Riordan v. Martin ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    April 5, 1995 [NOT FOR PUBLICATION]


    No. 94-2137


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendant, Appellee.




    [Hon. Michael Ponsor, U.S. Magistrate Judge] ______________________



    Torruella, Chief Judge, ___________
    Cyr and Stahl, Circuit Judges. ______________


    William J. Riordan on brief pro se. __________________
    Scott Harshbarger, Attorney General, William J. Duensing, __________________ ______________________
    Assistant Attorney General, on brief for appellee.



    Per Curiam. Plaintiff-appellant William J. Riordan ___________

    appeals from a judgment which dismissed his civil rights

    complaint on the ground that the defendant, a Massachusetts

    Superior Court clerk/magistrate, was entitled to immunity

    from suit. We affirm the dismissal without reaching the

    immunity issue.

    Plaintiff pleaded guilty in state court to armed

    robbery and related crimes. Following his conviction and

    sentence, he filed a pro se motion seeking to withdraw his ___ __

    guilty plea and a motion for the appointment of counsel. The

    state court allowed the motion for the appointment of counsel

    and referred it to the Committee for Public Services Counsel

    ["CPSC"] on June 8, 1994. The court's order included the

    following language: "No further action until counsel is

    appointed." On July 28, 1994, plaintiff attempted to file

    three more pro se motions seeking, inter alia, an early ___ __ _____ ____

    evidentiary hearing on his motion to change his plea and

    permission to waive the appointment of counsel due to an

    anticipated delay by CPSC. On August 9, 1994, the clerk

    notified plaintiff that the new motions would not be

    processed because they were not filed by plaintiff's

    attorney. The rejection letter acknowledged that no attorney

    had yet been assigned to represent plaintiff, and referred

    him to CPSC for further information.


    A few days later, plaintiff filed this complaint in

    federal district court alleging that the state clerk's

    refusal to accept his pro se motions deprived him of his ___ __

    constitutional right of access to the courts in violation of

    the First, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, the Massachusetts

    Declaration of Rights, and state law. He sought damages,

    declaratory and injunctive relief. We are informed that the

    claims for equitable relief are moot. The clerk named in the

    complaint has resigned, and a new court clerk has advised

    plaintiff that his pro se pleadings will be accepted pending ___ __

    an appointment of counsel.

    As to the damages claims, it may well be, as the

    district court held, that the complaint is infirm because it

    challenges conduct protected by defendant's qualified

    immunity. See Lowinger v. Broderick, Dkt. 94-1077, slip op. ___ ________ _________

    at 7-8 (1st Cir. Mar. 22, 1995). And, as defendant asserts,

    any damages claims against the clerk in his official capacity

    would be barred by the Eleventh Amendment, which proscribes

    suits against state officials which must be paid from state

    funds. Hafer v. Melo, 502 U.S. 21, 26-28 (1991); Will v. _____ ____ ____

    Michigan Dep't of State Police, 491 U.S. 58, 65 (1989). But _______________________________

    we think it unnecessary to reach these issues because the

    complaint obviously is infirm for another reason: there are

    no facts indicating that the remedies available from the

    State were inadequate.


    It is well established that an official's

    unauthorized conduct which cannot be foreseen and controlled

    in advance does not constitute a violation of the Due Process

    Clause "until and unless [the State] refuses to provide a

    suitable postdeprivation remedy." Hudson v. Palmer, 468 U.S. ______ ______

    517, 533 (1984); see also Parratt v. Taylor, 451 U.S. 527 ________ _______ ______

    (1981); Zinermon v. Burch, 494 U.S. 113, 125 (1990); Lowe v. ________ _____ ____

    Scott, 959 F.2d 323, 340 (1st Cir. 1992). Since inadequacy _____

    of the state's remedy is a material element of the 1983

    claim, plaintiff had the burden of setting forth supporting

    factual allegations, either direct or inferential, to sustain

    an actionable legal theory. Gooley v. Mobil Oil Corp., 851 ______ ________________

    F.2d 513, 515 (1st Cir. 1988).

    Plaintiff's complaint does not allege any facts

    showing an absence of state process to remedy the alleged

    deprivation. The Massachusetts courts in fact provide such a

    remedy. See Bolton v. Commonwealth, 407 Mass. 1003, 552 ___ ______ ____________

    N.E.2d 83 (1990) (explaining that remedy for a clerk's

    wrongful refusal to accept papers is by motion to the court

    and failing that, by petition for a writ of mandamus to the

    Supreme Judicial Court); Burnham v. Clerk of the First Dist. _______ ________________________

    Court, 352 Mass. 466, 226 N.E.2d 190 (1967) (same). By _____

    instead seeking redress through a 1983 suit, plaintiff

    invites collateral federal supervision of the state

    proceedings. Lower federal courts lack jurisdiction to sit


    in review of state court proceedings. District of Columbia _____________________

    Court of Appeals v. Feldman, 460 U.S. 462, 476 (1983); Rooker ________________ _______ ______

    v. Fidelity Trust Co., 263 U.S. 413 (1923); Lancellotti v. ___________________ ___________

    Fay, 909 F.2d 15, 17 (1st Cir. 1990). Plaintiff's remaining ___

    arguments are frivolous.

    Accordingly, the judgment dismissing the complaint

    for failure to state a claim is affirmed. See Acha v. United ________ ___ ____ ______

    States, 910 F.2d 28, 30 (1st Cir. 1990) (affirmance may rest ______

    on any ground presented by the record).
