Vadala v. Cessna ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 94-1280


    Plaintiffs, Appellants,



    Defendant, Appellee.




    [Hon. Robert E. Keeton, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________

    Aldrich, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

    and Boudin, Circuit Judge. _____________


    Patricia D. Stewart with whom Timothy J. Healey and Healey & ____________________ ___________________ ________
    Stewart were on brief for appellants. _______
    Peter M. DelVecchio with whom Jerome M. Leonard and Ropes & Gray ___________________ __________________ _____________
    were on brief for appellee.


    January 10, 1995

    BOUDIN, Circuit Judge. In December of 1986, Patrick _____________

    Vadala purchased a used twin-engine Cessna airplane; at that

    time, both the airplane and the engines (made by a division

    of Teledyne Industries) were approximately 20 years old. On

    July 14, 1988, after logging fewer than 50 hours on the

    airplane, Vadala reported a loss of oil pressure in the right

    engine to air traffic controllers while attempting to land at

    Taunton Airport in Massachusetts. Several minutes later, the

    plane crashed and burned. Vadala was killed, and most of the

    wreckage was destroyed in the post-crash ground fire.

    Vadala's widow Judith and Vadala Management Corp., the

    title owner of the plane, sued Cessna and Teledyne, alleging

    negligence and breach of warranty under Massachusetts law.

    The plaintiffs settled with Cessna, leaving Teledyne as the

    sole defendant. Nearly three years after the complaint was

    served, Teledyne moved for summary judgment. The district

    court granted Teledyne's motion on the ground that the

    plaintiffs had failed to adduce evidence to support their

    theory of causation. To understand the plaintiffs' theory,

    and the district court's reasoning, requires a brief

    technical explanation.

    Each of the Teledyne engines mounted on the Cessna

    contained a component, known as a viscous torsional damper.

    The damper attaches to the engine and functions to reduce the

    engine's twisting (or "torsional") vibration. Without the

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    damper, the torsional vibration of the engine might place

    undue strain on other engine parts. Control of torsional

    vibration is required in order to comply with Federal

    Aviation Administration regulations.

    The Teledyne damper is a small disk comprised of an

    inner brass ring that floats in a very thin layer of silicone

    fluid; the ring and fluid are encased by an outer steel

    shell. The silicone fluid absorbs the torsional vibration

    and dissipates it as heat. Exposure to very high

    temperatures, however, will cause the silicone in the damper

    to solidify, becoming first a gel and then a rubbery

    substance. This process is known as "polymerization." When

    polymerization occurs, the damper's effectiveness is


    An investigation of the plane and the crash site by the

    National Transportation Safety Board concluded that at some

    point--either during the Cessna's final flight or afterward

    in the ground fire--the silicone in the right engine's

    viscous torsional damper had polymerized. The left-engine

    damper had also polymerized. The accident was apparently

    caused when an engine part in the right engine, the starter

    adapter, came loose from the bolts that hold it to the engine

    and compromised the oil seal, causing the oil to drain out

    and the engine to fail. The NTSB investigation did not

    determine what caused the holddown bolts to come loose.

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    The plaintiffs alleged that the right-engine damper

    polymerization occurred during the flight, which caused a

    ball bearing to fail, which in turn caused the bolts to

    loosen. Teledyne contended that the polymerization occurred

    after the crash in the ground fire, and that polymerization

    would not in any event lead to ball bearing failure. The

    district court looked no further than the plaintiffs' first

    premise--that polymerization occurred during, rather than

    after, the flight--and found it to be unsupported. That was

    the basis for the grant of summary judgment in favor of


    We review a grant of summary judgment de novo and view _______

    the record in the light most favorable to the nonmoving

    party. FDIC v. Bay Street Development Corp., 32 F.3d 636, ____ _____________________________

    639 (1st Cir. 1994). Here, given their theory of causation,

    the plaintiffs bore the burden of proof to show that it was

    more likely than not that in-flight polymerization occurred

    in the right engine damper. E.g., Carey v. General Motors ____ _____ ______________

    Corp., 387 N.E.2d 583, 585 (Mass. 1979). Plaintiffs' task _____

    was to show a genuine factual dispute on this issue by

    pointing to evidence from which a jury could find in

    plaintiffs' favor. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. ________ ___________________

    248 (1986).

    To show that polymerization occurred during the flight

    and not afterward in the ground fire, the plaintiffs relied

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    centrally on affidavits and depositions of their expert, Roy

    Bourgault. This circuit has previously held that in order to

    defeat a motion for summary judgment, an expert opinion must

    "at least include the factual basis and the process of

    reasoning which makes the conclusion viable." Hayes v. _____

    Douglas Dynamics, Inc., 8 F.3d 88, 92 (1993). We agree with ______________________

    the district court that the factual basis and process of

    reasoning relied on by the plaintiffs' expert do not make his

    conclusions viable.

    Bourgault examined the damper from the right engine and

    concluded that the polymerization had occurred during the

    flight. He based his opinion on his observation that

    components adjacent to the damper in the right engine,

    namely, the rubber oil seal and O rings, showed no signs of

    heat damage from the ground fire; he therefore inferred that

    polymerization must have occurred during flight rather than

    in the ground fire. As the district court pointed out,

    however, Bourgault admitted that he had no idea what

    temperature would be required to alter the appearance of the

    O rings and oil seal.

    Bourgeault's admission is especially damning because it

    had to be clear to the plaintiffs that pretty persuasive

    testimony from the expert was needed to cope with the

    inference that the right engine damper had polymerized after

    the crash. After all, there had been a severe post crash

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    fire; the left engine damper was also found to be polymerized

    to approximately the same extent as the right; and there was

    no claim that it had been damaged in flight. The NTSB report

    said that the right engine "suffered fire and impact damages"

    and, in cataloguing damaged parts, said that the right engine

    damper "had received extensive heating damage--paint

    blackened and blistered."

    Abstractly, Bourgault's conclusion that the damper had

    not been damaged by ground-fire heat depended on the notion

    that any ground-fire heat sufficient to cause polymerization

    would also have altered the appearance of the rubber oil seal

    and O rings. The inference is difficult to sustain unless

    the expert has some notion of how susceptible the latter

    parts were to having their appearance altered by heat.

    Bourgault's testimony leaves the impression that he had very

    little idea. Of course, he may have had an answer--one can

    imagine several--but none appears in his deposition or


    The only other important basis for Bourgault's opinion

    lies in four documents: two Teledyne service bulletins, a

    test report done for Teledyne by another company, and the

    advertisement of a competitor. One of the bulletins and the

    test report can fairly be taken to suggest that in some cases

    engine heat has caused premature reduction or loss of damping

    capability in some of Teledyne's dampers. Teledyne (among

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    other rejoinders) asserts that these materials may establish

    that dampers could suffer in-flight damage but that this is

    no evidence that the right-engine damper in this case ______________

    suffered such damage.

    This overstates the matter. Certainly the fact that

    there is a pattern of occurrences, reflecting an apparent

    cause and effect sequence, can strengthen the likelihood that

    the present case is one more in the pattern. This is how

    human beings reason about circumstantial evidence. But the

    strength of the inference depends very much on further facts,

    for example, the comparative frequency of the pattern and the

    tightness of the match between the perceived pattern and the

    present accident.

    In this case, the materials do not indicate that in-

    flight, heat-caused damper failure is a major problem that

    occurs often; and as for fit, the materials may actually

    counter the plaintiffs' inference by suggesting that other

    features--not present here--tend to increase the likelihood

    of, or occur with, in-flight damper failure. Thus, the

    documents may be of slight help to Bourgault's surmise, or

    may actually hinder it; but either way, they do not bolster

    his opinion sufficiently to permit a reasonable factfinder to

    conclude that this damper more probably than not failed in


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    At oral argument, plaintiffs' counsel suggested that the

    district court decision may conflict with Daubert v. Merrill _______ _______

    Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 113 S. Ct. 2786 (1993). Daubert's _________________________

    holding--that a scientific principle may sometimes be the

    basis for expert testimony even if it is not "generally

    accepted"--has nothing to do with this case, in which the

    dispute concerns an event rather than a scientific law. More

    pertinent is Daubert's countervailing precept: that the _______

    trial judge is assigned "the task of ensuring that an

    expert's testimony both rests on a reliable foundation and is

    relevant to the task at hand." 113 S. Ct. at 2799.

    The district judge properly relied on this latter

    precept in deciding that Bourgualt's testimony did not

    constitute admissible expert evidence. This was not because

    of any flawed scientific principle--heat admittedly can cause

    in-flight polymerization--but because there was no

    substantial basis for concluding that it had done so here.

    The same result would follow even if Bourgault's testimony

    were admitted for what it is worth; the evidence not being

    sufficient to permit a reasonable jury to find in the

    plaintiffs' favor, the court had no alternative but "to

    direct a judgment, . . . and likewise to grant summary

    judgment . . . ." Daubert, 113 S. Ct. at 2798. _______

    After the district court entered summary judgment,

    plaintiffs moved to vacate the judgment under Fed. R. Civ. P.

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    60(b), and submitted several additional items of evidence.

    The district court denied the motion on the ground that the

    evidence was not "newly discovered," as the rule requires.

    See, e.g., Parrilla-Lopez v. United States, 841 F.2d 16, 19 ___ ____ ______________ _____________

    (1st Cir. 1988). The court also explained why the new

    evidence, even if considered, would not alter its

    conclusions. Because the first ground is sufficient, and the

    belated evidence not especially potent, no further discussion

    of the point is necessary.

    Finally, we have considered other claims offered on both

    sides but found them lacking in substance. In particular,

    the defense expert assuredly did not concede plaintiffs'

    theory of causation; nor is it plausible for the defense to

    argue that plaintiffs waived their entire claim by failing to

    object to a supposed uncontested fact submitted by the

    defendant. Judges, like everyone else, have their failings;

    but in devising their arguments, counsel ought to give the

    bench some credit for common sense.

    Affirmed. ________

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