United States v. Gomez-Vera , 390 F.3d 1 ( 2004 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    Volume I of II
    No. 01-1647
    José Rodriguez-Marrero,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    No. 02-1462
    Omar F. Genao-Sanchez,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    No. 02-1707
    Luis Roldan-Cortes,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. José A. Fusté, U.S. District Judge]
    Selya, Circuit Judge,
    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge,
    and Lipez, Circuit Judge.
    Lydia Lizarribar-Masini for appellant Omar Genao-Sanchez.
    Raymond L. Sanchez Maceira on brief for appellant José
    Linda George for appellant Luis Roldan-Cortes.
    Thomas F. Klumper, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
    H.S. Garcia, United States Attorney, and Sonia I. Torres, Assistant
    United States Attorney, were on brief for appellee.
    November 5, 2004
    LIPEZ, Circuit Judge.          The three defendants in this drug
    conspiracy case played key roles in a smuggling ring that imported
    large amounts of cocaine and marijuana into Puerto Rico between
    1992 and 1996.    After a trial that spanned nearly four weeks and
    involved more than forty witnesses for the government, a jury found
    each defendant guilty of a series of crimes, including the drug
    conspiracy and aiding and abetting murder.                The district court
    sentenced each defendant to multiple life sentences.
    The defendants raise a number of challenges to their
    convictions. In the end, we find that one challenge is meritorious
    -- the argument of Omar Genao-Sanchez that the district court erred
    in admitting testimonial hearsay against him in violation of the
    recent Supreme Court decision in Crawford v. Washington, 
    124 S. Ct. 1354
     (2004), a case decided after the completion of this trial.
    Although we affirm Genao-Sanchez's drug conspiracy conviction, we
    conclude that the erroneous admission of the hearsay testimony was
    not harmless with respect to his convictions for conspiracy to
    commit murder and for aiding and abetting murder.             Accordingly, we
    vacate those convictions.         We affirm the convictions and sentences
    of the other defendants.
    We present facts here in the light most favorable to the
    verdict to convey the background of the case.             See United States v.
    170 F.3d 93
    ,   97    (1st   Cir.   1999).      We   will   provide
    additional facts where they are pertinent to the legal analysis of
    specific issues.
    A.   The Conspiracy
    As   noted,   the    defendants    were   members   of   a   drug
    conspiracy that smuggled large amounts of cocaine and marijuana
    from South America into southwestern Puerto Rico for itself and
    other organizations.      The drugs were dropped from airplanes at sea
    and retrieved by the defendants or transferred directly by boat
    from the defendants' foreign suppliers.            The conspirators used a
    broad array of radios, global positioning system (GPS) receivers,
    night vision glasses, police scanners, modified cellphones and
    powerful    speedboats    to    protect    their   shipments.    They    also
    stationed lookouts at various points on the water and near an
    airport used by the United States Customs Service to protect the
    loads from raids by law enforcement and rival drug gangs.
    After the defendants brought the drugs on shore, the
    drugs were shipped by truck either to a secure storage location
    (frequently one of the conspirators' farms) or directly to the
    individual or organization who had hired the defendants.                  The
    individual conspirators received cash or a portion of the drug
    shipment as payment for their participation, and they distributed
    the drugs they received to local dealers at drug points throughout
    the area.
    B.   The Co-Conspirators
    Raul Santodomingo-Romero ("Santodomingo") led the drug
    organization until he was arrested on money laundering charges in
    1994;       his    second-in-command,     Victor       M.   Valle-Lassalle,     a/k/a
    "Manolo" ("Valle-Lassalle"), then took over.1                  Defendant-appellant
    Luis Roldan-Cortes, a/k/a "Wisi" ("Roldan"), was Valle-Lassalle's
    right hand man and the godfather to his daughter.                     The two owned a
    drug       distribution    point,     giving    them    the    exclusive     right   to
    distribute         drugs   in   the   Ducos    housing      project    in   Aguadilla.
    Although Valle-Lassalle eventually ended this partnership because
    he thought that Roldan was unfairly excluding him from some of the
    side deals that Roldan was arranging, they continued to cooperate
    together in their smuggling venture.               Roldan negotiated at least
    one drug shipment in the Dominican Republic and participated in the
    execution of a number of others.                His specific responsibilities
    included loading and unloading and captaining the drug boats,
    coordinating "security" for the shipments, and inventorying and
    selling drugs to small distributors. He also helped to arrange the
    murder of a government informant, James Martin-Rodriguez, a/k/a
    "Kiri" ("Martin"), who was a member of the conspiracy until he
    began cooperating with federal investigators.
    We have included a roster of individuals important for an
    understanding of this case in the Appendix to this opinion. We
    refer to the individuals in this case according to the naming
    scheme that was adopted by the government in its brief.
    Defendant-appellant     Omar   Genao-Sanchez,     a/k/a   "Omi"
    ("Genao"), was a drug courier for one of the conspirators, David
    Rafael Ramos-Rivera, a/k/a "Pecas" ("Ramos"), when he (Genao) was
    sixteen years old.        He later became a member of the conspiracy
    himself after meeting the other members at Santodomingo's farm.
    Genao attended meetings at which Valle-Lassalle negotiated drug
    shipments, helped to bring loads to shore, and, according to the
    government, participated in the murder of Carlos Roberto Rodriguez
    Torres, a/k/a "Robert Caballo" ("Caballo").            Although Caballo was
    an   active    member   of    the   conspiracy,    having    participated   in
    smuggling operations, Valle-Lassalle decided to kill him when
    Caballo threatened to tell members of a Colombian drug cartel that
    Valle-Lassalle had stolen cocaine from them.
    José Rodriguez-Marrero, a/k/a "Zurdo" ("Rodriguez"), the
    last of the three appellants, joined the conspiracy when Valle-
    Lassalle offered to let him participate in some drug shipments if
    he helped to murder Edward Llaurador Rodriguez ("Llaurador"),
    another co-conspirator turned government informant.             Although the
    government did not introduce evidence that Rodriguez participated
    in any shipments, its witnesses testified that Rodriguez was
    present when Valle-Lassalle negotiated shipments and that he would
    have   participated      in   two   shipments     if   the   police   had   not
    forestalled them.       The first of these shipments was supposed to be
    a two thousand pound load of cocaine that Valle-Lassalle negotiated
    in May 1997 with another smuggler, Angela Ayala. This shipment was
    canceled when Ayala was arrested.         The second involved six hundred
    kilograms of cocaine that were supposed to have been smuggled on
    behalf of another smuggler, Henry Pamias, a/k/a "Macho from Cataño"
    ("Pamias").   That shipment was canceled because Valle-Lassalle was
    arrested on weapons charges.
    Javier E. Soto-Alarcon, a/k/a "Chester" ("Soto"), was a
    mid-level leader in the conspiracy who joined the drug gang after
    he started dating Valle-Lassalle's sister.         Soto participated in a
    number of drug loads and in Llaurador's murder.         After Soto's wife
    (he had since ended his relationship with Valle-Lassalle's sister)
    was shot in a drug-related attack, Soto decided to turn himself in
    to the authorities.     He agreed to cooperate with the government,
    allowing it to record his conversations, helping government agents
    to infiltrate the organization, and testifying against the others
    at trial.
    Ramos was a member of the conspiracy before he was
    arrested and decided to become a government informant.           He helped
    to smuggle a number of large loads of marijuana and cocaine and
    sold some of the cocaine at a drug point in the Montana housing
    project in Aguadilla.     He also participated in Martin's murder.
    Other   members   of   the   drug   conspiracy   included   José
    Hernandez-Jimenez, a/k/a "Chelo" ("Hernandez"), who was murdered by
    a rival drug gang, and Nicholas Peña Gonzalez ("Peña") and Anibal
    Pagan-Cerezo, a/k/a "El Cojo" ("Pagan"), who were indicted along
    with the defendants here and pled guilty.
    C.   Murders Undertaken in Furtherance of the Conspiracy
    The drug gang protected its distribution empire with
    force, killing or seriously wounding suspected informants and rival
    gang members. Three of those murders played important roles in the
    conspiracy trial because they were charged as substantive crimes
    and as overt acts in furtherance of the drug conspiracy.
    1.   Martin's Murder
    On November 16, 1992, Martin was arrested with fifteen
    bales of cocaine belonging to the drug ring.   This was the second
    time that he was arrested for a drug crime, and he agreed to
    cooperate with the United States Customs Service.    Suspecting that
    Martin had become an informant, Santodomingo and Valle-Lassalle
    decided to have him murdered in a parking lot at the Ducos housing
    project. On May 20, 1993, after receiving a phone call from Roldan
    alerting him to Martin's arrival at the scene, Santodomingo dropped
    Ramos off at the housing project, where Ramos joined Roldan and
    Pagan. Roldan identified Martin as the intended murder victim, and
    told Ramos and Pagan that Martin was at the housing project that
    day because he was expecting to pick up some money owed to him for
    drugs. Martin approached the group, and Ramos and Pagan walked off
    to a corner of the parking lot.   After speaking with Roldan for a
    short while, Martin walked back to his automobile.   As he was about
    to put the keys in the door, Pagan walked up and shot him three
    times. Ramos then joined the attack, and the two shot Martin until
    Pagan ran out of bullets.       The coroner's report stated that Martin
    had seventeen bullet wounds in his body.
    2.   Caballo's Murder
    In February, 1996, five members of the drug organization
    stole approximately thirty kilograms of cocaine that they were
    smuggling into Puerto Rico on behalf of a Colombian drug operation.
    Believing that Caballo had threatened to inform the Colombians
    about the theft, Valle-Lassalle arranged to have him killed.
    According to the government, Genao and another member of the drug
    ring, Nicholas Peña Gonzalez, picked Caballo up at his house on
    July 15, 1996, with help from Llaurador.            Peña shot Caballo in a
    remote   area   near   Yauco,   Puerto    Rico.     The   group   then   threw
    Caballo's body in the back of his truck.          They planned to drive the
    truck to Valle-Lassalle's farm to dismember and dispose of the body
    (and to disassemble the truck) when the truck became stuck in a
    muddy ditch and they were forced to abandon it on the side of the
    road.    As they were abandoning the truck, Caballo tried to get up
    and asked Peña why he shot him.          Peña answered, "Because you're a
    mother fucker," and shot him two more times.          The police found the
    truck and Caballo's body the next morning.
    3.   Llaurador's Murder
    Later that month, Llaurador told local authorities in
    Ponce about Caballo's murder, and provided sworn statements to the
    prosecutor regarding the murder on July 31 and September 13 of that
    year (1996).     He also became a confidential informant for the
    federal Drug Enforcement Administration ("DEA") on September 3,
    1996.     The local police arrested Genao and Valle-Lassalle for
    Caballo's murder based on Llaurador's statements.     They issued a
    warrant for Peña's arrest, but he fled before they could apprehend
    him.    The criminal complaint, which was given to both Genao and
    Valle-Lassalle when they were arrested, identified Llaurador as an
    Valle-Lassalle was released on bail subsequent to his
    arrest.    Having seen Llaurador's name on the criminal complaint,
    Valle-Lassalle knew that Llaurador had “snitched" to the police
    about Caballo's murder.     Telling Soto that Llaurador would likely
    "snitch" on all of them, he recruited Soto, Rodriguez, and two
    other members of the conspiracy to find Llaurador and murder him.
    The men found him on October 13, 1996 and bound him with wire.
    Rodriguez proceeded to behead Llaurador with a machete while he was
    still alive.   They dismembered his body, placed the various parts
    in plastic garbage bags, and threw the bags over a cliff at an
    abandoned dump site.      Valle-Lassalle watched the murder and told
    his co-conspirators that if they told anyone about it, they would
    meet the same fate.           He promised to repay Rodriguez for murdering
    Llaurador by allowing him to participate in one of the upcoming
    smuggling operations.
    D.   Arrests and District Court Proceedings
    On December 17, 1997, the government unsealed a two count
    indictment against Genao, Rodriguez, Valle-Lassalle, Peña, and four
    others.         Roldan was not charged in that initial indictment.              The
    government obtained a twelve count second superseding indictment on
    July       6,   2000   against   Genao,    Rodriguez,        Valle-Lassalle,   Peña,
    Roldan, Pagan, and six others.2            The twelve defendants were charged
    with: (1) conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute more
    than five kilograms of cocaine and multi-hundred pound quantities
    of marijuana; (2) conspiracy to commit firearms murder in relation
    to a drug trafficking offense (Caballo); (3) aiding and abetting
    firearms        murder   in    relation    to    a    drug    trafficking   offense
    (Caballo); (4) aiding and abetting the murder of a witness or
    informant        (Llaurador);    (5)   aiding        and   abetting   murder   while
    The government had previously obtained a six count first
    superseding indictment on July 15, 1998, charging Valle-Lassalle,
    Rodriguez, Peña, Genao, Pamias, Santodomingo, and four others with
    conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than five
    kilograms of cocaine and multi-hundred pound quantities of
    marijuana; conspiracy to commit firearms murder in relation to a
    drug trafficking offense (Caballo); firearms murder in relation to
    a drug trafficking offense (Caballo); murder of a witness or
    informant (Llaurador); murder while engaging in a drug trafficking
    offense (Llaurador); and witness tampering.
    engaging in a drug trafficking offense (Llaurador); (6) witness
    tampering (Soto); (7) aiding and abetting firearms murder in
    relation to a drug trafficking offense (Martin); (8) aiding and
    abetting the murder of a witness or informant (Martin); (9) aiding
    and abetting murder while engaging in a drug trafficking offense
    (Martin); (10) aiding and abetting solicitation of a crime of
    violence; (11) misprision of felony; and (12) possession with
    intent to distribute in excess of five kilograms of cocaine.     The
    appellants here were charged as follows:
    Count                 Summary                     Appellant(s)
    1     The drug conspiracy                    Genao, Rodriguez,
    and Roldan
    2     Conspiracy to commit firearms murder   Genao
    in furtherance of a drug crime
    3     Aiding and abetting firearms murder    Genao
    in furtherance of a drug crime
    4     Aiding and abetting murder of a        Rodriguez
    witness (Llaurador)
    5     Aiding and abetting murder in          Rodriguez
    furtherance of a drug crime
    7     Aiding and abetting firearms murder    Roldan
    in furtherance of a drug crime
    8     Aiding and abetting murder of a        Roldan
    witness (Martin)
    9     Aiding and abetting murder while       Roldan
    engaging in a drug crime (Martin)
    After having been arraigned on the first indictment on
    December      22,    1997,    Rodriguez         was     arraigned     on     the    second
    superseding indictment on July 18, 2000.                      Similarly, Genao was
    arraigned on the first superseding indictment on December 27, 1999
    and the second on July 20, 2000.               Roldan was only indicted once, on
    July 18, 2000.        The government certified the defendants as being
    eligible for the death penalty shortly after their arraignment and
    maintained     that       position     until    the    day   before    the    trial    was
    scheduled to begin.
    E.    The Trial
    Of    the    twelve      indicted       defendants,     only    the    three
    appellants here pled not guilty and proceeded to trial.                        The trial
    began on      September      7,    2000.        Roldan's     and   Genao's     attorneys
    repeatedly informed the court on the first day of trial that they
    were unprepared to try the case, and both requested continuances.
    The court denied their motions.
    The government presented testimony from more than forty
    witnesses, including Commonwealth investigators, police officers,
    federal agents, eyewitnesses, and technical experts.                         The core of
    its    case    was    built       by   two     co-conspirators        and    cooperating
    witnesses, Soto and Ramos, each of whom testified for the greater
    part of a week.           Soto began his testimony with a detailed first-
    hand   account       of    Llaurador's       murder,     highlighting        Rodriguez's
    participation in the killing and Valle-Lassalle's promise to reward
    Rodriguez for his participation. Soto then recounted how he joined
    the conspiracy and the manner in which he met each of the co-
    conspirators.    The first time that he visited a farm owned by
    Valle-Lassalle, he helped to inventory six to seven thousand pounds
    of marijuana.   He also described the planning and execution of the
    organization's narcotics shipments and the roles played by Genao,
    Rodriguez, and Roldan.    He provided the details regarding a seven
    hundred kilogram load of cocaine that the group smuggled in May or
    June 1994, and discussed a trip that he took to Ayala's house in
    the summer of 1997 with Valle-Lassalle, Rodriguez, and Hernandez to
    negotiate a shipment of two thousand kilograms of cocaine.         Valle-
    Lassalle   negotiated   with   Ayala   while   Rodriguez   and   Hernandez
    listened to music and played pool.       Ayala was arrested before that
    shipment could take place, but Valle-Lassalle negotiated another
    shipment later that summer.      The second shipment was interrupted
    when Valle-Lassalle was arrested on Commonwealth weapons charges
    stemming from a shootout that he had with members of a rival drug
    gang.   Soto also briefly recounted Valle-Lassalle's explanation of
    Caballo's murder. Finally, he described how he became a government
    informant and the terms of his plea agreement.
    Ramos began his testimony by providing a first-person
    account of Martin's murder.     He then named some of the key members
    of the conspiracy, explained how he knew them, and described their
    roles in the organization.     He provided details on a number of the
    cocaine and marijuana shipments that he helped to smuggle.               These
    included a six to seven thousand pound shipment of marijuana in the
    summer of 1993, which Roldan helped to inventory; six hundred
    kilogram shipments in late December 1993 and late December 1994,
    which Roldan helped to transport; a nine hundred to one thousand
    kilogram shipment in the fall of 1995 on behalf of Ayala, which
    Genao helped to transport; and a shipment of cocaine in February
    1996, which Genao also helped to transport.        Caballo later learned
    that Valle-Lassalle had stolen thirty kilograms of cocaine from
    this shipment. Ramos described his unsuccessful efforts to prevent
    Valle-Lassalle from killing Caballo to cover up that theft and
    essentially repeated Genao's description of Caballo's murder.               He
    noted that after Genao was arrested for Caballo's murder, Genao
    wrote to him requesting a loan for bail money.              Ramos forwarded
    that request to Valle-Lassalle who instructed Ramos to tell Genao
    not to worry because he would be out soon.             Nine days later,
    Llaurador -- the chief witness against Genao in the murder case --
    was killed, and Genao was released for lack of evidence.                 Valle-
    Lassalle told Ramos that "he had taken care of the problem because
    the guy who was snitching had been killed."
    Ramos   also   testified      about   the   methods      of     drug
    distribution that he employed.      He managed the drug point in the
    Montana housing project and sold the drugs that he bought or
    received   as   payment   from   Valle-Lassalle.       He    said   that     he
    frequently used Genao as a courier to pick up drugs for Ramos to
    sell. Finally, Ramos testified that he was arrested for attempting
    to introduce drugs into the country on August 24, 1998.                       He pled
    guilty and began cooperating in approximately April 1999.
    On   October       10,    2000,    the     jury   convicted     the   three
    defendants on all counts.             On March 28, 2001, the district court
    sentenced Rodriguez to two life sentences for his two murder
    convictions, aiding and abetting murder of a witness (Llaurador)
    and aiding and abetting murder in furtherance of a drug crime
    (Llaurador).      See U.S.S.G. § 2A1.1, cmt. 1 ("The Commission has
    concluded    that     in   the       absence      of   capital    punishment,       life
    imprisonment     is      the   appropriate         punishment     for     premeditated
    killing.").      The court applied the murder cross reference to his
    drug conspiracy conviction to sentence him to life in prison on
    that conviction as well.             See U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1(d)(1) (instructing
    courts to apply the first degree murder sentencing guideline when
    considering the appropriate sentencing range for a drug conviction
    if a victim was killed under circumstances that would constitute
    murder   under      
    18 U.S.C. § 1111
    );      see      United    States    v.
    345 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 2003) (upholding the
    sentencing court's application of the murder cross reference to the
    defendant's drug conspiracy conviction after the sentencing judge
    concluded by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant had
    murdered a rival drug dealer).
    On March 18, 2002, the court sentenced Genao to two life
    sentences for his two murder convictions, conspiracy to commit
    firearms murder in furtherance of a drug crime (Caballo) and aiding
    and abetting     firearms     murder     in    furtherance   of   a   drug   crime
    (Caballo), and applied the murder cross reference to his drug
    conspiracy conviction, sentencing him to a total of three life
    sentences.     On the same day, the court sentenced Roldan to three
    life    sentences   for   his    three    murder      convictions,    aiding   and
    abetting firearms murder in furtherance of a drug crime (Martin),
    aiding and abetting murder of a witness (Martin), and aiding and
    abetting murder while engaging in a drug crime (Martin).                 It also
    applied the murder cross reference to Roldan's drug conspiracy
    conviction, resulting in a total of four life sentences. Genao and
    Roldan filed multiple motions for new trials based on newly-
    discovered evidence, which the district court denied.
    A.     Rodriguez's Claims
    1.     Specificity of the Indictment
    Arguing   that     count    four    of   the   second    superseding
    indictment (murder of a witness) did not provide sufficient details
    regarding the federal nexus of Llaurador's murder, Rodriguez argues
    that his conviction should be vacated.                   The Federal Rules of
    Criminal Procedure generally require defendants to raise objections
    to indictments prior to trial.            See Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(b)(3)(B)
    (stating that "a motion alleging a defect in the indictment or
    information" "must be raised before trial").               Failure to do so
    constitutes waiver.      See    Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(e) ("A party waives
    any Rule 12(b)(3) defense, objection, or request not raised by the
    deadline the court sets under Rule 12(c) or by any extension the
    court    provides.").     Although      Rule   12   creates    exceptions     for
    objections challenging a court's jurisdiction and those claiming
    that the indictment did not actually charge the crime for which the
    defendant was tried, Rodriguez's objection to the specificity of
    count four does not fall under these exceptions. See United States
    v. Crowley, 
    318 F.3d 401
    , 420 (2d Cir. 2003).              In the absence of
    any indication    in    the    record   that   Rodriguez      objected   to   the
    specificity of the indictment before trial, we conclude that he
    waived this argument.3
    2.   Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Rodriguez argues that the government failed to introduce
    sufficient evidence to support two counts of his conviction, the
    drug conspiracy charge (count one) and the aiding and abetting
    murder of a witness charge (count four).4           We review a sufficiency
    of the evidence claim de novo, "eschewing credibility judgments and
    While Rule 12(e) allows a reviewing court to grant relief
    from this waiver for good cause, we see no basis for doing so here.
    Rodriguez did not challenge the sufficiency of the evidence
    regarding his conviction on count five, aiding and abetting the
    murder (of Llaurador) in furtherance of a drug crime.
    drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the verdict, to
    ascertain if a rational jury could have found that the government
    proved each element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt."
    United States v. Sepulveda, 
    15 F.3d 1161
    , 1173 (1st Cir. 1993)
    (citations omitted).
    a.   Conspiracy
    "To prove the elements of the crime of conspiracy, the
    Government must show the existence of a conspiracy, the defendant's
    knowledge    of   the    conspiracy,    and    the    defendant's    voluntary
    participation in the conspiracy."             United States v. Llinas, 
    373 F.3d 26
    , 30 (1st Cir. 2004) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Proof of the defendant's participation in the conspiracy must
    include proof that he intended to commit the underlying substantive
    offense.    Sepulveda, 
    15 F.3d at 1173
    .         "Such proof may consist of
    circumstantial evidence, including inferences from surrounding
    circumstances,    such    as   acts   committed      by   the   defendant   that
    furthered the conspiracy's purposes. The government need not prove
    that a co-conspirator knew all of the details or participated in
    all of the objectives of the plan."               Llinas, 
    373 F.3d at 30
    (internal quotation marks omitted).              Since Rodriguez does not
    contest the existence of a drug conspiracy, we need only consider
    whether the government proved his participation in the conspiracy.
    Rodriguez claims that the only evidence linking him to
    the drug conspiracy was Soto's testimony that Rodriguez was present
    at the May 1997 meeting with Angela Ayala, when she and Valle-
    Lassalle negotiated the details of a two thousand kilogram cocaine
    shipment.      He argues that while he was at her house during the
    meeting, he played pool, listened to music, and did not participate
    in that meeting.
    This argument reflects a highly misleading view of the
    evidence adduced at trial.                 In fact, Soto testified that Valle-
    Lassalle     offered     to    allow       Rodriguez      to    participate    in    this
    particular drug smuggling operation if he murdered Llaurador.
    Prior to the meeting, Soto told Rodriguez that Rodriguez's share of
    that drug shipment could be twenty to thirty thousand dollars, and
    Rodriguez remarked that he expected to receive "a good position" in
    the drug organization for committing the murder. His claim that he
    was innocently playing pool at Ayala's house without knowledge that
    a    major   narcotics    deal       was    being   negotiated      simply    does    not
    withstand scrutiny.           Given this testimony, we have no difficulty
    concluding that a jury could have found beyond a reasonable doubt
    that Rodriguez was part of the drug conspiracy.
    b.    Aiding and Abetting Murder of a Witness
    Rodriguez        also    claims       that   the    evidence     that    the
    government introduced to prove that he murdered Llaurador was
    insufficient to establish a violation of the Witness Protection
    Act, which states:
    [W]hoever kills . . . another person, with
    intent to (A) prevent the attendance or
    testimony of any person in an official
    proceeding [or] . . . (C) prevent the
    communication   by   any  person   to  a   law
    enforcement officer or judge of the United
    States   of   information  relating   to   the
    commission or possible commission of a Federal
    offense . . . shall be punished . . . .
    18 U.S.C. § 1512
    (a)(1).       The government argues that Rodriguez
    killed Llaurador to prevent him from communicating with authorities
    regarding federal offenses.
    To establish a crime under the "law enforcement officer"
    section of the Act, the government must prove that:
    (1) the defendant killed or attempted to kill
    a person; (2) the defendant was motivated by a
    desire to prevent the communication between
    any person and law enforcement authorities
    concerning   the    commission   or   possible
    commission of an offense; (3) that offense was
    actually a federal offense; and (4) the
    defendant believed that the person in (2)
    above might communicate with the federal
    United States v. Stansfield, 
    101 F.3d 909
    , 918 (3d Cir. 1996).   The
    Act explicitly relieves the government from having to prove that
    the defendant suspected that the witness would communicate to
    federal, as opposed to state, officials regarding the crime, see 
    18 U.S.C. § 1512
    (g) (stating that "[i]n a prosecution for an offense
    under this section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to
    the circumstance . . . that the law enforcement officer is an
    officer or employee of the Federal Government"); therefore, the
    fourth prong may be proven, among other ways, by demonstrating that
    the underlying offense was a federal offense and that the federal
    authorities had begun an investigation prior to the informant's
    murder or attempted murder.         United States v. Bell, 
    113 F.3d 1345
    1349-50 (3d Cir. 1997).
    The government easily met its burden here.               Although
    Rodriguez repeatedly refers to Caballo's murder as a Commonwealth
    offense, the second superseding indictment lists the murder as a
    charged offense and identifies it as an overt act in furtherance of
    the federal drug conspiracy.           The federal government, through the
    DEA, had opened an investigation into this conspiracy and had
    interviewed Llaurador prior to his murder.            Rodriguez's claim that
    he did not realize that he was helping to conceal a federal crime
    by   murdering   Llaurador     is   irrelevant.       See United     States   v.
    195 F.3d 679
    , 687 (3d Cir. 1999) ("All that [a
    parallel provision in the Witness Protection Act] requires is that
    the government establish that the defendants had the intent to
    influence an investigation that happened to be federal.").
    B.   Genao's Claims
    1.   Newly Discovered Evidence
    Genao first complains that the district court should have
    granted him a new trial under Fed. R. Crim. P. 33 based on his
    post-trial discovery of exculpatory evidence.              Rule 33 allows a
    court   to   grant   a   new   trial    "if   the   interest   of   justice   so
    requires."     Fed. R. Crim. P. 33(a).          We will only overturn the
    court's refusal to do so upon a showing that it manifestly abused
    its discretion.      United States v. Josleyn, 
    206 F.3d 144
    , 160 (1st
    Cir. 2000).
    Genao      claimed    in   his   Rule   33    motion      that    two    co-
    defendants,     Peña   and      Valle-Lassalle,        each       proffered    sworn
    statements after the trial claiming that Genao did not participate
    in Caballo's murder.     He also claimed that a private investigator,
    Benny   Soto,    had   interviewed       Santodomingo,        a    leader     of   the
    conspiracy, who had been arrested for money laundering in 1994 and
    later pled guilty to drug trafficking charges arising out of the
    first superseding indictment in this case.                        The investigator
    reported that Santodomingo would testify that Genao had not been
    involved in the drug conspiracy. The district court denied Genao's
    motion for a new trial without conducting an evidentiary hearing.
    Upon receiving Genao's motion for reconsideration, the court held
    a   hearing     to   consider     it,    and   Peña,     Valle-Lassalle,           and
    Santodomingo testified.          Citing Genao's lack of diligence in
    seeking this evidence prior to trial and the witnesses' lack of
    credibility, the court again denied his motion for a new trial.
    "A motion for new trial on the basis of newly discovered
    evidence will ordinarily not be granted unless the moving party can
    demonstrate that: (1) the evidence was unknown or unavailable to
    the defendant at the time of trial; (2) failure to learn of the
    evidence was not due to lack of diligence by the defendant; (3) the
    evidence is material, and not merely cumulative or impeaching; and
    (4) it will probably result in an acquittal upon retrial of the
    defendant." United States v. Wright, 
    625 F.2d 1017
    , 1019 (1st Cir.
    1980). "The defendant must meet all four prongs of the Wright test
    in order to succeed on a Rule 33 motion.    A defendant's new trial
    motion must be denied if he fails to meet any one of these
    factors."    United States v. Colon-Munoz, 
    318 F.3d 348
    , 360 (1st
    Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Peña testified that he was the triggerman in Caballo's
    murder and that Genao was not present at the murder scene.       In
    fact, he testified that he did not meet Genao until the two were
    imprisoned together prior to their federal trial.      When Genao's
    lawyer asked him why he had failed to present this testimony
    earlier, he answered:
    Well,   I  was   in  negotiation   [with   the
    government]. I mean, at one point in time, I
    was thinking of fighting my case, you know, of
    going to trial in my case, but then I started
    to think a lot about Genao and the fact that
    he had nothing to do with [Caballo]'s death.
    Because I really had never met Genao out in
    the street at all. I never saw him.
    So when I finally made my agreement and I was
    already sentenced, I said, Well, I'm going to
    help him out because he really had nothing to
    do with any of this killing, because I was the
    one who killed [Caballo], and the ones
    involved in [Caballo]'s murder, the ones who
    were there for [Caballo]'s murder, was me and
    [Llaurador], and we were the only ones who
    were there at the lake when [Caballo] was
    On cross-examination, Peña admitted that, as part of his plea
    agreement, he accepted as true and correct the version of facts in
    counts one and three of the second superseding indictment, which
    stated that Genao participated in Caballo's murder.                However, he
    claimed that he thought that this affirmation meant that he was
    admitting to the accusations in the indictment relating to his own
    actions   and    culpability,    not   necessarily      to   the    facts   and
    accusations relating to his co-conspirators.
    Valle-Lassalle said that Genao never assisted with any of
    the drug loads and that Genao had nothing to do with Caballo's
    murder.   Even though Genao asked him in jail to say that he was not
    guilty, Valle-Lassalle said that he did not come forward with this
    evidence earlier because he was awaiting trial.               Valle-Lassalle
    repeatedly refused to implicate some of his co-conspirators in the
    murders and drug smuggling operations, prompting the government to
    ask: "It goes against every grain of your being to testify and
    implicate anyone that's not a cooperator or a dead person in
    criminal conduct; isn't that correct?"         Valle-Lassalle answered
    simply, "Yes."
    Santodomingo's testimony was less detailed.              He stated
    that he met Genao through Ramos and that Genao did not do any drug
    work for him.
    We     have   previously     characterized        post-sentencing
    exculpatory     testimony   of   co-conspirators   as    being     "inherently
    suspect."         United States v. Montilla-Rivera, 
    171 F.3d 37
    , 42 (1st
    Cir. 1999).         Such witnesses have little to lose by fabricating
    stories designed to free their comrades, especially when, as here,
    the stories do not run the risk of implicating the witnesses in
    other criminal acts.5        United States v. Simmons, 
    714 F.2d 29
    , 31-32
    (5th       Cir.    1983)   ("[O]nce     sentence   has    been   imposed     on    a
    co-defendant, '. . . there is very little to deter the . . .
    co-defendant from untruthfully swearing out an affidavit in which
    he purports to shoulder the entire blame.'") (citation omitted;
    ellipses in original). Valle-Lassalle's admission that he was only
    willing       to    inculpate   dead     people    and   informants,   and        the
    contradictions between Peña's testimony at the evidentiary hearing
    and    the    facts    recounted   in    his    plea   agreement,   capture       the
    limitations of the post-trial testimony of all three witnesses
    produced at the evidentiary hearing.                   Having presided at the
    lengthy trial of Genao and the co-defendants, and having heard the
    testimony of the co-conspirators produced at the hearing on the
    motion for a new trial, the district court did not remotely abuse
    its discretion in rejecting the argument that the testimony from
    Genao's co-conspirators "will probably result in an acquittal upon
    Santodomingo is serving a 276 month sentence after being
    indicted in the first superseding indictment and pleading guilty to
    narcotics trafficking. The record does not identify the crimes to
    which the other two witnesses pled guilty; however, Valle-Lassalle
    admitted that he is serving a life sentence and Peña admitted that
    he is serving a thirty year sentence.
    retrial."    Wright, 
    625 F.2d at 1019
    2.   Confrontation Clause
    At trial, the government called Edgar Delgado García, a
    Puerto Rico Commonwealth judge who was the local prosecutor when
    Llaurador started cooperating with authorities prior to his murder.
    Judge Delgado read two sworn statements that Llaurador had given to
    the police in the summer of 1996 regarding Caballo's murder.            In
    the first statement, Llaurador provided a detailed account of the
    night of the murder, including the plan that Genao and Peña
    developed to trap Caballo; the manner in which they killed him; and
    the way in which Caballo's truck got stuck on the side of the road
    after the murder.      In the second statement, Llaurador explained
    that Valle-Lassalle told him that he had given the order for
    Caballo's death because Caballo was going to tell the Colombians
    about the cocaine theft.      Genao objected to the admission of this
    hearsay testimony against him immediately before Judge Delgado
    The   argument   over   the    admissibility   of   Llaurador's
    statements principally involved the application of the forfeiture
    by wrongdoing doctrine,6 which, as embodied in Rule 804(b)(6) of
    the Federal Rules of Evidence, creates an exception to the general
    The government also argued that Llaurador's statements
    contained sufficient indicia of reliability to be admissible under
    the catch-all provision in the hearsay rules. See Fed. R. Evid.
    prohibition on the admission of hearsay testimony for "statement[s]
    offered   against    a    party       that   has       engaged    or    acquiesced         in
    wrongdoing    that       was     intended        to,     and     did,     procure         the
    unavailability of the declarant as a witness."                    Genao claimed that
    he was in jail awaiting trial for Caballo's murder when Llaurador
    was murdered; therefore, he had nothing to do with the killing.
    Noting that Rule 804(b)(6) allows the admission of evidence against
    defendants who acquiesced in a hearsay declarant's murder, the
    government responded that the mere fact that Genao did not directly
    participate   in    the   murder       was   immaterial.          According          to   the
    government, a portion of Ramos's testimony demonstrated that Genao
    knew that Llaurador was going to be murdered and that Genao
    acquiesced in the murder.             Specifically, Ramos had testified that
    Genao asked him for bail money when the two were imprisoned; when
    Ramos called Valle-Lassalle to tell him about this request, Valle-
    Lassalle told him to tell Genao that he should not be worried
    because he would be out soon.              Nine days later, according to the
    government,   Llaurador         was    murdered        and   Genao      was    set    free.
    Therefore,    according        to   the   government,          Genao    acquiesced        in
    Llaurador's murder.            Apparently agreeing with the government's
    theory of acquiescence (the court did not elaborate on its ruling),
    the   court    admitted        Llaurador's         statements        to       the    former
    Commonwealth prosecutor as evidence against Genao.
    a.   Crawford v. Washington
    As we recently noted, the Supreme Court's decision in
    Crawford v. Washington, 
    124 S. Ct. 1354
     (2004), "changed the legal
    landscape for determining whether the admission of certain hearsay
    statements violates the accused's right to confront witnesses."7
    Horton v. Allen, 
    370 F.3d 75
    , 83 (1st Cir. 2004).                 Overturning
    earlier   precedent   that   allowed    a    court   to    consider       hearsay
    testimony against a criminal defendant if that testimony "bore
    particularized guarantees of trustworthiness," see, e.g., Ohio v.
    448 U.S. 56
    , 66 (1980), the Crawford Court held that,
    absent other grounds for admissibility, the Confrontation Clause
    categorically bars the admission of testimonial hearsay unless the
    declarant   is   unavailable   and     the   accused      has   had   a    prior
    opportunity to cross-examine the declarant.            Crawford, 
    124 S. Ct. at 1374
     ("Where testimonial evidence is at issue . . . the Sixth
    Amendment demands what the common law required: unavailability and
    a prior opportunity for cross-examination.").             Although the Court
    left for another day a comprehensive definition of "testimonial"
    hearsay, it stated that "[w]hatever else the term covers, it
    Genao filed a Fed. R. App. P. 28(j) letter, pro se, on March
    30, 2004, citing Crawford. The government never filed a Rule 28(j)
    letter regarding that case. We heard oral argument in this case on
    March 2, 2004, and Crawford was published on March 8, 2004.
    Although Crawford was decided after Genao was convicted, we must
    apply this new precedent in his appeal.     See, e.g., Hamling v.
    United States, 
    418 U.S. 87
    , 102 (1974) ("[A] change in the law
    occurring after a relevant event in a case will be given effect
    while the case is on direct review.").
    applies at a minimum to prior testimony at a preliminary hearing,
    before   a   grand   jury,     or   at    a     former     trial;   and     to   police
    interrogations," or other "extrajudicial statements . . . contained
    in   formalized      testimonial         materials,        such     as     affidavits,
    depositions, prior testimony, or confessions."                       
    quotation marks omitted).
    We conclude that Llaurador's signed confession, presented
    under oath to the prosecutor in Puerto Rico, is testimonial hearsay
    within the meaning given by the Supreme Court.                    See, e.g., United
    States v. Saget, 
    377 F.3d 223
    , 228 (2d Cir. 2004) (discussing the
    parameters of "testimonial hearsay" in light of Crawford).                         Since
    Genao did not have the prior opportunity to confront Llaurador
    regarding his statements, we conclude that, absent some independent
    ground for admissibility, it was a constitutional error for the
    court to admit Llaurador's statements against Genao.
    b.   Forfeiture by Wrongdoing
    As noted, the government drew upon the forfeiture by
    wrongdoing     doctrine   in    arguing         to   the    district       court    that
    Llaurador's    hearsay    statements          were   admissible      against       Genao
    because he had acquiesced in Llaurador's murder.                         Forfeiture by
    wrongdoing is an independent ground for the admissibility of
    hearsay testimony that survives Crawford. See Crawford, 
    124 S. Ct. at 1370
    Curiously, on appeal, the government essentially abandons
    the forfeiture by wrongdoing argument, limiting itself to this one
    statement in its brief: "Genao was aware of the order to kill
    Llaurador because he had been informed by Victor Manuel Valle
    Lassalle, a/k/a 'Manolo,' through David Ramos-Rivera, a/k/a 'Pecas'
    not to worry."       Instead, it simply argues that both of Llaurador's
    statements were admissible because they were declarations against
    penal interest and were otherwise reliable.           See Fed. R. Evid.
    804(b)(3).     Crawford makes these traditional hearsay arguments
    irrelevant.     According to Crawford, Genao had a constitutional
    right to confront Llaurador that, as to testimonial hearsay, could
    not be overridden merely by showing indicia of reliability.
    Under    appropriate   circumstances,   the   forfeiture   by
    wrongdoing doctrine can provide an exception to the Confrontation
    Clause.   See Crawford, 
    124 S. Ct. at 1370
    .            But the glancing
    reference to the doctrine of forfeiture by wrongdoing in the
    government's brief does not give us any assistance in addressing
    this difficult waiver issue.8        "We believe it is apodictic that
    Without purporting to resolve anything, we suggest some of
    the difficulties involved in determining whether a defendant has
    "acquiesced" in wrongdoing that would forfeit his confrontation
    rights. The Seventh and Tenth Circuits have held that the scope of
    imputed responsibility for procuring the unavailability of a
    witness, under both Rule 804(b)(6) and the Confrontation Clause, is
    coextensive with conspiratorial liability under Pinkerton v. United
    328 U.S. 640
     (1946). See United States v. Cherry, 
    217 F.3d 811
     (10th Cir. 2000); accord United States v. Thompson, 
    286 F.3d 950
     (7th Cir. 2002) (adopting Cherry). Under Cherry, the hearsay
    and Confrontation Clause exceptions are met if "the wrongful
    'issues adverted to in a perfunctory manner, unaccompanied by some
    effort at developed argumentation, are deemed waived.'"                  United
    States v. Caraballo-Cruz, 
    52 F.3d 390
    , 393 (1st Cir. 1995) (quoting
    United States v. Zannino, 
    895 F.2d 1
    , 17 (1st Cir. 1990)).                    This
    rule, though most commonly applied to defendant-appellants, may be
    "applie[d] with undiminished vigor when, as now, a prosecutor
    attempts     to    rely    on   fleeting    references   to    unsubstantiated
    conclusions in lieu of structured argumentation."              Caraballo-Cruz,
    52 F.3d at 393
    .           Although in certain circumstances we have the
    discretion    to    overlook     waiver    by   inadequate    argument   by    the
    government in a criminal case, see United States v. Rose, 
    104 F.3d 1408
    , 1414 (1st Cir. 1997) (court of appeals has discretion to
    overlook government's waiver of harmless error argument), it would
    be inappropriate in this case to make the government's argument for
    it on an issue both factually and legally complex.
    procurement [of the witness's unavailability] was in furtherance,
    within the scope, and reasonably foreseeable as a necessary or
    natural consequence of an ongoing conspiracy." 
    217 F.3d at 820
    However, Cherry requires the district court to determine the
    factors supporting conspiratorial liability at an evidentiary
    hearing conducted outside the jury's presence. 
    Id. at 815
    Here, the district court did not make any factual findings on
    the applicability of conspiratorial liability, let alone conduct a
    separate hearing outside the presence of the jury. While Cherry
    may represent a sensible rule of law, the government's failure to
    argue it means that we lack the benefit of arguments on whether to
    apply Cherry to this case, either in its substantive (scope of
    liability) or procedural (determination of liability by separate
    hearing) aspects. These difficulties highlight the necessity of
    fully developed arguments on the forfeiture by wrongdoing doctrine.
    c.   Harmless Error
    Although the government argued wrongly that Llaurador's
    statements were admissible as declarations against penal interest,
    it failed to argue in the alternative that, if the statements were
    erroneously admitted, the error was harmless.   See generally Fed.
    R. Crim. P. 52(a) ("Any error, defect, irregularity, or variance
    that does not affect substantial rights must be disregarded.");
    Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 684 (1986) (holding that
    harmless error review applies to Confrontation Clause violations);
    United States v. Reyes-Echevarria, 
    345 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 2003)
    ("We review challenges to the admissibility of evidence under the
    Sixth Amendment's Confrontation Clause for harmless error.").
    Because the government has not argued harmless error, we
    could simply deem the issue waived, as we did for the forfeiture by
    wrongdoing issue, and vacate the relevant convictions of Genao.
    However, as noted, we have discretion "to overlook the government's
    failure to argue that the admission of the challenged evidence, if
    error, was harmless, and that [we] may therefore consider the issue
    of harmlessness sua sponte."   Rose, 
    104 F.3d at 1414
    .   Exercising
    this discretion "involves the balancing of many elements."   
    Id. at 1415
    .   If our sua sponte harmless error analysis led us to affirm
    Genao's conviction, we would have to engage in a nuanced analysis
    of the appropriateness of that sua sponte review.    Here, for the
    sake of completeness, and in light of our decision to vacate the
    convictions for the serious crimes under review, we choose to
    explain why admission of Llaurador's statements cannot be deemed
    "The government, not the defendants, bears the burden of
    establishing harmlessness."       United States v. Casas, 
    356 F.3d 104
    121 (1st Cir. 2004), cert. denied sub nom. Segui-Rodriguez v.
    United States, 
    124 S. Ct. 2405
     (2004).               The analysis is case-
    specific, considering, "among other things, the centrality of the
    tainted material, its uniqueness, its prejudicial impact, the uses
    to which it was put during the trial, the relative strengths of the
    parties' cases,     and   any   telltales     that   furnish     clues    to   the
    likelihood that the error affected the factfinder's resolution of
    a material issue."    Sepulveda, 
    15 F.3d at 1182
    We begin our harmless error analysis by describing the
    evidence implicating Genao in the murder of Caballo apart from
    Llaurador's hearsay statements.         Ramos, the co-conspirator turned
    informant, described a conversation that he had with Genao in which
    Genao explained the course of events on the night of Caballo's
    murder.   Genao explained to Ramos that Caballo wanted Peña to kill
    Llaurador because Caballo suspected Llaurador of stealing his all
    terrain   vehicle   ("ATV").      Genao     joined    Peña   and   Caballo      in
    Caballo's white pickup truck to hunt for Llaurador.                     When they
    finally   found   Llaurador,    Genao   got    in    the   car   with    him   and
    explained that Caballo wanted to kill him but that he should not
    worry because Genao and Peña were planning on killing Caballo
    instead.     They drove to a remote location with Caballo's white
    pickup following behind and then disembarked.             When Caballo told
    Peña to kill Llaurador, Peña shot Caballo instead.            The three then
    loaded Caballo's body into the back of the pickup truck and were
    planning to dismember the body at Valle-Lassalle's when the truck
    became stuck.    They were forced to abandon the truck and the body
    on the side of the road.
    The government offered some corroboration of Ramos's
    testimony    implicating   Genao   in   the   murder    of   Caballo.    Soto
    testified that Valle-Lassalle "told [him] what had happened with
    [Caballo], that it had been [Genao] and [Peña], and that he had to
    do it because of the Colombian thing."                 Caballo's girlfriend
    testified that the last time that she saw Caballo was when he left
    her house with Peña and Genao on the night of his murder.                 She
    confirmed that Caballo's ATV had vanished and that the men brought
    weapons with them in Caballo's white pickup truck to search for
    Llaurador.    Finally, Puerto Rico Police Agent Jorge Nazario Torres
    testified that he found Caballo's body in his pickup truck, which
    was stuck on the side of the road.
    There is certainly some force to this evidence.             If the
    issue before us was the sufficiency of the evidence to support the
    jury's finding that Genao engaged in a conspiracy to murder Caballo
    or that he aided and abetted the murder of Caballo, we would
    conclude    that     the   evidence   was    sufficient    to   support    those
    convictions.        However, the issue before us is not the sufficiency
    of the evidence.           Instead, we must decide whether there is a
    reasonable possibility that the error at issue (the admission of
    Llaurador's statements) influenced the jury in finding Genao guilty
    of these murder-related charges.        Before stating our conclusion on
    that issue, we summarize the statements of Llaurador that were
    presented to the jury by Judge (and former prosecutor) Delgado.
    Delgado testified that he put Llaurador under oath and
    asked him to tell him everything that he knew about Caballo's
    murder.       Llaurador responded in detail.          He said that he saw
    Caballo's truck stopped near his home at 2:00 AM on July 15, 2000.
    Knowing that Caballo was mad at him for stealing the ATV, Llaurador
    thought that Caballo was either looking for the ATV or was on his
    way   to   visit     Llaurador's   girlfriend.        So   he   drove     to   his
    girlfriend's house to see if Caballo was there.                   He was not;
    however, Caballo eventually drove near the house, and Genao got out
    of Caballo's truck and asked Llaurador to take him to buy gasoline.
    While they were driving in Llaurador's truck, Genao explained that
    Caballo wanted Genao and Peña to kill him for stealing the ATV but
    that they were planning on killing Caballo instead because Caballo
    was   going    to    "snitch"   regarding     the   cocaine     theft.     Genao
    repeatedly reassured Llaurador that nothing was going to happen to
    him, and he told him to drive toward the cockfighting arena to meet
    Caballo and Peña.
    After meeting the other two at the arena, Genao and
    Llaurador drove to a lake with Peña and Caballo following behind in
    Caballo's truck.    Genao continued to reassure Llaurador that they
    were not planning to kill him.   Peña and Genao switched trucks when
    they arrived at the lake.      Llaurador then implored, "if you're
    going to kill me, kill me here and just leave me here."         Peña
    responded: "Are you going to keep up with this?    Just take it easy,
    we're not going to do anything to you."           Llaurador followed
    Caballo's truck a little further up a path, and then all four men
    got out of their vehicles.       Caballo grabbed Llaurador's shirt,
    pushed him up against one of the trucks, and told Peña to "[p]ump
    four shots into [his] face."     Raising his arm, Peña said that he
    was going to pump four shots into Caballo's face and shot him in
    the face.    Genao and Peña then began to argue about whether they
    should leave Caballo's body there or take it with them.         They
    decided to put the body in the back of Caballo's truck, and
    Llaurador, driving alone in his truck, led the group away from the
    lake, with Peña and Genao quickly following in Caballo's truck. At
    some point, Llaurador noticed that the truck was not behind him
    anymore, and he turned back and found it stuck in a ditch on the
    side of the road.    He heard two shots as he was backing up and,
    upon reaching the truck, was told that Peña shot Caballo two more
    times because he got up and asked why Peña had shot him.              Peña
    answered, "[b]ecause you're a mother fucker." Llaurador then drove
    Genao to his car and drove Peña to a public housing complex in
    Aguadilla.     As they were driving, Genao told Llaurador that the
    original plan was to make Caballo "disappear" so that Genao could
    keep the truck.
    Delgado   testified    that    Llaurador   provided   another
    statement on September 13, in which he discussed Valle-Lassalle's
    relationship to the murder.        Llaurador said that Genao told him on
    the way to the cockfighting arena that Valle-Lassalle told them to
    kill Caballo because he was going to "snitch" about the cocaine and
    that they were planning on taking the body back to Valle-Lassalle's
    afterward to "chop him up and make him disappear."           That is why
    they took the body with them after the murder.           Genao also told
    Llaurador that he was planning to dismantle the truck.
    Llaurador added that he saw Valle-Lassalle a week after
    the murder, and the gangleader explained his rationale for killing
    Caballo and said that Peña had left the country.           Valle-Lassalle
    also mentioned another death9 at a parking lot of the Ducos housing
    project.     Llaurador presciently noted to prosecutor Delgado that
    Valle-Lassalle would kill him if he found out about the statements
    he was then making and that he omitted the leader's involvement in
    his earlier statement "because Manolo is the one who orders the
    We take this to be a reference to Martin's murder.
    killings."       Finally, he said that he had not seen Peña since the
    murder and that he had not seen Genao since the two attended
    Caballo's wake.
    These detailed statements of Llaurador, so similar in
    some of their details to the testimony of Ramos, are powerfully
    corroborative      of   the     testimony       offered    by   Ramos   and     others
    implicating Genao in the murder of Caballo. To treat these hearsay
    statements of Llaurador as merely cumulative (the harmless side of
    corroborative) would be unrealistic.                Moreover, these statements
    were read into the record by a Commonwealth judge who was so
    identified to the jury.             That association inevitably added to the
    weight of the hearsay testimony being offered, particularly since
    the principal non-hearsay evidence consisted of testimony by a co-
    conspirator      (Ramos)      and    a   cooperator    (Soto),     both    of    whose
    integrity might be more open to question than Llaurador's.                       Under
    these circumstances, we cannot exclude the reasonable possibility
    that   the   constitutional          error    at   issue   in   the   admission     of
    Llaurador's statements influenced the jury in reaching its verdict
    that Genao was guilty of participating in a conspiracy to murder
    Caballo and that he aided and abetted that murder.                    Therefore, we
    must vacate those convictions.
    We reach a different conclusion regarding the impact of
    the    court's    error    on    the     jury's    consideration      of   the    drug
    conspiracy (count one) charge.               Focusing almost exclusively on the
    events   surrounding   Caballo's   murder,   Llaurador's   erroneously-
    admitted statements say little about Genao's involvement in the
    drug smuggling work of the conspiracy.       Moreover, the testimony of
    the two cooperating witnesses firmly established his participation
    in those activities.    Ramos testified that Genao worked as a drug
    courier for him before Genao became a member of the conspiracy,
    delivering pounds of marijuana for Ramos to sell at the Montana
    housing complex.   He described Genao's participation in two large
    drug shipments, a nine hundred to one thousand kilogram shipment in
    the fall of 1995 that the group smuggled on behalf of Ayala; and a
    shipment of cocaine in February 1996, which Genao also helped to
    transport and from which the conspirators stole kilos.             Soto
    testified that Genao participated in an aborted effort to smuggle
    a large load of marijuana in June 1996.          Genao was one of the
    captains of the boats and was supposed to be paid between fifty
    thousand and sixty thousand dollars, but they were never able to
    connect with their supplier.
    On the basis of this evidence, we readily conclude that
    the district court's erroneous admission of Llaurador's statements
    was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt in securing convictions on
    count one of the second superseding indictment.         See Casas, 
    356 F.3d at 121
     (upholding a drug conspiracy conviction where "[o]ther
    evidence presented at trial, as well as the admissible testimony of
    [the investigating agent] based on personal knowledge, clearly
    established that [the defendant] was a member of the conspiracy").

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-1565

Citation Numbers: 390 F.3d 1

Filed Date: 11/5/2004

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (26)

United States v. Caraballo Cruz , 52 F.3d 390 ( 1995 )

United States v. Ilario M.A. Zannino , 895 F.2d 1 ( 1990 )

United States v. Reyes-Echevarria , 345 F.3d 1 ( 2003 )

United States v. Casas , 356 F.3d 104 ( 2004 )

United States v. Llinas , 373 F.3d 26 ( 2004 )

United States v. George Wayneti Reeder, A/K/A Wayne Reeder , 170 F.3d 93 ( 1999 )

united-states-of-america-v-michelle-cherry-ladonna-gibbs-teresa-price , 217 F.3d 811 ( 2000 )

Horton v. Allen , 370 F.3d 75 ( 2004 )

United States v. Montilla Rivera , 171 F.3d 37 ( 1999 )

UNITED STATES v. RAMIRO L. COLÓN-MUÑOZ , 318 F.3d 348 ( 2003 )

United States v. Henry James Wright, Jr. , 625 F.2d 1017 ( 1980 )

United States v. Dennis R. Josleyn, United States of ... , 206 F.3d 144 ( 2000 )

United States v. Rose , 104 F.3d 1408 ( 1997 )

united-states-v-david-sepulveda-united-states-of-america-v-edgar , 15 F.3d 1161 ( 1993 )

united-states-of-america-government-of-the-virgin-islands-v-victor-mcdene , 195 F.3d 679 ( 1999 )

United States v. Roberta Ronique Bell , 113 F.3d 1345 ( 1997 )

United States v. Merritt G. Stansfield, Jr. , 101 F.3d 909 ( 1996 )

United States v. James Saget, Also Known as Hesh , 377 F.3d 223 ( 2004 )

United States v. John Allen Simmons, Jr. , 714 F.2d 29 ( 1983 )

United States v. Francis Crowley , 318 F.3d 401 ( 2003 )

View All Authorities »