Méndez Internet Management Services, Inc. v. Banco Santander De Puerto , 621 F.3d 10 ( 2010 )

  •               United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 09-1874
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. José Antonio Fusté,   U.S. District Judge]
    Boudin, Selya and Gajarsa,**
    Circuit Judges.
    Nicolás Nogueras-Cartagena, Julio C. Alejandro-Serrano and
    Office of Nicolás Nogueras-Cartagena on brief for appellants.
    Eduardo A. Zayas-Marxuach, Alejandro J. Cepeda-Díaz, McConnell
    Valdés LLC, Néstor J. Navas-D'Acosta, Navas & Rodríguez, P.S.C.,
    Harold D. Vicente-Colón and Vicente & Cuebas on brief for appellees
    Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Inc., Banco Santander Puerto Rico,
    and Doral Bank.
    By order of the court, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    was substituted for RG Premier Bank of Puerto Rico and Westernbank
    of Puerto Rico.
    Of the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation.
    Sonia B. Alfaro-de la Vega and Law Offices of Gilberto Oliver
    on brief for appellee RG Premier Bank of Puerto Rico.
    September 22, 2010
    BOUDIN, Circuit Judge.          James Méndez and Méndez Internet
    Management Services, Inc. (collectively "Méndez") appeal from the
    dismissal of their claims against five banks1 and against Gilberto
    Arvelo and his website doctorshoper.com, described as a consumer
    watchdog service (collectively "Arvelo").              Because the case was
    disposed of in the district court on a motion to dismiss, Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 12(b)(6), our review is de novo, and we accept the factual
    allegations of the operative amended complaint, Rule v. Fort Dodge
    Animal Health, Inc., 
    607 F.3d 250
    , 251-52 (1st Cir. 2010).
    Based     in   Puerto    Rico,     Méndez    sells   Iraqi   dinars
    ("dinars"),   the   official      Iraqi    currency.     According     to   the
    complaint, between September 2007 and August 2008, a number of
    banks in Puerto Rico closed or refused to open accounts for Méndez.
    Most objected to serving money services businesses ("MSBs") or
    stated related administrative reasons, including "the sheer volume
    of transactions."    The banks, Méndez says, also
    have conditioned the opening and continuation
    of regular checking accounts, lines of credit,
    savings accounts and all other regular bank
    services . . . upon plaintiff not depositing
    or withdrawing from any such bank account or
    credit lines, United States of America
    currency or legal tender money derived from
    the sale of . . . dinars.
    The banks named as defendants were Banco Santander de Puerto
    Rico, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Doral Bank, RG Premier Bank of
    Puerto Rico, and Westernbank of Puerto Rico. The Federal Deposit
    Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") has since substituted itself for RG
    Premier Bank and Westernbank. FirstBank Puerto Rico is named in
    the complaint, but is not a defendant.
    In   the    same    time   frame,    Arvelo      (according    to   the
    complaint) published critical comments and articles on his website
    and also made unspecified public statements about Méndez' sale of
    dinars in Puerto Rico, which Méndez claims have prompted                 closures
    of his accounts as well as government oversight of his business.
    Arvelo's   postings        apparently    suggest     that     the   dinars     are
    counterfeit; that Méndez has been operating illegally; that the
    general sale of Iraqi dinars is illegal; and that "the sale of
    dinars   [is]    not   a    legitimate    business    accepted      by   banking
    On October 2, 2008, Méndez brought suit in federal
    district court in Puerto Rico against the named banks and Arvelo,
    seeking $14 million plus treble damages.           He alleged three federal
    causes of action based respectively on the Racketeer Influenced and
    Corrupt Organizations Act ("RICO"), 
    18 U.S.C. § 1962
     (2006), the
    Sherman Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 1
     (2006), and the Bank Holding Company Act
    12 U.S.C. § 1972
    (1)(E) (2006).                 The complaint also
    included claims of abuse of right and defamation under Puerto Rico
    Banco Popular de Puerto Rico filed a motion to dismiss
    the federal causes of action for failure to state a claim, which
    was joined by the other defendants.            The district court dismissed
    the three federal claims on the merits, and declined to exercise
    supplemental jurisdiction over the Puerto Rico claims, dismissing
    them without prejudice.      Méndez Internet Mgmt. Servs., Inc. v.
    Banco Santander de Puerto Rico, Civil No. 08-2140, 
    2009 WL 1392189
    at *6 (D.P.R. May 15, 2009).
    Méndez now appeals from the dismissal of the RICO and
    BHCA claims; he ignores his Sherman Act claim, which is thus
    abandoned.     Our review, as already noted, is de novo, and is
    informed by recent Supreme Court decisions that require in a
    complaint "more than labels and conclusions" and stress that "a
    formulaic recital of the elements of a cause of action will not
    do."   Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 555 (2007); see
    also Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    129 S. Ct. 1937
    , 1953 (2009) (holding
    Twombly to apply to all civil actions).
    To read through Méndez' complaint and opening brief (he
    filed no reply) and the answering briefs of the banks (Arvelo has
    remained silent) is to be left initially in a state of puzzlement.
    The banks do not deny that they have refused to provide Méndez with
    accounts for his dinar business, but do not trouble to explain why;
    Méndez alleges conspiracy, seemingly among the banks and clearly
    between Arvelo and the banks, also without explaining why the banks
    or Arvelo have any motive to cooperate or to undermine him.
    Yet modest research among public documents provides some
    enlightening information about the phase of the case that involves
    the banks.    It turns out that the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, Pub. L.
    No. 107-56, 
    115 Stat. 272
     (codified in scattered sections of the
    U.S.C.), amended the Bank Secrecy Act ("BSA"), 
    31 U.S.C. §§ 5311
    5330 (2006), in ways that imposed more stringent requirements aimed
    at money laundering.
    One consequence has been several high-profile criminal
    cases brought against banks doing business with MSBs, including one
    of the bank defendants in the case before us.2        Given these cases
    and general uncertainty about regulation under the amended BSA,
    many banks believe they could bear responsibility for the BSA
    compliance of MSB customers despite statements to the contrary from
    the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.        Bank Secrecy Act's
    Impact on Money Services Businesses: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on
    Fin. Insts. & Consumer Credit of the H. Comm. on Fin. Servs., 109th
    Cong. 20 (2006) (statements of Rep. Jeb Hensarling & Ann F.
    Jaedicke, Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Policy, Office of the
    Comptroller of the Currency).
    Unsurprisingly banks have increasingly shunned risky
    entanglement with MSBs.    At a House hearing in 2006 it was noted
    that "[o]ver the past year, at least three national banks have
    ceased   offering   services   to   MSB's,   and   some   State-chartered
    In January 2003, Banco Popular "forfeited $21.6 million . .
    . and entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the
    Justice Department in a case involving a single count of failing to
    file a SAR [suspicious activity report] on an MSB customer in
    violation of the BSA."     An Update on Money Services Businesses
    Under Bank Secrecy and USA PATRIOT Regulation: Hearing Before the
    S. Comm. on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs, 109th Cong. 47 (2005)
    (prepared statement of Julie L. Williams, Acting Comptroller of the
    institutions have also discontinued service, and this is across-
    the-board blanket discontinuance by these institutions of all
    Id. at 2
     (statement of Rep. Spencer Bachus, Chairman, H.
    Subcomm. on Fin. Insts. & Consumer Credit). Similarly, a 2009 bill
    proposed congressional findings that, due to regulatory guidance
    and expectations of federal banking agencies and the Secretary of
    the Treasury,
    many insured depository institutions have
    refused or closed money services businesses'
    accounts in order either not to incur the
    burden, risk or potential liability for
    undertaking a de facto regulatory function, or
    else to avoid supervisory sanctions for not
    exercising such oversight.
    H.R. 2893, 111th Cong. § 2(4) (2009).
    The defendant banks now before us may have no incentive
    at the motion to dismiss stage to offer explanations that may raise
    factual issues unfit for resolution except upon summary judgment or
    trial.    But, happily for them, they have no need to establish their
    own motives unless and until Méndez makes out a plausible federal
    claim under Twombly and Iqbal         standards.     This case bears out the
    wisdom    of    the   Supreme    Court's   requirements   in    screening     out
    rhetoric masquerading as litigation.
    A cardinal requirement of civil RICO liability is the
    allegation of the commission, or attempt or conspiracy to commit,
    defined    predicate      acts    needed     to   establish    "a   pattern   of
    racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt."                18 U.S.C.
    § 1962(c).     Acts in two defined predicate-act categories were
    alleged by Méndez:    mail or wire fraud, 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1341
    , 1343,
    and   extortion, 
    18 U.S.C. § 1951
    .   We begin with the allegations of
    fraud which, under applicable pleading rules, Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b),
    must be alleged with particularity.
    As to the banks, Méndez' complaint states that the
    "cancellations contained misrepresentations inasmuch as the banks
    knew that the plaintiff was not a money service business, and that,
    even if the plaintiff was, the banks had substantial regulatory
    guidance to effectively provide the services with no regulatory
    risk."    So, his first theory is that the banks denied him the use
    of accounts for his dinar sales because they deemed him to be
    within the MSB category; this, he says, must be fraudulent because
    he "does not operate as one" since he does not provide the "myriad
    of services" associated with MSB operations.
    But the very regulation he cites makes clear that to do
    any buying or selling of currency, exceeding $1,000 with any other
    person in one day, is enough for MSB status under the regulation.3
    Further, Méndez goes on in his own complaint to say that while he
    does not provide a full bevy of services listed in the regulation,
    MSBs may engage in a range of money-related transactions--
    including trading of currency, check cashing, and transmission--but
    entities conducting only one type of transaction also can fall into
    the category; buyers or sellers of currency in a substantial amount
    are one type of MSB.       
    31 C.F.R. § 103.11
    (uu) (2009) (FDIC
    "regulations require that [his business] register because the
    business might qualify as such," that is, as an MSB.    This is not
    an allegation of fraud but an affirmation of the truth of the
    supposed false statements.
    On appeal, Méndez instead asserts the second theory, in
    which a different falsehood is being perpetrated, namely, that the
    banks say that they do not want to have accounts used to conduct
    MSB activities but their real reason for refusing to deal with
    Méndez is that they wish to drive him out of the dinar selling
    business in order to take it over for themselves.   But there is no
    allegation that the banks supply dinars to anyone, that they have
    taken any steps to become such suppliers, or that they have
    expressed any interest in doing so.
    In all events, the predicate fraud statutes cover only
    material falsehood, which has "a natural tendency to influence, or
    is capable of influencing, the decision of the decisionmaking body
    to which it was addressed."   United States v. Moran, 
    393 F.3d 1
    , 13
    (1st Cir. 2004) (quoting Neder v. United States, 
    527 U.S. 1
    , 16
    (1999)).    Even if the banks were implicitly misrepresenting their
    motive for not dealing with Méndez, it is not the falsity of their
    excuse that causes him damage but their refusal to provide him with
    As to Arvelo, in fraud cases, the familiar pattern is a
    material deceitful statement or omission causing the victim to
    undertake   a   transaction   that    inflicts   economic   loss   on   the
    defrauded party and ordinarily benefits the deceiving party.4
    There is no suggestion that Arvelo stands to gain financially by
    causing Méndez to fail.    And there is no suggestion that anyone was
    swayed by Arvelo's statements: Méndez himself certainly was not
    beguiled by any lies told about him by Arvelo, nor does he claim
    that the banks were deceived, charging instead that they were
    conspirators with Arvelo.
    Admittedly,   "fraud"     is   a   concept   with   indistinct
    boundaries.     There may perhaps be situations in which a "scheme or
    artifice to defraud," 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1341
    , 1343, can have some
    purpose other than the usual aim "to obtain . . . money or other
    property" by means of deceit,        United States v. Kenrick, 
    221 F.3d 19
    , 26-27 (1st Cir. 2000) (discussing parallel language for bank
    fraud under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1344
    ); and the federal statutes can reach
    beyond common-law fraud.5 But merely alleging defamation--which is
    See, e.g., Restatement (Second) of Torts § 531 (1977) (one is
    liable for fraud to people "whom he intends or has reason to expect
    to act or to refrain from action in reliance upon the
    misrepresentation, for pecuniary loss suffered by them through
    their justifiable reliance in the type of transaction in which he
    intends or has reason to expect their conduct to be influenced").
    In particular, unlike common-law fraud, mail and wire fraud
    does not require first-party reliance, though "it may well be that
    a RICO plaintiff alleging injury by reason of a pattern of mail
    fraud must establish at least third-party reliance in order to
    prove causation." Bridge v. Phoenix Bond & Indem. Co., 
    128 S. Ct. 2131
    , 2144-45 (2008).
    the gravamen of Méndez' charge against Arvelo--can standing alone
    hardly be enough to comprise fraud.
    As for extortion--the other predicate alleged--it too
    fails on the face of the complaint.         Extortion, under the Hobbs
    Act, is "the obtaining of property from another, with his consent,
    induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or
    fear, or under color of official right."         
    18 U.S.C. § 1951
    There is no allegation in the complaint of actual extortion, as
    Méndez concedes; as for conspiracy or attempt, the complaint says
    only that the defendants "entered into a conspiracy to extort the
    plaintiff," a conclusory assertion inadequate under Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 555
    In his appellate brief, Méndez now alleges that the
    defendants sought his business in selling dinars and argues that
    they "attempted to obtain such property . . . even if the property
    would   not    be   used   by   them."     His   explanation   betrays   a
    misunderstanding of "obtain"--disrupting or attempting to close a
    business is not an attempt to obtain that business, Scheidler v.
    Nat'l Org. for Women, Inc., 
    537 U.S. 393
    , 404-05, 410 (2003)--and
    again there is no allegation in the complaint that any of the
    defendants in fact sell dinars or that they sought to supplant
    Méndez or acquire any of his customers.
    Thus, lacking a proper allegation of either class of
    predicate acts, Méndez' RICO claim fails at the pleading stage. In
    addition, Méndez' claim is based upon a RICO enterprise, 
    18 U.S.C. § 1961
    (4), that he describes as a "conspiracy" and "joint effort"
    between the defendants.    But there is no indication, apart from
    these empty epithets, to indicate that Arvelo's negative statements
    were made by or in cooperation with any of the banks; mere
    conclusory allegations are, again, not enough.
    The complaint also fails to state a claim under the BHCA.
    The act provides in relevant part that a "bank shall not in any
    manner . . . furnish any service . . . on the condition or
    requirement . . . that the customer shall not obtain some other
    credit, property, or service from a competitor of such bank."    
    12 U.S.C. § 1972
    (1)(E).   Seemingly, the charge is that the banks are
    refusing to give Méndez accounts in order to suppress competition
    between the banks and an unidentified entity or entities that
    supply Méndez with dinars to resell.
    But yet again there is no allegation that banks supply
    dinars to anyone or that they have sought to replace the unnamed
    entities and become the suppliers of dinars to Méndez or anyone
    else.   It would be a different matter if the complaint alleged that
    the banks had offered to give Méndez accounts so long as he bought
    his dinars from the banks rather than his current suppliers; but
    there is no allegation to this effect, let alone evidence that the
    banks want to become Méndez' suppliers of dinars.   As such, Méndez
    has not offered sufficient supporting facts to plead his BHCA
    claim.    As we have explained,
    the price of entry, even to discovery, is for
    the plaintiff to allege a factual predicate
    concrete    enough    to    warrant    further
    proceedings. . . . Conclusory allegations in a
    complaint, if they stand alone, are a danger
    sign that the plaintiff is engaged in a
    fishing expedition.
    DM Research, Inc. v. Coll. of Am. Pathologists, 
    170 F.3d 53
    , 55
    (1st Cir. 1999).
    The complaint does identify the content, although not the
    occasions of publication, of statements by Arvelo about Méndez'
    operations      that--if    false--might    conceivably   be    defamatory.
    Because   the    district   court   declined   to   exercise   supplemental
    28 U.S.C. § 1367
    (c)(3) (2006), the dismissal of the
    non-federal claims was without prejudice, which leaves Méndez free
    to pursue such local causes of action, if any he has.
    This brings us finally to a tail-end issue occasioned by
    the   fact    that   certain   of   the    defendant   banks   are   now   in
    receivership and the FDIC succeeds to their interest and has
    intervened in the appeal.       Under the statutory scheme, 
    12 U.S.C. § 1821
    (d), the FDIC says that the plaintiffs had to file timely
    administrative claims with the agency, absent which their claims
    would be barred entirely.
    According to the FDIC, Méndez asserts that such claims
    were filed, but the FDIC has questioned this, saying its records
    show nothing but admitting that its records may be incomplete at
    the early stage of receivership.   However, since we are affirming
    the district court's dismissal, the outcome is the same; Méndez'
    claims are foreclosed against the receivership banks whether the
    foreclosure results from the merits or time bar, and we need not
    pursue this inquiry.