First State Insurance Company v. National Casualty Co , 781 F.3d 7 ( 2015 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 14-1644
    [Hon. Rya W. Zobel, U.S. District Judge]
    Selya, Circuit Judge,
    Souter,* Associate Justice,
    and Lipez, Circuit Judge.
    Kendall W. Harrison, with whom Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., Susan A.
    Hartnett, Patrick J. Hannon, and Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen,
    P.C. were on brief, for appellant.
    Lloyd A. Gura, with whom Michael P. Mullins, David W.S.
    Lieberman, Day Pitney LLP, Amy J. Kallal, Matthew J. Lasky, and
    Mound Cotton Wollan & Greengrass were on brief, for appellees.
    March 20, 2015
    Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the Supreme
    Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    SELYA, Circuit Judge.    A party that implores a court to
    vacate an arbitration award normally faces a steep uphill climb:
    the scope of judicial review of arbitration awards is "among the
    narrowest known in the law."    Me. Cent. R.R. Co. v. Bhd. of Maint.
    of Way Emps., 
    873 F.2d 425
    , 428 (1st Cir. 1989).      And where, as
    here, the arbitration clause contains an "honorable engagement"
    provision, judicial review is encumbered by yet a further level of
    circumscription. Surveying this arid landscape, the court below
    refused to vacate the challenged arbitration award and instead
    confirmed it.     Discerning no error, we affirm.
    In industry parlance, a primary insurer may cede risk
    to another insurer, who effectively becomes a reinsurer.     See N.
    River Ins. Co. v. ACE Am. Reins. Co., 
    361 F.3d 134
    , 137 (2d Cir.
    2004). When a reinsurer cedes assumed risk to yet another insurer,
    that transfer is called a retrocessional agreement.    See Compagnie
    de Reassurance d'Ile de France v. New Eng. Reins. Corp., 
    57 F.3d 56
    , 62 (1st Cir. 1995).     Here, First State Insurance Company and
    New England Reinsurance Corporation (collectively, First State)
    entered into a number of reinsurance and retrocessional agreements
    with a reinsurer, National Casualty Company (National).    In August
    of 2011, First State demanded arbitration under eight of these
    agreements to resolve differences of opinion about billing disputes
    and the interpretation of certain contract provisions relating to
    payment   of      claims.1     By   agreement   of   the    parties,    all    the
    arbitrations were consolidated in a single proceeding before a
    panel of three arbitrators.
    At    First     State's    suggestion    and    over     National's
    objection,     the    arbitrators      agreed   to   consider   the    contract
    interpretation issues first.            As to those issues, First State
    sought declaratory relief addressing (i) the minimum quantum of
    information required to be furnished in order to trigger National's
    payment obligations and (ii) whether National could condition
    payment on its exercise of its contractual right to inspect First
    State's files.
    After briefing and argument, the arbitrators handed down
    a contract interpretation award dated December 13, 2012.                      This
    award established a payment protocol under the agreements, which
    provided that National's payment obligations were to be triggered
    "upon its receipt of a billing supported by a Proof of Loss and
    Reinsurance Report(s) prepared by First State in a form and content
    generally as those introduced with the briefings on this motion."
    The award further noted that "[s]aid payments may be made subject
    to an appropriate reservation of rights by [National] in instances
    The arbitration clauses in the various agreements are
    similar but not identical.     The same holds true for the loss
    settlement provisions and the provisions granting National a right
    to inspect or audit First State's books and records at any
    reasonable time. These modest differences are not material to
    this appeal.
    where it has or does identify specific facts which create a
    reasonable     question      regarding     coverage        under    the     subject
    reinsurance agreement(s)" but "[p]ayment obligations on the part of
    [National] are not conditioned upon the exercise of its right to
    audit or the production of additional information or documents,
    other than those provided by First State as described . . . above."
    First   State   promptly    repaired     to    the    United   States
    District Court for the Southern District of New York and filed a
    petition pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), 9 U.S.C. §
    9, to confirm the award.        National moved to dismiss the petition
    or, in the alternative, to transfer venue to the District of
    Massachusetts.       On September 27, 2013 — some eight months after
    suit had been brought — the court transferred the case to the
    District of Massachusetts. National thereafter cross-petitioned to
    vacate the contract interpretation award.                  See 
    id. § 10(a)(4).
    That cross-petition was not filed until October 15, 2013.
    By then, the underlying arbitration proceedings had run
    their course, and First State had petitioned in the District of
    Massachusetts to confirm the panel's final award.                   The district
    court consolidated the two confirmation petitions and, after a
    hearing, summarily confirmed both the contract interpretation award
    and the final arbitration award.         This timely appeal ensued.
    National's claims of error relate only to the contract
    interpretation award.    Before reaching them, however, we must take
    the measure of a preliminary obstacle.          Under the FAA, a party
    seeking to vacate an arbitration award must apply to the district
    court within 90 days after the promulgation of the award.         See 
    id. § 12.
    First State asserts that National's cross-petition to vacate
    the contract interpretation award was filed outside this temporal
    window and is, therefore, time-barred.
    It is clear beyond hope of contradiction that National
    did not meet the 90-day statutory deadline. The arbitrators issued
    the   contract   interpretation   award   on   December   13,   2012,   and
    National did not file its petition to vacate that award until
    October 15, 2013 (more than 300 days later). Spinning an intricate
    web of arguments, National insists that its motion to dismiss First
    State's petition to confirm (which was filed within the 90-day
    period) could serve as a surrogate for a petition to vacate or, at
    least, had the effect of tolling the deadline.            National adds a
    series of arguments based on First State's infelicitous choice of
    a forum, averring that it could not have filed a timeous petition
    to vacate in the Southern District of New York conditioned upon the
    disposition of its motion to dismiss without undermining its venue-
    based objections and unnecessarily taxing the resources of two
    district courts.
    We need not unravel this tangled skein, however, as this
    case is easily resolved on the merits.2                 See, e.g., Cozza v.
    Network Assocs., Inc., 
    362 F.3d 12
    , 15 (1st Cir. 2004) (bypassing
    "novel jurisdictional issue" regarding timeliness of appeal in FAA
    case       where   matter    was   susceptible   to   straightforward    merits
    disposition); Nisselson v. Lernout, 
    469 F.3d 143
    , 151 (1st Cir.
    2006) (bypassing unsettled prudential standing question when record
    provided clear basis to resolve case on the merits).                    On this
    understanding, we proceed directly to the merits of National's
    National asseverates that the district court erred in
    refusing to vacate the contract interpretation award because the
    arbitrators exceeded the scope of their authority. Since the court
    below neither conducted an evidentiary hearing nor made findings of
    fact, our review is de novo.           See Cytyc Corp. v. DEKA Prods. Ltd.
    439 F.3d 27
    , 32 & n.2 (1st Cir. 2006).
    A   federal     court's    authority     to   defenestrate    an
    arbitration award is extremely limited.               See Oxford Health Plans
    LLC v. Sutter, 
    133 S. Ct. 2064
    , 2068 (2013); 
    Cytyc, 439 F.3d at 32
    Although the Supreme Court has disapproved of some uses of
    hypothetical jurisdiction, see Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better
    523 U.S. 83
    , 94-95 (1998), we have held that the Court's
    rationale extends only to situations that implicate Article III
    jurisdiction. See, e.g., Nisselson v. Lernout, 
    469 F.3d 143
    , 151
    (1st Cir. 2006); McBee v. Delica Co., 
    417 F.3d 107
    , 127 (1st Cir.
    2005). We may continue to bypass thorny jurisdictional issues and
    resolve cases on the merits where, as here, those jurisdictional
    issues implicate only statutory or prudential considerations.
    Here, the sole inquiry is whether the arbitrators "even arguably"
    construed the underlying agreements and, thus, acted within the
    scope of their contractually delineated powers. Oxford 
    Health, 133 S. Ct. at 2068
    .      A legal error (even a serious one) in contract
    interpretation is, in and of itself, not a sufficient reason for a
    federal court to undo an arbitration award.          See id.; 
    Cytyc, 439 F.3d at 32
    .       Only if the arbitrators acted so far outside the
    bounds of their authority that they can be said to have dispensed
    their "own brand of industrial justice" will a court vacate the
    award. Stolt-Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds Int'l Corp., 
    559 U.S. 662
    , 671
    (2010) (internal quotation mark omitted). Put another way, as long
    as an arbitration award "draw[s] its essence" from the underlying
    agreement, it will withstand judicial review — and it does not
    matter how "good, bad, or ugly" the match between the contract and
    the terms of the award may be.      Oxford 
    Health, 133 S. Ct. at 2068
    2071 (internal quotation mark omitted).
    National submits that this case represents one of the
    rare instances in which the vacation of an arbitration award is
    warranted because the arbitrators exceeded the scope of their
    powers by re-writing the terms of the parties' agreements.         In its
    view,   the    payment   protocol   fashioned   by   the   arbitrators   is
    ultracrepidarian since it obligates National to pay billings that
    may not fall within the terms and conditions of any applicable
    agreement.      National further submits that the award effectively
    forecloses or at least significantly impairs its broad access
    rights under the inspection and audit provisions of the agreements
    by conditioning those rights on the transmittal of an appropriate
    time-of-payment reservation of rights.         This reservation of rights
    procedure, National says, is plucked out of thin air and not
    derived from any contract term.
    These   arguments   comprise    more   cry   than   wool.    In
    ascertaining     whether    arbitrators      arguably     interpreted    the
    underlying contract, an inquiring court must look first to the text
    of the arbitral award.     After all, "[t]he award will often suggest
    on its face that the arbitrator was arguably interpreting the
    contract."     BNSF Ry. Co. v. Alstom Transp., Inc., __ F.3d__, __
    (5th Cir. 2015) [No. 13-11274, Slip Op. at 4].
    The contract interpretation award here is of this genre:
    it explained that the payment protocol was, in part, "based upon
    the terms of the subject reinsurance agreements," and confined its
    inquiry into National's payment obligations to the obligations
    existing "under the subject reinsurance agreements." It is readily
    apparent, then, that the arbitrators understood the nature of their
    task.   See Oxford 
    Health, 133 S. Ct. at 2069
    ; BNSF, __ F.3d at __
    [Slip Op. at 4].
    To cinch the matter, the payment protocol limned in the
    award tracks the plain language of the relevant provisions in the
    parties' reinsurance agreements.            By way of illustration, the
    various loss settlement provisions, see supra note 1, obligate
    National to pay either "within 15 days" or "at the same time . . .
    as the reinsured may elect to pay" or "immediate[ly]" upon the
    production of "reasonable" or "satisfactory" evidence of the amount
    "due" or "to be paid." These arrangements are generally consistent
    with the payment protocol in the arbitration award, which obligates
    National to pay "upon its receipt of a billing" supported by a
    proof of loss and reinsurance report containing, inter alia, the
    amount paid or due by First State to its insured.
    We think it noteworthy that none of the loss settlement
    provisions in the underlying agreements expressly cross-references
    the separate inspection, audit, or access to records provisions.
    The contract interpretation award mirrors this separation; it
    provides that National's payment obligations are independent of and
    not conditioned upon the exercise of National's right to inspect
    and audit First State's records. Given this structural similarity,
    we are fortified in our conclusion that the arbitrators were doing
    nothing beyond construing the underlying agreements.
    Let us be perfectly clear.   Whether the arbitrators were
    correct either in their interpretation of the underlying agreements
    or in their implementation of a particular payment protocol is not
    within our purview.   For present purposes, it suffices that, when
    compared to the text of the underlying agreements, the contract
    interpretation award leaves no doubt that the arbitrators were
    arguably construing those agreements.
    This    brings    us   to     National's      complaint       that   the
    reservation     of    rights    procedure        adumbrated     in   the    contract
    interpretation award does not draw its essence from the underlying
    agreements.          That     procedure,        National    says,    operates      to
    circumscribe its broad inspection and audit rights under those
    agreements.     We do not agree.
    Each of the eight reinsurance agreements, as well as the
    agreement to consolidate the arbitrations, contains an honorable
    engagement provision.          This language directs the arbitrators to
    consider each agreement as "an honorable engagement rather than
    merely   a   legal    obligation"    and    goes     on    to   explain    that   the
    arbitrators are "relieved of all judicial formalities and may
    abstain from following the strict rules of law."
    Until today, this court has not had occasion to address
    the operation and effect of an honorable engagement provision in an
    arbitration clause.           We believe that an honorable engagement
    provision empowers arbitrators to grant forms of relief, such as
    equitable remedies, not explicitly mentioned in the underlying
    agreement.    See Banco de Seguros del Estado v. Mut. Marine Office,
    344 F.3d 255
    , 261 (2d Cir. 2003); Pac. Reins. Mgmt. Corp. v.
    Ohio Reins. Corp., 
    935 F.2d 1019
    , 1024-25 (9th Cir. 1991); Harper
    Ins. Ltd. v. Century Indem. Co., 
    819 F. Supp. 2d 270
    , 278 (S.D.N.Y.
    2011).     This is a huge advantage: the prospects for successful
    arbitration        are    measurably   enhanced      if   the   arbitrators     have
    flexibility         to    custom-tailor       remedies     to      fit     particular
    circumstances. See Yasuda Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Eur. v. Cont'l
    Cas.   Co.,    
    37 F.3d 345
    ,   351    (7th    Cir.   1994).     An     honorable
    engagement provision ensures that flexibility.
    We    therefore       hold    that    the   honorable        engagement
    provisions in the arbitration clauses of the underlying agreements
    authorized the arbitrators to grant equitable remedies. We further
    hold that the reservation of rights procedure is such a remedy.
    Consequently, National's objection to that procedure is unavailing.
    We add a coda.         National makes much of an event that
    occurred      after       the   arbitrators        promulgated       the     contract
    interpretation award: a decision by the arbitrators in the second
    phase of this arbitration that struck a reservation of rights
    letter submitted by National in connection with certain payments.
    This decision shows, as National sees it, that the reservation of
    rights procedure effectively forecloses both its inspection and
    audit rights and its ability to recoup improper payments from First
    In the Shakespearean phrase, National's fears are less
    than horrible imaginings. William Shakespeare, Macbeth, act 1, sc.
    3 (circa 1606).          First State acknowledged both in its brief and at
    oral argument in this court that the contract interpretation award
    does not condition National's inspection, audit, or recoupment
    rights on its submission of an appropriate reservation of rights.
    As First State concedes, the contract interpretation award leaves
    National, upon receipt of a billing from First State, with three
    options: it may (i) reject the billing, (ii) pay the billing
    without comment, or (iii) pay the billing with a reservation of
    rights.   Whether National employs the second or third option when
    paying a particular billing, it retains the right thereafter to
    inspect First State's records, audit the claim, and seek recoupment
    through a subsequent arbitration should it conclude that payment
    was improperly made.   First State has endorsed this reading of the
    contract interpretation award and, therefore, it cannot assert
    either the absence or inadequacy of a reservation of rights as a
    defense to future recoupment efforts by National.
    We need go no further. For the reasons elucidated above,
    the denial of National's cross-petition to vacate and the order
    confirming the contract interpretation award are