Quesnel v. Prudential Insurance ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 95-1178


    Plaintiff - Appellant,



    Defendant - Appellee.




    [Hon. Michael Ponsor, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Torruella, Chief Judge, ___________

    Lynch, Circuit Judge, _____________

    and Casellas,* District Judge. ______________


    John F. Moriarty, Jr., with whom Moriarty & Neves was on ______________________ _________________
    brief for appellant.
    Burton J. Fishman, with whom Tucker, Flyer & Lewis and Kevin _________________ _____________________ _____
    Patrick Reilly were on brief for appellee. ______________


    September 25, 1995


    * Of the District of Puerto Rico, sitting by designation.

    TORRUELLA, Chief Judge. Plaintiff-appellant Thomas TORRUELLA, Chief Judge _____________

    Quesnel challenges the district court's dismissal of his wrongful

    termination action, originally brought in state court, against

    his former employer, Prudential Insurance Company ("Prudential").

    The district court found that Quesnel's claim necessitated

    analysis of the collective bargaining agreement binding the

    parties, and accordingly held the claim to be preempted by

    federal labor law. For the following reasons, we affirm.


    Quesnel began his employment at Prudential as a

    district agent, and became a sales manager in 1991. He later

    returned to the level of district agent in September of that


    Throughout Quesnel's period of employment, Prudential

    had a collective bargaining agreement (the "CBA") with the Union

    of Food and Commercial Workers (the "Union") which covered all

    "district agents" working for Prudential, regardless of union

    membership.1 This CBA contained the terms by which Prudential's


    1 Specifically, Article I of the CBA states:

    The Employer agrees to and hereby does
    recognize, to the extent required by the
    National Labor Relations Act, as amended,
    The Union as the exclusive representative
    for the purposes of collective bargaining
    in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours
    of employment, or other conditions of
    employment, of all District Agents ______________________
    employed or hereafter to be employed by
    the Employer . . . .

    (Emphasis added).


    agents were employed and compensated. The CBA also set forth,

    inter alia, grievance procedures, which provided for the _____ ____

    arbitration of grievances for wrongful termination. Quesnel and

    Prudential were also parties to a standard Agent's Agreement,

    which set forth the scope of the agency relationship.

    Quesnel was terminated in March 1992. He filed this

    action in Massachusetts state court in May 1994, claiming that

    Prudential had terminated him for the purpose of denying him his

    earned commissions, which, under Massachusetts law, is considered

    a wrongful termination. See Fortune National Cash Register Co., ___ ___________________________________

    373 Mass. 96, 104-05 (1977). Prudential removed the case to the

    United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts,

    and moved to dismiss Quesnel's claim on the grounds that it was

    preempted by federal labor law and that Quesnel had failed to

    exhaust his administrative remedies available to him under the

    terms of the CBA. Quesnel responded that he was not a member of

    the Union and therefore not a party to the CBA. Instead, he

    argued, his employment relationship with Prudential was

    controlled by the Agent's Agreement, which, he asserted, was

    independent of the CBA, and thus his claims were not preempted.

    Accordingly, Quesnel moved for remand to state court.

    On February 1, 1995, the district court granted

    Prudential's motion to dismiss and denied Quesnel's request for

    remand. The district court ruled that because "no court could

    begin to address [Quesnel's] claims here without immersing itself

    in the CBA," Quesnel's state law claims were preempted under


    principles of federal labor law. The court then dismissed

    Quesnel's claim because it was governed by the NLRA and because

    Quesnel was time barred from any recovery.2


    A. Standard of Review A. Standard of Review __________________

    Appellate review of a district court's dismissal under

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) is plenary. We therefore apply the same

    standard as did the district court, that "'a complaint should not

    be dismissed for failure to state a claim unless it appears

    beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set of facts in

    support of his claim which would entitle him to relief.'"

    Miranda v. Ponce Fed'l Bank, 948 F.2d 41, 44 (1st Cir. 1991) _______ _________________

    (quoting Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, 45-46 (1957)). ______ ______

    B. Preemption of Quesnel's Claim B. Preemption of Quesnel's Claim _____________________________

    The sole issue before us is whether Quesnel's state law

    claims are preempted as a matter of law under 301(a) of the

    Labor-Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. 185(a).3 It is

    2 The CBA sets forth grievance and arbitration procedures for
    wrongful termination. Quesnel did not pursue these remedies, and
    the time limit for seeking relief under the CBA has lapsed.
    Finding that Quesnel was subject to the CBA, the district court
    accordingly dismissed his claims for failure to exhaust these
    administrative remedies.

    3 Section 301(a) provides:

    Suits for violation of contracts between
    an employer and a labor organization
    representing employees in an industry
    affecting commerce as defined in this
    chapter, or between any such labor
    organizations, may be brought in any
    district court of the United States
    having jurisdiction of the parties,


    well-established that 301 completely preempts a state law claim

    if the resolution of the claim necessitates analysis of, or

    substantially depends on the meaning of, a collective bargaining

    agreement. Lingle v. Norge Division of Magic Chef, Inc., 486 ______ ____________________________________

    U.S. 399, 405-06 (1988); Allis-Chalmers Corp. v. Lueck, 471 U.S. ____________________ _____

    202, 220 (1985); Magerer v. John Sexton & Co., 912 F.2d 525, 528 _______ __________________

    (1st Cir. 1990).

    1. Does Quesnel's claim require interpretation of the 1. Does Quesnel's claim require interpretation of the __________________________________________________
    CBA? CBA? ____

    Assuming Quesnel is subject to the CBA, we must

    determine whether resolution of his claims in the instant case

    necessitates analysis of, or substantially depends upon the

    meaning of, the CBA. If so, then his claims must be dismissed as

    preempted in light of the foregoing principles. Having carefully

    examined the CBA, we think that the district court correctly

    found that the CBA is directly implicated in any resolution of

    Quesnel's claims. The CBA sets forth the terms and scope of the

    employment relationship of all district agents, encompassing

    rates of pay, wages, and conditions of employment.

    Significantly, the CBA sets forth grievance procedures for

    alleged wrongful termination. Determination of whether Quesnel

    was indeed wrongfully terminated, and whether his failure to

    follow grievance procedures set forth in the CBA nonetheless

    precludes his claim would require a court, as the district court


    without respect to the amount in
    controversy or without respect to the
    citizenship of the parties.


    found, to immerse itself in the CBA's terms. Interpretation of

    the CBA is therefore crucial to any resolution of Quesnel's



    2. Is Quesnel subject to the CBA? 2. Is Quesnel subject to the CBA? ______________________________

    Because we find that resolution of Quesnel's claims

    require interpretation of the CBA, his claims are preempted if

    Quesnel is indeed subject to the CBA's terms. Quesnel wisely

    does not dispute this; rather, he claims that his employment

    relationship with Prudential was governed not by the CBA, but

    solely by the Agent's Agreement, and therefore his claims should

    be adjudicated in state court. At the very least, Quesnel

    argues, there exists a genuine issue of material fact as to

    whether he is subject to the CBA.4

    Whether Quesnel is subject to the CBA is in this case,

    however, a question of law, not of fact. See Coll v. PB ___ ____ __

    Diagnostics Systems, Inc., 50 F.3d 1115, 1122 (1st Cir. 1995) __________________________

    (interpretation of contract is a question of law); Whitney Bros. _____________

    v. Sprafkin, 3 F.3d 530, 534 (1st Cir. 1993) (same). After ________

    examining the CBA and the Agent's Agreement, we conclude that it

    is clear that Quesnel is indeed subject to the CBA's terms.

    First, the CBA was effective on the date Quesnel became a

    district agent, and by its terms encompasses "all District Agents

    employed or hereafter to be employed" by Prudential, including

    those agents employed in the company's Massachusetts offices.

    4 Quesnel contends that because the district court went beyond
    the pleadings by considering the CBA, the Agent's Agreement, and
    an affidavit of Quesnel, it was actually treating Prudential's
    motion to dismiss as one for summary judgment, and that we must
    therefore apply the standard of review applicable to summary
    judgment decisions. As we explain, however, because we conclude
    as a matter of law that Quesnel's claim is preempted, his
    arguments regarding the appropriate standard of review are


    Second, regardless of the fact that Quesnel was not a

    Union member, he is a member of the bargaining unit for whose

    benefit the CBA was created. The Union was and is obligated

    under 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C.

    159(a), to represent the interests of all employees in collective ___

    bargaining, including nonmembers. See Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S. ___ ____ _____

    171 (1967) (unions must fairly represent all employees in a unit

    for which it is exclusive bargaining representative). Therefore,

    the fact that Quesnel is not a Union member does not remove him

    from the bargaining unit for whose benefit the CBA was created.

    See Saunders v. Amoco Pipeline Co., 927 F.2d 1154, 1156 (10th ___ ________ ___________________

    Cir. 1991) (individual employee is bound by terms of collective

    bargaining agreement even if not a union member). Indeed, in his

    brief Quesnel essentially concedes that he was a member of the

    bargaining unit of the CBA, and maintains that he could have _____

    invoked the CBA's grievance and arbitration procedures, but

    properly chose not to. Quesnel cannot pick and choose among his

    avenues of remedy, however; having been a member of the

    bargaining unit and received the benefits of the CBA while

    employed, Quesnel cannot now disclaim it. The grievance

    procedures set forth in the CBA is exclusive of other dispute

    resolution mechanisms.

    Finally, we do not think that the Agent's Agreement

    displaces or in any way substitutes for the CBA. The Agent's

    Agreement does not deal with terms and conditions of employment

    or with grievance procedures, as does the CBA. Rather, the


    Agent's Agreement merely delineates Prudential's business

    policies applicable to district agents. Moreover, Articles XXVI

    and XXVII of the CBA specifically reference and amend the Agent's

    Agreement, a strong indication that the Agent's Agreement is not

    intended to supplant, but merely to supplement, the CBA. We

    therefore find that Quesnel is subject to the terms of the CBA,

    and that his claims are, accordingly, preempted.


    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm. ______
