Lomas Mortgage USA v. Louis ( 1996 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit


    No. 95-1956









    [Hon. Edward F. Harrington, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Lynch, Circuit Judge, _____________
    Aldrich and Bownes, Senior Circuit Judges. _____________________


    John J. Monaghan, with whom Deborah Paige Stone and Sherburne, _________________ ____________________ __________
    Powers & Needham, P.C. were on brief, for appellant Lomas Mortgage, _______________________
    Gary Klein, with whom National Consumer Law Center, Joseph G. ___________ ______________________________ _________
    Albiani and Joseph G. Albiani and Associates were on brief, for _______ ___________________________________
    appellees Esperandieu and Antonine Louis.


    April 18, 1996

    LYNCH, Circuit Judge. At issue is the important LYNCH, Circuit Judge. ______________

    question of whether 1322(b)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, 11

    U.S.C. 1322(b)(2), prevents Chapter 13 debtors from

    "stripping down" their primary residence mortgages when the

    debtors reside in a multi-family house. "Stripping down"

    would advantage such homeowners by permitting them to cap the

    dollar amount of the security interest in the home to the

    home's actual value rather than the higher amount of the note

    itself. The difference would be treated as unsecured debt.

    That advantage is denied to resident single-family homeowners

    by 1322(b)(2).

    This case thus raises the question of whether the

    "strip down"1 protections which Congress denied to owners

    residing in single-family homes, in order to encourage the

    flow of residential mortgage funds, are nonetheless available

    to owner occupants of multi-family housing. We hold that

    Congress intends exactly such different results and that the

    antimodification provision of 1322(b)(2) does not bar

    modification of a secured claim on a multi-unit property in

    which one unit is the debtor's principal residence and the

    security interest extends tothe other income-producing units.


    1. The term "strip down" is a colloquialism used to describe
    the process by which a secured creditor's lien is limited to
    the market value of its collateral. The term "cram down" is
    also commonly used to describe this process. See, e.g., In ___ ____ __
    re Wilson, 174 B.R. 215, 218 n.2 (Bankr. S.D. Miss. 1994); In _________ __
    re Lutz, 164 B.R. 239, 241 (Bankr. W.D. Pa. 1994), rev'd on _______ ________
    other grounds, 192 B.R. 107 (W.D. Pa. 1995). _____________

    -2- 2

    Esperandieu and Antonine Louis own a three-family

    home at 221 Spring Street in Brockton, Massachusetts. Lomas

    Mortgage, Inc. holds the mortgage on the property. The

    mortgage secures a note executed on February 19, 1987, for

    $159,300. The mortgage is in the standard FNMA form for

    single-family dwellings, with the standard FNMA one- to four-

    family rider, including an assignment of rents. The Louises

    hold a one-half interest in the property. The other half is

    owned by Mr. Louis's brother, who occupies a second unit.

    The third unit is leased to tenants.

    Between the time of the 1987 mortgage and the

    filing of the bankruptcy petition on January 22, 1995,

    Massachusetts suffered a severe recession. The recession

    resulted in a general decline in property values, in

    unemployment, and other harsh realities. The Louises'

    neighborhood in Brockton was not immune and foreclosures in

    the neighborhood became common. Eventually, the Louises

    themselves could not meet their mortgage payments. They

    defaulted on the note held by Lomas, and Lomas started

    foreclosure proceedings. The Louises filed a voluntary

    petition under Chapter 13, and the foreclosure was stayed.

    The Louises then moved to bifurcate or "strip down"

    Lomas's claim into a secured claim for the actual value of

    the property, agreed to be $80,000, and an unsecured claim

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    for the balance, citing 11 U.S.C. 506(a).2 The Louises

    could not take advantage of 506(a), however, if Lomas's

    security for the note extended only to real property that is

    the Louises' principal residence. That is because

    1322(b)(2), which governs Chapter 13 plans, provides:

    (b) Subject to subsections (a) and (c) of
    this section, the plan may --

    (2) modify the rights of
    holders of secured claims,
    other than a claim secured only _______________________________
    by a security interest in real _______________________________
    property that is the debtor's _______________________________
    principal residence, or of _____________________
    holders of unsecured claims, or
    leave unaffected the rights of
    holders of any class of claims.

    11 U.S.C. 1322(b)(2) (emphasis supplied).

    The Supreme Court has held that the "other than"

    language of 1322(b)(2), called an "antimodification


    2. Section 506(a) provides, in pertinent part:

    An allowed claim of a creditor secured by
    a lien on property in which the estate
    has an interest . . . is a secured claim
    to the extent of the value of such
    creditor's interest in the estate's
    interest in such property . . . and is an
    unsecured claim to the extent that the
    value of such creditor's interest . . .
    is less than the amount of such allowed

    11 U.S.C. 506(a). Section 506(a) allows a debtor to limit
    a creditor's secured claim to the value of the underlying
    collateral. Any amount of the secured claim exceeding the
    value of the collateral becomes unsecured. Section 506(a) is
    a general provision under Chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code
    and thus is applicable to individual bankruptcy cases under
    Chapter 13. See 11 U.S.C. 103(a). ___

    -4- 4

    provision," In re Hammond, 27 F.3d 52, 55 (3d Cir. 1994), ______________

    bars bifurcation where the creditor's secured claim "is

    secured only by a lien on the debtor's principal residence."

    Nobelman v. American Sav. Bank, 508 U.S. 324, 332 (1993). In ________ __________________

    Nobelman, the Supreme Court addressed a Chapter 13 plan to ________

    modify a home mortgage lender's secured claim on joint

    debtors' owner-occupied condominium. The debtors owed

    $71,335 in principal, interest, and fees under a note payable

    to the lender and secured by a deed of trust on the

    condominium. The debtors' Chapter 13 plan proposed to make

    monthly payments required by the note up to $23,500, the

    value of the residence, and, relying on 506(a), to treat

    the remainder of the lender's claim as unsecured. Id. at ___

    326. The lender objected to the plan, asserting that,

    506(a) notwithstanding, 1322(b)(2) prohibited the debtors

    from modifying its rights under the note secured by the deed

    of trust on the condominium. Although noting that the

    debtors were correct to seek valuation pursuant to 506(a)

    in order to determine whether the lender in fact held a

    secured claim, the Court held that the valuation

    determination under 506(a) "does not necessarily mean that

    the 'rights' the bank enjoys as a mortgagee, which are

    protected by 1322(b)(2), are limited by the valuation of

    its secured claim [under 506(a)]." Id. at 329. ___

    -5- 5

    Determining that the term "rights" in 1322(b)(2)

    refers to rights reflected in the relevant mortgage

    instrument enforceable by state law, the Court held that

    1322(b)(2) prohibited the debtor from bifurcating the

    lender's claim into secured and unsecured portions. Id. at ___

    331-32. Because the lender's contractual rights were

    contained in a unitary note, it would be impossible for the

    debtor to modify the rights of the lender as to the unsecured

    portion of its claim without also modifying the terms of the

    secured component. Id. Thus, the court held, "to give ___

    effect to 506(a)'s valuation and bifurcation of secured

    claims through a Chapter 13 plan in the manner petitioners

    propose would require a modification of the rights of the

    holder of the security interest." Id. at 332. Thus Nobelman ___ ________

    provides that if a lender's claim "is secured only by a lien

    on the debtor's principal residence," id., bifurcation under ___

    506(a) will, in most cases, be prohibited.

    Nobelman, however, did not address the question of ________

    what secured claims would be considered "secured only by a

    security interest in real property that is the debtor's

    principal residence." 11 U.S.C. 1322(b)(2). Nobelman ________

    noted that one of the purposes of the provision was to give

    special protection to home lenders in order to encourage the

    flow of capital into the home lending market. See Nobelman, ___ ________

    508 U.S. at 332 (Stevens, J., concurring) (citing Grubbs v. ______

    -6- 6

    Houston First Am. Sav. Ass'n, 730 F.2d 236, 245-46 (5th Cir. _____________________________

    1984)). The precise question of whether home lenders whose

    security interest extended beyond the principal residence to

    other property or other income-producing components of the

    principal residence could be considered to have claims

    secured "only by a security interest in real property that is

    the debtor's principal residence" was not raised in Nobelman. ________

    This case raises that question.

    In their motion before the bankruptcy court, the

    Louises argued that the antimodification provision of

    1322(b)(2), as interpreted by Nobelman, did not reach the ________

    security interest Lomas had on 221 Spring Street because

    Lomas's security interest extended to the entire property,

    including the income-producing components. Lomas objected,

    arguing that 1322(b)(2)'s antimodification provision

    applied because its security interest was only on 221 Spring

    Street and the property included the Louises' principal

    address. The bankruptcy court agreed with the Louises and

    allowed the motion to bifurcate. The district court affirmed

    the order and Lomas appeals. Review of the bankruptcy

    court's conclusion of law is de novo. See In re Winthrop Old __ ____ ___ __________________

    Farm Nurseries, Inc., 50 F.3d 72, 73 (1st Cir. 1995). ____________________

    The Louises' "principal residence" is 221 Spring

    Street. Were the property a single-family house,

    1322(b)(2)'s antimodification provision surely would apply

    -7- 7

    and bar bifurcation, assuming Lomas's security interest did

    not extend to any other property. See, e.g., In re Hammond, ___ ____ _____________

    27 F.3d 52 (3d Cir. 1994) (note secured by home and by

    personal property within the home is outside scope of

    antimodification provision); see also 5 Collier on Bankruptcy ___ ____ _____________________

    1322.06[1][a], at 1322-21 to 1322-23 (Lawrence P. King ed.,

    15th ed. 1995) (a claim secured by any other real property or

    by personal property of the estate or debtor, or by personal

    property of another may be modified by the Chapter 13 plan).

    Starting, as they should, with the language of

    1322(b)(2), see Consumer Prod. Safety Comm'n v. GTE ___ _______________________________ ___

    Sylvania, Inc., 447 U.S. 102, 108 (1980) ("the starting point ______________

    for interpreting a statute is the language of the statute

    itself"), Lomas and the Louises present competing

    constructions of the statutory language. Lomas argues that

    the term "only" modifies "by a security interest in real

    property" and the term "that is the debtor's principal

    residence" further modifies "real property." Lomas's reading

    results in 1322(b)(2) applying when (1) the security

    interest is only in real property (as opposed to personal,

    intangible or other non-real property) and (2) the real

    property is the "debtor's principal residence." Under this

    reading, there is no need that the real property be "only"

    the debtor's principal residence.

    -8- 8

    The Louises, in contrast, argue (1) that "only"

    modifies the entire phrase "by a security interest in real

    property that is the debtor's principal residence"; and (2)

    that the word "is" requires complete and exclusive identity

    between "real property" and "principal residence."3

    Lomas criticizes the Louises' reading on the ground

    that the statutory language does not explicitly state that

    the real property must be "exclusively" the debtor's

    principal residence. The Louises criticize Lomas's reading

    on the ground that the statutory language does not explicitly

    state that the real property must merely "contain" or

    "include" the principal residence.

    The "plain meaning" approach to 1322(b)(2)

    appears to us to be, in the end, inconclusive. The disputed

    terms could (as Lomas claims) serve the limited purpose of

    distinguishing security interests in real property from

    security interests in personal or other property. But they

    could also (as the Louises claim) serve the more general


    3. The Louises' reading is the approach preferred in the
    case law. See In re Adebanjo, 165 B.R. 98, 104 (Bankr. D. ___ _______________
    Conn. 1994) (collecting cases); accord In re McGregor, 172 ______ _______________
    B.R. 718, 720 (Bankr. D. Mass. 1994) ("If [Congress intended
    to extend 1322(b)(2) to multi-unit buildings,] the statute
    should refer to real property that 'includes' the residence.
    Instead, the word 'is' appears, which more aptly describes an
    equivalence between the real estate and the residence."); In __
    re Legowski, 167 B.R. 711, 714-15 (Bankr. D. Mass. 1994) ____________
    (employing same plain meaning argument); but see In re ________ ______
    Guilbert, 165 B.R. 88, 90 (Bankr. D.R.I. 1994) (rejecting ________
    that plain meaning approach), rev'd on other grounds, 176 ________________________
    B.R. 302 (D.R.I. 1995).

    -9- 9

    purpose of distinguishing lenders secured only by a principal

    residence from lenders who may have additional security. Cf. ___

    In re Legowski, 167 B.R. 711, 714 n.9 (Bankr. D. Mass. 1994) ______________

    ("Meaning is always plain to the proponent of an

    interpretation."). "When ambiguity is identified, a dispute

    about a statute's or regulation's proper construction cannot

    be resolved simply by placing the gloss of 'plain meaning' on

    one competing interpretation." Massachusetts v. Blackstone _____________ __________

    Valley Elec. Co., 67 F.3d 981, 986 (1st Cir. 1995). ________________

    Given the lack of plain meaning, we turn to

    legislative history for guidance. See United States v. ___ _____________

    O'Neil, 11 F.3d 292, 297-98 (1st Cir. 1993) (resort to ______

    legislative history is proper where "there is room for

    disagreement" over the meaning of statutory language). The

    legislative history of 1322(b)(2) does not clearly resolve

    the issue.

    Section 1322(b)(2) was enacted as part of the

    Bankruptcy Code of 1978. The Bankruptcy Code of 1978 was the

    culmination of a legislative process that began in 1970, the

    year the Congress created the Commission on the Bankruptcy

    Laws of the United States. In 1973 the Commission issued a

    report containing its findings and recommendations and a

    draft bill. Section 6-201(2) of the Commission's draft bill

    was the predecessor of what eventually became 1322(b)(2).

    It provided that a plan under Chapter 13 "may include

    -10- 10

    provisions dealing with claims secured by personal property

    severally, on any terms, and may provide for the curing of

    defaults within a reasonable time and otherwise alter or

    modify the rights of the holders of such claims." Report of

    the Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States,

    H.R. Doc. No. 137, 93d Cong., 1st Sess., pt. II, at 204

    (1973). The focus of this provision was on modification of

    claims secured by personal property. It apparently would

    have left largely untouched then existing law in which

    security interests in real property were excluded from the

    provisions of Chapter XIII. See id. pt. I, at 165 (stating ___ ___

    that claims that may be dealt with under Chapter XIII include

    secured and unsecured claims, but that claims secured by

    estates in real property or "chattels real" were excluded

    from Chapter XIII).4

    But the bill as reported out of the House, H.R.

    8200, had quite different language in 1322(b)(2) than that

    proposed by the Commission Report. H.R. 8200 provided in

    1322(b)(2) that a debtor's plan might "modify the rights of

    holders of secured claims or of holders of unsecured claims."

    See H.R. 8200, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 1322(b)(2) (1977). ___


    4. The Commission did provide in section 6-201(4) that a
    plan may include provisions for curing defaults within a
    reasonable time on claims secured by a lien on the debtor's
    residence. See Report on the Commission on the Bankruptcy ___
    Laws of the United States, H.R. Doc. No. 137, 93d Cong., 1st
    Sess., pt. II, at 204.

    -11- 11

    Although the accompanying House Report did not specifically

    state that this language would allow for modification of

    secured claims in real as well as personal property, see H.R. ___

    Rep. No. 595, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 124 (1977), the report

    does not suggest that the term "claim" which otherwise has

    quite broad application, should somehow be limited to claims

    in personal property in this context.

    H.R. 8200 was passed by the House and sent to the

    Senate, but the Senate chose to consider simultaneously

    S. 2266, which had been reported out of the Senate Judiciary

    Committee on July 14, 1978. The version of 1322(b)(2) in

    S. 2266 provided that a debtor's plan may "modify the rights

    of holders of secured claims (other than claims wholly

    secured by mortgages on real property) or of holders of

    unsecured claims." S. 2266, 95th Cong., 2d Sess.

    1322(b)(2) (1978).

    This language, which would preclude modification of

    any claim wholly secured by a real estate mortgage, appears

    to have been the product of testimony given during hearings

    before a Senate Judiciary Committee subcommittee to the

    effect that H.R. 8200 would cause "residential mortgage

    lenders to be extraordinarily conservative in making loans in

    cases where the general financial resources of the individual

    borrower are not particularly strong." See Hearings Before ___

    the Subcomm. on Improvements of the Judicial Machinery of the

    -12- 12

    Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 707

    (1977) (statement of Edward J. Kulik, Senior Vice President,

    Real Estate Div., Mass. Mut. Life Ins. Co.). Mr. Kulik

    recommended that H.R. 8200 should be changed so that, at the

    least, "a mortgage on real property other than investment

    property may not be modified." Id. at 714. When Mr. Kulik ___

    was specifically asked about the effect of the bill on

    individual home mortgages (as opposed to its effect on

    limited partnerships), Mr. Kulik's attorney, Robert O'Malley,

    asked to speak and said, "savings and loans will continue to

    make loans to individual homeowners, but they will tend to

    be, I believe, extraordinarily conservative and more

    conservative than they are now in the flow of credit." Id. ___

    at 715.

    The final version of 1322(b)(2) came after H.R.

    8200 and S. 2266 (passed by the Senate as an amendment to

    H.R. 8200) were shaped into a compromise bill through a

    series of agreed-upon floor amendments. As part of that

    process, the Senate backed off its position that no

    modifications would be permitted of any mortgage secured by

    real estate and agreed to more limited antimodification

    language for 1322(b)(2). Modification would not be allowed

    on claims "secured only by a security interest in real

    -13- 13

    property that is the debtor's principal residence." 11

    U.S.C. 1322(b)(2).5

    This legislative history does tend to show that

    with 1322(b)(2) Congress wanted to benefit the residential

    mortgage market as opposed to the entire real estate mortgage

    market. It also might suggest that a distinction should be

    drawn between the residential mortgage market and the market

    for investment property. Nevertheless, the legislative

    history does not state with clarity how a mortgage on a mixed

    property, one with both residential and investment

    characteristics, should be treated. While Congress debated

    over whether to protect all real estate lenders or no real

    estate lenders and eventually compromised on protecting

    residential mortgages, Congress did not focus on what to do

    in the multi-family context.


    5. The explanatory statement of the provision, while
    noting the Senate's compromise on the mortgage issue, does
    not state the extent of the compromise:

    Section 1322(b)(2) of the House amendment
    represents a compromise agreement between
    similar provisions in the House bill and
    Senate amendment. Under the House
    amendment, the plan may modify the rights
    of holders of secured claims other than a
    claim secured by a security interest in
    real property that is the debtor's
    principal residence. It is intended that
    a claim secured by the debtor's principal
    residence may be treated with under
    section 1322(b)(5) of the House

    124 Cong. Rec. H11106 (daily ed. Sept. 28, 1978).

    -14- 14

    Lomas suggests that there is no need for such

    specific evidence in the legislative history. According to

    Lomas, it is enough that Congress intended to protect home

    mortgage lenders. Lomas argues that a mortgage on a three-

    family house is just as much a "home" mortgage as a mortgage

    on a single-family house, and that any distinction between a

    three-family and one-family for these purposes is arbitrary.

    If one accepts this premise,6 Lomas's point has some force.

    If the antimodification provision is meant to encourage home

    lending, then excluding multi-family houses would tend to

    harm (in relative terms) those purchasing property in urban

    neighborhoods, where owner-occupied multi-unit housing would

    tend to be more common, and to favor those purchasing single-

    family homes, more common in suburbia. The theory is that

    lenders would face relatively more risk of modification in

    the case of default in urban areas, and interest rates on

    loans in those areas would rise accordingly. The legislative

    history certainly does not show Congress intended the ___

    antimodification provision of 1322(b)(2) to benefit

    suburbanites to a greater degree than city dwellers.

    Still, the legislative history is silent on the

    scope of the incentive Congress wished to give home lenders.

    Congress certainly could have viewed single-family homes as


    6. The Louises dispute this assertion. They claim that the
    underwriting practices for two- to four-family houses are
    different from those for single-family houses.

    -15- 15

    less likely to be secured by other collateral, such as rents,

    than multi-family properties. Further, condominiums are

    common in cities and a condominium in which the debtor

    resides is covered by the antimodification provision. See ___

    Nobelman, 508 U.S. at 332. This blunts some of the force of ________

    Lomas's claim that the Louises' interpretation would create a

    disparate and perhaps unfair application of the

    antimodification provision.

    Additionally, extending the antimodification

    provision to multi-family houses would also create a

    difficult line-drawing problem. It is unlikely Congress

    intended the antimodification provision to reach a 100-unit

    apartment complex simply because the debtor lives in one of

    the units. Limiting the antimodification provision to

    single-family dwellings creates a more easily administered


    We are left then without clear guidance on the

    question here from either the language or contemporaneous

    legislative history of 1322(b)(2). But there is guidance

    from another source: the amendments to Chapter 11 contained

    in the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-394,

    108 Stat. 4106 (1994) (codified in scattered sections of 11

    U.S.C.). In those amendments Congress referred favorably to

    case law under Chapter 13 holding that the antimodification

    provision did not apply to multi-family housing, and

    -16- 16

    established that it wished petitions under Chapter 11 and

    Chapter 13 to treat the matter in the same way.

    As part of the 1994 Act and post-Nobelman, Congress ________

    added for the first time a home mortgagee antimodification

    provision to Chapter 11. See Pub. L. No. 103-394, Title II, ___

    206, Oct. 22 1994, 108 Stat. 4123 (codified at 11 U.S.C.

    1123(b)(5)) (a Chapter 11 plan may "modify the rights of

    holders of secured claims, other than a claim secured only by

    a security interest in real property that is the debtor's

    principal residence"). The antimodification language of

    1123(b)(5) is identical to that of 1322(b)(2). The

    legislative history of 1123(b)(5) reveals that Congress

    deliberately tracked the antimodification language of

    1322(b)(2) and intended conformity of treatment between

    Chapter 13 and Chapter 11:

    This amendment conforms the treatment of
    residential mortgages in chapter 11 to
    that in chapter 13, preventing the
    modification of the rights of a holder of
    a claim secured only by a security
    interest in the debtor's principal

    H.R. Rep. No. 835, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. 46 (1994), reprinted _________

    in 1994 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3340, 3354. __

    More importantly, the legislative history of

    1123(b)(5) specifies the limits of its antimodification

    provision. That history specifies that the antimodification

    provision of 1123(b)(5)

    -17- 17

    does not apply to a commercial property,
    or to any transaction in which the
    creditor acquired a lien on property
    other than real property used as the
    debtor's residence.

    Id. (footnote omitted). This passage from the Judiciary ___

    Committee Report refers to In re Ramirez, 62 B.R. 668 (Bankr. _____________

    S.D. Cal. 1986), as an example of a case in which the

    antimodification provision of Chapter 11 would not apply.

    See H.R. Report No. 835 at 46 n.13. Ramirez, a case ___ _______

    construing the antimodification provision of 1322(b)(2),

    squarely holds that the antimodification provision of

    1322(b)(2) does not apply to multi-unit houses where the

    security interest extends to the rental units.7 Given this

    clear expression of congressional intent, the inference

    becomes quite strong that Congress believes the

    antimodification provision in Chapter 13 does not reach such

    multi-unit properties. Cf. 5 Collier on Bankruptcy, supra, ___ _____________________ _____

    1322.06[1][a], 1322-23 n.13 (stating that Ramirez was cited _______

    by Congress in the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994 as a correct

    statement of the current law of 1322(b)(2)).

    That this evidence from the 1994 Act is a species

    of subsequent, not contemporaneous, legislative history gives

    us little pause. "Although subsequent legislative history is


    7. In Ramirez the lender held a security interest in _______
    property that consisted of the debtor's principal residence
    and two rental units. See 62 B.R. at 668-69. The facts of ___
    Ramirez do not appear to be distinguishable in any relevant _______
    way from the facts here.

    -18- 18

    less authoritative than contemporaneous explanation,

    subsequent Congressional declaration of an act's intent is

    entitled to great weight in statutory construction."

    Roosevelt Campobello Int'l Park Comm'n v. E.P.A., 711 F.2d ________________________________________ ______

    431, 436-37 (1st Cir. 1983) (citing Seatrain Shipbuilding _____________________

    Corp. v. Shell Oil Co., 444 U.S. 572, 596 (1980)). The 1994 _____ _____________

    Act evidences a deliberate choice on the part of Congress

    under Chapter 11 to exclude security interests in multi-unit

    properties like that here from the reach of the

    antimodification provision based on its understanding that

    Chapter 13's antimodification provision did not reach such

    security interests. To disregard such evidence would

    frustrate the uniform treatment under Chapters 11 and 13 of

    secured interests in debtors' principal residences that was

    so clearly Congress's aim in amending 1123(b)(5).

    We hold that the antimodification provision of

    1322(b)(2) does not bar modification of a secured claim on

    a multi-unit property in which one of the units is the

    debtor's principal residence and the security interest

    extends to the other income-producing units. Because Lomas's

    security interest extends to the additional rental units of

    221 Spring Street, the antimodification provision of

    -19- 19

    1322(b)(2) does not apply to that interest, and bifurcation

    pursuant to 506(a) is appropriate.8

    If we are wrong as to what Congress intended,

    legislation can provide a correction. Affirmed. Parties to ________ ___________

    bear their own costs. ____________________


    8. The Louises have presented an alternative theory for
    holding the antimodification provision of 1322(b)(2)
    inapplicable to Lomas's security interest in 221 Spring
    Street. The Louises point out that Lomas is entitled to the
    rents from 221 Spring Street under an assignment of rents
    provision. The Louises argue that under Massachusetts law
    the assignment of rents provision is additional security in
    other, non-real property, and that, consequently, the
    antimodification provision would not apply. See Hammond, 27 ___ _______
    F.3d at 57. Lomas disputes the Louises' interpretation of
    Massachusetts law, however, arguing that in Massachusetts an
    assignment of rents is not separate from a mortgagee's
    interest in the real property. In light of our disposition
    of the case, we need not resolve this question.

    -20- 20