United States v. Altagracia Castillo , 145 F. App'x 683 ( 2005 )

  •                Not For Publication in West's Federal Reporter
    Citation Limited Pursuant to 1st Cir. Loc. R. 32.3
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 03-1317
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Carmen Consuelo Cerezo, U.S. District Judge]
    Boudin, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Howard, Circuit Judges.
    Saul Roman Santiago on brief for appellant.
    H.S. Garcia, United States Attorney, and Nelson Perez-Sosa,
    Assistant U.S. Attorney, on brief for appellee
    August 4, 2005
    Per Curiam. Jose Altagracia Castillo appeals from his sentence
    imposed following his guilty plea to one count of conspiracy to
    possess with intent to distribute more than five kilograms of
    cocaine, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 846.1
                  The district court
    enhanced his sentence pursuant to U.S.S.G. § 3B1.1(c), based upon
    a finding that his role in the offense was that of an "organizer."
    On appeal, Castillo argues for the first time that the facts on the
    record do not support that enhancement.             We agree and remand for
    The   only    facts   contained    in   the   district   court   record
    concerning Castillo's role in the offense are those contained in
    the "Stipulation of Facts" incorporated in the plea agreement:
    1.    Beginning not later than September 1999, JOSE
    CASTILLO entered into an agreement with CRISTOBAL
    GARCIA, and numerous others, to acquire and
    distribute cocaine.
    2.    In furtherance of the conspiracy, JOSE CASTILLO
    helped arrange for transportation and distribution
    of   multiple   kilograms   of  cocaine   in   the
    northeastern United States.
    Based on those facts, the presentence report calculated that "a
    two-level enhancement is warranted for being an organizer pursuant
    to   U.S.S.G.   §   3B1.1(c)."     The    district    court    followed   that
    reasoning verbatim in applying a two-level enhancement, resulting
    Castillo was sentenced in January 2003, before the U.S.
    Supreme Court issued its decisions in Blakely v. Washington, 
    124 S. Ct. 2531
     (2004) and United States v. Booker, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
    He does not assert a claim under either Blakely or Booker.
    in a total offense level of 37 which, together with a Criminal
    History Category of I, yielded a guideline sentencing range of 210
    to 262 months' imprisonment.2         The court imposed a prison sentence
    of 210 months, explaining that "[a]fter considering the defendant's
    personal history and prior criminal record, a sentence at the lower
    end of the guideline range will be imposed."
    Castillo concedes that he did not object in district court to
    the two-level enhancement and that plain error review applies.
    Therefore, appellant has the burden of demonstrating that there was
    "an   'error'   that   is   'plain'    and   that   'affect[s]   substantial
    rights.'" United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993).              "If
    those three factors are all met, the court of appeals then has
    discretion to correct the error only if it 'seriously affects the
    fairness, integrity or public reputation of judicial proceedings.'
    Id. at 736
    ." United States v. Antonakopoulos, 
    399 F.3d 68
    , 77 (1st
    Cir. 2005).
    The district court imposed a two-level enhancement pursuant to
    U.S.S.G. § 3B1.1(c) which mandates such enhancement "[i]f the
    defendant was an organizer, leader, manager, or supervisor in any
    criminal activity other than described in (a) or (b)[providing for
    greater enhancements if five or more participants were involved in
    As the government confirmed at the sentencing hearing, the
    plea agreement contemplated that Castillo would receive a two-level
    reduction in his base offense level for his minor role in the
    offense. See U.S.S.G. § 1B1.2(b).
    criminal activity]."        §3B1.1(c).         A two-level increase under §
    3B1.1(c) is justified only if the government proves that
    "(1) the criminal enterprise involved at least two
    complicit participants (of whom the defendant may be
    counted as one), and (2) the defendant, in committing the
    offense, exercised control over, organized, or was
    otherwise responsible for superintending the activities
    of at least one of those other persons."
    Garcia-Morales, 382 F.3d at 19 (quoting United States v. Cruz, 
    120 F.3d 1
    , 3 (1st Cir. 1997 (en banc)); see also United States v.
    80 F.3d 641
    , 654 (1st Cir. 1996); §3B1.1, comment.
    (n.2) ("[t]o qualify for an adjustment under this section, the
    defendant    must    have   been    the    organizer,         leader,   manager,   or
    supervisor of one or more other participants" (emphasis added)).
    In imposing the two-level enhancement applied in the PSR, the
    district court repeated verbatim the PSR's explanation as follows:
    Since defendant helped to arrange for transportation and
    distribution of multi kilograms of cocaine to the
    northeastern part of the United States and had an
    agreement with Mr. Cristobal Garcia to acquire and
    distribute cocaine, a two level enhancement is applied
    for being an organizer under Guideline Section 3B1.1(c).
    "In   many   circumstances,        the    basis     for   a    role-in-the-offense
    enhancement will be apparent from the record.                  When this is not so,
    however,     the    sentencing     court,      in   order      to   apply   such   an
    enhancement, must make a specific finding which identifies those
    being managed 'with enough particularity to give credence to the
    upward adjustment.'" United States v. Medina, 
    167 F.3d 77
    , 80 (1st
    Cir. 1999).    The record in this case does not contain an apparent
    basis for the role-in-offense enhancement.                 The record establishes
    only    that      Castillo      "helped      arrange    for   transportation     and
    distribution" of large quantities of cocaine.                  It is not apparent
    from that description that Castillo organized the activity of at
    least one other participant.
    At the time of Castillo's guilty plea, after hearing Castillo
    accept the stipulation of facts quoted above, the district court
    stated that the plea agreement contemplated that Castillo would
    receive a two-level downward adjustment because of his minor role
    in   the    offense.         The   sentencing    judge    stated   that   he    would
    "determine, after the probation officer reports, whether you will
    actually get that minus two level reduction." However, after the
    PSR was filed, the district court imposed a two-level enhancement
    based      upon   the    same      factual    information     contained    in     the
    stipulation of facts which was incorporated in the plea agreement.
    Under these circumstances, it was plain error for the
    district     court      to   enhance   Castillo's       sentence   pursuant     to   §
    3B1.1(c) absent any finding, or any basis in the record for
    finding, that Castillo had organized the activities of at least one
    other participant.             Castillo has demonstrated that the error
    affects his substantial rights.              Absent the two-level enhancement,
    the adjusted offense level would have been 35, yielding a guideline
    sentencing range of 168-210 months.                    Given the court's express
    inclination to sentence Castillo at the bottom of the applicable
    range, there is a reasonable probability that Castillo might well
    have received a sentence of less than 210 months.
    Resentencing is appropriate here because there is no factual
    support in this sparse record for a finding that Castillo organized
    the activities of another participant.      See United States v.
    402 F.3d 294
    , 302 n. 6 (1st Cir. 2005)(applying
    plain error review and stating that "[h]ad the district court erred
    in making factual findings underlying . . . upward adjustment and,
    as a result, misapplied guideline enhancements in a way that
    increased the appellant's sentence, such errors would require
    resentencing even under our pre-Booker precedents".
    Castillo also complains that the district court refused to
    allow him in the middle of sentencing to offer an amended plea
    agreement even though the government did not object.   The district
    judge's reaction was understandable and given the delay in making
    the motion and the fact that sentencing was underway, we would be
    unlikely to regard this refusal as an abuse of discretion, but we
    need not decide the matter.   Since resentencing will be necessary
    in any event, the district court on remand may well be inclined to
    allow the parties to propose an amended plea agreement.
    Castillo's sentence is vacated and the action is remanded for