United States v. Gonzalez-Martinez , 825 F.3d 51 ( 2016 )

  •             United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-1318
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Aida M. Delgado-Colón, U.S. District Judge]
    Kayatta and Barron, Circuit Judges,
    and McAuliffe,* District Judge.
    John H. Cunha, Jr., with whom Cunha & Holcomb, P.C. was on
    brief, for appellant.
    Julia M. Meconiates, Assistant United States Attorney, with
    whom Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, United States Attorney, and
    Nelson Pérez-Sosa, Assistant United States Attorney, Chief,
    Appellate Division, were on brief, for appellee.
    June 9, 2016
    *   Of the District of New Hampshire, sitting by designation.
    BARRON, Circuit Judge.          Allison González-Martínez was
    convicted after a jury trial of twenty-two counts of theft of
    government property and one count of aggravated identity theft.
    She argues that her convictions must be vacated because the
    evidence at trial was insufficient to support them and because the
    District Court abused its discretion in denying her request to
    continue her trial to a later date.           We affirm.
    We recite the evidence introduced at trial in the light
    most favorable to the prosecution, as is required when a criminal
    defendant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence to support
    her conviction.    See United States v. Pena, 
    586 F.3d 105
    , 111 (1st
    Cir. 2009).
    In 2011, the Internal Revenue Service received twenty-
    two tax returns purporting to be filed by twenty-two individuals.
    Each return showed that the filer was due a tax refund.                      The
    returns were not what they claimed to be.               They had not in fact
    been filed by the individuals whose names and security numbers
    appeared in them. Nevertheless, the IRS approved tax refund checks
    for each of the twenty-two tax returns.             Each check was to be paid
    from the funds of the United States Treasury.
    The Treasury checks ranged in value from $6,210.93 to
    $8,732.69.      Each   check   was   issued    to    the   individual   on   the
    corresponding tax return and sent to the address in the continental
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    United States provided in that return. That address was also typed
    on the front of each check.
    The twenty-two Treasury checks were eventually submitted
    for deposit into the Banco Popular account of "La Casa de los
    Motores and Junker Correa," a business in Puerto Rico that sells
    used automobile parts.      The checks were submitted by Junker
    Correa's owner, González, on twenty-two days from November 2011 to
    May 2012.    The first twenty-one of the checks were deposited into
    Junker Correa's account; the twenty-second check was held by the
    bank and not deposited.
    Each check was endorsed twice.    The first endorsement
    purported to be the signature of the individual in whose name the
    check had been issued.     The second was an endorsement to Junker
    The individuals in whose names the checks were issued
    never received the checks, never endorsed the checks, and never
    spent the checks.    Nor had they ever been to Junker Correa.
    The jury found González guilty on all counts they were
    asked to decide: twenty-two counts of theft of government property,
    all charged in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 641
    , and one count of
    aggravated identity theft, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1028A. Each
    of the twenty-two counts of theft of government property alleged
    that González had stolen the value of one of the twenty-two
    Treasury checks.    The aggravated identity theft count was charged
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    in connection with just one of the twenty-two checks.             González
    We review González's challenge to the sufficiency of the
    evidence de novo.       United States v. Santos-Soto, 
    799 F.3d 49
    , 56
    (1st Cir. 2015).        "[W]e examine the evidence, both direct and
    circumstantial, in the light most favorable to the prosecution and
    decide whether that evidence, including all plausible inferences
    drawn therefrom, would allow a rational factfinder to conclude
    beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the charged
    count or crime."    United States v. Salva-Morales, 
    660 F.3d 72
    , 74
    (1st Cir. 2011) (per curiam) (quoting United States v. Cruz-Díaz,
    550 F.3d 169
    , 172 n.3 (1st Cir. 2008)).             And, when we do, we
    conclude that the evidence was sufficient in this case.
    We   begin    with   the    twenty-two   counts   of   theft   of
    government property.      Each count corresponds to the submission for
    deposit by González of one of the Treasury checks.
    González does not dispute that there was sufficient
    evidence from which a reasonable factfinder could conclude that
    the twenty-two checks were fraudulently obtained from the federal
    government through the filing of false returns.              González also
    does not dispute that the evidence showed that she submitted the
    twenty-two checks for deposit into Junker Correa's bank account.
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    But González does contend that the evidence was not
    sufficient because it revealed that she, too, was "a victim of the
    fraudulent scheme," as she simply "deposited checks received by
    [her] business."      And so she contends that the jury could not have
    found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt given that, in light of
    the evidence, it was equally possible that she submitted the checks
    for deposit on a mistaken understanding of their pedigree as that
    she submitted them knowing that they were fraudulent.
    González is correct that the government needed to prove
    that she acted with the specific intent to steal a thing of value
    from   the   United   States,   and   the   government   does   not   argue
    otherwise.     See United States v. Donato-Morales, 
    382 F.3d 42
    , 47
    (1st Cir. 2004) (holding that although 
    18 U.S.C. § 641
     "does not
    expressly require specific intent, the Supreme Court has held that
    Congress, in codifying the common law crimes described in § 641,
    intended to incorporate the common law requirement of specific
    intent as an element of the crime" (citing Morissette v. United
    342 U.S. 246
    , 270-73 (1952))).          And the government put
    forth no evidence regarding how González came to possess the
    fraudulent checks.      But the government contends that the evidence
    in the record is still sufficient to support a finding that
    González acted with the requisite intent, and we agree.
    In support of her challenge, González points to the
    evidence that when Banco Popular began investigating the Treasury
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    checks, she produced eleven invoices that showed that customers
    had purchased items from Junker Correa with the checks.            González
    further contends that the invoices were credible because they were
    "detailed and distinctive."       For example, she points to the fact
    that one invoice stated that the customer had given a $6 tip.            And
    she points to the evidence that shows that she went to Banco
    Popular when the bank did not accept one of the checks and that
    she was a willing participant in Banco Popular's investigation of
    the problem with that check -- "unlikely behavior," she contends,
    "for someone who knew the check to be fraudulent."
    But   the   question    in   resolving   a   challenge    to   the
    sufficiency of the evidence is not whether the evidence was such
    that a juror could have voted to acquit.        The question is whether
    the evidence was such that a reasonable juror could not have found
    guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.       And there are critical holes in
    González's story that, along with the other evidence, provide
    sufficient support for what the jury did.
    González told the bank that she had an invoice for each
    of the twenty-two checks and copies of forms of identification --
    which she referred to as "IDs" -- for each person who had paid
    with one of those checks.        And yet she did not produce a single
       González insists that she failed to produce the IDs because
    her business was "hectic" and her records sloppy, and she argues
    that the evidence shows as much.           But a reasonable juror could
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    reject that argument and find that she failed to produce the IDs
    for a different reason, namely that there were no such customers.
    Moreover, the invoices that González did produce, while
    containing the kind of detail one would expect from real invoices
    (such as the $6 tip), also claimed that some of the customers had
    used Treasury checks to pay for items that cost significantly less
    than the value of the checks. In one case, the difference exceeded
    four thousand dollars.     Some of the invoices did claim that
    customers waited several days to receive the substantial change
    owed.   If so, the customers were apparently trusting Junker Correa
    to return the large difference and then accepting that difference
    by cash or check.   But Junker Correa's bank account statements did
    not show cash withdrawals consistent with such large cash refunds.
    For those reasons, too, a reasonable juror could reject the view
    that the invoices were real records of past transactions rather
    than post-hoc inventions of exchanges that never occurred.
    To believe that González did not know the checks were
    fraudulent, a juror would have to believe that Junker Correa,
    despite never before having received payment from a customer in
    the form of Treasury check, suddenly, in one seven-month period,
    received an inundation of twenty-two such payments.   A juror would
    also have to believe the customers chose this unusual form of
    payment even though it required them to trust González to refund
    them thousands of dollars at some future point in time.      And a
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    juror would also have to believe that it just happened to be the
    case that at the same time that customers began paying with those
    checks, González decided to begin transferring large sums of money
    from the Junker Correa account to her personal account -- something
    that she had done on very few occasions in the several years before
    the Treasury checks appeared.1
    To state what the jury would be required to believe is
    to state the reason that a jury reasonably could have believed the
    government's account of what must have transpired rather than
    González's own.   Lending additional support to the government's
    account is the fact that although Banco Popular does not permit
    double-endorsed checks to be deposited into personal accounts,
    such checks may be deposited in commercial accounts. As the Junker
    Correa account was a commercial account, the government presented
    the jurors with a reasonable alternative explanation to the one
    González offers as to why she submitted the checks for deposit
    into the Junker Correa account.
    "Jurors . . . are not expected to resist commonsense
    inferences on the realities of human experience."       See United
    1 On three occasions in December 2011, for example, González
    transferred $1,700, $2,500, and $4,000 to her personal account.
    She made approximately twenty-five transfers in the first half of
    2012, most of which exceeded $1,000.     By comparison, over the
    course of the previous three years, González transferred money to
    her personal account on just several occasions, and the transfers
    ranged from $300 to $1,000.
    - 8 -
    States v. Saccoccia, 
    58 F.3d 754
    , 782 (1st Cir. 1995).           A rational
    juror could have rejected González's story and concluded beyond a
    reasonable doubt that González, in submitting the checks for
    deposit, was knowingly stealing from the government.           Accordingly,
    González's challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence on the
    first twenty-two counts fails.
    González also challenges her conviction for aggravated
    identity theft.    The identity theft statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1028A,
    provides that someone who "knowingly transfers, possesses, or
    uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of
    another person," "during and in relation to" various specified
    felonies, including theft of government property in violation of
    § 641, "shall, in addition to the punishment provided for such
    felony, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 2 years."              18
    U.S.C. § 1028A(1).
    González    appears    to      understand      the    "means   of
    identification of another person" at issue in this case to be the
    signature endorsement on one of the twenty-two Treasury checks.
    The government does not argue otherwise, and so we proceed on that
    understanding as well.
    González does not contest that the signature on that
    check   was   transferred,   possessed,     or   used    "without    lawful
    authority" -- that is, that it was forged.              Nor does González
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    contest that she "transfer[red], possess[ed], or use[d]" that
    signature when she submitted the endorsed check for deposit into
    the Junker Correa bank account.   Rather, she argues that there was
    insufficient evidence that she did so "knowingly" -- that is, with
    the knowledge that the signature was forged.
    But for the reasons already given, a reasonable juror
    could conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that González did not
    receive the Treasury checks in exchange for actual sales at Junker
    Correa.   From this conclusion, a reasonable juror could further
    infer that González knew that the checks had not been signed by
    the people in whose names they were issued.2
    González next argues that her convictions should be
    vacated because the District Court erred when it denied her two
    requests -- one made three days before trial and the second on the
    morning of trial -- to continue her trial to a later date.
    González's request was made pursuant to a provision of the Speedy
    Trial Act that permits a trial court to grant a continuance where
    "the ends of justice served by taking such action outweigh the
    2 González also argues that the forfeiture count should be
    vacated because the evidence was insufficient to support her
    convictions on the other counts. Because we have concluded that
    the evidence was sufficient to support her convictions, that
    argument fails as well.
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    best interest of the public and the defendant in a speedy trial."
    18 U.S.C. § 3161
    We review a trial court's denial of a request for a
    continuance under that provision of the Speedy Trial Act for an
    abuse of discretion.     United States v. Williams, 
    630 F.3d 44
    , 48
    (1st Cir. 2010).      Under that standard, "we will not disturb such
    a decision if reasonable minds could disagree about the proper
    ruling."   United States v. Delgado-Marrero, 
    744 F.3d 167
    , 195 (1st
    Cir. 2014).
    We evaluate each case "on its own facts," Williams, 
    630 F.3d at 48
    , based on considerations that "include 'the reasons
    contemporaneously presented in support of the request, the amount
    of time needed for effective preparation, the complexity of the
    case, the extent of inconvenience to others if a continuance is
    granted, and the likelihood of injustice or unfair prejudice
    attributable to the denial of a continuance.'" 
     (quoting United
    States v. Rodríguez-Durán, 
    507 F.3d 749
    , 763 (1st Cir. 2007)).
    And we will "overturn[] the denial of a continuance only when the
    movant identifies specific, concrete ways in which the denial
    resulted   in   'substantial    prejudice'    to   his   or   her    defense."
    Delgado-Marrero, 744 F.3d at 196.
    González    argues   that   the   District    Court      abused   its
    discretion in denying her requests to continue trial to a later
    date due to the issuance of the superseding indictment in this
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    case only ten days before trial, and due to her retaining a new
    attorney -- Luis Rafael Rivera -- to represent her just three days
    before trial.        But we do not agree.
    We do not see the basis for concluding González suffered
    prejudice by having to appear for trial with an attorney who had
    just signed on to represent her.              The District Court instructed
    González that the court would allow Rivera to appear as counsel
    only if Rivera were "ready for trial as scheduled" -- an order
    González does not challenge as itself an abuse of discretion.
    Thus, by appearing for trial, Rivera represented to the District
    Court that he was prepared.3         Moreover, although Rivera tried the
    case as lead counsel, he had by his side González's two other
    attorneys, each of whom had been on the case since its inception.
    See Delgado-Marrero, 744 F.3d at 196 (listing "other available
    assistance"     to    the   movant   as   a   factor    to   be   considered   in
    determining whether a district court abused its discretion in
    denying a motion for a continuance).
    We also do not see a basis for concluding that González
    was prejudiced by having to go to trial soon after the superseding
    indictment was issued.        González is right that the new indictment
    set   forth    eighteen     additional    counts   of   theft     of   government
    3González does not argue to us that counsel was ineffective.
    But she does "reserve her right" to raise that argument in a 
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
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    property, each corresponding to a different Treasury check, as
    well as the one count of aggravated identity theft.                 But González
    agreed to the trial date in this case over a month and a half
    before trial.      When she agreed to that date, moreover, she knew
    that a superseding indictment was forthcoming.             González also does
    not challenge the District Court's finding below that over a month
    before trial she was in possession of all the discovery materials
    relevant to the new counts in the superseding indictment.
    We recognize that González argues that, despite having
    those materials, and despite knowing that a superseding indictment
    was forthcoming, she was unprepared to go to trial because she had
    expected    only   fifteen      new    counts     of   theft   of     government
    property -- as opposed to eighteen new counts -- and because she
    had not expected to be charged with aggravated identity theft.
    One can certainly see the potential need for more time to prepare
    when faced with a wholly new count.             But González must "identify
    specific    ways   in   which    the    court's    erroneous      denial    of   a
    continuance prejudiced . . . her defense."                 United States v.
    390 F.3d 1
    , 22 (1st Cir. 2004); see also
    507 F.3d at 763
     ("Identifying prejudice from the
    [denial of a request for a continuance] is essential.").                She does
    not, however, point to particular materials she would have more
    carefully    reviewed,    witnesses       or    evidence    she     would    have
    investigated, or a strategy she would have pursued had she had
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    more time to prepare.   Because she has not identified any concrete
    respect in which she was harmed by the denial of her request for
    a continuance, her challenge fails.     See Rodríguez-Durán, 
    507 F.3d at 765
     (finding no abuse of discretion in denial of a continuance
    where the defendants "pointed to no pivotal evidence or theories
    that realistically could have made a difference had they been
    allotted more time to prepare for trial").
    Having found no reversible error, we affirm.
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