint system to EMPT was covered by the New Hampshire

    Consumer Protection Act.

    II. Sherwin-Williams' Motion for Summary Judgment on the Basis
    of Failure to Show "Rascality" as a Necessary Predicate to
    Liability Under the Consumer Protection Act Claim. ____________________________________________________________

    We need not address the merits of this preverdict

    challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence on the motion for

    summary judgment. Such an attack on the denial of defendant's

    motion for summary judgment "has been overtaken by subsequent

    events, namely, a full-dress trial and an adverse jury verdict."


    Lama v. Borras, 16 F.3d at 476 n.5. In such circumstances, we _______________

    will not address the propriety of the denial of summary judgment

    where challenge is made on the basis of the insufficiency of

    evidence to support the denial in the motion record. Id. and __

    cases there collected. The rationale for this rule has been

    based on the procedural fact that a denial of a motion for

    summary judgment "is merely a judge's determination that genuine

    issues of material fact exist. It is not a judgment, and does

    not foreclose trial on issues on which summary judgment was

    sought." Glaros v. H.H. Robertson Co., 797 F.2d at 1573. Hence, ____________________________

    a challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence adduced on the

    motion to support the district court's conclusion that genuine

    issues of material fact exist will not lie on appeal.

    We have reviewed the record with respect to the merits

    of this aspect of the Plaintiff's proposed challenge and are

    satisfied that no manifest error exists.

    III. Defendant's Motion to Set Aside the Jury Verdict on the
    Consumer Protection Act Claim. ____________________________________________________________

    In Sherwin-Williams' motion to set aside the jury

    verdict, it contended that the judge erred in submitting the CPA

    claim to the jury for two reasons: (1) because the determination

    of violations of the Act was a matter for the judge, not the

    jury; and, (2) because it was impossible to ascertain what

    portion, if any, of the damages represented actual damages

    flowing from the CPA violation. The judge reviewed these

    contentions to determine whether the verdict was so clearly


    against the weight of the evidence as to constitute a manifest

    miscarriage of justice. Kearns v. Keystone Shipping Co., 863 _________________________________

    F.2d 177, 181 (1st Cir. 1988). Finding that the "clear and great

    weight of evidence" supported the jury verdict the judge denied

    the motion. Having reviewed the record, we find that Sherwin-

    Williams has waived these claims.

    As for the argument that claims of violations under the

    CPA are for the judge alone to try, the district judge concluded

    that by failing to object to the submission of the CPA claim to

    the jury, Sherwin-Williams had waived any objection.4 The judge

    further noted that it was not inappropriate to submit factual

    issues to the jury, reserving the equitable issues under the CPA

    for the Court's determination. Memorandum, dated June 19, 1993, __________

    at 5. Because the objection to submitting the CPA claim to the

    jury was not raised below, and was not argued before this Court,

    we conclude that this objection was waived.5

    As for the contention that the jury verdict must be set

    aside because it is impossible to ascertain what portion of the

    verdict represents damages flowing from the CPA violation, this


    4 In fact, Sherwin-Williams submitted proposed jury instructions
    and special verdict forms which covered the claims under the CPA.

    5 On appeal Sherwin-Williams argues that the matter should not
    have gone to the jury because a jury verdict was precluded by the
    judge's findings on the motion for summary judgment on the fraud
    and bad faith claims. This point was not argued in the motion to
    set aside the verdict, nor did Sherwin-Williams raise this
    objection or seek a directed verdict on this basis. Accordingly,
    this argument was waived. Furthermore, as discussed in section
    two above, a CPA violation may be established where express or
    implied warranties are breached.


    ambiguity was the result of special jury questions to which

    Sherwin-Williams made no timely objection. Under Federal Rule of

    Civil Procedure 49(a), the parties agree to let the court resolve

    issues of fact not covered by special jury interrogatories unless

    an objection is raised before the jury retires. Rule 49(a)

    "ensures that, if submitted questions omit material issues of

    fact and no timely objection is lodged, the district court may

    itself make the findings which are necessary to cure the

    omission. . . . Curative findings are implied even when not

    expressly made." Peckham v. Continental Casualty Insurance Co., ______________________________________________

    895 F.2d 830, 836 (1st Cir. 1990) (citation omitted). By failing

    to object to the damages interrogatory before the jury retired,

    Sherwin-Williams agreed to let the court determine this issue.

    Sherwin-Williams has not challenged the district court judge's

    determination that all damages flowed from the CPA violation, an

    implicit finding based on the court's doubling of the damages.

    Therefore, the issue was waived.

    IV. Plaintiff Misconduct as Defense to Warranty Claims. ___________________________________________________

    Defendant's next assignment of error is that the

    district court judge erred in refusing to instruct the jury on

    "plaintiff misconduct" or comparative fault due to Plaintiff's

    alleged failure to use the vinyl wash primer or to test the paint

    system adequately before going into full production with Sherwin-

    Williams products. Defendant contends that principles of

    comparative fault apply under New Hampshire law to claims based


    on breach of warranty.6 In support of this proposition,

    Sherwin-Williams relies on Thibault v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 395 _________________________________

    A.2d 843 (N.H. 1978). In Thibault, the Court gave judicial ________

    recognition to comparative fault in personal injury cases based

    on strict liability and breach of implied warranty of

    merchantability. Id. at 850. Plaintiff argued, and the district ___

    court agreed, that Thibault does not apply to all warranty cases ________

    but is limited to personal injury cases. Memorandum denying

    Sherwin-Williams' motion for a new trial, dated June 1, 1993, at

    6. The district court judge further held that, even if he had

    erred in failing to give an instruction on Plaintiff's

    misconduct, the error was harmless because, in order to render

    its verdict, the jury had to determine that EMPT's reliance on

    Sherwin-Williams' recommendations was reasonable. Memorandum __________

    dated June 1, 1993, at 7. For the reasons that follow, we find

    that the district judge did not err in refusing to give an

    instruction based on "plaintiff's misconduct."

    First, we agree that the holding in Thibault does not ________

    presage the general extension of notions of comparative fault to


    6 On appeal, Sherwin-Williams also argues that a comparative
    fault instruction should have been given with regard to the CPA.
    However, Sherwin-Williams never articulated the position that
    comparative fault was relevant to the CPA claim. Rather, in its
    motion for a new trial Sherwin-Williams' assignment of error was
    addressed only to the Court's refusal "to charge the jury and
    submit special interrogatories on the issue of 'plaintiff's
    conduct' (i.e. assumption of the risk) with respect to its breach ____ __________________________
    of warranty claims." Defendant's Motion for a New Trial on ____________________
    Liability and Damages, 3 (emphasis added). Accordingly, we
    find that Sherwin-Williams has waived the issue of the
    application of comparative fault principles under the CPA.


    all breach of warranty cases. Thibault was decided to bring ________

    recovery rules in cases based on strict liability in tort into

    line with statutory recovery rules governing tort cases based on

    negligence. Id. Sherwin-Williams has not cited, nor have we ___

    found, any New Hampshire case which applies comparative fault in

    warranty cases except in personal injury cases based on dual

    theories of strict liability in tort and breach of an the implied

    warranty of merchantability. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 382-A:2-314


    Thibault does not address the availability of such a ________

    defense to override either an express warranty or an implied

    warranty of fitness for a specific purpose under the New

    Hampshire Uniform Commercial Code ("NHUCC"). N.H. Rev. Stat.

    Ann. 382-A:2-313, 2-315. These provisions govern the creation

    of specific warranties between the buyer and seller of goods.

    Under NHUCC, such warranties may be excluded or modified only (a)

    in writing, or (b) under specific circumstances.7 N.H. Rev.

    7 One such circumstance which has the effect of limiting implied
    warranties is when a buyer examines, or has the opportunity to
    examine, a product and, despite defects that the buyer discovered
    or should have discovered, enters into a contract to purchase
    goods. See N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 382-A:2-316(3)(b) (1993). ___
    However, the buyer is not responsible for discovering latent
    defects. Id. Here, it is undisputed that early inspection of ___
    the first deck painted using Sherwin-Williams products did not
    reveal the defects which caused the failure of the paint system
    within the first season in use.

    More important, inspection and testing does not negate an
    express warranty. See General Electric Co. v. United States ___ ________________________________________
    Dynamics, Inc., 403 F.2d 933, 935 (1st Cir. 1968)(holding that ______________
    under identical provisions of the Massachusetts Uniform
    Commercial Code "inspection [under section 2-316(3)(b)] could not
    offset express warranties").


    Stat. Ann. 382-A:2-316 (1993). We do not believe that the New

    Hampshire Supreme Court, in crafting a judicial rule of recovery

    governing strict liability in tort cases, had any intention of

    altering the comprehensive statutory provisions of the NHUCC

    governing sales contracts.

    Furthermore, even if the concept of comparative fault

    were available as a defense to a claim based on breach of

    warranty in a contract case, Sherwin-Williams has not alleged

    anything amounting to "plaintiff misconduct" on EMPT's part. The

    New Hampshire Supreme Court has defined "plaintiff's misconduct"

    as "product misuse or abnormal use, as well as embodying the

    'negligence' or 'assumption of the risk' concepts in our prior

    cases of voluntarily and unreasonably proceeding to encounter a

    known danger." Thibault, 395 A.2d at 849. Defendant has not ________

    alleged that Plaintiff either misused the products or

    "voluntarily and unreasonably proceed[ed] to encounter a known

    danger." The uncontroverted evidence at trial established that

    EMPT used the products in accordance with Sherwin-Williams'

    recommendations and that such use was supervised by a Sherwin-

    Williams representative who observed each phase of the

    application process. After the first deck was completed, there

    was no indication that the paint system was not suitable for

    EMPT's purpose. Thus, there is no evidence that EMPT "misused"

    the paints, put the paints to abnormal use, or that it knowingly

    and unreasonably proceeded to encounter a known danger. _____________

    Accordingly, Sherwin-Williams was not entitled to an instruction


    on Plaintiff's misconduct.

    V. Denial of Motion for New Trial on Damages and Remittitur. _________________________________________________________

    The trial judge denied Sherwin-Williams' motion for a

    new trial or remittitur, concluding that the damages awarded were

    based on a rational appraisal of the damages. In reviewing an

    award of damages, the district court is obliged to review the

    evidence in the light most favorable to the prevailing party and

    to grant remittitur or a new trial on damages only when the award

    "exceeds any rational appraisal or estimate of the damages that

    could be based upon the evidence before it." Kolb v. Goldring, __________________

    Inc., 694 F.2d 869, 872 (1st Cir. 1982). Under New Hampshire law ____

    a jury award of damages may be set aside only if it is

    "conclusively against the weight of the evidence." Panas v. _________

    Harakis, 529 A.2d 976, 983 (N.H. 1987). This standard "should be _______

    interpreted to mean that the verdict was one no reasonable jury

    could return." Id. Where an award of future lost profits is at ___

    issue, the verdict will be upheld if there is sufficient data to

    indicate that profits were reasonably certain to result. Petrie- _______

    Clemons v. Butterfield, 441 A.2d 1167, 1171 (N.H. 1982). This is ______________________

    so even if a business posted losses every year that it operated.

    Restaurant Operators, Inc. v. Jenney, 519 A.2d 256, 260 (N.H. ______________________________________

    1986) (upholding award of future lost profits based on

    uncontradicted evidence that business "had reached the break-even

    point and gave every prospect of continued growth.").

    In this case, the record indicates that EMPT was at a


    break-even point and had shown strong growth for six years

    preceding the paint failure. There was testimony that the cost

    of repairing the decks covered with Sherwin-Williams paint would

    be approximately $267,000. Lost profits to the date of trial

    were $383,000 based on Plaintiff's expert's testimony that EMPT

    had shown an approximate growth rate of 15% and a profit margin

    of 23% on each deck. EMPT had recently constructed a new factory

    and hired additional employees and, therefore, had the capacity

    to maintain this growth rate into the future. There was further

    testimony that it would take Mr. Rogers approximately three years

    to rebuild the business. The jury awarded EMPT a total of

    $1,087,000, an award that apparently includes $437,000 in lost

    future profits.8

    In its motion, Sherwin-Williams contended that there

    was no evidence to support the award of lost profits and that,

    therefore, the jury award is speculative. The trial judge, who


    8 The instruction on lost profits covered both past profits and
    future lost profits as follows:

    Loss of profits may be recovered as consequential
    damages if the plaintiff proves that it was more
    probable than not that the business profits sought to
    be recovered were reasonably foreseeable by the
    defendant when the contract was entered, reasonably
    ascertainable, and were reasonably certain to result
    based upon the relevant data presented to you as
    evidence in this case.

    Future lost profits do not have to be proven with
    absolute certainty but the plaintiff must produce
    sufficient evidence to demonstrate some profits were
    otherwise reasonably certain to result. As stated
    above, you may not award damages that are merely


    had the benefit of hearing the testimony and observing the

    witnesses, denied this motion, finding that "the jury's verdict

    is well supported up to the point that it awarded $650,000" in

    repair costs and past lost profits. The district court found

    that an award of future lost profits was also supported by a

    rational appraisal of the evidence.

    The jury could also award a higher figure
    because there was sufficient evidence for the
    jury to determine future lost profits. . . .
    The evidence produced concerning future lost
    profits was not precise, but it was
    sufficient to enable the jury to project and
    calculate beyond the $650,000 amount. For
    example, Plaintiff's expert, Mr. Hughes
    testified that the business had gotten to the
    stage where the fixed costs were covered so
    that every additional sale went to the bottom
    line; therefore, the profits from additional
    sales go directly to net profit. In addition
    to this, Mr. Rogers testified that it would
    take three years to rebuild the business,
    . . . and Messrs. Rogers, Hughes, Crabtree,
    and Liddy all testified that the business was
    generally not affected by the fluctuations in
    the economy and that the business continued
    to grow on a yearly basis. The evidence was,
    therefore, sufficient to support an award of
    future lost profits in the amount of

    Memorandum, dated June 1, 1993, at 10-11. Having reviewed the __________

    record, we cannot say that the district court erred in concluding

    that the jury's damage award was supported by the evidence.


    VI. The Judge's Conduct During Trial. _________________________________

    In its brief, Sherwin-Williams points to two statements

    made by the judge during the course of the trial which, it

    contends, irreversibly prejudiced the process and constituted

    judicial misconduct. In order to sustain this charge, this court

    must find that "a party was so seriously prejudiced as to be

    deprived of a fair trial . . . . in light of the entire

    transcript." Aggarwal v. Ponce School of Medicine, 837 F.2d 17, ____________________________________

    22 (1st Cir. 1988) (citing Crowe v. Di Manno, 225 F.2d 652, 659 _________________

    (1st Cir. 1955); Glasser v. United States, 315 U.S. 60, 83 __________________________


    Here, Defendant contends that two statements by the

    judge to the effect that the "only issue" or "sole issue" in the

    case was whether or not the Sherwin-Williams paint had failed had

    prejudiced Sherwin-Williams to the extent of depriving it of a

    fair trial. Taken out of context, the statements appear

    improper. However, viewed in context, the statements related

    only to the relevancy of comparisons of product specifications

    which were both confusing and cumulative. Moreover, in both

    instances, the judge permitted the Defendant's attorneys to

    proceed with their questions relating to these specifications.

    In light of the jury instructions at the beginning of the trial

    explaining the proper role of judge and jury, and the

    instructions at the end of the trial outlining the many factual

    issues to be decided by the jury, we do not believe these

    isolated statements had the effect of removing issues from the


    jury and depriving Sherwin-Williams of a fair trial.

    VII. Sherwin-Williams' Objections to the Award of
    Prejudgment Interest. ____________________________________________

    Sherwin-Williams is correct in its challenge to the

    award of prejudgment interest from the date of the jury verdict

    to that of the final judgment. The New Hampshire legislature has

    provided for prejudgment interest in cases "in which a verdict is

    rendered or a finding is made for pecuniary damages to any party

    . . . from the date of the writ or the filing of the petition to __

    the date of such verdict or finding." N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. ______________________________________

    524:1-b (1993). The plain language of the statute indicates

    that the award of prejudgment interest should be granted to the

    date of the verdict or finding. Although Plaintiffs contend that

    the word "finding" should be interpreted to mean a "final

    judgment," there can be no doubt, in light of the history of the

    statute, that this was not the legislature's intention. The

    history of the statute reveals that in 1969, the provision was

    rephrased and the words "verdict or finding" were substituted for

    "entry of final judgment." Accordingly, we conclude that EMPT

    was entitled to prejudgment interest only up to January 12, 1993,

    the date of the verdict in this case, and we remand for a

    recalculation of prejudgment interest and entry of final judgment

    in accordance therewith.

    Defendant's second argument, that the award of

    prejudgment interest on future lost profits was improper, has

    been waived. Sherwin-Williams never raised the issue of


    prejudgment interest on future lost profits -- objecting only to

    the award of such interest on the "punitive" portion of the

    judgment.9 Moreover, Sherwin-Williams' request for relief was

    for the district court to "calculate the award of pre-judgment

    interest based on the amount of the jury's verdict of

    $1,087,000." Defendants' Objection to Plaintiff's Amended Motion

    for Pre-Judgment Interest. Accordingly, Sherwin-Williams has

    waived any objection to the award of prejudgment interest on

    future lost profits.

    VIII. EMPT's Objection to the Award of Prejudgment Interest. ______________________________________________________

    EMPT cross-appeals claiming that the trial judge erred

    in denying its request for prejudgment interest on the full

    amount of the judgment after the judge doubled the jury award

    pursuant to section 10 of the CPA. The district court judge

    denied the request for prejudgment interest based on the purpose

    of section 524:1-b, which is to compensate the plaintiff for loss

    of use of the money it should have had. See Lakin v. Daniel Marr ___ ____________________

    & Son, Co., 732 F.2d 233, 238 (1st Cir. 1984). Noting, in ___________

    particular, that the statute provides for prejudgment interest on

    "pecuniary damages," we agree that the judge did not err in

    refusing to award prejudgment interest on the doubled award.


    9 The jury was instructed that damages were available to
    compensate plaintiff for (a) the cost of repairs, and (b) lost
    profits. We are satisfied that, based on these instructions, the
    jury verdict included only pecuniary damages.


    CONCLUSION __________

    The decision below is remanded for recalculation of ________

    prejudgment interest from the date of filing to the date of the

    jury verdict. In all other regards, the district courts rulings

    and judgment are affirmed. ________
