Borschow Hospital v. Cesar Castillo ( 1996 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    October 11, 1996


    No. 96-1113

    Plaintiff - Appellant,


    Defendants - Appellees.



    The opinion of this court issued on September 23, 1996 is
    corrected as follows:

    On page 3, line 9, change Borschow to Becton Dickinson.


    No. 96-1113

    Plaintiff - Appellant,


    Defendants - Appellees.




    [Hon. Salvador E. Casellas, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________
    Torres* and Saris,** District Judges. _______________


    Fernando L. Gallardo, with whom Harry E. Woods, Geoffrey M. ____________________ ______________ ___________
    Woods, Woods & Woods and Carlos R. Iguina-Charriz were on brief _____ _____________ ________________________
    for appellant.
    Donald R. Ware, with whom Richard M. Brunell and Foley, Hoag ______________ __________________ ___________
    & Eliot were on brief for appellee Becton Dickinson and Company. _______
    Edilberto Berr os-P rez and Luis Fern ndez-Ram rez for ________________________ ________________________
    appellees C sar Castillo, Inc., Umeco, Inc., Jos Luis Castillo,
    Ivonne Belaval de Castillo, C sar Castillo, Jr., Aracelis Ortiz
    de Castillo and Mar a Isabel Gonz lez.


    September 23, 1996

    * Of the District of Rhode Island, sitting by designation.

    ** Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.




    SARIS, District Judge. Plaintiff-Appellant Borschow SARIS, District Judge. _______________

    Hospital & Medical Supplies, Inc. is a distributor of a line of

    medical and surgical products supplied by Defendant-Appellee,

    Becton Dickinson and Company, in Puerto Rico. Borschow claims

    that Becton Dickinson violated the Puerto Rico Dealers Act, 10

    L.P.R.A. 278, also commonly known as "Law 75," by granting

    additional distributorships in violation of its allegedly

    exclusive Distributorship Agreement.1 Although the

    Distributorship Agreement contained a clear non-exclusivity

    provision and integration clause, Borschow contends that the

    district court erred under Puerto Rico's parol evidence rule when

    it excluded an unsigned written memorandum sent prior to the

    signing of the agreement as evidence that the parties actually

    intended the distributorship to be exclusive.

    Borschow also claims that Becton Dickinson engaged in

    an unlawful tying arrangement in violation of Section 1 of the

    Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. 1, by threatening to discontinue a

    supply of a line of its products (the tying products) unless

    Borschow also carried its syringe line (the tied product) and

    dropped that of a competitor.


    1 The additional distributorships were granted to Defendants-
    Appellees Cesar Castillo, Inc. and UMECO, Inc., which filed a
    separate brief. At oral argument, Becton Dickinson argued for
    the Appellees as a group. Where we refer to Becton Dickinson in
    the course of this opinion, we mean our statements to apply to
    Appellees as a group except where otherwise indicated.
    Similarly, to avoid confusion where referring to the testimony of
    Jonathan Borschow, Borschow's president, we will refer to him as
    Mr. Borschow and to the company simply as Borschow.


    The district court granted summary judgment for Becton

    Dickinson on both claims. We affirm.


    A. Facts A. Facts

    Reviewing the factual record in the light most

    favorable to the nonmoving party, as we must at summary judgment,

    see Mesnick v. General Elec. Co., 950 F.2d 816, 822 (1st Cir. ___ _______ _________________

    1991), cert. denied, 504 U.S. 985 (1992), we treat the following ____________

    facts as controlling, noting, however, that Bectin Dickinson

    disputes many aspects of this account.

    A major supplier of medical products in Puerto Rico,

    Borschow contracted with Parke Davis & Company ("Parke Davis") on

    May 1, 1985 to distribute a line of medical and surgical products

    manufactured by its subsidiary, Deseret Medical, Inc. (the

    "Deseret Line"). In mid-1986, Becton Dickinson acquired Deseret

    and assumed Parke Davis' obligations under the distribution

    agreement as an assignee. This dispute turns in large part on

    the content of that agreement.

    The distribution agreement executed by Borschow and

    Parke Davis ["Distribution Agreement"], includes two provisions

    of interest here. First, it provides that "Company [i.e., Parke

    Davis] hereby appoints Distributor [i.e., Borschow] and the

    Distributor hereby accepts appointment, as the Company's

    nonexclusive independent distributor of the Products for Regular ____________

    Business in the Territory [i.e., Puerto Rico] during the term of

    this Agreement." Distribution Agreement, 2.1.2 (emphasis

    -3- 3

    added). Second, the contract included the following integration


    Integration: The terms and provisions contained ___________
    in this Agreement, including all Schedules
    attached hereto and Company's Standard Terms and
    Conditions of Sale in effect, from time to time,
    constitute the entire agreement and is the final
    expression of intent between the Parties relating
    to the subject matter hereof and supersede, all
    previous communications, representations,
    agreements, and understandings, either oral or
    written, between the Parties with respect to the
    subject matter thereof. No agreement or
    understanding varying or extending this Agreement
    will be binding upon either Party hereto unless in
    writing, wherein this Agreement is specifically
    referred to, and signed by duly authorized
    officers or representatives of the respective

    Id. 9.10. Borschow's president, Jonathan Borschow, initially ___

    refused to sign any contract that included a non-exclusivity

    provision. However, in negotiations prior to execution of the

    Distribution Agreement, Robert Vallance, Deseret's Regional

    Director for Canada/Latin America, assured Mr. Borschow that his

    distributorship would be exclusive. Vallance promised him that

    he would receive a letter from Parke Davis promising exclusivity.

    When that letter was not forthcoming, Mr. Borschow telephoned

    Vallance and inquired about the delay. Vallance told Mr.

    Borschow that the people in "Morris Plains," the corporate

    headquarters of Warner Lambert, Parke Davis' parent company, were

    considering the matter.

    After that conversation, Mr. Borschow received a draft

    of the Distribution Agreement, which included the non-exclusivity

    term. He again objected to Vallance but was told that the

    -4- 4

    "contract cannot, it will not be changed. The people in Morris

    Plains will not countenance it." However, Vallance reassured

    Mr. Borschow that he would send a document that would outline the

    "true" basis for their business relationship, including a promise

    that Borschow's distributorship would be exclusive.

    Within a matter of days, Mr. Borschow received a two-

    page undated and unsigned outline. The outline specifies that

    one of the supplier's obligations is to "sell exclusively to the

    DISTRIBUTOR and refrain from selling to other DISTRIBUTORS or

    clients in the territory while the AGREEMENT is in effect." The

    outline neither explicitly mentions Mr. Borschow or Parke Davis

    nor refers to the May 1 Distribution Agreement. Borschow

    testified that he executed the Distribution Agreement

    approximately two weeks after he received the outline.2

    From the execution of the agreement in 1985 to 1986,

    Borschow remained Parke Davis' exclusive distributor of the

    Deseret line. After Becton Dickinson's acquisition of Deseret

    in mid-1986, no changes were made in the relationship until

    November 1989, when Becton Dickinson granted distributorships to

    UMECO, Inc. and C sar Castillo, Inc.

    Moreover, according to Borschow and his salespeople, at

    approximately the same time that the additional distributors were


    2 At Mr. Borschow's deposition, the parties marked the
    Distribution Agreement as BDX-1 and the undated outline as BDX-3,
    and throughout its brief Appellant refers to the documents by
    those numbers. To avoid confusion, however, the Court will refer
    to BDX-1 and BDX-3 as the Distribution Agreement and the Outline,

    -5- 5

    established in November 1989, Becton Dickinson demanded that

    Borschow cease distributing the Monoject Syringe & Needle Line,

    made by a Becton Dickinson competitor, and begin carrying the

    Becton Dickinson syringe line. Becton Dickinson also threatened

    that if Borschow did not meet this demand, it would no longer be

    supplied with the Deseret line. However, Becton Dickinson did

    not carry through on this threat. Although Borschow refused to

    drop Monoject, Becton Dickinson continued to supply Deseret

    products to Borschow.

    B. Proceedings Below B. Proceedings Below

    Borschow brought an action in federal district court

    for the District of Puerto Rico on February 6, 1990, alleging

    that Becton Dickinson's termination of Borschow's "exclusive"

    distributorship violated Law 75 and that Becton Dickinson's

    threat to tie the Deseret line to its syringe line violated the

    Sherman Act. Borschow also alleged a conspiracy with Castillo

    and UMECO in restraint of trade and attempted monopolization.

    Federal jurisdiction was invoked on the basis of a federal

    question and diversity of citizenship.

    On September 24, 1990, the district court permitted

    discovery limited to the threshold issue as to whether Borschow's

    distributorship was exclusive. On January 15, 1991, Becton

    Dickinson moved for summary judgment, asserting that taking these

    facts in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, Borschow cannot

    evade the effect of its written contract providing for non-

    exclusivity. If Borschow's contract was non-exclusive, according

    -6- 6

    to Becton Dickinson, the Law 75 claim fails as a matter of law.

    In addition, Becton Dickinson argued that the outline was

    extrinsic evidence of the contracting parties' intent that could

    not be considered on summary judgment because of Puerto Rico's

    parol evidence rule.

    The motion was referred to a magistrate judge, who

    issued a report and recommendation denying summary judgment on

    the ground that the extrinsic evidence raised issues of fact

    regarding whether the agreement provided for exclusivity. The

    district court (Acosta, J.) initially adopted the magistrate

    judge's recommendation without comment, but on a motion for

    reconsideration, the court (Casellas, J.) granted partial summary

    judgment for Becton Dickinson.3 The court held that Puerto

    Rico's parol evidence rule barred consideration of the outline

    and that the contract unambiguously provided for a non-exclusive

    distributorship. Borschow Hosp. & Medical Supplies, Inc. v. __________________________________________

    C sar Castillo, Inc., 882 F. Supp. 236, 239-40 (D.P.R. 1995). In ____________________

    a subsequent order, the court granted partial summary judgment

    for Becton Dickinson on the antitrust claims due to lack of

    evidence of tying, anticompetitive injury or conspiracy and

    dismissed the pendent state law claims. Borschow timely appealed

    the judgment.


    A. Standard of Review A. Standard of Review


    3 Judge Acosta took senior status before the motion for
    reconsideration, and the case was reassigned to Judge Casellas.

    -7- 7

    We review a district court's grant of summary judgment

    de novo. Werme v. Merrill, 84 F.3d 479, 482 (1st Cir. 1996). ________ _____ _______

    The standard is well-rehearsed and familiar. "Summary judgment

    is appropriate when 'the pleadings, depositions, answers to

    interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the

    affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any

    material fact and that the moving party is entitled to judgment

    as a matter of law.'" Barbour v. Dynamics Research Corp., 63 _______ ________________________

    F.3d 32, 36 (1st Cir. 1995) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c)),

    cert. denied, __ U.S. __, 116 S. Ct. 914 (1996). "In operation, ____________

    summary judgment's role is to pierce the boilerplate of the

    pleadings and assay the parties' proof in order to determine

    whether trial is actually required." Wynne v. Tufts Univ. School _____ __________________

    of Medicine, 976 F.2d 791, 794 (1st Cir. 1992), cert. denied, 507 ___________ ____________

    U.S. 1030 (1993). "To succeed, the moving party must show that

    there is an absence of evidence to support the nonmoving party's

    position." Rogers v. Fair, 902 F.2d 140, 143 (1st Cir. 1990); ______ ____

    see also Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 325 (1986). ________ _____________ _______

    "Once the moving party has properly supported its

    motion for summary judgment, the burden shifts to the non-moving

    party, who 'may not rest on mere allegations or denials of his

    pleading, but must set forth specific facts showing there is a

    genuine issue for trial.'" Barbour, 63 F.3d at 37 (quoting _______

    Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 256 (1986)). ________ _____________________

    "There must be 'sufficient evidence favoring the nonmoving party

    for a jury to return a verdict for that party. If the evidence

    -8- 8

    is merely colorable or is not significantly probative, summary

    judgment may be granted.'" Rogers, 902 F.2d at 143 (quoting ______

    Anderson, 477 U.S. at 249-50) (citations and footnote in Anderson ________ ________

    omitted). We "view the facts in the light most favorable to the

    non-moving party, drawing all reasonable inferences in that

    party's favor." Barbour, 63 F.3d at 36. _______

    B. The Law 75 Claim B. The Law 75 Claim

    "The legislature of Puerto Rico enacted Law 75 to

    protect distributors, agents, concessionaires and representatives

    of a product or service in Puerto Rico. . . . [M]ore

    specifically, Law 75 was intended to protect dealers who built up

    a market, from suppliers who wish to appropriate their

    established clientele." Medina & Medina v. Country Pride Foods, _______________ ____________________

    Ltd., 825 F.2d 1, 2 (1st Cir. 1987). "Law 75 provides that, ____

    notwithstanding the existence in a dealer's contract of a clause

    reserving to the parties the unilateral right to terminate the

    existing relationship, no principal or grantor may directly or

    indirectly perform any act detrimental to the established

    relationship or refuse to renew said contract on its normal

    expiration, except for just cause." General Office Prods. Corp. ___________________________

    v. Gussco Mfg. Inc., 666 F. Supp. 328, 328 (D.P.R. 1987) (citing ________________

    10 L.P.R.A. 278(a)).

    Law 75 has proved fertile ground for litigation, and we

    recently have had occasion to consider its application to

    circumstances analogous to those presented here. Although "non-

    exclusive distributors are entitled to protection under Law 75,"

    -9- 9

    Vulcan Tools of Puerto Rico v. Makita U.S.A., Inc., 23 F.3d 564, ___________________________ ___________________

    569 (1st Cir. 1994), "[i]t is equally true . . . that Law 75 does

    not operate to convert non-exclusive distribution contracts into

    exclusive distribution contracts." Id. (citing Gussco, 666 F. ___ ______

    Supp. at 331). As we said in Vulcan Tools, "the 'established ____________

    relationship' between dealer and principal is bounded by the

    distribution agreement, and therefore the Act only protects

    against detriments to contractually acquired rights." Id. at ___


    This case turns on whether Borschow and Parke Davis

    (now Becton Dickinson) contracted for a non-exclusive or

    exclusive distributorship. If the former, Borschow cannot

    prevail on its claim that Law 75 prohibits Becton Dickinson from

    supplying Deseret medical products to other distributors. See ___

    Vulcan Tools, 23 F.3d at 569 (Law 75 did not prevent supplier ____________

    from establishing additional distributorships in Puerto Rico

    where non-exclusive distributor was already operating even if

    existing distributor suffered economic harm as result); Nike ____

    Int'l Ltd. v. Athletic Sales, Inc., 689 F. Supp. 1235, 1238-39 ___________ _____________________

    (D.P.R. 1988) (where distributorship contract between Nike and

    distributor provided for notice of renewal from distributor and

    distributor failed to provide such notice, Law 75 did not bar

    termination of distributorship contract).

    As a civil law jurisdiction, Puerto Rico eschews common

    law principles of contract interpretation in favor of its own

    civil code derived from Spanish law. See Guevara v. Dorsey ___ _______ ______

    -10- 10

    Labs., Div. of Sandoz, Inc., 845 F.2d 364, 366 (1st Cir. 1988) ____________________________

    ("The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico has made clear that the common

    law of the United States is not controlling when filling gaps in

    the civil law system."); Gussco, 666 F. Supp. at 332. Thus, we ______

    turn to Civil Code Article 1233, which "determines the manner in

    which courts should interpret contracts under dispute as to the

    meaning of their terms." Hopgood v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, _______ _______________________

    Fenner & Smith, 839 F. Supp. 98, 104 (D.P.R. 1993), aff'd, 36 _______________ _____

    F.3d 1089 (1st Cir. 1994) (table). Article 1233 provides:

    If the terms of a contract are clear and
    leave no doubt as to the intentions of the
    contracting parties, the literal sense of its
    stipulations shall be observed.

    If the words should appear contrary to the
    evident intention of the contracting parties,
    the intention shall prevail.

    31 L.P.R.A. 3471 (1991). "Under Puerto Rican law, an agreement

    is 'clear' when it can 'be understood in one sense alone, without

    leaving any room for doubt, controversies or difference of

    interpretation. . . .'" Executive Leasing Corp. v. Banco Popular _______________________ _____________

    de Puerto Rico, 48 F.3d 66, 69 (1st Cir.) (quoting Catullo v. ______________ _______

    Metzner, 834 F.2d 1075, 1079 (1st Cir. 1987)) (internal quotation _______

    marks omitted), cert. denied, __ U.S. __, 116 S. Ct. 171 (1995); ____________

    see also Heirs of Ram rez v. Superior Court, 81 P.R.R. 347, 351 ________ _________________ ______________


    Citing the Puerto Rico Supreme Court in Marina Ind., ____________

    Inc. v. Brown Boveri Corp., 114 P.R. Dec. 64, 72 (1983) (official ____ __________________

    translation), several courts have interpreted Article 1233 to be

    "strict in its mandate that courts should enforce the literal

    -11- 11

    sense of a written contract, unless the words are somehow

    contrary to the intent of the parties." Hopgood, 839 F. Supp. at _______

    104; see also Vulcan Tools, 23 F.3d at 567 ("When an agreement ________ _____________

    leaves no doubt as to the intention of the parties, a court

    should not look beyond the literal terms of the contract.").

    This interpretation of Article 1233 is complemented by

    Puerto Rico's parol evidence rule, P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 32, App.

    IV, R. 69(B) (1983) ("Rule 69(B)"), which provides:

    When in an oral or written agreement, either
    public or private, all the terms and
    conditions constituting the true and final
    intention of the parties have been included,
    such agreement shall be deemed as complete,
    and therefore, there can be between the
    parties, or successors in interest, no
    evidence extrinsic to the contents of the
    same, except in the following cases:
    (1) Where a mistake or imperfection of the
    agreement is put in issue by the pleadings;
    (2) Where the validity of the agreement is
    the fact in dispute.
    This rule does not exclude other evidence of
    the circumstances under which the agreement
    was made or to which it is related such as
    the situation of the subject matter of the
    instrument or that of the parties, or to
    establish illegality or fraud.

    We have interpreted this rule in tandem with Article 1233 to

    require courts "to ignore [parol] evidence 'when the agreement

    . . . is clear and unambiguous.'" Mercado-Garc a v. Ponce Fed. ______________ __________

    Bank, 979 F.2d 890, 894 (1st Cir. 1992) (quoting Catullo, 834 ____ _______

    F.2d at 1079).

    Recently, we have held that these provisions bar

    consideration of extrinsic evidence to vary the express, clear,

    and unambiguous terms of a contract. See Executive Leasing ___ _________________

    -12- 12

    Corp., 48 F.3d at 69-70 (refusing to consider parol evidence _____

    regarding implied loan term barring leasing company from dealing

    with other banks where contract did not include restriction but

    did include clear integration clause); Vulcan Tools, 23 F.3d at ____________

    564-68 (where contractual term providing for "non-exclusive"

    distributorship was clear and unambiguous, there was no need to

    consider extrinsic evidence of promise to limit number of

    distributors even absent contractual integration clause); see ___

    also Hopgood, 839 F. Supp. at 103-05 (holding that term ____ _______

    "indefinite" used in employment contract clearly signified

    employment at will and refusing to consider parol evidence of

    implied guarantee of three-year minimum employment).

    This line of cases effectively parries the main thrust

    of Borschow's appeal. The Distribution Agreement clearly and

    unambiguously gives Borschow a "non-exclusive" distributorship.

    The integration clause, specifying that the terms and provisions

    of this Distribution Agreement constitute the "entire agreement"

    and "the final expression of intent," nullifies any other oral or

    written understandings reached between the parties. Crediting

    Mr. Borschow's testimony that he received the outline from

    Vallance promising an exclusive distributorship, as we must on

    summary judgment, we hold that the integration clause rendered

    inoperative any such side-agreement, and we are barred from

    considering the extrinsic evidence by Rule 69(B).

    Borschow attempts to evade the effect of this settled

    precedent by arguing that the entire agreement, properly

    -13- 13

    construed, includes both the Distribution Agreement and the

    Outline. Because the documents contain mutually inconsistent

    terms, Borschow contends that Article 1233 of Puerto Rico's Civil

    Code permits liberal consideration of extrinsic evidence as to

    the parties' intent to resolve contractual ambiguity. To some

    extent, Borschow's reliance on this Civil Code principle finds

    some support in Puerto Rico case law. The Puerto Rico Supreme

    Court has held that:

    The intention of the parties is the essential
    test provided in the Civil Code to fix the
    scope of contractual obligations. This test
    of intention is so essential in the
    interpretation of contracts that the Code
    proclaims its supremacy in providing that the
    evident intention of the parties shall
    prevail over the words, even where the latter
    would appear contrary to the intention . . .

    Merle v. West Bend, 97 P.R.R. 392, 399 (1969). However, that _____ __________

    court subsequently clarified that "[t]he strict mandate of the

    cited art. 1233 obliges us to abide by the literal meaning of the

    terms of the contract when, as in the present case, they leave no

    doubt as to the intention of the contracting parties." Marina ______

    Ind. Inc. v. Brown Boveri Corp., 114 P.R. Dec. 64 (1983) __________ ____________________

    (official translation).

    In rejecting essentially the same argument now made by

    Borschow, we applied this principle in Executive Leasing Corp.: _______________________

    The plaintiffs concede the loan agreement is
    clear. They argue, however, that the written
    agreement was not in fact the entire
    agreement, and that we must consider
    extrinsic evidence of the parties' intent
    with respect to integration. . . . Yet to
    consider extrinsic evidence at all, the court

    -14- 14

    must first find the relevant terms of the
    agreement unclear. That requirement not
    being met, the district court correctly went
    no further.

    48 F.3d at 69 (excluding extrinsic evidence of exclusive dealing

    condition and of "actual practice" of parties); accord Hopgood, ______ _______

    839 F. Supp. at 106 (explaining that Marina and Merle support ______ _____

    principle that under Article 1233 the clear terms of the contract

    are the "embodiment of the indisputable intent of the parties as

    they entered into the contract").

    For the third time, we mean what we say, and say what

    we mean: extrinsic evidence of the parties' intent is

    inadmissible in the face of a clear and unambiguous contract term

    under Puerto Rico Law. Because Borschow's distributorship was

    non-exclusive as a matter of law, the district court properly

    granted summary judgment for Appellees on the Law 75 claim.4

    C. Antitrust Claim -- Tying Arrangement C. Antitrust Claim -- Tying Arrangement

    Asserting a per se violation of Section One of the _______

    Sherman Act, Borschow contends that Becton Dickinson threatened

    to withhold sale of its patented Deseret line of medical products

    (the tying product) unless Borschow dropped the Monoject product


    4 While the Puerto Rico parol evidence rule permits extrinsic
    evidence to establish fraud, Borschow does not allege that it was
    fraudulently induced into signing the Distribution Agreement.
    Nor is a claim of equitable estoppel properly before us.
    Borschow contends for the first time on appeal that Becton
    Dickinson should be estopped from denying the existence of an
    exclusive contract because of the conduct of its agent, Vallance.
    As this argument was not made below, it is waived. Executive _________
    Leasing Corp., 48 F.3d at 70. _____________

    -15- 15

    and carried instead its own syringe line (the tied product).5

    Contending that this is "the case of the tie that didn't bind,"

    Becton Dickinson argues that a threat alone is insufficient to

    constitute an illegal tying arrangement. We agree.

    "Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits a seller from

    'tying' the sale of one product to the purchase of a second

    product if the seller thereby avoids competition on the merits of

    the 'tied' product. See 15 U.S.C. 1 ('Every contract . . . in ___

    restraint of trade or commerce . . . is declared to be

    illegal.')" Data General Corp. v. Grumman Systems Support Corp., __________________ _____________________________

    36 F.3d 1147, 1178 (1st Cir. 1994). "There are essentially four

    elements to a per se tying claim: (1) the tying and the tied ______

    products are actually two distinct products; (2) there is an

    agreement or condition, express or implied, that establishes a

    tie; (3) the entity accused of tying has sufficient economic

    power in the market for the tying product to distort consumers'

    choices with respect to the tied product; and (4) the tie

    forecloses a substantial amount of commerce in the market for the

    tied product." Id. at 1178-79.6 ___

    5 See Amended Verified Complaint 28-29. Plaintiff also
    asserts a claim under the Clayton Act, 3, that we need not
    separately address. See Grappone , Inc. v. Subaru of New ___ _________________ ______________
    England, Inc., 858 F.2d 792, 793 (1988) (pointing out that _____________
    essential elements of unlawful tying arrangement are same for
    alleged violations of Sherman Act 1 or Clayton Act 3). In
    addition, Borschow conceded at oral argument that our holding
    that the Distribution Agreement was non-exclusive would foreclose
    relief on all of its antitrust claims except its tying claim.

    6 Borschow does not articulate a "rule of reason" theory of
    tying liability. Although the amended verified complaint
    contains conclusory allegations that Becton Dickinson's conduct

    -16- 16

    The fatal flaw in Borschow's tying claim is that Becton

    Dickinson never withheld its Deseret line. Although Borschow has

    adduced evidence of various threats by Becton Dickinson, it is

    undisputed that these threats were not carried out. Permitted to

    carry both the Deseret line and the Monoject line, Borschow was

    never injured by the threat. See Wells Real Estate, Inc. v. ___ ________________________

    Greater Lowell Board of Realtors, 850 F.2d 803, 814 (1st Cir.) _________________________________

    (holding that plaintiff must have been injured by anticompetitive

    act to have standing under antitrust laws), cert. denied, 488 _____________

    U.S. 955 (1988).

    As a result, the second key element discussed above --

    evidence of a tie -- is missing:

    [T]he essential characteristic of an invalid
    tying arrangement lies in the seller's
    exploitation of its control over the tying
    product to force the buyer into the purchase
    of a tied product that the buyer either did
    not want at all, or might have preferred to
    purchase elsewhere on different terms. When
    such "forcing" is present, competition on the
    merits in the market for the tied item is
    restrained and the Sherman Act is violated.

    Jefferson Parish Hosp. Dist. No. 2 v. Hyde, 466 U.S. 2, 12 _____________________________________ ____

    (1984); see also T. Harris Young & Assoc., Inc. v. Marquette ________ ________________________________ _________

    generally had an adverse effect on competition, there is no
    evidence in the record to support the allegation that the threats
    of tying had such an adverse impact, or to provide a basis for
    providing further discovery pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(f).
    See Jefferson Parish Hosp. Dist. No. 2 v. Hyde, 466 U.S. 2, 29-31 ___ __________________________________ ____
    (1984) (noting that in absence of per se liability, antitrust ______
    plaintiff must prove that defendant's conduct had an "actual
    adverse effect on competition"); R.W. International Corp. v. __________________________
    Welch Food, Inc., 13 F.3d 478, 487-88 (1st Cir. 1994) (rejecting _________________
    request for further discovery despite conclusory allegations of
    antitrust injury where plaintiff distributors were in same
    position as defendant to ascertain effect of conduct at issue).

    -17- 17

    Electronics, Inc., 931 F.2d 816, 822-23 (11th Cir.) ("[F]or a tie _________________

    to exist a seller must withhold product A unless the buyer also

    selects product B. Only after the existence of a tie is shown is

    it necessary to determine whether an illegal tying arrangement

    exists.") (footnote omitted), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 1013 (1991); ____________

    CIA Petrolera Caribe, Inc. v. Avis Rental Car Corp., 576 F. Supp. __________________________ _____________________

    1011, 1016 (D.P.R. 1983) ("Coercion is an essential element of

    any tying arrangement, i.e., forcing the purchaser or lessor to

    take the unwanted tied product along with the tying product."),

    aff'd, 735 F.2d 636 (1st Cir. 1984). _____

    Where a tying product has not been withheld, there is

    no tie. "There is no tie for any antitrust purpose unless the

    defendant improperly imposes conditions that explicitly or

    practically require buyers to take the second product if they

    want the first one." 10 Phillip E. Areeda et al., Antitrust Law: ______________

    An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and their Application ______________________________________________________________

    1752b, at 280 (1996). Thus we hold that there is no genuine

    issue of material fact with respect to Borschow's tying claim.7


    For the foregoing reasons, the district court's grant

    of summary judgment is AFFIRMED. AFFIRMED


    7 This holding also disposes of Borschow's discovery claim.
    Borschow contends that the district court abused its discretion
    by refusing to allow further discovery. However, no amount of
    discovery would uncover evidence of a non-existent tie.

    -18- 18

Document Info

Docket Number: 96-1113

Filed Date: 9/23/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2015

Authorities (20)

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