Fen Tjong Lie v. Holder , 729 F.3d 28 ( 2013 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 13-1311
    ERIC H. HOLDER, JR., Attorney General,
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Lipez and Howard, Circuit Judges.
    Thomas V. Massucci on brief for petitioner.
    Virginia Lum, Office of Immigration Litigation, Civil
    Division, Department of Justice, Stuart F. Delery, Acting Assistant
    Attorney General, Civil Division, and Nancy Friedman, Senior
    Litigation Counsel, Office of Immigration Litigation, on brief for
    September 4, 2013
    LYNCH, Chief Judge.     Fen Tjong Lie, a Christian and
    ethnic-Chinese native and citizen of Indonesia, petitions for
    judicial review of an order of the Board of Immigration Appeals
    (BIA) denying his motion to reopen removal proceedings on the basis
    of changed country circumstances.      Because the BIA did not abuse
    its discretion in denying Lie's motion, we deny his petition for
    I.   Background
    On February 10, 2004, Lie was charged with removability
    as a noncitizen who overstayed his visa.     He conceded removability
    but applied for asylum and withholding of removal. On December 11,
    2006, an Immigration Judge (IJ) denied Lie's applications and
    ordered him removed.   Lie appealed to the BIA, which on December
    11, 2008 remanded for further consideration of Lie's claim that, if
    removed, he would face persecution as a Christian and ethnic-
    Chinese Indonesian.
    After a hearing addressing this claim, the IJ on April 7,
    2011 again denied the applications for relief and ordered Lie
    removed.   Lie again appealed to the BIA, which on July 13, 2012
    dismissed the appeal, agreeing with the IJ that Lie had failed to
    show a pattern or practice of persecution.      Lie did not petition
    for judicial review of that dismissal.
    Instead, Lie filed a motion to reconsider, which the BIA
    denied on October 15, 2012.      Lie did not petition for judicial
    review of this denial either, but rather filed what the parties
    agree was an untimely motion to reopen removal proceedings on the
    basis of changed conditions in Indonesia. On February 8, 2013, the
    BIA denied that motion, and this petition for review followed.
    II.   Discussion
    The BIA's denial of Lie's motion to reopen rests on two
    independent conclusions.      The first is that Lie failed to submit
    the type of evidence of changed country circumstances that would,
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.2
    (c)(3)(ii),    excuse   his   motion's
    untimeliness.    The second is that Lie failed to demonstrate the
    type of exceptional situation that would warrant exercising the
    BIA's discretion to reopen proceedings sua sponte.        Lie does not
    appear to challenge the second conclusion, and, even if he did, we
    would lack jurisdiction to review it. E.g., Peralta v. Holder, 
    567 F.3d 31
    , 34 (1st Cir. 2009).       The first conclusion is reviewed for
    abuse of discretion.      E.g., Beltre-Veloz v. Mukasey, 
    533 F.3d 7
    , 9
    (1st Cir. 2008).
    Lie argues that the first conclusion constituted an abuse
    of discretion because it was cursory.      Specifically, Lie questions
    the BIA's statement that he failed to submit "persuasive, material
    evidence of changed conditions in Indonesia." According to Lie, it
    was "tautological (and therefore superfluous, if not meaningless)"
    for the BIA to explain its decision by referring to a lack of
    persuasive evidence. Lie says the evidence he submitted in support
    of his motion was material, so he is puzzled at how the BIA could
    have found otherwise.     We disagree with Lie's characterization.
    The BIA's decision was concise, but that does not make it cursory.
    After making the statement quoted above, the BIA went on to address
    the evidence that Lie argues supported his motion.
    That evidence consisted of an affidavit by Jeffrey A.
    Winters, Ph.D., a professor in Northwestern University's Political
    Science Department who specializes in comparative and international
    political economy, labor, and human rights in Indonesia.              Lie
    claims the Winters affidavit demonstrates that persecution of
    Christian and ethnic-Chinese Indonesians increased between his
    January 2011 remand hearing and his December 2012 motion to reopen.
    The BIA determined that the Winters affidavit largely discussed
    conditions that prevailed in Indonesia prior to Lie's remand
    hearing, and thus did not constitute evidence that was unavailable
    at   the   time   of   that   hearing,   as   required   by   
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.2
    (c)(3)(ii) to excuse an untimely motion.1             We cannot
    conclude   that   this   determination    constituted    an   abuse   of
    discretion.   The Winters affidavit's findings are primarily based
    on events that occurred before 2011.     And the few sources on which
    Lie argues that the Winters affidavit was "unavailable"
    prior to its execution in December 2012.       The regulation's
    exception for untimely motions in the event of previously
    unavailable evidence was not meant to extend to cases like this
    one, where evidence the BIA found to be previously available is
    simply newly packaged.
    the Winters affidavit relies to portray circumstances during the
    relevant period of 2011-2012 do not support the proposition that
    circumstances have changed.           Rather, they show the persistence of
    negative conditions for Christian and ethnic-Chinese Indonesians.
    We    find    it     notable,    though       not   necessary      to     our
    disposition of this case, that the Third Circuit has denied
    petitions for review in at least two cases where this same expert
    was used to establish the existence of persecution of Christian and
    ethnic-Chinese Indonesians.               In Soetiono v. Attorney General of
    United States, "the BIA concluded that the U.S. Department of State
    country reports--as opposed to the testimony of Dr. Winters--
    constitute the best evidence of current conditions of Indonesia,
    and that those reports do not make for a record demonstrating
    persecution that is sufficiently systemic, pervasive, or organized
    so as to constitute a pattern or practice of persecution."                       
    431 F. App'x 150
    ,      153-54    (3d    Cir.    2011)    (internal        quotation       marks
    omitted). Said the Third Circuit, "we can find no reversible error
    with respect to the BIA's decision in this regard as we have
    previously     stated      that    'Country      reports    .    .   .   are   the   most
    appropriate and perhaps the best resource for information on
    political situations in foreign nations.'"                  
    Id. at 156
    in original) (quoting Zubeda v. Ashcroft, 
    333 F.3d 463
    , 477-78 (3d
    Cir. 2003)).       And in Tanzil v. Attorney General of United States,
    the Third Circuit labeled Dr. Winters's testimony about changed
    circumstances in Indonesia "inconclusive," and held that the BIA
    did not abuse its discretion in declining to reopen proceedings
    based on the evidence.   
    426 F. App'x 104
    , 108 (3d Cir. 2011).
    III.   Conclusion
    For the reasons stated above, Lie's petition for review
    is DENIED.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-1311

Citation Numbers: 729 F.3d 28

Judges: Howard, Lipez, Lynch

Filed Date: 9/4/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/7/2023