United States v. Blodgett ( 1997 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    No. 97-1299





    Defendant, Appellant.




    [Hon. D. Brock Hornby, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Stahl, Circuit Judge, _____________
    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge. ____________________


    Jane Elizabeth Lee for appellant. __________________
    Margaret D. McGaughey, Assistant United States Attorney, with ______________________
    whom Richard W. Murphy, Assistant United States Attorney, and Jay P. __________________ ______
    McCloskey, United States Attorney, were on brief for appellee. _________


    November 7, 1997
    STAHL, Circuit Judge. Appellant Paul A. Blodgett, STAHL, Circuit Judge. _____________

    convicted and sentenced on two counts of being a felon in

    possession of a firearm, see 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(1), appeals ___

    the district court's decision to enhance his sentence

    pursuant to the Armed Career Criminal Act ("ACCA"), see 18 ___

    U.S.C. 924(e). Specifically, Blodgett disputes that his

    prior criminal record reflects the three predicate offenses

    necessary for an ACCA enhancement. Finding no error, we


    Background and Prior Proceedings Background and Prior Proceedings

    On May 9, 1996, police in Old Orchard Beach, Maine,

    arrested Blodgett after a high-speed automobile pursuit and

    subsequent foot chase. The police found Blodgett hiding

    under a blanket, holding a loaded and half-cocked 9

    millimeter handgun. The government charged Blodgett with

    four weapons related counts, two pertaining to the 9

    millimeter handgun and two pertaining to a 12 gauge shotgun

    subsequently found in Blodgett's car. A jury convicted

    Blodgett on the counts relating to the 9 millimeter handgun.

    The district court imposed a 293 month sentence.

    The court based its sentence in part on its conclusion that

    Blodgett's criminal history triggered the fifteen-year

    mandatory minimum sentence provided in the ACCA. Although

    Blodgett had eight juvenile and nineteen adult convictions

    that produced no criminal history points, the court

    determined that Blodgett had five other convictions which

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    supplied the predicate necessary for an ACCA enhancement.

    Blodgett conceded two of the five convictions, but disputed

    that any of the remaining three, a 1984 Massachusetts

    conviction for breaking and entering, a 1983 Maine conviction

    for reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon, and a 1987

    Maine conviction for burglary, should count toward the

    enhancement. Blodgett's challenge to the district court's

    ACCA enhancement forms the basis of this appeal.

    Discussion Discussion

    "Whether a conviction for a particular type of

    crime qualifies as a predicate offense presents a purely

    legal question, sparking de novo review." United States v. __ ____ _____________

    Winter, 22 F.3d 15, 18 (1st Cir. 1994) (citing United ______ ______

    States v. DeJesus, 984 F.2d 21, 23 n.4 (1st Cir. 1993)); see ______ _______ ___

    United States v. Fiore, 983 F.2d 1, 2 (1st Cir. 1992)). Our ______________ _____

    de novo review leads us to conclude that at least one of the __ ____

    convictions Blodgett challenges, the 1984 Massachusetts

    conviction for breaking and entering, serves as a predicate

    offense for purposes of the ACCA enhancement. Accordingly,

    we affirm.

    The ACCA provides that anyone convicted as a felon

    in possession of a firearm who has three previous "violent

    felony" or "serious drug" convictions will receive a fifteen-

    year mandatory minimum sentence. 18 U.S.C. 924(e)(1). The

    ACCA defines "violent felony" as "any crime punishable by

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    imprisonment for a term exceeding one year" that reflects any

    of several enumerated violent attributes.1 18 U.S.C.

    924(e)(2). Certain crimes, however, do not fall within the

    statutory definition of a "crime punishable by imprisonment

    for a term exceeding one year." Such crimes include any

    offense that a state classifies as a misdemeanor and which

    carries a maximum penalty of two years or less, see 18 U.S.C. ___

    921(a)(20)(B), and any offense for which a person has had

    his civil rights restored, unless that restoration expressly

    provides that the person may not ship, transport, possess or

    receive firearms, see 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20). ___

    In 1984, Blodgett was convicted for breaking and

    entering and sentenced to 18 months in the state prison.

    Blodgett now claims that the offense does not constitute a

    felony, and, even if it does, that he never lost one of his

    civil rights and had the others restored subsequent to that


    1. Specifically, a violent felony is a "crime punishable by
    imprisonment for a term exceeding one year" that:

    (i) has as an element the use,
    attempted use or threatened use
    of force against the person of
    another; or

    (ii) is burglary, arson, or
    extortion, involves the use of
    explosives, or otherwise
    involves conduct that presents
    a serious potential risk of
    physical injury to another. . .

    18 U.S.C. 924(e)(2).

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    conviction and prior to his most recent offense. Neither of

    Blodgett's arguments is availing.

    Contrary to Blodgett's assertion, the 1984

    Massachusetts conviction clearly falls within the definition

    of a "crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding

    one year." 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20). Massachusetts defines

    "felony" as "[a] crime punishable by death or imprisonment in

    the state prison. . . ." Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 274, 1

    (noting that all other crimes are misdemeanors). The

    breaking and entering statute that underlies Blodgett's 1984

    Massachusetts conviction provides for a maximum punishment of

    twenty years imprisonment. See Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266, ___

    16. In other words, Massachusetts classifies Blodgett's

    conviction as a felony, and, even if it did not, the maximum

    sentence Blodgett could have received removes his conviction

    from the exception of 921(a)(20)(B). See United States v. ___ _____________

    Indelicato, 97 F.3d 627, 628 n.1 (1st Cir. 1996) (considering __________

    the maximum statutorily authorized punishment rather than

    actual sentence for purposes of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20)(B)),

    cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 1013 (1997). _____ ______

    Blodgett insists that even if the conviction does

    constitute a felony, Massachusetts restored his civil rights

    which precludes the conviction from counting toward an ACCA

    enhancement. See 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20). "In this circuit, ___

    the civil rights that must be restored to trigger the

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    exception are the rights to vote, hold public office, and to

    serve on a jury." United States v. Estrella, 104 F.3d 3, 6 ______________ ________

    (1st Cir. 1997). We consider civil rights restored for

    purposes of 921(a)(20) whether by automatic application of

    law or by affirmative, executive act. See United States v. ___ _____________

    Caron, 77 F.3d 1, 4 (1st Cir. 1996) (en banc). As we have _____

    noted, a convicted felon in Massachusetts retains the right

    to vote, loses the right to hold public office for the

    duration of any sentence, and loses the right to serve on a

    jury for seven years after conviction. See id. at 2. The ___ ___

    government does not dispute that Massachusetts has restored

    Blodgett's core civil rights.

    Blodgett, however, is not home free. Restoration

    of civil rights removes the conviction from the realm of ACCA

    predicate offenses "unless . . . such restoration . . .

    expressly provides that the person may not ship, transport,

    possess, or receive firearms." 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20). In

    United States v. Estrella, 104 F.3d 3, 8 (1st Cir.), cert. _____________ ________ _____

    denied, 117 S. Ct. 2494 (1997), we held that the restrictions ______

    Massachusetts imposes on a felon's right to own firearms

    trigger the "unless" clause in 921(a)(20). Felons desiring

    to own firearms in Massachusetts must have been released from

    custody for five years, and then must obtain a firearm

    identification card. See id. at 7. A firearm identification ___ ___

    card permits a felon to possess a handgun in his residence or

    -7- 7

    place of business and to possess a rifle anywhere. See id. ___ ___

    Notably, a felon may not possess a handgun outside of his

    residence or place of business, nor sell, rent or lease a

    firearm to another person. See id. Estrella, therefore, ___ ___ ________

    precludes Blodgett's argument.

    Blodgett points out that Estrella determined ________

    whether such a Massachusetts conviction could serve as a

    felony supporting a conviction under the federal felon in

    possession of a firearm statute. See 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(1) ___

    (providing criminal penalties for felons who possess

    firearms). He maintains that "[t]here are reasons why this

    Court might choose to interpret Massachusetts law as

    preserving the federal ban on handgun possession by a felon,

    and yet not interpret Massachusetts law as allowing a severe

    enhancement of defendant's sentence where defendant's civil

    rights have been restored." Blodgett does not enumerate

    these reasons, but generally seems to argue for a different

    interpretation of Massachusetts law depending on whether the

    government seeks to use the conviction for purposes of

    922(g) or 921(a)(20), and, therefore, 924(e).

    In United States v. Alston, 112 F.3d 32, 37 (1st _____________ ______

    Cir. 1997), we rejected the precise argument Blodgett makes

    in this appeal. The defendant in Alston challenged the ______

    inclusion of a prior Massachusetts conviction as a predicate

    offense for ACCA purposes because his civil rights had been

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    restored. 112 F.3d at 37. We noted that "Massachusetts

    materially restricts an ex-felon's right to carry and traffic

    in firearms regardless of the passage of time," id., and that ___

    such restrictions trigger the "unless" exception to

    921(a)(20), see id. at 38 (citing Estrella, 104 F.3d at 8). ___ ___ ________

    On that basis we affirmed the enhancement of the defendant's

    sentence pursuant to the ACCA. See id.; see also United ___ ___ ___ ____ ______

    States v. Palazzi, 115 F.3d 906, 908 (11th Cir. 1997) ______ _______

    (adopting Estrella's interpretation of Massachusetts law ________

    under the "unless" clause of 921(a)(20) and affirming an

    ACCA enhancement on that basis). We see no reason to deviate

    from Alston in this case. We therefore conclude that the ______

    district court properly considered Blodgett's 1984

    Massachusetts conviction as a predicate offense for a

    924(e) enhancement.

    Conclusion Conclusion

    Blodgett concedes that two of his prior convictions

    constitute predicate offenses, and we find that his 1984

    Massachusetts conviction for breaking and entering

    constitutes the third predicate offense for ACCA enhancement

    purposes. We need not consider the remaining two challenged

    convictions. See 18 U.S.C. 924(e) (requiring three prior ___

    violent felony convictions to trigger enhancement).

    Affirmed. Affirmed.

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    Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, concurring in the Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, concurring in the ___________________________________________________

    judgment: I write separately because I am concerned that we judgment ________

    have significantly expanded a prior precedent, United States _____________

    v. Estrella, 104 F.3d 3 (1st Cir. 1997), without giving ________

    serious consideration to the difference between Estrella and ________

    the circumstances attending the present case.

    The defendant in Estrella appealed his conviction ________

    under the federal felon-in-possession statute, 18 U.S.C.

    922(g)(1), arguing that a prior Massachusetts felony

    conviction could not serve as a predicate felony under the

    federal statute because his civil rights had been restored by

    operation of Massachusetts law. This court held that,

    notwithstanding the retention of a felon's right to vote and

    the restoration of his rights to hold public office and to

    serve on a jury, the restrictions Massachusetts imposes on a

    convicted felon's right to own firearms trigger the "unless"

    clause in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20), which nullifies the

    ordinary rule that a civil rights restoration will remove the

    conviction from consideration as a predicate offense for

    purposes of the federal felon-in-possession statute. See ___

    Estrella, 104 F.3d at 8. Estrella's holding went no further ________ ________

    than the context of that case: it merely permitted such a

    prior conviction to serve as a predicate felony to support a

    federal conviction under the felon-in-possession statute.

    Id. ___

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    In the present case, the majority applies this

    conclusion to an entirely different context: to enhance

    Blodgett's sentence under the Armed Career Criminal Act

    (ACCA). As the opinion notes, Blodgett maintains that

    "[t]here are reasons why this Court might choose to interpret

    Massachusetts law as preserving the federal ban on handgun

    possession by a felon, and yet not interpret Massachusetts

    law as allowing a severe enhancement of defendant's sentence

    where defendant's civil rights have been restored." Ante, at

    7. Even if Massachusetts' restrictions on the right of an

    individual, previously convicted of a Massachusetts felony,

    to own firearms should have a bearing on the question of

    whether to criminalize federally an individual's possession

    of a firearm, it is not at all clear that Massachusetts'

    restrictions have any effect upon the very different question

    of whether that individual's Massachusetts conviction should

    result in an enhanced sentence upon conviction of a later

    federal offense. Accordingly, before we expand the Estrella ________

    holding from one context to the other, I think we should

    carefully consider whether such expansion is appropriate, and

    we should discuss our reasoning if we decide to go ahead with

    the expansion.

    I do not think we did this in Alston. The Alston ______ ______

    decision focused almost exclusively on a completely different

    issue (whether the prosecution's significant alteration of a

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    gun should have precluded its being received in evidence).

    Alston's expansive reading of Estrella was offered in ______ ________

    response to the last of several also-ran arguments that the

    court dealt with only very briefly. We conclusorily applied

    Estrella, noting simply that: ________

    In Estrella, we found these limited ________
    [Massachusetts] restrictions trigger the
    above-quoted 'unless' exception to the
    provision relied upon by Alston as
    restoring his civil rights. 18 U.S.C.
    921(a)(20). Estrella was decided after ________
    Alston's sentence and the original
    briefing [in this court], but his reply
    brief has no effective answer to that

    Alston, 112 F.3d at 38. Thus, far from "reject[ing] the ______

    precise argument Blodgett makes in this appeal," as the

    majority asserts ante at 7, Alston never addressed that ____ ______

    argument. The court in Alston did not even acknowledge that ______

    it was applying the Estrella conclusion to a different ________

    context -- which is Blodgett's argument here -- much less

    provide any reasoning for such an expansion. Nor did the

    defendant in Alston brief the question of whether Estrella ______ ________

    should be applied in the sentence enhancement context.

    In the present case, in contrast, as the majority

    acknowledges, Blodgett does at least raise the issue that

    Estrella on its face does not address the present context. I ________

    do not think we should assert that Estrella's holding has ________

    been significantly enlarged to the sentencing context merely

    by referring to Alston's conclusion (without further ______

    -12- 12

    analysis) and stating that we will not "deviate from Alston" ______

    here. If we are going to enshrine this expansion into solid

    precedent, we should discuss its consistency with the plain

    language (first) and the context and legislative history (if

    the plain language is not clear) of the relevant provisions

    of the enhanced sentencing statute (ACCA).

    Nevertheless, as the majority notes, although

    Blodgett does direct our attention to the implicit expansion

    that would inhere in our application of Estrella to the ________

    enhanced sentencing context, he has not provided us with

    developed argumentation explaining why such expansion would

    be inconsistent with legislative intent or otherwise

    violative of law. It is a "settled appellate rule that

    issues adverted to in a perfunctory manner, unaccompanied by

    some effort at developed argumentation," are deemed waived.

    Continental Cas. Co. v. Canadian Universal Ins. Co., 924 F.2d ____________________ ___________________________

    370, 375 (1st Cir. 1991). For this reason, I concur in the

    majority's judgment affirming the district court's sentence.

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