Commonwealth of MA v. Blackstone Valley ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    October 31, 1995 United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    No. 94-2286

    Plaintiff, Appellee,


    Defendant, Appellant.


    The opinion of the Court issued October 6, 1995, is amended
    as follows:

    On page 28, line 23 Substitute "action" for "rulemaking".

    October 11, 1995
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    No. 94-2286
    Plaintiff, Appellee,


    Defendant, Appellant.



    The opinion of this Court issued on October 6, 1995 is corrected
    as follows:

    On the cover sheet, line 10: substitute "Joseph L. Tauro" for
    "Joseph P. Tauro"; and

    On page 14, line 8: substitute "plain meaning" for "law".

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    No. 94-2286
    Plaintiff, Appellee,


    Defendant, Appellant.




    [Hon. Joseph P. Tauro, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Cyr, Boudin, and Lynch, Circuit Judges. ______________


    John Voorhees, with whom David F. Goossen, Isaacson, Rosenbaum, _____________ _________________ _____________________
    Woods & Levy, P.C., David A. Fazzone, P.C., and McDermott, Will & ___________________ _______________________ __________________
    Emery were on brief, for appellant. _____
    Karen McGuire, Assistant Attorney General of Massachusetts, with _____________
    whom Scott Harshbarger, Attorney General of Massachusetts was on __________________
    brief, for appellee.
    Catherine Adams Fiske, Attorney, United States Department of ______________________
    Justice, with whom Lois J. Schiffer, Assistant Attorney General, Anne ________________ ____
    S. Almy and Albert M. Ferlo, Jr., Attorneys, United States Department ________ ____________________
    of Justice, and Thomas H. Beisswenger, United States Environmental ______________________
    Protection Agency were on brief, for the United States as amicus


    October 6, 1995

    LYNCH, Circuit Judge. The Commonwealth of LYNCH, Circuit Judge. _____________

    Massachusetts seeks to recover response costs under CERCLA

    and Mass. Gen. L. ch. 21E from Blackstone Valley Electric Co.

    ("BVE") for the removal of ferric ferrocyanide ("FFC") from a

    waste site in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. The

    Commonwealth's ability to recover its response costs, said to

    be $5.8 million, turns largely on the question of whether FFC

    is a "hazardous substance" within the meaning of CERCLA. The

    broader concern raised by this case is identifying who should

    decide that question and by what process. We hold that

    neither CERCLA nor the existing EPA regulations clearly

    establish whether FFC is a hazardous substance, and that the

    district court erred in trying to resolve the question on the

    Commonwealth's motion for summary judgment, in the face of

    warring expert affidavits, where there is no textual plain

    meaning to resolve the issue. Invoking the doctrine of

    primary jurisdiction, we hold that the EPA should, as

    Congress intended, address the question in the first

    instance. Accordingly, we vacate the grant of partial

    summary judgment and order referral to the EPA for an

    administrative determination. In so doing we reject the

    EPA's argument as amicus curiae in this court that it has

    effectively answered the question of whether FFC is a CERCLA

    "hazardous substance" by adopting standard testing protocols


    for effluent discharge regulations promulgated under the

    Clean Water Act.

    I. Factual Background __________________

    Like many other environmental cases, the story of

    this case starts in the last century. Before the

    construction of the natural gas pipeline system, gas for

    consumer use in heating, lighting, and cooking was often

    manufactured from coal at localized facilities. According to

    one 1985 study commissioned by the EPA, there were some 1500

    such manufactured gas plants in operation throughout this

    country between 1889 and 1950. The cleanup of the waste

    byproducts of the manufacturing process, which often were

    buried on site or deposited in landfills, has been a source

    of modern environmental litigation. See, e.g., John Boyd Co. _________ _____________

    v. Boston Gas Co., 1992 WL 212231, *1 (D. Mass. Aug. 18, _______________

    1992), aff'd, 992 F.2d 401, 403-04 (1st Cir. 1993); _____

    Interstate Power Co. v. Kansas City Power & Light Co., 992 _____________________ _______________________________

    F.2d 804, 805-06 (8th Cir. 1993).

    An important step in the gas manufacturing process

    was the purification of the gas obtained from the coal. One

    typical purification method involved pumping the untreated

    gas through "purifier boxes" containing wood chips coated

    with iron oxide. As the untreated gas passed through the

    boxes, it reacted chemically with the coated wood chips,


    causing unwanted substances to be filtered out. The

    byproducts of the purifying chemical reactions would build up

    on the wood chips. One such byproduct was a blue substance

    called ferric ferrocyanide (more commonly, Prussian Blue).

    Eventually, the spent wood chips still bearing the

    byproducts of the chemical purification process would

    typically be incinerated or buried.

    In the early 1980's, blue-colored wood chips and soil

    were discovered in a landfill near a residential area in

    North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Between July 1984 and May

    1986, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental

    Protection ("DEP") excavated the site to remove the blue soil

    and wood chips. The blue substance on the wood chips was

    identified as ferric ferrocyanide, and the wood chips were

    identified as "purifier box waste" from the coal gasification

    process. The DEP determined that the FFC-coated chips at the

    site had been transported there from a gas facility that had

    been operated by BVE's direct corporate predecessor in Rhode

    Island from 1920-1961. The Commonwealth subsequently sued

    BVE as a generator of the FFC to recover its cleanup costs,

    pursuant to the relevant provisions of CERCLA and the

    analogous Massachusetts state statutes.1

    II. The Statutory Framework _______________________


    1. The only issue presented here is the CERCLA one.


    A. The "Hazardous Substance" List ______________________________

    CERCLA provides state and federal governmental

    authorities with broad power to clean up waste sites, and

    then to seek recovery of response costs from responsible

    parties. 42 U.S.C. 9604, 9607; see generally Dedham _____________ ______

    Water Co. v. Cumberland Farm Dairy, Inc., 889 F.2d 1146, 1150 _________ ___________________________

    (1st Cir. 1989). One of the predicates to CERCLA liability

    is the release or threatened release of a "hazardous

    substance" at the site.

    A "hazardous substance" is defined in CERCLA, 42

    U.S.C. 9601(14), by incorporation of certain lists of

    substances, wastes, and pollutants identified in a number of

    other environmental statutes, including the Clean Water Act

    ("CWA"), 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.2 CERCLA requires the ______

    Administrator of the EPA to promulgate and revise regulations

    designating as additional "hazardous substances" any

    substances which, "when released into the environment may

    present substantial danger to the public health or welfare or

    the environment . . . ." 42 U.S.C. 9602(a). The EPA has

    codified a consolidated list of hazardous substances


    2. CERCLA's definition of "hazardous substance" also
    incorporates the pollutants listed in the Solid Waste
    Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and
    Control Act, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq., the Clean Air Act, 42 _______
    U.S.C. 7401 et seq., and the Toxic Substances Control Act, _______
    15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq. The parties agree that only the CWA _______
    list is pertinent here.


    subsuming all of the statutory lists incorporated by CERCLA,

    at 40 C.F.R. 302.4, Table 302.4 ("Table 302.4").3

    The substance FFC is not specifically named in any of

    the statutory lists of substances incorporated by CERCLA and

    hence does not appear in Table 302.4. The EPA has never

    taken official action pursuant to its authority under 42

    U.S.C. 9602(a) specifically to add FFC to the CERCLA

    hazardous substance list. Table 302.4 does list, however, a

    broad category of compounds "cyanides" which, in turn,

    the Commonwealth claims, does encompass FFC. ____

    B. "Cyanides" ________

    The category "cyanides" in Table 302.4 has its

    origins in the CWA. The EPA was required to promulgate,

    within a short period following the CWA's enactment, a list

    of "any toxic pollutant or combination of such pollutants" to

    be subject to regulation under the statute. See CWA, Pub. L. ___

    No. 92-500, 307(a)(1), 86 Stat. 816, 856, 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N.

    951, 1000. Pursuant to this directive, an ad hoc EPA work __ ___

    group developed a proposed list of 65 toxic pollutants.

    After public notice and comment, this list (the "CWA list")

    was adopted by Congress, see 33 U.S.C. 1317(a), published ___


    3. The Massachusetts analogue to CERCLA defines "hazardous
    material" to include all "hazardous substances" under CERCLA.
    See Mass. Gen. L. ch. 21E, 2. ___


    by the EPA, see 43 Fed. Reg. 4108-09 (Jan. 31, 1978), and ___

    codified, see 40 C.F.R. 401.15. ___

    In addition to identifying various specific, discrete

    chemical compounds (e.g., "benzene," "2,4-dichlorophenol"), ____

    the CWA list also identifies several groups of compounds

    associated with particular elements (e.g., "arsenic and ____

    compounds," "zinc and compounds"), and classes of more

    generally denominated compounds (e.g., "nitrosamines," ____

    "chlorinated ethanes"). One of the latter such classes of

    compounds on the list is "cyanides." The dispute in this

    case has centered on whether the term "cyanides" in the CWA

    list (and incorporated into Table 302.4) includes FFC,

    thereby bringing FFC within the scope of CERCLA's definition

    of "hazardous substance."

    III. Proceedings in the District Court _________________________________

    After discovery, the Commonwealth moved for partial

    summary judgment as to liability against BVE, claiming that,

    as a matter of law, FFC is a "hazardous substance" within the

    meaning of CERCLA. The Commonwealth argued FFC falls within

    the "plain meaning" of the term "cyanides" in Table 302.4.4


    4. To avoid confusion, we observe that neither party
    attaches controlling significance to the fact that the common
    name of the substance at issue ferric ferrocyanide ____
    contains the word "cyanide." In fact, according to modern
    chemical nomenclature conventions, the proper name for FFC is
    "iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)." The appearance of the word
    "cyanide" within the name "ferric ferrocyanide" does not
    factor into the interpretation.


    After a hearing on the Commonwealth's motion, the

    district court directed the parties to "focus only on the

    meaning of the term ['cyanides'] as it is understood in the

    general scientific community." Commonwealth of Mass. v. BVE, ____________________________

    Civ. No. 87-1799-T, Memorandum at 5 (D. Mass. May 23, 1990).

    Accordingly, BVE filed expert affidavits attesting that the

    plain meaning of "cyanides" does not include the substance ___

    FFC, and the Commonwealth filed expert affidavits attesting

    that it does.

    Additionally, the Commonwealth attempted to solicit

    the EPA's involvement in the case. Before filing its motion,

    the Commonwealth had asked the EPA to participate in the case

    as amicus curiae, but the EPA had refused. After the summary

    judgment hearing, the Commonwealth asked the EPA to provide

    an affidavit stating that the EPA's own definition of

    "cyanides" encompasses FFC. The EPA again declined the

    Commonwealth's invitation. Instead, the EPA wrote a letter

    to the Massachusetts Attorney General's office, signed by

    Stephen D. Luftig, the Director of EPA's Emergency Response

    Division (the "Luftig Letter"). The letter purported to

    describe the EPA's administrative view of the status of FFC

    vis- -vis the CERCLA/CWA category of "cyanides." The

    Commonwealth provided this letter to the district court as

    additional support for its motion.


    The district court granted the Commonwealth's motion

    for partial summary judgment. Commonwealth of Massachusetts _____________________________

    v. Blackstone Valley Electric Co., 777 F. Supp. 1036 (D. _______________________________

    Mass. 1991). The district court made no mention of the

    Luftig Letter in its decision. It relied instead upon two

    sentences of text concerning chemical testing procedures for

    cyanides contained in a reference publication called

    "Standard Methods." See American Public Health Ass'n et al., ________________ ___

    Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater _____________________________________________________________

    (18th ed. 1992). One of the Commonwealth's experts had

    averred that Standard Methods is a "'universally accepted ________________

    environmental chemistry lab testing manual in the general

    scientific community.'" 777 F. Supp. at 1038 n.3 (quoting

    expert affidavit). Based on its reading of that

    publication,5 the district court concluded that FFC was

    properly classified as a "complex cyanide," that "[t]he plain

    meaning of cyanides includes complexes such as ferric

    ferrocyanide," and that FFC was therefore a hazardous

    substance within the meaning of CERCLA. Id. at 1039. The ___


    5. The district court focused on the following paragraph:

    Cyanide refers to all of the CN groups in cyanide
    compounds that can be determined as the cyanide ion,
    CN-, by the methods used. The cyanide compounds in
    which cyanide can be obtained as CN- are classed as
    simple and complex cyanides.

    777 F. Supp. at 1038 (quoting Standard Methods, supra, at 4- ________________ _____


    district court rejected BVE's arguments and expert affidavits

    supporting a contrary result and added: "Blackstone's

    argument, essentially, is that FFC should not be on the list.

    This is a contention that Blackstone should present to the

    EPA, not to this court." Id.6 ___

    We disagree with the district court's conclusions

    about the "plain meaning" of "cyanides." We have

    considerable sympathy, however, for its sentiment that BVE's

    arguments about the status of FFC are best suited for

    presentation to the EPA.

    IV. Discussion __________

    We review the district court's summary judgment order

    de novo. See Vasapolli v. Rostoff, 39 F.3d 27, 32 (1st Cir. _______ ___ _________ _______

    1994). Our review of the district court's interpretation of

    the relevant statutory framework also is plenary. See Estey ___ _____

    v. Commissioner, Maine Dep't of Human Services, 21 F.3d 1198, ___________________________________________

    1201 (1st Cir. 1994). In assessing whether the Commonwealth

    is entitled to judgment as a matter of law, we must regard

    the record and draw all inferences in a manner favorable to

    BVE. Only if, viewed in that light, the record discloses no


    6. Later, based in part on its grant of partial summary
    judgment against BVE on the FFC issue, the court entered
    summary judgment in favor of the Commonwealth on the issue of
    BVE's liability as a generator under CERCLA, 42 U.S.C.
    9607(a)(3). See Commonwealth of Mass. v. Blackstone Valley ___ __________________________________________
    Electric Co., 808 F. Supp. 912, 914-16 (D. Mass. 1992). BVE ____________
    has not appealed from the latter order.


    genuine issue of material fact will we uphold the grant of

    summary judgment. FDIC v. Bay Street Dev. Co., 32 F.3d 636, ____ ___________________

    639 (1st Cir. 1994).

    A. Absence of Plain Meaning ________________________

    The Commonwealth and BVE both argued to the district

    court that the term "cyanides" has a "plain meaning," but

    were sharply at odds as to whether that meaning encompasses

    FFC. The district court endorsed the plain meaning approach,

    see 777 F. Supp. at 1038, and agreed with the Commonwealth ___

    that the plain meaning of "cyanides" includes FFC. Id. at ___

    1039. We find that the district court's reliance on the

    plain meaning approach was misplaced on the facts here.

    Of course when the words of a statutory provision are

    clear, the provision's plain meaning must govern its

    application, unless a palpably unreasonable outcome would

    result. See, e.g., Hogan v. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co., _________ _____ _______________________________

    61 F.3d 1034, 1037 (1st Cir. 1995); Pritzker v. Yari, 42 F.3d ________ ____

    53, 67-68 (1st Cir. 1994). Yet, as the qualifications that

    are a part of the plain meaning rule suggest, that rule does

    not provide a panacea for every problem of statutory

    construction. Words can be ambiguous, often materially so.

    See Greenwood Trust Co. v. Commonwealth of Mass., 971 F.2d ___ ____________________ _____________________

    818, 825 (1st Cir. 1992) ("[T]he plain-meaning doctrine is

    not a pedagogical absolute."), cert. denied, 113 S. Ct. 974 ____________

    (1993). When ambiguity is identified, a dispute about a


    statute's or regulation's proper construction cannot be

    resolved simply by placing the gloss of "plain meaning" on

    one competing interpretation. See, e.g., In re Jarvis, 53 _________ _____________

    F.3d 416, 419 (1st Cir. 1995) (finding plain meaning inquiry

    inapposite where relevant language was indeterminate); United ______

    States v. O'Neil, 11 F.3d 292, 294-96 (1st Cir. 1993) (same, ______ ______

    where term "revoke" was ambiguous in relevant context); Isaac _____

    v. Harvard Univ., 769 F.2d 817, 820 (1st Cir. 1985) (same, _____________

    where terms "proceedings" and "terminated" were ambiguous as

    used); cf. Allen v. Adage, Inc., 967 F.2d 695, 700 (1st Cir. ___ _____ ___________

    1992) (finding term "reduction-in-force" to be ambiguous and

    therefore "unplain" in context of an ERISA plan).

    Here, both BVE and the Commonwealth argue that the

    plain meaning of "cyanides" can be ascertained by consulting

    "the scientific community." To this end, they have filled

    the record with competing expert affidavits setting forth

    contradictory views (each ostensibly authoritative) as to

    whether FFC is a member of the category "cyanides."

    But no "plain" meaning of the term "cyanides" can be

    identified from among these conflicting expert affidavits.

    It is true that, as a general rule of construction, when a

    statute contains "technical words or terms of art, 'it [is]

    proper to explain them by reference to the art or science to

    which they [are] appropriate.'" Corning Glass Works v. ____________________

    Brennan, 417 U.S. 188, 201 (1974) (bracketed alterations in _______


    original) (quoting Greenleaf v. Goodrich, 101 U.S. 278, 284 _________ ________


    Assuming that the "scientific community" is the

    appropriate body by reference to which the meaning of

    "cyanides" should be determined, the basic indeterminacy

    nonetheless remains. The "scientific community" is not a

    monolithic entity that has spoken here in a single

    authoritative voice. As one of BVE's experts stated, members

    of different disciplines within the scientific community at

    large are apt to take sharply contrasting approaches and to

    give conflicting answers to the question whether FFC can

    properly be classified as one of the "cyanides." Thus, the

    Commonwealth's key expert, an analytical chemist, states

    confidently that "[t]here can be no dispute . . . that

    cyanides and all other chemical substances are defined based _______

    on chemical reactivity [emphasis added]," and thus

    understands "cyanides" to include "all those chemical

    compounds containing the negatively charged cyanide ion, CN-"

    and that "can yield the free cyanide ion" in laboratory __________

    conditions. Then, stating that "there is no doubt that the

    CN moiety in iron cyanide complexes is uni-negative" and that

    FFC does release the free cyanide ion when boiled in

    concentrated sulfuric acid, he concludes that FFC is properly

    categorized as one of the "cyanides." On the other hand,

    BVE's expert (who was one of the consultants to the EPA who


    helped devise the CWA list) asserts just as confidently that

    most scientists other than analytical chemists "would define

    'cyanides' as substances that are toxic due to the CN group."

    Stating that FFC is not toxic and does not release

    "toxicologically significant doses of [free] cyanide under

    environmental conditions [emphasis added]," BVE's expert _____________

    concludes that FFC is not properly classified as one of the

    "cyanides" within the meaning of CERCLA.

    The term "cyanides" as it appears in Table 302.4 is,

    we believe, ambiguous in the context of this case. The term

    suffers from an ambiguity that might be classified as a

    "categorical indeterminacy." See Clark D. Cunningham et al., ___

    Plain Meaning and Hard Cases, 103 Yale L.J. 1561, 1585 (1994) ____________________________

    (reviewing Lawrence M. Solan, The Language of Judges (1993)). ______________________

    At least on the record before us, the category "cyanides"

    does not admit of crisply defined boundaries, and resolution

    of the disagreement about whether FFC falls within those

    fuzzy boundaries requires a value-laden choice from among

    competing interpretive assumptions, a choice that cannot be

    made through mere inspection of the term's normal or ordinary


    Mindful that we must view the record in the light

    most favorable to BVE, this indeterminacy cannot be resolved

    by designating the Commonwealth's rendition of the meaning of

    "cyanides" as "plain." From the viewpoint of a federal court


    presented with facially credible expert affidavits that

    directly contradict each other on the issue, the question

    whether "cyanides" in Table 302.4 encompasses FFC for

    purposes of CERCLA liability cannot be answered as a matter

    of law.7

    B. Legislative and Regulatory History __________________________________

    Having found considerable ambiguity in the word

    "cyanides," we turn to whether the history of the CWA

    provides a clearer understanding. The legislative history of

    the statute contains no express congressional guidance as to

    the scope of the term. The regulatory history of the CWA

    toxic pollutant list, however, does provide substantial

    reason for skepticism about the Commonwealth's and the EPA's

    claim that "cyanides" encompasses FFC.

    The list of substances and classes of substances

    currently codified at 40 C.F.R. 401.15 (and incorporated

    into Table 302.4) was developed by the EPA pursuant to

    Congress' directive to produce a list of toxic pollutants to

    be subject to regulation under the CWA. See CWA, Pub. L. No. ___

    92-500, 307(a)(1), 86 Stat. 816, 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 951,

    1000. Congress defined "toxic pollutants" as those

    "pollutants, or combination of pollutants" that were believed


    7. We also note that the EPA has not argued in its amicus
    brief that the plain meaning of cyanides in Table 302.4
    includes FFC.


    to "cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer,

    genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (including

    malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations" in

    organisms or their offspring. 33 U.S.C. 1362(13).

    Congress expressly instructed the EPA in devising the list to

    "take into account the toxicity of the pollutant, its

    persistence, degradability, the usual or potential presence

    of the affected organisms in any waters, the importance of

    the affected organisms and the nature and extent of the

    effect of the toxic pollutant on such organisms." CWA,

    supra, 307(a)(1), 86 Stat. at 856, 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. at _____


    After public notice and an initial period for public

    comment, the EPA published a proposed list of toxic

    pollutants for regulation under the CWA. 38 Fed. Reg. 24342

    (Sep. 7, 1973). This original proposed list did not include

    the category "cyanides." Instead, it listed "cyanide and all

    cyanide compounds." 38 Fed. Reg. at 24344. The EPA

    commentary accompanying the proposed list noted that

    "[c]yanide is on the list because of its high order of

    toxicity to aquatic life." Id. The text then acknowledged ___

    that some commentators had "objected to inclusion of 'all

    cyanide compounds'" and had "argued that only compounds which

    dissociate in water to form toxic concentrations of cyanide

    ion or hydrogen cyanide should be included." Id. Thus, ___


    there was some public concern that the listing of "all

    cyanide compounds" was overinclusive, and that only a subset

    of "cyanide compounds" compounds which, in environmental

    conditions would produce toxic results should be included

    on the CWA list. The EPA's commentary stated that the

    "proposed effluent standards will take these comments into _______________________________

    account . . . ." Id. (emphasis added). On the final CWA _______ ___

    list of toxic pollutants (as adopted by Congress), the

    category "cyanide and all cyanide compounds" was replaced

    with the category "cyanides." See 40 C.F.R. 401.15. ___

    Viewed in the light most favorable to BVE, the

    evidence indicates that FFC is highly stable, insoluble in

    water, and completely non-toxic to human and aquatic life.

    Against the backdrop of (1) the definition of "toxic

    pollutant" contained in the CWA; (2) the congressional

    directive that required the EPA to "take into account the

    toxicity" of pollutants in producing the CWA list; (3) the

    EPA's own comment that "cyanide is on the list because of its

    high order of toxicity"; and (4) the objections that appear

    to have precipitated the change from "cyanide and all cyanide

    compounds" to "cyanides", there would seem substantial reason

    to doubt that FFC, claimed to be a non-toxic substance, could

    properly be deemed to fall within the category "cyanides."

    The history of the CWA list tends to support BVE's claim that


    the category "cyanides" was never contemplated to encompass

    substances such as FFC for purposes of the CWA or CERCLA.

    This leaves the question of whether the EPA has

    adopted elsewhere an official agency interpretation that

    clearly includes or excludes FFC as a CERCLA hazardous

    substance. We find that no such agency interpretation has

    been established.

    C. Absence of A Regulatory Definition __________________________________

    In its amicus brief, the EPA distances itself from

    the parties' and district court's "law" approach. It argues

    that the initial decision whether FFC is a "hazardous

    substance" is one that must be left to the EPA. We agree.

    It further argues, however, that although no

    definition of "cyanides" can be found in the regulations

    identifying CERCLA hazardous substances, it is spelled out

    elsewhere in the applicable regulatory framework, and that it

    encompasses FFC. On this score, we are not persuaded, for a

    number of reasons. The regulatory text itself does not

    support the argument; the argument leads to results which are

    overbroad and defy common sense; the EPA has itself taken

    inconsistent positions; the position is articulated solely

    and for the first time in a litigation posture; and policy

    reasons dictate against the approach proposed by the EPA.

    1. Absence of Rules Specifically Concerning FFC ____________________________________________


    The EPA has clearly not acted pursuant to its

    authority under CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9602(a), nor under the

    CWA, 33 U.S.C. 1317(a)(1), to promulgate a rule

    specifically listing FFC as a "hazardous substance" (CERCLA)

    or a "toxic pollutant" (CWA). Neither the Commonwealth nor

    amicus contends otherwise. The EPA has also never issued a

    rule specifically for the purpose of defining the scope of

    the term "cyanides." The EPA has in the past resorted to its

    rulemaking authority to provide clear guidance to the public

    as to the scope of at least six other substances or classes _____

    of substances listed as CWA toxic pollutants, see 40 C.F.R. ___

    129.4, but it never has done so with respect to the term

    "cyanides." Indeed, the Luftig Letter submitted by the

    Commonwealth to the district court acknowledges that "[t]he

    term 'cyanides' is not specifically defined in the CWA or, as

    far as we can determine, in the legislative history . . . ."

    2. The "Total Cyanide" Test ________________________

    The EPA's central focus in its amicus brief is on

    certain regulations establishing a testing protocol for the

    analysis of cyanide in effluent discharges under the CWA.

    The EPA contends that this test procedure provides the legal

    definition of "cyanides," and that FFC falls within this

    definition. We conclude that this contention is not

    supported by the relevant regulatory framework, and that the


    testing protocol referred to cannot properly be interpreted

    to provide the definition of "cyanides" under CERCLA.

    Independent of its authority to designate hazardous

    substances and toxic pollutants under CERCLA and the CWA, the

    EPA also has authority and responsibility under the CWA to

    "promulgate guidelines establishing test procedures for the

    analysis of pollutants that shall include the factors which

    must be provided in any [CWA compliance certification or

    permit application]." 33 U.S.C. 1314(h). Pursuant to this

    delegation, the EPA has issued regulations incorporating test

    procedures for measuring the level of certain "parameters" in

    a water or waste sample. See 40 C.F.R. 136.3. One of the ___

    listed parameters is "cyanide-total, mg/L." Id. The ___

    regulation indicates that the procedures to be used in

    measuring "cyanide-total" in effluent discharges are those

    described in the Standard Methods reference publication. _________________

    Amicus places overriding significance upon one of these ___

    procedures, called the "total cyanide" test. See Standard ___ ________

    Methods, supra, at 4-20, 4-23. This procedure involves _______ _____

    boiling the sample to be tested in concentrated sulfuric

    acid. Compounds that contain the CN group in their chemical

    composition, it is said, will release detectable amounts of

    free cyanide when subjected to the procedure.

    Amicus claims that, under the EPA's regulations, any

    substance that releases cyanide upon being boiled in sulfuric


    acid under the "total cyanide" test qualifies as one of the

    "cyanides" for purposes of CERCLA liability. It further

    claims that because FFC releases some cyanide when subjected

    to the "total cyanide" test, it is necessarily one of the

    "cyanides" within the meaning of CERCLA. We do not think

    that this conclusion follows.

    The EPA's own regulations do not use the test

    procedures identified at 40 C.F.R. 136.3 (including the

    Standard Methods protocol) to define the scope of CWA- or _________________ ______

    CERCLA-designated categories of toxic pollutants or hazardous

    substances. The regulations never state that any substance

    that releases cyanide under the "total cyanide" test

    qualifies as one of the "cyanides" for purposes of CERCLA.

    Rather, the regulations themselves say something quite

    different. The regulation that specifically governs the

    applicability of the identified test procedures states that

    the procedures are intended to "perform the measurements" ____________

    required in connection with (a) Clean Water Act permit

    applications, (b) discharge reports, and (c) certain

    compliance certifications issued by states. 40 C.F.R.

    136.1 (emphasis added). None of these three expressly

    designated uses for the test procedures is applicable here,

    and none has anything to do with providing a definition of __________

    any class of pollutants. The regulations intend the "total

    cyanide" procedure to serve only the purpose of measuring the


    total CN8 by weight in the chemical composition of a given

    waste sample, not to define which chemical substances count

    as a member of the category "cyanides." Thus, even if FFC

    can be measured for "total cyanide" composition under the ________

    Standard Methods procedure,9 it surely does not follow as a ________________

    matter of law or logic that FFC is one of the "cyanides" for

    purposes of CERCLA liability.

    A further difficulty with amicus' attempt to define

    "cyanides" by reference to the total cyanide test is that

    such a definition may lead to nonsensical results. One of

    BVE's experts observes that there are many everyday

    substances that contain the CN group in their chemical

    composition (e.g., vitamin B-12, the synthetic fiber Orlon, ____

    and a number of common medicines such as Lomotil), and some

    or all of these substances, like FFC, would also release

    cyanide when subjected to the conditions of the total cyanide

    test.10 Yet no one, including the EPA, would categorize


    8. "CN" is the chemical formula of the cyanide molecule.

    9. BVE's expert asserts that because of the properties of
    FFC, the total cyanide test cannot actually give an accurate ________
    quantification of the total CN composition by weight in a
    given sample of FFC. The Commonwealth's expert appears to
    agree on this point, but states that because FFC does
    nevertheless yield some cyanide when subjected to the ____
    procedure, FFC is one of the "cyanides."

    10. The Commonwealth's expert appears to deny that vitamin
    B-12 would release cyanide in a total cyanide test. For
    purposes of deciding the Commonwealth's summary judgment
    motion, we credit BVE's position on this factual issue, as we
    must. The EPA in its amicus brief does not attempt to


    vitamin B-12, for example, as one of the "cyanides" within

    the meaning of the CWA or CERCLA. BVE's experts have averred

    that FFC's chemical structure and composition are much more

    similar to substances like vitamin B-12 than to toxic

    substances like potassium cyanide. Assuming BVE is correct,

    as we must here, a rule that defined "cyanides" to include

    all substances that release any cyanide when subjected to the ___ ___

    total cyanide test would appear to be untenably


    The unsettled nature of the status of FFC vis- -vis

    the category "cyanides" is further demonstrated by at least

    one documented situation in which the EPA has appeared to

    take official action at odds with the position articulated in

    its amicus brief. This situation, discussed in some detail

    in the Luftig Letter submitted to the district court,

    involved the EPA's handling in 1985 of ferrocyanide wastes

    generated at a facility operated by the Mearl corporation.

    Mearl had filed a petition before the EPA to exclude its

    wastewater treatment sludge from regulation under RCRA. See ___


    dispute BVE's factual assertion.

    11. Indeed, the problem of overbreadth is what appears to
    have prompted commentators to object to the EPA's original
    inclusion of "cyanide and all cyanide compounds" on the
    proposed CWA list, and what prompted the change to
    "cyanides." See 38 Fed. Reg. at 24344. Yet, using the ___
    "total cyanide" test to define "cyanides" as amicus proposes
    would, in effect, make the category "cyanides" equivalent to
    the rejected formulation, "all cyanide compounds."


    50 Fed. Reg. 7882, 7888-90 (Feb. 26, 1985). Although a test

    for total cyanide indicated positive results, Mearl argued to

    the EPA that all cyanide in the waste was "in the insoluble,

    non-toxic form of ferric ferrocyanide." 50 Fed. Reg. at

    7889. After public hearing and comment, the EPA granted

    Mearl's petition to exclude the waste from RCRA regulation,

    stating that "the waste does not exhibit any of the

    characteristics of hazardous waste." 50 Fed. Reg. 48886,

    48890 (Nov. 27, 1985). The EPA further stated that "the

    cyanide present [in the sludge, in the form of FFC] will not

    convert to free cyanide [in environmental conditions] and

    therefore is not of regulatory concern with respect to __________________________________________

    ground-water or atmospheric exposure routes." 50 Fed. Reg.

    at 48890 (emphasis added).

    While technically, the decision to exclude Mearl's

    wastewater sludge from RCRA regulation was limited to Mearl's

    own facility, and did not directly affect the status of FFC

    under the CWA or CERCLA, it is difficult to ignore the EPA's

    statement that the FFC in the Mearl sludge was "not of

    regulatory concern" because it would not convert to free

    cyanide under environmental conditions. Here, too, the

    record supports the conclusion that the FFC found at the

    Attleboro site may pose no threat of releasing free cyanide


    under normal environmental conditions.12 At a minimum, the

    EPA's action with respect to the Mearl petition provides some

    support for BVE's position in this litigation.

    We conclude that the EPA rules promulgated under the

    CWA that identify test procedures for the measurement of

    wastewater parameters, including the total cyanide test, do

    not set forth an agency definition of "cyanides" for purposes

    of the CWA's list of toxic pollutants or CERCLA's list of

    hazardous substances. Thus, even assuming that FFC releases

    cyanide when subjected to the Standard Methods test for _________________

    measuring "total cyanide," it does not follow as a matter of

    law that FFC is one of the "cyanides" for purposes of CERCLA


    3. Agency Deference ________________

    The varying positions stated in the EPA's amicus

    brief and in the Luftig Letter concerning the EPA's purported


    12. The Commonwealth's experts (and its counsel at oral
    argument) have suggested that FFC could degrade and release
    cyanide gas when exposed to sunlight. BVE's expert has
    attested to a directly contrary conclusion. Additionally,
    the Commonwealth's counsel asserted at oral argument that
    some free cyanide was found at the Attleboro site, suggesting ___
    that the cyanide had dissociated from the FFC under
    environmental conditions. However, as far as the record
    discloses, only trace amounts of free cyanide were found at
    the site, i.e., measuring less than 1 part per million. By ____
    comparison, the generally recognized safety threshold for
    free cyanide in workroom air is 10 parts per million. For
    purposes of evaluating the Commonwealth's summary judgment
    motion, we must assume that FFC does not degrade when exposed
    to sunlight, and that no more than background levels of free
    cyanide were detectable at the Attleboro waste site.


    definition of "cyanides" are not entitled to deference under

    the principles of Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources ____________________ _________________

    Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984). It is apparent _____________________

    that the argument for defining "cyanides" by reference to the

    total cyanide test has been tailored to and articulated

    specifically for purposes of this particular litigation.13

    As such, that position need not be given any special weight.

    See Martin v. Occupational Safety & Health Rev. Comm'n, 499 ___ ______ ________________________________________

    U.S. 144, 156-57 (1991) (agency's litigating position, in the

    nature of "post hoc rationalization" rather than the result

    of the official exercise of action authority, is entitled to

    no Chevron deference); see also Director, Office of Workers' _______ _________ ____________________________

    Compensation Programs, U.S. Dep't of Labor v. General ________________________________________________ _______

    Dynamics Corp., 980 F.2d 74, 79 (1st Cir. 1992); Brewster v. _______________ ________

    Sullivan, 972 F.2d 898, 901 (8th Cir. 1992). ________

    4. Policy Considerations _____________________


    13. The Luftig Letter, while written by an EPA official,
    does not set forth an entrenched EPA view. The letter does
    not articulate a definition as such of the term "cyanides"
    and is tellingly circumspect in its discussion of the EPA's
    purported position on whether FFC falls within that category.
    Instead of stating outright that the EPA adheres to an
    established definition of "cyanides" that encompasses FFC, it
    makes only the far weaker statement that "the manner in which
    EPA addresses cyanides under the Clean Water Act indicates
    that the term does include ferric ferrocyanide."
    Furthermore, while the letter says that the EPA uses the
    total cyanide test described in Standard Methods, it never ________________
    states that the EPA has defined "cyanides" by reference to _______
    that test, offering the more limited assertion that
    "[t]he[se] testing procedures provide confirmation that ____________
    ferric ferrocyanide is a 'cyanide' [emphasis added]."


    We are also troubled by the EPA's approach here as a

    matter of policy. A complicated regulatory regime like

    CERCLA or the CWA cannot function effectively unless citizens

    are given fair notice of their obligations. Congress

    delegated to the EPA the continuing task of defining which

    substances are "hazardous substances" to which CERCLA

    liability can attach. The EPA does not argue here that the

    term "cyanides" has a plain meaning that would enable a

    person to answer the question of whether FFC falls within

    that category. Instead, it suggests that the patchwork of

    regulations relating to the measurement of effluent

    discharges can be adapted to the task at hand. We can thus

    determine the status of FFC for CERCLA liability purposes,

    says the EPA, by boiling the FFC in concentrated sulfuric

    acid. Yet the EPA points to no regulation or other source

    except its amicus submission to this court that tells the

    public that boiling a substance in concentrated sulfuric acid

    is the way to determine whether it legally qualifies as one

    of the "cyanides." That is not fair notice to the public and

    is not what Congress contemplated when it granted the EPA

    power to promulgate regulations to define and supplement

    CERCLA's list of hazardous substances.

    D. Primary Jurisdiction ____________________

    Because there exists no basis for concluding as a

    matter of law that FFC falls within the scope of the term


    "cyanides," the district court's order granting partial

    summary judgment in favor of the Commonwealth must be

    vacated. We are left, then, to decide whether the proper

    disposition of this appeal is to remand the case to the

    district court for trial, or to prescribe some other avenue

    for appropriate factfinding with respect to "cyanides" and

    FFC. We conclude that the proper course is a referral to the

    EPA under the doctrine of primary jurisdiction.

    Having found that the term "cyanides" is ambiguous,

    that EPA's regulatory framework does not adequately define

    the term, that the legislative and regulatory history of the

    term "cyanides" does not establish the Commonwealth's

    position, and that the position advocated by amicus is not

    entitled to deference, we are left with virtually no

    legislative or administrative guidance for determining

    whether, on the record before us, FFC is one of the

    "cyanides." Congress delegated to the EPA, not to the

    courts, the authority to administer the CWA toxic pollutant

    list and the CERCLA list of hazardous substances. This case

    seems clearly to call for referral to the EPA under the

    "primary jurisdiction" doctrine, for an appropriate

    administrative determination of whether FFC falls within the

    category "cyanides." Cf. Chastain v. AT&T Co., 351 F. Supp. ___ ________ ________

    1320, 1323 (D.D.C. 1972) (invoking primary jurisdiction

    doctrine and referring case to the relevant agency, where the


    court was "unwilling and unable to assume the initial

    responsibility of evaluating the highly technical questions

    raised by the parties").

    The Supreme Court has stated that "[n]o fixed formula

    exists for applying the doctrine of primary jurisdiction."

    United States v. Western Pacific Railroad Co., 352 U.S. 59, ______________ _____________________________

    64 (1956). Broadly speaking, the doctrine, informed by

    principles of deference to agency decisionmaking, gives

    effect to the eminently sensible notion that "in cases

    raising issues of fact not within the conventional experience

    of judges or cases requiring the exercise of administrative

    discretion, agencies created by Congress for regulating the

    subject matter should not be passed over." Id. (quoting Far ___ ___

    East Conference v. United States, 342 U.S. 570, 574-75 ________________ ______________

    (1952)); see generally II Kenneth C. Davis & Richard J. _____________

    Pierce, Jr., Administrative Law Treatise 14.1, at 271-80 ____________________________

    (3d ed. 1994). The doctrine is intended to "serve[] as a

    means of coordinating administrative and judicial machinery,"

    and to "promote uniformity and take advantage of agencies'

    special expertise." Mashpee Tribe v. New Seabury Corp., 592 _____________ _________________

    F.2d 575, 580 (1st Cir. 1979).

    This court has said that there are three factors that

    guide the decision whether or not to defer a matter to an

    agency under the primary jurisdiction doctrine:

    (1) whether the agency determination l[ies]
    at the heart of the task assigned the agency


    by Congress; (2) whether agency expertise
    [i]s required to unravel intricate, technical
    facts; and (3) whether, though perhaps not
    determinative, the agency determination would
    materially aid the court.

    Id. at 580-81 (citing Chicago Mercantile Exchange v. Deaktor, ___ ___________________________ _______

    414 U.S. 113, 114-15 (1973)). All three of these factors are

    plainly satisfied here. The determination whether FFC is a

    hazardous substance is specifically within the scope of the

    EPA's delegated authority; the EPA's expertise is required to

    sift through and properly weigh all of the arguments for and

    against including FFC within the category "cyanides"; and

    official rulemaking by the EPA on this issue would

    indisputably assist the court in determining BVE's liability

    to the Commonwealth under CERCLA.14

    The judicial machinery is ill-suited to fashioning a

    workable rule for determining whether the substance FFC by

    virtue of its chemical, structural, functional, or other

    qualities, falls within the properly conceived definition of

    "cyanides." That determination is much better left to the



    14. We acknowledge the general principle that a primary
    jurisdiction reference to an agency is usually inappropriate
    in an enforcement action brought by the agency. See ICC v. ___ ___
    B&T Transp. Co., 613 F.2d 1182, 1187 (1st Cir. 1980) (stating _______________
    that the primary jurisdiction doctrine does not apply where
    the agency brings suit, because the agency's position on the
    matter to be litigated will be clear). This action, however,
    was brought by the Commonwealth, not by the EPA. As noted
    above, the EPA's position on the definition of "cyanides" is
    far from clear.


    Referral to the EPA under the doctrine of primary

    jurisdiction will also serve the interest of national

    uniformity in regulation. The question of whether FFC is a

    CERCLA hazardous substance is of more than local concern. As

    noted earlier, FFC is a common byproduct of the gas

    manufacturing process that was prevalent in prior decades at

    some 1500 different facilities across the country. Moreover,

    a determination as to whether FFC is one of the "cyanides"

    would undoubtedly have significant implications beyond our

    purview for similar substances whose status under CERCLA

    currently remains unclear. Rather than leave this matter to

    the risk of inconsistent outcomes before particular courts in

    different parts of the country, we believe it better to have

    the EPA resolve the issue nationwide.15

    Accordingly, we conclude that this case should be

    referred to the EPA for an administrative determination of

    whether FFC is one of the "cyanides" within the meaning of 40

    C.F.R. 401.15 and Table 302.4. We further conclude that

    the district court proceedings in this case shall be stayed

    and that the court shall retain jurisdiction over this case

    pending an appropriate determination of the relevant issues


    15. The EPA's determination would, of course, be subject to
    judicial review and thus would not be immune from challenge
    if arbitrary, unreasonable, clearly contrary to the statute's
    intended effect, or otherwise unlawful. See ABF Freight ___ ___________
    Sys., Inc. v. NLRB, 114 S. Ct. 835, 839 (1994); Brown v. __________ ____ _____
    Secretary of HHS, 46 F.3d 102, 106 (1st Cir. 1995). ________________


    by the EPA.16 See Reiter v. Cooper, 113 S. Ct. 1213, 1220 ___ ______ ______

    (1993) (explaining that court has discretion to retain

    jurisdiction pending administrative referral or to dismiss

    the case without prejudice).

    The district court's order granting the motion for _____________________________________________________

    partial summary judgment is vacated. The case is remanded to ___________________________________ _______________________

    the district court for primary jurisdiction reference to the _____________________________________________________________

    EPA. The district court shall refer the matter to the EPA to ___ _______________________________________________________

    determine whether FFC qualifies as one of the "cyanides" _____________________________________________________________

    within the meaning of 40 C.F.R. 401.15 and 40 C.F.R. _____________________________________________________________

    302.4, Table 302.4. No costs are awarded. ____________________ ____________________


    16. In so doing, we note that BVE has placed the $5.8
    million at stake here in an interest bearing escrow account.
    The Commonwealth's interests will be protected during the
    stay. When we asked the Commonwealth at oral argument if any
    additional protections would be required should the EPA's
    primary jurisdiction be invoked, the Commonwealth sought
    nothing further.


Document Info

Docket Number: 94-2286

Filed Date: 10/6/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2015

Authorities (23)

Vasapolli v. Rostoff , 39 F.3d 27 ( 1994 )

Ephraim Isaac v. Harvard University , 769 F.2d 817 ( 1985 )

FDIC v. Byrne, Jr. , 32 F.3d 636 ( 1994 )

The John S. Boyd Company, Inc. v. Boston Gas Company, New ... , 992 F.2d 401 ( 1993 )

Interstate Commerce Commission v. B & T Transportation Co. ... , 613 F.2d 1182 ( 1980 )

Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, United ... , 980 F.2d 74 ( 1992 )

Debra Estey v. Commissioner, Maine Department of Human ... , 21 F.3d 1198 ( 1994 )

Brown v. Secretary of Health & Human Services , 46 F.3d 102 ( 1995 )

United States v. Shaun K. O'Neil , 11 F.3d 292 ( 1993 )

Dedham Water Company and Dedham-Westwood Water District v. ... , 889 F.2d 1146 ( 1989 )

38-socsecrepser-376-unemplinsrep-cch-p-16833a-sherry-m-brewster , 972 F.2d 898 ( 1992 )

Richard G. Allen v. Adage, Inc. , 967 F.2d 695 ( 1992 )

Donald Hogan v. Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company, ... , 61 F.3d 1034 ( 1995 )

Massachusetts v. Blackstone Valley Electric Co. , 777 F. Supp. 1036 ( 1991 )

Greenleaf v. Goodrich , 25 L. Ed. 845 ( 1880 )

Chicago Mercantile Exchange v. Deaktor , 94 S. Ct. 466 ( 1973 )

Corning Glass Works v. Brennan , 94 S. Ct. 2223 ( 1974 )

Far East Conference v. United States , 72 S. Ct. 492 ( 1952 )

United States v. Western Pacific Railroad , 77 S. Ct. 161 ( 1956 )

Massachusetts v. Blackstone Valley Electric Co. , 808 F. Supp. 912 ( 1992 )

View All Authorities »