United States v. Abrams ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    May 18, 1995
    [Not for Publication] [Not for Publication]
    United States Court of Appeals United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit For the First Circuit

    No. 94-1694





    Defendant - Appellant.




    [Hon. Ernest C. Torres, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Boudin, Circuit Judge, _____________
    John R. Gibson,* Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge. _____________


    Gordon D. Fox with whom David A. Cooper and Cooper & Sanchez were _____________ _______________ ________________
    on brief for appellant.
    Margaret E. Curran, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom ___________________
    Ira Belkin, Assistant United States Attorney, and Sheldon Whitehouse, __________ __________________
    United States Attorney, were on brief for appellee.


    *Of the Eighth Circuit, sitting by designation.

    STAHL, Circuit Judge. Defendant-appellant Winston STAHL, Circuit Judge. _____________

    Abrams appeals the denial of his motion to dismiss an

    indictment charging illegal reentry of a deported alien under

    8 U.S.C. 1326(b)(1).1 We affirm.

    I. I. __


    Abrams, a citizen of Guyana, entered the United

    States in February 1981 on a six-month tourist visa. After

    the visa expired, he remained in the United States and, over

    the next five years, was convicted of several crimes,

    including robbery. During this period, Abrams, who speaks

    and reads English, briefly attended college. In 1986, Abrams

    filed for an adjustment of status seeking to become a lawful

    permanent resident. By decision dated January 7, 1987, the

    Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) denied Abrams's

    petition, but permitted him to leave the country voluntarily,

    thus avoiding deportation proceedings.

    Notwithstanding this concession, Abrams chose not

    to leave. In July 1987, Abrams and Andrea Gardner, whom he

    never married, had a son who is a United States citizen. In


    1. In pertinent part, 1326 provides that any alien who has
    been arrested and deported and later reenters the United
    States without the Attorney General's consent shall be fined
    or imprisoned, or both. 8 U.S.C. 1326(a). An alien whose
    deportation "was subsequent to a conviction for commission of
    three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against
    the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated
    felony)," shall be fined or imprisoned not more than ten
    years, or both. 8 U.S.C. 1326(b)(1).

    -2- 2

    October 1988, a New York state court convicted Abrams2 for

    criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of

    stolen property, and bail jumping. In October 1989, while

    incarcerated in New York state prison, Abrams married Angela

    Morgan, a United States citizen, with whom he had been living

    prior to the 1988 conviction. On March 13, 1990, while

    Abrams was still in prison, the INS instituted deportation

    proceedings against him.3

    Two deportation hearings, both held at the

    Downstate Correctional Facility in Fishkill, New York,

    followed. Because the events at these hearings are central

    to this appeal, we recount them in some detail. At the first

    hearing, held May 22, 1990 ("May hearing"), the immigration

    judge advised Abrams as follows:

    All right, Mr. Abrams, at this
    proceeding, you have the right to be
    represented by an attorney at your own
    expense. If you cannot afford a lawyer
    or obtain a lawyer, you should have been,
    ah, presented with a list of free legal
    services, as well as your appeal rights.


    2. The state indictment named the defendant as Perry Gaul,
    an alias used by Abrams.

    3. The Order to Show Cause and Notice of Hearing charged two
    grounds for deportation: (1) remaining in the United States
    for a longer time than permitted following admission as a
    non-immigrant in violation of what now appears at 8 U.S.C.
    1251(a)(1)(B), and (2) conviction of two crimes involving
    "moral turpitude not arising out of a single scheme of
    criminal misconduct" in violation of 8 U.S.C.

    -3- 3

    At some point during the hearing, Abrams was given

    the notice of his appeal rights.4 Abrams then indicated

    that he wished to retain counsel. The immigration judge


    The list I gave you sir, if you have a
    problem getting a lawyer, you can try and
    get someone on that list to represent you
    and it has your appeal rights included,
    just in case you have to represent

    The immigration judge advised Abrams of the nature

    of the charges against him, and Abrams indicated that he

    understood. The judge then asked Abrams whether he was

    married, to which Abrams answered in the affirmative. Abrams

    also told the judge that he had a three-year-old son. The

    judge then stated:

    [T]here may be some relief that you might
    be able to apply for, but I would suggest
    you have your lawyer here, or otherwise
    we may be compelled to go ahead, even
    though you're unrepresented.

    The hearing was continued until July 10, 1990

    ("July continuance"). Unable to retain private counsel,

    Abrams obtained -- on the date of the continuance -- the


    4. Abrams later testified that he received a form that
    appeared to be similar to INS form I-618. Form I-618 is a
    one-page document explaining procedures to appeal from an
    immigration judge's decision. The notice is captioned:

    Your Appeal Rights
    Read This Notice Carefully __________________________

    (emphasis in original).

    -4- 4

    services of Attorney Lindsey Collins, whose name appeared on

    the free legal services list. Abrams and Collins met for ten

    to fifteen minutes prior to the hearing. After the hearing

    commenced, Abrams acknowledged that Collins was representing

    him. During a colloquy between Abrams and the judge, Abrams

    admitted that: (1) he was a citizen of Guyana; (2) had

    entered the country on a six-month tourist visa; (3) had

    remained in the United States without permission of the INS

    after the agency permitted him to leave voluntarily; and (4)

    a New York state court had convicted him on charges of

    criminal possession of a weapon and possession of stolen


    The immigration judge then said to Abrams:

    [D]o you understand, based on what you
    have told me, based on what your attorney
    has told me and based on the record
    presented, it appears that you are
    deportable from the United States for the
    reasons that I have indicated. And, ah,
    since you are not seeking any application
    for relief, I would have no choice but to
    enter an order ordering you [sic]
    deportation from the United States back
    to Guyana. Do you understand that sir?

    Abrams responded, "yes." The immigration judge addressing

    Attorney Collins asked, "Mr. Collins, on behalf of your

    client, are you willing to accept such a decision as a final

    decision?" Collins responded, "I do, I do your Honor." The

    deportation order issued on July 10, 1990. Abrams did not

    appeal the order, nor did he request an adjustment in status.

    -5- 5

    On April 3, 1992, Abrams was deported from the

    United States. Subsequently, he reentered the United States

    without permission. On August 31, 1993, he was arrested by

    East Providence, Rhode Island, police for obstruction and

    filing a false report, crimes for which he was convicted.

    The indictment in this case then issued. On the

    day of jury impanelment, Abrams filed a motion to dismiss the

    indictment on the basis that the original deportation

    proceeding was fundamentally unfair because he did not know

    he had a right of appeal or alternative relief. On February

    1, 1994, the district court held an evidentiary hearing on

    the motion at which Abrams testified. Abrams acknowledged

    the receipt of a form dealing with appeal rights. He also

    acknowledged that, at the time he had the form, he knew it

    dealt with his appeal rights. He testified that he had the

    form in his possession for several hours, but he said that he

    lost it during his transport from Fishkill back to the

    Clinton Correctional Facility where he was serving his

    sentence. He further testified that he made no effort to

    obtain a new copy. Abrams also acknowledged that he

    understood what the immigration judge meant when he asked

    whether Abrams accepted the decision as final and Attorney

    Collins answered that he did. The day following the hearing,

    the district court determined that Abrams "was fairly

    apprised of his right to appeal . . . [and] that he

    -6- 6

    understood that he had the right to appeal." On that basis,

    the district court denied his motion to dismiss the


    On March 3, 1994, Abrams entered into a conditional

    plea agreement with the government, reserving his right to

    appeal the district court's denial of his motion to dismiss.

    Entry of plea and sentencing followed.

    II. II. ___


    In a prosecution brought under 8 U.S.C. 1326, the

    government must prove that the defendant was previously

    deported. See 8 U.S.C. 1326(a)(1). In United States v. ___ _____________

    Mendoza-Lopez, 481 U.S. 828 (1987), the Supreme Court made _____________

    clear that due process requires that before a deportation

    order may be used in a subsequent criminal proceeding, that

    order must have been subject to judicial review.

    Specifically, the Court stated that "where the defects in an

    administrative proceeding foreclose judicial review of that

    proceeding, an alternative means of obtaining judicial review

    must be made available before the administrative order may be

    used to establish conclusively an element of the criminal

    offense." Id. at 839. In Mendoza-Lopez, the aliens were, in ___ _____________

    effect, denied a direct appeal because they were given

    inadequate notice of the right to appeal. The government

    -7- 7

    asked the Court to "assume that the respondents' deportation

    hearing was fundamentally unfair." Id. ___

    We conclude Abrams's collateral attack must fail

    because he cannot show that there were "defects . . .

    foreclos[ing] judicial review," that is, there was no denial

    of his right to appeal.5 Abrams's principal argument is

    that he was not advised of his right to appeal and,

    consequently, there could be no "considered and intelligent"

    waiver that right.6 We do not agree. Abrams acknowledges

    receiving the written notice of appeal rights during the May


    5. We note that our sister circuits have uniformly
    interpreted Mendoza-Lopez to require a showing that defendant _____________
    was both denied his right to appeal the deportation order and
    that he was actually prejudiced by fundamental unfairness in
    the underlying proceeding. See, e.g., United States v. ___ ____ _____________
    Espinoza-Farlo, 34 F.3d 469, 471 (7th Cir. 1994) (collecting ______________
    cases). See also United States v. Fares, 978 F.2d 52, 57 (2d ___ ____ _____________ _____
    Cir. 1992) ("If we find no fundamental unfairness, and we
    therefore conclude that a fully informed exercise of the
    right of direct appeal would have yielded the alien no relief
    from deportation, the deportation order may be used to
    establish conclusively an element of a criminal offense.")
    (citing cases). Because Abrams fails on the first step, we
    need not consider prejudice.

    6. To help put this case in perspective, we reiterate two
    important points. First, deportation proceedings are not
    criminal actions. United States v. Bodre, 948 F.2d 28, 31 _____________ _____
    (1st Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 503 U.S. 941 (1992). A _____ ______
    deportation proceeding is a purely civil action to determine
    eligibility to remain in this country, and not to punish
    unlawful entry. INS v. Lopez-Mendoza, 468 U.S. 1032, 1038 ___ _____________
    (1984). Accordingly, many of the procedural protections
    required in criminal proceedings simply do not apply in this
    context. See, e.g., id. at 1038-39. Second, as with ___ ____ ___
    criminal proceedings, see, e.g., Jones v. Barnes, 463 U.S. ___ ____ _____ ______
    745, 751 (1983), there is no constitutional right to appeal
    an adverse deportation order. The right is purely statutory.

    -8- 8

    hearing and, as required by applicable INS regulations,7 the

    immigration judge ascertained that Abrams had, in fact,

    received the notice.8 Abrams, an English speaker with some

    college education, further acknowledges having the notice for

    several hours before misplacing it.

    Abrams, however, focuses on the tail end of the

    colloquy between the immigration judge and Attorney Collins

    during the July continuance at which point the judge asked:

    "[O]n behalf of your client, are you willing to accept such a

    [deportation order] as a final decision?" Collins responded:

    "I do, I do your Honor." Abrams contrasts that exchange with

    the facts in United States v. Fares, 978 F.2d 52, 56 (2d Cir. _____________ _____

    1992). In Fares, the immigration judge asked the defendant: _____

    "And you're accepting orders of deportation to Lebanon as

    final in your case with no appeal?" Id. at 57. The Fares ___ _____

    court concluded that, although it was a "close question," the

    quoted statement alone was an insufficient basis upon which

    to conclude that the defendant had waived his right to

    appeal. Id. at 56-57. Importantly however, unlike Fares, ___

    Abrams received written notice of the right to appeal.


    7. 8 C.F.R. 242.16 requires, in part, that the immigration
    judge "shall . . . advise respondent of the availability of
    free legal services . . . [and] ascertain that the respondent
    has received a list of such programs, and a copy of Form I-
    618, Written Notice of Appeal Rights."

    8. In fact, at the May hearing, the immigration judge twice
    mentioned that the appeal form contained his "appeal rights."

    -9- 9

    Several other facts undermine Abrams's contention

    that he had no notice of his right to appeal. First, at the

    May hearing, the immigration judge specifically advised

    Abrams that "there may be some relief that you might be able

    to apply for." Second, at the July continuance, the judge

    stated that since Abrams was "not seeking any application for

    relief," the only option was to issue the deportation order.

    Third, as Abrams later testified, he fully understood the

    implication of Collins's response regarding the finality of

    the decision. Thus, in addition to the written notice of

    appeal, the immigration judge made at least three direct or

    indirect references to the right to appeal the deportation

    order or to seek alternative relief.9

    Abrams waived his rights when he failed to file a

    timely appeal. On the basis of the record, we conclude that

    Abrams made his waiver after receiving sufficient notice of

    his rights. Accordingly, we conclude that there was no

    denial of Abrams's rights and, consequently, his collateral

    attack on the July 10, 1990, deportation order fails.10


    9. We also note that having sought an adjustment in status
    in 1986, Abrams had some familiarity with INS procedures.

    10. Abrams also argues that he was not notified that he
    could contact the Guyanese consulate as required by 8 C.F.R.
    242.2(g) ("Every detained alien shall be notified that he
    may communicate with the consular or diplomatic officers of
    the country of his nationality in the United States."). This
    is an issue properly addressed on direct appeal. See, e.g., ___ ____
    Waldron v. INS, 17 F.3d 511, 515 (2d Cir. 1993), cert. denied _______ ___ _____ ______
    115 S. Ct. 572 (1994). Since we hold that there was no

    -10- 10


    denial of a direct appeal, Abrams waived consideration of
    this issue.

    -11- 11

    III. III. ____


    For the foregoing reasons, the decision of the

    district court is affirmed. affirmed. ________

    -12- 12