Raymond James Financial Servic v. Fenyk , 780 F.3d 59 ( 2015 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 14-1252
    Petitioner, Appellee,
    Respondent, Appellant.
    [Hon. Rya W. Zobel,    U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Lipez, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Norman E. Watts, with whom Watts Law Firm, PC was on brief,
    for appellant.
    Sandra D. Grannum, with whom Davidson & Grannum, LLP, Peter J.
    Pingitore, and Pingitore & Fitzpatrick, LLC were on brief, for
    March 11, 2015
    LIPEZ, Circuit Judge.        An arbitration panel awarded
    appellant Robert Fenyk $600,000 in back pay based on a claim that
    he was unlawfully terminated from his job as a stock broker because
    he   is   an    alcoholic.     The   district   court   vacated    the   award,
    concluding that the arbitrators lacked authority to grant that
    remedy because Fenyk brought no claims under the state law the
    arbitrators applied.         Fenyk now seeks reinstatement of the award,
    arguing that the district court failed to give due deference to the
    arbitrators' ruling.
    We reverse the district court's judgment.          Although the
    arbitration decision may have been incorrect as a matter of law, it
    was not beyond the scope of the panel's authority.
    A. Factual Background
    Appellant Fenyk was associated with appellee Raymond
    James Financial Services ("RJFS") as a securities broker for more
    than seven years, first in New York City and then, beginning in
    October 2004, in Vermont.            Fenyk managed his own small branch
    office in Vermont and was designated an independent contractor for
    RJFS under his agreement with the company.                RJFS is based in
    Florida, and the "Independent Sales Associate Agreement" that Fenyk
    signed contained a provision stating that Florida law would govern
    disputes between the parties.          Fenyk also signed RJFS's Business
    Ethics Policy, in which he agreed to arbitrate any conflicts
    "arising out of the independent contractor relationship."
    In May 2009, during a routine check of Fenyk's customer
    communications, an RJFS reviewer noticed an email to a client,
    Fenyk's former domestic partner, suggesting that Fenyk had an
    alcohol problem.        The email began with information about the
    client's account, but went on to note Fenyk's "slip" and his "need
    [for] meetings and real sobriety for a dialoug [sic] with you."
    The email also reported that Fenyk's "new AA friend was very hard
    on [him] last night."
    The reviewer alerted Fenyk's RJFS supervisors in Florida
    to the email.    On May 27, Thomas Harrington, regional director for
    the Northeast, and John Tholen, the assistant regional director,
    called   Fenyk   and    told   him   they   were   no   longer   comfortable
    supervising him from afar and his contract would be terminated in
    thirty days.1    Harrington testified that he decided to terminate
    Fenyk's affiliation with RJFS as a result of the email because he
    was concerned about Fenyk's "ongoing sobriety" and the possibility
    that he was transacting business with clients while he had "an
    alcohol problem."      Although Fenyk's employment with RJFS initially
    was extended beyond the thirty days so he could arrange a sale of
    The Sales Associate Agreement provided that it could be
    terminated with five business days' notice, in writing, from either
    his client "book" to another RJFS broker, the relationship ended on
    July 1, 2009, after Fenyk decided not to proceed with that sale.
    Approximately two years later, in June 2011, Fenyk filed
    a complaint in Vermont state court alleging that he had been fired
    on account of his sexual orientation and his status as a recovering
    alcoholic, in violation of Vermont's Fair Employment Practices Act
    ("VFEPA"), Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 21, § 495.   Once alerted by RJFS of
    his obligation to arbitrate employment disputes, Fenyk dismissed
    the complaint and brought an arbitration proceeding before the
    Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA").        His FINRA
    Statement of Claim reiterated the same two causes of action
    asserted in his court complaint: retaliation based on sexual
    orientation and disability, in violation of Vermont law.      Fenyk
    sought $665,000 in back pay, $588,000 in front pay, and $250,000 in
    punitive damages, along with attorney's fees and costs.
    In addition to denying the allegations of discriminatory
    action, RJFS responded to Fenyk's filing by asserting that Vermont
    law did not apply to the parties' relationship, and thus the
    Vermont claims necessarily failed; that Fenyk was an independent
    contractor, not an employee, and was therefore not protected by
    either Florida's or Vermont's employment discrimination law; and
    that his claims were time-barred.
    A hearing was held before a panel of three arbitrators in
    January 2013.    On the opening day, Fenyk asked to amend his
    complaint to add a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act,
    42 U.S.C. §§ 12111-12117, noting that the federal law "mirrors" the
    Vermont and Florida employment discrimination statutes and that,
    hence, there would be no prejudice to the defense.                 Counsel for
    RJFS objected to the proposed amendment as untimely, stating that
    she had "responded to the claims that have been proffered."                 She
    further noted that Fenyk had not, in fact, alleged discrimination
    per se, but had only asserted claims for retaliation.                 Fenyk did
    not at that time propose to add claims under Florida law.
    The panel proceeded without deciding whether to accept
    Fenyk's proposed amendment and, following the four-day hearing,
    Fenyk again moved to amend his Statement of Claim, this time
    seeking to add disability discrimination claims under federal, New
    York, and Florida law.2           He argued that the statutes and the
    elements of the claims "are essentially the same[,] as are the
    interpretive judicial decisions," though he noted that damage
    awards      are   handled   differently    under   the   various   provisions.
    On the same day he filed his renewed motion to amend,
    Fenyk also filed a post-hearing brief, in which he noted that he
    originally had asserted claims under Vermont law but had since
    moved       "to   add    claims   for     violations     of   other    relevant
    jurisdictions."         He repeated his assertion that the state statutes
    By this time, Fenyk's focus was solely on his disability-
    based cause of action, as he withdrew his claim based on sexual
    orientation at the conclusion of the hearing.
    are similar to each other and to federal law, "forbid[ding]
    employers from engaging in discriminatory practices against their
    employees,"     again   acknowledging     that   the   statutory    remedies
    differed.   He urged the panel, inter alia, to grant his motion to
    amend his Statement of Claim to add claims under federal, New York
    and Florida law.
    In its post-hearing brief, RJFS pressed the panel to
    reject Fenyk's proposed amendment.3          The company argued, inter
    alia, that Fenyk had violated FINRA rules by making the motion
    outside the prescribed time period, RJFS would be prejudiced by the
    belated amendment, and the proposed ADA claim should in any event
    be   rejected   as   time-barred.    RJFS    acknowledged    that   Florida
    employment discrimination law "substantially" differs from Vermont
    law only in its treatment of sexual orientation, and asserted that,
    even under Vermont's choice-of-law principles, Florida law would
    B. Arbitration Ruling
    In March 2013, the arbitration panel denied Fenyk's
    motion to amend his Statement of Claim, finding that the request
    was untimely and there were "no special circumstances alleged to
    justify such relief." At the same time, however, the panel granted
    RJFS addressed only Fenyk's request made at the hearing to
    add an ADA claim, as Fenyk's written motion also seeking to add
    claims under New York and Florida law was submitted on the same
    date as RJFS's post-hearing brief.
    what it described as a request from both parties that Florida law
    be applied to the proceedings.4         The panel subsequently refused to
    reconsider its denial of Fenyk's motion to amend.
    The arbitrators announced their ruling on the merits in
    late       April   2013,   issuing   only    a   brief   statement   of   their
    conclusions. See Zayas v. Bacardi Corp., 
    524 F.3d 65
    , 70 (1st Cir.
    2008) ("Although arbitrators frequently elect to explain their
    decisions in written opinions, they are under no compulsion to do
    so.").       We reproduce here the complete "Award" section of their
    After considering the pleadings, the testimony
    and evidence presented at the hearing, and the
    post-hearing submissions, the Panel has
    decided in full and final resolution of the
    issues submitted for determination as follows:
    1. Respondent is liable for and shall pay to
    Claimant compensatory damages in the amount of
    $600,000.00 for back pay on his claim of
    discrimination based on disability.
    2. Respondent is liable for and shall pay to
    Claimant attorneys' fees in the amount of
    $33,627.50 plus litigation expenses in the
    amount of $2,414.53 pursuant to paragraph
    22(b) of the contract between the parties and
    §760.11(5) of the Florida Civil Rights Act.
    Although the record does not show that Fenyk expressly asked
    that Florida law be applied to the dispute, the panel reasonably
    inferred such a request.      Not only did Fenyk seek to add a
    discrimination claim under Florida law, but he also observed at the
    close of the arbitration hearing that Florida law "probably" will
    apply and, in his post-hearing brief, suggested that Florida or New
    York law would apply depending upon where the employment contract
    was signed. On appeal, Fenyk states that both parties agree that
    Florida law governs their dispute.
    3. Any other relief sought under Claimant's
    claims of statutory discrimination [] is
    4. Any and all relief not specifically
    addressed herein, including punitive damages,
    is denied.
    The panel also assessed RJFS roughly $20,000 in arbitration fees.
    C. District Court Ruling
    RJFS moved in federal court to vacate the arbitration
    award on the ground that the arbitrators had exceeded their powers
    by, inter alia, awarding damages on a claim -- violation of the
    Florida Civil Rights Act ("FCRA") -- "that Fenyk never submitted to
    them for their review." Verified Petition to Vacate an Arbitration
    Award, at 6.   The district court agreed with RJFS that the award
    was unsupportable.   The court noted that the arbitration panel had
    determined that Florida law applied, but nonetheless had ignored
    Florida's one-year statute of limitations for civil rights claims
    "and somehow construed Florida law to find a violation of a Vermont
    statute -- a statute which, given the governing law, was wholly
    inapplicable to the case."      The court then concluded:
    Awarding damages to a plaintiff who has pled
    no claims under the applicable law plainly
    transgressed the limits of the arbitrators'
    power.   For this reason, the award must be
    This appeal by Fenyk followed.          He argues that the
    district   court   erred   in   construing   the   Florida   statute   of
    limitations to bar his claim and improperly failed to defer to the
    arbitrators' "good faith effort" to resolve the dispute.                    In
    response, RJFS reiterates the two primary flaws it has consistently
    identified in the arbitration decision: (1) the panel awarded
    damages despite its finding that Florida law applied and Fenyk
    brought no claims under Florida law; and (2) even assuming Fenyk's
    claims may be analyzed as alleged violations of Florida law, such
    claims   fail    as   time-barred      under   the    one-year    statute    of
    limitations     for   initiating   a   complaint     under   Florida's    anti-
    discrimination law.
    A. Legal Principles
    A district court's decision to vacate or confirm an
    arbitration award is subject to plenary review.              Doral Fin. Corp.
    v. García-Veléz, 
    725 F.3d 27
    , 31 (1st Cir. 2013).                However, our
    evaluation of an arbitrator's ruling "is extremely narrow and
    exceedingly deferential," 
    id. (quoting Wheelabrator
    Operating Servs., Inc. v. Mass. Laborers Dist. Council Local 1144,
    88 F.3d 40
    , 43 (1st Cir. 1996)), and is indeed "among the narrowest
    known in the law," Me. Cent. R.R. Co. v. Bhd. of Maint. of Way
    873 F.2d 425
    , 428 (1st Cir. 1989).            To obtain vacatur of an
    arbitration award, "[i]t is not enough for [a party] to show that
    the panel committed an error -- or even a serious error."                Stolt-
    Nielsen S.A. v. AnimalFeeds Int'l Corp., 
    559 U.S. 662
    , 671 (2010);
    see also N. New England Tel. Operations LLC v. Local 2327, 735 F.3d
    15, 20-21 (1st Cir. 2013) ("[C]ourts [] do not sit to hear claims
    of factual or legal error by an arbitrator as an appellate court
    does reviewing decisions of lower courts." (second alteration in
    original) (quoting United Paperworkers Int'l Union, AFL-CIO v.
    Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 38 (1987))).
    Rather, an arbitration ruling ordinarily is unenforceable
    only if it imposes the arbitrators' "own view of sound policy"
    instead of adhering to the agreement that governs the parties'
    Stolt-Nielsen, 559 U.S. at 672
    id. at 671
    that arbitration rulings are vulnerable when the arbitrator "strays
    from     interpretation   and   application        of   the   agreement   and
    effectively     dispense[s]   his   own    brand   of   industrial   justice"
    (alteration in original) (quoting Major League Baseball Players
    Ass'n v. Garvey, 
    532 U.S. 504
    , 509 (2001) (per curiam) (internal
    quotation marks omitted)); see also Oxford Health Plans LLC v.
    133 S. Ct. 2064
    , 2068 (2013) (stating that "courts may
    vacate     an   arbitrator's    decision       'only     in   very    unusual
    circumstances'" (quoting First Options of Chi., Inc. v. Kaplan, 
    514 U.S. 938
    , 942 (1995)).
    As we previously have noted, however, "[t]he limited
    scope of our review . . . is not equivalent to granting limitless
    power to the arbitrator."           Doral Fin. 
    Corp., 725 F.3d at 31
    (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Kashner Davidson Sec.
    Corp. v. Mscisz, 
    531 F.3d 68
    , 74 (1st Cir. 2008) ("An arbitration
    award . . . is not utterly impregnable." (internal quotation marks
    omitted)).    The Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA") specifies a number
    of grounds that would support an order vacating an award, including
    fraud, bias, and prejudicial misbehavior. See 9 U.S.C. § 10(a)(1),
    (2), (3).      Perhaps the most common basis -- and the rationale
    invoked by the district court in this case -- is "where the
    arbitrators exceeded their powers."          
    Id. § 10(a)(4);
    see, e.g.,
    Oxford Health Plans 
    LLC, 133 S. Ct. at 2068
    Stolt-Nielsen, 559 U.S. at 669-70
    ; Salem Hosp. v. Mass. Nurses Ass'n, 
    449 F.3d 234
    239-40 (1st Cir. 2006).
    Some    courts,   including   our    own,   have    held   that
    arbitration awards also may be vacated if they are in "manifest
    disregard of the law," a ground not explicitly included in § 10.
    Bangor Gas Co. v. H.Q. Energy Servs. (U.S.) Inc., 
    695 F.3d 181
    , 187
    (1st Cir. 2012) (internal quotation marks omitted).                We have
    invoked   that      standard   primarily   for   cases   where   the    award
    contradicted unambiguous contract language or "the arbitrator
    recognized the applicable law, but ignored it." 
    Id. (quoting Gupta
    v. Cisco Sys., Inc., 
    274 F.3d 1
    , 3 (1st Cir. 2001)); see also
    Stolt-Nielsen, 559 U.S. at 672
    n.3 (noting party's description of
    the standard as "requiring a showing that the arbitrators knew of
    the relevant [legal] principle, appreciated that this principle
    controlled the outcome of the disputed issue, and nonetheless
    willfully flouted the governing law by refusing to apply it"
    (alteration in original) (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    Whether the manifest-disregard doctrine remains good law,
    however, is uncertain. A circuit split has developed following the
    Supreme Court's decision in Hall Street Associates, L.L.C. v.
    Mattel, Inc., 
    552 U.S. 576
    , 584 (2008), which held that § 10 of the
    FAA provides the exclusive grounds under the statute for vacatur of
    arbitration awards.       See Bangor Gas 
    Co., 695 F.3d at 187
    & n.3
    (listing cases).         Although we concluded, in dicta, that the
    doctrine is no longer available, 
    id. (citing Ramos-Santiago
    United Parcel Serv., 
    524 F.3d 120
    , 124 n.3 (1st Cir. 2008)), we
    have "not squarely determined whether our manifest disregard case
    law can be reconciled with Hall Street," Kashner Davidson Sec.
    Corp. v. Mscisz, 
    601 F.3d 19
    , 22 (1st Cir. 2010).                    See Stolt-
    Nielsen, 559 U.S. at 672
    n.3 (refraining from deciding whether
    "manifest disregard" survived Hall Street "as an independent ground
    for review or as a judicial gloss on the enumerated grounds for
    vacatur set forth at 9 U.S.C. § 10").
    We    need    not   resolve   the   uncertainty   over      "manifest
    disregard" here.       As we explain below, even assuming the doctrine
    remains available, it would not invalidate the award in this case.
    B. Whether the Award Exceeds the Arbitrators' Authority
    The district court identified two problems with the
    arbitration    panel's    decision:     (1)   its   disregard   of    Florida's
    statute of limitations, and (2) the award of damages despite
    Fenyk's failure to bring any claims under Florida law -- the law
    that everyone now agrees governs his dispute with RJFS.          We
    consider each issue in turn.
    1.   Statute of Limitations
    RJFS argues that Fenyk's claims, brought two years after
    his contract was terminated, were barred by Florida's statute of
    limitations for civil rights actions.5     The company asserts that
    Fenyk alleged claims under Vermont law -- which has a longer
    limitations period6 -- in an attempt to circumvent the Florida
    time-bar.    That attempt necessarily fails, the company maintains,
    because Florida law governs the controversy.
    Given the arbitration panel's determination that Florida
    law applies to Fenyk's claims, we agree that Florida's statute of
    limitations governs.     That judgment does not help RJFS.   At the
    time of the arbitration panel's decision, Florida law on the
    The FCRA provides that an administrative complaint must be
    filed within 365 days of the alleged violation, see Fla. Stat.
    § 760.11(1), and imposes various deadlines for filing a "civil
    action," one of which provides that an action must be commenced no
    later than one year after the administrative agency finds
    reasonable cause to believe that an unlawful discriminatory
    practice has occurred, 
    id. §§ 760.11(4),
    Both the VFEPA and the FINRA Code of Arbitration Procedure
    for Industry Disputes have six-year limitations periods. See Vt.
    Stat. Ann. tit. 12, § 511; Egri v. U.S. Airways, Inc., 
    804 A.2d 766
    , 770 (Vt. 2002); FINRA Rule 13206(a). The FINRA Code, however,
    states that its rule on time limits "does not extend applicable
    statutes of limitations." Rule 13206(c).
    applicability of statutory limitations periods to arbitrations was
    evolving.    Two weeks after the panel's April 2013 ruling in this
    case, the Florida Supreme Court held that a general statute of
    limitations provision applicable to most state law civil actions
    also applies to arbitration proceedings.     See Raymond James Fin.
    Servs., Inc. v. Phillips, 
    126 So. 3d 186
    , 188 (Fla. 2013) (issued
    May 16, 2013, and revised Nov. 7, 2013).     The high court's ruling
    came in response to a certified question from an intermediate
    appellate court, which had held that the provision at issue --
    Florida Statutes § 95.011 -- governs arbitrations only if the
    parties' arbitration agreement expressly incorporates a statutory
    filing deadline.    See Raymond James Fin. Servs., Inc. v. Phillips,
    110 So. 3d 908
    , 914 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2011) (per curiam).      In
    reversing the lower court, the Florida Supreme Court concluded that
    arbitrations are subject to § 95.011 because the statute defines an
    "action" to encompass "proceedings," thereby including arbitration
    proceedings within its scope.     See 
    Phillips, 126 So. 3d at 193
    Section 95.011 states:
    A civil action or proceeding, called "action" in this
    chapter, including one brought by the state, a public
    officer, a political subdivision of the state, a
    municipality, a public corporation or body corporate, or
    any agency or officer of any of them, or any other
    governmental authority, shall be barred unless begun
    within the time prescribed in this chapter or, if a
    different time is prescribed elsewhere in these statutes,
    within the time prescribed elsewhere.
    Section 95.011 thus does not itself set a specific limitations
    Here, the parties debate whether the holding in Phillips
    extends    to    claims   brought   under   the   FCRA,   Fla.   Stat.   Ann.
    §§ 760.01-760.11.8        However, whether the decision in fact applies
    to employment discrimination cases such as the one before us does
    not matter. Given the legal uncertainty reflected in the certified
    question presented to the Florida Supreme Court, and the fact that
    even "serious error" by arbitrators will not invalidate their
    award, any error by the panel in refusing to dismiss Fenyk's claims
    as untimely does not rise to the level necessary to justify
    Stolt-Nielsen, 559 U.S. at 671
    2.    The Absence of Claims under Florida Law
    The panel's award of damages based on Florida law,
    despite its denial of Fenyk's request to amend his Statement of
    Claim to include a claim under the FCRA, troubled the district
    court.    We understand its discomfort.       Yet we cannot conclude, in
    period, but applies generally to bar "civil action[s] or
    proceeding[s]" commenced outside of particular statutory limits.
    Unlike § 95.011, § 760.11 does not expressly equate
    "proceedings" and "actions."     Nor is it a general limitations
    provision. Rather, it sets out a detailed scheme of administrative
    and court procedures available to individuals claiming civil rights
    violations. See, e.g., Fla. Stat. Ann. § 760.11(1) (stating that
    "[a]ny person aggrieved by a violation of [the Act] may file a
    complaint with the commission within 365 days of the alleged
    id. § 760.11(7)
    ("In the event the final order issued
    by the commission determines that a violation of the Florida Civil
    Rights Act of 1992 has occurred, the aggrieved person may bring,
    within 1 year of the date of the final order, a civil action
    . . . .").
    the particular circumstances of this case, that the arbitrators'
    decision to impose liability on RJFS under Florida law "willfully
    flouted the governing law" or otherwise exceeded the bounds of the
    arbitrators' authority to resolve the parties' dispute.                  Stolt-
    Nielsen, 559 U.S. at 672
    n.3 (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The reliance on Florida law would be a different matter if the
    pertinent statutes in Florida and Vermont materially diverged.
    RJFS acknowledged in its post-hearing brief, however, that the two
    states' anti-discrimination laws are substantially equivalent in
    covering    disability    discrimination.         See    Johnson    v.     Great
    Expressions Dental Ctrs. of Fla., P.A., 
    132 So. 3d 1174
    , 1176 (Fla.
    Dist. Ct. App. 2014) (noting that "the FCRA is patterned after
    Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964" and that "we
    look to federal case law as well as Florida decisions to interpret
    the statute"); Payne v. U.S. Airways, Inc., 
    987 A.2d 944
    , 948 (Vt.
    2009) (stating that "the VFEPA, which is patterned on Title VII of
    the   federal    Civil   Rights     Act   protecting    against    employment
    discrimination . . . , is often guided by the federal courts'
    interpretations of Title VII").             Moreover, not knowing how the
    arbitrators would treat Fenyk's inappropriate Vermont claims, the
    company prudently explained in its pre-hearing brief the reasons
    why it believed Fenyk's claims failed under both Florida and
    Vermont law.      RJFS also noted in that filing the similarities
    between    the   two   laws   and   their    mutual    reliance    on    federal
    precedents.   See, e.g., RJFS Pre-Hearing Brief at 14 ("We may
    therefore look to federal caselaw for the appropriate standards and
    burdens to establish a discrimination claim under either Vermont or
    Florida law.").
    To the extent there are differences in the two states'
    laws, the arbitrators' decision to apply Florida law -- the
    approach RJFS has demanded throughout the proceedings -- protects
    the company from obligations at odds with those encompassed by the
    arbitral agreement.     See RJFS Post-Hearing Brief at 13 ("The
    justified expectations of the parties were that the relationship
    would be governed under Florida law."). Although a shorter statute
    of limitations in Florida was a potentially crucial difference from
    Vermont law that favored RJFS, the panel applied the law that RJFS
    insisted be used and still made a determination adverse to the
    company.   We already have explained why we may not dislodge that
    determination.9   Briefly stated, the arbitrators were empowered to
    resolve claims of employment discrimination against RJFS under
    Florida law, and that is what they did.   Cf. Kashner 
    Davidson, 531 F.3d at 77
    (citing George Watts & Son, Inc. v. Tiffany and Co., 248
    Given the high hurdle for finding reversible error by the
    arbitrators, we also cannot disturb two other implicit subsidiary
    judgments criticized by RJFS: (1) treating Fenyk as an employee
    protected by the Florida statute rather than as an independent
    contractor, and (2) concluding that he adequately alleged a cause
    of action for disability discrimination related to his termination,
    despite framing his claims in terms of retaliation. Indeed, RJFS
    does not argue on appeal that the arbitration award is
    unsustainable because of either of those asserted errors.
    F.3d 577 (7th Cir. 2001), parenthetically noting the court's
    hypothesis that an arbitration award based on state law different
    from the state law specified in an arbitration agreement "could be
    deemed a 'manifest disregard of the law' or, alternatively, as
    exceeding the arbitrator's powers").
    One might reasonably argue that the panel's decision to
    grant Fenyk a remedy under Florida law is incompatible with its
    denial of Fenyk's request to amend his arbitration complaint to
    include claims under the FCRA and, for that reason, was improper.
    In effect, the panel did what it told Fenyk it would not do: view
    his allegations of discrimination through the lens of Florida
    statutory law. Though the panel's unexplained reliance on the FCRA
    leaves us perplexed, and may have been erroneous, it does not
    render the award unsustainable.    Importantly, the panel had the
    authority to allow the addition of Florida claims.   See FINRA Rule
    13309(b) (stating panel's authority to grant a motion to amend).
    As the principles governing arbitration awards recited above make
    clear, the question before us is not whether the arbitrators made
    the correct decision when they gave Fenyk a remedy under Florida
    law, but whether their decision was authorized by the parties'
    agreement.   In the final analysis, the panel apparently decided
    that Fenyk's mistake in labeling his claims did not justify denying
    him relief. Where the arbitrators applied the substantive law that
    RJFS agreed would govern its conduct, that choice to apply Florida
    law falls within the category of judgments -- even if erroneous --
    that we may not disturb.
    In opting for arbitration as its preferred mechanism for
    resolving employment disputes, RJFS "trade[d] the procedures and
    opportunity     for    review   of    the   courtroom       for   the   simplicity,
    informality, and expedition of arbitration." Doral Fin. 
    Corp., 725 F.3d at 31
    (parenthetically quoting Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson
    Lane   Corp.,    
    500 U.S. 20
    ,    31   (1991)).         Barring     exceptions
    inapplicable     here,    our   limited     review     of    arbitral     decisions
    requires us to uphold an award, regardless of its legal or factual
    correctness, if it "'draw[s] its essence from the contract' that
    underlies the arbitration proceeding."           Cytyc Corp. v. DEKA Prods.
    Ltd. P'ship, 
    439 F.3d 27
    , 32 (1st Cir. 2006) (quoting 
    Misco, 484 U.S. at 38
    ). For the reasons we have explained, the panel's ruling
    satisfies that standard.
    Accordingly, we reverse the decision of the district
    court and remand the case for entry of an order confirming the
    arbitration award.
    So ordered.