Angeles Sanchez v. Alvarado ( 1996 )

    No. 96-1278
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    The  opinion of  this  Court, issued  December  2, 1996,  is
    amended as follows:
    P.7, l.4, should read:  . . . relief could be granted . . .
    No. 96-1278
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Salvador E. Casellas, U.S. District Judge]
    Cyr and Boudin, Circuit Judges,
    and Ponsor,* U.S. District Judge.
    Edwin Prado, with whom Pedro Salicrup was on brief for appellant.
    Edgardo  Rodriguez  Quilichini,   Assistant  Solicitor   General,
    Department of Justice, with whom Carlos  Lugo Fiol, Solicitor General,
    and  Edda Serrano Blasini, Deputy Solicitor General, were on brief for
    December 2, 1996
    *Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.
    CYR,  Circuit Judge.   Plaintiff  Maria de  los Angeles
    CYR,  Circuit Judge.
    Sanchez ("Sanchez")  appeals a summary judgment  ruling rejecting
    her  civil rights claim, see 42 U.S.C.   1983, alleging liability
    on  the  part of  certain  supervisory personnel  at  Puerto Rico
    Electric Power Authority ("PREPA")  for failing to take appropri-
    ate  action  against   defendant-appellee  Omar  Santiago,  whose
    persistent harassment prompted Sanchez to tender her resignation.
    We affirm the district court judgment.
    The pattern of harassment  began when Santiago, a PREPA
    employee, telephoned Sanchez at her office in September  1988 and
    invited her to  dinner.   A few days  after Sanchez declined  the
    invitation  she  received a  call  from  another PREPA  employee,
    informing  her that she should expect to hear from Santiago again
    since  he had an ongoing bet that  he would succeed in his quest.
    Later  that month,  Santiago approached  Sanchez and  stated that
    they should  talk.   As Sanchez  walked away,  Santiago exclaimed
    that  she would see what he was  capable of and if she complained
    about his behavior he would cause her harm.
    The  first  supervisor   with  whom  Sanchez  discussed
    Santiago's  behavior, defendant-appellee Ramon Figueroa, tried to
    persuade  her  not to  file a  formal  charge with  PREPA's Equal
    Employment Opportunity Office  (EEOO), stating that everyone  was
    1All material  facts in genuine  dispute are related  in the
    light  most favorable to Sanchez.  Velez-Gomez v. SMA Life Assur.
    8 F.3d 873
    , 875 (1st Cir. 1993)
    entitled  to one  mistake.2    Upon  learning that  Santiago  had
    already  been the  subject of  a sexual  harassment complaint  by
    another  female  employee,  however,  Ramon  actively  encouraged
    Sanchez to file a formal complaint.
    On   November   15,  1988,   defendant-appellee  Carlos
    Alvarado, then  the Director of PREPA, circulated a memorandum on
    the  subject of  sexual  harassment, referencing  a 1988  statute
    prohibiting  sexual  harassment in  the  workplace.   Within  two
    weeks,  three  of  Santiago's supervisors,  including  defendant-
    appellee Edwin Miranda Velez,  met with him to discuss  the inci-
    dent reported by Sanchez.   After Santiago denied any wrongdoing,
    the supervisors informed him  of PREPA's sexual harassment policy
    and directed him  to keep  away from the  floor on which  Sanchez
    worked.   Upon encountering Sanchez with  another female employee
    approximately three  weeks later,  however, Santiago  called them
    lesbians.  Three days  later, on December 8, 1988,  Sanchez filed
    her first complaint with the EEOO.
    On April 14, 1989, following its investigation into the
    first complaint,  the EEOO found that  Santiago's conduct consti-
    tuted sexual harassment, and recommended a reprimand and counsel-
    ling.  Several weeks later, when Santiago met with supervisors to
    discuss  the EEOO report, he  was reminded that sexual harassment
    2We assume,  without deciding,  that  all PREPA  supervisory
    personnel named  as defendants were in  fact "supervisors" poten-
    tially subject to  liability under    1983 in  that Santiago  was
    their subordinate.  See Lipsett v. University of Puerto Rico, 
    864 F.2d 881
    , 902  (1st  Cir. 1988)  (holding that  a constitutional
    violation by a subordinate is a predicate for supervisory liabil-
    ity under   1983); see also p. 8 infra (quoting Lipsett).
    was prohibited  by law.   Once again  he was  warned that  formal
    charges would be filed against him for any further harassment and
    that he was to stay away from Sanchez while on PREPA property.
    On  May 30,  1989, Sanchez  filed her  second complaint
    with  the EEOO, relating to Santiago's conduct between May 15 and
    19.    During  that  four-day  period,  Santiago  left  notes  on
    Sanchez's automobile, suggesting  that they go  to a motel;  fol-
    lowed her on the highway, almost causing a collision; blew kisses
    at  her; and provoked a  fistfight with Sanchez's  boyfriend.  At
    the same time, Sanchez pointed out that Santiago was scheduled to
    represent  PREPA in a basketball game the following weekend.  The
    EEOO  promptly contacted  the person  in charge  of the  team and
    recommended that Santiago not be allowed to do so.
    The EEOO Director, defendant-appellee Amada Nieves, met
    with Santiago at his request on July 7, 1989.  Ms. Nieves remind-
    ed him  that the  May  24 meeting  had been  a  warning that  his
    behavior  toward  Sanchez  constituted  sexual harassment.    She
    informed  him that Sanchez had since filed a second complaint and
    that  Nieves herself  would interview  him about  it in  the near
    Within a  week, defendant-appellee Camille  Galanes, an
    assistant to  Nieves, telephoned  Sanchez at  her office and  at-
    tempted  to persuade  her  to drop  the  second complaint.    Ms.
    Galanes suggested that following up on the second complaint might
    not be necessary because  no further incidents had  been reported
    after  Santiago was reprimanded in connection with the first com-
    plaint.    Sanchez  adamantly disagreed,  however,  stating  that
    Santiago had not been at work between May 25 and June 14, and the
    mere fact that she had not encountered him in the interim did not
    mean his attitude had changed.
    At a  meeting  with Ms.  Galanes  on August  15,  1989,
    Santiago expressed concern about the possible adverse effects the
    earlier  reprimand  might  have  upon  his  professional  future.
    Galanes  reiterated the warning that Santiago was not to approach
    Sanchez on PREPA property.3   Although Santiago continued to deny
    any wrongdoing, he assured Galanes that  he was "not going to  go
    anywhere near"  Sanchez.4  On  October 13, 1989,  Director Nieves
    telephoned  Sanchez on matters relating to  Santiago.  As Sanchez
    was not in, Nieves left a message.  The record  does not disclose
    whether Sanchez returned the call.
    Sanchez  filed her  third  complaint with  the EEOO  on
    April 3, 1990, stating that she had received four unwanted floral
    arrangements from  Santiago,  three within  a  span of  six  days
    during December, 1989;  that Santiago followed her  when she went
    3On  more  than  one  occasion, EEOO  Director  Nieves  told
    Sanchez  that she was too "nervous" and that the harassment might
    be  a product  of  her perception,  noting  that Sanchez  had  no
    witnesses.   Paradoxically, Nieves  even recommended that Sanchez
    directly confront Santiago     despite the fact that Santiago had
    been forbidden  to approach  Sanchez on  PREPA property     since
    showing fear could only encourage Santiago.
    4Unchastened, a  few weeks later Santiago berated a group of
    female  employees (Sanchez  not included)  as "small  and dirty."
    The  EEOO  investigated the  incident  and  recommended a  formal
    charge.  Santiago  was so informed  on December 20, 1989.   Ulti-
    mately,  Santiago was suspended for a week, without pay, based on
    these charges.
    to  lunch,  and whistled  when she  passed  him in  the workplace
    lobby;  and that he telephoned  her at her  office between twelve
    and  fifteen times  a day.   The  EEOO promptly  investigated the
    third complaint and, on June 7, 1990, once again recommended that
    Santiago's supervisor file formal charges  against him.  On  June
    15, 1990,  Santiago's supervisor informed him that she was press-
    ing charges.
    Sanchez submitted her resignation  on July 2, effective
    July 20.   Although EEOO Director Nieves met with  her on July 18
    regarding  the status  of the  third complaint  against Santiago,
    Sanchez failed  to mention her  resignation.  After  Sanchez left
    PREPA,  the EEOO continued to press ahead with the charges relat-
    ing to the third complaint against Santiago, and asked Sanchez to
    testify.   The  charges eventually  were  dismissed for  lack  of
    evidence after Sanchez failed to appear without explanation.
    Approximately   a  year  later  Sanchez  commenced  the
    present  action  against Santiago  and various  PREPA supervisory
    employees,5 alleging Title  VII and civil rights  claims, as well
    as a pendent tort  claim against Santiago under Puerto  Rico law.
    The  district  court first  dismissed  the  Title VII  claim  for
    failure  to  exhaust  administrative remedies.    The supervisory
    liability claims  under section 1983 were  subsequently dismissed
    5The named defendants also included Alvarado's successor, as
    the Director of PREPA,  Jose Del Valle; Jose Cobian,  Director of
    Human Services; Luis Crespo Marcial, Supervisor  of Planification
    and Studies;  Maria Hernandez, Executive Assistant  to the Execu-
    tive  Director, as well as "John Doe" defendants whose identities
    were unknown.
    as  time-barred.   After  this court  reinstated the  supervisory
    liability claims,  Sanchez v. Alvarado,  
    993 F.2d 1530
      (1st Cir.
    1993) (Table), the district  court again granted summary judgment
    for all supervisory defendants on the ground that Sanchez had not
    generated a  trialworthy dispute.   Finally, the  court dismissed
    the  pendent tort  claim  and the  remaining  section 1983  claim
    against Santiago for failure  to state a claim upon  which relief
    could be granted  since liability  on the part  of a  co-employee
    under section  1983 cannot  attach unless the  alleged harassment
    involved  misuse of  power  under  the  authority of  state  law.
    Sanchez  contends on  appeal that  the district  court improperly
    resolved  a genuine issue of material fact at summary judgment in
    dismissing her section 1983 supervisory liability claims.6
    1.   Standard of Review
    1.   Standard of Review
    We  review a grant of summary judgment de novo.  Velez-
    8 F.3d at 874-75
    .   It will be affirmed if "the pleadings,
    depositions, answers  to interrogatories, and  the admissions  on
    file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no
    genuine issue as  to any material fact, and that the moving party
    is entitled to judgment as a matter of law."  Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c).
    A dispute is  "genuine" if "'the evidence about  the fact is such
    6As we affirm the dismissal of all federal claims, we do not
    reach  Sanchez's request  for reinstatement  of the  pendent tort
    claim  against Santiago.  See Newman v. Burgin, 
    930 F.2d 955
    , 963
    (1st Cir. 1991).
    that a reasonable jury  could resolve the  point in the favor  of
    the non-moving  party.'"   Rivera-Muriente v.  Agosto-Alicea, 
    959 F.2d 349
    ,  352 (1st  Cir. 1992)  (quoting  United States  v. One
    Parcel  of Real  Property,  Etc., 
    960 F.2d 200
    , 204  (1st  Cir.
    1992)).  "A fact is material if it 'carries with it the potential
    to affect the  outcome of  the suit under  the applicable  law.'"
    One National Bank v. Antonellis, 
    80 F.3d 606
    , 608 (1st Cir. 1996)
    (quoting Nereida-Gonzalez  v. Tirado-Delgado,  
    990 F.2d 701
    , 703
    (1st Cir. 1993)).  See also Anderson v. Liberty Lobby,  Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 247-48 (1986).  Thus, the substantive law defines which
    facts are material.  
    Id. at 248
    2.   Supervisory Liability
    2.   Supervisory Liability
    Supervisory liability under 42  U.S.C.   1983 cannot be
    predicated on  the doctrine  of respondeat superior.   Gutierrez-
    Rodriguez v.  Cartagena, 
    882 F.2d 553
    , 562 (1st  Cir. 1989).   A
    supervisor can be held liable "only on the basis of  her own acts
    or  omissions."  Figueroa v. Aponte-Roque, 
    864 F.2d 947
    , 953 (1st
    Cir. 1989).  As we have explained:
    [A] state official . . . can be held liable .
    . . if (1)  the behavior of [a] subordinate[]
    results in a constitutional violation and (2)
    the official's action or inaction was "affir-
    mative[ly] link[ed]" to that behavior in that
    it  could  be  characterized as  "supervisory
    encouragement,  condonation  or acquiescence"
    or "gross negligence amounting  to deliberate
    864 F.2d 902
     (citations omitted).  More recently we have
    noted  that an  "indifference that  rises to  the level  of being
    deliberate, reckless or callous, suffices to establish  liability
    under    1983."    Gutierrez-Rodriguez, 
    882 F.2d at 562
    .    The
    requirement of  an "affirmative link"  between the behavior  of a
    subordinate and the action or inaction of the  defendant official
    "contemplates proof that the supervisor's conduct  led inexorably
    to the constitutional violation."  Hegarty v. Somerset County, 
    53 F.3d 1367
    , 1380 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 675
    3.   Summary Judgment
    3.   Summary Judgment
    The  district  court,  relying  on  defendants' summary
    judgment proffers, found  that "[o]n August 18,  1989 Ms. Sanchez
    herself  met with  Galanes and  agreed to  close the  second com-
    plaint, as no further incidents had occurred since May 19, 1989."
    Nevertheless, at  her deposition  Sanchez testified that  she had
    made  it quite clear to Galanes that  she did not want the second
    complaint closed.  See supra p. 4-5.  Thus, Sanchez contends that
    the district court improperly resolved a genuine issue of materi-
    al fact in awarding summary judgment to defendants.
    We agree  that  it was  error  to resolve  the  factual
    dispute concerning the dismissal of the second complaint adverse-
    ly to Sanchez  at summary judgment.  Velez-Gomez, 
    8 F.3d at 875
    Nevertheless, since the  supervisory defendants were  entitled to
    summary judgment  as a  matter of law  in any event,  the factual
    dispute was immaterial, see  Antonellis, 
    80 F.3d at 608
    ,  and the
    error was harmless.
    The defendant supervisors  had warned Santiago to  stay
    away from Sanchez even before the filing of the first formal com-
    plaint  with  the EEOO.   The  EEOO  investigated each  and every
    complaint  Sanchez filed  against Santiago.   Following  the EEOO
    investigation of the first  formal complaint, Santiago was repri-
    manded  and ordered  not to  go near  Sanchez on  PREPA property.
    Even though Ms.  Galanes urged  Sanchez to drop  the second  com-
    plaint, she did so based on  her perception that Santiago had not
    engaged in  any further harassment after  having been reprimanded
    and  ordered  to  keep away  from  Sanchez  following the  EEOO's
    disposition of  the first complaint.   As a matter of  fact, even
    though  it  was only  after  Sanchez  filed her  third  complaint
    alleging yet further harassment by Santiago that the EEOO learned
    that  the disciplinary  action  taken in  response  to the  first
    complaint had failed to produce the anticipated deterrent effect,
    the EEOO nonetheless  took prompt action on the second complaint.
    EEOO  Director Nieves met with  Santiago and informed  him of the
    filing  of the  second formal  complaint.   Ms. Galanes  met with
    Santiago  thereafter,  warning him  of  the  consequences of  any
    further harassment, and reminding him that he was not to approach
    Sanchez  at the workplace.  After looking into the second Sanchez
    complaint, the  EEOO determined that further  action was unneces-
    sary for the reasons explained by Galanes.  See Hegarty,  
    53 F.3d at 1380
     (Sheriff's  decision not  to discipline  deputies, after
    full  investigation, not deliberate indifference despite contrary
    recommendation by Attorney General's advisory panel).
    Given the information available  to Ms. Galanes in mid-
    July, her effort to persuade Sanchez to drop the second complaint
    could not  have constituted "encouragement  or condonation,"  let
    alone conduct  which amounted  to "deliberate, reckless,  or cal-
    lous" indifference.   See  Guti rrez-Rodriguez v.  Cartagena, 
    882 F.2d at 562
      (1st  Cir.  1989);  see  also  Febus-Rodriguez  v.
    14 F.3d 87
    ,  92 (1st  Cir. 1994); Germany  v.
    868 F.2d 9
    , 18 (1st Cir. 1989).   The conduct of the EEOO
    in  proceeding with  the  investigation of  the second  complaint
    notwithstanding the intervening actions taken against Santiago in
    connection  with the  first complaint  precluded any  supportable
    finding of "gross negligence"  or "reckless and callous indiffer-
    ence."   See Febus-Rodriguez, 
    14 F.3d at
    92 n.4.   Since all the
    harassment forming  the basis  for the  second complaint  had oc-
    curred  prior to  the  EEOO's disciplinary  action  on the  first
    complaint,  Sanchez failed to generate  a trialworthy issue as to
    whether Ms.  Galanes'  efforts to  persuade Sanchez  to drop  the
    second complaint amounted to  supervisory action or inaction that
    reasonably  could be characterized as "supervisory encouragement,
    condonation or acquiescence,"  or "gross negligence amounting  to
    deliberate indifference."  See Lipsett, 
    864 F.2d at 902
    The alleged  actions and inaction  by these  defendant-
    supervisors  hardly  qualify  as  a model  for  administering  an
    7We  pause to  emphasize that  this is  no  ordinary hostile
    environment sexual harassment case.   Ordinarily, such claims are
    presented under the rubric of Title VII,  which imposes liability
    on  an employer where the sexual harassment has created a hostile
    environment, known to the  employer, and the employer nonetheless
    fails to  take action  variously characterized as  "appropriate,"
    "reasonable" or "effectual."  See 
    id. at 901
    .  On the other hand,
    Sanchez is  left to confront  the far more  stringent "deliberate
    indifference" standard  applicable under   1983,  since her Title
    VII claims have been dismissed.  See supra p. 5.
    efficient and effective anti-harassment policy.  Even overlooking
    the  efforts  to  discourage  Sanchez from  pressing  the  second
    complaint, their leisurely response to a serious second complaint
    could  create a  trialworthy issue     given  her version  of the
    relevant events and assuming a lack of mitigating explanations
    if simple negligence  were the  applicable standard.   But it  is
    Further, we in no sense mean to suggest that a supervi-
    sor  automatically  escapes  liability  by  conducting  a  formal
    investigation into each harassment complaint  and merely deliver-
    ing a reprimand to the misfeasor even though experience has shown
    that it will be disregarded.   At some point, not reached here, a
    failure  to  take prompt  and  emphatic  action could  constitute
    reckless indifference rather than mere laxity.
    As the "deliberate indifference" standard  for supervi-
    sory liability has not been met by the evidence proffered against
    the defendant-supervisors,  the district court  judgment must  be
    affirmed.  The parties shall bear their own costs.