Morgan v. Lexington, MA , 823 F.3d 737 ( 2016 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-2174
    CHRISTINE MORGAN, next friend and mother of minor, R.M.,
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Superintendent, in his official and individual capacities; DR.
    STEVEN FLYNN, Principal, in his official and individual
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Denise J. Casper, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Kayatta, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Timothy M. Burke, with whom Jared S. Burke and Law Offices of
    Timothy M. Burke were on brief, for appellant.
    John J. Cloherty III, with whom Pierce, Davis & Perritano,
    LLP was on brief, for appellees.
    May 23, 2016
    LYNCH, Circuit Judge.              The district court granted a
    motion to dismiss brought by the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts
    ("Lexington"),          Lexington       Public      Schools      ("LPS"),     its
    superintendent, and a principal (collectively "the defendants"),
    ending a civil rights suit filed by a mother, Christine Morgan,
    who complained that the defendants inadequately responded to the
    bullying of her son, R.M., by his middle school peers, in violation
    of his federal substantive due process rights.                Five pendant state
    law claims were also dismissed, and a motion to add a second
    federal law claim under Title IX was denied.
    The complaint relied upon a theory once suggested by the
    United States Supreme Court that when the state creates a danger
    to an individual, an affirmative duty to protect might arise.
    Noting that this court has never squarely accepted such a theory,
    not having been presented with facts supporting a claim, the
    district court held that the facts presented here simply do not
    give rise to a substantive due process violation.                 We agree.   We
    also agree that the conduct alleged does not fall within the scope
    of Title IX, which is concerned with actions taken "on the basis
    of   sex,"   see   
    20 U.S.C. § 1681
    (a),    and   not   undifferentiated
    bullying.     We affirm.
    We draw the facts from Morgan's original and amended
    complaints "and the documents incorporated therein."                Ouch v. Fed.
    - 2 -
    Nat'l Mortg. Ass'n, 
    799 F.3d 62
    , 64 (1st Cir. 2015).                  Where the
    complaint characterizes a document, we refer to the document.                We
    do   not   attempt   to   cover   all   the   facts,   only   those    directly
    pertinent to the issues.
    In the fall of 2011, R.M. was a twelve-year-old student
    at a middle school located in Lexington, MA. On or about October 5,
    2011, several students pulled R.M. to the ground and beat him,
    repeatedly kicking and punching him in the head and stomach.               This
    was captured on a video given to the administration.              The school
    investigated. The next day, the principal, Steven Flynn, discussed
    the incident with Morgan.           He told Morgan that the incident
    involved a group of students, known as the "Kool-Aid Club," and
    that R.M. had at first agreed to the beating by the students as
    part of an initiation into their group.          He said that R.M. was not
    the aggressor and that R.M. was not in trouble but that he was not
    happy with R.M. because he "delay[ed] the investigation."               He told
    Morgan that because of R.M.'s conduct during the investigation,
    R.M. would not be allowed to participate in an upcoming school
    track meet.
    On October 17, one of the students who had been part of
    the Kool-Aid Club incident said to R.M., "You (R.M.) dummy, you
    got us in trouble."       R.M. was told they would "get him back" for
    getting them in trouble.          R.M. reported the statements to the
    assistant principal, who told him to stay away from those students.
    - 3 -
    During the fall of that year, students repeatedly called
    R.M. "Mandex Man," "thunder thighs," and "hungry hippo."   R.M. was
    "pushed, tripped, punched or verbally assaulted while walking in
    school hallways."     R.M. was also "table topped," in which "one
    person gets down on all fours behind the victim to push the victim
    behind the knees, and then one or two other individuals push the
    victim so that the victim falls backwards."          "[O]n multiple
    occasions R.M. had his pants pulled down in front of other students
    (male and female), while on school grounds . . . ." On December 21,
    R.M. was also pushed into a locker, "which caused him to break his
    On December 22, 2011, Morgan emailed Principal Flynn
    that R.M. did not feel safe at school and was scared to report
    bullying for fear of retaliation by his peers.      She referred to
    the school's anti-bullying policy and the state's anti-bullying
    statute.2   The complaint alleges that Principal Flynn replied by
    1    The complaint includes other incidents from 2012, such
    as R.M. having "his lunch and belongings strewn onto the floor" by
    another student and R.M. finding a Facebook page titled "I hate
    R.M." that students at his school had "liked."
    2    In    2010,    Massachusetts    enacted    anti-bullying
    legislation, codified at Massachusetts General Laws ch. 71, § 37O.
    The statute prohibits bullying on school grounds, id. § 37O(b) and
    requires that school districts "develop, adhere to and update a
    plan to address bullying prevention and intervention," id.
    § 37O(d)(1). The record suggests that LPS has developed such a
    plan. Of note, however, the legislature made the choice not to
    "create a private right of action" through the statute.        Id.
    - 4 -
    email that the school could not investigate the allegations unless
    R.M. himself reported the bullying.       What Principal Flynn actually
    said in the reply email was, "Is it possible for you to bring
    [R.M.] in this morning to meet with [school administrators] to
    hear from him the concerns?      This will enable us to take action on
    the issues."
    On December 23, Morgan met with school officials and
    reported new information that R.M. had recently given her.           This
    included R.M.'s general fear of retaliation for having reported
    some students and specific retaliation from one of the boys who
    had attacked him.     She gave the school sufficient information to
    start   to   investigate   the   allegations.     The    school   official
    responded that the school would investigate.             And at least by
    January 20, 2012, it did.
    On January 2, 2012, R.M. again expressed fear that he
    would be bullied and refused to go to school.           When R.M. did not
    show up to school on January 4, 2012, as required by state law,
    Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 76, § 1
    , Principal Flynn directed at least
    one officer of the Lexington Police Department to go to R.M.'s
    house. Morgan represented to us that the officer(s) went to R.M.'s
    house that day, and that R.M. "viewed this act to be a threat by
    Defendant Principal Flynn to intimidate and coerce him to come
    § 37O(i).   Morgan alleges that several of the school's actions
    contradict LPS's anti-bullying policy.
    - 5 -
    back to school."   On January 5, 2012, R.M. again did not show up
    at school; two officers again went to R.M.'s house to talk with
    his mother, and R.M. "experience[d] a panic attack."
    Morgan met several times with school administrators
    about her concerns for R.M.    During a January 6, 2012, meeting
    with the assistant principal and a school social worker, Morgan
    and R.M. were told that there was not time then to discuss specific
    allegations.   Principal Flynn investigated R.M.'s allegations and
    on January 20, 2012, reported that a student had admitted to
    pulling down R.M.'s pants,3 and that others had confirmed that R.M.
    had been "table-topped."    The complaint alleges that Principal
    Flynn told Morgan that none of the students involved would be
    In late February 2012, Morgan decided to enroll R.M. in
    a private school, where he finished the school year.
    Morgan reenrolled R.M. at the public school at issue
    here on October 9, 2012.    R.M. continued to experience anxiety
    about attending there and as a result "missed 112 days of school
    from October 9, 2012, through the remainder of the school year."
    3    The complaint never alleges what R.M. was wearing under
    the pants that were pulled down. At oral argument, counsel for
    the defendants noted that fact and referred to the documents Morgan
    attached to her complaint as supporting an inference that, at least
    during one incident of "pantsing," R.M. had on his gym shorts under
    his pants and was not "exposed."
    - 6 -
    On October 3, 2014, Morgan filed a complaint in federal
    court against the defendants, alleging (1) a violation of R.M.'s
    substantive due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment
    pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     ("§ 1983") against all defendants;
    (2) negligence against all defendants; (3) intentional infliction
    of emotional distress against the superintendent and principal;
    (4) negligent infliction of emotional distress against both men;
    (5) negligent hiring, training, and supervision against Lexington
    and LPS; and (6) violations of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act
    against all defendants.     The relief sought was compensatory as
    well as multiple and/or punitive damages for the alleged failure
    of the defendants to respond appropriately to the bullying.       The
    defendants moved to dismiss for failure to state a claim.         See
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6).    Morgan moved to amend her complaint to
    include a Title IX claim.   See Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a).   On September
    24, 2015, the district court allowed the defendants' motion and
    denied Morgan's motion as futile.      This appeal followed, in which
    Morgan challenges the dismissal of her § 1983 substantive due
    process claim and the denial of her motion to amend with the Title
    IX claim.
    We review the dismissal of Morgan's complaint de novo,
    accepting as true all well-pleaded facts and drawing all reasonable
    inferences in her favor.    Haley v. City of Boston, 
    657 F.3d 39
    , 46
    - 7 -
    (1st Cir. 2011).   "We review denials of motions to amend pleadings
    for abuse of discretion," Adorno v. Crowley Towing & Transp. Co.,
    443 F.3d 122
    , 126 (1st Cir. 2006), and "[f]utility of the amendment
    constitutes an adequate reason" for a district court to deny such
    a motion, Todisco v. Verizon Commc'ns, Inc., 
    497 F.3d 95
    , 98 (1st
    Cir. 2007).   "In assessing futility, the district court must apply
    the standard which applies to motions to dismiss under Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 12(b)(6)."   Adorno, 
    443 F.3d at 126
    A.   § 1983 Substantive Due Process Claim
    Morgan's   §   1983   claim   contends   that   the   defendants
    deprived R.M. of a "protected liberty interest in bodily integrity,
    specifically, the right to be free from the abuse and injuries"
    related to the bullying he endured, in violation of his substantive
    due process rights protected under the Fourteenth Amendment.4          To
    establish a substantive due process claim, a plaintiff must show
    not only a deprivation of a protected right but also that "the
    deprivation of this protected right was caused by governmental
    conduct." Rivera v. Rhode Island, 
    402 F.3d 27
    , 34 (1st Cir. 2005).
    In general, "a State's failure to protect an individual against
    private violence simply does not constitute a violation of the Due
    4    We will not address Morgan's new arguments on appeal
    that R.M. has a protected property interest in free public
    education, or that the defendants violated his equal protection
    rights, neither of which were alleged in the complaint.       See
    Gonzalez-Morales v. Hernandez-Arencibia, 
    221 F.3d 45
    , 51 n.7 (1st
    Cir. 2000).
    - 8 -
    Process Clause."       DeShaney v. Winnebago Cty. Dep't of Soc. Servs.,
    489 U.S. 189
    , 197 (1989).
    Two   of       our   earlier   cases   affirming     dismissal     of
    substantive due process claims involving juveniles, Hasenfus v.
    175 F.3d 68
    , 71–74 (1st Cir. 1999); Rivera, 
    402 F.3d at
    35–38, put the instant case into context. In Rivera, a fifteen-
    year-old girl witnessed a murder and had been told explicitly that
    she would be protected by police if she agreed to testify.                   
    402 F.3d at 31
    .       She agreed; she was not protected; and she was
    Id. at 32
    .       We explained that it is not enough to allege
    something shocked the conscience.             
    Id. at 34
    .     The plaintiff had
    to show that governmental conduct caused the deprivation of the
       We said:
    [T]he purpose of the Due Process Clause is to
    protect the people from the state, not to
    ensure that the state protects them from each
    other. "The Clause is phrased as a limitation
    on the State's power to act, not as a guarantee
    of certain minimal levels of safety and
    security," [DeShaney, 
    489 U.S. at 195
    because "[t]he Framers were content to leave
    the extent of governmental obligation in the
    latter area to the democratic political
     at 196 . . . .
     (third alteration in original).
    Even closer to the facts of this case is our decision in
    Hasenfus,    where     a    fourteen-year-old      student    who   received    a
    reprimand from her teacher attempted to commit suicide in an
    unattended locker room.          
    175 F.3d at
    69–70.        The suit, like this
    - 9 -
    one, named school officials as defendants and specifically alleged
    a substantive due process violation from their failure to take
    steps to prevent the suicide attempt given that the officials knew
    that the student had been raped the year before and that there was
    a recent rush of student suicide attempts.   
       In that case, the
    plaintiffs argued that the school had a relationship with the
    student such that it owed her a "special duty of care."      
    Id. at 71
    . Under that theory, set forth by the Supreme Court in DeShaney,
    an affirmative duty to provide protection or care might arise when
    the government "so restrains an individual's liberty that it
    renders him unable to care for himself, and at the same time fails
    to provide for his basic human needs."       
    489 U.S. at 200
    ; see
    402 F.3d at 34
    .   In response to the plaintiffs' argument
    in Hasenfus, our court noted that:
    The   Hasenfuses'   position   is   especially
    difficult to accept outright since the Supreme
    Court has come pretty close to rejecting it in
    a recent dictum which specifically contrasted
    DeShaney: "[W]e do not, of course, suggest
    that public schools as a general matter have
    such a degree of control over children as to
    give rise to a constitutional 'duty to
    175 F.3d at
    71–72 (alteration in original) (quoting Vernonia Sch.
    Dist. v. Acton, 
    515 U.S. 646
    , 655 (1995)).
    Importantly, we explained "we are loath to conclude now
    and forever that inaction by a school toward a pupil could never
    give rise to a due process violation [, as] [f]rom a commonsense
    - 10 -
    vantage, [the student] is not just like . . . the young child in
    DeShaney who was at home in his father's custody and merely subject
    to visits by busy social workers who neglected to intervene."                      Id.
    at 72.    So, too, here.         In any event, however, Morgan has not
    alleged the "pungent facts" that would be required to show that
    any behavior by school officials was "so extreme as to 'shock the
    conscience.'"     Id. (quoting Cty. of Sacramento v. Lewis, 
    523 U.S. 833
    , 846 (1952)).
    Morgan also asserts that her claim falls within the state
    created danger theory, which may be implicated "[w]here a state
    official acts so as to create or even markedly increase a risk" to
    an individual, 
    id. at 73
    ; see also Coyne v. Cronin, 
    386 F.3d 280
    287 (1st Cir. 2004) ("[T]he Due Process Clause may be implicated
    where the government affirmatively acts to increase the threat to
    an   individual    of    third-party      private     harm    or    prevents      that
    individual from receiving assistance." (citations omitted)).
    Morgan       argues   that    the     defendants   and       other   school
    employees allegedly "turned a blind eye" to the bullying of R.M.
    "and took affirmative steps to disregard Plaintiff's complaints
    and permit the ongoing sexual harassment and bullying," which
    "materially contributed to creating the specific condition or
    situation that caused R.M.'s injuries."                The "affirmative steps"
    Morgan points to include Principal Flynn's "punishment" of not
    letting   R.M.    run    in   the   track      meet   because      he   delayed    the
    - 11 -
    investigation after the October 5, 2011, Kool-Aid Club incident;
    sending officers to R.M.'s house; and a school official telling
    Morgan and R.M. at a meeting that there was not time to discuss
    specific incidents.5      These acts certainly did not create a new
    danger.   See Morrow v. Balaski, 
    719 F.3d 160
    , 178 (3d Cir. 2013)
    (en banc).       And Morgan offers no explanation for how the acts
    caused R.M. to be bullied or increased the risk to him.           See Stiles
    ex rel. D.S. v. Grainger Cty., Tenn., No. 15-5438, 
    2016 WL 1169099
    at *15 (6th Cir. Mar. 25, 2016).        An alleged failure of the school
    to be effective in stopping bullying by other students is not
    action by the state to create or increase the danger.                 These
    routine   acts    of   school   discipline,    truancy     enforcement,   and
    administrator-parent      conferences    are   not   the    vehicle   for   a
    substantive due process constitutional claim.               Cf. Rivera, 
    402 F.3d at 37
     (noting that "[w]hile requiring [the girl]'s testimony
    may in fact have increased her risk, issuance of a subpoena did
    not do so in the sense of the state created danger doctrine," as
    "[e]very witness involved in a criminal investigation and issued
    a subpoena to testify . . . faces some risk, and the issuance of
    a subpoena cannot become the vehicle for a constitutional claim
    5    Morgan also asserts that a school behavioral specialist
    was instructed to "illegally alter[] the diagnosis of [R.M.] in an
    attempt to avoid any potential liability," but she fails to develop
    any argument connecting that act to bullying toward R.M., and as
    such, we deem the issue waived. See United States v. Zannino, 
    895 F.2d 1
    , 17 (1st Cir. 1990).
    - 12 -
    against a state").     Moreover, viewing these acts as inaction does
    not help Morgan's argument.       See Hasenfus, 
    175 F.3d at 72
    .       The
    alleged acts in Morgan's complaints here simply do not approach
    the threshold of a state-created danger.6      See Rivera, 
    402 F.3d at 35
     (collecting this circuit's cases finding no actionable set of
    facts).    As such, Morgan's claim fails.
    B.   Title IX Claim
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 provides
    that "[n]o person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex,
    be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
    be subjected to discrimination under any education program or
    activity receiving Federal financial assistance."         See 
    20 U.S.C. § 1681
    (a).     An implied right of action for such claims lies only
    "against     the   educational   institution   itself."     Frazier    v.
    Fairhaven Sch. Comm., 
    276 F.3d 52
    , 65 (1st Cir. 2002).
    6    At oral argument, Morgan's counsel heavily relied on the
    truancy officers' visit to R.M.'s house. Counsel asserted that
    "when the school takes under the color of law to send police
    officers to [R.M.'s home], it then is doing something that . . .
    is a compulsory control." To the extent counsel was arguing that
    an affirmative duty to protect arises because the school was
    telling R.M. that he was obliged to return to school, we reject
    the contention. Compulsory attendance laws "are necessary . . .
    enforcement tools," and by themselves "cannot be the basis to
    impose constitutional liability on the state." Rivera, 
    402 F.3d at 37
    . A rule otherwise would enervate the truancy enforcement
    capacities of an education system. See 
    Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 76, § 1
     ("The school committee of each town shall provide for and
    enforce the school attendance of all children actually residing
    therein in accordance herewith.").
    - 13 -
    Sexual harassment in schools can constitute prohibited
    sex-based discrimination actionable under Title IX where there is
    a "hostile environment," such that "acts of sexual harassment [are]
    sufficiently severe and pervasive to compromise or interfere with
    educational opportunities normally available to students," and
    relevant school officials with actual knowledge of the harassment
    "exhibit[] deliberate indifference to [the harassment]."            
    Id. at 65, 66
    .    Student on student harassment can be actionable.          Davis
    ex rel. LaShonda D. v. Monroe Cty. Bd. of Educ., 
    526 U.S. 629
    , 643
    (1999).    The purportedly illegal acts must be taken "on the basis
    of sex." See Frazier, 
    276 F.3d at 66
     ("Discrimination on the basis
    of sex is the sine qua non of a Title IX sexual harassment case,
    and   a   failure   to   plead   that   element   is   fatal.").   However,
    "harassing conduct need not be motivated by sexual desire to
    support an inference of discrimination on the basis of sex."
    Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs., Inc., 
    523 U.S. 75
    , 80 (1998).
    Morgan points to the allegation that R.M.'s pants were
    pulled down on one occasion in front of a girl, and on some
    unspecified number of other occasions not described as being in
    front of any girls.7         One might perhaps view such conduct as
    7   Morgan's amended complaint includes one reference to
    R.M. being "sexually assaulted while at school" and one reference
    to R.M. receiving "death threats." Neither allegation includes
    any "factual content that allows the court to draw the reasonable
    inference that the defendant[s] [are] liable for the misconduct
    alleged," Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009), and where
    - 14 -
    harassment "on the basis of sex" depending on the context.                 Here,
    however, no such inference is plausible.               Morgan's complaint does
    not allege any sex- or gender-based animus by any of the students,
    and none can be inferred from the circumstances outlined in the
    Moreover, the pulling down of the pants by and large
    seems clearly to be an adjunct to the bullying on the basis of
    other considerations, and by itself is not portrayed in the
    complaint as sufficiently "severe" and/or "pervasive" to supply a
    sexual harassment claim under Title IX.                See Davis, 
    526 U.S. at 643
       (finding       that   liability    arises   only    when   the   school   is
    deliberately indifferent to sexual harassment that is "severe,
    pervasive, and objectively offensive").               Even if in some cases one
    could    "use    a    substantial   amount       of   arguably   gender-neutral
    harassment to bolster a smaller amount of gender-based conduct,"
    as Morgan suggests, such an inference is not reasonable here, where
    there is only one incident that can even arguably be deemed sex-
    based.    Morgan's citation to Chavez v. New Mexico, 
    397 F.3d 826
    (10th Cir. 2005), a workplace sex harassment suit in which the
    factual allegations "are too meager, vague, or conclusory to remove
    the possibility of relief from the realm of mere conjecture," we
    cannot credit them, SEC v. Tambone, 
    597 F.3d 436
    , 442 (1st Cir.
    2010) (en banc).
    - 15 -
    "[p]laintiffs allege[d] a number of gender-based incidents," 
    id. at 833
    , is therefore inapposite.
    Morgan also attempts to rely on an unpublished per curiam
    Fifth Circuit opinion, Carmichael v. Galbraith, 
    574 F. App'x 286
    (5th Cir. 2014) (per curiam), which found that "[t]he removal of
    a person's underwear without their consent on numerous occasions
    plausibly constitutes pervasive harassment of a sexual character,"
    id. at 29
    .     But the case is readily distinguishable because the
    instant      case   lacks    the     "constellation   of    surrounding
    id. at 290
     (quoting Davis, 
    526 U.S. at 651
    ), that
    the Carmichael court underscored in finding actionable sex-based
    conduct, including that the boy was "accosted by a group of boys
    in the locker room -- oftentimes having his underwear removed --
    while [one of the defendants] observed"; and "members of the
    football team 'stripped [the boy] nude and tied him up' and 'placed
    [him] into a trash can' while calling him 'fag,' 'queer,' and
    'homo,'" id. at 288.
    As such, it was not an abuse of discretion for the
    district court to determine that amendment of the complaint would
    be futile.
    We affirm the district court's dismissal of Morgan's
    complaint and the denial of her motion to amend.           No costs are
    - 16 -