Santiago v. Sherwin Williams,eta ( 1993 )

  • September 24, 1993
    No. 92-2263
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    Please make the following  correction in the opinion in
    the above case released on September 10, 1993:
    Page 7, footnote 4:  change the footnote to read as follows:
    Judge Breyer  dissents.  In his  view, despite the
    equitable arguments against certification  in this
    case,  in light  of the  importance of  the matter
    this panel should certify the issue to the Supreme
    Judicial Court.
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 92-2263
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Joseph L. Tauro, U.S. District Judge]
    Breyer, Chief Judge,
    Friedman,* Senior Circuit Judge,
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge
    Jonathan   Shapiro,  with   whom  Stern,   Shapiro,  Rosenfeld   &
    Weissberg,  Robert J. Doyle, Kehoe,  Doyle, Playter &  Novick, Neil T.
    Leifer, Thornton, Early &  Naumes, Judith Somberg, Johnson  & Somberg,
    Arthur Bryant, and Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, were on brief for
    Paul  Michael Pohl, with whom Charles H.  Moellenberg, Jr., Jones,
    Day, Reavis  & Pogue, Thomas  J. Griffin, Jr., Loretta  Smith, Erik H.
    Aldeborgh,  II, Goodwin, Procter &  Hoar, Dale A.  Normington, were on
    brief  for  Sherwin-Williams  Company,  Rory  FitzPatrick,  Meghan  H.
    Magruder,  Bingham, Dana & Gould, Donald A.  Bright, were on brief for
    Atlantic Richfield Company, Michael Nilan, G. Marc Whitehead, Janie S.
    Mayeron, Popham, Haik,  Schnobrich &  Kaufman, Ltd.,  Thomas V.  Urmy,
    Shapiro, Grace  & Haber, were on brief  for SCM Corporation, Donald E.
    Scott, John M. Walker, Kirkland & Ellis, David B. Garten, and Janet D.
    Smith,  were  on brief  for NL  Industries,  Inc., and  Mary Morrissey
    Sullivan, Richard Nahigian,  and Sullivan, Sullivan  & Pinta, were  on
    brief for Lead Industries Association.
    David G. Owen on  brief for The Business Roundtable and Chamber of
    Commerce of the United States of America, amici curiae.
    Stephen  S. Ostrach,  Emily R.  Livingston and  New England  Legal
    Foundation on brief for Associated Industries of Massachusetts and New
    England Legal Foundation, amici curiae.
    September 10, 1993
    *Of the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation.
    STAHL, Circuit Judge.   In this appeal,  plaintiff-
    appellant Monica  Santiago  challenges the  district  court's
    entry  of  summary  judgment  against her  and  in  favor  of
    defendants-appellees.1    In  so  doing,  plaintiff  advances
    three  arguments:  (1) the legal issues in this appeal should
    be  certified to  the  Massachusetts  Supreme Judicial  Court
    ("SJC");   (2)  the   district  court   erred  in   rejecting
    plaintiff's  market  share liability  argument;  and  (3) the
    court erred in rejecting plaintiff's concert of action claim.
    After carefully  reviewing each of  plaintiff's arguments, we
    Plaintiff was born  on November 9, 1972.   From the
    time of  her birth until 1978, she  and her family resided at
    20  Leston Street in Boston.   Plaintiff alleges that, during
    her  period of residence,  she ingested  lead paint  that had
    been applied in layers to the walls and woodwork of her  home
    at various times  between 1917,  the year  of the  building's
    construction,   and  1970.     The   evidence  reveals   that
    1Defendants  are  Sherwin-Williams  Company,  NL  Industries,
    Inc.,  Eagle-Picher  Industries,  Inc.,   Atlantic  Richfield
    Corporation (successor  to International Smelting  & Refining
    Company), and SCM Corporation (successor to Glidden Company).
    On   January  7,  1991,   defendant  Eagle-Picher  filed  for
    bankruptcy in  Ohio, thus  automatically staying  this action
    against it.  See 11 U.S.C.   362.
    plaintiff's blood had highly  elevated levels of lead  by the
    time plaintiff was  one year  of age, that  the lead  reached
    emergency levels  by July 1976,  and that, as  a consequence,
    plaintiff  had  to undergo  chelation  therapy2  in order  to
    remove the  lead from her  body.  Although  plaintiff's early
    development  appeared  to  progress normally,  she  has  been
    diagnosed with a  hyperactivity-attention disorder and  motor
    skill  difficulties  which her  medical experts  attribute to
    lead poisoning.
    Plaintiff initiated this  action in November  1987,
    contending   that  defendants,   or  their   predecessors  in
    interest, manufactured and marketed all, or virtually all, of
    the  white lead  used in the  lead paints sold  in the United
    States between 1917 and 1970.  Her complaint set forth claims
    of  negligence, breach  of warranty,  and concert  of action.
    Jurisdiction was premised upon diversity of citizenship.  See
    28 U.S.C.   1332.
    Plaintiff  could  not  and cannot  identify  either
    which,  if any, of the defendants are  the source of the lead
    she  ingested or  when the  alleged injury-causing  paint may
    have  been applied to the walls and woodwork of her childhood
    2Chelation therapy is a procedure whereby a person  with lead
    poisoning  is  given  chemicals  that  bind  with  the  lead,
    enabling the body to excrete it more rapidly.
    home.3    She has,  however, introduced  (1) evidence  in the
    form  of expert testimony that  lead paint "was  at minimum a
    substantial contributing  factor of her  lead poisoning;" (2)
    evidence  demonstrating that  all of the  defendants produced
    white  lead for  significant portions  of the  period between
    1917 and 1970; (3) evidence that almost all of the white lead
    produced for paint  between 1917 and 1970 was manufactured by
    defendants; and (4) evidence that, between 1930 and 1945, all
    of the defendants, as members of a trade association known as
    the  Lead  Industries  Association  ("LIA"),  "simultaneously
    coordinat[ed]  promotional campaigns  to increase  white lead
    consumption in paint  and .  . . work[ed]  to neutralize  the
    growing public  concern about lead paint poisoning."   On the
    basis of this evidence, plaintiff sought to dispense with the
    identification requirement and hold defendants liable under a
    market   share  theory.     Plaintiff  further   argued  that
    defendants  were liable  for  her injuries  because of  their
    concerted marketing actions as members of the LIA.
    By memorandum and order dated January 13, 1992, the
    district court  rejected plaintiff's market share  claim as a
    matter  of Massachusetts law.   In so doing,  the court ruled
    3There is no direct evidence that plaintiff actually ate lead
    paint.  There is,  moreover, record evidence suggesting that,
    in addition to lead paint,  plaintiff could have been exposed
    to  airborne lead, lead from food and water, and/or lead from
    soil and  dust.  Indeed,  there is  evidence indicating  that
    plaintiff's neighborhood, including the soil around her home,
    was heavily contaminated with lead.
    that even if the  SJC would recognize market  share liability
    under some scenario, it would not do so if presented with the
    undisputed facts  of this  case.   See generally  Santiago v.
    Sherwin-Williams Co., 
    782 F. Supp. 186
     (D. Mass. 1992).   By
    memorandum and  order dated July  2, 1992, the  court further
    ruled that  plaintiff's concert of  action claim failed  as a
    matter  of  Massachusetts  law because  plaintiff  could  not
    identify which  of the defendants actually  had committed the
    tort.  See generally Santiago v. Sherwin-Williams Co., 
    794 F. Supp. 29
     (D.  Mass. 1992).   It is  from these  rulings that
    plaintiff now appeals.
    A.  Certification
    As an initial matter, plaintiff  has requested that
    we certify to  the SJC questions  regarding the viability  of
    market share liability and concert  of action as theories  of
    recovery in  light of the facts  of this case.   We note that
    plaintiff first  requested certification  in this court,  and
    explicitly  stated her  opposition  to  certification at  the
    district court level.  Now,  having lost below, plaintiff has
    reversed  her  position.  Unsurprisingly,  defendants  oppose
    plaintiff's certification request.
    For reasons  that are largely  self-explanatory, we
    have  held  that "one  who  chooses to  litigate  [her] state
    action  in  the federal  forum (as  plaintiff did  here) must
    ordinarily    accept    the   federal    court's   reasonable
    interpretation  of  extant  state  law  rather  than  seeking
    extensions via  the certification process."   Croteau v. Olin
    884 F.2d 45
    , 46 (1st Cir. 1989); see also 17A Charles
    A. Wright,  Arthur R. Miller,  and Edward H.  Cooper, Federal
    Practice  and Procedure    4248,  176 (2d  ed.  1988) (courts
    "should be slow to  honor a request for certification  from a
    party  who  chose  to  invoke federal  jurisdiction").    The
    concerns about fundamental fairness and judicial economy that
    animate this general rule  make us considerably less inclined
    to  depart  from  it  when  the  plaintiff  did  not  request
    certification before  the district  court.  See  Croteau, 
    884 F.2d at 46
    Here, as will  be demonstrated below, the  district
    court's  interpretation  of Massachusetts  law  was eminently
    reasonable.  Furthermore, plaintiff, after initially deciding
    to eschew her prerogative to file this action in state court,
    actively made  her opposition  to certification known  to the
    district  court.   In  light of  these  facts, and  given the
    further fact that  it has  been over five  years since  these
    federal  proceedings  were initiated,  it would  be extremely
    unfair  to  defendants  if  we were  to  allow  plaintiff  to
    relitigate  the   issues  at  the  heart   of  this  lawsuit.
    Accordingly,   plaintiff's   request  for   certification  is
    B.  Standard of Review
    Having  dispensed  with  plaintiff's  certification
    request,  we  proceed  to  delineate the  parameters  of  our
    examination.   Summary judgment allows courts  to "pierce the
    boilerplate of the  pleadings and assay the parties' proof in
    order  to  determine  whether  trial is  actually  required."
    Wynne v. Tufts Univ. Sch. of Medicine, 
    976 F.2d 791
    , 794 (1st
    Cir.  1992), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 1845
     (1993).  It should
    be granted  when  "the  pleadings,  depositions,  answers  to
    interrogatories, and  admissions on  file, together with  the
    affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to
    any  material fact and that  the moving party  is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law."  Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c).
    A fact is only material if it has "the potential to
    affect  the outcome of  the suit  under the  applicable law."
    Nereida-Gonzalez  v. Tirado-Delgado,  
    990 F.2d 701
    ,  703 (1st
    Cir.  1993).  However, our  reading of the  facts, as derived
    from the record, is  always done "`in the light  most amiable
    to  the nonmovant. . .  .'"  Lawrence  v. Northrop Corp., 
    980 F.2d 66
    , 68 (1st Cir.  1992) (quoting Garside  v. Osco Drug,
    4Judge Breyer dissents.   In his view, despite  the equitable
    arguments against certification in this case, in light of the
    importance  of the matter this panel should certify the issue
    to the Supreme Judicial Court.
    895 F.2d 46
    ,  48 (1st  Cir.  1990)).   This  includes
    "indulg[ing]  all reasonable  inferences" in  the nonmovant's
    Our review of a summary judgment ruling is plenary.
    895 F.2d at 48
    .  Furthermore, we are not limited to
    the reasoning employed by the district court; instead, we may
    "affirm the  entry of  summary judgment on  any independently
    sufficient  ground  made manifest  by  the  record."   United
    States v. One Parcel of Real Property, 
    960 F.2d 200
    , 204 (1st
    Cir. 1992).
    In addition to examining the facts, a court passing
    on a summary judgment motion  or reviewing a summary judgment
    determination must,  of course, consider the  applicable law.
    When a  plaintiff invokes  diversity jurisdiction to  bring a
    state law  claim in federal  court, this  survey is  somewhat
    circumscribed,  for   it   is  settled   that,  in   ordinary
    circumstances, a  plaintiff who  "selects a federal  forum in
    preference  to an  available state  forum may not  expect the
    federal  court   to  steer   state  law  into   unprecedented
    configurations."   Martel  v. Stafford,  
    992 F.2d 1244
    , 1247
    (1st  Cir. 1993); see also  Ryan v. Royal  Ins. Co., 
    916 F.2d 731
    , 744  (1st Cir. 1990) (rejecting  a diversity plaintiff's
    attempt  to stretch  New York  law to  new frontiers  without
    providing a "well-plotted roadmap showing an avenue of relief
    that the state's highest  court would likely follow"); Porter
    v. Nutter, 
    913 F.2d 37
    ,  41 (1st Cir.  1990) (plaintiff  who
    seeks out a federal venue in a diversity action should expect
    "unadventurous" interpretations  of state law).   Mindful  of
    these strictures, we turn to plaintiff's claims.
    C.  Market Share Liability
    Plaintiff argues  that the district court  erred in
    granting defendants summary judgment  on her claim for market
    share liability.  In  so doing, she concedes that the SJC has
    never explicitly endorsed a  market share liability theory of
    recovery, and  further recognizes  that the court  rejected a
    certain   species  of  market  share  liability  advanced  by
    plaintiffs  in  a DES  class action.    See Payton  v. Abbott
    437 N.E.2d 171
    ,  188-90 (Mass. 1982).5   Nonetheless,
    5In  Payton,  an action  brought by  a  class of  women whose
    mothers  ingested DES  while pregnant  with them,  the United
    States District  Court  for  the  District  of  Massachusetts
    certified to the SJC the following question:
    Assuming that the evidence does not  warrant a
    conclusion that the defendants  conspired together,
    or  engaged in  concerted  action,  or  established
    safety standards  through a trade  association, may
    the defendant manufacturers, who  probably supplied
    some  of  the DES  ingested by  the mothers  of the
    plaintiff class,  be held liable to  members of the
    plaintiff class when neither the plaintiffs nor the
    defendants  can  identify which  manufacturer's DES
    was ingested by which mothers?
    Id.  at 188.   The  SJC ruled  that it  could not  answer the
    question in the form  stated because the question "d[id]  not
    explicitly  assume  that  the  plaintiffs  will  be  able  to
    establish the negligence of . . . defendants."  Id.  However,
    as is discussed more fully below, the court did set forth its
    general views on  market share  liability.  In  so doing,  it
    rejected  the theory  of market  share liability  advanced by
    plaintiff asserts that certain  dicta in Payton indicate that
    her claim would be approved by the SJC.6  We cannot agree.
    As  the SJC  has  noted, "[i]dentification  of  the
    party  responsible  for  causing   injury  to  another  is  a
    longstanding prerequisite to a successful negligence action."
    Payton,  437 N.E.2d at 188.   However, some courts, cognizant
    of the modern  industrial reality of fungible goods which may
    harm  consumers  but  which  cannot  be  traced  to  specific
    producers,  have relaxed  this identification  requirement in
    certain  negligence and  product liability  cases.   In these
    cases, the courts  have allowed plaintiffs who are  unable to
    identify the  particular defendant who  actually manufactured
    the harm-causing product  to pursue their  claims so long  as
    they are able to prove both  that the product caused the harm
    and that  the defendants were  market suppliers  at the  time
    plaintiff  had her harmful encounter  with the product.  See,
    plaintiffs in that case.  Id. at 189.
    6In concluding its  explicit rejection of the  form of market
    share liability plaintiffs sought to impose, the Payton court
    That is not  to say that on an adequate record
    this court  would not recognize  some relaxation of
    the   traditional  identification   requirement  in
    appropriate circumstances so  as to allow  recovery
    against a negligent defendant  of that portion of a
    plaintiff's damages  which  is represented  by  the
    defendant's  contribution of DES  to the  market in
    the relevant period of time.
    Id. at 190.
    e.g., Sindell v. Abbott  Labs., 
    607 P.2d 924
    ,  936-38 (Cal.),
    cert. denied, 
    449 U.S. 912
     (1980).  If a  plaintiff prevails
    in  such   a  case,   courts  typically  have   limited  each
    defendant's  liability  to that  portion  of the  plaintiff's
    judgment which reflects  the share of the  market supplied by
    the defendant at the time of said encounter.  See, e.g., 
    607 P.2d at 937.  Market share liability has most often  been
    recognized in the context of DES cases.  See, e.g., McCormack
    v. Abbott Labs., 
    617 F. Supp. 1521
     (D. Mass. 1985); McElhaney
    v. Eli Lilly & Co., 
    564 F. Supp. 265
     (D.S.D. 1983); Conley v.
    Boyle  Drug Co., 
    570 So.2d 275
     (Fla. 1990);  Hymowitz v. Eli
    Lilly & Co., 
    539 N.E.2d 1069
     (N.Y.), cert. denied,  
    493 U.S. 944
      (1989);  Martin v.  Abbott  Labs., 
    689 P.2d 368
    1984);  Collins v.  Eli Lilly  & Co.,  
    342 N.W.2d 37
    cert. denied, 
    469 U.S. 826
     (1984).   But see  Ray v.  Cutter
    754 F. Supp. 193
      (M.D. Fla. 1991) (product contained
    HIV virus); Morris v.  Parke, Davis & Co., 
    667 F. Supp. 1332
    (C.D. Cal.  1987) (plaintiff harmed by DPT vaccine); Smith v.
    Cutter Biological,  Inc., 
    823 P.2d 717
     (Haw.  1991) (product
    contained HIV virus).
    As  noted  above,  the  SJC did  have  occasion  to
    consider, by means of a certified question, the viability  of
    one  form of  market  share liability  in  a DES  case.   See
    Payton,  437 N.E.2d at 188-90.   In Payton, plaintiffs argued
    for market share  liability with two significant twists:  (1)
    that  they  be allowed  to proceed  against and  recover full
    damages  from only  six named  DES manufacturers  despite the
    fact that there was a larger number of potential tortfeasors,
    and (2) that defendants  should be prohibited from presenting
    exculpatory  proof.  See id.  at 188-89.   The court rebuffed
    these arguments, holding that two articulated reasons for the
    identification  requirement,  (1)  that  wrongdoers  be  held
    liable  only  for the  harm they  have  caused, and  (2) that
    tortfeasors  be  separated  from  innocent  actors, would  be
    disserved  by  the  adoption of  plaintiffs'  theory.   Id.
    Accordingly, as we have  stated, the SJC rejected plaintiffs'
    version of market share liability.  Id. at 189.
    We  accept for  the  sake  of argument  plaintiff's
    assertions  (1) that  the SJC  would, in  some circumstances,
    relax the identification requirement and allow a plaintiff to
    recover under a market  share theory; (2) that the  SJC would
    recognize  market  share  liability  in  the  lead  poisoning
    context;  (3)   that  plaintiff  has   introduced  sufficient
    evidence  for  a  reasonable  factfinder to  infer  that  her
    injuries resulted  from lead  poisoning; (4) that  lead paint
    was,  as  one of  plaintiff's experts  puts  it, at  least "a
    substantial contributing factor  of her lead poisoning";  and
    (5) that  defendants, who were  mere bulk suppliers  of white
    lead and  did not manufacture  or market the  alleged injury-
    causing  paint,  could  still   be  adjudged  to  have  acted
    negligently towards plaintiff.  Nonetheless,  we believe that
    the  SJC's  professed  interest  in  both holding  wrongdoers
    liable only for the  harm they have caused and  in separating
    tortfeasors  from  innocent actors  is  fatal to  plaintiff's
    Simply put, allowing plaintiff's market share claim
    to proceed despite plaintiff's inability to pinpoint with any
    degree  of precision  the time  the injury-causing  paint was
    applied  to the  house on  Leston Street  would significantly
    undermine   both  of   the   articulated  reasons   for   the
    identification  requirement.   The record before  us reflects
    that the layers  of lead  paint were applied  to the  house's
    walls at  various undeterminable points in  time between 1917
    and 1970.7  It  also indicates that defendants' contributions
    to  the lead  paint market  varied significantly  during this
    time period.  Given  these facts, it is difficult  to discern
    the basis upon which any market share  determination would be
    premised.8  At  any rate, it is evident  that the adoption of
    7Plaintiff did introduce expert testimony  attempting to date
    one of the multi-layered paint samples taken from  the house.
    However, this expert  was only able to say that  one layer of
    lead paint probably  was applied between  1933 and 1939,  and
    that  a  second layer  of  lead  paint was  probably  applied
    between 1955 and 1969.
    8Apparently,  plaintiff would  have  market share  determined
    according  to an  average of  defendants' market  shares over
    time.  Because such  an approach would virtually  guarantee a
    deviation between  liability and  actual culpability  for all
    the named  defendants, we  are confident that  the SJC  would
    look upon it with disfavor.
    plaintiff's  theory would  not be  consistent with  the SJC's
    admonition that wrongdoers  be held liable only for  the harm
    they have caused.
    Moreover, several of the defendants were not in the
    white lead pigment market at  all for significant portions of
    the  period between 1917 and 1970, and therefore may well not
    have  been market  suppliers at  the time  the injury-causing
    paint was applied to the walls of plaintiff's home.  This, of
    course,   raises  a   substantial   possibility  that   these
    defendants not only could  be held liable for more  harm than
    they actually caused, but also could be held liable when they
    did not, in fact, cause any  harm to plaintiff at all.  Under
    plaintiff's  theory,  therefore,  tortfeasors   and  innocent
    actors would not be adequately separated.
    Finally,  we note  that  the dicta  relied upon  by
    plaintiff  indicates that a  relaxation of the identification
    requirement to  allow recovery against  a negligent defendant
    would  only be  appropriate to  the extent that  the recovery
    represents "that  portion of  a plaintiff's damages  which is
    represented by  that defendant's  contribution . .  . to  the
    market in the relevant period of time."  Id. at 190 (emphasis
    supplied).   Here, as  noted, plaintiff cannot  identify with
    adequate specificity the  relevant period of time.   Thus, it
    appears that plaintiff's theory does not fall within even the
    vague parameters mentioned in the SJC's dicta.
    In  sum,  allowing plaintiff  to  recover  her full
    damages from the five  named defendants despite her inability
    to specify the  time of  their negligence may  well, on  this
    record, do violence to the SJC's stated interest in  ensuring
    that  wrongdoers be held liable  only for the  harm they have
    caused.  It also would create a substantial  possibility that
    tortfeasors   and  innocent  actors  would  be  impermissibly
    intermingled.  The SJC  has made it abundantly clear  that it
    would  not countenance either  result.   Accordingly, mindful
    that  federal courts  sitting in  diversity at  a plaintiff's
    election  ought  not  "steer  state  law  into  unprecedented
    configurations," see Martel, 
    992 F.2d at 1244
    , we affirm the
    district court's  grant of summary judgment  to defendants on
    plaintiff's market share claim.9
    D.  Concert of Action
    Finally, plaintiff contends that the district court
    erred in granting defendants  summary judgment on her concert
    of action claim.  Again, we cannot agree.
    9We are aware that  the United States District Court  for the
    District of  Massachusetts, relying  on the dicta  in Payton,
    approved a market  share theory  of recovery in  a DES  case.
    See McCormack, 
    617 F. Supp. at 1525-26
    .  We note simply  that
    the  McCormack case was never  appealed and that  we have not
    had, nor do we  now have, occasion to pass on the correctness
    of its holding.  We further note that the aspect of this case
    upon which we rest our preclusion of plaintiff's market share
    claim  --  plaintiff's  inability  to identify  the  time  of
    defendants'  alleged   negligence  --  was   not  present  in
    Plaintiff's  concert  of action  claim  is premised
    upon the  theory of liability set forth in Section 876 of the
    Restatement  (Second) of  Torts  (1977).   In relevant  part,
    Section 876 (entitled "Persons Acting in Concert") provides:
    For  harm  resulting to  a  third  person from  the
    tortious conduct  of  another, one  is  subject  to
    liability if he
    (a) does a tortious act in concert with the other
    or pursuant to a common design with him, or
    (b) knows  that the other's conduct constitutes a
    breach of duty and gives substantial  assistance or
    encouragement to the other  so to conduct himself .
    . . .
    In   isolated   circumstances,   Massachusetts  courts   have
    indicated their willingness to permit recovery under theories
    tracking the  language of  Section  876.   E.g., Orszulak  v.
    243 N.E.2d 897
    ,  898 (Mass. 1969)  ("Persons who
    race automobiles on a public way are liable in negligence for
    injuries  caused  by one  of  them."); Nelson  v.  Nason, 
    177 N.E.2d 887
    , 888 (Mass. 1961) (similar).
    In essence, plaintiff claims that, "in light of the
    substantial medical  evidence of  the unreasonable risk  that
    [lead  paint]   posed  to   young  children[,]"   certain  of
    defendants' actions  as members of  the LIA between  1930 and
    1945  were  tortious.    Specifically,  plaintiff  points  to
    defendants'    "initiat[ion   of]    nationwide   promotional
    campaigns, encourage[ment of] the use of white lead  in house
    paint  through extensive advertising, [attempts] to undermine
    the growing medical evidence of the danger of lead paint, and
    work[]  to prevent the  enactment of governmental regulations
    which would have restricted the use of white lead in painting
    buildings."10      What   is   utterly   lacking   from   her
    presentation, however,  is any  evidence that these  actions,
    during  the fifteen year period she  identifies, had any role
    in  causing lead  paint to  be  applied to  the walls  of her
    childhood home.   Even if we assume that at least some of the
    lead paint  consumed by  plaintiff was  applied  to her  home
    during the  period of defendants'  alleged concerted actions,
    there is no evidence that the application resulted from these
    actions, or that it would not have taken place in the absence
    of  these actions.  Cf. Roberts v. Southwick, 
    614 N.E.2d 659
    663  (Mass. 1993)  (endorsing instruction  defining proximate
    cause  as "that which, in continuous  sequence, unbroken by a
    new cause,  produces an  event, and  without which the  event
    would not have  occurred").  Thus,  it is  our view that  the
    factfinder  could  only have  based  a  causation finding  on
    speculation or  conjecture.   Clearly, this is  inappropriate
    under Massachusetts law.  See Goffredo v. Mercedes-Benz Truck
    520 N.E.2d 1315
    ,  1317-18 (Mass.  1988); Gynan  v. Jeep
    434 N.E.2d 688
    , 691 (Mass. App. Ct.) (plaintiff "could
    not  leave causation merely  to speculation and conjecture"),
    10Plaintiff acknowledges,  however, that she has  no evidence
    that  defendants  ever  concealed  information  or introduced
    false research into public debate.
    review denied, 
    440 N.E.2d 1177
     (Mass. 1982); see also W. Page
    Keeton et  al., Prosser and Keeton on Torts   41, at 269 (5th
    ed.  1984)  ("The  plaintiff  must  introduce  evidence which
    affords a reasonable basis for the conclusion that it is more
    likely than not that the conduct of the defendant was a cause
    in fact of the result.  A  mere possibility of such causation
    is  not enough;  and  when the  matter  remains one  of  pure
    speculation or  conjecture, or the probabilities  are at best
    evenly balanced, it becomes the duty of the court to direct a
    verdict for the defendant.").
    We  acknowledge that  the question of  causation is
    generally  for the  factfinder.   See Mullins  v. Pine  Manor
    449 N.E.2d 331
    , 338 (Mass. 1983).  Where there is no
    evidence from which the  factfinder, without speculating, can
    find causation, however, the  case is appropriately kept from
    the jury.  See Goffredo, 520 N.E.2d at 1318.  We believe that
    this is such  a case.   Accordingly, we  affirm the  district
    court's  decision  to award  defendants  summary judgment  on
    plaintiff's concert of action claim.11
    11We  recognize that  the  district court  based its  summary
    judgment  decree on  the fact  that plaintiff  was unable  to
    identify any  of the defendants specifically  as tortfeasors.
    See  Santiago, 
    794 F. Supp. at 33
    .  We  also recognize that
    plaintiff has  spent much effort challenging this ruling.  As
    noted  above, however,  we are  free to  affirm the  entry of
    summary judgment on any independently sufficient  ground made
    manifest by the  record.   One Parcel of  Real Property,  
    960 F.2d at 204
    .   Because we do  so here, we  do not  reach the
    correctness of the district court's decision.
    Because  certification to  the  SJC of  the  issues
    raised in  this appeal  would  be inappropriate,  plaintiff's
    request  therefor   is  denied.    Furthermore,  because  the
    district court correctly ruled  that plaintiff's market share
    and concert  of action  claims fail as  a matter  of law,  we
    affirm  its  granting  of  defendants'  motions  for  summary
    judgment thereon.
    Affirmed.  Costs to appellees.