Haag v. United States , 736 F.3d 66 ( 2013 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-2176
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Patti B. Saris, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Dyk,* and Thompson,
    Circuit Judges.
    Timothy J. Burke, with whom Burke & Associates, was on brief
    for appellant.
    John Schumann, Attorney, Tax Division, Department of Justice,
    with whom Kathryn Keneally, Assistant Attorney General, Teresa E.
    McLaughlin, Attorney, Tax Division, and Carmen M. Ortiz, United
    States Attorney, were on brief for appellees.
    November 25, 2013
    Of the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation.
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.     This case marks the fourth
    time that taxpayer Kathleen Haag ("Haag") has appeared before this
    court to litigate matters pertaining to her federal income tax
    liability.     In this most recent episode, Haag claims that the
    district court erred when it dismissed her complaint, which sought
    equitable relief from judgment, for failure to state a claim.
    Haag's claim is premised on her belief that I.R.S. Notice 2011-70,
    2011-32 I.R.B. 135, 
    2011 WL 3035113
    ("Notice 2011-70" or "the
    Notice") affords her equitable relief from judgment and that our
    prior finding to the contrary was mere dicta.          Finding now -- for
    a second time -- that Notice 2011-70 is inapplicable to Haag, we
    I. Background
    The origins of this litigation are well documented, see
    Haag v. United States (Haag I), 
    485 F.3d 1
    , 2 (1st Cir. 2007), so
    we sketch here only the essential facts.            In December 2002, the
    United States filed suit against Haag and her husband Robert Haag
    (collectively, "the Haags") in district court, seeking to reduce to
    judgment $1,620,244 in tax liabilities for the years 1985 to 1991
    and 1993 through 2001.        In Haag's answer to the government's
    complaint, she asserted an affirmative defense; she claimed that
    she was entitled to "innocent spouse" relief pursuant to 26 U.S.C.
    §   6015(b).     At   that   time,   however,   a   two-year   statute   of
    limitations governed innocent spouse relief claims. The government
    argued that the limitations period had already run and that Haag
    had administratively waived her claim. While the case was pending,
    the Haags filed a separate action contending that they had been
    denied a statutorily required hearing.           The district court agreed
    that the limitations period had run and granted summary judgment in
    favor of the government on both claims.              The Haags appealed only
    their hearing claim, which we affirmed in Haag I.
    Undaunted, Haag continued her pursuit of relief from
    judgment.      First,    in   an   action    later   consolidated    with   her
    husband's, Haag attempted to revive the arguments decided in Haag
    I.   This Court held that the Haags' claims were barred by the
    principle of res judicata. Haag v. United States (Haag II and Haag
    589 F.3d 43
    (1st Cir. 2009).              Next, Haag sought to take
    advantage of a new legal development when, in 2009, the United
    States   Tax   Court    ("the   Tax   Court")    invalidated   the   two-year
    limitations period on requests for innocent spouse relief.                  See
    Lantz v. Commissioner, 
    132 T.C. 131
    , 131 (2009)(holding that two-
    year statute of limitations on requests for innocent spouse release
    was improper), rev'd, 
    607 F.3d 479
    (7th Cir. 2010).             Haag filed a
    fourth suit in the Tax Court asserting that Lantz had invalidated
    the two-year limitations period and that 26 U.S.C. § 6015(g)(2)
    could lift the res judicata bar, allowing her to relitigate her
    claim for innocent spouse relief.           The Tax Court disagreed, and we
    once again affirmed, holding that res judicata applied.               Haag v.
    Shulman (Haag IV), 
    683 F.3d 26
    , 30-32 (1st Cir. 2012).           By the time
    of our decision, Lantz had been reversed by the Seventh Circuit,
    but the IRS had issued Notice 2011-70 stating its intent to adopt
    other regulations concerning the availability of equitable relief
    to innocent spouses under § 6015(f).           Until such regulations could
    be adopted, the Notice provided that equitable relief would be
    available to innocent spouses under certain conditions.
    Notice    2011-70    provides,       in   pertinent   part,     that
    taxpayers whose innocent spouse relief claims had been litigated
    previously and barred by the two-year statute of limitations would,
    going   forward,    not   be   subject    to    collection   "[i]f   the   IRS
    stipulated in the court proceeding that the individual's request
    for equitable relief would have been granted had the request been
    timely."   Notice 2011-70 at 136.        Noting that no such stipulation
    appeared in Haag I, we agreed with the government that Notice 2011-
    70 did not apply to Haag:
    In any event, we are constrained to agree with
    the government's reasoning that the terms of
    Notice 2011-70 would be inapplicable to Haag
    even if her claim were not precluded by res
    judicata. . . . In Haag's case, the IRS never
    stipulated that § 6015(f)'s two-year deadline
    constituted the sole obstacle to her claim.
    On the contrary, we note that in the Haag I
    litigation, the government argued that Haag
    administratively waived her claim by not
    articulating her request for relief before the
    Secretary prior to raising it at the district
    IV, 683 F.3d at 32
    This brings us to the present matter.        On September 9,
    2011, before Haag IV was final, Haag filed this complaint seeking
    relief from the judgment in Haag I pursuant to Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 60(d)(1).1         The government moved to dismiss the
    case on November 1, 2011, arguing that Haag had failed to satisfy
    any of the grounds for relief from a final judgment under Rule
    60(b), or alternatively, that Haag had failed to state a claim
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).           That matter was
    stayed pending our ruling in Haag IV, at which point the case was
    reopened.     The district court ultimately dismissed the case for
    failure to state a claim, finding that Notice 2011-70 did not
    afford Haag the opportunity to seek equitable relief from the
    judgment in Haag I.2         Haag now appeals the dismissal of her
    II. Analysis
    We review a district court's grant of a motion to dismiss
    for   failure   to   state   a    claim    de   novo.   Gray   v.   Evercore
    Restructuring L.L.C., 
    544 F.3d 320
    , 324 (1st Cir. 2008).            Although
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(d)(1) recognizes a court's
    authority to "entertain an independent action to relieve a party
    from a judgment, order, or proceeding."     Haag sought equitable
    relief from the district court's order in United States v. Haag,
    2004 WL 2650274
    (D. Mass. Sept. 30, 2004), which
    denied Haag's innocent spouse relief claim.
    The district court also found that Haag I became final in 2006
    despite Haag's continued efforts to litigate the matter. Haag does
    not challenge this finding on appeal.
    we view all well-pleaded facts in the light most favorable to the
    non-moving party, "the tenet that a court must accept as true all
    of the allegations contained in a complaint is inapplicable to
    legal conclusions."        Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009).
    In short, Haag's argument on appeal is that her complaint
    was wrongly dismissed because Notice 2011-70 provides her with a
    new and plausible claim to equitable relief.                She dismisses our
    finding to the contrary in Haag IV as mere dicta upon which the
    district court erroneously relied.           By way of support, Haag cites
    the   Notice's    stated    purpose:    to   expand   the    period   in    which
    taxpayers may request innocent spouse relief.3              See Notice 2011-70
    at 135.   She also cites a Notice provision stating, in part, that
    where a final judgment has been entered in a case denying an
    innocent spouse relief claim as time barred, the IRS will not seek
    to collect.      See 
    id. at 136.
    The IRS, however, has expressly limited its willingness
    to forgo collection activity to certain limited circumstances,
    encompassing only those cases in which "the IRS stipulated in the
    court proceeding that the individual's request for equitable relief
    would have been granted had the request been timely."                 
    Id. Haag 3
       Haag's quotation of the Notice also includes language that is
    not, in fact, part of the Notice. The additional language upon
    which Haag relies appears to come from a commercial summary, or
    headnote, from Wolters Kluwer. While we have serious doubts as to
    whether the summary supports Haag's position, we are certain that
    we need not waste time parsing such extraneous material.
    readily concedes that no such stipulation was made in her case.
    This leaves Haag in the precarious position of arguing that a
    Notice     which   provides     specified     relief        only    in     limited
    circumstances -- which Haag admittedly does not meet -- nonetheless
    affords her the opportunity to apply for equitable relief.
    Haag pins her hopes on a sentence that appears in the
    Notice under the heading "Requests that Were in Litigation and that
    Litigation is Now Final."        She points us to language that tells
    individuals in litigated cases where the IRS provided the necessary
    stipulation that they "do not need to reapply                      for equitable
    Id. at 136
    (emphasis added).            From this instruction,
    Haag seeks to infer precisely the inverse proposition.                She argues
    that the IRS, by stating that taxpayers in specified cases need not
    reapply for relief, has implied that taxpayers who do not meet
    these criteria must reapply if they desire equitable relief.                   The
    Notice's plain language, however, does not support such a strained
    The Notice is structured such that it divides taxpayers
    seeking    equitable   relief    into   separate     categories,         providing
    different    transitional     rules   for   those    with    future      requests,
    pending requests, requests denied but not litigated, requests in
    litigation, and requests that were litigated and are now final.
    id. at 135-36.
    While the Notice explicitly provides that those
    individuals whose requests "were denied by the IRS solely for
    untimeliness and were not litigated may reapply for relief," 
    id. at 135
    (emphasis added), it makes no such allowance for those, like
    Haag,    whose   requests    were   litigated    and   who   received      no
    stipulation, see 
    id. at 136.
           To the contrary, when discussing
    those taxpayers whose litigation is now final, the Notice expressly
    limits the relief it offers to "the circumstances set forth," which
    Haag concedes are inapplicable to her.          As we determined in Haag
    IV, Haag simply does not qualify for the relief she claims under
    Notice 2011-70.
    Moreover, even assuming that Haag is correct insofar as
    she argues that our discussion of Notice 2011-70 in Haag IV
    constituted non-binding dicta, the district court certainly did not
    err by incorporating our findings into its own analysis. "[C]ourts
    often,   quite   properly,   give   considerable    weight   to   dictum   -
    particularly to dictum that seems considered as opposed to casual."
    Dedham Water Co., Inc. v. Cumberland Farms Dairy, Inc., 
    972 F.2d 453
    , 459 (1st Cir. 1992).       Nothing prevented the district court
    from agreeing with our reasoning and quoting from it in delivering
    its opinion, and none of Haag's arguments have persuaded us to
    reverse course on the question of the applicability of Notice 2011-
    70 to her case.
    Because all of Haag's arguments regarding res judicata
    are predicated on her belief that Notice 2011-70 is applicable to
    her claim, we need go no further.         By its plain language, Notice
    2011-70 does not apply to Haag's situation because her request for
    relief was previously litigated, is now final, and there was no IRS
    stipulation.   As such, Haag has failed to state a claim upon which
    relief can be granted, and the district court properly dismissed
    her complaint.
    So concludes yet another attempt by Haag to delay the
    government's legitimate collection efforts by litigating a claim of
    dubious merit.   Should Haag continue this course of conduct in the
    future, she may risk incurring sanctions.