Kokaras v. United States ( 1992 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    November 23, 1992
    No. 92-1616


    Plaintiffs, Appellants,







    [Hon. Norman H. Stahl, U.S. District Judge]



    Torruella, Circuit Judge,
    Brown,* Senior Circuit Judge,
    Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge.


    David C. Engel with whom Engel and Gearreald were on
    _______________ ___________________
    brief for appellant.
    Elaine Marzetta Lacy, Assistant United States
    Attorney, with whom Jeffrey R. Howard, United States
    Attorney, was on brief for appellee.




    *of the Fifth Circuit, sitting by designation.

    BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. This is an appeal by

    plaintiffs-appellants Peter A. Kokaras and Diane Kokaras,

    spouses, from a dismissal of their complaint, brought under

    the Federal Torts Claims Act (FTCA) for lack of subject

    matter jurisdiction because of the failure to file a sum-

    certain claim within the prescribed statutory period.


    On May 8, 1987, plaintiffs sustained personal injury

    to themselves and damage to their automobile when it was

    struck in the rear by a United States mail truck. On June 2,

    1987, plaintiffs filed a Standard Form (SF) 95 with the

    Postmaster at the United States Post Office in Hampton, New

    Hampshire. On line 10, entitled "Amount of Claim (in

    Dollars)," the figure $2,906.61 was inserted in box A,

    entitled, "Property Damage"; in box B, entitled, "Personal

    Injury," the words "to be determined" were written. Box C

    entitled, "Total," was left blank.1 Line 15, entitled,

    "Signature of Claimant," was signed only by Peter Kokaras.

    Plaintiffs were not represented by counsel at the time the SF

    95 was executed and filed.

    In the spring of 1988, plaintiffs retained Attorney

    Alfred J. Cirome to represent them. This was well within the


    1Box C, entitled, "Wrongful death" was also left blank. It
    appears that plaintiffs submitted property damage
    documentation and some medical documentation with the
    original form.


    two-year statutory period for filing a tort claim with the

    Postal Service. 28 U.S.C. 2401(b). No amended SF 95 was

    filed within the two-year period. Attorney Cirome entered

    into discussions, both in person and on the telephone, with

    agents of the Postal Service in an effort to settle

    plaintiffs' claim. The settlement negotiations were not

    fruitful. During the

    course of the settlement discussions, Attorney Cirome turned

    over to the Postal Service's agents medical bills incurred by

    the plaintiffs along with medical diagnoses and prognoses

    concerning plaintiffs' injuries. Based on the record, it

    appears that no sum-certain demand was made either orally or

    in writing by Attorney Cirome.

    New counsel was obtained by plaintiffs,2 and on

    April 26, 1990, suit was brought against the United States

    under the Federal Torts Claims Act. 28 U.S.C. 2671-2680.

    The Postal Service denied plaintiffs' claim on August 2,

    1990, on the ground that it was invalid, stating that "it

    does not inform us to [sic] any dollar amount being claimed."

    Three weeks prior to the Postal Service's denial of

    plaintiffs' claim, the United States had filed a motion to

    dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The motion

    was predicated on the well-established rule that a timely-


    2Attorney David C. Engel represented plaintiffs below and on


    filed sum-certain claim is a prerequisite for jurisdiction of

    a tort action against the United States.3 The district

    court initially denied the motion to dismiss. The district

    judge, however, changed his mind after our decision in Corte-

    Real v. United States, 949 F.2d 484 (1st Cir. 1991).
    ____ _____________


    We start our legal analysis with Corte-Real. In that

    case we held that the administrative claim stated a sum

    certain even though the personal injury box, section 10B of

    the SF 95, was filled out as follows: "$100,000 plus because

    still treating and out of work." Id. at 486. Plaintiff had

    completed the "Total" box, section 10D, by writing in the

    figure "$100,000," without qualification. Id. at 485. We

    held that "[w]here as here a claim clearly states a specific

    sum and meets the sum certain requirement in all respects but

    for concern over the possible detraction of improper


    3The Federal Code of Regulations provides in pertinent part:

    14.2 Administrative claim; when
    14.2 Administrative claim; when
    (a) For purposes of the provisions of
    28 U.S.C. 2401(b), 2672, and 2675, a claim
    shall be deemed to have been presented when a
    Federal agency receives from a claimant, his
    duly authorized agent or legal
    representative, an executed Standard Form 95
    or other written notification of an incident,
    accompanied by a claim for money damages in a
    sum certain for injury to or loss of
    property, personal injury, or death alleged
    to have occurred by reason of the incident; .
    . . .
    28 C.F.R. 14.2 (1991) (emphasis added).


    surplusage of this insubstantial variety, we see no reason

    not to strike the surplusage rather than the claim itself."

    Id. at 587. The following language reflects our reasoning:

    We agree fully with the Government as
    to the importance and absolute necessity of
    adherence to the sum certain requirement. We
    disagree, however, that plaintiff's SF95, as
    submitted, was so deficient as to fall
    outside the parameters of that requirement.
    The SF95 did, in fact, specify a sum
    certain $100,000 in both boxes, and this
    figure was unqualified in the box stating the
    total amount of the claim. To be sure, when
    the $100,000 appeared in Section 10(B) it was
    unfortunately accompanied by language
    suggesting the possibility of a higher claim.
    The Government was entitled and indeed
    required, if it was to proceed with the
    claim, to disregard this. We think it should
    have done so. To throw out the claim
    entirely, as other than one for a sum
    certain, was, on these facts, bureaucratic

    Id. at 486.

    With respect to the personal injury claim, however,

    the case before us is not one of "bureaucratic overkill."

    Nowhere on form SF 95 is a sum certain for the personal

    injuries stated. Moreover, we agree with the district court

    that any documentation of personal injury submitted was

    "disorganized and confusing." Some of the bills submitted

    are duplicates, others are incomplete, and others reflect the

    balance due after insurance payments. This presentation did

    not lend itself to determination of a sum certain or even an

    approximate total of damages claimed.


    Although negotiations ensued between plaintiffs'

    attorney and agents of the Postal Service, there is no

    evidence in the record that a sum certain was ever stated

    orally or in writing by plaintiffs' attorney. Moreover, the

    affidavits of Attorney Cirome and Postal Agent Dumont are in

    conflict. Cirome states that Dumont represented to him on

    more than one occasion, including on May 5, 1989, at which

    time Cirome attests he submitted medical reports and bills,

    that the plaintiffs' claims had been satisfactorily

    presented. Postal Service Agent Dumont states, by contrast,

    that he never advised the plaintiffs or their representative

    that the claims were satisfactorily presented. More

    importantly, Agent Dumont attests:

    Plaintiffs' August 7, 1990 submission to the
    court includes numerous documents which the
    plaintiffs never submitted to the Postal
    Service with their administrative claim.
    These new documents were provided to the
    Postal Service for the first time on
    August 29, 1990.

    Because the accident happened on May 8, 1987, any bills

    submitted to the Postal Service in 1990 would be well beyond

    the two-year limit for filing administrative claims.

    This court has consistently held that a timely-

    presented claim stating a sum certain is necessary for a

    court to have jurisdiction to entertain a suit against the

    United States under the FTCA. Corte-Real v. United States,
    __________ _____________

    949 F.2d at 485-86; Gonzalez-Bernal v. United States, 907
    _______________ _____________


    F.2d 246, 248 (1st Cir. 1990); Lopez v. United States, 758
    _____ _____________

    F.2d 806, 809 (1st Cir. 1985). The rule is the same in other

    circuits. Cizek v. United States, 953 F.2d 1232, 1234 (10th
    _____ _____________

    Cir. 1992); Adkins v. United States, 896 F.2d 1324, 1325
    ______ ______________

    (11th Cir. 1990); Montoya v. United States, 841 F.2d 102, 105
    _______ _____________

    (5th Cir. 1988); GAF Corp. v. United States, 818 F.2d 901,
    _________ _____________

    919 (D.C. Cir. 1987); Erxleben v. United States, 668 F.2d
    ________ _____________

    268, 272 (7th Cir. 1981); Caton v. United States, 495 F.2d
    _____ ______________

    635, 638 (9th Cir. 1974); Bialowas v. United States, 443 F.2d
    ________ _____________

    1047, 1049 (3rd Cir. 1971).

    The Fifth Circuit has taken a broad view as to what

    constitutes the statement of a sum certain. In Molinar v.

    United States, 515 F.2d 246, 249 (5th Cir. 1975), it held

    that the total bills submitted fulfilled the sum-certain

    requirement. And in Williams v. United States, 693 F.2d 555,
    ________ _____________

    558 (5th Cir. 1982), it held that the itemized claim for

    damages as set forth in the state court complaint would be

    taken together with the administrative claim form to meet the

    notice requirements of the FTCA. But even if we followed the

    lead of the Fifth Circuit in regard to the personal injuries

    claim, not enough medical information was timely submitted to

    come anywhere near meeting the sum-certain jurisdictional

    requirement. The personal injuries claims submitted by

    plaintiffs can be characterized as the Tenth Circuit did in

    Cizek v. United States, in which the plaintiff/appellant
    _____ _____________


    did not present a claim containing a
    statement of a sum certain of the damages
    sought, which would have allowed the
    government to make even a reasonable estimate
    of the value of [his] claim, until after the
    limitations period had run.

    953 F.2d at 1234. We hold that the district court did not

    have jurisdiction to entertain the plaintiffs' personal

    injury claims.

    It does not necessarily follow, however, that the

    extinguishment of the personal injury claims also erases the

    property damage claim. We believe that the plaintiffs'

    property damage claim is severable and that plaintiffs

    satisfactorily presented a sum certain with respect to their

    property damage claim. At the time they originally filed

    their SF 95, plaintiffs set forth the specific sum of

    $2,906.61 in the box entitled, "Property Damage."

    Accompanying the SF 95 was a corroborating repair estimate.

    Although the repair estimate was somewhat lower than the sum

    certain stated, it included the name and address of the

    company which made the estimate. This information was

    sufficient for purposes of investigation. Unlike the

    personal injury claim, the government had the information it

    needed to assess plaintiffs' property claim from the date

    plaintiffs filed their SF 95 form. Moreover, we note that

    prior to the district court's issuance of its opinion, the

    government had moved "to reduce the ad damnum claimed in this
    __ ______

    action from $500,000 to the amount set forth in the


    administrative claim of $2,906.61." This was a tacit

    admission by the government that the property damage claim

    met the sum-certain jurisdictional requirement.

    We believe that the district court went too far in

    discarding the property damage claim along with the personal

    injury claim. Our decision in Corte-Real supports saving a

    claim that is flawed, where the government's investigatory

    needs are satisfied. Indeed, dismissing plaintiffs' certain

    and unwavering claim for property damages would be indulging

    the same type of "bureaucratic overkill" that we criticized

    in Corte-Real. Because the sum-certain requirement was met

    for the property damage claim, we hold that plaintiffs are

    entitled to proceed on that claim. The limit on recovery, if

    there is one, is the amount stated, $2,906.61.

    Affirmed in part, reversed in part. Remanded for

    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

    No costs to either party.
