T G Plastics Trading Co., Inc. v. Toray Plastics (America), Inc. , 775 F.3d 31 ( 2014 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 14-1500
    Plaintiff, Appellee,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. John J. McConnell, Jr., U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Howard, Circuit Judge,
    and Saylor,* District Judge.
    Sanford I. Weisburst, with whom Ryan S. Goldstein, Daniel
    H. Bromberg, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, Jeffrey S.
    Brenner, and Nixon Peabody LLP were on brief, for appellant.
    James Ratzel, with whom Michael J. Daly, Pierce Atwood
    LLP, and Ratzel, Pytlik & Pezze, LLC were on brief, for appellee.
    December 22, 2014
    Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.
    LYNCH, Chief Judge.      In 2007, Toray Plastics (America),
    Inc. ("Toray") of Rhode Island, a manufacturer of plastic film
    products, and T G Plastics Trading Co., Inc. ("National Plastics"),
    a Colorado-based broker of plastic film products, entered into a
    Settlement Agreement to resolve a pending lawsuit.              As part of the
    Settlement    Agreement,   Toray     agreed   to    sell   certain   materials
    exclusively through National Plastics and to pay National Plastics
    a twelve percent commission on all sales of the materials thereby
    generated. National Plastics, believing that Toray had not held up
    its end of the bargain, sued Toray for breach of the Settlement
    Agreement. A jury found Toray liable and awarded National Plastics
    over $2 million in damages.         Toray appeals, arguing that National
    Plastics had waived its right to a jury trial by a belated demand,
    and that the evidence was insufficient as a matter of law to
    support the jury's finding of liability or its calculation of
    damages.      We affirm, sounding a cautionary note as to delayed
    demands for jury trials.
    Toray is a manufacturer of plastic films which are used
    in various food packaging and industrial applications.                 Toray's
    manufacturing processes produce excess materials, such as scrap
    left   over    after   rolls   of     film    are   cut    to   a    customer's
    specifications, and film that is damaged or otherwise rendered
    unusable during the manufacturing process.           Toray has historically
    sold this material to plastics brokers.    The brokers then resell
    the materials, often to businesses abroad or to customers in
    "secondary" or "commodities" markets, such as the floral industry.
    National Plastics is a plastics broker that has purchased
    excess materials from Toray since 1988. In the mid-2000s, National
    Plastics allegedly fell behind on payments owed to Toray, and in
    May 2006, Toray filed a lawsuit to recover approximately $1.5
    million in outstanding payments ("the First Lawsuit").     National
    Plastics counterclaimed, alleging, among other things, that Toray
    had committed breach of contract and tortious interference with a
    business relationship.
    After conducting "months of discovery," the parties
    eventually settled the First Lawsuit.   The terms of the settlement
    were memorialized in a "Settlement Agreement and Release," signed
    on October 15-16, 2007, which provided that, "[i]n full and final
    settlement of the [First Lawsuit] . . . Toray and National Plastics
    will enter into a long term business relationship . . . and
    National Plastics will pay Toray $1.5 million."    As part of that
    "long term business relationship," Toray agreed that, for a period
    of seventeen years beginning on October 22, 2007, it would
    exclusively sell to National Plastics one
    hundred percent (100%) of all scrap plastic,
    other   scrap,   second   quality   materials,
    downgraded materials, recyclable materials not
    reused internally and aged film.       Because
    Toray does not have direct control over the
    end use or applications of these items . . .,
    Toray cannot guarantee performance of this
    film in any application.     During the Term,
    Toray   will   also   regularly    share   all
    information with National Plastics on all
    persons or entities approaching Toray for
    purchase of Toray's scrap plastic, other
    scrap, second quality materials, downgraded
    materials, recyclable materials and aged film.
    National Plastics will be responsible for
    contacting all of these possible leads and
    following up with Toray on the outcome.
    The Settlement Agreement further provided that, "[i]n order to
    insure that Toray is receiving competitive market pricing, National
    Plastics will work on a straight twelve percent (12%) of all sales
    generated by National Plastics."             It also contained a provision
    giving each party the right to audit the other on an annual basis
    in order to ensure compliance.
    The parties refer to the list of items Toray agreed to
    sell exclusively to National Plastics -- "scrap plastic, other
    scrap, second quality materials, downgraded materials, recyclable
    materials not reused internally and aged film" -- as the "agreed
    materials."         The   principals    who    negotiated    the   Settlement
    Agreement, Toray Chief Financial Officer David Jose and National
    Plastics owner Torge Goderstad, did not discuss the precise meaning
    of the words describing the agreed materials.           In particular, the
    term "aged film" was added to the Settlement Agreement near the end
    of settlement negotiations and is not defined elsewhere in the
    Soon   after   executing    the    Settlement   Agreement,   the
    parties began to dispute several aspects of its application,
    including, as relevant here, Toray's duty to sell aged film
    exclusively to National Plastics.            In July 2009, National Plastics
    sued Toray in federal court in Rhode Island, claiming damages
    stemming from Toray's alleged failure to sell 100 percent of the
    agreed materials to National Plastics and requesting specific
    performance of the Settlement Agreement's auditing provisions. The
    original complaint did not contain a jury demand.
    After     two   years   of    settlement     negotiations,   which
    ultimately proved fruitless, National Plastics moved to amend its
    complaint in June 2011 to add three additional claims and a request
    for a jury trial.    The district court granted the motion for leave
    to amend over Toray's objection.             Toray counterclaimed, alleging
    breach of the Settlement Agreement.            However, by the time the case
    was submitted to the jury in January 2014 -- roughly thirty months
    after National Plastics filed its amended complaint -- the dispute
    had, for all practical purposes, been narrowed to a single issue:
    whether Toray had breached its duty under the Settlement Agreement
    to sell aged film exclusively to National Plastics.1               National
    Plastics' claim of damages was based solely on this alleged "aged
    film" breach; it did not request damages based on Toray's sales of
    any of the other "agreed materials."
    The parties' other claims had either been withdrawn or
    At trial, a primary issue in contention was whether there
    had been any meeting of the minds as to the meaning of the term
    "aged film."    There was conflicting evidence presented regarding
    that issue.    Toray CEO Richard Schloesser and CFO Jose testified
    that, "[f]rom an accounting standpoint," material is considered
    "aged" one year after its manufacture, at which point Toray takes
    a reserve against the material for financial accounting purposes.
    Schloesser admitted that, in a deposition in the First Lawsuit (in
    which the meaning of the term "aged material" was at issue) he had
    defined "aged material" as "film generally that reaches one year"
    and is "written down by the Finance Department."    This description
    is also consistent with e-mails Schloesser sent to Goderstad after
    execution of the Settlement Agreement, in which Schloesser wrote
    that "each month a report is generated that targets film that is 11
    months old and will go aged in the next month."    Toray's policy is
    in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, under
    which companies are required to value their assets in a manner
    "grounded in reality" in order to prepare accurate financial
    statements.    According to National Plastics' expert accountant,
    Catherine      Parente,    Toray's     inventory   reserve    policy
    "indicat[ed] . . . that the age of the inventory significantly
    affects the value of that inventory . . . . [b]y reducing it."
    Schloesser also testified, however, that "from an operational stand
    point, [plastic film] does not age; it's inert. . . .        [Toray]
    could sell that film that we produced today three years from today
    and it would work perfectly."
    Matthew Brown, a General Manager at Toray, testified in
    his deposition that, in his view, aged film was a "generalization"
    that "specifie[d] film that [he] want[ed] the sales folks to focus
    on because it's been around for a while." Like Schloesser, he also
    stated   at    trial    that      "from    a   sales    and     operations    point   of
    view . . . there is no aged film."                  National Plastics' Goderstad
    testified     that     he    understood        "aged    film"    to   mean    generally
    "material that they made and didn't go out right away, so they put
    it in inventory, they held it for one reason or another."                       He said
    he wasn't "sure" about the physical age of "aged film," but thought
    it could be anywhere between three and eighteen months old.
    The parties stipulated that between November 1, 2007, and
    August 31, 2012, Toray sold approximately 9.2 million pounds of
    film older than twelve months to entities other than National
    Plastics      and    had     earned       revenue      on   those     sales    totaling
    $16,836,907.91.         In his closing argument, counsel for National
    Plastics argued to the jury that, if the jury found that Toray had
    breached the Settlement Agreement by selling aged film to entities
    other than National Plastics, the jury should calculate damages by
    multiplying Toray's revenue by National Plastics' twelve percent
    commission      under       the   Settlement      Agreement,        for   a   total   of
    $2,020,428.70.         Counsel for Toray contended in his closing that
    this   damages    figure   was   "pure    speculation"   because   National
    Plastics had failed to show that it "could have sold [the aged
    film] at the same prices in the same marketplace [as Toray]."
    The jury found Toray liable for breach of the Settlement
    Agreement and awarded National Plastics $2,020,428.95 in damages.
    Since that figure is equal to twelve percent of $16,836,907.91, it
    is apparent that the jury adopted National Plastics' proposed
    method of calculating damages.           After the verdict, Toray renewed
    its earlier motion for judgment as a matter of law.            The motion
    rested on two grounds: (1) National Plastics failed to present
    sufficient evidence that the parties intended the term "aged film"
    to mean all film thirteen or more months old, and (2) the jury's
    damages   award   was   impermissibly      speculative   because   National
    Plastics failed to present evidence that it would have generated
    the same revenue from selling aged film as Toray did. The district
    court summarily denied the motion, finding that the jury's verdict
    was "a rational determination of the credibility of the witnesses
    and the facts as derived from the evidence" and "a reasonable
    application of the facts to the law."            The court entered final
    judgment in favor of National Plastics.          This appeal followed.
    We first address Toray's claim that the district court
    erred in allowing National Plastics to amend its complaint to add
    a jury demand.
    Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38(b), "a party may
    demand a jury trial by . . . serving the other parties with a
    written demand . . . no later than 14 days after the last pleading
    directed to the issue is served."     "A party waives a jury trial
    unless its demand is properly served and filed."    Fed. R. Civ. P.
    38(d).   However, the district court may, in its discretion, excuse
    a party's waiver of a jury trial.      See Fed. R. Civ. P. 39(b);
    Rowlett v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 
    832 F.2d 194
    , 199-200 (1st Cir.
    1987), abrogated on other grounds by Iacobucci v. Boulter, 
    193 F.3d 14
    (1st Cir. 1999).    "[T]he discretion under Rule 39(b) is very
    broad and . . . the case would be very rare indeed where a district
    court abused its discretion in denying or granting a Rule 39(b)
    Rowlett, 832 F.2d at 200
    ; see also Moores v. Greenberg,
    834 F.2d 1105
    , 1109 (1st Cir. 1987); 9 Wright & Miller, Federal
    Practice and Procedure § 2334 (3d ed.) (explaining that "the
    appellate courts ordinarily will not intervene or overturn the
    action taken by the trial judge" on a Rule 39(b) motion).   Indeed,
    Toray admits in its reply brief that it can cite to no case in
    which a district court's allowance of a Rule 39(b) motion "was
    grounds for reversal of a jury verdict on appeal."
    In deciding Rule 39(b) motions, courts have considered
    various factors, such as
    (1) whether the case involves issues which are
    best tried to a jury; (2) whether granting the
    motion would result in a disruption of the
    court's schedule or that of the adverse party;
    (3) the degree of prejudice to the adverse
    party; (4) the length of the delay in having
    requested a jury trial; and (5) the reason for
    the movant's tardiness in requesting a jury
    Parrott v. Wilson, 
    707 F.2d 1262
    , 1267 (11th Cir. 1983); accord
    Daniel Int'l Corp. v. Fischbach & Moore, Inc., 
    916 F.2d 1061
    , 1064
    (5th Cir. 1990).     Any inquiry into the propriety of a Rule 39(b)
    motion is thus a highly fact-specific endeavor.                 See 9 Wright &
    Miller, supra, § 2334 ("The trial court ought to approach each
    application under Rule 39(b) with an open mind and an eye to the
    factual situation in that particular case . . . .").
    On these facts, it was not an abuse of discretion for the
    district court to allow National Plastics to amend its complaint to
    add a jury demand.       The district court found, and Toray does not
    contest,    that   the   issues    in    this   case   were    suited      to    jury
    determination.      The allowance of the motion to amend did not
    disrupt    the   schedule   of    the   litigation;    at     the   time    of   the
    amendment, discovery was still in its early stages due to the
    parties' earlier efforts "to resolv[e] the matter as opposed to
    litigat[e] it."     Moreover, Toray has conceded that it suffered no
    prejudice as a result of the amendment in terms of its ability to
    prepare for trial, since it had two and a half years after the
    amended complaint was filed to ready its case.2                Cf. Rowlett, 832
    This case is a far cry from Ypsilanti Community Utilities
    Authority v. Meadwestvaco Air Systems, LLC, No. 07-CV-15280, 
    2010 WL 1644058
    (E.D. Mich. Apr. 22, 2010), which Toray cites in its
    F.2d at 200 (affirming district court's grant of a Rule 39(b)
    motion after finding that defendant "was not prejudiced" because
    "the trial was not delayed or extended, nor was there any unfair
    The time period that elapsed between National Plastics'
    filing of the initial complaint and its demand for a jury trial was
    significant, to be sure, and such a long delay would ordinarily
    counsel against excusing a jury waiver.           But we agree with the
    district court that the reason offered for the delay -- emphasis on
    settlement negotiations -- was valid in the context of this case.
    In June 2010, the Magistrate Judge, sensing that the parties were
    progressing     toward   settlement,   had   imposed   a   "moratorium"   on
    discovery with the goal of further facilitating negotiations, and
    the   judge    lifted    the   discovery   stay   in   July   2010   on   the
    brief. There, the district court denied a Rule 39(b) motion that
    defendants filed "just two days before the final pre-trial
    conference," after the court had denied defendants' motion for
    summary judgment, and after the plaintiffs had "made several
    strategic decisions in the course of preparing th[e] case for trial
    based upon the belief that th[e] case would be tried to the bench."
    Id. at *2-3.
    Here, the Rule 39(b) motion was filed two and a half
    years before trial, long before any major strategic decisions had
    been made.
    This case is likewise distinguishable from Olympia Express,
    Inc. v. Linee Aeree Italiane, S.P.A., 
    509 F.3d 347
    (7th Cir. 2007),
    also relied on by Toray. In Olympia Express, the Seventh Circuit
    held that it would not excuse plaintiffs' four-year delay in
    requesting a jury trial in a suit brought under the Foreign
    Sovereign Immunities Act, in view of the "practical concerns of
    preparation and predictability" and "[t]he purpose of foreign
    sovereign immunity."     
    Id. at 352.
        The doctrine of foreign
    sovereign immunity is not implicated in this case, nor is there any
    suggestion that the amendment disrupted Toray's preparation for
    understanding   that   the   parties    would   not   take   any   steps   to
    "interfere with settlement negotiations."         It was thus reasonable
    for National Plastics to delay its request for a jury trial until
    it became clear that settlement would not be forthcoming. This was
    not, as Toray would have it, simply a case of an unexplained last-
    minute change in tactics.
    In view of these considerations, this is not one of the
    "very rare" cases in which a district court abused its discretion
    by granting a Rule 39(b) motion.       See 
    Rowlett, 832 F.2d at 200
    .       We
    stress, though, that a party takes a considerable risk in delaying
    the making of a jury demand.
    In its second claim of error, Toray argues that National
    Plastics' claim for breach of the Settlement Agreement should not
    have gone to the jury because National Plastics failed to present
    sufficient evidence to establish that the parties had a mutual
    understanding of the term "aged film" as all film older than one
    year.   We are not persuaded.
    Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 50, the court may
    grant judgment as a matter of law to a party on an issue if "the
    court finds that a reasonable jury would not have a legally
    sufficient evidentiary basis to find for the [nonmoving] party on
    that issue."    We review a district court's denial of a Rule 50
    motion de novo, "viewing the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the nonmoving party." Monteagudo v. Asociación de Empleados del
    Estado Libre Asociado de P.R., 
    554 F.3d 164
    , 170 (1st Cir. 2009)
    (quoting Marcano Rivera v. Turabo Med. Ctr. P'ship, 
    415 F.3d 162
    167 (1st Cir. 2005)) (internal quotation marks omitted).                        "[A]
    party seeking to overturn a jury verdict faces an uphill battle,"
    since "[c]ourts may only grant a judgment contravening a jury's
    determination        when   the       evidence    points      so    strongly     and
    overwhelmingly in favor of the moving party that no reasonable jury
    could   have    returned    a   verdict     adverse    to    that   party."      
    Id. (quoting Marcano
    Rivera, 415 F.3d at 167
    ) (internal quotation marks
    Toray cannot meet that stringent standard here.                   As the
    jury was correctly instructed, its objective in construing the
    terms of the Settlement Agreement was "to ascertain the intent of
    the parties."        Haffenreffer v. Haffenreffer, 
    994 A.2d 1226
    , 1233
    (R.I.   2010)    (citing    The    Elena    Carcieri     Trust-1988     v.    Enter.
    Rent-A-Car Co. of R.I., 
    871 A.2d 944
    , 947 (R.I. 2005)).                  There is
    sufficient evidence in the trial record upon which a reasonable
    jury could have concluded that the parties intended the term "aged
    film" to mean all film thirteen or more months old.
    First,     there    was    evidence   that      Toray   documents    and
    testimony from the First Lawsuit had defined "aged film" in such a
    manner.        For   example,     Toray's   Answer     to    National   Plastics'
    counterclaim in that suit stated that "Excess Material means
    material that does not meet specification and includes material
    that    is    aged    (over   12   months)      or    obsolete,"    and   Schloesser
    testified that "aged material" is "film generally that reaches one
    year."       These documents and testimony were available to National
    Plastics prior to the execution of the Settlement Agreement. Thus,
    contrary to Toray's argument, Toray's internal definition of the
    term "aged," insofar as it became public record during the First
    Lawsuit, could have influenced National Plastics' understanding of
    the term "aged film" as it is used in the Settlement Agreement.
    Second, Toray CEO Schloesser equated the term "aged" with
    "13 months [old]" in his trial testimony.                 And finally, Toray CFO
    Jose testified that Toray took a financial reserve against film
    older than one year, and Toray Demand Manager John Angelina stated
    that "aged film" was "film that a financial reserve has been taken
    against." Taken together, this evidence suggests that, at the time
    Toray    and    National      Plastics    were       negotiating    the   Settlement
    Agreement, both parties understood the term to mean film thirteen
    months old or older -- or at least a reasonable jury could so
    Finally, Toray contends that National Plastics failed to
    present sufficient evidence to allow a jury to conclude with
    reasonable certainty that National Plastics suffered $2,020,428.95
    in   damages     as   a   result   of    Toray's      breach   of   the   Settlement
    Agreement.       Toray   makes   two   arguments   in    support   of   this
    contention: first, that National Plastics offered no evidence
    tending to show that it would have been able to sell aged film for
    the same price and to the same customers as Toray sold it; and
    second, that National Plastics failed to present any evidence as to
    the costs it would have incurred in selling aged film.
    We do not consider Toray's argument regarding National
    Plastics' costs because it was not preserved.           At no point in the
    trial did Toray argue that the proper measure of damages involved
    deducting National Plastics' operating costs from its anticipated
    revenues, nor did Toray ask for such an instruction to be given to
    the jury.     The issue had not been raised at all, even in Toray's
    motion for judgment as a matter of law under Rule 50.3             As Toray
    admits, it made two, and only two, arguments in support of its Rule
    50 motion: (1) National Plastics failed to present sufficient
    evidence to show a mutual understanding of the meaning of the term
    "aged film" and (2) National Plastics failed to present evidence
    that would allow a reasonable jury to conclude that it would have
    generated the same revenues from selling "aged film" as Toray did.4
    Indeed, the parties did not even conduct discovery on
    Toray's full argument in support of its motion for
    judgment as a matter of law with respect to the damages issue, made
    at the close of National Plastics' case, was as follows:
    There is no evidence whatsoever as to what Mr.
    Goderstad would have sold those products at,
    at what pricing and to whom.        He simply
    Those contentions were not sufficient to preserve the
    costs argument. A Rule 50 motion "must be sufficiently specific so
    as to apprise the district court of the grounds relied on in
    support of the motion."     
    Monteagudo, 554 F.3d at 170
    Parker v. Gerrish, 
    547 F.3d 1
    , 12 (1st Cir. 2008)) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).    Arguments not "spell[ed] out . . .
    squarely and distinctly" in the district court are waived.   United
    States v. Samboy, 
    433 F.3d 154
    , 161 (1st Cir. 2005) (quoting
    Rivera–Gomez v. de Castro, 
    843 F.2d 631
    , 635 (1st Cir. 1988))
    (internal quotation marks omitted); see also 
    Monteagudo, 554 F.3d at 170
    Parker, 547 F.3d at 12
    (noting that a Rule 50 motion
    "preserves for review only those grounds specified at the time, and
    no others" (quoting Zachar v. Lee, 
    363 F.3d 70
    , 73 (1st Cir. 2004))
    (internal quotation marks omitted)).    Toray's argument that the
    evidence did not show that National Plastics would have generated
    the same revenues from selling "aged film" as Toray did was not
    sufficient to put the district court on notice of its costs
    engaged in the pure speculation that he is
    entitled to 12 percent of what Toray sold
    those products to [sic] and its pricing to its
    customers and its marketplaces.    There's no
    connection here with any evidence as to what
    Mr. Goderstad's company actually could have
    sold the products for, to whom, when and in
    what amounts. His 12 percent is based on his
    figures under the contract, not ours.
    This was not enough to make clear to the trial judge the theory
    that Toray now advances about deduction of operating costs.
    Toray's renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law simply
    reiterated this argument.
    argument.    Nor was Toray's general argument that the requested
    damages award was speculative sufficient; that contention was too
    vague to encompass the costs argument, especially since the issue
    had not been raised to the court or to the jury at any earlier
    point.   Toray simply did not "spell out its [costs] argument[]
    squarely and distinctly" as is required to raise it on appeal. See
    Samboy, 433 F.3d at 161
    (internal quotation marks omitted).5
    We addressed Toray's first preserved argument above; we
    now turn to the second.
    As the district court correctly instructed the jury,
    under Rhode Island law, "'[t]he amount of damages sustained from a
    breach of contract must be proven with a reasonable degree of
    certainty, and the plaintiff must establish reasonably precise
    figures and cannot rely upon speculation.'"      Guzman v. Jan-Pro
    Cleaning Sys., Inc., 
    839 A.2d 504
    , 508 (R.I. 2003) (alteration in
    original) (quoting Mktg. Design Source, Inc. v. Pranda N. Am.,
    799 A.2d 267
    , 273 (R.I. 2002)) (internal quotation marks
    omitted).    "However, [p]laintiffs will not be denied recovery
    merely because the damages . . . are difficult to ascertain, as
    long as they prove damages with reasonable certainty."   Sophie F.
    Bronowiski Mulligan Irrevocable Trust v. Bridges, 
    44 A.3d 116
    , 120
    Ordinarily, to be clear, a plaintiff seeking damages for
    breach of contract is required to show evidence of lost profits, as
    opposed to lost revenues.    See, e.g., Troutbrook Farm, Inc. v.
    611 A.2d 820
    , 824 (R.I. 1992).
    (R.I. 2012) (alterations in original) (citations omitted) (internal
    quotation marks omitted); see also Smith Dev. Corp. v. Bilow
    Enters.,   Inc.,   
    308 A.2d 477
    ,   483   (R.I.     1973)    (noting      that
    "'absolute certainty in proving . . . quantum [of damages] is not
    required'" and that the jury need only "be guided by some rational
    standard" (citations omitted)).
    There was evidence in the record upon which a reasonable
    jury could conclude that National Plastics established the damages
    from Toray's breach with reasonable certainty.            In an e-mail that
    Toray CFO Jose sent to Goderstad after the execution of the
    contract, Jose stated that he understood that National Plastics had
    been buying the agreed materials from Toray, invoicing its own
    customer   for   the   same   amount   as   it   had   paid    Toray   for    the
    materials, then receiving its twelve percent commission based on
    that amount. Jose proposed instead that Goderstad raise the prices
    that National Plastics was charging to a level such that, after the
    twelve percent commission was deducted, Toray would "receive the
    same level of pricing (or pretty close to it) that [it] did prior
    to [the Settlement Agreement]."        That suggests, at a minimum, that
    National Plastics could in fact sell the product for prices similar
    to those of Toray.        Moreover, Toray was obligated under the
    Settlement Agreement to share sales leads regarding the agreed
    materials with National Plastics, suggesting that the customer
    bases and sales volumes of the two companies would be comparable.
    A reasonable jury could conclude from this evidence that
    twelve percent of Toray's revenues from direct sales of aged film
    to third parties -- sales that, under the Settlement Agreement,
    should have been done through National Plastics -- was a rational
    estimate of damages.
    Toray    resists   this    conclusion,   arguing   that   it
    "routinely" sold film thirteen months old or older to its regular
    customers without discount and including a warranty.          Because
    National Plastics could not sell plastic film into primary markets
    complete with warranty, Toray contends, it is not possible that
    National Plastics could have earned the same revenues from sales of
    the film as Toray did.   But this argument rests on the premise that
    film thirteen months old or older had no operational difference
    from film less than one year old and could be sold into prime
    markets at the prime market price.     The jury did not have to accept
    that premise or credit the testimony of the witnesses who testified
    to its validity.   Instead, the jury could have inferred, based on
    the evidence that Toray took an accounting reserve against film at
    age thirteen months, that the film became less valuable at that
    point and thus was likely to be moved to a broker for sale into a
    secondary market without a warranty.
    George v. George F. Berkander, Inc., 
    169 A.2d 370
    1961), the case upon which Toray places principal reliance, does
    not compel a different result.         In George, the plaintiff had
    licensed the defendant to use a manufacturing process invented by
    the plaintiff.   
    Id. at 370-71.
      The defendant agreed to pay the
    plaintiff a royalty for items made and sold using the process and
    to sell such items only outside of Rhode Island.     
    Id. at 371.
    the defendant sold items in Rhode Island in contravention of the
    agreement, the plaintiff sued and sought to recover the defendant's
    profits as part of his damages.        
    Id. The Rhode
    Island Supreme
    Court, adhering to the traditional "expectation" measure of damages
    famously articulated in Hadley v. Baxendale, 9 Exch. 341 (1854),
    held that the plaintiff's request was impermissible because the
    plaintiff had presented no evidence that it would have earned those
    profits had the defendant fulfilled the terms of the contract. See
    George, 169 A.2d at 372-73
    .   George simply stands for the familiar
    proposition that the proper measure of damages in a breach of
    contract action is that which "will serve to put the injured party
    as close as is reasonably possible to the position he would have
    been in had the contract been fully performed."       
    Id. at 372.
    explained above, in this case, a reasonable jury could have
    concluded that a damages award equal to Toray's revenues from
    selling film older than one year accomplished that purpose.         Cf.
    RBC Nice Bearings, Inc. v. SKF USA, Inc., 
    78 A.3d 195
    , 212 (Conn.
    App. Ct. 2013) (holding that defendant alleging breach of a
    contract under which it was the exclusive distributor of certain
    products could use the plaintiffs' profits from sales of those
    products to other parties as its measure of damages because "it
    would be neither speculative nor too remote . . . to conclude that
    the defendant, the exclusive distributor of [those products], would
    have been in the position to sell the product[s] to the customers
    who purchased directly from the plaintiffs").
    In further support of its argument that the jury's
    damages award in this case was speculative, Toray cites several
    antitrust   cases   applying   the   "yardstick"   method   of   damages
    measurement, under which a plaintiff can "measure its damages with
    reference to the performance of one or more closely comparable
    firms in the same industry that, unburdened by the proscribed
    anticompetitive activity, successfully managed to earn profits."
    Home Placement Serv., Inc. v. Providence Journal Co., 
    819 F.2d 1199
    , 1205-06 (1st Cir. 1987).       We find these cases unhelpful in
    the present context.     This is not an antitrust case; it is an
    action for breach of contract, and a unique one at that.         In order
    to settle pending claims against each other, Toray and National
    Plastics agreed to do business together over a seventeen-year
    period pursuant to the terms of a Settlement Agreement honed
    through extensive negotiation.       And as described above, a jury
    could reasonably conclude, based on evidence of the parties'
    intent, that twelve percent of Toray's revenues from its breaching
    the Settlement Agreement was a reasonable estimate of National
    Plastics' loss as a result of Toray's refusal to do business
    according to the agreement's terms.    No more is required under
    Rhode Island law.
    We affirm the decision of the district court.   Costs are
    awarded to National Plastics.

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-1500

Citation Numbers: 775 F.3d 31

Filed Date: 12/22/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (19)

Home Placement Service, Inc. v. The Providence Journal ... , 819 F.2d 1199 ( 1987 )

Parker v. Gerrish , 547 F.3d 1 ( 2008 )

Iacobucci v. Town of Pembroke , 193 F.3d 14 ( 1999 )

United States v. Samboy , 433 F.3d 154 ( 2005 )

Marcano Rivera v. Turabo Medical Center Partnership , 415 F.3d 162 ( 2005 )

Zachar v. Lee , 363 F.3d 70 ( 2004 )

Guzman v. Jan-Pro Cleaning Systems, Inc. , 839 A.2d 504 ( 2003 )

Louise Parrott, Individually and in Her Official Capacity ... , 707 F.2d 1262 ( 1983 )

Olympia Express, Inc. v. Linee Aeree Italiane, S.P.A. , 509 F.3d 347 ( 2007 )

Ralph W. Moores, Jr. v. Nathan Greenberg, Ralph W. Moores, ... , 834 F.2d 1105 ( 1987 )

George v. George F. Berkander, Inc. , 92 R.I. 426 ( 1961 )

Melvin K. Rowlett, Sr. v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc. , 832 F.2d 194 ( 1987 )

Daniel International Corporation, Cross-Appellant v. ... , 916 F.2d 1061 ( 1990 )

Martin Rivera-Gomez v. Rafael Adolfo De Castro , 843 F.2d 631 ( 1988 )

Marketing Design Source, Inc. v. Pranda North America, Inc. , 799 A.2d 267 ( 2002 )

The Elena Carcieri Trust-1988 v. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Co. , 871 A.2d 944 ( 2005 )

Sophie F. Bronowiski Mulligan Irrevocable Trust v. Bridges , 44 A.3d 116 ( 2012 )

Troutbrook Farm, Inc. v. Mary DeWitt , 611 A.2d 820 ( 1992 )

Smith Development Corp. v. Bilow Enterprises, Inc. , 112 R.I. 203 ( 1973 )

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