United States v. DaSilva , 844 F.3d 8 ( 2016 )

  •             United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-2103
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Mary M. Lisi, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch and Selya, Circuit Judges,
    and Burroughs, District Judge.
    Tara I. Allen for appellant.
    Donald C. Lockhart, Assistant United States Attorney, with
    whom Peter F. Neronha, United States Attorney, was on brief, for
    December 16, 2016
    Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.
    BURROUGHS, District Judge. Defendant Fernando DaSilva
    pled guilty to failing to register as a sex offender in violation
    of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), 
    18 U.S.C. § 2250
    (a).   On     appeal,   he    challenges   several    of   the
    conditions of supervised release that the district court imposed
    in connection with his sentence, including sex offender treatment
    and provisions restricting contact with minors. We hold that the
    conditions are reasonable, but remand for further clarification
    consistent with this opinion.
    I. Background
    The defendant plead guilty in 2015 to violating the
    registration requirements of SORNA and was sentenced to time
    served, as well as five years of supervised release. He admitted
    that he was convicted of possession of child pornography by a Rhode
    Island state court in 2006, that he was required to register as a
    sex offender as a result, and that, in early 2015, he moved from
    Pawtucket,    Rhode   Island    to   Fall     River,   Massachusetts   without
    updating his registration.
    The facts related to defendant's 2006 child pornography
    conviction are as follows. In November 2005, the defendant's car
    was pulled over by police because he was wanted on open warrants
    and his driver's license was suspended. A 14-year-old girl was a
    passenger in the car. The girl had been reported as missing and
    was wanted on a truancy warrant. While searching the car, police
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    found two photographs of the girl in which she was nude and
    exposing her genital area in a sexually suggestive pose. The
    defendant admitted that the photos had been in his possession for
    over a week, but claimed that he was not present when they were
    taken and had no knowledge of the circumstances around them. He
    also said that he did not engage in any sexual conduct with the
    girl, even though he had been living with her in his car and at
    the homes of friends for a week. The defendant knew the girl had
    a truancy warrant. He also said they used crack cocaine together.
    He was 35 at the time of the arrest. In March 2006, he pled guilty
    to possession of child pornography and driving with a suspended
    license. He was sentenced to five years' imprisonment on the
    possession charge and a one-year concurrent term on the driving
    The defendant has an extensive criminal record from 1989
    through 2005, including convictions for larceny, breaking and
    entering with intent to commit a felony, driving a stolen vehicle,
    possessing cocaine, possessing a stolen vehicle, receiving stolen
    goods, escape by an inmate, possessing a weapon, and obstructing
    a police officer. After the defendant was released from prison on
    the child pornography conviction, he was additionally convicted of
    possessing marijuana (2010), possessing crack cocaine (2011), and
    disorderly conduct (2012).
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    In September 2015, the district court sentenced the
    defendant to time served on the SORNA violation, followed by five
    years of supervised release. The court also imposed the following
    conditions of release, to which the defendant objects on appeal:
    Special condition 5. The defendant shall “participate in sex
    offender treatment as directed by the probation officer and, as an
    adjunct to that treatment, to submit to periodic polygraph testing
    at the discretion of the probation office to ensure that you are
    in   compliance   with   the   requirements   of    your   supervision   and
    Special condition 8. The defendant shall “have no contact with any
    child under the age of 18, with the exception of your own children,
    without the presence of an adult who is aware of your history and
    who is approved in advance by the probation officer.”
    Special condition 9. The defendant shall not “loiter in areas where
    children congregate [including] but not limited to, schools, day
    care centers, playgrounds, arcades, amusement parks, recreation
    parks, and youth sporting events.”
    Special condition 10. The defendant shall not “be employed in any
    occupation,   business,    or   profession,    or    participate   in    any
    volunteer activity where there is access to children under the age
    of 18, unless authorized in advance by the probation officer.”
    Special condition 11. The defendant shall “live at a residence
    approved by the probation office, and not reside with anyone under
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    the age of 18, [with the exception of your own children,]1 unless
    approved, in advance, by the probation office.”
    The defendant's counsel raised general, somewhat pro
    forma objections to the conditions at sentencing. The defendant
    now   appeals,    arguing    that    the   special   conditions   were    not
    reasonably    related   to   the    defendant's   conviction   (failing   to
    register), his history, or the goals of sentencing. He also claims
    that the conditions are overbroad and impose a greater deprivation
    of liberty than is reasonably necessary.
    II. Discussion
    “We review conditions of supervised release for abuse of
    discretion.” United States v. Del Valle-Cruz, 
    785 F.3d 48
    , 58 (1st
    Cir. 2015). “The court exceeds its discretion when it fails to
    consider a significant factor in its decisional calculus, if it
    relies on an improper factor in computing that calculus, or if it
    considers all of the appropriate factors but makes a serious
    mistake in weighing such factors.” 
     (quoting Colon-Cabrera v.
    Esso Standard Oil Co., 
    723 F.3d 82
    , 88 (1st Cir. 2013)). To
    evaluate the conditions of supervised release, we apply 
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (d) and U.S.S.G § 5D1.3(b), which together require that the
    conditions “involve[] no greater deprivation of liberty than is
    1   As discussed below, the written judgment omits the “own
    children” exception, but the oral decision includes the “own
    children” exception.
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    reasonably necessary” to achieve the goals of the sentence, 
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (d)(2), and that the conditions be “‘reasonably
    related’ both to these goals and to the ‘nature and circumstances
    of   the   offense     and   the   history   and    characteristics      of   the
    defendant,’” United States v. Perazza-Mercado, 
    553 F.3d 65
    , 69
    (1st Cir. 2009) (quoting 
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (d)(1) and § 3553(a)(1)).
    The district court is required to set forth a “reasoned and case-
    specific explanation” for the conditions it imposes. Id. at 75
    (quoting United States v. Gilman, 
    478 F.3d 440
    , 446 (1st Cir.
    First, the defendant argues that because his conviction
    for child pornography occurred nine years prior to the SORNA
    violation, and because he has not been convicted of a sex-related
    offense    in    the   intervening     years,      the   district    court    had
    insufficient justification to impose conditions related to the
    child pornography conviction.
    In   two    recent     cases,    we    upheld   nearly    identical
    conditions in similar circumstances. United States v. Pabon, 
    819 F.3d 26
     (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 
    137 S. Ct. 345
     (2016); United
    States v. Mercado, 
    777 F.3d 532
     (1st Cir. 2015). In Mercado, even
    though the underlying sex offense “occurred some ten years prior
    to   sentencing”       for   the   SORNA     violation,     “the     defendant's
    persistent criminal involvement over the intervening years [made]
    his earlier offense highly relevant.” 777 F.3d at 538. We also
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    recognized that the SORNA violation itself is “a type of lapse
    that has been credibly linked to an increased risk of recidivism.”
    Id. at 539. And we explained that it was important that the
    conditions imposed by the district court did not “comprise an
    outright ban on the defendant’s ability to associate (or even live)
    with his minor children.” Id. Instead, the conditions required
    visits with his own children to be pre-approved by the probation
    officer and to take place in the presence of an adult familiar
    with his criminal history. Id.
    In Pabon, the sex offense conviction occurred only three
    years   prior   to    the    SORNA   conviction,    but    we    explained      that
    “subsequent criminal conduct, whether or not of a sexual nature,
    indicates an enhanced risk of recidivism.” Pabon, 819 F.3d at 29,
    31. Further, “associational conditions may be proper where the
    defendant has recently committed a sex offense against a minor, or
    where the intervening time between a prior sex offense and the
    present conviction is marked by substantial criminal activity, or
    where the defendant's conduct otherwise indicates an enhanced risk
    to minors.” Id. at 31 (citations omitted). This is particularly
    true when the associational conditions “do not place an outright
    ban on association with minors, but only curtail association, such
    as by requiring pre-approval by the probation officer or another
    authority.”     Id.   at    31–32.   We   also   found    it    relevant   to    the
    reasonableness of the condition that, like here, there was not an
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    outright ban on the defendant’s ability to associate with his own
    children. Id. at 34.
    Mercado and Pabon are consistent with prior caselaw.
    See, e.g., United States v. Morales-Cruz, 
    712 F.3d 71
    , 73–75 (1st
    Cir.     2013)      (upholding     sex    offender-related         conditions     of
    supervised release where underlying sex offense occurred 16 years
    prior,    as     defendant       had   multiple        intervening    convictions,
    including acts of violence against women, and his “record shows a
    pattern of failure to comply with court orders and conditions of
    probation imposed for his crimes”); United States v. Sebastian,
    612 F.3d 47
    , 49, 51 (1st Cir. 2010) (upholding sex offender-related
    conditions of release on drug conviction where defendant was
    convicted      of   sexual   assault     eight    years    prior     and   “multiple
    convictions for drug offenses” indicated defendant had trouble
    obeying court orders and thus was likely to reoffend).
    In      this   case,   although      the    defendant’s    2006    child
    pornography conviction occurred 10 years ago, he has been convicted
    of three more crimes in the intervening years. Further, the
    defendant was incarcerated for the first five years after his 2006
    conviction, which means that he has committed three crimes in the
    five years that he has been free. As Mercado and the other cases
    indicate, a 10-year-old sex crime conviction is not so old that it
    was unreasonable for the district court to consider it. Combined
    with the defendant’s extensive criminal history both before and
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    after that conviction, which indicates that he has difficulty
    obeying court orders and could have been considered by the district
    court as highly likely to reoffend, the district court did not
    abuse    its   discretion        in    imposing       the   sex      offender-related
    conditions.     The       conditions    also    do    not   impose     too   great   an
    infringement        on    his   associational        rights,    as    they   are   less
    stringent than those approved in Mercado and Pabon, where the
    conditions did not contain exceptions for the defendants’ own
    children. Mercado, 777 F.3d at 535; Pabon, 819 F.3d at 29.
    The defendant relies heavily on Del Valle-Cruz, which
    vacated conditions of release similar to those at issue here,
    including sex offender treatment and a prohibition on interaction
    with minors. 785 F.3d at 64. The present case is distinguishable
    from Del Valle-Cruz in several ways, however. In Del Valle-Cruz,
    the underlying sex offense occurred 15 years prior to the SORNA
    violation, and although the defendant had been convicted of a few
    registry violations and a domestic battery in the years immediately
    after the sex offense, he had subsequently turned his life around
    and had no convictions (aside from the failure to register) for
    more than nine years. Id. at 52–53, 60–61 (distinguishing Mercado,
    where defendant had an extensive criminal history). In contrast,
    in this case, the defendant’s criminal activities are numerous and
    show    no   sign    of    cessation.    Furthermore,          his   sex   offense   is
    considerably more recent. Additionally, Del Valle-Cruz emphasized
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    that       the    district         court    had     provided       no     explanation       or
    justification whatsoever for imposing the conditions, id. at 56–
    58,    unlike      here,    where     the    district       court       did   provide     some
    explanation. Finally, the conditions in Del Valle-Cruz implicated
    a     fundamental        constitutional           liberty     interest,        id.   at     62
    (condition         prohibited        all     contact        with    minors,        including
    defendant’s own son), in a way not at issue in this case, where
    the district court included an exception for the defendant’s own
    child and others with permission.2
    Next,   the   defendant      argues    that       the    district      court
    failed      to    provide      a    sufficient       explanation         to   support      the
    conditions        it     imposed.     When    the     defendant         objected     to    the
    conditions of supervised release, the district court responded:
    “to all of those I say the information contained in paragraph 51
    of the presentence report [is] sufficient to support the Court’s
    making those orders.” Paragraph 51 explains the details of the
    2  In a Rule 28(j) letter, see Fed. R. App. P. 28(j), the
    defendant additionally cites to United States v. Fey, 
    834 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir. 2016). In that case, the defendant had been convicted of
    the underlying sex offense in 1999, and since that time, his only
    crimes were failure to register and violation of a probation
    condition prohibiting him from residing with minors. 
    Id. at 4
    Furthermore, the conditions prohibited him from having contact
    with any children, including family members. 
    Id. at 5
    . While the
    court reversed the associational conditions, it nevertheless
    upheld an employment condition. 
    Id. at 6
    . Considering that the
    defendant’s criminal history is more extensive than that in Fey,
    and that his conditions contain an exception for his own child,
    Fey does not command a reversal here.
    - 10 -
    2006 child pornography conviction. In addition, when the defendant
    objected to the condition that prohibits residing with children,
    the   district    court   responded,    “[i]t   says   without   prior
    authorization.”   3
    The defendant claims that the reference to paragraph 51
    is “too tenuous a rationale” to support the imposition of the
    conditions, but we have previously upheld similar explanations.
    See Mercado, 777 F.3d at 535 (district court’s rationale was that
    probation office had discretion to order sex offender treatment;
    such treatment is “fairly standard in sex offender cases;” and
    probation office could review living and employment situations to
    mitigate risk); cf. Del Valle-Cruz, 785 F.3d at 62 (reversing where
    “district court provided us no clue as to its reasoning” (emphasis
    added)). In this instance, we can infer from the district court’s
    reference to paragraph 51 that it was concerned about the serious
    nature of the underlying sex offense, and that this prior offense,
    3   At the beginning of oral argument, when counsel for the
    defendant was discussing the conditions, she described this
    condition as “presumably allow[ing] him to have unsupervised
    contact with his child.” (emphasis added). Later, counsel
    represented that the condition was that he could have no contact
    with children under 18 without supervision, omitting the exception
    for his own child. Although there was a discrepancy between the
    written and oral judgment, we assume counsel was aware of this
    discrepancy and understood that the oral judgment controls. Fey,
    834 F.3d at 6 n.5. Counsel may have intended only to use shorthand,
    but we nevertheless remind her that the duty of candor requires a
    certain amount of clarity, even if it comes at the expense of
    - 11 -
    when combined with the defendant’s criminal history, made him more
    likely to reoffend. In addition, the district court pointed out
    that the probation office could make exceptions to some of the
    conditions as needed.
    The defendant also argues that the terms of special
    conditions 8, 10, and 11, each of which allow the probation officer
    to approve specific exceptions to those conditions, are not enough
    to salvage conditions that are otherwise impermissible. In its
    brief, the United States responds as though the defendant was
    making an unpreserved delegation claim, but the defendant conceded
    at oral argument that the argument is not about delegation. Rather,
    his point is that the conditions themselves hinder the parent-
    child relationship, and the ability to petition the probation
    office for an exception is not sufficient to justify leaving the
    conditions in place. As discussed above, however, these conditions
    are permissible and virtually identical to conditions in other
    cases that we have upheld. See Pabon, 819 F.3d at 29; Mercado, 777
    F.3d   at   535.   Furthermore,   giving   the   probation   officer   some
    authority to make exceptions as warranted is generally seen as a
    benefit of such orders in that it allows for flexibility and
    permits personal circumstances to be dealt with as they arise. See
    Pabon, 819 F.3d at 31–32 (citing Mercado, 777 F.3d at 539; United
    States v. Santiago, 
    769 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 2014); and United
    States v. Smith, 
    436 F.3d 307
    , 312 (1st Cir. 2006)). Should the
    - 12 -
    defendant object to a decision of the probation officer, he has
    the option of seeking redress with the district court pursuant to
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (e)(2). See Mercado, 777 F.3d at 539.
    Additionally, the defendant claims that the limitations
    on interacting with minors, loitering where children congregate,
    working or volunteering with minors, and residing with children
    (except his own) significantly impede his freedom to associate
    with his family. At the time of his arrest, the defendant was
    living as a family with his fiancée, their minor child, and his
    fiancée’s child, who is the half-sibling of the defendant’s child
    and whom the defendant claims to be raising as his own. The
    defendant argues that the conditions fail to take into account his
    relationship with his fiancée’s child, and also significantly
    limit the parenting activities in which he can engage, including
    taking the children to and from school and participating in events
    like birthday parties and after-school activities.
    As an initial matter, we note that there is a discrepancy
    between   the   written   and   oral   versions   of   condition   11.   At
    sentencing, the district court announced that the defendant shall
    “not reside with anyone under the age of 18, with the exception of
    your own children, unless approved in advance by the probation
    office.” The written condition omits the “own children” exception.
    As a general rule, “where the conditions imposed orally conflict
    in a material way with the conditions that ended up in the
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    judgment, the oral conditions control.” United States v. Fey, 
    834 F.3d 1
    , 6 n.5 (1st Cir. 2016) (quoting United States v. Santiago,
    769 F.3d 1
    , 10 (1st Cir. 2014). Therefore, we assume that the
    district court intended to include the exception. Given the fact
    that the order could benefit from further clarification, however,
    we will remand to the district court with instructions to enter a
    corrected judgment that reflects the exception to condition 11
    that allows the defendant to reside with his own child.
    The defendant makes an argument that, because he lives
    in a home with his fiancée and two children, and is raising the
    fiancée’s child as his own, the soon-to-be stepchild should be
    treated the same as the defendant’s biological child for purposes
    of the release conditions. If that is true, it may be that the
    district court intended such a result when specifying that the
    defendant could associate and reside with his “own” children, but
    the order is not clear on that point. Therefore, on remand, the
    district court should clarify whether the fiancée’s child is
    included in the exception to the general conditions.
    Finally, we note that the restrictions on interaction
    with minors are not to be construed so strictly as to prohibit any
    manner   of   contact   with   other    children.   “[A]ssociational
    restrictions are usually read to exclude incidental encounters.”
    Pabon, 819 F.3d at 35. Otherwise, such a prohibition could become
    tantamount to “house arrest.” Id. In Pabon, we explained that we
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    would   read   a   no-contact   provision   to   cover   only   intentional
    conduct. Id. Due to the defendant’s concerns, we instruct the
    district court, in revising its order, to explain the limitations
    of the order and to elucidate the kinds of incidental contact that
    are permitted. For example, if the defendant were to drop his child
    off at a birthday party, pausing only to check in with the adult
    in charge and not speaking to any children, such an activity,
    without more, likely should not be read to violate the conditions
    of his release. Similarly, it may be that the district court did
    not intend to limit contact with children other than his own in
    situations where the children are in the presence of or being
    supervised by other adults.
    Ultimately, the conditions, even as modified, will limit
    the defendant’s ability to participate in the full range of
    activities in which his children may engage. As discussed above,
    however, those conditions are not inherently unreasonable, and are
    not impermissible given the defendant’s 2006 child pornography
    conviction, his lengthy criminal history, and his recent failure
    to register as a sex offender as required by law. Furthermore,
    many of the conditions allow the defendant to obtain permission
    from the probation office on an as-needed basis.
    III. Conclusion
    For     the   reasons   stated   above,   the   conditions   of
    supervised release are affirmed, except that those conditions
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    shall, on remand, be corrected and clarified consistent with this
    opinion. When so corrected and clarified, the district court shall
    enter an amended judgment and commitment order.
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Document Info

Docket Number: 15-2103P

Citation Numbers: 844 F.3d 8

Filed Date: 12/16/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023