Riva v. Commonwealth of MA ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion



    No. 95-1066


    Plaintiffs, Appellants,



    Defendants, Appellees.



    The opinion of this court issued on August 4, 1995, is
    corrected as follows:

    1. On page 2, line 15 delete "vacate" and replace with



    No. 95-1066


    Plaintiffs, Appellants,



    Defendants, Appellees.




    [Hon. Edward F. Harrington, U.S. District Judge] ___________________


    Selya, Boudin, and Lynch, Circuit Judges. ______________


    Raymond C. Fay, with whom Bell, Boyd & Lloyd, Harold L. _______________ ___________________ _________
    Lichten, Bryan Decker and Angoff, Goldman, Manning, Pyle, Wanger _______ ____________ ______________________________________
    & Hiatt, P.C., were on brief, for appellants. ______________
    Cathy Ventrell-Monsees and Laurie A. McCann on brief for _______________________ _________________
    American Association of Retired Persons, amicus curiae.
    James R. Neely, Jr., Deputy General Counsel, Gwendolyn Young ___________________ _______________
    Reams, Associate General Counsel, Vincent J. Blackwood, Assistant _____ ____________________
    General Counsel, and Paul D. Ramshaw, Attorney, on brief for U.S. _______________
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, amicus curiae.
    Thomas O. Bean, Assistant Attorney General, with whom Scott ______________ _____
    Harshbarger, Attorney General, was on brief, for appellees. ___________


    August 4, 1995


    SELYA, Circuit Judge. This case, in which three SELYA, Circuit Judge. ______________

    plaintiffs seek a declaration that the Massachusetts accidental

    disability retirement scheme violates the Age Discrimination in

    Employment Act (ADEA), 29 U.S.C. 621-634 (1988), as amended by

    the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA), Pub. L. No.

    101-433, 104 Stat. 978, presents two questions for review on

    appeal: a question of first impression as to the operation of

    the OWBPA's nonretroactivity provision; and a situation-specific

    question concerning justiciability. The district court resolved

    both of these questions in the defendants' favor. It entered

    summary judgment against a pair of plaintiffs, determining that

    the OWBPA did not apply to their claims, and simultaneously

    dismissed the third plaintiff's claim as unripe. See Riva v. ___ ____

    Commonwealth of Mass., 871 F. Supp. 1511, 1517-20 (D. Mass. ______________________

    1994). We affirm the summary judgment ruling, but reverse the

    dismissal of the remaining plaintiff's claim and remand for

    further proceedings.

    I. I. _


    Congress enacted the ADEA in 1967 to prohibit age-based

    discrimination in the "terms, conditions, or privileges" of

    employment. 29 U.S.C. 623(a). The law originally contained an

    exclusion for employee benefit plans, providing that an employer

    could continue to "observe the terms of . . . any bona fide

    employee benefit plan such as a retirement, pension, or insurance

    plan, which is not a subterfuge to evade [ADEA's] purposes." Id. ___


    623(f)(2). The Department of Labor, and, later, the Equal

    Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), interpreted this

    provision to require that age-based distinctions in benefit plans

    be cost-justified in order to qualify for the shelter of the

    exclusion. See 29 C.F.R. 1625.10 (1988). When confronted with ___

    the issue, the Supreme Court expanded the safe haven. It held

    that, under the ADEA, an employee challenging a benefit plan must

    prove that "the discriminatory plan provision actually was

    intended to serve the purpose of discriminating in some non-

    fringe-benefit aspect of the employment relation." Public ______

    Employees Ret. Sys. v. Betts, 492 U.S. 158, 181 (1989). ___________________ _____

    On October 16, 1990, Congress enacted the OWBPA and

    thus reconfigured the exclusion. The amendments placed employee

    benefits squarely within the protective custody of the ADEA,

    overturned Betts, and reinstated the earlier view that age-based _____

    distinctions in employee benefits must be cost-justified.

    Recognizing the potential implications of these changes for

    public employers, Congress stipulated that the OWBPA would not

    take effect as to states and their political subdivisions until

    two years after its passage. See OWBPA 105(c). Moreover, in ___

    grappling with the question of retroactivity, Congress decreed

    that the OWBPA would not apply at all to "a series of benefit

    payments made to an individual or the individual's representative

    that began prior to the effective date and that continue after

    the effective date pursuant to an arrangement that was in effect

    on the effective date . . . . " Id. 105(e). ___


    II. II. __

    The Commonwealth's Disability Retirement Scheme The Commonwealth's Disability Retirement Scheme

    In Massachusetts, public employees who are injured on

    the job and cannot continue working may retire and receive

    accidental disability benefits. See Mass. Gen. L. ch. 32, 7

    (1989). Ordinarily, the amount of an employee's benefits will

    equal roughly 72% of her previous wages. See id. 7(2)(a)(ii). ___ ___

    But there is a rub: section 7(2)(b ), added in 1987, affords

    significantly different treatment for employees who have less

    than ten years of creditable service and who are at least 55

    years old at the time of accidental disability retirement. Under

    section 7(2)(b ), an employee who fits this description receives

    her regular disability retirement benefits until she turns 65,

    but her benefits are then refigured to equal the amount she would

    have received if she retired on superannuation, i.e., if she ____

    retired based on age and years of service.1


    1As amended, the statute provides in relevant part:

    The normal yearly amount of the allowance of
    any member retired under the provisions of
    this section . . . who at the time of such
    retirement had attained the age of fifty-five
    and who at the time of such retirement had
    accrued fewer than ten years of creditable
    service shall be adjusted on the last day of
    the month in which he attains the age of
    sixty-five to that to which he would be
    entitled . . . if he were to be retired for
    superannuation upon the attainment of age
    sixty-five . . . .

    Mass. Gen. L. ch. 32, 7(2)(b ) (1989).


    III. III. ___

    The Plaintiffs The Plaintiffs

    Albert Riva commenced his employment with the City of

    Boston in August of 1982. He retired in April of 1992 after

    experiencing a permanently disabling injury. At the time of his

    retirement, Riva had not yet accrued ten years of creditable

    service. On August 19, 1992, the Boston Retirement Board (BRB)

    transmitted a letter advising him that his benefits were subject

    to reduction under section 7(2)(b ). Approximately one year

    later, after Riva had celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday, the

    Board implemented the law and reduced Riva's benefits from

    approximately $2,130 per month to approximately $775 per month.

    Nancy Pentland was employed by the Town of Andover from

    February of 1981 until she retired due to a job-related

    disability on November 30, 1988. At the time of her retirement,

    she was 61 years old but had not yet accrued ten years of

    creditable service. As of October 31, 1992, the Andover

    Retirement Board (ARB) recalculated her benefits according to the

    superannuation guidelines, resulting in a substantial downsizing

    of her monthly stipend.

    Robert Keenan toiled as a Boston school custodian from

    December of 1989 until March of 1991. At the age of 56, having

    less than ten years of creditable service, he retired on

    accidental disability and began receiving a monthly allowance

    effective February 20, 1993. On June 22, 1994, the BRB notified

    him of the prospective applicability of section 7(2)(b ) to his


    case. Keenan was born on August 10, 1937, so his monthly benefit

    is not scheduled to be recalculated until the year 2002.

    Nonetheless, subscribing to the adage that an ounce of prevention

    is sometimes worth a pound of cure, he (like Riva and Pentland

    before him) filed a charge of discrimination with the EEOC.

    It is significant that, when the OWBPA took effect,

    both Riva and Pentland were already receiving disability

    retirement benefits, but Keenan whose retirement postdated the

    statute's effective date was not.

    IV. IV. __

    The Litigation The Litigation

    Riva and Pentland commenced the instant action against,

    inter alia, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Public _____ ____

    Employee Retirement Administration, the BRB, and the ARB

    (collectively, "the Commonwealth"). Their complaint sought

    declaratory, injunctive, and compensatory relief, alleging that

    the Massachusetts accidental disability retirement scheme

    violated the OWBPA because it arbitrarily reduced retirement

    benefits based on the recipient's age.2 Keenan subsequently

    joined the suit as an additional plaintiff.

    The parties cross-moved for summary judgment on

    stipulated facts. The district court granted brevis disposition ______

    in the Commonwealth's favor vis-a-vis Riva and Pentland, and _________


    2The complaint also included two claims for relief under
    state anti-discrimination laws. Both of these claims were
    dismissed on the plaintiffs' motion, and have no bearing on this


    dismissed Keenan's claim as unripe. See Riva, 871 F. Supp. at ___ ____

    1517-20. The court ruled that even though Riva's and Pentland's

    benefits were recalculated after the effective date of the OWBPA

    (when they reached age 65), the smaller payments were of the same

    class as the original payments, were part of a single series of

    benefit payments that straddled the effective date, and were paid

    pursuant to a preexisting arrangement. See id. at 1519. Hence, ___ ___

    section 105(e) applied, and the Massachusetts disability

    retirement scheme, as it affected those plaintiffs, eluded the

    OWBPA's grasp. See id. ___ ___

    Keenan's case easily vaults this hurdle. Unlike Riva

    and Pentland, he began receiving benefit payments only after the

    OWBPA had become fully effective. Thus, his claim does not fit

    within the confines of section 105(e). In the trial court's

    view, however, a different obstacle loomed. Because Keenan's

    benefits were not scheduled to be pared for several years,

    Keenan's alleged injury was both remote and contingent, and,

    accordingly, his claim was unripe. See id. at 1517-18. All ___ ___

    three plaintiffs now appeal.

    V. V. _

    Standard of Review Standard of Review

    A district court's resolution of a question of

    statutory interpretation engenders de novo review in the court of

    appeals. See Pritzker v. Yari, 42 F.3d 53, 65 (1st Cir. 1994), ___ ________ ____

    cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 1959 (1995); United States v. Gifford, _____ ______ _____________ _______

    17 F.3d 462, 472 (1st Cir. 1994). This standard of review


    applies to the district court's application of section 105(e) to

    the facts stipulated in the instant case. By the same token, a

    trial court's determination on a paper record that the case

    before it lacks ripeness presents a question of law subject to

    plenary review. See Ernst & Young v. Depositors Economic ___ _______________ ____________________

    Protection Corp., 45 F.3d 530, 534 (1st Cir. 1995); Shea v. Rev- ________________ ____ ____

    Lyn Contracting Co., 868 F.2d 515, 517 (1st Cir. 1989). ___________________

    VI. VI. __

    The Exemption The Exemption

    Both Riva and Pentland began receiving disability

    retirement benefits prior to the effective date of the OWBPA, and

    their benefits were reduced pursuant to section 7(2)(b ) after

    the effective date. For the reasons that follow, we think that

    the payment stream is exempt from scrutiny under the federal


    We start with a prosaic precept: "In a statutory

    construction case, the beginning point must be the language of

    the statute, and when a statute speaks with clarity to an issue

    judicial inquiry into the statute's meaning, in all but the most

    extraordinary circumstance, is finished." Estate of Cowart v. _________________

    Nicklos Drilling Co., 112 S. Ct. 2589, 2594 (1992). In other _____________________

    words, the court need not consult legislative history and other

    aids to statutory construction when the words of the statute


    3Since Riva and Pentland are similarly situated in respect
    to the question before us, we opt for simplicity and discuss only
    Pentland's claim. Our reasoning and result, however, apply
    equally to Riva.


    neither create an ambiguity nor lead to an unreasonable

    interpretation. See United States v. Charles George Trucking ___ _____________ ________________________

    Co., 823 F.2d 685, 688 (1st Cir. 1987). In searching a statute's ___

    text for a pellucid expression of congressional intent, we

    attribute to words that are not defined in the statute itself

    their ordinary usage, see Baez v. INS, 41 F.3d 19, 24 (1st Cir. ___ ____ ___

    1994), cert. denied, 63 U.S.L.W. 3900 (U.S. June 26, 1995) (No. _____ ______

    94-1462), and make a commonsense concession that meaning can only

    be ascribed to statutory language if that language is taken in

    context, see King v. St. Vincent's Hosp., 502 U.S. 215, 221 ___ ____ ____________________

    (1991). Applying these tenets, we find that section 105(e)

    unambiguously excludes Pentland's benefits from the application

    of the OWBPA.

    As previously noted, Congress exempted from the OWBPA's

    grasp any "series of benefit payments . . . that began prior to

    [OWBPA's] effective date and that continue after the effective

    date pursuant to an arrangement that was in effect on the

    effective date . . . . " OWBPA 105(e). A "series" is

    routinely defined as "a group of usu[ally] three or more things

    or events standing or succeeding in order and having a like

    relationship to each other." Webster's Third New International __________________________________

    Dictionary 2073 (1986); accord Webster's Ninth New Collegiate __________ ______ ________________________________

    Dictionary 1074 (1989) (defining series to include "a number of __________

    things or events of the same class coming one after another in

    spatial or temporal succession"); The Random House Dictionary of ______________________________

    the English Language 1748 (2d ed. 1987) (defining series to _____________________


    include "a group or a number of related or similar things,

    events, etc., arranged or occurring in temporal, spatial, or

    other order or succession").4 Consistent with these

    definitions, all the benefit payments to Pentland form a single

    "series" as that word is used in section 105(e).

    The like relationship of the payments is readily

    apparent. The disbursements, both before and after the

    recalculation, form a continuing stream of monthly payments, made

    on account of the same disability, and determined at the time of

    inception under the same statutory scheme. What is more, the ARB

    began to pay these serial benefits before the OWBPA's effective

    date, continued to pay them afterwards, and did so pursuant to an

    arrangement the payment scheme established in the Massachusetts

    statute that was in full flower when the OWBPA took effect.

    To be sure, the size of Pentland's monthly check

    diminished when she turned 65, but her argument that the reduced

    benefits comprise a new "series" because her payments were then

    recalculated on the basis of the superannuation tables is belied

    by the text of the Massachusetts statute. It directs that an

    affected individual's benefits shall be adjusted "to that to

    which [s]he would be entitled under the [statutory scheme] if

    [s]he were to be retired for superannuation." Mass. Gen. L. ch.

    32, 7(2)(b ). This language makes it transpicuously clear that

    Pentland has continuously received the same kind of benefits

    4Courts are free to use standard dictionary definitions to
    assist in determining the ordinary meaning of statutory language.
    See, e.g., FDIC v. Meyer, 114 S. Ct. 996, 1001 (1994). ___ ____ ____ _____


    accidental disability retirement benefits both before and after

    the OWBPA's effective date. Only the amount of the monthly

    stipend, not the nature of the payments, changed when she

    attained age 65.

    At the expense of carting coals to Newcastle, we add

    that appellants' interpretation of a "series" as comprising, for

    all intents and purposes, a "sequence of identical items," is

    profoundly flawed. To read section 105(e) in this way would be

    totally at odds with ordinary usage and, moreover, would lead to

    absurd results. Carried to its logical extreme, such a reading

    would gut the exemption by rendering it inapplicable to any

    stream of benefits that changed after the OWBPA's effective date

    by reference to an external source. Thus, even the most

    commonplace adjustments (such as cost-of-living increases) would

    serve to defeat the exemption. We cannot conceive of any reason

    why Congress which patently believed that employers should have

    a substantial degree of protection against the application of a

    new rule to payment protocols already in use to sustain existing

    payment schemes would have desired to take so quixotic a


    Section 105(e)'s reference to a preexisting

    "arrangement" is equally unhelpful to Pentland's quest. Both

    section 7(2)(b ) and the relevant superannuation guidelines were

    in existence at the time that the ARB started paying Pentland's

    retirement benefits, and the parties have not directed our

    attention to any subsequent changes in either provision which


    might support a finding that the Commonwealth put a fresh

    "arrangement" into effect. In Pentland's case, therefore, the

    entire stream of benefit payments has been (and will be) made

    pursuant to a single arrangement that was crafted in whole prior

    to the OWBPA's effective date. Consequently, section 105(e)

    applies unreservedly.

    Although the plain language of section 105(e) carries

    the day and obviates any need for a detailed examination of

    extrinsic sources, we note in passing that the legislative

    history of the OWBPA strongly suggests that Congress intended

    precisely the result that follows from a straightforward

    rendering of section 105(e)'s plain language. The original draft

    of the bill, submitted to the Senate on September 17, 1990,

    contemplated that the OWBPA provisions on which Pentland relies

    would apply retrospectively. See 136 Cong. Rec. S13, 237 (daily ___

    ed. Sept. 17, 1990). This approach provoked stout opposition,

    and section 105(e) emerged as a compromise. See 136 Cong. Rec. ___

    S13,603 (daily ed. Sept. 24, 1990). In responding to a question

    about the truncated version of the nonretroactivity clause,

    Senator Pryor, chairman of the Special Committee on Aging and a

    prime sponsor of the legislation, indicated that the drafters

    intended, through the compromise, to ensure that the OWBPA would

    reach benefits that were discriminatorily structured after the

    applicable effective date, leaving other benefits unaffected.

    See id. at S13,609. Senator Metzenbaum, whose original bill, as ___ ___

    we have said, featured broad retroactivity, concurred in this


    interpretation of the compromise language.5 So did another key

    supporter, Senator Hatch.6

    In sum, it appears virtually certain that Congress did

    not intend the OWBPA to apply to benefit payments, like

    Pentland's, which were structured and commenced prior to the

    effective date of the neoteric legislation. The comments relied

    on by the appellants in urging an opposite view mainly

    statements by legislators who expressed their desire to avoid

    "disruptions" in ongoing benefits, such as the remarks of Senator

    Hatch, quoted supra note 6 are more plausibly read as wishing _____

    to avoid displacements that would be caused by wide-ranging


    5Senator Metzenbaum stated:

    We also clarify the effective date as it
    relates to a stream of benefit payments made
    to an individual that began prior to the
    effective date. We exempt such a benefit
    stream from the requirements of the bill,
    provided that the employer has not initiated
    the stream pursuant to a modification made
    after the date of enactment, with the intent
    to evade the purposes of the bill.

    136 Cong. Rec. S13,598 (daily ed. Sept. 24, 1990).

    6Senator Hatch voiced his concern that, under the original
    version, "all the new requirements would be applied to ongoing
    benefit payments that began before the bill's effective date."
    136 Cong. Rec. S13,600 (daily ed. Sept. 24, 1990). Because he
    feared this result, Senator Hatch concluded that "it was critical
    to amend the bill to remove the possibility that current
    recipients of [disability, severance and retirement] benefits
    could suffer disruptions in their payments." Id. He assured his ___
    fellow solons that "[t]he compromise" embodied in the final
    version of the bill ensured "that ongoing benefit payments to
    individuals that began prior to the effective date of the bill
    will not be affected by this legislation." Id.; see also id. at ___ ___ ____ ___
    S13,607 (similar; statement of Sen. Grassley).


    retroactive application of the OWBPA rather than as guaranteeing

    level benefit rates, regardless of the circumstances, or as

    disfavoring changes in benefits compelled by the unamended

    operation of preexisting retirement schemes.

    We have exhausted this issue. To conclude, we hold

    that a stream of benefits does not become a new "series" in the

    contemplation of OWBPA 105(e) simply because the monthly

    benefit amount is adjusted by reference to an external source

    pursuant to a directive contained in a preexisting arrangement.

    Riva and Pentland are, therefore, fishing in an empty pond.

    VII. VII. ___

    The Ripeness Paradigm The Ripeness Paradigm _____________________

    We turn now to the more vexing of the two issues

    presented in this appeal. Since section 7(2)(b ) will not

    directly affect Keenan's stipend until the year 2002, the

    district court determined that his claim lacked the ripeness

    necessary to confer justiciability. See Riva, 871 F. Supp. at ___ ____

    1517-18. Before evaluating this determination, we scout the

    legal landscape.

    When a litigant seeks relief that is primarily

    prospective in character, questions of ripeness are analyzed

    under a familiar framework that considers the fitness of the

    issue for immediate review and the hardship to the litigant

    should review be postponed. See Abbott Labs v. Gardner, 387 U.S. ___ ___________ _______

    136, 148-49 (1967); Ernst & Young, 45 F.3d at 535. The fitness _____________

    branch of the paradigm "typically involves subsidiary queries


    concerning finality, definiteness, and the extent to which

    resolution of the challenge depends on facts that may not yet be

    sufficiently developed." Ernst & Young, 45 F.3d at 535. One _____ _____

    critical component is whether "the claim involves uncertain and

    contingent events that may not occur as anticipated or may not

    occur at all." Massachusetts Ass'n of Afro-Am. Police, Inc. v. _____________________________________________

    Boston Police Dep't, 973 F.2d 18, 20 (1st Cir. 1992) (per _____________________

    curiam). A second important factor in the fitness calculus is

    the extent to which the claim is bound up in the facts. Courts

    are more likely to find a claim ripe if it is of an intrinsically

    legal nature, see, e.g., Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. v. State Energy ___ ____ ________________________ ____________

    Resources Conserv. & Dev. Comm'n, 461 U.S. 190, 201 (1983), and _________________________________

    less likely to do so if the absence of a concrete factual

    situation seriously inhibits the weighing of competing interests,

    see, e.g., California Bankers Ass'n v. Shultz, 416 U.S. 21, 56 ___ ____ ________________________ ______


    A third salient factor that enters into the assessment

    of fitness involves the presence or absence of adverseness. See ___

    State of R.I. v. Narragansett Indian Tribe, 19 F.3d 685, 692-93 _____________ _________________________

    (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 298 (1994). In the context _____ ______

    of prospective relief, this factor focuses on whether "the facts

    alleged, under all the circumstances, show that there is a

    substantial controversy, between parties having adverse legal

    interests, of sufficient immediacy and reality to warrant the

    issuance of a declaratory judgment." Maryland Casualty Co. v. _____________________

    Pacific Coal & Oil Co., 312 U.S. 270, 273 (1941). Whether a _______________________


    particular case passes the test of adverseness may be influenced

    by a variety of considerations, such as whether all affected

    parties are before the court, see Ernst & Young, 45 F.3d at 538- ___ _____________

    39, and whether the controversy as framed permits "specific

    relief through a decree of a conclusive character, as

    distinguished from an opinion advising what the law would be upon

    a hypothetical state of facts," Aetna Life Ins. Co. v. Haworth, ___________________ _______

    300 U.S. 227, 241 (1937).

    The hardship prong of the Abbott Labs paradigm turns on ___________

    whether "the challenged action creates a `direct and immediate'

    dilemma for the parties[.]" W.R. Grace & Co. v. EPA, 959 F.2d _________________ ___

    360, 364 (1st Cir. 1992) (citation omitted). Utility is the flip

    side of the same coin, and an inquiring court, in assaying the

    hardship to the parties, may find it revealing to ask whether

    "granting relief would serve a useful purpose, or, put another

    way, whether the sought-after declaration would be of practical

    assistance in setting the underlying controversy to rest."

    Narragansett Indian Tribe, 19 F.3d at 693. _________________________

    Although it is a familiar bromide that courts should

    not labor to protect a party against harm that is merely remote

    or contingent, see, e.g., Ernst & Young, 45 F.3d at 536; ___ ____ _______________

    Massachusetts Ass'n of Afro-Am. Police, 973 F.2d at 20; Lincoln _______________________________________ _______

    House v. Dupre, 903 F.2d 845, 847 (1st Cir. 1990), there is some _____ _____

    play in the joints. For example, even when the direct

    application of a statute is open to a charge of remoteness by

    reason of a lengthy, built-in time delay before the statute takes


    effect, ripeness may be found as long as the statute's operation

    is inevitable (or nearly so). See, e.g., Regional Rail Reorg. ___ ____ ____________________

    Act Cases, 419 U.S. 102, 142-43 (1974). And, even when the _________

    direct application of such a statute is subject to some degree of

    contingency, the statute may impose sufficiently serious

    collateral injuries that an inquiring court will deem the

    hardship component satisfied. See Erwin Chemerinsky, Federal ___ _______

    Jurisdiction 2.4.2, at 121-22 (2d ed. 1994). In general, ____________

    collateral effects can rise to this level when a statute

    indirectly permits private action that causes present harm, or

    when a party must decide currently whether to expend substantial

    resources that would be largely or entirely wasted if the issue

    were later resolved in an unfavorable way. See, e.g., Pacific ___ ____ _______

    Gas, 461 U.S. at 201; Duke Power Co. v. Carolina Envtl. Study ___ _______________ _____________________

    Group, Inc., 438 U.S. 59, 81-82 (1978). We caution, however, ___________

    that in such murky waters generalizations are dangerous, and the

    weighing of collateral effects is for the most part a judgment

    call, to be made case by case.

    VIII. VIII. ____

    Applying the Paradigm Applying the Paradigm _____________________

    Viewed against this backdrop, we think that Keenan has

    made a satisfactory showing under both prongs of the Abbott Labs ___________

    paradigm. Given the relative certainty of the statute's

    application, the purity of the legal issue presented, the

    presence of all necessary parties before the court, the dilemma

    that Keenan currently faces, and the hardship to him should


    immediate review be denied, we conclude that he has advanced a

    ripe claim.

    The paramount harm to Keenan the eventual reduction

    in his benefits pursuant to section 7(2)(b ) is distant in

    time, but its incidence seems highly probable. The Commonwealth

    has pointed to three contingencies that might shield Keenan from

    ultimate harm of this kind: (1) he might die before reaching age

    65, (2) he might no longer be disabled when he reaches that age,

    or (3) the challenged statute might be amended prior thereto.

    There is no evidence in the record to suggest that any of these

    three contingencies are likely to eventuate. The life expectancy

    of a man in his mid-50s is roughly 20 years. See, e.g., United ___ ____

    States Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United __________________________________

    States: 1994 Table 116, at 88 (114th ed.); Keenan's disability, ______________

    according to state law, is permanent and total, see, e.g., Mass. ___ ____

    Gen. L. ch. 32, 7(1) (1989) (providing for accidental

    disability retirement only when the affected employee is "totally

    and permanently incapacitated for further duty"); and, though the

    Commonwealth has drawn our attention to a bill pending in the

    Massachusetts legislature that would repeal section 7(2)(b ), see ___

    1995 Mass. H.B. 4007, 179th Gen. Court, 1st Sess., previous bills

    of a similar tenor have failed of enactment.

    In all events, a litigant seeking shelter behind a

    ripeness defense must demonstrate more than a theoretical

    possibility that harm may be averted. The demise of a party or

    the repeal of a statute will always be possible in any case of


    delayed enforcement, yet it is well settled that a time delay,

    without more, will not render a claim of statutory invalidity

    unripe if the application of the statute is otherwise

    sufficiently probable. See Regional Rail Reorg. Act Cases, 419 ___ _______________________________

    U.S. at 143; Lake Carriers' Ass'n v. MacMullan, 406 U.S. 498, _____________________ _________

    503-08 (1972). The degree of contingency is an important

    barometer of ripeness in this respect. Compare, e.g., State of _______ ____ ________

    Ariz. v. Atchison, Topeka, and Sante Fe R.R. Co., 656 F.2d 398, _____ ________________________________________

    402-03 (9th Cir. 1981) (finding challenge to statute ripe six

    months before its effective date due to the unlikelihood that the

    statutory scheme would change in the interim) with, e.g., Ernst & ____ ____ _______

    Young, 45 F.3d at 538 (finding claim unripe due in part to the _____

    presence of a large number of contingencies, many of which were

    unlikely to materialize). Here, the relative certainty of

    Keenan's asserted injury indicates that his claim is suitable for

    contemporaneous judicial review.

    Three other circumstances buttress the conclusion that

    Keenan's claim is ready for adjudication. In the first place, he

    mounts a facial challenge to the state law, and does so on a

    stipulated record. Thus, his claim is unabashedly legal, and the

    district court is capable of resolving it with no further factual

    exposition. Second, and relatedly, the controversy is narrowly

    defined and is susceptible to specific relief, adequate to

    conclude the matter, without speculation or reference to

    hypothetical facts, and without much risk that the court's

    opinion will prove superfluous. Last but not least, the case is


    fully adverse; all the proper parties are before the court.

    We are equally convinced that allowing the case to

    proceed, here and now, would serve a useful purpose, and would be

    of great practical assistance to all concerned. See Narragansett ___ ____________

    Indian Tribe, 19 F.3d at 693. Not only is the utility of a ____________

    decree obvious in this situation, but this utility also has

    special force in the context of a challenge to a discriminatory

    retirement system. In Lorance v. AT&T Technologies, Inc., 490 _______ ________________________

    U.S. 900 (1989), the Supreme Court considered the timeliness of a

    suit challenging a seniority system that allegedly discriminated

    against women.7 The Court ruled that plaintiffs could sue at the

    time the seniority system was put in place, without awaiting the

    adverse effects of its operation. See id. at 905-06. In the ___ ___

    bargain, the Justices recognized that the adoption of the plan

    imposed a "concrete harm" on the plaintiffs even though "the

    benefits of a seniority system . . . are by their nature

    speculative if only because they depend upon the employee's

    continuing desire to work for the particular employer." Id. at ___

    907 n.3. The Court then likened the harm imposed by adoption of

    an illegal seniority system to that imposed "when an insurance

    company delivers an accident insurance policy with a face value

    of $10,000, when what has been paid for is a face value of

    $25,000." Id. ___

    7Although the holding in Lorance has been superseded by _______
    statute, see Landgraf v. USI Film Prods., 114 S. Ct. 1483, 1489- ___ ________ _______________
    90 (1994) (describing provisions of Civil Rights Act of 1991),
    that development does not affect the use that we make of the
    Court's opinion here.


    Even though Lorance addressed a different issue when _______

    a disparate impact violation of Title VII occurs for purposes of

    establishing the limitations period we find guidance in the

    Court's recognition that the adoption of a discriminatory plan

    may itself impose an injury. So it is here: a ripeness analysis

    can take into account not only the harm that arises from the

    reduced value of Keenan's benefits, but also the harm from the

    state's possible endorsement of age discrimination and the

    prejudice that underlies it.

    Moreover, the uncertainty about the validity of section

    7(2)(b ) is also imposing a present hardship on Keenan apart from

    the specter of reduced future benefits. At age 58, people must

    nail down their plans for financial security in their golden

    years. Thus, the most immediate harm to Keenan comes in the form

    of an inability prudently to arrange his fiscal affairs. If

    Keenan anticipates that his benefits will not be reduced, and

    guesses wrong, he may find himself inadequately prepared to

    subsist on the unwanted birthday present a drastically reduced

    pension that will accompany his attainment of age 65.

    Conversely, if he anticipates that the statute will be upheld,

    and guesses wrong, he may needlessly deprive himself in the

    intervening seven years, preparing for a rainy day that never

    dawns. We believe that this uncertainty and the considerations

    of utility that we have mentioned coalesce to show that Keenan is

    suffering a sufficient present injury to satisfy the second prong

    of the Abbott Labs paradigm. See, e.g., Pacific Gas, 461 U.S. at ___________ ___ ____ ___________


    201; Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, 535-36 (1925) ______ ___________________

    (allowing private schools to attack statute requiring public

    school attendance at a later date because of the statute's

    tendency to shift students immediately to public schools); Crow ____

    Tribe of Indians v. Montana, 819 F.2d 895, 903 (9th Cir. 1987) _________________ _______

    (finding justiciability in challenge to state tax on coal based

    in part on present difficulty in leasing mine), aff'd 484 U.S. _____

    997 (1988); Bob's Home Serv., Inc. v. Warren County, 755 F.2d ________________________ ______________

    625, 627-29 (8th Cir. 1985) (finding ripeness based in part on

    the reduced property value attributable to a land regulation).

    Finally, although we recognize that courts have some

    discretion to grant or withhold declaratory relief, and that this

    discretion must be exercised cautiously when matters of either

    public import or constitutional dimension are implicated, see El ___ __

    Dia, Inc. v. Hernandez Colon, 963 F.2d 488, 494 (1st Cir. 1992), __________ _______________

    the lower court did not squarely reject Keenan's claim in the

    exercise of its discretion, nor should it have done so. Though

    the declaratory judgment context may serve to relax a federal

    court's storied obligation to exercise the jurisdiction given to

    it by Congress, see Fuller Co. v. Ramon I. Gil, Inc., 782 F.2d ___ __________ ___________________

    306, 308 n.3 (1st Cir. 1986), the decision not to exercise

    jurisdiction must still be based on a careful balancing of

    efficiency, fairness, and the interests of both the public and

    the litigants. See Metropolitan Prop. & Liab. Ins. Co. v. ___ ______________________________________

    Kirkwood, 729 F.2d 61, 62 (1st Cir. 1984). In Keenan's case, ________

    this calculus strongly favors a contemporaneous adjudication. In


    addition to the utility of a present determination, the

    challenged statute is free of ambiguity and straightforward in

    its operation. There is no basis to suppose that any

    adjudication will be hampered by factual uncertainty. There is

    no need to await clarification by a state court. More

    importantly, Congress gave state and local governments two years

    between the passage of the OWBPA and its effective date to bring

    their retirement schemes into compliance. The Commonwealth chose

    not to bestir itself during this period, and has still not taken

    legislative action though nearly five years have elapsed. Any

    deference that might be owed under principles of comity has long

    since been repaid. The retirement scheme must now face judicial


    IX. IX. __

    Conclusion Conclusion __________

    We need go no further. Although the district court

    appropriately granted summary judgment against Riva and Pentland,

    it improperly dismissed Keenan's claim as unripe.


    8Keenan invites us to direct the entry of a judgment in his
    favor on the merits, noting the district courts statement that
    "Section 7(2)(b ) is facially discriminatory towards certain
    state employees over the age of fifty-five." Riva, 871 F. Supp. ____ ____
    at 1517. We decline the invitation. The district court's dictum
    was based in part on its assumption that "[d]efendants do not
    contest that Section 7(2)(b ) is facially discriminatory under
    the ADEA as amended by the OWBPA." Id. at 1517 n.5. On appeal, ___
    the Commonwealth vehemently denies that it ever conceded the
    point. Under the circumstances, we think that orderly procedure
    favors a remand so that the district court may fully consider the
    merits of Keenan's claim.


    Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded for Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded for _______________________________________________________

    further proceedings consistent herewith. further proceedings consistent herewith. _______________________________________


Document Info

Docket Number: 95-1066

Filed Date: 8/4/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2015

Authorities (30)

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