United States v. Vega , 813 F.3d 386 ( 2016 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 14-1794
    LUZ M. VEGA,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Lipez, and Thompson,
    Circuit Judges.
    Rachel Brill, for appellant.
    Héctor E. Ramírez-Carbo, Assistant United States Attorney,
    with whom Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, United States Attorney,
    Nelson Pérez-Sosa, Assistant United States Attorney, Chief,
    Appellate Division, and Juan Carlos Reyes-Ramos, Assistant United
    States Attorney, were on brief, for appellee.
    March 2, 2016
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.      A jury convicted defendant-
    appellant Luz M. Vega of fifty-eight criminal counts stemming from
    her participation in a Medicare fraud scheme.           Vega now appeals
    her convictions from the United States District Court for the
    District of Puerto Rico, alleging several procedural defects.
    Additionally, although Vega does not challenge her Medicare fraud
    convictions, she argues the Government did not present sufficient
    evidence to convict her of identity theft and money laundering.
    For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    I.   Background
    Vega was the director of Preferred Medical Equipment
    ("Preferred"), a supplier of durable medical equipment ("DME")
    located in Arecibo.   DME are items used by individuals with certain
    medical conditions outside of a hospital on regular basis, such as
    wheelchairs,   walkers,   orthotics,   and   electric    hospital   beds.
    Typically, a patient obtains DME through a DME supplier upon the
    presentation of a physician order.      If the patient is a Medicare
    beneficiary, the DME supplier can submit a claim to Medicare for
    partial reimbursement.1
    1  In the Medicare claim, the DME supplier states how much the
    beneficiary was billed for the equipment. Up to a set price point,
    Medicare will fully reimburse a DME supplier, factoring in an
    expected twenty-percent copay by the beneficiary.
    DME suppliers seeking reimbursement from Medicare must
    submit documentation with their claim, including proof that the
    DME ordered was medically necessary and prescribed by a physician.
    Due to the volume of claims received, Medicare does not verify
    every claim it receives beyond checking for paperwork showing that
    the DME recipient was a Medicare beneficiary and the DME was
    medically necessary.
    Preferred defrauded Medicare by submitting claims for
    DME orders that were not medically necessary.             Rather than waiting
    for   beneficiaries    to    come   with      physician   orders    to   fulfill,
    "equipment coordinators" at Preferred would seek out Medicare
    beneficiaries and persuade them to receive DME, often under the
    pretense   that     the     equipment      was   free.        The   absence    of
    documentation showing the DME ordered was medically necessary
    would   normally    prevent     Medicare       reimbursement.       Preferred's
    equipment coordinators circumvented this rule by paying a doctor,
    Francisco A. Garrastegui-Bigas ("Garrastegui"), to provide the
    required   documentation.           Garrastegui       would     either     create
    documentation for DME already ordered, or accompany the equipment
    coordinators on patient visits and prescribe DME on the spot.
    The     Government    jointly       indicted   Vega;     Garrastegui;
    Preferred's secretary, María Elisa Pérez; and two of Preferred's
    equipment coordinators, Lissette Acevedo-Rodríguez ("Acevedo") and
    Luisa Nieves, alleging that Preferred submitted ninety-five false
    claims totaling $210,223.47 to Medicare between April 2010 and
    March 2011.      For her role in this scheme, the Government charged
    Vega with one count of conspiracy to commit Medicare fraud in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1347 and 1349 and twenty-four counts of
    aiding   and   abetting     the     commission    of     health   care   fraud    in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1347.2
    Vega    also    faced    several     other    criminal   charges      in
    connection with her participation in Preferred's fraud scheme.
    For   payments     made    to   Preferred's      equipment    coordinators       and
    Garrastegui, Vega was charged with twenty-eight counts of aiding
    and abetting the solicitation and receipt of kickbacks in relation
    to the Medicare program, in violation of 42 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1320a-
    7b(b)(1)(B).       Vega    paid     commissions    to    Preferred's     equipment
    coordinators based on the type and quantity of DME they sold.
    Additionally, Vega paid Garrastegui to visit Preferred's office in
    late 2010 to create medical documentation for DME that Preferred
    had sold without physician orders.3
    2  These twenty-four counts were based on claims Preferred filed
    for DME given to three different beneficiaries.
    3  Count   29 was in regard to Vega paying Garrastegui for when he
    visited    Preferred's office.    Counts 30-54 were in regards to
    payments    Vega made to Acevedo.   Counts 55-56 were in regard to
    payments   Vega made to Nieves.
    The Government also charged Vega with three counts of
    aiding and abetting aggravated identify theft in violation of 18
    U.S.C. § 1028A(a)(1) and (2).       These aggravated identity theft
    charges were in relation to Preferred obtaining the identification
    information of three Medicare beneficiaries -- Juan Quiles-Medina
    ("Quiles"), José Figueroa-Class ("Figueroa"), and Efraín Toro-
    Morales ("Toro") -- and continuing to bill Medicare on their behalf
    even after they told Preferred they did not want the equipment.
    Finally, Vega was charged with two counts of transacting
    in criminally derived property of a value greater than $10,000
    (i.e., money laundering) because she used funds from Preferred's
    bank account to pay for personal expenses (an auto loan and the
    purchase of an official check).
    Garrastegui and Acevedo both pled guilty and testified
    against Vega at trial.   The jury found Vega guilty of all counts.
    The district court sentenced Vega to two years and one day of
    imprisonment and three years of supervised release.     This timely
    appeal followed.
    II.   Napue Claims
    Vega first argues that the Government violated Napue v.
    360 U.S. 264
    (1959), and her right to due process by
    allowing two of its witnesses to provide false testimony to the
    jury.   Napue prohibits prosecutors from knowingly presenting false
    evidence, including false testimony, to the jury.          
    Id. at 269-70;
    see also United States v. Flores-Rivera, 
    787 F.3d 1
    , 31 (1st Cir.
    2015).   This prohibition applies even if the government does not
    solicit the false testimony and merely fails to correct it.        
    Napue, 360 U.S. at 269
    According   to   Vega,    two   of     Preferred's   equipment
    coordinators who testified against her at trial, Acevedo and
    Marcos A.    Sárraga-Montañez   ("Sárraga"),        underrepresented   the
    benefits they received from their plea agreements.4         This in turn,
    Vega argues, prevented the jury from fully assessing their bias
    and credibility.   We reject Vega's Napue claims for two reasons.
    First, we note that Vega did not object to Acevedo's or
    Sárraga's testimony, even though the Government entered their plea
    agreements into evidence at trial and, as discussed in further
    detail below, the plea agreements contained all of the information
    Vega needed to impeach their testimony.          If a defendant has actual
    knowledge of the false testimony and fails to correct it, absent
    unusual circumstances, we assume the defendant did so for strategic
    4  Acevedo and Sárraga were also involved in a similar Medicare
    fraud scheme with a different DME supplier called Monte Mar.
    Acevedo was charged in connection with Monte Mar and Preferred and
    pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud
    in both cases and one count of aggravated identity theft in the
    Preferred case. Sárraga was only charged in connection with Monte
    Mar and pled guilty to one count of soliciting and receiving
    kickbacks in relation to the Medicare program in that case.
    reasons and consider the Napue claim waived.                United States v.
    505 F.3d 10
    , 10-11 (1st Cir. 2007).                    Given the
    availability of the plea agreements, we do not think Vega has
    reason to complain about either witness's testimony on appeal.
    Second, even if Vega's claims are reviewable, they are
    A.   Acevedo's Testimony
    Vega contests a portion of Acevedo's testimony elicited
    on recross-examination.        Following Acevedo's statement that she
    was repentant, Vega asked Acevedo if she "ha[d] to return the money
    that [she] received" from her crimes; Acevedo, who had yet to be
    sentenced, stated that she did not know.              The district court then
    told the jury that Acevedo's plea agreement, whatever its terms,
    was not binding and that the court "c[ould] order full restitution"
    and it was "up to the Court, the amount of restitution."
    Vega argues that the prosecutors (and district court
    with its comment) left the jury with an impression that Acevedo
    did not receive a benefit from the Government by pleading guilty
    because   restitution    was     still      up   to   the   district     court's
    discretion.    This impression is false, according to Vega, because
    discretionary restitution is a benefit.
    Vega premises her argument on the Mandatory Victim's
    Restitution    Act   ("MVRA"),   18   U.S.C.      §   3663A,   which    requires
    defendants     to     pay   restitution     in   fraud   cases.        See   
    id. § 3663A(c)(1)(ii);
    United States v. Cheal, 
    389 F.3d 35
    , 53 (1st
    Cir. 2004).    Vega argues that Acevedo's plea agreements must have
    exempted her from the MVRA if the prosecutors and district court
    viewed her restitution as a matter of court discretion.
    The problem with Vega's argument is that Acevedo's plea
    agreements did not exempt her from the MVRA -- in fact, her plea
    agreements explicitly state that the MVRA applied.                The benefit
    Vega argues Acevedo lied about receiving simply does not exist.5
    We also find no falsity in Acevedo's statement that she
    did not know the amount of restitution she would have to pay.
    Restitution     has    a    precise   legal      definition.      It    is   not
    unreasonable that Acevedo would not know this definition and thus
    how the district court would calculate restitution or how much it
    would order her to pay.        Finally, we fail to see how any problems
    with Acevedo's testimony could not have been impeached by Vega
    when Vega had a copy of Acevedo's plea agreement and the plea
    agreement stated the terms of Acevedo's restitution and monetary
    penalties.     Based on this review of the record, we conclude that
    5  Vega seems to argue that because Acevedo ultimately did not pay
    any restitution she must have been exempted from the MVRA. The
    district court's restitution calculation is not before us and Vega
    has failed to point us to any evidence suggesting that the plea
    agreement terms were altered prior to sentencing. We therefore
    assume the MVRA applied pursuant to the plea agreement's terms.
    Acevedo's testimony was not false and therefore did not violate
    B.   Sárraga's Testimony
    Our review of the record also leads us to conclude that
    Sárraga's testimony did not violate Napue.              Sárraga's contested
    testimony       came   during     his   redirect   examination    when    the
    prosecution attempted to bolster his credibility following Vega's
    attacks on cross-examination:
    PROSECUTOR: And you have already been sentenced . . .;
    is that correct?
    SÁRRAGA: Yes.
    PROSECUTOR: So what do you have to lose or win by
    coming here to testify?
    SÁRRAGA: From the very first time that I had contact
    with an agent, I decided that I was going to tell the
    truth and made a commitment to tell the truth and help
    them out.
    PROSECUTOR: Are you getting anything in return or do
    you fear something will happen to you by coming here
    and testifying today?
    SÁRRAGA: No.
    Vega argues that Sárraga's statement that he was not receiving
    anything in return for his testimony was false because he was still
    on probation and was required to pay restitution and thus had an
    incentive to "please the government with his testimony."
    Like Acevedo's testimony, we do not see any obvious
    falsity    in    Sárraga's      statement.    Sárraga    had   already   been
    sentenced such that the main source of his bias -- wanting to
    receive a favorable recommended sentence from the prosecution --
    was mitigated.   The prosecution's ability to influence Sárraga's
    probation and restitution seems attenuated at best.      Moreover,
    even if Sárraga's statement that he was receiving nothing in return
    for his testimony was misleading, Vega could easily cross-examine
    his motives -- and in fact did so.    See United States v. Clark,
    767 F. Supp. 2d 12
    , 67 (D.D.C. 2011) (stating conflicting testimony
    between witnesses did not create Napue claim because even if a
    witness's testimony contains falsehoods, "cross-examination and
    jury instructions regarding witness credibility will normally
    purge the taint of false testimony" (quoting United States v.
    201 F.3d 61
    , 82 (2d Cir. 2000)).   Thus, even if Sárraga's
    testimony could be construed as misleading, we do not find "any
    reasonable likelihood" that the testimony could "have affected the
    judgment of the jury.6   
    Mangual-García, 505 F.3d at 10
    6  We also reject Vega's argument that the district court made an
    improper and misleading comment to the jury about plea agreements
    generally.   While Sárraga was describing his plea agreement on
    direct, the district court interjected and told the jury:
    You've heard other witnesses who are cooperating with
    the United States and have plea agreements, they have
    not yet been sentenced. The sentence is ultimately
    for the Court to decide, and the fact that [Sárraga]
    got 18 months is not indicative of how any of the
    other individuals will be sentenced that's ultimately
    a decision for the Court on a case-by-case-basis.
    Giglio v. United States, 
    405 U.S. 150
    , 154 (1972)).              As a result,
    we proceed to Vega's evidentiary claims.
    III.   Evidentiary Issues
    Vega   next     argues   that    the   Government     improperly
    introduced expert testimony without qualifying the witnesses as
    experts.   Vega's claim relates to the testimony of two Government
    witnesses: Jean Stone ("Stone") and Special Agent Michael Ayala
    ("Ayala").     We are dubious about the propriety of portions of
    their   testimony,    but     ultimately     find   Vega's   alleged   errors
    harmless given her theory of defense.
    Stone held a management position with the United States
    Department of Health and Human Services, where she helped oversee
    Medicare fraud prevention activities in New York, New Jersey,
    Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.            Stone did not assist with
    the investigation of Vega or Preferred -- rather, the Government
    gave Stone a copy of the indictment against Vega and asked Stone
    to testify about the Medicare program generally.                  During the
    Vega argues this statement was misleading because the witnesses
    were assigned to the same judge and he ultimately gave other
    witnesses the same sentence as Sárraga (eighteen months'
    probation).   Vega claims the district court judge's statement
    prevented her from arguing that other witnesses would not face
    jail time. We do not see how the district court's statement was
    false given that each sentence was up to the court's discretion.
    And, similar to Vega's claim regarding Sárraga's testimony, we do
    not see how Vega was prevented from making any arguments about
    witness bias on cross-examination.
    course of her testimony, Stone described the structure of the
    Medicare program; how DME was prescribed and could be obtained by
    patients;   how    DME   suppliers      received      reimbursement;       and   how
    Preferred's Medicare reimbursement claims showed conflicting DME
    On    appeal,      Vega   contests     the    portion    of    Stone's
    testimony in which she described the anti-kickback statute.                   Stone
    testified   that    a    DME    supplier      could   not   pay     an    equipment
    coordinator commissions because the anti-kickback statute made it
    illegal "to offer or receive anything of value for referrals of
    Medicare or Medicaid patient [sic] to receive Medicare service or
    Vega contests a similar statement made by Ayala, a U.S.
    Secret Service agent who executed a search warrant of Preferred's
    office in April 2011.       At trial, Ayala testified he found a chart
    during the search that listed different DME, the price Preferred
    paid for DME, the amount Medicare reimbursed for that DME, and a
    column called "Rep. Payment."8          Ayala testified that he believed
    7  For example, Stone stated that one of Preferred's claim forms
    ordered both a pressure-reducing mattress -- used for immobile
    patients who developed severe ulcers due to the pressure from their
    bones pressing on their skin -- and a back brace -- used to help
    patients' spines recover following surgery. As Stone explained,
    it was not appropriate for a patient who was immobile to also have
    a device used to stabilize a walking patient.
    8   The chart contained some Spanish terms.              Translated versions of
    that (1) the chart showed Preferred paid its equipment coordinators
    based   on    the     equipment    they   sold;   (2)   these   payments     were
    kickbacks; and (3) kickbacks were prohibited by Medicare law.
    Vega argues that the Government needed to qualify Stone
    and Ayala as expert witnesses pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence
    702 in order for them to testify about whether Preferred paid its
    equipment coordinators commissions and whether such commissions
    were prohibited by 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)(1)(B).9                Federal Rule
    of Evidence 701 limits opinion testimony by lay witnesses to
    opinions that are "not based on scientific, technical, or other
    specialized knowledge within the scope of Rule 702."                    Fed. R.
    Evid. 701(c).       Vega argues Stone and Ayala's testimony was based
    on technical or specialized knowledge.              The Government counters
    it was not.
    In support of its view, the Government notes we have
    allowed      police     officers    to    offer   opinions      based   on   the
    "particularized knowledge [the officers had] by virtue of [their]
    position[s]" without being qualified as experts.                 United States
    these charts are part of the trial record.
    9  The Government argues that Vega failed to preserve both of her
    claims on appeal because she failed to contemporaneously object
    during Stone or Ayala's testimony. We find the record ambiguous.
    Because we find any error harmless even under the "manifest abuse
    of discretion" standard, we do not address this point.     United
    States v. Valdivia, 
    680 F.3d 33
    , 50 (1st Cir. 2012).
    v. Ayala-Pizarro, 
    407 F.3d 25
    , 28 (1st Cir. 2005) (quoting Fed. R.
    Evid. 701, advisory committee's note on 2000 amendment).            The
    Government argues that Stone and Ayala gained familiarity with the
    anti-kickback statute through their jobs and thus their testimony
    fit within the ambit of "particularized knowledge" gained "by
    virtue of [their] positions."
    The Government reads too much into our precedent.         We
    acknowledge that we have previously stated that Rule 701 "is meant
    to admit testimony based on the lay expertise a witness personally
    acquires through experience, often on the job."      United States v.
    454 F.3d 13
    , 24 (1st Cir. 2006).         We have not stated,
    however,   that   all   job-based   knowledge   is   nontechnical    or
    nonspecialized.    Rather, we have stated that lay experiential
    expertise refers to those processes that are "well founded on
    personal knowledge and susceptible to cross-examination."      Ayala-
    Pizarro, 407 F.3d at 28
    (quoting United States v. Vega-Figueroa,
    234 F.3d 744
    , 755 (1st Cir. 2000)).      Such lay expertise is "the
    product of reasoning processes familiar to the average person in
    everyday life."   United States v. García, 
    413 F.3d 201
    , 215 (2d
    Cir. 2005).   For example, a police officer noticing patterns of
    behavior across criminal operations uses straightforward logic to
    conclude a defendant's behavior fits within that pattern and thus,
    does not need to be qualified as an expert.     See United States v.
    560 F.3d 62
    , 66 (1st Cir. 2009) (holding that officer
    could   testify     about    meaning    of    code    words    used    during     drug
    transactions      based     on   hearing     same    language    in    other      drug
    investigation as lay witness); Ayala-
    Pizarro, 407 F.3d at 28
    (finding officer could testify as lay witness that defendant was
    at "drug point" based on observation that location was heavily
    guarded because no specialized expertise was required for officer
    to reach the conclusion that "places which sell drugs are often
    protected by people with weapons").
    The    testimony      in   this    case    helps    illustrate        this
    distinction       between    experiential       knowledge       that     relies     on
    reasoning   processes       familiar    to    the    average    person    and     more
    specialized expertise.           On the one hand, Ayala's testimony about
    his interpretation of the chart he found at Preferred could be
    properly admitted as lay testimony.                  A jury could follow the
    reasoning process Ayala used and understand why he interpreted a
    chart listing medical equipment and containing a column reading
    "Rep. payment" as evidence that Preferred's equipment coordinators
    were paid based on the equipment they sold.              Such testimony relying
    upon    logic   and   pattern      recognition       falls    within   Rule     701's
    parameters for lay testimony.
    In contrast, we find that Stone's testimony and Ayala's
    final conclusion that Preferred's commissions violated Medicare
    law fell outside the boundaries of lay expertise.                    Their opinions
    were not based on the product of applying familiar reasoning
    processes to their job experience -- rather, they could form their
    opinions      only    by   understanding      technical    Medicare       laws   and
    regulations.         Contrary to the Government's arguments, the fact
    that Stone and Ayala had knowledge of Medicare law through their
    occupations does not make it "personal knowledge" qualifying as
    lay expertise under Rule 701.            As stated above, our use of the
    term "personal knowledge" refers, generally, to the product of a
    witness's     process      of   observing   patterns      and   drawing     logical
    conclusions.         An understanding of what Medicare law allows and
    forbids cannot be developed through this process.                When condemning
    commission payments as illegal kickbacks, Stone and Ayala were not
    relaying their personal observations for the jury to assess;
    rather, they were lending the jury their knowledge of Medicare law
    to provide definitive commentary on the matter.                      Other circuits
    have reached similar conclusions concerning witnesses' testimony
    about best practices and legal regulations in fraud cases.                   United
    States v. White, 
    492 F.3d 380
    , 399-405 (6th Cir. 2007) (finding
    Medicare auditors could not testify about meaning of certain
    Medicare terms when testifying as lay witnesses); United States v.
    103 F.3d 423
    , 428-29 (5th Cir. 1997) (finding bank auditor
    needed   to    be    qualified    as   expert   in   order      to    testify    that
    defendant's    conduct   fell   outside   of   sound   banking   practices
    because witness "functioned not as a witness relaying his own
    observations so much as a knowledgeable bank examiner who could
    provide the jury with an overview of banking regulations and
    practices and who could authoritatively condemn [the defendant's]
    actions").     We thus conclude it was error to admit Stone's and
    Ayala's testimony that the payment of commissions to equipment
    coordinators violated Medicare law without qualifying them as
    expert witnesses.
    Nonetheless, we find any error in the admission of this
    testimony harmless, meaning that we find it is "highly probable
    that the error did not contribute to the verdict."         United States
    v. Amador-Huggins, 
    799 F.3d 124
    , 129 (1st Cir. 2015) (quoting
    United States v. Varoudakis, 
    233 F.3d 113
    , 125-26 (1st Cir. 2000)).
    Vega's theory of defense at trial was that she was not aware of
    the fraud or commission payments occurring at Preferred.           Vega's
    closing argument focused on developing the theory that Acevedo,
    who had participated in a separate Medicare fraud scheme prior to
    Preferred, was the ringleader of the entire scheme.         Vega did not
    contest at trial that Preferred paid commissions to its equipment
    coordinators or that such actions were illegal.         Instead, the crux
    of her argument was that Acevedo made the payments herself or had
    Pérez (whom Acevedo knew prior to working at Preferred) prepare
    checks for Vega, who then signed the checks without knowing their
    purpose.    Given Vega's trial strategy, we think it is highly
    probable   that   Stone's   and   Ayala's    statements   that   commission
    payments violated § 1320a-7b(b)(1)(B) did not contribute to the
    verdict.   The issue that Vega posed to the jury was whether it
    believed Vega was knowingly involved with Preferred's commissions,
    not whether Preferred's scheme violated the law.                 Finding no
    reversible error, we move to another of Vega's claims.
    IV.   Jury Instructions
    Vega   next   argues    that     the   district   court's   jury
    instructions regarding charges for aiding and abetting the receipt
    of kickbacks were incomplete.       We reject these claims as well.
    A.   The Anti-Kickback Instruction
    The Government charged Vega with violating the anti-
    kickback statute pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)(1)(B).            That
    statute makes it a crime to
    knowingly and willfully solicit[] or receive[] any
    remuneration (including any kickback, bribe, or
    rebate) directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly,
    in cash or in kind . . . in return for purchasing,
    leasing, ordering, or arranging for or recommending
    purchasing, leasing, or ordering any good, facility,
    service, or item for which payment may be made in
    whole or in part under a Federal health care program
    . . . .
    42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)(1)(B).       The district court instructed the
    jury that § 1320a-7b(b)(1)(B) "makes it a crime to . . . ask for
    or receive or pay or offer to pay any remuneration in connection
    with referring patients or arranging for which [sic] payments may
    be made under the federal healthcare program."                  It went on to
    state that in order to convict Vega
    [T]he government must prove each of the following
    beyond a reasonable doubt:
    One, referring an individual to a person for the
    furnishing or arranging for the furnishing of an item
    or service that could be paid for, in whole or in part,
    by a federal healthcare program. Or, two, purchasing,
    leasing, ordering, or arranging for or recommending
    purchasing, leasing, or ordering any good, facility,
    service, or item that could be paid for, in whole or
    in part, by a federal healthcare program. And, third,
    that Ms. Vega did [so] knowingly and willfully.
    Vega argues for the first time on appeal that these
    instructions were incomplete because they did not state that the
    jury   needed    to    find   that     Vega    aided   or     abetted   in   the
    "solicit[ation] or recei[pt] [of] any remuneration" and did not
    define "remuneration."        When a defendant makes no objection to a
    jury instruction at trial, this court reviews the instruction for
    plain error.      United States v. Meadows, 
    571 F.3d 131
    , 145 (1st
    Cir. 2009).       In order to establish plain error, "a criminal
    defendant must show (1) that an error occurred (2) which was clear
    or   obvious    and   which   not    only    (3)   affected   the   defendant's
    substantial rights, but also (4) seriously impaired the fairness,
    integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings."                United
    States v. González-Vélez, 
    466 F.3d 27
    , 34-35 (1st Cir. 2006)
    (quoting United States v. Duarte, 
    246 F.3d 56
    , 60 (1st Cir. 2001)).
    "[T]he plain error hurdle . . . nowhere looms larger than in the
    context    of    alleged    instructional     errors."      United   States    v.
    251 F.3d 242
    , 246 (1st Cir. 2001).
    The district court's instructions in this case do not
    clear this hurdle.         While the district court's instruction may not
    have been "letter perfect," we think that, "read[] against the
    backdrop    of    the   charge    as    a   whole,"   the    district   court's
    instruction was sufficient.            
    Id. at 246-47.
          The district court
    mentioned that Vega needed to aid or abet in the receipt of
    remunerations before describing the elements the Government needed
    to prove.        We think that this was sufficient for the jury to
    understand that the charge also required evidence of a remuneration
    and, thus, that absent a contemporaneous objection, it did not
    constitute plain error.
    We also think the backdrop of the charge as a whole did
    not necessitate a definition of the term "remuneration."                      The
    Government's charges were not based on a novel conception of the
    word "remuneration."         They were in reference to Preferred paying
    Garrastegui and its equipment coordinators according to the amount
    of DME they prescribed and ordered.               The term "remuneration"
    referred to these payments.         Given this straightforward use of the
    term, we do not think it was plain error for the district court to
    leave it undefined.
    B.   Safe Harbor Instruction
    Vega has one preserved jury instruction claim.               While
    discussing the jury instructions with the district court, Vega
    requested that the court instruct the jury about the "safe harbor"
    provisions promulgated by the Department of Health and Human
    Services.      The district court denied this request.              When "a
    criminal    defendant   seasonably      requests     an   instruction     on    a
    particular theory of the case and the trial court flatly refuses
    to submit that theory to the jury, our review is plenary."              United
    States v. Ramos-Paulino, 
    488 F.3d 459
    , 463 (1st Cir. 2007).
    The   Department   of    Health   and    Human    Services    has
    promulgated regulations stating that certain payments are not
    "remunerations" in violation of § 1320a-7b(b)(1)(B).             Vega claims
    she should have been allowed to argue to the jury that Preferred's
    payments to its equipment coordinators fit within the safe harbor
    described in 42 C.F.R. § 1001.952(d).              This regulation allows
    principals, such as DME suppliers, to pay agents, such as equipment
    coordinators, for their services if several provisions are met,
    including:     that   the   payment    agreement     is   in   writing,        the
    contractual relationship is for more than one year, and the agent's
    payment is at a set salary.      
    Id. § 1001.952(d)(2),
    (4), (5).
    "[T]o warrant a jury instruction on a specific theory of
    defense, the evidence adduced at trial, taken in the light most
    flattering to the accused, must plausibly support the theory."
    Ramos-Paulino, 488 F.3d at 461
    (emphasis in original).              "The
    burden is on the defendant, as the proponent of the theory, to
    identify evidence adduced during the trial that suffices to satisfy
    this standard."   
    Id. at 462.
    Vega has not pointed us to any evidence showing that the
    safe harbor provisions could have plausibly applied to her case.
    Simply put, Vega did not even argue that Preferred met the basic
    requirement   that   its   payment   agreements   with   its   equipment
    coordinators were in writing -- let alone that these agreements
    were for a period longer than one year and had a set salary.          On
    this final point, Vega did not argue to the jury that Preferred
    paid its equipment coordinators salaries.         As discussed in the
    previous section, Vega's theory of defense was that she had no
    knowledge of the commissions.        Given this trial record, we find
    no error with the district court's denial of Vega's request for a
    safe harbor instruction.
    V.   Identity Theft
    Vega also raises two sufficiency challenges on appeal.
    The first challenge regards her convictions for identity theft for
    using the personal information of Medicare beneficiaries Figueroa,
    Quiles, and Toro to order equipment and submit claims to Medicare
    without their permission.         A person commits aggravated identity
    theft when that person "knowingly transfers, possesses, or uses,
    without lawful authority, a means of identification of another
    person" "during and in relation to any felony violation enumerated
    in subsection (c)," which includes any fraud crime enumerated in
    chapter 18 of the U.S. Code.        18 U.S.C. § 1028A(a)(1),(c)(4).
    Vega contests this final fraud element.              She notes that,
    as   charged   in   the   indictment,      she    used    the   beneficiaries'
    identities some time prior to December 2010.10               The timing, Vega
    argues, is significant because in that month she (according to
    Garrastegui's testimony) asked Garrastegui to visit Preferred's
    office and fill out medical documentation that was missing from
    Preferred's    medical    claim   files. 11      Vega    acknowledges   that   a
    reasonable jury could conclude she knew of Preferred's fraud based
    on this testimony, but argues this was the only evidence proffered
    sufficient to prove her guilt.             If true, tying these threads
    10 The specific dates are: May 7, 2010 (Quiles); August 17, 2010
    (Toro); and September 21, 2010 (Figueroa).
    11  Garrastegui did not testify that he came to Preferred in
    December 2010 -- he could remember only that he visited in "the
    latter part of 2010." The December 2010 date appears to come from
    the testimony of an auditor Vega hired. This auditor testified
    that when he visited Preferred in early December 2010, many of the
    claims he saw lacked required medical documentation.
    together would mean that Vega did not know Preferred's claims were
    fraudulent prior to December 2010 and thus, could not have used
    the beneficiaries' personal information in connection with fraud
    as required by the identity theft statute.
    We, however, reject Vega's premise that Garrastegui's
    visit to Preferred was the only evidence proving her knowledge of
    Preferred's fraud.        When reviewing a sufficiency of the evidence
    claim,   we    must   "take   the     evidence   and   draw   all    reasonable
    inferences     in   the   light   most   favorable     to   the   prosecution."
    United States v. Rosado-Pérez, 
    605 F.3d 48
    , 52 (1st Cir. 2010).
    "If a reasonable jury could find the defendants guilty beyond a
    reasonable doubt of all elements of the charged offense, we must
    affirm the conviction."       Id.12
    A reasonable jury could conclude that Vega knew of the
    fraud occurring at Preferred prior to Garrastegui's visit.                 The
    12  Moreover, Vega did not argue that the Government presented
    insufficient evidence for the charges prior to December before the
    district court. Vega's Rule 29 motions for acquittal argued only
    that the Government failed to prove her awareness of Preferred's
    fraud at any point during the conspiracy. As "a party is not at
    liberty to articulate specific arguments for the first time on
    appeal simply because the general issue was before the district
    court," we review for plain error. 
    Acosta-Colón, 741 F.3d at 210
    (quoting United States v. Slade, 
    980 F.2d 27
    , 31 (1st Cir. 1992));
    see also United States v. Christi, 
    682 F.3d 138
    , 140 (1st Cir.
    2012) (applying plain error to sufficiency theory not articulated
    in Rule 29 motion).    Nonetheless, we would reject Vega's claim
    even if it was preserved and our discussion treats it as such.
    Government presented several strands of circumstantial evidence
    through which a reasonable jury could infer knowledge, and a "jury
    [is] entitled to rely on plausible inferences."   United States v.
    498 F.3d 25
    , 31 (1st Cir. 2007).
    First, a reasonable jury could infer that Vega knew the
    claims Preferred submitted on behalf of Figueroa, Quiles, and Toro
    were fraudulent at the time of submission or soon thereafter.
    Each of the beneficiaries (or a spouse or a relative) testified
    that he or she told Preferred the beneficiaries did not want the
    DME, one of whom stated she spoke with Vega directly.13   Moreover,
    multiple witnesses testified that Vega had a large degree of
    control over Preferred's operations.      Vega told an FBI agent
    investigating her that nothing at Preferred was done without her
    consent.   Additionally, as described by Acevedo, the DME orders
    and Medicare claims did not go exclusively through the equipment
    13  Quiles testified that he called Preferred asking someone to
    pick up the DME, but his request was ignored. Yet Preferred billed
    Medicare for equipment it claimed it rented to Quiles from at least
    March 2010 to March 2011.      Toro's daughter testified that two
    people from Preferred came to their house after her father called
    their office saying he did not want the DME delivered. Preferred,
    however, did not pick up the equipment and billed Medicare in
    Toro's name from March 2010 through March 2011 and claimed he was
    seen by Garrastegui. Figueroa's wife, Pascasia, testified that
    she told someone who identified herself as Vega over the phone
    that Figueroa did not need the equipment "[b]ecause the physician
    who came over [and prescribed it] [was] not [her] husband's
    attending physician."     Preferred picked up the equipment but
    continued billing Medicare from August 2010 through October 2010.
    coordinators.    Rather, once an equipment coordinator obtained a
    patient's information, either Vega or her secretary would verify
    that the patient was a Medicare beneficiary.            Given Vega's role
    at Preferred, a jury could rationally find that Vega must have
    known that the beneficiaries complained to Preferred they did not
    want DME delivered to their houses and therefore any claims filed
    after their complaints were fraudulent.
    Second,   the     testimony     of   Preferred's      equipment
    coordinators suggested that Vega not only knew of the fraud, but
    actively played a role in directing it.           Acevedo testified that
    at Vega's instruction, Preferred did not fulfill DME orders that
    came from individuals who were not Medicare beneficiaries or that
    did not contain a motorized wheelchair (a high-priced item).              A
    reasonable jury could infer that Vega was interested in fulfilling
    orders only from Medicare beneficiaries because Medicare's honor
    system made it easy to defraud.         Similarly, Vega's insistence on
    orders   containing   a     motorized     wheelchair   creates    a   strong
    inference that she did not care about whether the DME orders
    fulfilled    served   a     legitimate     medical     purpose.       Vega's
    indifference towards the medical legitimacy of Preferred's orders
    is further bolstered by Acevedo's testifying that she told Vega
    when she started working at Preferred (i.e., March 2010) that
    Garrastegui would prescribe DME for patients he did not see.
    Sárraga also testified that he knew Vega was aware of this fact.
    The fact that Vega allowed equipment coordinators to submit claims
    with   Garrastegui      as   the   prescribing       doctor   also     supports      an
    inference that she condoned Preferred's fraud.
    We    also    note      that    a     reasonable    jury    could       view
    Preferred's commission payments to the equipment coordinators
    (which Vega set and paid), taken with this record, as further
    evidence that Vega had a role in directing the fraud.                        Standing
    alone, this would not be sufficient to prove Vega knew of the
    fraud, but it is further evidence that Vega was motivated to submit
    as many claims as possible to Medicare, regardless of their
    All   of     this   evidence        combined    convinces    us    that    a
    reasonable jury could conclude Vega had knowledge of Preferred's
    fraud beyond a reasonable doubt.                  We therefore reject Vega's
    sufficiency challenge.
    VI.   Money Laundering
    In    addition,      Vega      contests   the    sufficiency       of    the
    Government's     evidence       proving        her   involvement       with    money
    laundering.     In order to commit money laundering, a defendant must
    "engage in a monetary transaction in criminally derived property
    of a value greater than $10,000" that is in or affects interstate
    or foreign commerce.         18 U.S.C. § 1957(a), (f)(1).          The Government
    charged Vega with money laundering based on her using money in
    Preferred's bank account to make two transactions: to pay off an
    $16,302.65 automobile loan in late December 2010 and to purchase
    an official check in the amount of $34,121.16 in January 2011.
    Vega   contests   the    sufficiency   of    the    Government's    evidence
    regarding several elements of this crime.
    First, Vega argues that the Government did not present
    sufficient    evidence   proving   that     she    knew   the   property    she
    transacted in -- i.e., the money she used to pay her loan and
    purchase a certified check -- was criminally derived.                      This
    argument hinges on the point we rejected in considering her
    identity theft claim -- that the Government did not provide
    sufficient evidence to prove she knew of the theft at Preferred
    prior to December 2010.     We also note that Vega's money laundering
    charges correspond to transactions that occurred after the date
    she concedes the Government proved she knew of the fraud (late
    December 2010 and mid-January 2011).
    Second, Vega argues that the Government failed to prove
    that the value of each transaction was greater than $10,000.               This
    argument is also contingent on Vega's view that the Government did
    not prove she knew of Preferred's fraud until December 2010.
    According to Vega, Medicare paid only $9,633.98 to Preferred
    following December 2010 and we should assume Vega used only "clean"
    funds to pay her loans.   Our finding that the Government presented
    sufficient evidence that Vega knew of the fraud prior to December
    2010 compels us to reject her argument.
    Finally, Vega argues that the Government failed to prove
    that her transactions affected interstate commerce.    Vega points
    to the fact that Preferred's bank account was with Banco Popular
    and both of her transactions went to other Banco Popular accounts.
    She argues that transferring money within the same bank cannot
    affect interstate commerce.   This claim was considered sua sponte
    by the district court and then rejected based on the Government's
    arguments that a witness who worked for CIGNA, the processor that
    paid out Medicare claims, stated CIGNA was located in Tennessee
    and was the subsidiary of a South Carolina company.       Vega now
    argues this ruling was erroneous because there was no testimony
    that CIGNA was based in Tennessee and the location of CIGNA's
    parent company was irrelevant.
    We reject Vega's argument.    Section 1957 requires only
    a de minimus effect on interstate commerce.      United States v.
    252 F.3d 1
    , 10 (1st Cir. 2001).       We have previously
    stated that a bank deposit affects interstate commerce if "the
    source of that deposit actually affected interstate commerce to
    any degree."   
    Id. at 11.
        The crux of the Government's cases
    against Vega was that she defrauded a federal health care program.
    We think it is uncontroversial to conclude the source of Vega's
    funds   affected        interstate       commerce,     thereby   satisfying   the
    interstate commerce element.             See United States v. Girod, 
    646 F.3d 304
    ,    315    (5th     Cir.     2011)    (rejecting      defendant's     argument
    government      failed    to     prove     interstate     commerce   affect   for
    healthcare fraud charges because "Medicaid . . . is a federally
    funded program that indisputably affects interstate commerce").
    We thus find the Government presented sufficient evidence to
    convict Vega of money laundering.
    VII.     Conclusion
    Finding     that    the     Government     presented      sufficient
    evidence and any procedural defects were harmless, we affirm.