Colasanto v. Life Insurance ( 1996 )

  • USCA1 Opinion



    No. 96-1152


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendant, Appellee,



    Third-Party Defendant, Appellee.


    [Hon. Ernest C. Torres, U.S. District Judge] ___________________


    Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________

    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

    and Boyle,* Senior District Judge. _____________________


    Katherine A. Merolla, with whom Amedeo C. Merolla and Pucci, ____________________ _________________ ______
    Goldin & Merolla were on brief, for appellant. ________________
    William B. VanLonkhuyzen, with whom Norman S. Zalkind and _________________________ __________________
    Zalkind, Rodriguez, Lunt & Duncan were on brief, for appellee ___________________________________
    Stephen A. Farley.

    November 15, 1996

    *Of the District of Rhode Island, sitting by designation.

    SELYA, Circuit Judge. This appeal summons our review SELYA, Circuit Judge. ______________

    of a jury verdict that awarded certain life insurance proceeds to

    the decedent's quondam companion rather than to a family trust.

    Upon close perscrutation of the record, the parties' briefs, and

    the applicable law, we discern no error.


    We start with a neutral account of the facts that were

    before the jury. The decedent, Robert M. Colasanto, made his

    mark as a successful business executive. In September of 1982,

    Colasanto met Stephen A. Farley. A relationship developed and

    the two men began cohabiting in San Diego, California. They

    lived initially in a rented dwelling and later in a luxurious

    home that Colasanto purchased. During this time frame Colasanto

    founded a health-care organization, Community Care Network, Inc.

    (CCN), which became hugely successful. Colasanto enjoyed the

    fruits of his good fortune including, inter alia, a beneficial _____ ____

    interest under a group life insurance policy owned by CCN and

    issued by Life Insurance Company of North America (LINA) which

    afforded him a $140,000 death benefit.

    Colasanto's world changed in 1989 when a physician

    diagnosed him as HIV-positive. By 1992, he had contracted AIDS.

    Yearning for his native New England, he bought a home in

    Massachusetts. Colasanto and Farley took up residence there in

    the spring of 1993.

    As Colasanto's health deteriorated, so, too, his

    relationship with Farley. The two men began discussing a


    property settlement in mid-1993. Despite the assistance of

    retained counsel, they were unable to agree on terms. According

    to Farley, however, the parties reached an informal agreement on

    or about December 3, 1993. Under that accord, Colasanto was to

    transfer ownership of five life insurance policies (including the

    LINA group life policy) to Farley.

    On December 10, Colasanto completed and executed a form

    entitled "Application for Conversion of Group or Employee Life

    Insurance" (the conversion application) with the intention of

    converting his coverage under the group policy to an individual

    policy. Line 10(c) of the conversion application bears the

    inscription "Pay Death Benefit to," followed by three blank

    lines. Underneath the first blank line these instructions

    appear: "Print Full Name of Beneficiary and State Relationship."

    On the left-hand side of this line Colasanto typed "Stephen A.

    Farley." He left a blank space in the middle of the line and on

    the right-hand side he typed "Executor."1 On the following two

    lines Colasanto added "Issue policy with Mr. Farley as owner.

    See enclosed letter." The letter, signed by Colasanto, bore a

    caption indicating that it was being transmitted "RE: CONVERSION


    OF INDIVIDUAL POLICY WHICH IS ISSUED." The body of the letter

    made explicit reference to the conversion application and stated

    1The parties agree that on December 10, 1993, Colasanto's
    will nominated Farley as his executor. Colasanto made a new will
    before he died. Farley was not named as executor then and was
    not appointed executor of Colasanto's estate upon Colasanto's


    in relevant part:

    Please note that I am requesting that
    the individual policy be issued such that the
    owner is as follows:
    Stephen A. Farley
    10448 Russel Road
    La Mesa, CA 91941 D.O.B. 2-21-49

    Mr. Farley is currently the beneficiary
    of the group coverage. If he needs to fill
    out another beneficiary form, please send it
    to him since that will be his right as the
    policy owner.

    The premium statement(s) should be sent
    to Mr. Farley at the above address.

    Colasanto transmitted the conversion application and

    letter to LINA. He sent forms and letters to four other life

    insurers on the same date. Each letter instructed the carrier to

    transfer ownership of the affected policy to Farley. In each of

    the five instances Colasanto contemporaneously furnished Farley

    with signed copies of the conversion application or assignment

    form, the cover letter, and a certified mail return receipt

    request in Colasanto's handwriting asking that the receipt be

    forwarded to Farley.2

    Farley returned to California on December 22. On

    January 19, 1994, Colasanto sent a premium payment to LINA on the

    policy in question and accompanied it with a letter reiterating

    "that the individual policy should be issued to Stephen A. Farley

    as owner." Colasanto added: "If a separate form is required to

    change owner, then please send the form. Future premium

    2Upon Colasanto's death, Farley apparently collected the
    proceeds of the other four policies without incident. In any
    event, none of those policies are implicated here.


    statements should be sent to Mr. Farley as owner." LINA sent the

    individual policy to Colasanto in early February together with a

    letter admonishing that if Colasanto wished to designate Farley

    as owner, he should execute an assignment form and return it to

    LINA. Despite the fact that LINA enclosed a blank form with this

    letter, Colasanto never signed it.

    Later that month, Farley returned to Massachusetts. A

    reconciliation ensued.3 Colasanto repaired to California with

    Farley, only to return to Massachusetts alone following a bitter

    quarrel that took place on March 7, 1994. The next month

    Colasanto executed a change-of-beneficiary form in which he

    purported to designate one of his brothers, Valentino T.

    Colasanto, in his capacity as Trustee of the Robert M. Colasanto

    Revocable Trust, as the beneficiary of the LINA policy.

    Colasanto died on June 17, 1994.

    Both Farley and the Trustee laid claim to the policy

    proceeds. The Trustee won the race to the courthouse steps and

    filed suit against LINA in a Rhode Island state court. LINA

    removed the case to federal district court, 28 U.S.C. 1441,

    citing the existence of original jurisdiction arising out of both

    diversity and interpleader, see 28 U.S.C. 1332(a), 1335, ___

    impleaded Farley, and deposited the face value of the policy

    ($140,000) into the registry of the district court. See ___

    3During this period Farley took possession of both the
    subject policy and the blank assignment form. The parties
    disagree about how this occurred. The appellant contends that
    Farley filched the papers; Farley claims that Colasanto gave them
    to him.


    generally Fed. R. Civ. P. 22 (discussing mechanics of _________

    interpleader actions).

    LINA's departure from the fray left Farley and the

    Trustee locked in mortal combat. After considerable skirmishing,

    the case was tried and the jury returned a verdict in Farley's

    favor. The district court thereafter denied the Trustee's

    motions under Fed. R. Civ. P. 50(b) (judgment as a matter of law)

    and Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(a) (new trial). This appeal followed.

    The Trustee presses several points in support of his

    position. We have considered them all, but address in this

    opinion only those contentions that have arguable merit and that

    are necessary to a resolution of this appeal.


    The appellant's flagship claim is that no reasonable

    juror could conclude that Colasanto transferred ownership of the

    subject policy to Farley, and the lower court therefore should

    have granted the motion for judgment as a matter of law.4 The

    standard of review referable to a trial court's refusal to order

    judgment as a matter of law is set in cement. The court of

    appeals undertakes plenary review, see Gibson v. City of ___ ______ ________

    Cranston, 37 F.3d 731, 735 (1st Cir. 1994), and "examine[s] the ________

    evidence and the inferences reasonably to be drawn therefrom in

    the light most favorable to the nonmovant," Wagenmann v. Adams, _________ _____

    4Transfer of ownership is a critical datum since, if
    Colasanto remained the owner of the policy on April 21, 1994,
    then his execution and delivery of a change-of-beneficiary form
    on that date would have been effective, and the policy proceeds
    would be payable to the successor beneficiary (the Trustee).


    829 F.2d 196, 200 (1st Cir. 1987). In so doing the court "may

    not consider credibility of witnesses, resolve conflicts in

    testimony, or evaluate the weight of the evidence." Id. ___

    Overriding a jury verdict is warranted only if the evidence "is

    so one-sided that the movant is plainly entitled to judgment, for

    reasonable minds could not differ as to the outcome." Gibson, 37 ______

    F.3d at 735.

    A A

    The gist of the Trustee's argument is that Colasanto,

    although taking an initial step to transfer ownership of the

    policy to Farley, never effectuated that change according to the

    terms of the policy. Thus, no reasonable jury could find that

    Colasanto substantially complied with the explicit policy

    requirements necessary to anoint Farley as the owner.

    This argument misses the mark. It is predicated on the

    common law doctrine of substantial compliance. The parties agree

    that the substantive law of Massachusetts governs this

    controversy, and, according to the appellant, the Massachusetts

    cases suggest that, if a policy specifies the manner in which

    transfers are to be made, the failure of literal compliance with

    the policy requirements will be excused only if the insured did

    everything that he could do to comply with those provisions.

    See, e.g., Acacia Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Feinberg, 318 Mass. 246, ___ ____ _________________________ ________

    250, 61 N.E.2d 122, 124 (1945) (stating that "it is of the

    essence of substantial compliance that the insured must have done

    all in his power to effect the change, leaving only some


    ministerial act on the part of the insurer necessary to

    consummate it"); Resnek v. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 286 Mass. 305, ______ ____________________

    309, 190 N.E. 603, 604-05 (1934) (similar).

    Building on this base, the appellant points to a

    provision in the LINA policy that states: "Changes [of ownership

    or beneficiary] must be requested in writing on a form

    satisfactory to us and sent to our Administrative Office."

    Because this condition could have been, but was not, met after

    all, the carrier sent Colasanto a blank assignment form, and he

    easily could have completed it and mailed it back the appellant

    insists that there was no substantial compliance, and, hence,

    that the attempted change of ownership was ineffectual. See id. ___ ___

    at 309-10 (indicating that if the insured is put on notice that

    he has not done all in his power to comply with the requirements

    for changing a beneficiary, as by the insurer's rejection of an

    improperly completed form, and the insured does not take the

    suggested remedial action, there is no substantial compliance).

    Even though Colasanto explicitly designated Farley as owner on

    the conversion application, reaffirmed that designation in the

    cover letter, and wrote a subsequent epistle reiterating that

    Farley owned the policy, the appellant asseverates that Farley's

    claim of ownership fails because Colasanto never transmitted the

    assignment form to LINA. The appellant then tries to hoist this

    asseveration by its bootstraps, noting that LINA never recognized

    a transfer of policy ownership to Farley, instead sending the

    policy to Colasanto and accepting the change-of-beneficiary form


    that he subsequently submitted.

    There are two visible flaws in the fabric of the

    appellant's thesis. In the first place, we do not think that the

    doctrine of substantial compliance applies to this case. It is

    generally held in Massachusetts that the provisions of an

    insurance policy which stipulate what formalities must attend an

    assignment are for the benefit of the insurer, not for the

    benefit of others. See Abbruzise v. Sposata, 306 Mass. 151, 153- ___ _________ _______

    54, 27 N.E.2d 722, 723-24 (1940); Goldman v. Moses, 287 Mass. _______ _____

    393, 397, 191 N.E. 873, 874 (1934). When, as now, the insurer is

    no longer a combatant, and the dispute over the validity of a

    transfer is limited to the assignor and the assignee (or those

    claiming under them), the assignor is precluded from relying

    mechanically on the formalities built into the policy to defeat

    the transfer. See Abbruzise, 306 Mass. at 153-54; Goldman, 287 ___ _________ _______

    Mass. at 397; Herman v. Connecticut Mut. Life Ins. Co., 218 Mass. ______ ______________________________

    181, 185, 105 N.E. 450, 451 (1914); Merrill v. New Eng. Mut. Life _______ __________________

    Ins. Co., 103 Mass. 245, 252 (1869). In other words, the _________

    assignment, though not in compliance with the policy, nonetheless

    may be binding as between the assignor and assignee as long as

    the evidence of the act and the intent is sufficient to confirm

    the assignment's validity.

    The second flaw in the appellant's thesis is that, even

    if the substantial compliance doctrine retains some relevance in

    a contest over life insurance proceeds between parties other than

    the insurer, an argument premised on substantial compliance in


    this case overlooks the obvious. If an insurance policy

    regulates the form of an assignment and the insured complies

    literally with those terms, the assignment is valid, and the _________

    question of substantial compliance is immaterial.

    Here, the policy provides not one, but two, means of

    changing the ownership. It stipulates: "The Owner ("you,"

    "your") is the Insured unless otherwise designated in the ______________________________________

    application or unless changed as provided under the Change of ___________

    Ownership or Beneficiary provision [i.e., by use of an assignment

    form]." (Emphasis supplied). The jacket of the policy

    reiterates this duality: "The Owner ("you," "your") is the

    insured unless another person is named in the application or _____________________________

    later becomes the Owner as allowed by the policy." (Emphasis

    supplied). Thus, while Colasanto could have effected the desired

    change of ownership by returning the assignment form to LINA as

    instructed, we see no reason why he could not also have done so

    in the application. Since the policy appears explicitly to have ___________________

    given the policyholder that option, we think that a reasonable

    jury could have decided the point on the basis that Colasanto had

    chosen this manner of switching the policy's ownership and that

    the resultant designation was valid and binding.

    A group policy and an individual policy that is spun

    off from it ordinarily are deemed a single, continuing contract

    of insurance. See Binkley v. Manufacturers Life Ins. Co., 471 ___ _______ ____________________________

    F.2d 889, 891 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 414 U.S. 877 (1973); _____ ______

    Brindis v. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 29 Mass. App. Ct. 368, 369-70, _______ _____________________


    560 N.E.2d 722, 723 (1990). Until Colasanto retired, his

    employer owned the group policy. There was no individual policy

    (and, hence, no individual owner) until Colasanto exercised his

    right of conversion. In all probability, then, the conversion

    application is an application within the purview of the quoted

    policy language we hesitate only because LINA is not a party

    here, and it cannot be heard on the topic in this proceeding

    and in any event, the appellant concedes that it is such. He

    maintains, however, that the application could not be used to

    dictate ownership because there was no line or place on it to

    spell out the nature of the change.

    We reject this argument. An insurance company cannot

    confer a prerogative upon the insured in the policy covenants and

    then surreptitiously take it away by omitting any reference to it

    on the forms that the company prints to implement the covenants.

    Here, the policy told Colasanto that he could designate the owner

    of a converted policy by naming that individual in the

    application, and he did so. At the very least, a reasonable

    jury, faced with this concatenation of circumstances, had a right

    to conclude that the policy allowed Colasanto to use the

    conversion application as a vehicle to bring about the ownership

    arrangement that he preferred. On that basis, the designation of

    ownership contained in the application complied literally with

    the terms of the policy.

    B B

    The appellant advances a second theory that involves


    substantial compliance. He asserts that, under Fed. R. Civ. P.

    56(d),5 the district court's order denying his pretrial motion

    for summary judgment precluded presentation of the substantial

    compliance issue at trial. The court's order stated:

    Although there does not appear to be any _____________________________________________
    dispute that Robert M. Colasanto failed to _____________________________________________
    execute and deliver the documents necessary _____________________________________________
    to transfer ownership of the policy in _____________________________________________
    question to Stephen Farley, there is a ______________________________
    genuine issue of fact regarding whether
    Robert Colasanto ever agreed to make Stephen
    Farley an irrevocable beneficiary and/or
    owner of such policy and whether adequate
    consideration was given for any such

    (Emphasis supplied).

    The appellant interprets the underscored language as

    establishing as a matter of law that Colasanto had not

    substantially complied with the requirements for transferring

    ownership of the policy to Farley.

    5The rule provides in pertinent part:

    If on motion under this rule judgment is not
    rendered upon the whole case or for all the
    relief asked and a trial is necessary, the
    court at the hearing of the motion, by
    examining the pleadings and the evidence
    before it and by interrogating counsel, shall
    if practicable ascertain what material facts
    exist without substantial controversy and
    what material facts are actually and in good
    faith controverted. It shall thereupon make
    an order specifying the facts that appear
    without substantial controversy . . . and
    directing such further proceedings in the
    action as are just. Upon the trial of the
    action the facts so specified shall be deemed
    established, and the trial shall be conducted

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(d).


    The appellant's contention is vulnerable on several

    grounds. We mention two of them. First, the issue of

    substantial compliance is a red herring, as LINA is not

    challenging Farley's status and the case turns, in the final

    analysis, on Colasanto's discerned intent. See supra Part II(A). ___ _____

    Second, the Rule 56(d) approach is little more than

    stultification by tactical semantics. We explain briefly.

    Although the appellant is correct in noting that Rule

    56(d) empowers a court to specify (and set to one side) facts

    that are without substantial controversy, the rule nevertheless

    "permits the court to retain full power to make one complete

    adjudication on all aspects of the case when the proper time

    arrives." 10A Charles Alan Wright et al., Federal Practice and

    Procedure 2737 (2d ed. 1983). Here, it is disingenuous to

    suggest that the court relinquished this power. Fairly read, the

    underscored language simply acknowledges the lack of any dispute

    as to whether the assignment form was executed and delivered to

    LINA. To say, as the appellant would have it, that the statement

    decides the compliance question as a matter of law would require

    us both to torture the district court's words and overlook its

    manifest intention. We refuse to do so.


    The appellant's fallback position is that, even if

    Colasanto transferred ownership of the policy to Farley, it still

    must be found as a matter of law that Farley, as an individual,

    is not entitled to the policy proceeds. This reasoning rests on


    line 10(c) of the conversion application, which solicits the full

    name of the beneficiary and the beneficiary's relationship to the

    insured. In response Colasanto typed: "Stephen Farley

    Executor." The appellant posits that the use of the word

    "executor" in this context designates a fiduciary as the

    beneficiary and, therefore, Colasanto's executor not Farley

    is entitled to the avails of the policy.

    The principal authority on which the appellant relies

    is Faircloth v. Northwestern Nat'l Life Ins. Co., 799 F. Supp. _________ _________________________________

    815 (S.D. Ohio 1992). In Faircloth, the insured wrote "Faircloth _________

    James H. Administrator" on the line in the application that asked

    for the name of the beneficiary. The court ruled as a matter of

    law that the policy proceeds went to the named beneficiary to be

    administered for the benefit of the estate, and not to him as an

    individual. See id. at 817. The appellant reads Faircloth to ___ ___ _________

    stand for the proposition that whenever a fiduciary label is

    found in close proximity to a beneficiary's name, the beneficiary

    designation must be construed as running to the actual fiduciary,

    not to the individual named. If Faircloth stands for this _________

    proposition a matter on which we take no view it contradicts

    basic tenets of Massachusetts contract interpretation, and we

    must therefore disregard it.

    Massachusetts law holds that, if an ambiguity exists in

    contract documents, its ultimate resolution almost always turns

    on the parties' intent. See Smart v. Gillette Co. Long-Term ___ _____ _______________________

    Disability Plan, 70 F.3d 173, 178 (1st Cir. 1995); Massachusetts ________________ _____________


    Mun. Wholesale Elec. Co. v. Town of Danvers, 411 Mass. 39, 45, ________________________ ________________

    577 N.E.2d 283, 288 (1991). In such a situation, the intent of

    the contracting parties is a matter to be discerned by the

    factfinder from the circumstances surrounding the ambiguity and

    from such reasonable inferences as may be available. See Smart, ___ _____

    70 F.3d at 178.

    These rules apply to insurance documents in the same

    way as they apply in other contractual settings. See Falmouth ___ ________

    Nat'l Bank v. Ticor Tile Ins. Co., 920 F.2d 1058, 1061 (1st Cir. __________ ____________________

    1990) (applying Massachusetts law). For instance, two analogous

    Massachusetts cases indicate that, when the insured, called upon

    by the insurer to designate a beneficiary by name and

    relationship, complies by using a descriptive term such as

    "wife," it is up to the factfinder to determine whether the

    insured meant the particular person named, or, in the

    alternative, a person fitting the description on the date of the

    insured's death. See, e.g., Strachan v. Prudential Life Ins. ___ ____ ________ _____________________

    Co., 321 Mass. 507, 509, 73 N.E.2d 840, 843 (1947); Brogi v. ___ _____

    Brogi, 211 Mass. 512, 514, 98 N.E. 573, 573 (1912).6 _____

    Of course, it can be argued that the appellation

    "executor" is more "legalistic" than the term "wife," and merits

    different treatment. We agree that the beneficiary's burden may

    be heavier when a fiduciary designation is in play, but, here,


    6Interestingly, both cases determined that the named
    individual should take, though neither of them was legally
    married to the insured at the time of the latter's death. See ___
    Strachan, 321 Mass. at 511; Brogi, 211 Mass. at 514. ________ _____


    the end result is the same.

    In general, courts construe beneficiary designations

    made in connection with insurance policies according to the rules

    applicable to the construction of wills. See 5 George J. Couch, ___

    Cyclopedia of Insurance Law 28:7 (2d ed. 1984). "The cardinal

    rule in the interpretation of a will is the ascertainment of the

    testator's intent from an examination of the language employed by

    him construed in the light of the circumstances known to him at

    the time he executed the will, and his intent, when determined,

    must be given effect unless contrary to some rule of law."

    Magill v. Magill, 317 Mass. 89, 92, 56 N.E.2d 892, 894 (1944). ______ ______

    Thus, a testamentary gift will vest in a beneficiary qua ___

    fiduciary absent a plain manifestation of the testator's intent

    to accomplish a different result. See Slavik v. Estate of ___ ______ __________

    Slavik, 46 Ark. App. 74, 76, 880 S.W.2d 524, 526 (1994) (en ______

    banc); Baker v. Wright, 257 Ala. 697, 703, 60 So. 2d 825, 830 _____ ______

    (1952). However, merely inserting the word "executor" in a

    change of beneficiary form that requests the policyholder to

    state the relationship between the beneficiary and himself

    presents presumptively a materially weaker case for holding the

    gift to be taken in a fiduciary capacity than leaving property by

    will to a donee who is a fiduciary and is so described in the

    dispositive clause. See Slavik, 46 Ark. App. at 76. In sum, the ___ ______

    naked fact that the beneficiary's relationship to the insured is

    designated in the policy documents by a legal term (e.g.,

    "executor") does not compel a finding of a fiduciary disposition;


    the matter still comes down to a question of the declarant's


    Applying the principles gleaned from these cases, we

    descry no error here. It is plain as a pikestaff that

    Colasanto's use of the word "executor" in response to line 10(c)

    creates an ambiguity. Given the suggestive spacing that appears

    on the completed form and the delicate nature of Farley's

    relationship to Colasanto a relationship that, in a homophobic

    society, he might wish to describe with some tact the response

    can plausibly be construed as using the word in a purely

    descriptive sense. To be sure, it can be argued that Colasanto

    used the word to indicate the legal status of the beneficiary

    but this possibility means no more than that the word, taken in

    context, is ambiguous. See Fashion House, Inc. v. K mart Corp., ___ ___________________ ____________

    892 F.2d 1076, 1083 (1st Cir. 1989) ("Contract language is

    usually considered ambiguous . . . where the phraseology can

    support reasonable difference of opinion as to the meaning of the

    words employed and obligations undertaken."). Because such

    ambiguities must be resolved according to the insured's intent,

    it follows that the district court properly submitted this

    question to the jury.

    Taking the next step, the jury's finding that Colasanto

    intended the term "executor" to describe Farley as an individual,

    not as a fiduciary, is amply supported. Since Farley was named

    as the executor of Colasanto's estate at the time Colasanto

    completed the conversion application, the description was


    accurate. Here, moreover, Colasanto originally had named Farley

    as the beneficiary of the group life policy. While it is true,

    as the appellant suggests, that a term such as "friend" or

    "companion" might have described Farley's relationship to

    Colasanto more fittingly, that is the stuff of jury arguments,

    not of appellate review and the jury had a right to assess

    Colasanto's word choice with knowledge that emotionally charged

    phrases may have been painful to contemplate because a ten-year

    relationship was on the rocks. Finally, it is telling (or so the

    jurors could have thought) that Colasanto never once referred to

    Farley as a fiduciary or in a fiduciary status in subsequent

    correspondence or conversations anent the policy.

    We need not paint the lily. On this scumbled record, a

    rational jury could have inferred as this jury did that the

    word "executor" was meant only to describe the particular

    individual whom the insured intended to name as the beneficiary

    of the policy, and not to portend a disposition to Farley qua ___



    The appellant tells us that the trial court erred in

    denying his motion for a new trial. Appellate review of orders

    refusing new trials is tightly circumscribed. We ordinarily will

    not disturb such a ruling if a reasonable basis exists for the

    jury's verdict. See Wagenmann, 829 F.2d at 200-01. Phrased ___ _________

    another way, we will not intervene unless we ascertain that the

    outcome is "against the clear weight of the evidence such that


    upholding the verdict will result in a miscarriage of justice."

    Putnam Resources v. Pateman, 958 F.2d 448, 459 (1st Cir. 1992). ________________ _______

    This is not such a case.

    We need not tarry. The motion for a new trial hinged

    largely on the two issues previously discussed the change of

    ownership and the identity of the beneficiary. We have already

    explained that the jury had enough evidence on these questions to

    support a verdict in Farley's favor. See supra Parts II(A) & ___ _____

    III. We add here only that, on both issues, the totality of the

    evidence does not suggest either that justice miscarried or that

    the trial court's refusal to overturn the jury's verdict

    constituted an abuse of discretion. Consequently, the district

    court did not err in denying the appellant's new trial motion

    under Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(a). See Sanchez v. Puerto Rico Oil Co., ___ _______ ___________________

    37 F.3d 712, 717 (1st Cir. 1994).


    The appellant contends that the trial court blundered

    in refusing to admit into evidence portions of letters written by

    Colasanto to Farley on March 17, 1994 and April 1, 1994,

    respectively. As a starting point, the appellant claims that the

    proffered statements were admissible under Fed. R. Evid. 803(3).

    We do not agree.

    Evidence Rule 803(3) removes from the hearsay

    prohibition statements that exhibit a declarant's "then-existing

    state of mind." But, this exception is not to be construed as a

    sweeping endorsement of all state-of-mind evidence. To be


    admissible under this exception, a declaration, among other

    things, must "mirror a state of mind, which, in light of all the

    circumstances, including proximity in time, is reasonably likely

    to have been the same condition existing at the material time."

    2 John W. Strong, McCormick on Evidence 274 (4th ed. 1992).

    Because disputes over whether particular statements come within

    the state-of-mind exception are fact-sensitive, the trial court

    is in the best position to resolve them. As is true of other

    rulings admitting or excluding evidence, appellate review is

    solely for abuse of discretion. See, e.g., Blinzler v. Marriott ___ ____ ________ ________

    Int'l., Inc., 81 F.3d 1148, 1158 (1st Cir. 1996). ____________

    Here, the appellant argues that the proffered

    statements reflect Colasanto's intent, as early as February of

    1994, not to transfer the converted policy to Farley, and that

    they therefore rebut Farley's claim that Colasanto had a donative

    intent. The district court excluded the correspondence on the

    ground that it did not relate to Colasanto's intent in February,

    but only to his intent at or about the time he wrote the letters.

    We detect no misuse of the court's wide discretion.

    On Farley's version of the case, Colasanto evinced a

    donative intent vis- -vis the LINA policy in December of 1993, in

    January 1994, and again in early February of that year. Between

    the last of these incidents and the first of the letters (which

    bore a date of March 17, 1994), a bitter fight between the long-

    time companions ensued. That imbroglio, for all practical

    purposes, eradicated any vestige of an amicable relationship.


    Although the subsequent letters clearly reflect Colasanto's

    animosity toward Farley on March 17 and thereafter, the

    significant intervening events the quarrel and the ensuing

    breakup could reasonably be thought to disrupt the

    contemporaneity required by Evidence Rule 803(3). Thus, we are

    unable to find that the district court abused its discretion by

    excluding the proffered state-of-mind evidence.

    In a last-ditch effort to stem the tide, the appellant

    argues, in the alternative, that the evidence was proper under

    Fed. R. Evid. 804(b)(5). That catchall rule permits the

    introduction of hearsay evidence, not otherwise admissible, as

    long as the declarant is unavailable, the evidence possesses

    "circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness," and the trial

    court finds that the evidence (i) is offered to prove a material

    facet, (ii) is more probative on the point than other available

    evidence, and (iii) the interests of justice will be served. See ___

    Fed. R. Evid. 804(b)(5); see also United States v. Panzardi- ___ ____ _____________ _________

    Lespier, 918 F.2d 313, 316 (1st Cir. 1990). A trial court's _______

    determinations under Evidence Rule 804(b)(5) are reviewed under

    an abuse of discretion standard. See Cook v. United States, 904 ___ ____ ______________

    F.2d 107, 111 (1st Cir. 1990).

    The preconditions for deployment of Rule 804(b)(5) are

    formidable, and the appellant cannot satisfy them in this

    instance. For example, the district court found that the

    statements lacked satisfactory assurances of trustworthiness. In

    light of the disputatious course of events that had been


    unfolding for months, leading to the retention of counsel by both

    Farley and Colasanto and then to the acrimonious quarrel in

    California, we cannot fault the district court's conclusion that

    the statements were suspect because litigation was in the wind

    when they were made.7


    We need go no further. For aught that appears, the

    case was fairly tried and the lower court appropriately permitted

    the jury's verdict to stand.

    Affirmed. Affirmed. ________


    7To emphasize the point, we note that the April 1 letter
    shows on its face that Colasanto contemporaneously sent a copy to
    his attorney.
