Laborde-Garcia v. Puerto ( 1993 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 92-2287


    Plaintiff, Appellee,



    Defendants, Appellants.




    [Hon. Carmen C. Cerezo, U.S. District Judge]



    Breyer, Chief Judge,
    Selya and Cyr, Circuit Judges.


    Jacqueline D. Novas with whom Jose J. Santiago, Jose L.
    _____________________ __________________ _______
    Verdiales and Fiddler, Gonzalez & Rodriguez were on brief for
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    Guillermo Ramos Luina with whom Harry Anduze Montano was on
    _____________________ _____________________
    brief for appellee.


    May 18, 1993

    BREYER, Chief Judge. Myriam Laborde-Garcia claims

    that Puerto Rico's Telephone Company, and several of its

    officials, deprived her of her government job without

    providing her with the procedural protections that the

    Federal Constitution requires. Cleveland Bd. of Educ. v.

    Loudermill, 470 U.S. 532 (1985). The district court entered

    an injunction ordering the Company to reinstate her, and it

    denied the individual defendants' claims of "qualified

    immunity." The defendants appeal these orders. 28 U.S.C.

    1291; Mitchell v. Forsyth, 472 U.S. 511 (1985). We affirm.
    ________ _______



    Ms. Laborde is a career employee of the

    Commonwealth-owned Telephone Company, where she has worked

    since 1975. On July 7, 1986, she was injured in a work-

    related auto accident. She received treatment at the State

    Insurance Fund. One year later, on July 6, 1987, she

    returned to work. Fourteen months after that, on September

    7, 1988, Ms. Laborde went back to the Fund for treatment.

    In early October (the following month) the Company wrote to

    Ms. Laborde to tell her that it was dismissing her because

    of absences related to her "prolonged illness."


    Ms. Laborde, almost immediately thereafter, told

    Company officials that they had made a mistake. Her latest

    treatment at the Fund (in September) was not related to a

    "prolonged illness." Rather, she said, the treatment (and

    her absence from work) resulted from a new work-related

    accident, involving moving boxes. That accident had occurred

    in August 1988, only two months before her current


    This "mistake" seemed important, for Puerto Rico's

    workers' compensation law requires an employer to "reserve"

    the job of an injured employee undergoing treatment at the

    Fund, and to "reinstate" the employee in that job, but only

    if, inter alia, at the time the worker seeks reinstatement,

    no more than "twelve months" have "lapse[d] . . . from the

    date of the accident." P.R. Laws Ann., tit. 11, 7. (See

    Appendix for complete text of statutory provision). More

    than "twelve months" had "lapse[d]" from Ms. Laborde's first

    accident; but only two months had "lapse[d]" from the time

    of the second.

    The Company, either because it did not believe Ms.

    Laborde, or because it thought her factual claim made no

    difference, neither changed its mind about dismissal nor

    granted Ms. Laborde a hearing at which she could dispute the


    basis for her dismissal. Ms. Laborde subsequently brought

    this lawsuit. She claimed that the Company, in effect, by

    depriving her of her job without any kind of prior hearing,

    violated the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The

    district court held that Ms. Laborde was correct. We agree.


    The Law

    Like the district court, we find the law clear and

    in Ms. Laborde's favor. The Fourteenth Amendment says that

    the Commonwealth may not deprive a person of "property

    without due process of law." The Supreme Court has made

    clear that "property" includes the job of a government

    employee who (under local law) cannot be dismissed except

    for "good cause." Loudermill, 470 U.S. at 538-39; see also
    __________ ___ ____

    Kercado-Melendez v. Aponte-Roque, 829 F.2d 255, 262 (1st
    ________________ ____________

    Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 486 U.S. 1044 (1988). The Supreme

    Court has also made clear that the process "due" such an

    employee normally includes "'some kind of hearing' prior to

    . . . discharge." Loudermill, 470 U.S. at 542. The parties

    here agree that the Puerto Rico Telephone Company is a

    government employer, Kauffman v. Puerto Rico Tel. Co., 841
    ________ _____________________

    F.2d 1169, 1173 (1st Cir. 1987), and that it can dismiss Ms.


    Laborde, a permanent employee, only for cause. P.R. Laws

    Ann., tit. 3, 1336(4). The Company, through its

    officials, has told Ms. Laborde that she cannot return to

    work. They did not, and have not yet, provided her with any

    significant opportunity for a hearing. Hence, they have

    deprived her of "property" without the "process" that the

    Federal Constitution requires. Loudermill, 470 U.S at 546.

    The defendants make three arguments to the

    contrary. First, they say that, under Puerto Rico's law,

    Ms. Laborde lost her job when she did not appear at work;

    the workmen's compensation statute provides only a right to

    "reinstatement" (after an absence caused by a job-related

    injury). The Federal Constitution, they add, does not

    protect rights to "reinstatement" because such 'rights' are

    only expectations of employment, which may or may not be

    fulfilled. See Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564, 576
    ___ ________________ ____

    (1972) (due process clause "is a safeguard of the security

    of interests that person has already acquired in specific

    benefits"); cf. Kauffman, 841 F.2d at 1173 (where employee
    ___ ________

    is illegally hired, property right in employment is never


    As a matter of Commonwealth law, however, this

    argument seems wrong, for the statute itself does not


    separate "discharge" from "reinstatement;" rather, it speaks

    both of "reserv[ing]" the job of an employee under treatment

    and "reinstat[ing]" that employee (under specified

    conditions) on request. See P.R. Laws Ann., tit. 11, 7;

    Carron-Lamoutte v. Tourism Co. of Puerto Rico, 92 J.T.S 97
    _______________ ___________________________

    (1992); In Re Hotel Da Vinci, Inc., 797 F.2d 33, 35 (1st

    Cir. 1986), citing Rojas v. Mendez & Co., 84 J.T.S. 3 (1984)
    ______ _____ ____________

    (employer cannot validly discharge employee missing work due

    to medical treatment during twelve-month period following

    disability); but see Union Tronquistas de Puerto Rico, Local
    _______ _______________________________________

    901 v. Emery Air Freight Corp., 596 F.Supp. 829, 833 (D.P.R.
    ___ _______________________

    1984) (referring to separate steps of "discharge" and


    Regardless, as a matter of federal law, the

    argument is wrong because the workmen's compensation statute

    so narrows the government's discretion to refuse to

    reinstate Ms. Laborde (during the relevant twelve months)

    that it provides her with a "legitimate claim of

    entitlement" to that continued employment. That is to say,

    local law's narrowing of the employer's discretion to decide

    not to reinstate means that Ms. Laborde could reasonably

    have believed, and relied upon her belief, that local law

    would likely permit her to remain employed. Based on this


    reasonable expectation created by local law, Ms. Laborde had

    a federally protected "property" interest in continued

    employment. See Roth, 408 U.S. at 577 (to "have a property
    ___ ____

    interest in a benefit," a person must "have a legitimate

    claim of entitlement to it"); id. at 578 (implying existence

    of "property" in renewal of employment if employer's

    discretion to choose not to renew had been narrowed); Bishop

    v. Wood, 426 U.S. 341, 344-45 (1976); cf. Kentucky Dept. of
    ____ ___ _________________

    Corrections v. Thompson, 490 U.S. 454, 463-65 (1989)
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    (liberty interest created if prison inmate could reasonably

    expect that visit would be allowed absent occurrence of

    listed conditions). Thus, whether one views the Company's

    actions as taking away Ms. Laborde's present job, as

    refusing to reinstate her, or (realistically) as doing both

    at the same time, the Company deprived Ms. Laborde of the

    sort of "property" that the Constitution protects.

    Second, the defendants argue that they need not

    have given Ms. Laborde any further hearing because a hearing

    could not have helped her. Cf. Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S.
    ___ _____ ______

    247, 266-67 (1978) (recovery limited to nominal damages in

    cases where employer refuses hearing but dismissal still

    clearly justified). They point to a recent Commonwealth

    Supreme Court case, Santiago v. Kodak, 92 J.T.S. 11 (1992),
    ________ _____


    which held that the Workmen's Compensation Act does not

    protect a person who concededly did not report the relevant

    accident until after the employer dismissed him. They claim

    that, like the plaintiff in Santiago, Ms. Laborde did not

    report her accident until after her dismissal.

    Santiago, however, does not obviate the need for a

    hearing in this case. Unlike the plaintiff in Santiago, Ms.

    Laborde does not concede that she did not report the

    accident until after she was dismissed. Instead, Ms.

    Laborde says that she reported her second accident when she

    sought treatment at the Fund on September 7, 1988, before

    her employer dismissed her. She adds that the Fund

    initially mixed up its paperwork, but later amended that

    paperwork to reflect the occurrence of her second accident.

    These facts, if proven, might well bring her case outside

    the scope of Santiago's holding. Santiago, by emphasizing
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    the need to determine the facts, does not avoid, but,

    rather, reinforces the need for a hearing.

    Third, the individual defendants say they are

    entitled to "qualified immunity," because, at the time of

    the relevant events, their federal legal obligations were

    unclear. See Anderson v. Creighton, 483 U.S. 635, 638-41
    ___ ________ _________

    (1987) (state actors have qualified immunity unless


    precedent would have alerted reasonable person that action

    would infringe "clearly established" constitutional

    principle); Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800 (1981). They
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    correctly point out that the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico

    did not decide until 1992 (after the events here in issue)

    that Commonwealth employees have a right to a pre-

    termination hearing where accident-related, time-limit

    issues are in dispute. Carron-Lamoutte, 92 J.T.S 97.

    Carron-Lamoutte, however, simply applied pre-existing

    federal constitutional requirements. In 1985, Loudermill

    made clear that permanent government employees possessed the

    federal right to a pre-discharge hearing. In 1987, in

    Kauffman, this circuit applied Loudermill to Puerto Rico's
    ________ __________

    Telephone Company, making clear that the company must give

    its career employees pre-discharge hearings (unless illegal

    hiring meant they had never become career employees in the

    first place). See Kauffman, 841 F.2d at 1173. Thus, in
    ___ ________

    1988, the basic law governing Ms. Laborde's claims was clear

    and in her favor.

    We concede that defendants, in an effort to show

    that Ms. Laborde did not possess constitutionally-protected

    property, have succeeded in creating an argument (based on

    their interpretation of the workmen's compensation statute)


    that is complicated, counterintuitive, and ultimately wrong.

    We also concede that one who understood that argument, but

    had not yet worked out the proper legal response, might

    doubt whether or not the Constitution protected Ms. Laborde.

    Yet, we do not believe that the potential existence of an

    unusual, sophisticated, and ultimately wrong legal argument,

    is sufficient, legally speaking, to muddy what, for immunity

    purposes, would otherwise amount to clear legal waters.

    Were that not so, given the ingenuity of the bar, "qualified

    immunity" would become absolute in that it would become

    available in virtually any case argued by a creative lawyer.

    We conclude that the Company's legal obligation to provide

    Ms. Laborde with an appropriate hearing before depriving her

    of her job was clear in 1988. And, the district court's

    denial of the defendants' claims of qualified immunity was

    legally correct.

    The Telephone Company itself makes one further

    argument. It says that it is a special kind of government

    entity, namely a "municipal corporation." It points out

    that a "municipal corporation" cannot be ordered to pay a

    Section 1983 damage award based on the actions of its

    officials unless those actions are alleged to have been

    taken pursuant to an official policy or custom of the


    corporation. See Monell v. Dep't of Soc. Servs. of the City
    ___ ______ ________________________________

    of New York, 436 U.S. 658, 690-91 (1978). It contends that

    the court's order directing it to reinstate Ms. Laborde with

    back pay constitutes a "damage award." And, it claims that

    Ms. Laborde's complaint is deficient in that it fails to

    allege the existence of an official policy, pattern, or

    practice which would justify this damage award, as Monell


    Assuming much in defendant's favor for the sake of

    argument, we find a short, conclusive answer to this claim

    in the fact that the complaint does properly allege that the

    Company itself (whether or not a municipal corporation) is

    responsible for the violation of the Constitution. It

    claims that all of the individual defendants "were duly

    appointed officials and/or employees of [the Company];" that

    each of the individual defendants was "charged with the

    administration" of the Company's employment regulations; and

    that each of the individual defendants acted, at all times,

    "within the scope of their employment as agents and/or

    employees of [the Company]." These allegations amount to an

    assertion that the actions of the individual defendants

    represented Company policy, for which the Company is

    responsible. We do not read the complaint's conclusory


    statement that plaintiff's "dismissal" violated "applicable

    laws . . . and . . . regulations" as alleging the contrary.

    Moreover, the record before us contains considerable

    evidence that the employees' actions represent official

    Company policy; and it contains no evidence to the contrary.

    See Monell, 436 U.S. at 690 ("Local governing bodies . . .
    ___ ______

    can be sued directly under 1983 for monetary, declaratory,

    or injunctive relief where . . . the action that is alleged

    to be unconstitutional implements or executes [an official]

    policy statement . . . or decision . . . .")

    Finally, we note that the district court has not

    yet calculated back pay or other damages. We realize that

    the way in which Puerto Rico law applies to the facts as

    eventually determined (whether or not it permits dismissal

    on such facts) may affect such calculations. See, e.g.,
    ___ ____

    Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S. at 260 & n. 15 ; Hernandez-Del
    _____ ______ _____________

    Valle v. Santa-Aponte, 575 F.2d 321, 324 (1st Cir. 1978);
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    Brewer v. Chauvin, 938 F.2d 860, 862 & n.2, 864 & n.4 (8th
    ______ _______

    Cir. 1991); City of Chicago v. Dep't of Labor, 737 F.2d
    ________________ _______________

    1466, 1471-73 (7th Cir. 1984). We express no opinion as to

    the proper outcome of the question of Puerto Rico law nor

    can we do so before the facts are finally determined. We

    here hold only that federal law clearly required the Company


    to provide Ms. Laborde with fair pre-termination procedures

    -- procedures that would have given her a reasonable

    opportunity to present facts, and make arguments, showing

    that she was entitled to keep her job. The district court

    held the same, and its determinations are therefore




    "In the case of working disability according to
    the provisions of this chapter, the employer shall be under
    obligation to reserve the job filled by the laborer or
    employee at the time the accident occurred, and to reinstate
    him therein, subject to the following conditions: (1) that
    the laborer or employee demand reinstatement from his
    employer in his job within the period of fifteen (15) days
    counted from the date the laborer or employee is discharged
    from treatment, provided such demand is not made after the
    lapse of twelve months from the date of the accident; (2)
    that the laborer or employee be mentally and physically fit
    to fill said job at the time he demands reinstatement from
    his employer; and (3) that said job still exists at the time
    laborer or employee demands reinstatement. (The job shall
    be understood to exist when the same is vacant or is being
    filled by another laborer or employee....)"

    P.R. Laws Ann., tit. 11, 7 (Article 5-A of the Puerto Rico
    Workers' Accident Compensation Act).
