United States v. Mendez-De-Jesus ( 1996 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    No. 95-2063





    Defendant, Appellant.



    [Hon. Jose Antonio Fuste, U.S. District Judge] ___________________


    Torruella, Chief Judge, ___________
    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Cyr, Circuit Judge. _____________

    Vilma Maria Dapena, Assistant Federal Public Defender, with __________________
    whom Benicio Sanchez Rivera, Federal Public Defender, was on _______________________
    brief for appellant.
    Jose F. Blanco-Torres, Assistant United States Attorney, ______________________
    with whom Guillermo Gil, United States Attorney, and Jose A. ______________ ________
    Quiles, Senior Litigation Counsel, were on brief for appellee. ______


    May 30, 1996

    COFFIN, Senior Circuit Judge. Defendant Jocelyn Antonio _____________________

    Mendez-de Jesus entered a conditional plea of guilty to re-

    entering the United States after being deported subsequent to a

    felony conviction, 8 U.S.C. 1326(a) & (b)(1), reserving his

    right to appeal the district court's denial of his motion to

    suppress his identification and immigration record. Finding no

    error below, we affirm.


    Three boats carrying illegal aliens from the Dominican

    Republic landed in the vicinity of Rincon, Puerto Rico in the

    late hours of December 12 and early hours of December 13, 1994.

    On the morning of December 13, two private citizens brought the

    defendant and an unknown female to the police station in Rincon.

    Border Patrol Agent Hector Lugo of the Immigration and

    Naturalization Service (INS) was there already in order to

    interview persons who had been picked up from the boats. The

    citizens reported to Lugo that the defendant and his companion

    were not known to them and appeared to be lost.

    Lugo suspected that the female passenger was an illegal

    alien: she had damp and dirty clothing, ragged hair, and an odor

    associated with urine and defecation on boats. Mendez, on the

    other hand, did not give the impression of having recently

    arrived illegally via boat. He appeared tidy, denied

    understanding Spanish and told Lugo that "I'm from here." Lugo

    commenced questioning the woman, who, instead of answering,

    continually looked at Mendez. Lugo asked if she knew Mendez and


    she responded affirmatively. Mendez also acknowledged knowing

    the woman, saying that they met in the Dominican Republic.

    Eventually, the woman admitted that she entered Puerto Rico

    illegally that morning.

    At that time, Lugo asked Mendez for identification and was

    given his resident alien registration card. He brought Mendez

    inside the station and, while awaiting verification of the

    registration card, began interrogating him. Shortly thereafter,

    he received information that Mendez had previously been deported.

    The district court denied Mendez's motion to suppress, but,

    on his motion for reconsideration, found that Lugo lacked

    probable cause to further detain or interrogate Mendez after

    receiving his alien registration card and, therefore, suppressed

    all statements made thereafter. The court refused to suppress

    the card itself or the corresponding INS records that documented

    his previous deportation.


    A. Standard of Review __________________

    Our review of a district court's decision to grant or deny a

    suppression motion is plenary. United States v. McCarthy, 77 _____________ ________

    F.3d 522, 529 (1st Cir. 1996). We scrutinize the court's factual

    findings, including credibility determinations, for clear error,

    United States v. Valle, 72 F.3d 210, 214 (1st Cir. 1995), and _____________ _____

    will uphold a denial of a motion to suppress if any reasonable


    view of the evidence supports it. United States v. de Jesus- _____________ _________

    Rios, 990 F.2d 672, 677 (1st Cir. 1993). ____


    B. Fourth Amendment Claims _______________________

    In an effort to invoke the exclusionary rule, Lugo alleges

    two violations of the Fourth Amendment. First, he contends that

    he was illegally arrested and brought to the police station.

    Second, he argues that Lugo's request for his identification

    constituted an unconstitutional seizure.

    We can quickly dispose of the first issue. Mendez was

    brought to the police station by two private citizens. While the

    seizure of Mendez may have assisted the government, there is no

    suggestion that the government initiated or participated in the

    citizen action. In the absence of governmental action, the

    Fourth Amendment does not apply. See Skinner v. Railway Labor ___ _______ _____________

    Executives' Ass'n, 489 U.S. 602, 614 (1989) (Fourth Amendment __________________

    does not apply to private action unless private party "acted as

    an instrument or agent of the Government"); United States v. _____________

    Jacobsen, 466 U.S. 109, 113 (1984). ________

    Mendez's alternative claim fares no better. He contests the

    court's finding that Lugo's authority to ask for identification

    derived from 8 U.S.C. 1357(a)(1), which provides that an

    immigration officer may, without warrant, "interrogate any alien

    or person believed to be an alien as to his right to be or to

    remain in the United States." In support, he cites the principle

    that an individual may not be detained for questioning about

    citizenship absent reasonable suspicion that the person is an

    illegal alien, see United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873, ___ _____________ ______________

    884 (1975), and points to Lugo's testimony that he had the


    impression that Mendez was a United States citizen. While this

    particular argument concerning the applicability of 1357(a)(1)

    is not without force, it is ultimately unavailing because the

    court's findings clearly demonstrate that Lugo had reasonable

    suspicion that Mendez was violating the immigration laws.

    It is well settled that, based on reasonable and articulable

    suspicion, an officer may make a brief stop or seizure of an

    individual to investigate suspected past or present criminal

    activity. McCarthy, 77 F.3d at 529.1 The determination of ________

    whether an officer acted reasonably requires two subsidiary

    inquiries: 1) whether the officer's action was justified at its

    inception; and 2) whether the action taken was reasonably related

    in scope to the circumstances justifying the interference in the

    first place. Id. at 530 (citing Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 19-20 __ _____ ____

    (1968)). This determination demands examination into the

    totality of the circumstances confronting the officer at the time

    of the stop. Id. ___

    Lugo testified that, at the time of his request for Mendez's

    identification, he was aware that 1) three boats carrying illegal

    aliens had arrived in the area within the previous 24 hours; 2)

    1 In INS v. Delgado, the Court stated that "interrogation ___ _______
    relating to one's identity or a request for identification by the
    police does not, by itself, constitute a Fourth Amendment
    seizure." 466 U.S. 210, 216 (1984). The Court added, however,
    that such an encounter may constitute a detention or seizure if
    "the circumstances . . . are so intimidating as to demonstrate
    that a reasonable person would have believed he was not free to
    leave if he had not responded." Id. Though perhaps unnecessary, ___
    for purposes of this case we will assume without deciding that
    the circumstances surrounding Lugo's request for identification
    constituted a seizure under the Fourth Amendment.


    Mendez and a woman had been brought to the station by citizens

    who reported that the couple looked lost and unfamiliar; 3) the

    woman appeared to be an illegal alien, though Mendez did not; 4)

    when asked questions the woman looked to Mendez for guidance; 5)

    Mendez and the woman admitted knowing each other; and 6) the

    woman admitted to being an illegal alien.2 Lugo maintained

    that, based on these circumstances, he believed that Mendez was

    assisting the woman in violation of the immigration laws.

    The court credited this testimony and determined that

    "[t]hese discoveries and observations further supported a

    reasonable suspicion of alienage and formed the basis for a

    suspicion of illegal assistance." We agree. In this context,

    Lugo's request for identification was a reasonable and minimal

    intrusion directly related to his suspicions, and did not violate

    the Fourth Amendment. As such, the district court properly

    denied Mendez's motion to suppress his identification and

    immigration record.3

    2 Mendez lodged hearsay objections to Lugo's account of the
    woman looking at Mendez and her statement that she knew him,
    which were properly overruled. The look was nonverbal conduct
    not intended as an assertion, and both the look and statement
    were offered for their effect on Lugo's understanding of the
    unfolding events -- i.e., his reasonable suspicion -- and not to
    prove that the woman and Mendez actually knew each other. As
    such, his account was not hearsay. See Fed. R. Evid. 801(a) & ___

    3 The district court alternatively found that, even in the
    face of a Fourth Amendment violation, the "body" or identity of a
    defendant is never suppressible. See INS v. Lopez-Mendoza, 468 ___ ___ _____________
    U.S. 1032, 1039 (1984); United States v. Orozco-Rico, 589 F.2d _____________ ___________
    433, 435 (9th Cir. 1978). Because we find no Fourth Amendment
    violation, at least up to the point that Lugo received Mendez's
    alien registration card, we need not address this conclusion.


    Affirmed. _________
