United States v. Ross ( 1997 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    Nos. 96-1269, 96-1455, 96-1998, 96-1999



    Defendants, Appellants.


    [Hon. Patti B. Saris, U.S. District Judge] ___________________


    Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________

    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Lynch, Circuit Judge. _____________

    Frances S. Cohen, with whom Michael D. Vhay, C. Dylan Sanders and ________________ _______________ ________________
    Hill & Barlow PC were on brief, for appellant Tracy Ross. ________________

    Peter B. Krupp, with whom Lurie & Krupp LLP was on brief, for _______________ __________________
    appellant Frank Brimage.

    James F. Lang, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom Donald _____________ ______
    K. Stern, United States Attorney, was on brief, for appellee. ________


    June 9, 1997

    LYNCH, Circuit Judge. A sting operation in the gun LYNCH, Circuit Judge. _____________

    trade involving a government informant resulted in the arrest

    of Frank Brimage and Tracy Ross. Brimage was convicted of

    being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition;

    Ross, of being a felon in possession of ammunition, both in

    violation of 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(1). Brimage was sentenced to

    more than 11 years in prison; Ross to more than 8 years in


    The primary argument they make on appeal is that a

    federal agent acted in bad faith in monitoring but not

    recording their conversations during the sting (thus not

    preserving conversations said to be exculpatory) and that

    such bad faith requires dismissal of the charges. They also

    argue that there was error in not requiring the government to

    disclose prior investigative reports involving the government

    informant, and that certain other evidence was Brady material _____

    which should have been disclosed. Ross argues in addition

    that he should have been granted a new trial based on newly

    discovered exculpatory evidence and that the district court

    erroneously concluded it did not have discretion to depart

    downward to make him eligible for a residential drug

    rehabilitation program. Both defendants are ably

    represented, but the record reveals no such errors and we



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    This weapons transaction unfolded in a Boston

    neighborhood which had been plagued with drive-by shootings

    and murders. Freddy Pena, a supplier of both guns and drugs,

    decided to lessen his potential criminal liability -- on

    account of pending state cocaine charges and threatened

    federal firearms charges -- by accepting an offer extended by

    Special Agent Daniel Campbell of the Bureau of Alcohol,

    Tobacco, and Firearms (the "ATF") to become an informant.

    To compensate Pena for his initial efforts as an

    informant, the federal authorities intervened and arranged

    for a reduction in Pena's state charges, and they never

    brought the threatened federal firearms charge. Thereafter,

    he earned cash for his efforts, and was paid $600 for this

    particular sting.

    This sadly common urban tale unfolded in January of

    1995. Frank Brimage then had a considerable criminal record,

    including commitments for rape, armed robbery, and assault

    with a deadly weapon. Tracy Ross had a relatively minor

    prior criminal record. He had been a high school basketball

    star who won a scholarship to college, but apparently flunked

    out. After this, he worked intermittently, and ultimately

    descended into heroin addiction. According to Ross, Brimage

    was his dealer.

    Brimage usually hung out next to a liquor store on

    Blue Hill Avenue in Boston. Pena approached him there on

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    January 16, 1995 and asked him if he had any guns to sell.

    Brimage replied that he had a .32 caliber handgun and a .380

    caliber handgun but was not going to sell them. Pena

    reported the conversation to his ATF contact, Campbell.

    Campbell told Pena to ask Brimage if he wanted to participate

    in an armed robbery of a drug dealer. Pena asked Brimage the

    next day, saying that he needed "two guys and two guns."

    Brimage responded "[t]hat's me." Ross then joined them.

    Pena and Brimage continued discussing the robbery; Ross

    indicated that he wanted to participate and asked how much

    money he would get out of it. None of these conversations

    were recorded or monitored by the ATF.

    Pena told the ATF agent that Brimage and Ross were

    willing to commit the robbery on January 19. On the

    appointed day, Agent Campbell met Pena and took him to the

    police station. Pena was strip-searched, wired with a

    transmitter, given a car, and told where to go and what to

    do. Pena was kept under surveillance by three mobile units,

    including one carrying Agent Campbell, who monitored the

    conversations from Pena's transmitter on an ATF portable

    radio. Two Boston Police Detectives were also in the

    unmarked vehicle with Campbell.

    Pena drove to the vicinity of the liquor store on

    Blue Hill Avenue to pick up Brimage and Ross. Brimage told

    Pena, in a conversation overheard by two officers, that they

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    had to go to Greenville Street to get the guns. Before doing

    that, Brimage went into a store and emerged with a bag. Ross

    and Brimage got into the car and drove to Greenville Street.

    In an overheard conversation, Brimage said the bag contained


    At Greenville Street, Brimage got out and went into

    a building. While he was gone, Ross again asked how the

    money would be divided. Pena told him to ask Brimage. When

    Brimage returned, Pena drove to a large parking lot in a

    shopping center where a Toys'R'Us was located, as the ATF

    agent had previously directed. En route, Pena talked about

    how the drug dealer would not resist so they would not have

    to shoot him. At the shopping center, Pena got out of the

    car and walked alone into the store, ostensibly to meet

    someone who had a key to the drug dealer's apartment


    On signal, the police teams surrounded the car. On

    the floor of the front passenger's side, where Brimage had

    been seated, the police found a .380 caliber semi-automatic

    pistol, loaded with six rounds of ammunition. On the floor

    of the rear passenger side, where Ross had been seated, the

    ATF agent found a .32 caliber revolver, loaded with five

    rounds, in a clear plastic bag. There were no fingerprints

    on the guns. On the rear seat was a white plastic bag with

    two rolls of duct tape. Brimage and Ross were arrested by

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    the Boston Police. Throughout these events on January 19,

    Agent Campbell monitored but did not record Pena's

    conversations with the two defendants.


    Failure To Record Wire Transmissions ____________________________________

    Defendants advance the theory that the ATF

    deliberately failed to record Pena's initial solicitation of

    their participation in the robbery and the circumstances of

    the sting, in a bad faith effort to avoid the creation or

    preservation of exculpatory evidence. From this they argue

    that: (1) the government is obligated not to act in bad

    faith in its decisions as to which conversations to record

    (and monitor); (2) that the appropriate remedy for a bad

    faith failure to record is dismissal of the charges; (3) that

    the district court was obligated to hold an evidentiary

    hearing; and (4) that the affidavits defendants submitted

    supported findings that the government acted in bad faith and

    that the "lost" evidence was exculpatory and irreplaceable.

    The government responds that it has no obligations

    whatsoever to record and thus "create" evidence. It says

    that the application of the bad faith test is limited to

    failure to preserve already existing evidence in the

    government's possession. The government argues that the

    doctrines announced in California v. Trombetta, 467 U.S. 479 __________ _________

    (1984), and Arizona v. Youngblood, 488 U.S. 51 (1988), _______ __________

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    requiring the preservation of existing evidence, should be

    taken no further. In any event, the government says, the

    defendants' allegations do not rise to the level of bad faith

    under the test this court used in United States v. Femia, 9 _____________ _____

    F.3d 990 (1st Cir. 1993), in the aftermath of Trombetta and _________

    Youngblood. Femia, 9 F.3d at 993-95. __________ _____

    The government is surely correct that the decision

    not to record a conversation is categorically different from

    the failure by police to maintain the breath samples of a

    drunk driving defendant, as was the case in Trombetta, or the _________

    failure to preserve semen samples in a sexual assault case,

    as happened in Youngblood. Those cases raise issues of __________

    destruction of evidence closer to those involved in Femia, _____

    which concerned the destruction of recorded conversations.

    For the purposes of the Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C. 3500, we have

    already recognized such a distinction, holding that the Act,

    which requires the production of all statements by government

    witnesses relating to the substance of their testimony, does

    not require the government to record all aspects of

    interviews with witnesses, United States v. Lieberman, 608 ______________ _________

    F.2d 889, 897 (1st Cir. 1979), or always to take notes,

    Campbell v. United States, 296 F.2d 527, 531-32 (1st Cir. ________ _____________


    At the same time it is not particularly helpful to

    think of the issue as broadly as the government frames it:

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    that there is absolutely no duty on the part of the

    government to "create" evidence. At issue here is the

    government's decision not to "create" independent

    verification evidence in the form of recordings and instead

    to rely on the memory of witnesses and their testimony about

    what was said, and we limit our inquiry accordingly.

    The breadth of the defendants' line of argument

    poses its own problems. It is, of course, easy for a

    defendant to raise a claim that an unrecorded conversation

    should have been recorded. Even if the recording of the

    conversation would have inculpated, not exonerated him, a

    defendant may get some benefit from the government's failure

    to record by raising the argument and flagging that issue for

    the jury.

    The government is quite correct to point to another

    problem with the defendants' argument. There is a need by

    law enforcement personnel for considerable flexibility in how

    they go about their investigations, and courts should not

    intrude into this area. That interest is somewhat lessened,

    but not eliminated here, by evidence that the ATF may have

    violated its own somewhat ambiguous regulations in deciding

    not to record the sting operation or the initial contact.1


    1. The pertinent ATF policy required "all undercover
    contacts by . . . confidential informants" to be "supported
    by electronic surveillance monitoring/recording in order to
    enhance special agent/officer/confidential informant safety,
    as well as to collect evidence in the investigation."

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    The government's interests may, however, be thought to cut

    another way in this matter. As this court recently noted in

    rejecting a Jencks Act challenge to the practice of

    government agents not to take notes or record interviews with

    government witnesses:

    By adopting a "what we don't create can't
    come back to haunt us" approach,
    prosecutors demean their primary mission:
    to see that justice is done. . . . By
    and large, the legitimate interests of
    law enforcement will be better served by
    using recording equipment and/or taking
    accurate notes than by playing hide-and-

    United States v. Houlihan, 92 F.3d 1271, 1289 (1st Cir. _____________ ________


    The issue is whether the fair trial rights of the

    defendants have somehow been violated by the failure to

    record. Some situations may raise concerns about whether the

    government is putting the due process rights of defendants at

    risk. Here, of the six persons who heard the conversations

    and could testify to them, four were on the government

    payroll (the three officers and the informant) and the

    remaining two, the defendants, would have had to waive their

    Fifth Amendment right to remain silent in order to testify to

    their versions of the conversations. However, that

    situation, absent a good deal more, is not in itself enough

    to raise due process concerns.

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    Given the vastly different fact patterns in which

    this issue may arise, we see no reason to adopt the

    government's position that a decision by law enforcement

    officials not to record key conversations (to be relied on in

    the prosecution) between a defendant and a confidential

    informant may never be probed to determine if the decision

    was made in bad faith.

    Neither do we adopt the mirror rule that such a

    test is always appropriate, as defendants would have us do.

    Instead we turn to what we said once in a case raising a

    similar claim:

    Perhaps there may be a case where
    selective recording presents a reviewing
    court with constitutional concerns. We
    need not speculate on this score,
    however, for this is surely not such a

    United States v. Chaudhry, 850 F.2d 851, 857 (1st Cir. 1988) _____________ ________

    (rejecting due process claim of selective recording where

    defendant did not assert government acted in bad faith).

    Nothing about the circumstances of this case or in

    defendants' meager proffer comes close to raising concerns

    that Agent Campbell's decision not to record was made in bad

    faith. Brimage submitted an affidavit, in which he made no

    claim that the statements attributed to him were false but

    said only that "The statements that I made during my

    conversations with Freddy Pena, if taken in context, are much

    more innocuous than the statements . . . attributed to me out

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    of context . . . ." Ross submitted an affidavit from counsel

    also suggesting that the statements by her client should be

    understood in context. Both counsel took advantage of the

    lack of context and argued to the jury the issue of the

    government's failure to record. Their proffer has quite a

    distance yet to go before it raises the spectre of bad faith.

    Defendants rely heavily on another argument: the

    allegedly implausible nature of Agent Campbell's articulated

    reasons for not recording. Defendants largely ignore

    Campbell's testimony that his squad usually monitored but did

    not record sting operations and that the primary reason for

    doing even that was to protect the confidential informant,

    not to create evidence. Agent Campbell testified before

    trial that he did not record the conversations here because

    this was a joint state-federal operation and he believed the

    recordings would be inadmissible in state court.2

    At trial, Agent Campbell gave a somewhat different

    reason for not recording: "I didn't think I would have to

    rely on anything that was said in order to convict the both

    suspects [sic]." While the responses were characterized by

    the district court as "lame," they are not inconsistent and


    2. The dispute between the parties as to whether such
    recordings are admissible in state court is largely
    irrelevant. One cannot say that the agent's understanding
    was plainly wrong, see Commonwealth v. Jarabek, 424 N.E.2d ___ ____________ _______
    491, 493 (Mass. 1981), that he should have known it was
    wrong, and thus that it was reasonable to think he had some
    other nefarious motive.

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    do not show bad faith. In fact, Agent Campbell's assessment

    of the case may have been correct: the car was clean when

    Agent Campbell gave it to Pena to use in the sting, Campbell

    then monitored Pena's use of the car, and guns and ammunition

    were found on the floor of the car where each of the

    defendants had been sitting. The agent's testimony does not

    mandate an inference of bad faith.

    The claim that the district court was obligated, on

    this showing, to hold an evidentiary hearing on the issue of

    bad faith is without merit. Such decisions are within the

    discretion of the district court, United States v. Calderon, _____________ ________

    77 F.3d 6, 9 (1st Cir. 1996), and there was no abuse here.

    Prior Investigative Reports ___________________________

    Brimage and Ross argue that the government's prior

    investigative reports should have been disclosed to them as

    they would have demonstrated the informant's modus operandi.

    This information might, they say,3 have shown that, in prior

    stings, Pena attributed to others the same incriminating

    comments he now attributes to them. This, in turn, might

    have shown that Pena was confused about who said what when.

    Defendants also argue that the reports might have shown that

    Pena had an opportunity to plant weapons and that he knew he

    could successfully attribute incriminating remarks to others


    3. Defendants have reshaped their arguments somewhat on
    appeal. While there may be something to the government's
    waiver argument, the same result is reached on the merits.

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    if he was not being recorded. By not having the reports,

    they say, they were deprived of their Sixth Amendment right

    to cross-examine Pena effectively.

    Although the trial judge preliminarily disagreed

    that the reports were discoverable exculpatory material

    within the terms of Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), _____ ________

    she did, at the defendants' request, review the reports in

    camera before trial. Judge Saris concluded that they

    contained no exculpatory information. The defendants at

    trial raised for the first time the argument that the reports

    were Jencks Act material. Judge Saris again reviewed the

    reports and again ruled they were not exculpatory and were

    not Jencks Act material. In fact, she found that the reports

    tended to buttress Pena's testimony.

    Our review of these determinations is for abuse of

    discretion. United States v. Femia, 57 F.3d 43, 45 (1st ______________ _____

    Cir. 1995) (Jencks Act material); United States v. Perkins, ______________ _______

    926 F.2d 1271, 1276 (1st Cir. 1991) (Brady material). The _____

    prosection vigorously disputes that these reports are Jencks

    Act material because the reports involved investigations

    other than the one in this case. We need not resolve that

    argument. This case does not provide the occasion to explore

    the parameters of the Jencks Act requirement that statements

    be produced "which relate[] to the subject matter as to which

    the witness has testified." 18 U.S.C. 3500(b). Like the

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    district court, we have reviewed the reports submitted in

    camera. We readily hold that the conclusions drawn by the

    trial judge were not an abuse of discretion.

    The Motions for New Trial _________________________

    1. The Victoria Pena Evidence ______________________________

    Defendants argue from the premise that the

    impeachment of Freddy Pena was key to the defense, despite

    the fact that the firearms and ammunition were found

    virtually at their feet. Even accepting the premise, the

    defense acknowledges that it knew at trial that Pena had been

    arrested in 1989 and charged in state court with a cocaine

    trafficking count, that the trafficking charge was reduced to

    a possession charge, and that Pena was sentenced to time


    What defendants did not know, they say, was that

    the charge was reduced because Pena's sister, Victoria Pena,

    had worked as an informant for the state police in a case

    involving another drug dealer, Jose Calderon. In January

    1996, four months after the conviction, Brimage sought a new

    trial based on the government's failure to disclose this

    information. The district court held that the government had

    not suppressed the information within the meaning of United ______

    States v. Osorio, 929 F.2d 753 (1st Cir. 1991), and that the ______ ______

    evidence was not material in the sense of requiring a new


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    The denial of the motion for a new trial is

    reviewed for a manifest abuse of discretion. United States _____________

    v. Tibolt, 72 F.3d 965, 972 (1st Cir. 1995). There was no ______

    such abuse. We cannot say that this evidence "would so

    undermine the government's case as to give rise to a

    'reasonable' probability of acquittal on retrial." Id. ___

    Defendants say that the Victoria Pena evidence

    would have permitted them to pursue two different lines of

    examination: that Pena was an incorrigible drug and firearms

    recidivist and that Pena lied when he testified at trial that

    his sister Victoria had never dealt drugs out of their

    mother's home.

    A Brady violation occurs when "(1) the prosection _____

    . . . suppress[es] or withhold[s] evidence, (2) which is

    favorable, and (3) material to the defense." United States _____________

    v. Perdomo, 929 F.2d 967, 970 (3d Cir. 1991). We bypass the _______

    Osorio issue of whether the government had this information ______

    and suppressed it and go directly to the third prong of the

    Brady analysis. We agree with the district court that the _____

    evidence is not material and our confidence in the verdict is

    not undermined by the fact that the defense lacked this


    Pena's character, if not unblemished before cross-

    examination, was thoroughly and ably sullied in cross-

    examination. Two pages of the district court's order denying

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    the motion for a new trial were devoted to descriptions of

    the impeachment of Pena. His characteristic devotion to

    drugs and guns was explored. As to the "lie" about his

    sister, Pena testified only that she had never sold drugs out

    of her mother's home, and none of the new information is to

    the contrary: it only shows that she worked as an undercover

    informant for the state police.

    The premise of the entire argument -- that the case

    turned on the impeachment of Pena -- is itself flawed. There

    are the telltale guns and ammunition: the most likely

    explanation was that the defendants were in possession of


    2. Ross' Motion for New Trial ______________________________

    One month after the jury verdict, Ross filed a

    motion for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence: a

    statement by Michael Holmes, Brimage's cellmate after the


    The district court heard evidence and found that

    soon after Brimage was arrested:

    Brimage told Mr. Holmes that he (Brimage)
    had been "set-up"; that Ross had only
    been along for the ride as a "drug
    tester"; and that Ross' high bail was
    hard to understand, because Ross had had
    "nothing to do with it." In a later
    conversation, Brimage told Mr. Holmes
    that Ross was "in the back seat all high"
    and didn't know what was going on; and
    that he (Brimage) would tell the court
    that Ross had nothing to do with it.

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    It is worth observing that Holmes is the son of Ross'


    This claim is subject to the same review for

    manifest abuse of discretion as the other new trial motion

    and comes to the same end. The district court found, and we

    agree, that Ross failed to be diligent in attempting to

    secure Holmes' testimony before the trial ended. Ross

    himself knew of the alleged conversation between Brimage and

    Holmes within a month or two of the arrest and while Holmes

    was still in jail and thus reachable. In all events, it is

    unlikely that this new evidence would have resulted in an

    acquittal. Ross twice asked what his share of the take would

    be, and a gun and ammunition were found virtually under his


    Ross' Sentencing Argument _________________________

    Ross says that he is in need of drug treatment;

    that the guidelines authorize a downward departure, based on

    a likelihood of rehabilitation, to permit a defendant to

    enter a residential Bureau of Prisons drug treatment program

    that is only open to those within 36 months of release; that

    the district court misunderstood its authority to make such a

    downward departure when it sentenced him to 97 months; and

    that the case should be remanded for resentencing.

    Ross and the government go through the usual

    dispute as to how to characterize the issue, with the hopes

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    of persuading us that the district court did or did not make

    an error of law. United States v. Saldana, 109 F.3d 100, ______________ _______

    102-03 (1st Cir. 1997).

    The question of whether the guidelines authorize a

    downward departure to permit a defendant to enter a

    residential drug treatment program is a thicket which we

    describe briefly but do not enter. In pragmatic terms, there

    is now only one residential drug treatment program, available

    at 34 sites, in the federal Bureau of Prisons system. There

    are many more inmates who need treatment than there are beds

    available in this residential program. The Bureau of Prisons

    has decided its program is best suited for those within 36

    months of release. Here, Ross' guidelines range was 110 to

    137 months imprisonment. He could not be immediately

    eligiblefortheprogramunlessthedistrictcourt departeddownward.

    The legal argument is put in these terms. Ross

    claims the district court had the authority to depart

    downward pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3553(a)(2)(D), which directs

    the sentencing court to consider the need for "educational or

    vocational training, medical care, or other correctional

    treatment . . . ." The government counters that the

    guidelines categorically prohibit departures based on drug

    dependence. U.S.S.G. 5H1.4.

    The circuits are split on this issue. Some have

    concluded that, because drug rehabilitation presupposes drug

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    dependence, the guidelines prohibit any departures to

    facilitate drug rehabilitation. United States v. Ziegler, 1 _____________ _______

    F.3d 1044, 1049 (10th Cir. 1993); United States v. Martin, _____________ ______

    938 F.2d 162, 163-64 (9th Cir. 1991); United States v. Pharr, _____________ _____

    916 F.2d 129, 133 (3d Cir. 1990). Other circuits have

    concluded that, while the guidelines prohibit downward

    departures due to drug dependence per se, they do not

    prohibit departures based on a defendant's potential to be

    rehabilitated. United States v. Maier, 975 F.2d 944, 947-48 _____________ _____

    (2d Cir. 1992); United States v. Williams, 948 F.2d 706, 710 _____________ ________

    (11th Cir. 1991). We need not resolve the legal issue.

    Looking at the totality of the record, United ______

    States v. Grandmaison, 77 F.3d 555, 561 (1st Cir. 1996), we ______ ___________

    understand the district court to have decided that, in light

    of specific facts about Ross, it would not exercise any

    discretion it might have to authorize a downward departure.

    Ross had twice before failed to complete drug rehabilitation

    programs. As the court told Ross' counsel:

    I have less sanguine feelings than you do
    about the recidivism, particularly since
    here's a guy who panned out of a program
    one time, who is facing trial and then
    does it a second time. That worries me
    about his ability to comply with the
    rules of the program.

    Later the court ruled:

    I do not think that I'm going to
    downwardly depart on the ground of the
    likelihood of rehabilitation. I often
    say that people make their bed, they lie

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    in it, and all I have on the record,
    despite the best of intentions, is that
    he went through two drug programs and
    they didn't work out.

    The trial court is in the best position to make such a

    discretionary judgment. That discretionary decision by the

    trial court is not subject to our review.

    To complete the picture, we note that the trial

    court did recommend to the Bureau of Prisons that Ross be

    admitted to an alternative 600-hour drug rehabilitation

    program while in prison.

    Affirmed. ________

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