Mihaylov v. John Ashcroft , 379 F.3d 15 ( 2004 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 03-1575
    Torruella, Lynch, and Lipez, Circuit Judges.
    Peter Darvin for appellant.
    Hillel R. Smith, Attorney, Office of Immigration Litigation,
    with whom Peter D. Keisler, Assistant Attorney General, Civil
    Division, and Terri J. Scadron, Assistant Director, Office of
    Immigration Litigation, were on brief, for appellee.
    August 17, 2004
    LIPEZ,    Circuit    Judge.          Petitioner   Stefan      Antonov
    Mihaylov, a native and citizen of Bulgaria, seeks review of the
    decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) denying his
    application for asylum.            Petitioner Ludmila Georgeva Naydenova is
    a derivative asylum applicant.1             Mihaylov argues that the evidence
    presented below compels a conclusion that he was persecuted in the
    past on account of his political opinion and is therefore entitled
    to   a       statutory   presumption   of    a   well-founded     fear   of   future
    persecution.         He further claims that the evidence of changed
    circumstances offered by the government is insufficient to overcome
    that presumption and that he is therefore eligible for asylum.
    Ordinarily,   we    review     the    BIA's   decision   under   our
    deferential        "substantial      evidence"       standard,    upholding      that
    decision if it is "supported by reasonable, substantial, and
    probative evidence on the record considered as a whole."                      INS v.
    502 U.S. 478
    , 481 (1992).                 In this case, however,
    we are unable to conduct a proper substantial evidence review of
    the BIA's decision because neither the BIA nor the Immigration
    Judge explained with adequate clarity and particularity the grounds
    Naydenova, Mihaylov's wife, is included in the asylum
    petition based on Mihaylov's experiences.    While this opinion
    refers primarily to petitioner Mihaylov, the decision rendered
    applies to both petitioners. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1158
    for rejecting Mihaylov's past persecution claim.              In light of this
    legally insufficient explanation, see Gailius v. INS, 
    147 F.3d 34
    44 (1st Cir. 1998), we vacate the BIA's order and remand the case
    for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    In July 1992, petitioners Stefan Antonov Mihaylov and
    Ludmila   Georgeva      Naydenova   entered    the   United    States   without
    inspection.     The petitioners applied for asylum and withholding of
    removal on May 7, 1993.         The Immigration and Nationality Service
    hearing officer determined that they were ineligible for asylum and
    withholding, and referred their case to the Immigration Judge.
    Approximately five years later, on January 27, 1999, the INS issued
    Mihaylov and Naydenova notices to appear, charging them with
    unlawful presence in the United States in violation of section
    212(a)(6)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).               The
    petitioners conceded the charge but renewed their request for
    asylum and withholding of removal.           They also submitted a petition
    for   relief    under    the   Convention     Against   Torture   (CAT),    and
    requested     voluntary    departure    in   the   event   that   removal   was
    necessary.2     On August 4, 2000, after hearing testimony on the
    merits of the petitioners' claims, the Immigration Judge denied
    their applications and entered an order of removal to Bulgaria.
    Mihaylov does not appeal the IJ's decision regarding his
    claims for withholding of removal, relief under the CAT, and
    voluntary departure.
    The BIA issued a summary affirmance without opinion on March 28,
    2003.3   See 
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.1
    (a)(7).      This petition followed.
    We summarize the evidence that Mihaylov presented to the
    IJ and then discuss the IJ's evaluation of that evidence.            Stefan
    Mihaylov was born in 1962 in Sofia, Bulgaria.         Mihaylov's father
    was a member of the communist party, but his maternal grandfather,
    Stefan Todorov Georgiev, was an outspoken critic of Bulgaria's
    communist regime.      In 1954, the government arrested Georgiev on
    fabricated    murder    charges   in   retaliation   for   his    political
    activities, and sentenced him to twelve years in prison.               As a
    result of Georgiev's conviction and sentence, Mihaylov and the
    other members of his family were stigmatized as anti-communist
    dissidents and enemies of the Bulgarian government.
    By the time that he was thirteen years old, Mihaylov
    began to have trouble with the communist authorities.            In his last
    year of elementary school, he spoke out against the Communist Youth
    League (DKMS), which all secondary school students were expected to
    join. Because of his opposition to the DKMS, Mihaylov received low
    conduct grades, which precluded him from attending his choice of
    secondary school.      In 1977, the district superintendent of schools
    ordered Mihaylov to meet with him throughout the year for political
    Where, as here, the BIA summarily affirms the decision of
    the IJ, we review the decision of the IJ. Quevedo v. Ashcroft, 
    336 F.3d 39
    , 43 (1st Cir. 2003).
    education lessons.       During those sessions, the school official
    frequently struck Mihaylov and threatened to send him to reform
    school if he did not cooperate.
    On April 17, 1978, when Mihaylov was fifteen years old, a
    uniformed policeman appeared at the door of his family's apartment
    and demanded that Mihaylov accompany him to the police station.
    Without notifying Mihaylov's parents, the policeman took Mihaylov
    to an unfamiliar detention facility where he was locked up in a
    small, windowless cell.       The cell contained only a bed, a bucket
    for a toilet, and a lightbulb which stayed on 24 hours a day.             On
    the day of his detention, Mihaylov suffered a loss of consciousness
    and subsequently lost control of his bodily functions.           The prison
    guard refused to allow him to bathe or clean his soiled clothes and
    denied   his   request   to   see   a     doctor.     Mihaylov   was   later
    interrogated by two officials who riduculed him for smelling badly,
    humiliated him, and compared him to his grandfather.             They asked
    Mihaylov where he had been on certain dates, whether he knew
    certain people, and whether he was a member of a political group.
    When his   answers   did   not   satisfy     them,   the   officials   struck
    Mihaylov with clubs or their fists on his legs, back, arms, and
    Mihaylov was detained for six or seven days. During that
    time, he was interrogated and beaten frequently and was not allowed
    to wash or change his clothes.          On two occasions, he was denied
    access to a toilet.        Mihaylov again requested to see a doctor, and
    again that request was refused.            On April 24, Mihaylov was ordered
    to sign a document stating that he had not been harmed, beaten, or
    subjected to force in any way while in custody, and that he had
    been held only for interrogation.                He was then taken by van to a
    local Sofia police station and was released.
    In the weeks following his detention, Mihaylov's physical
    condition deteriorated.           He began to lose sensitivity through the
    lower part of his body and eventually was unable to walk.                    He was
    diagnosed with acute inflammation of the nerves of his spinal cord
    and spent a month in the hospital and three more months in a
    rehabilitation center.         He eventually regained his ability to walk
    with a cane, but remained permanently disabled.
    In       the   years      following       his   arrest,    Mihaylov    was
    frequently harassed by government officials                  He was arrested more
    than ten times for minor "offenses" such as wearing long hair, blue
    jeans,   and    a   crucifix;        ordered    to   pay   fines   because   of   his
    appearance; and forced to sign an agreement to stay away from
    downtown   Sofia.         On   one    occasion,      Mihaylov   was   arrested    and
    detained on suspicion of dealing in foreign currency.
    In 1989, Mihaylov was detained by a government security
    agent, Hristo Rachev, who questioned him about his visits to the
    United States Embassy and referred to Mihaylov's prior detentions.
    Rachev threatened to have Mihaylov imprisoned on false charges if
    he did not agree to become a government informant.         Mihaylov
    reluctantly agreed, and he met with Rachev about 30 times over the
    next year. During those meetings Rachev asked Mihaylov to identify
    pictures of individuals and to provide information about political
    activities and specific people.    Mihaylov grew increasingly afraid
    for his safety.    On January 30, 1990, he fled Bulgaria with
    Naydenova, who was by then his wife, and traveled to Canada.     He
    applied for asylum, but that application was denied.    Mihaylov and
    Naydenova then entered the United States on July 12, 1992.
    In her supporting testimony, Naydenova stated that after
    she began to live with Mihaylov, she was repeatedly warned by
    security officials and threatened with the loss of her job at the
    Ministry of Culture if she continued to associate with him because
    he was from a "bad family."   She explained that both her family and
    Mihaylov's were anti-communist and were mistreated by the communist
    party, and noted that being anti-communist was like a "sticker" on
    one's back that follows you for the rest of your life.           She
    described an unsettling phone call to her home in which a man
    demanded to know where Mihaylov was and ordered her to tell him
    that "his friend Hristo Rachev called."     When Naydenova gave her
    husband the message, he began shaking uncontrollably.    Later that
    year, Mihaylov and Naydenova were rounded up as part of a mass
    detention in a particular section of town.      Naydenova explained
    that she and her husband were pulled out of a group at the police
    station and ushered into an office, where she was introduced to
    Rachev, whose name and voice she recognized.                 Mihaylov and Rachev
    engaged in a furtive conversation, and the couple was subsequently
    Mihaylov also submitted numerous documentary sources in
    support of his past persecution claim.               Those sources included the
    State Department's 1989 Country Report on Human Rights Practices
    for Bulgaria, which described the harsh repression and widespread
    human rights abuses of Bulgaria's communist regime prior to its
    collapse    in   November       1989,   including       arbitrary       arrest   and
    detention, cruel and unusual treatment and punishment of prisoners,
    and "prison deaths caused by torture and beatings." Bulgarian laws
    "provide[d] severe punishment for the voicing of any belief or
    conviction which [was] contrary to official policy or critical of
    the State," and "Bulgarians were detained, tried, imprisoned, and
    exiled for criticism and actions that were political in nature."
    The report described "the internal security forces which monitored
    the   'ideological'     activities       of    citizens"      and    "directed    an
    elaborate    system   of       informers      in    virtually    all    workplaces,
    residential areas, and social organizations to monitor the daily
    lives of Bulgarians for signs of dissent."                      Besides the State
    Department report, the record contains at least sixteen additional
    documents   including      a    Radio   Free       Europe   report     on   Bulgaria,
    scholarly works, and newspaper articles – all of which discuss the
    Bulgarian Communist regime's persecution of political dissidents.
    Mihaylov also submitted an affidavit from his mother, and the jail
    and character records of his grandfather, which described his
    grandfather's       problems   with    the   communist      government   and   his
    family's reputation as enemies of the regime.
    In a written opinion that included an extensive, twenty-
    page summary of the applicable record evidence but only two pages
    of legal analysis, the IJ denied Mihaylov's request for asylum and
    withholding of removal, concluding that he had failed to establish
    past persecution or a well-founded fear of future persecution on
    account of his political opinion or membership in a social group.4
    She explained that Mihaylov "did not establish that the cause of
    his mistreatment by the former Bulgarian authorities was his or his
    family's political opinion" or his membership in a social group.
    With respect to his fear of future persecution, the IJ noted that
    the communist regime in Bulgaria collapsed in 1989, citing the
    State Department country reports for Bulgaria for 1997 and 1999.
    She stated that Mihaylov "failed to offer any evidence that any
    government agent or other militia member still has any inclination
    to punish him for his political belief."           The IJ further found that
    Mihaylov "failed to meet his burden in establishing a well-founded
    fear       of   future   persecution   on    account   of    his   social   group
    persecution as a family member." (emphasis in the original).
    Mihaylov does not argue on appeal that he was persecuted on
    account of his membership in a social group.
    Although the IJ accepted Mihaylov's account of past
    events, she stated, without elaboration, that "the Court [found]
    his   reasons   for    the   occurrence     of   th[o]se   events    not   to   be
    credible."       She   was    also   troubled     by   Mihaylov's     testimony
    concerning his use of alcohol, referring to it throughout her
    opinion and explaining that
    [Mihaylov] presented testimony that must be viewed
    through the veil of alcoholism, use of other drugs such
    as Valium, and major depression with anxiety attacks. He
    repeatedly minimized his use of Valium before this Court
    when compared with information he gave to Doctor Rines
    and the female respondent's observations. Further, the
    amount of alcohol he reported he consumed daily varied
    widely in amount in his testimony to the Court and in his
    report to his doctors. The male and female respondents'
    testimonies concerning the male respondent's drinking
    were also at variance. The Court notes the oft quoted
    aphorism that alcoholism is "a disease of denial." The
    Court, nonetheless, must take his less than forthright
    report to this Court concerning his addiction to inform
    his testimony overall.
    The IJ also denied Mihaylov's requests for protection under the CAT
    and for voluntary departure.         Mihaylov appealed the IJ's decision
    to the BIA, which summarily affirmed without opinion.
    We have emphasized the need for clear administrative
    findings in reviewing the decision of the IJ or BIA.                Gailius, 
    147 F.3d at 46-47
    .    "A reviewing court should judge the action of [the
    BIA] based only on reasoning provided by the agency, not based on
    grounds constructed by the reviewing court," Yatskin v. INS, 
    255 F.3d 5
    , 9 (1st Cir. 2001), and "that basis must be set forth with
    such clarity as to be understandable," Gailius, 
    147 F.3d at 46-47
    Likewise, "in the case of an adverse credibility determination, the
    IJ must offer a specific, cogent reason for [her] disbelief." Qin
    v. Ashcroft, 
    360 F.3d 302
    , 306 (1st Cir. 2004) (citation and
    internal quotations omitted).      Thus, we will remand if the agency
    fails to state "with sufficient particularity and clarity the
    reasons for denial of asylum" or otherwise to "offer legally
    sufficient reasons for its decision."        Gailius, 
    147 F.3d at 46-47
    An asylum applicant bears the burden of establishing that
    he or she meets the statutory definition of a refugee and is
    therefore eligible for asylum.      
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    (a).           Applicants
    may meet this burden in one of two ways.             First, an applicant
    qualifies as a refugee if he or she demonstrates a well-founded
    fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality,
    membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.               
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    (b); El Moraghy v. Ashcroft, 
    331 F.3d 195
    , 202-03
    (1st Cir. 2003).     Alternatively, the applicant is entitled to a
    presumption of a well-founded fear of persecution if he or she
    establishes   past   persecution   on     account   of   one   of    the   five
    statutory grounds.    
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    (b)(1); Yatskin, 
    255 F.3d at 9
    In the present case, the IJ did not reject Mihaylov's
    claim that he was persecuted. Rather, she concluded that he failed
    to demonstrate that the persecution was on account of his political
    opinion.         She offered only one specific reason in support of this
    ruling, stating that Mihaylov admitted that he may have been
    detained         in   1972   for   an    ordinary    crime   rather    than    for   his
    political opinion:
    [A]lthough the male respondent claims he was initially
    detained because he was targeted for his political
    opinion, he later admitted that the police searched the
    family's home and that there may have been a criminal
    matter involved. In such a case, the police would have
    been within their authority to detain a suspect . . . .
    We do not agree that Mihaylov "later admit[ted]" in the
    course of his testimony that he may have been detained on suspicion
    of having committed a non-political crime.                   Rather, his testimony
    consistently conveyed his belief that he was detained because of
    his political opinion.             During cross examination, the INS attorney
    questioned Mihaylov about a potential discrepancy between his
    testimony and what he told the asylum officer during his initial
    interview in 1998 about whether he was arrested for a crime or for
    his political opinion.             Although Mihaylov acknowledged that he had
    told the asylum officer that he was detained because he was
    suspected of criminal activities, he explained that "in Bulgaria
    both       the   political     and      criminal    activities   are   being    called
    criminal activities."5               Hence, the IJ's finding that Mihaylov
    Mihaylov's explanation was supported by the State
    Department's 1989 Country Report on Human Rights Practices for
    Bulgaria, which Mihaylov submitted in support of his asylum
    application.   That report stated that many forms of political
    dissent were then characterized as crimes under the Bulgarian Penal
    Code, which prohibited "crimes against the People's Republic, anti-
    state agitation and propaganda, slander against the State,
    admitted that he may have been detained for a crime relies on a
    mischaracterization      of   the     evidence    and    does   not     provide   a
    legitimate      basis   for   her     rejection    of    his    claim     of    past
    Aside from this unsupportable finding of a discrepancy in
    Mihaylov's testimony as to the motivation for his detention, the IJ
    offered no specific reasoning in support of her conclusion that
    Mihaylov failed to prove that his persecution was on account of his
    political opinion. That void is particularly troubling in light of
    the considerable evidence of political persecution that we have
    summarized above. Although the IJ described Mihaylov's testimonial
    evidence at some length at the beginning of her opinion, she failed
    to   relate    that   evidence   to   her    rejection    of    Mihaylov's      past
    persecution claim.      Mihaylov's documentary evidence received even
    less consideration; while the IJ briefly noted that "[t]he Court
    received the Amended I-589 and Supporting Documents into evidence,"
    her opinion did not discuss any of the documents submitted with
    Mihaylov's     asylum   application,     many     of    which   related    to    the
    connection between his past persecution and political opinion.
    Although an IJ need not discuss every piece of evidence produced by
    an asylum applicant, she must give reasoned consideration to the
    petition and may not ignore substantial testimonial and documentary
    spreading untrue allegations about the Government, and committing
    acts that create distrust toward the Government." (internal
    quotations omitted).
    evidence.     See Morales v. INS, 
    208 F.3d 323
    , 328 (1st Cir. 2000).
    Mihaylov's    evidence        of   past      persecution         was    substantial      and
    important, and the IJ's silence about it does little to assure us
    that it was considered.            If Mihaylov's testimony and supporting
    documentary        evidence     are    true,       he     may    well       have   suffered
    persecution in the past on account of his political opinion.
    The     IJ     also      made    an        odd     credibility        finding.
    Specifically,       the    IJ   found     that      while       Mihaylov      "provided    a
    consistent,    basic       skeletal     outline         of    events,       including    his
    detention at age 15, and other encounters, the Court finds his
    reasons for the occurrence of these events not to be credible."
    (emphasis added).          This finding seems to rest on the premise that
    Mihaylov's    assertion         that    he    was    persecuted         because     of   his
    political opinion is itself an evidentiary fact to be credited or
    discredited.         Yet    Mihaylov      does      not      claim     to   have   personal
    knowledge of his persecutors' motives, nor does his theory about
    those motives constitute a fact from which the IJ could infer that
    Mihaylov was persecuted because of his political opinion.                            Hence,
    the relevant question is not whether Mihaylov's proffered reasons
    for his persecution are credible but whether he has provided "some
    evidence . . . , direct or circumstantial" that his persecutors
    were motivated, at least in part, by his political opinion.6
    Here, as is usual in asylum cases, there is no direct
    evidence as to why Mihaylov was detained, beaten, harassed, and
    forcibly recruited as an informer. Therefore, the IJ should have
    considered whether the objective facts in the record created a
    502 U.S. at 483
        (emphasis      in    the    original).
    Therefore, the IJ's adverse credibility finding was misplaced.
    Finally, and relatedly, the IJ's opinion is suffused with
    suggestions       that     Mihaylov's      present     use      of     alcohol      and
    inconsistencies in his testimony concerning that use undermined his
    credibility as a general matter.           Yet, there is no evidence in the
    record, expert or otherwise, that Mihaylov was an alcoholic, nor
    did the IJ explain what bearing Mihaylov's alcohol use could have
    had on the legal issues.           Some of the IJ's observations appear to
    relate    to    Mihaylov's    competence        to   testify    rather       than   his
    credibility, notwithstanding that she expressly found that he was
    a competent witness.7        Other statements note discrepancies between
    Mihaylov's testimony concerning his daily alcohol consumption and
    the testimony of his wife and doctors, without explaining how those
    discrepancies bear any legitimate relationship to Mihaylov's asylum
    claim.    See Bojorques-Villanueva v. INS, 
    194 F.3d 14
    , 16 (1st Cir.
    1999) (explaining that an adverse credibility determination "must
    be based on discrepancies that involved the heart of the asylum
    claim")    (citation and internal quotations omitted).                     Ultimately,
    it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the IJ's legal
    reasonable inference that Mihaylov was persecuted because of his
    political opinion.
    A "competent witness" is "a witness who is legally qualified
    to testify" whereas a "credible witness" is "a witness whose
    testimony is believable." Black's Law Dictionary 1596 (7th ed.
    conclusions were colored by her assumptions and personal views
    about individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol.        This suggestion of
    a lack of impartiality further undermines our confidence in the
    reasons given by the IJ in support of her finding that Mihaylov
    failed to establish past persecution. See Cordero-Trejo v. INS, 
    40 F.3d 482
    , 487 (1st Cir. 1994) ("[D]eference is not due where
    findings and conclusions are based on inferences or presumptions
    that are not reasonably grounded in the record, viewed as a whole,
    or are merely personal views of the immigration judge.").
    Where, as here, the IJ's reasoning is inadequate to
    support a finding of past persecution, we generally must remand to
    the BIA.    This is so because if Mihaylov did in fact establish past
    persecution, he was entitled to a regulatory presumption of a well-
    founded fear of future persecution. El Moraghy, 
    331 F.3d at
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    (b)(1)).      In that case, the burden should
    have shifted to the government to refute that presumption by
    establishing    a   fundamental   change   of   circumstances   such   that
    Mihaylov no longer has a well-founded fear of persecution.               
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    (b)(1)(i)(A).    Here, the government never had to
    face that burden.
    The government suggests, however, that it met that burden
    in any event by showing evidence of changed country conditions in
    Bulgaria, namely that the former communist regime is no longer in
    power.     See Yatskin, 
    255 F.3d at 9-11
     (excusing as harmless error
    the BIA's    failure    to       provide       a    reasoned       basis      for    rejecting
    petitioner's past persecution claim where uncontested evidence of
    changed country conditions overcame any presumption of a well-
    founded    fear).      We    do    not    agree          that    the    record       compels    a
    conclusion that changed country conditions obviated any presumptive
    well-founded fear in Mihaylov's case.                          A regime change does not
    necessarily eliminate the objective basis for an applicant's fear
    of persecution at the hands of his former oppressors, even if those
    individuals were part of the old regime.                         As the Seventh Circuit
    recently explained, citing much of the same documentary evidence
    provided by Mihaylov, "there is evidence that Bulgaria's former
    communist bigwigs, quickly recycled as socialists and now busy
    cosying up to the United States, retain significant power in
    Bulgaria,    especially       and       quite       relevantly         over    the    security
    service,    and     continue       to    pursue          the    old    vendettas       against
    anticommunists."       Niam v. Ashcroft, 
    354 F.3d 652
    , 657 (7th Cir.
    2004) (holding that regime change in Bulgaria did not establish
    that asylum       applicant       who    had       been   persecuted          for    his   anti-
    communist    beliefs        no     longer          had    a      well-founded         fear     of
    Thus, the IJ's failure to provide adequate reasons for
    her rejection of Mihaylov's past persecution claim leaves us
    without a sufficient basis to affirm the BIA's decision.                                   Under
    these circumstances, we remand to the BIA to determine whether
    Mihaylov's    testimony    and   supporting   evidence   establishes   past
    persecution and hence a well-founded fear of future persecution on
    account of his political opinion.          See Gailius, 
    147 F.3d at 47
    (noting that remand is appropriate in the asylum context "when a
    reviewing court cannot sustain the agency's decision because it has
    failed to offer legally sufficient reasons for its decision").
    The order of the BIA is vacated, and the case is remanded
    to the BIA for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    So ordered.