Batista v. Cooperativa de Vivienda , 776 F.3d 38 ( 2015 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 13-1817
    Plaintiff, Appellant
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Thompson, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Guillermo F. DeGuzmán, with whom DeGuzmán Law Offices, was on
    brief, for appellant.
    Luis A. Guzmán Dupont, for appellees.
    January 13, 2015
    BARRON, Circuit Judge.            The appellant contends the Fair
    Housing Act's requirement that landlords must make reasonable
    accommodations for their disabled tenants entitles her to stay in
    her apartment of many years, even though she had been told she was
    no longer eligible for the federal subsidy on which she had been
    relying   to   make     the    rent.    She     also    contends    her    landlord
    impermissibly discriminated against her because of her disability
    in other ways, and also that it retaliated against her for pursuing
    her Fair Housing Act rights.           The District Court granted summary
    judgment for that landlord, a private housing cooperative in San
    Juan, Puerto Rico, and a number of the cooperative's board members,
    whom the appellant had also named as defendants.                 For the reasons
    discussed below, we affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand in
    Since       1983,    Priscilla     Batista    has    leased     the   same
    three-bedroom apartment at the Cooperativa de Vivienda Jardines de
    San Ignacio, a San Juan, Puerto Rico housing cooperative.                   Her two
    children used to live in the three-bedroom apartment with her, but
    they moved out in 1997 and 2003, respectively.
    For     most    of    the   time    Batista     has     lived    at   the
    Cooperativa,     she    received    benefits     under    the    federal    housing
    assistance program known as Section 8, and these benefits enabled
    her to cover the rent for her apartment.                  Under that program,
    government subsidies are available for "low-income families" so
    they may "obtain[] a decent place to live."             42 U.S.C. § 1437f(a).
    Those subsidies assist Section 8 recipients with the rent they owe
    to private landlords.       See 
    id. § 1437f(o).
           Although the Section 8
    program is a federal one, it is administered by so-called "public
    housing agencies" at the state and local level.                    See 
    id. § 1437f(b)(1).
           In   Puerto   Rico,     the    entity   responsible    for
    administering the Section 8 program is the Puerto Rico Housing
    Finance Authority.
    One of the obligations of the Housing Finance Authority
    is   to   conduct   a    management   review      of   buildings   that   house
    recipients of Section 8 assistance.            During such a review of the
    Cooperativa in October of 2007, the Puerto Rico Housing Finance
    Authority observed that four units, including Batista's three-
    bedroom Unit 1714A, were "over-housed" for Section 8 purposes.              By
    "over-housed," the agency meant the tenants in those four units
    were living in units larger than those they qualified for under
    Section 8.    The Cooperativa accordingly sent Batista -- who was by
    then living alone in the three-bedroom unit -- a letter later that
    month informing her that, under Section 8, she was required either
    to transfer to an appropriately sized unit (in which case she could
    continue to receive Section 8 assistance) or to remain in her
    three-bedroom Unit 1714A but pay the fair market rent without such
    The    Cooperativa     sent    Batista      additional    letters      in
    November      of        2008    and   February   of    2009     informing   her   that   a
    two-bedroom apartment was available and advising her that, if she
    chose to stay in Unit 1714A, she would have to pay market-rate rent
    without the Section 8 assistance as of April 1, 2009.                       Batista did
    not respond to any of the letters.
    Three weeks before the April 1 deadline, however, Batista
    submitted a request to the Cooperativa for reasonable accommodation
    under       the    Fair        Housing   Act   on     account    of   her   disability.1
    Batista's accommodation request stated that, in addition to a
    bedroom, her disability requires that she have one room for
    physical therapy and another room for reading and crafts -- and,
    consequently, that moving to a smaller unit would compromise her
    health.       The request further stated that in light of her hyper-
    sensitivity to sounds, Batista could not move to the proposed two-
    bedroom unit, which she claimed was noisier than her current unit.
    Upon receiving this request, the Cooperativa asked the
    Housing Finance Authority and the U.S. Department of Housing and
    Urban Development ("HUD") for guidance on how to resolve the
    matter. The Cooperativa also tabled any increase in Batista's rent
    for Unit 1714A until it heard back.
    Batista suffers from osteoporosis and fibromyalgia, as well
    as severe fatigue, depression, migraines, blood anemia, colon
    irritability, and hypersensitivity to sound.
    The   Housing     Finance        Authority         responded     to      the
    Cooperativa's inquiry on May 13, 2009.                      The Housing Finance
    Authority's letter to the Cooperativa stated that the Cooperativa
    "should offer a smaller unit to the member and require paying the
    market rent if [Batista] refuses to transfer to another unit." The
    letter also stated that when a tenant, such as Batista, "requests
    a    reasonable      accommodation          for       medical     conditions,         the
    [Cooperativa] must determine the eligibility of [the] applicant on
    a case by case basis."
    After receiving the Housing Finance Authority's letter
    and a separate response from HUD, the Cooperativa performed a
    noise-level test for the two-bedroom apartment it had offered
    Batista.      According   to     the    Cooperativa,        the    results       of   its
    independent "noise pollution test" showed that the two-bedroom unit
    it   had   offered    would    not     have   been      unsuitably       loud.        The
    Cooperativa did not, however, analyze Batista's medical condition
    itself.      Instead, the Cooperativa relied on findings HUD had
    compiled after it had received the Cooperativa's letter seeking
    assistance    in   responding     to    Batista's        request    for     reasonable
    The   Cooperativa       then   denied      Batista's       accommodation
    request.    Batista nonetheless remained in her three-bedroom unit.
    (She   stopped     receiving     Section          8   benefits     at     some     point
    thereafter.2)        And, while still residing there, she filed an
    administrative complaint with HUD on April 12, 2010. The complaint
    alleged the Cooperativa had violated the Fair Housing Act by
    failing to provide the accommodation she sought.               The complaint
    also alleged the Cooperativa had retaliated against her because she
    had recently prevailed in a separate HUD proceeding against the
    Cooperativa.          That    earlier     proceeding   arose    out   of     the
    Cooperativa's failure to provide Batista with a key to the garbage
    depository on her floor.
    In that earlier proceeding, the HUD Administrative Law
    Judge found that the Coopertiva's failure in that regard had caused
    Batista undue hardship in light of her disability and, on that
    basis, issued a Consent Order sanctioning the Cooperativa.                  This
    Consent Order required the Cooperativa to give Batista a key to the
    depository, pay her $10,000, issue a written apology, and "[r]emove
    any and all blemishes, sanctions, etc, arising out of this case,
    from       [her]   record,   including    any   outstanding    fees   and    the
    revocation of her voting privileges."
    The Cooperativa contends that Batista's participation in
    Section 8 was canceled as a consequence of her decision to remain
    in an "over-housed" unit. Batista disputes this. She points out
    that she received letters from the Cooperativa requesting that she
    pick up "negative rent" checks through 2011, and -- although she
    admits that neither the letters nor the checks reference "Section
    8" specifically -- she claims that those checks identify her as a
    Section 8 recipient through 2011.     Resolution of this factual
    dispute is unnecessary to deciding this appeal, as there is no
    dispute that Batista no longer receives the subsidy.
    In    evaluating       the     reasonable        accommodation     and
    retaliation claims in Batista's April 2010 complaint, HUD found in
    favor of the Cooperativa as to each.             HUD concluded that Batista
    had not submitted medical documentation stating that a three-
    bedroom unit, as opposed to a two-bedroom unit like the one the
    Cooperativa    had    offered,    was    necessary        to   accommodate   her
    disability.     HUD further found that the Cooperativa had not
    retaliated against Batista in violation of the Fair Housing Act.
    HUD did not address whether the fact that Batista had been denied
    Section 8 assistance for the apartment in which she continued to
    reside was relevant to the reasonable accommodation claim.
    Batista then filed suit in federal court.               She named the
    Cooperativa and a number of its past and present board members as
    defendants.      In    addition    to        reasonable    accommodation     and
    retaliation claims under the Fair Housing Act, Batista also alleged
    a separate disparate treatment claim under that Act as well.                 The
    District Court granted summary judgment for the defendants on May
    15, 2013, finding in their favor on the merits of the reasonable
    accommodation and disparate treatment claims and concluding that it
    lacked jurisdiction to decide the retaliation claim.                    Batista
    timely appealed that decision.
    We review a district court's decision granting summary
    judgment de novo.     Geshke v. Crocs, Inc., 
    740 F.3d 74
    , 76 (1st Cir.
    2014).    In doing so, we evaluate "the record in the light most
    favorable to the party opposing the motion"; we also "draw[] all
    reasonable inferences in that party's favor."            Morrissey v. Bos.
    Five Cents Sav. Bank, 
    54 F.3d 27
    , 31 (1st Cir. 1995).             Our review
    "is not cabined by the lower court's rationale."          González-Droz v.
    660 F.3d 1
    , 9 (1st Cir. 2011).            Instead, we may
    affirm the entry of summary judgment "on any ground made manifest
    by the record," 
    Geshke, 740 F.3d at 77
    , so long as the record
    "reveals that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and
    that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law,"
    Estate of Hevia v. Portrio Corp., 
    602 F.3d 34
    , 40 (1st Cir. 2010).
    We begin with Batista's reasonable accommodation claim.
    The Fair Housing Act prohibits discriminatory housing practices
    based    on   a   person's   handicap.    See   42   U.S.C.   §   3604(f)(2)
    (prohibiting      discrimination    "in   the   terms,    conditions,    or
    privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of
    services or facilities in connection with such dwelling, because of
    a handicap" of an individual).       One type of discriminatory housing
    practice is the "refusal to make reasonable accommodations in
    rules, policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations
    may be necessary to afford [handicapped persons] equal opportunity
    to use and enjoy a dwelling."       
    Id. § 3604(f)(3)(B).
    The   Cooperativa   conceded   that   Batista   qualifies   as
    handicapped under the Act and that it either knew or should have
    known that fact. See Astralis Condo. Ass'n v. Sec'y, U.S. Dep't of
    Hous. & Urban Dev., 
    620 F.3d 62
    , 67 (1st Cir. 2010).           But the
    District Court determined there was not a triable issue of fact as
    to whether the Cooperativa had failed to provide a "reasonable and
    necessary" accommodation, see 
    id., and we
    According to Batista, she was simply "requesting to use
    her HUD subsidy" under Section 8 to fund the rent for the three-
    bedroom apartment that she believed she was entitled to stay in due
    to the disability-based accommodation that she contends the Fair
    Housing Act required the Cooperativa to make.      But while the Fair
    Housing Act obliges private landlords to adjust their policies to
    make reasonable accommodations for their tenants who otherwise
    receive Section 8 subsidies, see 42 U.S.C. § 3604(f)(3)(B), the
    Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority, not the Cooperativa, is the
    entity responsible for administering Section 8 benefits.      In doing
    so, the Housing Finance Authority, not the Cooperativa, established
    the over-housing policy that led to the former's revocation of
    Batista's Section 8 benefits.   And so far as we are aware, Batista
    Because we conclude Batista has not shown her requested
    accommodation is a "reasonable" one, we need not address whether
    she is right that the Cooperativa's decision to reject her
    accommodation request was insufficiently particularized because it
    failed to account for her emotional condition, osteoporosis,
    fibromyalgia, or migraines in making its decision to deny her
    has never challenged the Housing Finance Authority's determination
    that, under its over-housing policy, she does not qualify for the
    subsidy so long as she stays in the three-bedroom unit.
    Perhaps she could.       See Pub. Hous. Mgmt. & Occupancy
    Div., U.S. Dep't of Hous. & Urban Dev., Public Housing Occupancy
    Guidebook                64      (2003),            available              at
    ("Exceptions to the largest permissible unit size" for Section 8
    purposes "may be made in case of reasonable accommodations for a
    person with disabilities."); cf. 24 C.F.R. § 982.555(a)(1)(iii)
    (public housing agency must give Section 8 participant family
    opportunity for informal hearing to consider whether determination
    of family unit size under applicable subsidy standards complies
    with applicable laws and regulations); Colvin v. Hous. Auth. of
    City    of   Sarasota,   Fla.,   
    71 F.3d 864
    ,   866   (11th   Cir.   1996)
    (recognizing right to challenge termination of Section 8 assistance
    under certain circumstances). But Batista has sued the Cooperativa
    instead.     And the Cooperativa is not responsible for the Section 8
    subsidy determination.        Nor has the Cooperativa said it would
    decline to make the current apartment available to Batista if she
    were deemed eligible for a Section 8 subsidy to pay the market
    As a result, Batista must -- but has not -- explained why
    a private landlord, like the Cooperativa, acts unlawfully in
    refusing to provide the subsidy itself.               See Howard v. City of
    276 F.3d 802
    , 806 (6th Cir. 2002) ("An accommodation
    is 'reasonable' when it imposes no 'fundamental alteration in the
    nature of the program' or 'undue financial and administrative
    burdens.'" (quoting Smith & Lee Assocs. v. City of Taylor, 
    102 F.3d 781
    , 795 (6th Cir. 1996))).         Indeed, not even Batista argues her
    requested accommodation would be a "reasonable" one under the Act
    if the subsidy she previously received were not reinstated.
    Seeing no way this suit against the private landlord
    could result in an order to the administering agency for the
    Section 8 program to reverse course and reinstate the rental
    subsidy, we do not see how the requested accommodation could be a
    reasonable one.     Its denial by the Cooperativa rested solely on
    Batista's inability to pay, which she appears to concede arises
    only from her need for federal rental support.                 See Salute v.
    Stratford Greens Garden Apartments, 
    136 F.3d 293
    , 300 (2d Cir.
    1998) ("impecunious people with disabilities stand on the same
    footing   as   everyone   else");    cf.   
    id. at 310
      (Calabresi,   J.,
    dissenting) (addressing a claim brought by Section 8-eligible
    recipients who alleged they were in need of the assistance because
    their disability had made them poor).            And thus, she does not
    contend the denial of the accommodation resulted from any policy of
    the Cooperativa that would prevent her from acquiring the funds
    necessary to make the rent, which she does not contend must be
    lowered.    We accordingly affirm the District Court's decision to
    grant the defendants summary judgment on this claim.
    In addition to her failure-to-accommodate claim, Batista
    also alleged in her complaint that the Cooperativa had "engaged in
    a definite pattern of discriminatory actions against [her]" in
    violation of the Fair Housing Act.              The Cooperativa had done so,
    Batista contends, by instituting multiple claims against her,
    disallowing       her   from   voting      in   resident-member         assemblies,
    attempting to prevent visitors from entering the premises to see
    her, threatening to evict her from her unit, and more.
    The     District    Court      treated     these    allegations      as
    presenting a disparate treatment claim under the Fair Housing Act,
    see generally Astralis Condo. 
    Ass'n, 620 F.3d at 66
    (Fair Housing
    Act   "contemplates        three     types      of     claims     for     perceived
    discrimination: 'disparate treatment, disparate impact, and failure
    to make reasonable accommodations'" (quoting Smith & Lee 
    Assocs., 102 F.3d at 790
    )), and so do we.                     Summary judgment for the
    defendant is warranted on a disparate treatment claim "if the
    plaintiff     cannot     produce     either      (a)     direct     evidence    of
    discriminatory      intent     or   (b)    indirect     evidence    creating    an
    inference of discriminatory intent." Gallagher v. Magner, 
    619 F.3d 823
    , 831 (8th Cir. 2010).
    We may assume the Cooperativa did what Batista alleges --
    attempting to collect money from her she did not owe, stopping her
    from voting in the resident-member assemblies, threatening to evict
    her, and so on.       But even still, Batista has put forward no
    evidence, nor pointed us to any, to suggest that an impermissible,
    disability-based discriminatory purpose motivated the Cooperativa's
    In fact, Batista argued below (and did so again in her
    brief on appeal) that the Cooperativa's "true intent was to
    eliminate Section 8 beneficiaries from the housing cooperative,"
    and thus one unrelated to her disabled status.        And while Batista
    has tried on appeal to recast her argument by claiming that "[i]t
    isn't hard to visualize how [her] position, as a handicapped person
    protected    under   several   applicable   federal   laws   supporting
    reasonable accommodation, was particularly troublesome for [the
    appellees] in light of their 'intent to eliminate Section 8
    beneficiaries' from Cooperativa," this argument still frames the
    Cooperativa's actions as having been motivated by an "intent to
    eliminate Section 8 beneficiaries" from the Cooperativa rather than
    by her status as a disabled person protected by the Fair Housing
    Act.   Thus, we affirm the District Court's decision to grant the
    Cooperativa summary judgment on this claim as well.
    Finally, Batista alleges that after the Administrative
    Law Judge found in her favor in the proceeding about the garbage
    depository issue, the Cooperativa "swift[ly]" retaliated against
    her.    The Cooperativa did so, she claims, by (1) "initiating
    collection proceedings against [her] for amounts she allegedly owed
    since   1998"    and    (2)   "denying      her    request   for   reasonable
    accommodations and ignoring her need to remain in her present three
    bedroom apartment due to her multiple health conditions."
    Batista's    complaint   does    not    directly   refer   to   the
    Consent Order the Administrative Law Judge issued at the close of
    the garbage depository case, but the District Court interpreted
    Batista's retaliation claim as if it were an effort to enforce that
    Order. Consistent with that understanding, the District Court then
    dismissed the claim without prejudice -- for, under 42 U.S.C.
    § 3612(m), only the First Circuit has jurisdiction to enforce such
    an Order.      See 42 U.S.C. § 3612(m) ("[A]ny person entitled to
    relief under the order may petition for a decree enforcing the
    order in the United States court of appeals for the circuit in
    which the discriminatory housing practice is alleged to have
    But the paragraph of Batista's complaint that sets forth
    the retaliation claim does not cite to the provision for enforcing
    consent orders, 42 U.S.C. § 3612(m). Instead, the paragraph refers
    to   section   813(c)(1)   of    the   Fair   Housing   Act,   42    U.S.C.
    § 3613(c)(1), which deals with private enforcement of the Act's
    guarantees.    And one of those guarantees, of course, is freedom
    from "coerc[ion], intimidat[ion], threat[], or interfer[ence] . . .
    on account of [a person's] having exercised or enjoyed" the right
    to seek redress for housing discrimination.        42 U.S.C. § 3617.
    Thus, although the complaint is less than clear as to its
    target, Batista's retaliation claim is best understood as an
    attempt to enforce not the Consent Order itself, but the right
    against retaliation the Fair Housing Act secures -- a right the
    District Court surely does have jurisdiction to enforce.            See 
    id. § 3613(a)(1)(A)
    ("An aggrieved person may commence a civil action
    in an appropriate United States district court or State court not
    later than 2 years after the occurrence or the termination of an
    alleged discriminatory housing practice . . . to obtain appropriate
    relief . . . .").    Accordingly, we reverse the District Court's
    decision to dismiss Batista's retaliation claim with prejudice, and
    we remand for the District Court to decide the claim on the merits.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm in part, reverse in
    part, and remand in part.       No costs are awarded.