Air Safety, Inc. v. Archbishop of Boston ( 1996 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit


    No. 95-1920


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendants, Appellees.




    [Hon. Reginald C. Lindsay, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Stahl, Circuit Judge, _____________
    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Cummings,* Circuit Judge. _____________


    William M. Simmons with whom Nancy G. O'Donnell was on brief __________________ __________________
    for appellant.
    Francis J. O'Connor with whom Wilson D. Rogers, Jr., was on ___________________ _____________________
    brief for appellee Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston.
    Regina Williams Tate with whom William J. Egan was on brief ____________________ _______________
    for appellee Christian Brothers Institute of Massachusetts, Inc.


    August 21, 1996



    *Of the Seventh Circuit, sitting by designation.

    COFFIN, Senior Circuit Judge. Appellant Air Safety, Inc. _____________________

    filed this diversity suit seeking payments allegedly due for

    asbestos removal at six Boston area parochial schools. The

    defendants, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston ("RCAB") and

    the Christian Brothers Institute of Massachusetts, Inc. ("the

    Institute"), filed counterclaims alleging damages arising from

    Air Safety's work.1 The bottom line after a series of rulings by

    the court and the jury was a net award in favor of each

    defendant. Air Safety asserts two claims on appeal: (1) the

    district court abused its discretion in refusing to hold a

    partial new trial on negligence damages, which Air Safety

    contends were excessive and unsupported by the record; and (2)

    the district court erred in excluding crucial exhibits showing

    Air Safety's overhead costs, requiring a partial new trial on its ___

    damages against the RCAB and the Institute. We find no

    reversible error in the court's evidentiary ruling, but vacate

    and remand for a new trial on the negligence damages unless

    defendants accept a proposed remittitur.

    I. Factual Background __________________

    This case originated in Air Safety's successful bid to

    remove asbestos at six schools owned by the defendants. The work

    began in the summer of 1988. Conflicts arose over various

    aspects of the project, including the quality of Air Safety's

    performance and the defendants' obligations to pay for completed


    1 RCAB is the owner of five of the schools. The Institute
    owns the sixth, Catholic Memorial High School.


    work. Air Safety filed suit to obtain payment, asserting claims

    for breach of contract, for payments on an "account stated,"2

    and, as alternative relief, for quantum meruit. The RCAB and the

    Institute filed counterclaims for breach of contract and


    During the course of pre-trial proceedings, the district

    court allowed Air Safety's account stated claim in the amount of

    $328,738 for the five schools owned by the RCAB, but stayed

    enforcement of the judgment until all other claims were

    resolved.4 Following a twelve-day trial, the jury found that

    neither the RCAB nor the Institute had breached their contracts,

    but that Air Safety had done so. It found, however, that no

    breach of contract damages had been suffered by either defendant.

    The jury also determined that Air Safety was responsible for


    2 An "account stated" claim is one based on an
    acknowledgement of an existing liability for a specified amount,
    from which the law implies a promise to pay. Rizkalla v. ________
    Abusamra, 187 N.E. 602, 603 (Mass. 1933). ________

    3 Other causes of action not of significance here were

    4 Two aspects of the account stated portion of the case need
    clarification. First, the proceeding affected only the RCAB and
    its five schools because the Institute had not yet been made a
    party; Air Safety did not realize at the outset of the litigation
    that the sixth school, Catholic Memorial High School, was owned
    by a separate entity. It subsequently filed a First Amended and
    Supplemental Complaint adding the Institute as a defendant.
    Second, the account stated award was reduced after trial,
    based on amounts paid by the RCAB, to $62,249.97.


    negligence damages, but that it was entitled to quantum meruit

    relief. The net result was awards in favor of both defendants.5

    Air Safety filed a motion for new trial on the negligence

    damages, claiming that the amounts awarded were not supported by

    the evidence. After briefing and oral argument, the district

    court denied the motion in a margin order. This appeal followed.

    II. Negligence Damages __________________

    Air Safety contends that the jury's negligence awards far

    exceed the record evidence of damage. It maintains that the RCAB

    established only $21,672 in damages, while the jury awarded

    $235,000. It further claims that the Institute's proven damages

    totaled only $85,894, compared with a jury award of $138,000.

    The district court rejected Air Safety's request through a motion

    for new trial to revisit the issue of negligence damages, and Air

    Safety now urges us to find that that ruling was erroneous.

    Our review is narrow. A district court's denial of a motion

    for new trial may be reversed only for an abuse of discretion.

    Ahern v. Scholz, 85 F.3d 774, 780 (1st Cir. 1996). "`In a _____ ______

    challenge to a jury award, [the appellate court] is limited to


    5 The judgment specified the following amounts, plus

    (a) quantum meruit from the RCAB to Air Safety: $87,000;
    (b) quantum meruit from the Institute to Air Safety: $63,100;
    (c) account stated from the RCAB to Air Safety: $62,249.97;

    (cont'd from page 3)
    (c) negligence damages to the RCAB from Air Safety: $235,500;
    (d) negligence damages to the Institute from Air Safety:


    examining whether evidence in the record supports the verdict.

    If the jury award has a rational basis in evidence, we must

    affirm it.'" Nydam v. Lennerton, 948 F.2d 808, 810-11 (1st Cir. _____ _________

    1991) (quoting O'Brien v. Papa Gino's of America, Inc., 780 F.2d _______ ____________________________

    1067, 1076 (1st Cir. 1986)). Under Massachusetts law,

    uncertainty as to the amount of damages does not bar their

    recovery, see Stuart v. Town of Brookline, 587 N.E.2d 1384, 1387 ___ ______ _________________

    (Mass. 1992), but a plaintiff "`must establish [its] claim upon a

    solid foundation in fact, and cannot recover when any essential

    element is left to conjecture, surmise or hypothesis,'" Snelling ________

    & Snelling of Massachusetts, Inc. v. Wall, 189 N.E.2d 231, 232 __________________________________ ____

    (Mass. 1963) (quoting John Hetherington & Sons, Ltd. v. William _______________________________ _______

    Firth Co., 95 N.E. 961, 964 (Mass. 1911)). See also Hendricks & _________ ___ ____ ___________

    Assocs., Inc. v. Daewoo Corp., 923 F.2d 209, 217 (1st Cir. 1991); _____________ ____________

    Puritan Medical Ctr., Inc. v. Cashman, 596 N.E.2d 1004, 1013 ___________________________ _______

    (Mass. 1992).

    Despite the confines of our inquiry, our examination of the

    trial transcript requires us to conclude that the negligence

    awards cannot stand. The evidence in the record fails to

    substantiate the amounts imposed; even a generous reading of the

    testimony supports only a small portion of the damages beyond

    those conceded by Air Safety on appeal. We discuss separately

    the results of our study with respect to each defendant.

    The RCAB. Air Safety contends that the record supports only ________

    $21,672 in damages for the cost of a temporary boiler at St.

    Theresa's school. The jury awarded $235,000. Our search


    revealed three additional items that the jury could have

    attributed to Air Safety's negligence: extra clean-up work by

    custodians at St. Theresa's for which Rev. Helmick testified that

    he "paid a lot;" damage to a clock and bell system; and $7,400

    for painting at St. William's school. No amounts for either the

    custodial time or the clock repair were presented to the jury,

    although the district court reported in a June 20, 1990 Order on

    the parties' summary judgment motions that those items were

    alleged to cost $4,377 and $272.50, respectively.

    We think it within reason for the jury to choose to

    compensate the RCAB for these asserted harms, despite the lack of

    testimony on specific dollar amounts.6 This is not the sort of

    conjecture barred by Massachusetts law in calculating damages,

    but simply a matter of imprecision with respect to the amount for

    a specifically identified harm. The gap challenged by Air

    Safety, however, is far greater than any reasonable figure

    attributable to these additional harms. We think an appropriate

    recovery for them would be the amounts previously identified by

    the RCAB, totaling $12,049.50.

    The RCAB points to one additional expense that the jury may

    have attributed to Air Safety: the $57,971.80 difference between

    the contract price for Mission High School and the combined

    6 The record arguably is ambiguous as to whether Air Safety
    did the necessary painting at St. William's. On cross-
    examination, Air Safety's witness, John Murphy, acknowledged that
    it was his company's responsibility to paint areas damaged by the
    asbestos removal process, but was unsure whether the work had
    been done. He testified: "I would have to look back. I thought
    we painted the floor."


    amount of Air Safety's account stated claim for Mission and the

    amount paid to a new contractor to complete the work left

    unfinished by Air Safety. In other words, the RCAB contends that

    the record showed that it paid nearly $58,000 more for asbestos

    removal at Mission High School than the Air Safety contract


    We have two problems with this contention. First, this

    differential amount between the original contract price and the

    amount actually expended to get the job done is classically

    breach of contract damages. The jury, however, awarded no

    damages for the breach.7

    Second, and more significantly, there was no testimony or

    argument at trial concerning the $58,000. In closing, the RCAB's

    attorney pointed out (consistent with Rev. Ryan's testimony) that

    it cost $105,000 to complete the contract work left unfinished by

    Air Safety; he did not assert, however, that that amount

    represented higher charges for work Air Safety had contracted to

    perform for less. Although the original contract amount and Air

    Safety's account stated claim both were contained in trial

    exhibits, there was no basis for the jurors to have made the

    calculation now offered by the RCAB to undergird its award

    without the crucial $58,000 figure having been explained to them.


    7 We recognize that the district court explicitly told the
    jurors that they may award damages "only once for each harm," and
    that the jury, for convenience, might have decided to classify
    all damages under the negligence rubric.


    We think it likely that the huge discrepancy between the

    damages actually proven and the amount awarded stems from the

    jury's effort to compensate the RCAB and the parents and students

    attending the five affected schools for the trouble caused by Air

    Safety's negligent work. Beyond the fact that the RCAB has no

    claim to damages for discomfort suffered by others is the fact

    that this case involves property damage, not personal injury.

    See generally Guaranty-First Trust Co. v. Textron, 622 N.E.2d ___ _________ _________________________ _______

    597, 599 (Mass. 1993) (under common law, if injury to property is

    reasonably curable by repairs, the expense of repairs, if less

    than diminished market value, is the measure of recovery);

    Michael B. Bogdanow, Massachusetts Tort Damages 9.03 (1995). ___________________________

    It goes without saying that a breach of contract or the negligent

    performance of a contractual obligation will impose burdens on

    the wronged party, but compensation is limited to making that

    party whole.8

    Moreover, even if harm in the nature of pain and suffering

    were compensable in this context, such damages would be rank

    speculation here. No testimony was presented of specific

    intangible injuries to the RCAB or its officials as a result of

    Air Safety's conduct. The general reference in counsel's closing

    argument to "frustration," "aggravation," and "inconvenience" --

    byproducts of any tort or breach of contract -- is far from the


    8 Although loss-of-use damages are recoverable, the RCAB
    made no showing of such losses.


    "solid foundation in fact," Snelling & Snelling, 189 N.E.2d at ____________________

    232, necessary to support an award of damages.9

    We therefore conclude that, unless the RCAB agrees to a

    remittitur of $201,278.50 -- reducing its negligence damages to

    $33,721.50 -- Air Safety is entitled to a partial new trial. See ___

    Anthony, 17 F.3d at 495 (appellate court has the option of _______

    selecting a reduced damages figure or remanding to district court

    to determine damages).

    The Institute. Air Safety acknowledges that the record ______________

    supports an award of $85,894 in damages for a number of specific


    9 It is worth noting that most of the cases cited by the
    RCAB and the Institute highlighting the extremely deferential
    standard for reviewing damage awards involve awards for
    intangible injuries, a matter "`peculiarly within a jury's ken,'"
    Velazquez v. Figueroa-Gomez, 996 F.2d 425, 428 (1st Cir. 1993) _________ ______________
    (quoting Wagenmann v. Adams, 829 F.2d 196, 215 (1st Cir. 1987)). _________ _____
    See, e.g., Anthony v. G.M.D. Airline Servs., Inc., 17 F.3d 490, ___ ____ _______ ___________________________
    494 (1st Cir. 1994) (remand for remittitur; pain and suffering
    damages excessive); De Leon Lopez v. Corporacion Insular de _____________ ______________________
    Seguros, 931 F.2d 116, 125 (1st Cir. 1991) (damages to _______
    grandfather stemming from switch of twins by hospital); Brown v. _____
    Freedman Baking Co., 810 F.2d 6, 11 (1st Cir. 1987) (review of ___________________
    damages for civil rights violation). In such cases,

    [w]e accord broad discretion to the trial court's
    decision to affirm the jury's award of damages because
    of [the] court's greater familiarity with local
    community standards and with the witnesses' demeanor at
    the trial.

    Nydam v. Lennerton, 948 F.2d 808, 810 (1st Cir. 1991) (citations _____ _________
    omitted) (suit involving, inter alia, police misconduct and false _____ ____
    arrest). Although we do not lightly reverse an award for
    economic loss, the inquiry in such a case is much more closely
    focused on whether there is adequate evidentiary support for the
    amount awarded. See Havinga v. Crowley Towing and Transp. Co., ___ _______ ______________________________
    24 F.3d 1480, 1489 (1st Cir. 1994); Redgrave v. Boston Symphony ________ _______________
    Orchestra, Inc., 855 F.2d 888, 896 (1st Cir. 1988). _______________


    problems at Catholic Memorial High School,10 but contends that no

    other figures were provided to explain the additional $52,106

    awarded by the jury. Our review turned up three additional items

    for which the jury properly could have awarded compensation:

    replacing gymnasium light frames, repairing a broken piano leg,

    and replacing paneling in two rooms. The piano leg and light

    frames were the subject of testimony by Rev. Sheehan, and the

    need for repaneling was noted in Exhibit 58, to which the jury's

    attention was directed.11

    One more aspect of the Institute's harm warrants attention.

    Air Safety concedes responsibility for the $12,770 cost of

    repairing the gymnasium floor at Catholic Memorial. Kevin

    Murphy, whose company did the floor repair, testified that the

    process of sanding removes wood, and the gymnasium floor

    therefore was, to some degree, in worse condition after the

    repair than before the damage was done. When asked whether the

    deficiency would limit the use of the floor in future years, he

    responded that it would, "considerably down the road."

    We believe this testimony permitted the jury to award

    damages for the premature loss of use of the floor.


    10 These are: $12,570 for gym floor repairs; $966 for
    damaged books; $432 for damaged computer cables; $296 for damaged
    phone wires; $1,630 for re-hanging curtains; $42,000 for wasted
    salaries, and $28,000 for 14 weeks' lost bingo profits.

    11 Although the paneling was not the subject of specific
    testimony, and, unlike other items, no invoice for it was
    included in the record, see Exhibit 65, we think it reasonable ___
    for the jury to conclude, on the basis of Exhibit 58, that this
    was damage for which Air Safety was responsible.


    Unfortunately, no value was placed on either this harm or the

    three items of damage listed above. Without question, however,

    the approximately $50,000 questioned by appellant is far in

    excess of the appropriate amount. The evidence was that a new

    floor would have cost $50,000 to $60,000; from that knowledge, we

    are confident that compensation for reducing the old floor's

    lifespan "considerably down the road" could not reasonably amount

    to more than several thousand dollars. The other items, all of

    which appear to be relatively minor, might generously add up to


    Because our task is to view the evidence in the light most

    favorable to the defendants, see Velazquez, 996 F.2d at 428, we ___ _________

    conclude that the record supports a maximum award of $95,000 for

    all damages to the Institute. Thus, unless the Institute

    consents to a remittitur of $43,000, Air Safety is entitled to a

    partial new trial.

    III. Exclusion of Summaries12 ______________________

    Air Safety sought to introduce into evidence a number of

    summary exhibits in support of its claim for damages or quantum

    meruit relief. Such exhibits may be admissible under Fed. R.

    Evid. 1006, which provides:

    The contents of voluminous writings, recordings, or
    photographs which cannot conveniently be examined in
    court may be presented in the form of a chart, summary,

    12 Defendants' assertion that this issue was not preserved
    for appeal is untenable. See McLaurin v. Fischer, 768 F.2d 98, ___ ________ _______
    101 (1st Cir. 1985) ("[T]he law is well settled that an appeal
    from a final judgment draws into question all prior non-final
    rulings and orders.").


    or calculation. The originals, or duplicates, shall be
    made available for examination or copying, or both, by
    other parties at reasonable time and place. The court
    may order that they be produced in court.

    At issue in this case is the requirement in Rule 1006 that the

    materials underlying a proposed summary exhibit be "made

    available" to opposing parties. After a two-hour, mid-trial voir

    dire hearing in which each of Air Safety's proposed exhibits was

    considered individually, the court excluded most of them because

    the documents from which the summaries were drawn had not been

    seen by the defendants and were unavailable at the time of


    Air Safety asserts that the court erred in concluding that

    the documents were inadmissible under Rule 1006.14 It claims

    13 The supporting records at issue were those showing the
    company's overhead costs, and were located in its home office in

    14 A portion of Air Safety's argument seems based on an
    assumption that the district court improperly excluded the
    summaries because they were not supported by evidence
    independently established in the record. Although the court at
    one point indicated that it felt bound by the "already-in-
    evidence" requirement because of language to that effect in a
    First Circuit decision, United States v. Nivica, 887 F.2d 1110, _____________ ______
    1125-26 (1989), the court recognized that such an approach
    conflicted with the language of Rule 1006 giving the court
    discretion to order production in court of the documents __________
    underlying a summary. In any event, its decision ultimately was
    based on a determination that the underlying documents had not
    been "made available" to the defendants, and it therefore did not
    need to rule on whether a summary based on records that were ____
    available nonetheless must be excluded because they were
    unsupported in the record.
    We note, for the sake of clarity, that Air Safety is correct
    that the evidence underlying Rule 1006 summaries need not be
    admitted into evidence. See, e.g., United States v. Bakker, 925 ___ ____ _____________ ______
    F.2d 728, 736-37 (4th Cir. 1991); 5 Jack B. Weinstein & Margaret
    A. Berger, Weinstein's Evidence, 1006[02], 1006-9 (1995); ____________________
    Michael H. Graham, Federal Practice and Procedure 7031, at 959 ______________________________


    that it gave defendants copies of the challenged exhibits in

    November 1992, and that they never asked during the year and a

    half before trial to see the underlying material. Moreover,

    defense counsel had signed two pretrial memoranda without noting

    any problems with Air Safety's proposed exhibits. Air Safety

    points out that the documents at issue easily could have been

    brought to Boston for defendants' review had there been any

    indication before the start of trial that defendants wanted to

    see them. Thus, Air Safety contends that the records were "made

    available" within the meaning of Rule 1006, and, to the extent

    that they were inaccessible at trial, the defendants were to

    blame. In Air Safety's view, defendants' trial objections

    constituted an ambush and should have been dismissed as untimely.

    We cannot agree. Although it appears that Air Safety left

    the overhead records in Illinois in the reasonable belief that no

    one was interested in them, the record indicates that the company

    fell short of meeting its responsibility under Rule 1006. Air

    (1992). Indeed, such an interpretation of the rule would negate
    its explicit grant of discretion to the trial judge to order the __________
    underlying documents produced in court.
    Although in Nivica and a subsequent case relying on it, ______
    United States v. Sawyer, 85 F.3d 713, 740 (1st Cir. 1996), we _____________ ______
    stated that Rule 1006 summaries must be based upon "evidence
    independently established in the record," the language in both
    cases was dictum because the relevant evidence there had been
    admitted. The requirement of prior admission actually applies to
    a different sort of summary: one used as a jury aid to summarize
    complex or voluminous information already in the record. See, ___
    e.g., Bakker, 925 F.2d at 736-37; Weinstein's Evidence, at ____ ______ ____________________
    1006[07], 1006-21. In such cases, the summary is not itself
    evidence, Bakker, 925 F.2d at 736; Weinstein's Evidence, at ______ ____________________
    1006[07], 1006-21-23, and the court's concern is to ensure that
    the jury is not misled or confused by selective emphasis,
    Weinstein's Evidence, at 1006[07], 1006-21-22. ____________________


    Safety apparently submitted only a skeletal version of its

    summary exhibits in November 1992, perhaps without designating

    them as summaries,15 and first provided a comprehensive version

    in June 1994. In the interim, all parties had signed pretrial

    memoranda that Air Safety took as a sign that defendants saw no

    problems with its exhibits. Defendants, however, intended no

    such acquiesence and, once the nature of the damages exhibits was

    clear to them, sought to examine the underlying documents.

    In concluding that Air Safety had failed to lay a proper

    foundation for the summaries, the district court did not dispute

    that the company willingly would have provided the underlying

    documents -- if requested -- at any time during the lengthy

    pretrial period. The court ruled, however, that such passive

    availability did not meet Air Safety's obligation. Near the

    conclusion of the voir dire hearing, it summarized its ruling:

    I don't think that it is enough to say that the
    documents have been available or could have been
    available or were available when they were not
    identified as the source for these summaries. What is
    important in the discovery context is one thing, but
    once the discovery comes down to trial and somebody
    prepares a summary, it seems to me that the person
    providing the summary must say now these documents,
    this summary is a summary of the following documents
    and here they are.

    15 Defendants claim that the exhibits provided in 1992,
    described by Air Safety's counsel as "prototypes," contained
    little information. Indeed, the Institute's counsel described
    them during the voir dire hearing as "blanks" that bore headings,
    but no numbers and few subheadings. Those preliminary documents
    apparently are not in the appellate record. The Institute's
    counsel additionally asserts that the challenged exhibits were
    identified as "summaries" for the first time at the final
    pretrial conference on June 30; the next day, she sent a letter
    requesting the underlying documents.


    We think this is a correct and sensible construction of Rule

    1006's "made available" requirement. As the court recognized,

    Rule 1006 operates independently of the discovery rules, see ___

    Weinstein's Evidence 1006[04], at 1006-16, and the failure to _____________________

    request or obtain the documents during discovery does not negate

    a party's "absolute right to subsequent production of material

    under Rule 1006, should that material become incorporated in a

    chart, summary, or calculation." Id.; see also Square Liner 360 ___ ___ ____ ________________

    Degrees, Inc. v. Chisum, 691 F.2d 362, 376 (8th Cir. 1982). ______________ ______

    Common sense dictates that this guaranteed access, designed to

    give the opponent the ability to check the summary's accuracy and

    prepare for cross-examination, see, e.g., Chisum, 691 F.2d at ___ ____ ______

    376-77; United States v. Smyth, 556 F.2d 1179, 1183 (5th Cir. _____________ _____

    1977); Weinstein's Evidence 1006[04], at 1006-15, must include ____________________

    unequivocal notice of the other party's intent to invoke Rule

    1006. It seemingly was the lack of such notice that gave rise to

    the misunderstanding and confusion here.

    Thus, to satisfy the "made available" requirement, a party

    seeking to use a summary under Rule 1006 must identify its

    exhibit as such, provide a list or description of the documents

    supporting the exhibit, and state when and where they may be

    reviewed.16 Here, Air Safety merely assumed that the defendants

    were uninterested in reviewing the overhead records that it

    believed were the obvious -- though not explicitly identified --


    16 This assumes, of course, that the "when" and "where" are
    reasonably convenient for the opposing party.


    source for its proposed damage summaries. In these

    circumstances, the district court committed no reversible error

    in concluding that Air Safety had not satisfied the "made

    available" foundation requirement for admitting the exhibits.

    Moreover, we doubt that the exclusion of this material

    significantly prejudiced Air Safety. The district court allowed

    Air Safety to use the exhibits as chalks, and they were relied on

    heavily during the testimony of its damages expert. The expert,

    Dennis Staats, testified to the specific amounts contained in the

    summaries while the jury was able to peruse the chalks. Although

    the district court repeatedly reminded the jury that the

    testimony -- not the summaries -- was the evidence, we think the

    jury was more likely to have understood this as a caution about

    the technicalities of litigation than as a suggestion that the

    calculations in the chalks were untrustworthy. The numbers,

    after all, also were contained in the testimony. To be sure,

    exclusion of the summaries from the jury room required greater

    reliance on memory. Air Safety, however, makes no specific

    argument -- even a speculative one -- showing how the quantum

    meruit figures might have been more accurate had the jurors had

    access to the excluded exhibits during deliberations.

    We therefore affirm the court's judgment with respect to the

    quantum meruit award.

    IV. Conclusion __________

    The district court's judgment on negligence damages against

    Air Safety is vacated, and the case is remanded for a new trial


    on that issue unless defendants agree to remittiturs of

    $201,278.50 for the RCAB and $43,000 for the Institute. Having

    found no error in the court's exclusion of Air Safety's proposed

    damages summary exhibits, we affirm the quantum meruit award for

    Air Safety as determined by the jury.

    Affirmed in part, vacated and remanded in part. Each party ________________________________________________ __________

    to bear its own costs. ______________________
