Stowell v. Rollin Ives ( 1992 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    September 28, 1992


    No. 92-1342

    Plaintiffs, Appellants,


    Defendant, Appellee.




    [Hon. Gene Carter, U.S. District Judge]



    Selya, Cyr and Stahl, Circuit Judges.

    James R. Crotteau, with whom Pine Tree Legal Assistance,
    __________________ ____________________________
    Inc. was on brief, for appellants.
    J. Paterson Rae and Hugh Calkins on joint brief for Robert
    _______________ ____________
    Avanzato, Michelle Turcotte, Maine Civil Liberties Union, and
    Maine Chapter of the National Organization for Women, amici
    curiae (in support of the appeal).
    Christopher C. Leighton, Deputy Attorney General, State of
    Maine, with whom Michael E. Carpenter, Attorney General, and
    Thomas D. Warren, Deputy Attorney General, were on brief, for
    Richard A. Olderman, Attorney, Appellate Staff, Civil
    Division, U.S. Dept. of Justice, with whom Stuart M. Gerson,
    Assistant Attorney General, Barbara C. Biddle, Attorney,
    Appellate Staff, and Richard S. Cohen, United States Attorney,
    were on brief, for the United States, amicus curiae (in support
    of the judgment below).



    SELYA, Circuit Judge. Once the wheat is shaken from
    SELYA, Circuit Judge.

    the chaff, this apparently complex appeal can be resolved by

    deciding a threshold question (albeit one that has not previously

    been confronted by the courts of appeals). Consequently, we

    affirm the district court's entry of judgment for the defendant

    on the basis that a recipient of benefits under the Aid to

    Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC), 42 U.S.C.

    601-615 (1988 & Supp. I 1989), cannot bring an action pursuant to

    42 U.S.C. 1983 (1988) to enforce the terms of 42 U.S.C.

    1396a(c)(1) (1988).


    Since this matter turns on a discrete question of

    redressability, our burden of exegesis is considerably reduced.

    We content ourselves, therefore, with sketching the contours of

    the preliminary inquiry, forgoing detailed exposition of the

    facts and substantive issues.

    We start with section 1396a(c)(1), a statute enacted on

    July 1, 1988 as part of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act.

    The statute reads in pertinent part:

    [T]he Secretary [of the United States
    Department of Health and Human Services]
    shall not approve any State plan for medical
    assistance if
    (1) the State has in effect [AFDC]
    payment levels that are less than the payment
    levels in effect under such plan on May 1,

    42 U.S.C. 1396a(c)(1).

    On February 21, 1992, Christine Stowell brought suit

    for declaratory and injunctive relief in Maine's federal district


    court. She invoked 42 U.S.C. 1983, named a Maine state

    official as a defendant,1 and claimed that Maine had violated

    section 1396a(c)(1). The claim rested on the premise that

    economy measures implemented by the Maine legislature had gone

    too far, resulting in a de facto reduction of AFDC payment levels
    __ _____

    below those in effect on May 1, 1988. The State contested

    Stowell's standing to sue and, moreover, asserted that payment

    levels had been increased rather than decreased.2 On Stowell's

    motion, the trial court certified a plaintiff class which it

    described as follows:

    All families in the State of Maine who would
    be eligible for AFDC benefits and/or
    supplemental payments under 42 U.S.C.
    602(a)(28) under the AFDC payment levels in
    effect in Maine on May 1, 1988 and who would
    receive a smaller total AFDC plus
    supplemental 602(a)(28) payment under the
    AFDC payment levels proposed to be effective
    March 1, 1992 than they would have received
    under the May 1, 1988 payment levels.

    Stowell v. Ives, 788 F. Supp. 40, 40 n.1 (D. Me. 1992).
    _______ ____

    In time, the case was submitted to the district court


    1Stowell sued H. Rollin Ives, in his capacity as
    Commissioner of the Maine Department of Human Services. Since
    Maine is the real party in interest, we will sometimes refer to
    Ives as "the State." Stowell also sued a federal official, the
    Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
    ("Secretary"). However, she dropped the Secretary from the case
    prior to the entry of judgment below. Thus, although the
    Secretary filed an amicus brief and argued before us in support
    of the judgment, he is not a party to this appeal.

    2The parties' differing views as to the practical effect of
    Maine's regulations stem from their differing interpretations of
    the term "payment levels." See Stowell v. Ives, 788 F. Supp. 40,
    ___ _______ ____
    41-42 (D. Me. 1992). Because we do not reach the merits, we
    express no opinion on the proper resolution of this interpretive


    on a stipulated record. The court ruled that the amended

    complaint failed to state a cause of action cognizable under

    section 1983. Id. at 44. This appeal ensued.


    Section 1983 provides a federal cause of action for

    "the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured

    by the Constitution and [federal] laws." 42 U.S.C. 1983.3 A

    prospective plaintiff may bring suit under section 1983 not only

    for a state actor's violation of his or her constitutional rights

    but also to enforce federal statutory law in the face of

    infringing state officialdom. See Maine v. Thiboutot, 448 U.S.
    ___ _____ _________

    1, 4-8 (1980).

    Nevertheless, not every violation of federal law gives

    rise to a section 1983 claim. See Golden State Transit Corp. v.
    ___ __________________________

    Los Angeles, 493 U.S. 103, 106 (1989). Exceptions include

    situations where "Congress has foreclosed such enforcement . . .

    in the enactment itself" or where "the statute [does] not create

    enforceable rights, privileges, or immunities within the meaning

    of 1983." Suter v. Artist M., 112 S. Ct. 1360, 1366 (1992)
    _____ __________

    (quoting Wright v. Roanoke Redevelopment & Housing Auth., 479
    ______ _______________________________________

    U.S. 418, 423 (1987)); accord Wilder v. Virginia Hosp. Ass'n, 496
    ______ ______ ____________________

    U.S. 498, 508 (1990). Because 42 U.S.C. 1396a(c)(1) does not

    expressly outlaw section 1983 actions, the first of these

    exceptions is inapposite here. Accordingly, we focus the lens of


    3For ease in reference, we will henceforth use "rights" as a
    shorthand abbreviation for "rights, privileges, or immunities."


    our perlustration on the second exception, bent on determining to

    what extent (if at all) section 1396a(c)(1) creates any

    enforceable rights.


    Prior to 1992, cases such as Wilder v. Virginia Hosp.
    ______ _______________

    Ass'n, 479 U.S. 418 (1990), Pennhurst State School & Hosp. v.
    _____ _______________________________

    Halderman, 451 U.S. 1 (1981), and Rosado v. Wyman, 397 U.S. 397
    _________ ______ _____

    (1970), guided judicial inquiry into whether a federal law did,

    or did not, create a right falling within the ambit of section

    1983. Under that framework, a court's first duty was to satisfy

    itself that "the [statutory] provision in question was intend[ed]

    to benefit the putative plaintiff." Wilder, 496 U.S. at 509

    (citations and internal quotation marks omitted). If no such

    benefit could be gleaned, the court's inquiry ended. If,

    however, the court perceived an intended benefit, then it was

    bound to find that the provision created an enforceable right

    unless one of two conditions obtained: either (1) the statute,

    fairly read, "reflect[ed] merely a congressional preference for a

    certain kind of conduct rather than a binding obligation on the

    governmental unit," or (2) the interest asserted by the putative

    plaintiff was so "vague and amorphous" that enforcement would be

    "beyond the competence of the judiciary. . . ." Id. (citations

    and internal quotation marks omitted). Accord Playboy Enters.,
    ______ ________________

    Inc. v. Public Serv. Comm'n, 906 F.2d 25, 32 (1st Cir.), cert.
    ____ ____________________ _____

    denied, 111 S. Ct. 388 (1990).


    During the last term, the old regime fell on hard

    times. The Court decided Suter, 112 S. Ct. 1360, a case which

    shed new light on this fuliginous area of the law. Although some

    respected jurists believe that Suter effected a sea change in the

    Court's approach to section 1983, e.g., id. at 1371 (Blackmun,
    ____ ___

    J., dissenting) ("In my view, the [rationale of the Suter

    majority] is plainly inconsistent with this Court's decision just

    two years ago in Wilder . . . ."), we think it is much too early

    to post epitaphs for Wilder and its kin. For one thing, Suter
    ______ _____

    offered no analytic framework to replace the structure erected in

    the Court's previous decisions. For another thing, the Suter

    Court, while weakening earlier precedents in certain important

    respects, was careful not explicitly to overrule them. Indeed,

    the majority relied on those precedents as pertinent authority.

    See, e.g., Suter, 112 S. Ct. at 1366-68 (citing, inter alia,
    ___ ____ _____ _____ ____

    Wilder, Pennhurst, and Wright). Because we believe that it is
    ______ _________ ______

    both prudent and possible to synthesize the teachings of Suter

    with the Court's prior precedents, we examine appellants' claims

    under the Wilder framework as reconfigured by the neoteric

    principles announced in Suter.


    AFDC and Medicaid, 42 U.S.C. 1396-1396u (1988 &

    Supp. I 1989), as amended by Acts of Nov. 5, 1990 and Dec. 19,
    __ _______ __

    1989, 42 U.S.C.S. 1396-1396u (Law. Co-op. Supp. 1992), the

    programs at issue here, are part of the Social Security Act.

    Both endeavors represent examples of cooperative federal-state


    social service programs which, though federally funded in whole

    or in part, are administered by the States. See Alexander v.
    ___ _________

    Choate, 469 U.S. 287, 289 n.1 (1985) (Medicaid); Doucette v.
    ______ ________

    Ives, 947 F.2d 21, 23 (1st Cir. 1991) (AFDC). "Although

    participation in [such programs] is voluntary, participating

    States must comply with certain requirements imposed by the

    [federal statutes] and regulations promulgated by the Secretary

    of Health and Human Services." Wilder, 496 U.S. at 502; see also
    ______ ___ ____

    King v. Smith, 392 U.S. 309, 316 (1968).
    ____ _____

    To be sure, "the Supreme Court has implicitly and

    explicitly held that rights under various provisions of the

    Social Security Act are enforceable under section 1983." Lynch

    v. Dukakis, 719 F.2d 504, 510 (1st Cir. 1983). But that

    generality, without more, does not boost the appellants' stock.

    Suter reminded us that each provision of the Social Security Act

    "must be interpreted by its own terms." Suter, 112 S. Ct. at

    1367 n.8. In performing this tamisage, the abecedarian principle

    is that statutory interpretation always starts with the language

    of the statute itself. Pennsylvania Dep't of Pub. Welfare v.

    Davenport, 495 U.S. 552, 557-58 (1990); Consumer Prod. Safety
    _________ ______________________

    Comm'n v. GTE Sylvania, Inc., 447 U.S. 102, 108 (1980). A court
    ______ __________________

    should "assum[e] that the ordinary meaning of [the statutory]

    language accurately expresses the legislative purpose," see

    Morales v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 112 S. Ct. 2031, 2036
    _______ ____________________________

    (1992), and should "resort to the legislative history and other

    aids of statutory construction only when the literal words of the


    statute create ambiguity or lead to an unreasonable result."

    United States v. Charles George Trucking Co., 823 F.2d 685, 688
    _____________ ____________________________

    (1st Cir. 1987) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted);

    accord Barnhill v. Johnson, 112 S. Ct. 1386, 1391 (1992); Toibb
    ______ ________ _______ _____

    v. Radloff, 111 S. Ct. 2197, 2200 (1991).

    We discern no ambiguity here. In order to establish

    the existence of a right redressable under section 1983, a

    plaintiff must allege that a particular statute (or federal

    constitutional provision) imposes an obligation upon the State.

    See Wilder, 498 U.S. at 509-10; Pennhurst, 451 U.S. at 19;
    ___ ______ _________

    Playboy Enters., 906 F.2d at 32. This statute imposes none.

    Rather, it simply and forthrightly provides, in haec verba, that
    ____ _____

    "the Secretary shall not approve any State plan for medical

    assistance" if the State has reduced AFDC payment levels below

    the level prevailing on May 1, 1988. 42 U.S.C. 1396a(c)(1).

    By its express terms, section 1396a(c)(1) obliges the federal

    government, in the person of the Secretary of Health and Human

    Services not the State to take action. The statute could

    scarcely be clearer.

    Moreover, there is nothing unreasonable about

    Congress's choosing to work its will in this way. States are not

    obligated by federal law to sponsor medical assistance plans or

    to accept federal funds for this purpose. See 42 U.S.C. 1396

    (1988); see also Wilder, 496 U.S. at 502. Thus, section
    ___ ____ ______

    1396a(c)(1), without mentioning state officials at all,

    effectively gives them a choice: they may either maintain AFDC


    benefits at or above the May 1, 1988 payment levels, or they may

    reduce benefits. If they choose the former course and we

    emphasize, at this juncture, that Maine adamantly insists that it

    has maintained (or increased) AFDC payment levels the State's

    medical assistance plan retains eligibility for continued federal

    funding. If state officials choose the latter course, however,

    continued federal funding will be jeopardized. In that event, it

    becomes the Secretary's task, in due season, to implement

    Congress's directive by withholding approval of the State's

    medical assistance plan. The State's role under the statute is

    purely procedural.

    Phrased another way, section 1396a(c)(1) provides

    incentives not commands to the States. That Congress would

    name a federal intermediary (the Secretary) to implement these

    federally created incentives is not surprising. The potential

    reasons for such a delegation are multifarious. They include the

    advantage of uniform interpretation, the yen to develop and

    harness administrative expertise in the area, and the

    desirability of maintaining an agent capable of face-to-face

    discussions with state officials. Structuring the statute in

    this fashion may neither suit plaintiffs' preference nor advance

    their litigating position but there is nothing unreasonable,

    absurd, or irrational about the model.

    In a nutshell, then, a straightforward reading of the

    statutory text ends this case. In Suter, the Court held that an

    intended recipient of programmatic benefits could not sue under


    section 1983 if the federal statute merely required that the

    State submit a plan to a federal agency satisfying certain

    criteria, because such a "requirement only goes so far as to

    ensure that the State have a plan approved by the Secretary which

    contains [the listed criteria]." Suter, 112 S. Ct. at 1367.4

    Thus, Suter instructs that, when a provision in a statute fails

    to impose a direct obligation on the States, instead placing the

    onus of compliance with the statute's substantive provisions on

    the federal government, no cause of action cognizable under

    section 1983 can flourish. Compare Clifton v. Schafer, ___ F.2d
    _______ _______ _______

    ___, ___ (7th Cir. 1992) [1992 WL 164048 at *6-*7] (adopting

    substantially identical view of Wilder/Suter interface in
    ______ _____

    delineating scope of AFDC recipient's right to sue under section

    1983 in order to enforce provisions of 42 U.S.C. 602(a)(4)

    (1988)). So it is here.


    Our holding today finds additional support in a line of

    cases dealing with a closely related issue: implied private

    rights of action. We are cognizant that the tests utilized in

    ascertaining whether a section 1983 cause of action exists and

    those utilized in determining the propriety of an implied right

    of action are "analytically distinct." See Playboy Enters, 906
    ___ ______________


    4In order to facilitate comparison with the statutory
    provision before us today, we note that 42 U.S.C. 671(a), the
    statute which was before the Suter Court, read as follows: "In
    order for a State to be eligible for payments under this part, it
    shall have a plan approved by the Secretary which" satisfies
    certain criteria.


    F.2d at 31. However, these two legal theories bear a family

    resemblance. See Victorian v. Miller, 813 F.2d 718, 720 n.3 (5th
    ___ _________ ______

    Cir. 1987) ("Section 1983 . . . allows private parties to enforce

    federal laws against a special class of defendants state and

    municipal actors in much the same way that implied rights of

    action permit private enforcement of federal statutory

    obligations against any party, public or private."); Samuels v.

    District of Columbia, 770 F.2d 184, 194 (D.C. Cir. 1985)

    (similar); Polchowski v. Gorris, 714 F.2d 749, 751 (7th Cir.
    __________ ______

    1983) (stating that the inquiry concerning a putative cause of

    action under section 1983 "resembles the analysis used to

    determine whether a private cause of action may be implied from

    an enactment of Congress"); see also Wilder, 496 U.S. at 526
    ___ ____ ______

    (Rehnquist, C.J., dissenting) (remarking on the "significant area

    of overlap" between the two theories).5

    In the context of implied rights of action, the Supreme

    Court has held that "there 'would be far less reason to infer a

    private remedy in favor of individual persons' where Congress,

    rather than drafting the legislation 'with an unmistakable focus

    on the benefitted class,' instead has framed the statute simply


    5The major difference between the two doctrines concerns the
    way in which Congress's intent must be manifested. There is a
    presumption against implied rights of action a presumption that
    will endure unless the plaintiff proffers adequate evidence of a
    contrary congressional intent. The presumption works exactly the
    other way in the section 1983 milieu; it is assumed that Congress
    meant to allow such suits an assumption which persists unless
    the defendant musters adequate evidence of Congress's prohibitory
    intent. See Victorian, 813 F.2d at 721; Samuels, 770 F.2d at
    ___ _________ _______
    194; Boatowners & Tenants Ass'n, Inc. v. Port of Seattle, 716
    __________________________________ ________________
    F.2d 669, 674 (9th Cir. 1983).


    as a . . . command to a federal agency." Universities Research

    Ass'n, Inc. v. Coutu, 450 U.S. 754, 772 (1981) (quoting Cannon v.
    ___________ _____ ______

    University of Chicago, 441 U.S. 677, 690-92 (1979)). The Seventh

    Circuit has transposed this reasoning to section 1983 claims.

    See Polchowski, 714 F.2d at 751. We think the soil is hospitable
    ___ __________

    to such transplantation. A statute does not create rights

    redressable under section 1983 when it is essentially

    administrative in nature and imposes an obligation exclusively

    upon federal officials, not upon state actors.


    Though their craft is irreparably holed, appellants

    struggle gamely to stay afloat. We briefly address their more

    buoyant authorities. First and foremost, appellants cling

    tenaciously to a footnoted example of the Suter Court. See
    _____ ___

    Suter, 112 S. Ct. at 1369 n.12. But, had appellants looked

    closely, they would have discerned that, from their standpoint,

    footnote 12 is more a hungry shark than a life raft.

    In this respect, appellants' argument hinges on their

    attempt to analogize section 1396a(c)(1) to 42 U.S.C. 672(e)

    a statute identified by the Court as the sort of statutory

    provision that would support a section 1983 action. Suter, 112

    S. Ct. at 1369 n.12. In point of fact, section 1396a(c)(1) is

    identical, in relevant respects, not to section 672(e) but to

    section 671(a)(15) the statutory provision that the Suter

    Court, in footnote 12, was contrasting with section 672(e). The

    Court deemed it noteworthy that section 671(a)(15) requires


    "submission of a plan to be approved by the Secretary" while

    section 672(e) provides that "[n]o Federal payment may be made"

    unless certain conditions are met. Id. In other words, the

    Suter Court distinguished between cases in which, on the one

    hand, a statutory provision is, in effect, a communication to a

    specific federal official whose approval is required prior to

    disbursement of federal funds (section 671(a)(15)), and cases in

    which, on the other hand, a statutory provision is, in effect, a

    communication from Congress to those States that elect to apply

    for earmarked funds (section 672(e)). Provisions of the former

    sort such as those at issue here and in Suter will not

    support a section 1983 action.

    The other authorities cited by appellants to buttress

    their contention that a right enforceable under section 1983 is

    inherent in section 1396a(c)(1) are equally inapposite. Without

    exception, those cases concern statutes that pin hard-and-fast

    obligations on the States. In Wilder, for example, the Court

    concluded that the Boren Amendment, 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(13)(A),

    could support the maintenance of a section 1983 action. But, as

    the Wilder Court found, the Boren Amendment requires States

    participating in the Medicaid program to devise reimbursement

    rates vis-a-vis health-care providers which "the State finds are

    reasonable and adequate" to meet the cost which must be incurred

    by efficiently and economically operated facilities. Wilder, 496


    U.S. at 512 (quoting previous version of 42 U.S.C.

    1396a(a)(13)(A)).6 Similarly, in Rosado, the Court dealt with a

    statutory provision that mandated the States to reevaluate their

    need equations and adjust levels of need accordingly. See

    Rosado, 397 U.S. at 412. As we have explained, no comparable

    obligation is imposed on the States by section 1396a(c)(1).


    We need go no further. Having pegged our analysis of

    this case on the Wilder framework, visualized through the Suter
    ______ _____

    prism, we conclude that, because the Secretary is the only

    government official, federal or state, directly bound by the

    requirements of section 1396a(c)(1), appellants cannot bring

    their suit within the ambit of section 1983.



    6The earlier version, 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(13)(A) (1982 ed.,
    Supp. V), mirrors the present version in all respects material to
    the case at hand.
