Prime Healthcare Services v. United Nurses and Allied , 848 F.3d 41 ( 2017 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 16-1161
    Plaintiff, Appellee,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Ronald L. Lagueux, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Lipez, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Christopher Callaci, for appellant.
    David C. Casey, with whom Jillian S. Folger-Hartwell and
    Littler Mendelson, P.C. were on brief, for appellee.
    February 3, 2017
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.          This appeal requires us to
    decide whether a dispute between employees and their successor
    employer should be resolved in arbitration or in the courts.                  The
    parties agreed to arbitrate this dispute.                  The district court,
    however,     refused   to   compel   arbitration;      it    found   that    ERISA
    preempted arbitration of this dispute, and reasoned that this, in
    turn, presented an issue of arbitrability properly decided by a
    judge, not an arbitrator.       Because we find that the issue of ERISA
    preemption in this case is not an issue of arbitrability, but
    rather one that is squarely for the arbitrator to decide, we
    I.    Background
    Plaintiff-Appellee Prime Healthcare Services ("Prime")
    purchased Landmark Medical Center ("Landmark"), a financially-
    troubled hospital in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, in December 2013.
    Defendant-Appellant United Nurses and Allied Professionals, Local
    5067 ("Union") is a union local which represented Landmark's
    employees pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement.
    In 2006, Landmark and the Union entered into a collective
    bargaining    agreement     ("Landmark       CBA"),   in   effect    until   2009,
    renewed automatically each year unless either party reopened.
    This CBA contained a grievance and arbitration clause that provided
    that   any   unresolved     disputes    "concerning        the   interpretation,
    application   or   meaning"   of   the   CBA   could   be   submitted   to
    arbitration with the American Arbitration Association.          This CBA
    also contained a pension provision, which stated, in relevant part:
    The Employer [Landmark] and the Union agree that, if
    during the term of this Agreement the Employer sells
    more than fifty (50) percent of its assets, the
    Employer may terminate the Landmark Medical Center
    Retirement Plan for Union Employees in accordance with
    the requirements of ERISA.     The Union acknowledges
    and agrees it is clearly and unmistakably waiving any
    and all rights it has or may have to bargain with the
    Employer over any aspect of the termination, provided
    such termination shall not reduce benefits accrued by
    any participant in the Landmark Medical Center
    Retirement Plan for Union Employees as of the date of
    In June 2008, Landmark was placed under the oversight of
    a Temporary Special Master by the Providence Superior Court due to
    its financial woes.
    In 2012, Prime made an offer to take over Landmark.
    Prime met with the Union and agreed that it would take over
    Landmark's contract with its employees.
    On October 10, 2012, Prime and the Union signed a cover
    memorandum ("Cover Memorandum") and accompanying contract ("Prime
    CBA").   The Cover Memorandum provided that "Prime shall recognize
    and continue to process any and all grievances and/or labor
    arbitrations pending at the time of the closing pursuant to the
    CBAs referenced herein".      The Cover Memorandum also stipulated
    that in the event of inconsistencies between the Cover Memorandum
    and the Asset Purchase Agreement (that was yet to be concluded and
    approved by the court), the Cover Memorandum would govern.                     The
    Prime CBA contained the same grievance/arbitration clause as the
    Landmark CBA.
    On     June     5,     2013,    the   Pension   Benefit   Guarantee
    Corporation ("PBGC") announced its intention to involuntarily
    terminate    Landmark's           defined   benefit    retirement   plan   because
    Landmark had failed to maintain the minimum funding requirements.1
    The termination was completed the following week.
    On July 1, 2013, the Union filed a grievance against
    Landmark alleging a violation of the pension provision of the
    Landmark CBA.        The grievance was denied, and the Union demanded
    On     July     8,     2013,    the   Providence   Superior     Court
    authorized Landmark to execute the termination agreement.                      The
    Court also ruled that "any and all rights and remedies of [the
    Union]   with      respect    to     the    employee   retirement   benefits   are
    reserved."        The PBGC and the Special Master then entered into an
    Agreement for Appointment of Trustee and Termination of Plan.
    1  A detailed description of the PBGC and its functions has been
    offered by the court below. See Prime Healthcare Servs., LLC --
    Landmark v. United Nurses & Allied Prof'ls, Local 5067, 
    158 F. Supp. 3d 60
    , 62-97. See also United Steelworkers of America
    v. United Eng'g, Inc., 
    52 F.3d 1386
    (6th Cir. 1995).
    This Agreement conveyed all assets of the retirement plan to the
    PBCG, and provided, inter alia, that any asset purchase agreement
    that the Special Master entered into could not include assumption
    of the retirement plan.
    In October 2013, the Union amended its grievance against
    Landmark to state: "The employer violated the governing Collective
    [B]argaining Agreement . . . when it changed the terms of the
    defined pension benefit provisions and ceased making contributions
    to   employees   [sic]   pensions".     Landmark   denied   this   amended
    grievance, too, and the Union filed a request for arbitration on
    November 8, 2013.
    On November 26, 2013, Prime entered into the Asset
    Purchase Agreement with the Special Master to purchase Landmark.
    This court-approved Agreement stated that Prime would not assume
    or be responsible for "any Liability under any Benefit Plan and
    all administrative costs associated therewith."
    On December 31, 2013, when the Asset Purchase Agreement
    became effective, Landmark terminated all of its employees.             On
    January 1, 2014, some of these employees were hired back by Prime,
    and the Prime CBA took effect.
    On May 5, 2014, Prime filed a Petition for Declaratory
    Judgment in the United States District Court for the District of
    Rhode Island.    Prime sought, inter alia, to stay arbitration.
    In June 2014, the Union filed another grievance against
    Prime, stating that it violated the 2012 Cover Memorandum by
    refusing to submit the Union's pending grievance to arbitration.
    On January 21, 2016, the District Court for the District
    of Rhode Island (Lagueux, J.) ruled, on summary judgment, for Prime
    on the grounds that ERISA preempted the Union's claims (and any
    matters relating to the Retirement Plan).
    This appeal timely followed.
    II.    Standard of Review
    "Summary judgment is appropriate when the record shows
    that 'there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the
    movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.'"     Farmers Ins.
    Exch. v. RNK, Inc., 
    632 F.3d 777
    , 782 (1st Cir. 2011) (quoting
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a)).      "We review de novo the grant of a motion
    for summary judgment."       
    Id. at 782.
      "[W]e may affirm the entry
    of summary judgment 'on any ground made manifest by the record,'
    so long as the record 'reveals that there is no genuine issue as
    to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law.'"     Batista v. Cooperativa de Vivienda
    Jardines de San Ignacio, 
    776 F.3d 38
    , 42 (1st Cir. 2015) (citations
    As neither party disputes any material facts, our review
    focuses solely on whether the movant was entitled to judgment as
    a matter of law.
    III.    Discussion
    The issue before us is whether an arbitrator or a court
    should    resolve   the   present   dispute.       This      issue   raises   two
    questions, which we address in turn:             first, whether the present
    case raised a question of substantive arbitrability, and with it,
    the presumption against arbitration; and, second, whether the
    subject matter of the Union's claims is suitable for arbitration.
    A.    Arbitrability2
    Because we already offered a detailed discussion of the
    Supreme Court's precedents concerning arbitrability in Kristian v.
    Comcast Corp., 
    446 F.3d 25
    , 37-41 (1st Cir. 2006), we here limit
    our discussion to those aspects of arbitrability necessary to
    resolve the present case.
    "The 'question of arbitrability' is a term of art with
    a    narrow   scope."     Unite   Here   Local    217   v.   Sage    Hospitality
    2  The term "arbitrability" has been used inconsistently, at times
    encompassing all prerequisites to and conditions for arbitration.
    George Bermann, The Gateway Problem in International Commercial
    Arbitration, 37 Yale J. Int'l L. 1, 10 (2012). As we explain in
    this section, we here use the term in the narrow sense in which
    the Supreme Court used it in Howsam v. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.,
    537 U.S. 79
    , 83-84 (2002).
    642 F.3d 255
    , 261 (1st Cir. 2011).           The Supreme Court
    considers the phrase "question of arbitrability"
    applicable in the kind of narrow circumstance where
    contracting parties would likely have expected a court
    to have decided the gateway matter, where they are
    not likely to have thought that they had agreed that
    an arbitrator would do so, and consequently, where
    reference of the gateway dispute to the court avoids
    the risk of forcing parties to arbitrate a matter that
    they may well not have agreed to arbitrate.
    Kristian, 446 F.3d at 38
    Howsam, 537 U.S. at 83-84
    As we went on to explain in Kristian, "[t]he cornerstone
    here is an assumption about the intent of the contracting parties
    to an arbitration agreement, in 'the kind of narrow circumstances
    where contracting parties would likely have expected a court to
    have decided the gateway 
    matter.'" 446 F.3d at 38
    Howsam, 537 U.S. at 83-84
    ).   And   in   these   narrow   circumstances,   a
    presumption applies that a court, rather than an arbitrator,
    decides the gateway matter.       
    Id. at 38-39.
       This presumption can
    be defeated, however, by clear and unmistakable evidence that the
    parties did mean to submit that matter to arbitration.              Unite
    Here, 642 F.3d at 262
    There are two categories of disputes where we apply the
    presumption that courts, rather than arbitrators, resolve the
    gateway matter:      "(1) disputes 'about whether the parties are
    bound by a given arbitration clause'; and (2) disagreements 'about
    whether an arbitration clause in a concededly binding contract
    applies to a particular type of controversy.'"                
    Id. at 39
    Howsam, 537 U.S. at 84
    ) (clarifying that "[e]xamples of the former
    include whether an arbitration contract binds parties that did not
    sign the agreement; and whether an arbitration agreement survived
    a corporate merger and bound the subsequent corporation. . . .
    Examples of the latter include whether a labor-management layoff
    controversy was covered by the arbitration clause of a collective-
    bargaining   agreement;       and   whether        a    clause     providing      for
    arbitration of various grievances covers claims for damages for
    breach of a no-strike agreement") (citations omitted).
    The    kind   of   arbitrability            involved    in   these     two
    categories -- the kind of arbitrability where we presume that a
    court   decides   the    gateway    matter    --       can   be   referred   to    as
    "substantive arbitrability."        
    Howsam, 537 U.S. at 85
    .             The Supreme
    Court has also found that there is "procedural arbitrability,"
    where the presumption is that an arbitrator -- not a court --
    should decide the gateway matter, because that is what the parties
    would likely have expected.         
    Id. at 84.
             Examples of "procedural
    arbitrability" include "procedural questions which grow out of the
    dispute and bear on its final disposition," and "allegation[s] of
    waiver, delay, or a like defense to arbitrability."                 
    Kristian, 446 F.3d at 39
    Howsam, 537 U.S. at 84
    The    present     dispute    does     not    raise    an   issue    of
    substantive arbitrability.         The Cover Memorandum entered into by
    Prime and the Union stated that "Prime shall recognize and continue
    to process any and all grievances and/or labor arbitrations pending
    at the time of the closing [of the Asset Purchase Agreement]
    pursuant to the CBAs referenced herein," and the parties agree
    that the grievance at issue here was pending at the time of the
    closing of the Asset Purchase Agreement.                 Both the Landmark CBA
    and the Prime CBA contained arbitration clauses.                   The Providence
    Superior    Court,    which     authorized        Landmark    to    execute     the
    termination agreement, ruled that "any and all rights and remedies
    of [the Union] with respect to the employee retirement benefits
    are reserved."       The present dispute between the Union and Prime
    is indeed about employee retirement benefits.                Thus, both parties
    are bound by the arbitration clause.
    This binding arbitration clause also applies to the
    dispute at issue.        Not only is the Cover Memorandum directly
    applicable to the dispute before us, but all the relevant documents
    contain broad language.        Thus, the Cover Memorandum is applicable
    to "any and all grievances and/or labor arbitrations," and the
    arbitration provisions of both the Landmark CBA and the Prime CBA
    encompass   "any     dispute    between     the    Hospital       and   the   Union
    concerning the interpretation, application or meaning of any of
    the express provisions of this Agreement."             "The breadth of the
    arbitration       clause,   which   covers   'any     disputes    over   [the]
    interpretation      or   application'   of   the    Agreement,    presents   an
    insurmountable impediment to [Prime]'s position."           Unite 
    Here, 642 F.3d at 262
    Still, the district court concluded that the matter
    before us presented an issue of arbitrability, and was therefore
    for the court, not for an arbitrator, to decide.                 The district
    court reached this conclusion by reasoning that the Union's claim
    was one that, per ERISA, could only be brought by the PBGC, and
    that    ERISA's    preemptive   sweep   therefore     preempted    or    barred
    arbitration.       Prime now urges us to adopt this analysis.                We
    decline.     As we demonstrate in the next section, a statutory bar
    to or preemption of arbitration is not an issue of arbitrability
    -- and ERISA does not bar or preempt the arbitration of this claim.
    Consequently, this case should proceed to arbitration, and the
    arbitrator shall decide, inter alia, whether ERISA bars or preempts
    the Union's claims.
    B.     Suitability of the Subject Matter for Arbitration
    "[T]he [Supreme] Court stated that once it was clear
    that the 'parties' agreement to arbitrate reached the statutory
    issues,' a court must then consider 'whether legal constraints
    external to the parties' agreement foreclosed the arbitration of
    those claims.'"    Bercovitch v. Baldwin School, Inc., 
    133 F.3d 141
    148-49 (1st Cir. 1998) (quoting Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler
    Chrysler–Plymouth, Inc., 
    473 U.S. 614
    , 628 (1985)).           The "liberal
    policy favoring arbitration agreements" informs this inquiry.           
    Id. at 149
    (quoting Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 
    500 U.S. 20
    , 25 (1991)).    Still,
    there might be some cases in which the arbitral
    setting is an inappropriate forum for the resolution
    of statutory claims, but . . . the burden [is]
    squarely on the plaintiff to prove that this is so.
    . . . If Congress intended to preclude a waiver [of
    a   judicial   forum],  that   intention   would   be
    discoverable in the text or legislative history of
    the statute, or in an 'inherent conflict' between
    arbitration and the underlying goals of the statute.
    Id. (quoting Gilmer
    , 500 U.S. at 26) (internal citations omitted).
    The question we must resolve then, is whether the text
    or the legislative history of ERISA shows Congressional intent to
    preclude a waiver of judicial remedies, and whether an inherent
    conflict exists between arbitration and the underlying goals of
    ERISA.     This   is   a   different   inquiry   from   the   inquiry   into
    arbitrability -- the arbitrability inquiry focuses on the intent
    of the parties, whereas we must now focus on the intent of
    3  Although, confusingly, the term "arbitrability" has been used
    to encompass the suitability of the subject matter for arbitration,
    we here follow the Supreme Court in Howsam, and use the term of
    art "arbitrability" in its narrow sense. 
    See supra
    As a preliminary matter, we note that an argument that
    ERISA    in    general    shows     Congressional       intent    to        preclude
    arbitration is highly implausible.               See, e.g., Bird v. Shearson
    Lehman/American Exp., Inc., 
    926 F.2d 116
    , 118-19 (2d Cir. 1991).
    Because Prime does not advance such an argument, we need not decide
    the issue here.      We also note that the fact that the arbitration
    agreement is contained in a collective bargaining agreement does
    not make it any less enforceable.              14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett, 
    556 U.S. 247
    , 251 (2009) (enforcing arbitration clause in collective
    bargaining agreement).
    Prime, however, argues that the subject matter of the
    present case is not suitable for arbitration.              Prime contends that
    the Union's claim is preempted or barred by ERISA.                     Citing 29
    U.S.C. §§ 1341(a)(1), 1362(b)-(c), Prime contends that Title IV of
    ERISA provides the exclusive means by which defined benefit pension
    plans may be terminated, and also specifies which entities can
    pursue   claims    for    unfunded      liabilities.       Citing      29    U.S.C.
    § 1342(d)(1)(B)(ii), Prime then argues that where, as here, the
    PBGC initiated the termination, only the PBGC and the statutory
    trustee of the plan (which Prime states is the PBGC in this case)
    have the power to collect any amounts due under the plan.                     Prime
    also cites 29 U.S.C. § 1367 for the proposition that ERISA provides
    the   mechanism    by    which    the   PBGC     can   enter   into    settlement
    agreements with plan sponsors to recoup any amounts due under the
    plan.   Prime then shifts its attention to 29 U.S.C. §§ 1322(c) and
    1344.   Prime believes that these sections would be superfluous if
    the Union were to prevail on its claim, because these sections
    provide   that   the     PBGC   must    allocate       to   participants      and
    beneficiaries    a    portion   of   the    unfunded    benefit   liabilities
    recovered for the terminated plan, and set out a priority scheme
    for doing so.        Prime then argues that in order for the PBGC to
    ensure that this priority scheme is followed, the PBGC alone must
    control all assets that will be allocated to participants and
    beneficiaries    in    question.       Prime's   concern     is   that   if    an
    arbitrator were to rule in favor of the Union, the PBGC would then
    be unable to fulfill the role ERISA prescribes for it.               In this,
    Prime sees an "inherent conflict" between the purposes of ERISA
    and arbitration.
    The fatal flaw in Prime's reasoning is that it fails to
    draw a simple, but crucial distinction:            the question before us
    is not whether the Union can bring its claim, but who decides --
    court or arbitrator -- whether the Union can bring its claim.
    Even if we assume, for the sake of argument, that Prime's reading
    of ERISA is correct, this does not mean that the subject matter of
    the Union's claims is not suitable for arbitration.4              For if ERISA
    4   To be clear, we by no means suggest that Prime's reading of
    indeed preempts or bars the Union's claim, an arbitrator can make
    that determination.          And if it is indeed key to the statutory
    scheme   of    ERISA    that     all    assets       that    will   be   allocated    to
    participants and beneficiaries of the plan be under the control of
    the   PBGC,     then,     once    again,        an    arbitrator     can     make   that
    Prime, however, argues that an arbitrator may reach the
    wrong conclusion, and thus the purposes of ERISA would not be
    reached.       This     is   exactly     the     kind       of   "outmoded"    view   of
    arbitration that the Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected.                         See,
    Rodríguez, 490 U.S. at 481
    .                We are not to presume that an
    arbitrator will make mistakes.              In addition, the judicial review
    of    arbitral    decisions,           albeit        limited,     provides     adequate
    protection      against      errors      that        an   arbitrator     may    commit.
    Mitsubishi, 473 U.S. at 638
    ("Having permitted the arbitration to
    go forward, the national courts of the United States will have the
    opportunity at the award-enforcement stage to ensure that the
    legitimate interest in the enforcement of the antitrust laws has
    been addressed.").           Consequently, a subject matter cannot be
    ERISA is, or is not, correct -- this matter will be for the
    arbitrator to resolve in the first instance. Rather, we are merely
    assuming for the sake of argument that Prime's reading of ERISA is
    correct, only to show that even if it is correct, the Union's
    claims must still be arbitrated.
    unsuitable    for   arbitration    by   virtue   of   a   concern     that   the
    arbitrator may err.5
    It is telling that Prime is able to point to only one
    case   in   which   a   court   found   an   "inherent    conflict"    between
    arbitration and the purposes of a statute:               In re United States
    Lines, Inc., 
    197 F.3d 631
    (2d Cir. 1999).             That case is readily
    distinguishable from the present one.          In United States Lines, the
    court found that, under the right circumstances, core (but not
    non-core) bankruptcy matters must be resolved in bankruptcy court,
    rather than arbitration.        
    Id. at 640.
       This is because one of the
    policies that underlies the Bankruptcy Code is the need for a
    single, centralized proceeding -- and the preferred forum for that
    proceeding is bankruptcy court.         
    Id. at 640-41.
          The court cited
    5  Prime also argues that a claim may not be arbitrated at all if
    the arbitral award would require a party to violate the law. In
    a similar vein, Prime argues that arbitration would be futile if
    it resulted in an award contrary to federal law, and that an
    arbitrator cannot order something that is contrary to federal law.
    Prime cites George Watts & Son, Inc. v. Tiffany & Co., 
    248 F.3d 577
    , 580-81 (7th Cir. 2001) in support of this proposition. These
    arguments, too, are rooted in an outmoded view of arbitration as
    an inadequate forum for the adjudication of federal claims -- but
    we are not to presume that an arbitrator will make a wrong
    determination of the federal claims, and if she does, we will be
    able to review it. Prime has also failed to demonstrate that the
    only award an arbitrator could render would be an award of pension
    benefits (which, on Prime's reading of ERISA, would violate federal
    law). In other words, we have no reason in the present case to
    presume that an arbitrator will compel Prime to do anything that
    is contrary to federal law.
    to, inter alia, the text and legislative history of the Bankruptcy
    Code -- including direct references to arbitration -- for the
    proposition    that   Congress        intended    to   preclude        parties   from
    arbitrating    certain    claims.         
    Id. In the
      present    case,   by
    contract, Prime has not pointed to anything in ERISA or its
    legislative    history        that    calls     for    a     single,      centralized
    proceeding to decide the Union's claim; Prime has also not pointed
    to anything in ERISA or its legislative history that would preclude
    arbitration from being the proper forum for the resolution of that
    IV.     Conclusion
    Because the case before us belongs in arbitration, we
    vacate the memorandum and order of the district court, and remand
    with   instructions      to     grant    the     Union's         motion    to   compel
    arbitration.    We take care to note that we have resolved only one
    narrow question:      whether this dispute -- including the issue of
    whether ERISA bars or preempts the Union's claims -- should be
    resolved by an arbitrator or by a court.                   Nothing in our opinion
    6  The Union also argues that the district court relied on mootness
    to deny its demand for arbitration.     While the Union is likely
    correct that mootness would present an issue of "procedural
    arbitrability", and thus presumptively be for the arbitrator to
    decide, we do not read the district court as having relied on
    mootness to reach its conclusion, for the district court noted
    that its "ruling does not rest squarely on the doctrine of
    is intended to intimate in any way how the arbitrator should
    resolve the dispute -- that is, of course, for the arbitrator to
    Vacated and Remanded.   Costs are awarded to appellant.