United States v. Paladin , 748 F.3d 438 ( 2014 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-2098
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Paul J. Barbadoro, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Thompson, Circuit Judge,
    and Smith,* District Judge.
    Judith H. Mizner, Assistant Federal Public Defender, for
    Seth R. Aframe, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
    John P. Kacavas, United States Attorney, was on brief, for
    May 12, 2014
    Of the District of Rhode Island, sitting by designation.
    SMITH, Chief District Judge.   Appellant Patricio Paladin
    is serving a life sentence following his conviction on a series of
    drug charges.     Subsequent to Paladin’s conviction, but before his
    sentencing, Paladin learned of the existence of certain evidence
    that the government had failed to disclose to him, and that he
    suggests may have been used to impeach the credibility of the key
    government witness against him at trial.          Relying on Brady v.
    373 U.S. 83
    (1963), Paladin moved to set aside the
    verdict and for a new trial.     The district court denied the motion
    in a thorough bench decision, and this timely appeal followed.
    Because we agree with the district court’s determination
    that the evidence in question was immaterial, we AFFIRM the
    district court’s denial of Paladin’s motion.           And, as Paladin
    concedes that we are precedent-bound to do, we reject a series of
    separate constitutional challenges to Paladin’s life sentence, the
    imposition of which was made mandatory by the quantities of cocaine
    at issue and by virtue of this being Paladin’s third felony drug
    I. Facts
    A second superseding indictment charged Paladin with one
    count   of   conspiracy   to   distribute   cocaine,   three   counts   of
    distribution of cocaine and one count of possession of cocaine with
    intent to distribute.      Following a jury trial in December 2010,
    Paladin was convicted on all counts.
    The testimony of FBI Agent Mark Alford and a confidential
    informant by the name of Kevin Vega was of central importance to
    the government’s case.             We briefly overview that testimony here,
    but will return to it in greater detail later.                          Alford was the
    first government witness and testified regarding his oversight of
    the investigation into Paladin’s narcotics activities and about his
    supervision of Vega in the initiation and completion of a series of
    meetings and controlled purchases with Paladin.
    Vega testified later in the trial and told jurors that he
    had met Paladin in 2004 and thereafter routinely purchased cocaine
    from him until late 2008, in a total aggregate amount that Vega
    estimated was in excess of 100 kilograms. Of central importance to
    this appeal, Vega testified that during the summer of 2009, he made
    the decision to cease his participation in the drug trade and to
    inform law enforcement of his prior activities.                        Vega told jurors
    that,       in   July    2009,    he    walked    into    FBI   headquarters      in   New
    Hampshire,        confessed,      and     agreed   to     serve   as    a    confidential
    informant.1             This   somewhat    unusual       decision,     Vega    testified,
    resulted         from    Vega’s   guilty     conscience,        fear    of    arrest   and
    incarceration, and the fact that he had a newborn son. Vega stated
    unequivocally that, aside from controlled buys that he performed at
    Although the FBI did not immediately grant Vega immunity,
    Vega was later assured by the United States Attorney’s Office that
    he would not face prosecution so long as he continued to cooperate.
    the direction of the government, the last time that he dealt drugs
    was during the summer of 2009.
    Because this was Paladin’s third felony drug conviction
    and because the quantities of cocaine at issue were sufficient to
    trigger      a     mandatory   life      sentence,       see    21   U.S.C.
    § 841(b)(1)(A)(ii), a significant delay preceded sentencing as
    Paladin sought to overturn at least one of his prior convictions.2
    It was during this period of time, in March 2012, that the attorney
    who had represented Paladin at trial received a letter from one
    Jordan Manning, an inmate at a state correctional facility in New
    Hampshire.       Manning’s letter suggested that Vega had “got[ten]
    busted for a drug charge” and had “received something in exchange
    for testimony.”
    Defense counsel contacted the Assistant United States
    Attorney who had led the prosecution and asked that the matter be
    investigated.      In the course of the ensuing investigation, it was
    discovered that, on November 12, 2010, prior to the start of
    Paladin’s    trial,    representatives    of   various    law   enforcement
    agencies and the New Hampshire United States Attorney’s Office had
    interviewed an individual named Angel Andino in relation to a
    separate narcotics investigation.
    The imposition of a life sentence was made mandatory
    based on the government having previously filed an information
    pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 851(a)(1), setting forth Paladin’s two
    prior felony drug convictions.
    Notes from this proffer session, disclosed in redacted
    form to defense counsel in April 2012, contain the following
    “Andino said that he supplied Vega with 200
    [O]xycontin tablets every 2 weeks for an
    unspecified amount of time. Andino said that
    he stopped supplying Vega with cocaine and
    [O]xycontin tablets approximately 1-2 months
    before his (Andino’s) arrest.”
    The United States Attorney’s Office also informed defense counsel
    that Andino had been arrested in February 2010. If the contents of
    the Andino proffer were true, then it would suggest that Vega had
    lied   to   the   jury   when    he   testified   that   he   had   ended   his
    involvement in the drug trade on his own accord during the summer
    of 2009, because a transaction with Andino one to two months prior
    to Andino’s arrest would have necessarily taken place during the
    winter of 2009 to 2010.
    With this information in hand, Paladin filed a motion to
    set aside the verdict and for a new trial, contending that the
    government had failed to disclose exculpatory evidence that would
    have   allowed    Paladin   to    undermine   Vega’s     credibility.       The
    government did not dispute that the Andino proffer should have been
    disclosed, but maintained that Paladin was not entitled to a new
    trial because the contents of the Andino proffer were immaterial.
    After a lengthy hearing in August 2012, the district court denied
    Paladin’s motion in an oral decision.
    At    a   separate   hearing    shortly    after   the    denial    of
    Paladin’s motion, the district court imposed a life sentence on the
    conspiracy count, noting that such a sentence was “excessive,” but
    “legally required” under the circumstances.3 This appeal followed.
    II. Evidentiary Suppression
    A. Standard of Review
    The district court’s denial of a motion for a new trial
    is properly reviewed for abuse of discretion.              United States v.
    557 F.3d 15
    , 19 (1st Cir. 2009).                We conduct our review
    mindful   that   “[t]he   trial     judge,   having    seen   and    heard    the
    witnesses at first hand, has a special sense ‘of the ebb and flow
    of the recently concluded trial.’ Thus, his views about the likely
    impact of newly disclosed evidence deserve considerable deference.”
    United States v. Mathur, 
    624 F.3d 498
    , 504 (1st Cir. 2010) (quoting
    United States v. Natanel, 
    938 F.2d 302
    , 313 (1st Cir. 1991)).
    B. An Introduction
    “[T]he     suppression    by    the   prosecution    of    evidence
    favorable to an accused . . . violates due process where the
    evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment, irrespective
    of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution.”                 
    Brady, 373 U.S. at 87
    .      A “Brady” claim, then, has three elements: (1) the
    evidence at issue must be favorable to the accused, either because
    Paladin was sentenced to 300 months on each of the
    remaining distribution and possession with intent to distribute
    counts, with all sentences ordered to run concurrently.
    it is exculpatory, or because it is impeaching; (2) that evidence
    must have been suppressed by the government either willfully or
    inadvertently; and (3) prejudice must have resulted.       Strickler v.
    527 U.S. 263
    , 281-82 (1999); see also United States v.
    536 F.3d 1
    , 19 (1st Cir. 2008).         The government
    concedes that the Andino proffer was potentially impeaching and
    that it was suppressed inadvertently.       Thus, the determinative
    issue is whether the suppression resulted in prejudice.
    “Impeachment   evidence   must   be   material   before    its
    suppression justifies a new trial.”    Conley v. United States, 
    415 F.3d 183
    , 188 (1st Cir. 2005).        Evidence is material when a
    “reasonable probability [exists] that the result of the trial would
    have been different” if the suppressed evidence had been disclosed.
    Strickler, 527 U.S. at 289
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Reasonable probability does not require that “the defendant ‘would
    more likely than not have received a different verdict with the
    evidence,’ only that the likelihood of a different result is great
    enough to ‘undermine[] confidence in the outcome of the trial.’”
    Smith v. Cain, 
    132 S. Ct. 627
    , 630 (2012) (alteration in original)
    (quoting Kyles v. Whitley, 
    514 U.S. 419
    , 434 (1995)).               “This
    somewhat delphic ‘undermine confidence’ formula suggests that
    reversal might be warranted in some cases even if there is less
    than an even chance that the evidence would produce an acquittal.”
    Conley, 415 F.3d at 188
    (quoting United States v. Sepúlveda, 
    15 F.3d 1216
    , 1220 (1st Cir. 1993)).
    The strength of impeachment evidence and the effect of
    suppression are evaluated in the context of the entire record to
    determine materiality.     
    Id. at 189.
         Evidence is immaterial where
    it is cumulative or merely impeaches a witness on a collateral
    issue.   United States v. Dumas, 
    207 F.3d 11
    , 16 (1st Cir. 2000).
    Likewise, “suppressed impeachment evidence has little probative
    value if additional evidence strongly corroborates the witness’s
    testimony the suppressed evidence might have impeached.”            
    Conley, 415 F.3d at 189
    C. The Materiality of the Andino Proffer
    The materiality of undisclosed evidence ultimately turns
    on the factors outlined above.            As such, we assess the Andino
    proffer in terms of: (1) its evidentiary strength; (2) whether it
    was cumulative of other evidence offered at trial; (3) whether the
    matters on which it would have allowed impeachment were collateral;
    and (4) whether the matters on which impeachment would have been
    made possible were otherwise corroborated.
    i. Evidentiary Strength
    While the impact of withholding evidence is severe when
    that   evidence   is   highly   impeaching,    the   failure   to   disclose
    evidence whose impeachment value is merely marginal is manifestly
    insufficient to place the trial record in “such a different light
    as to undermine confidence in the verdict.”           
    Mathur, 624 F.3d at 505
    Kyles, 514 U.S. at 435
    The district court’s finding that the Andino proffer was
    immaterial was based, in part, on the conclusion that its contents
    were “ambiguous.”       This conclusion was well-founded, because while
    the Andino proffer suggests that Vega was involved in the drug
    trade months after he had professed otherwise, the full story is
    considerably more complicated.         At the hearing on the motion for a
    new trial, the government represented to the district court that
    Vega’s service as a confidential informant extended beyond the
    Paladin investigation. More specifically, the government indicated
    that Vega had executed a controlled buy with Andino in December
    2009       at   the   direction   of   agents   involved   in    a   separate
    investigation of Andino.           This buy, of course, would exactly
    correspond with the information contained in the Andino proffer.
    Based on the government’s representations, it seems
    likely that Vega did engage in a drug transaction with Andino
    during the period of time that Andino described.                And, because
    Andino was merely under investigation at the time, one might
    reasonably infer that Andino would have had no reason to believe
    that he was dealing with a government informant.4               But, because
    Indeed, the notes from the Andino proffer go on to
    describe that: “Andino said that he had [later] heard that . . .
    Vega was working with the police and had set Andino up. Andino
    said that after he heard about Vega possibly working for the
    police, he stopped dealing with Vega and pushed him away.”
    Paladin chose to leave the record before the district court
    undeveloped, this panel is left to speculate as to what Vega might
    have       said    if   confronted      with    the   Andino   proffer    on    cross-
    examination at trial.
    We   can   envision   three    scenarios.      Vega    could   have
    confirmed that he purchased Oxycontin from Andino in or around
    December 2009, but indicated that he did so at the direction of
    government agents investigating Andino; second, Vega could have
    admitted to lying on direct examination about his motivation for
    turning himself in to the FBI and about the cessation of his drug
    dealing; and third, Vega could have flatly denied engaging in
    narcotics transactions of any kind with Andino.                     We simply cannot
    know which of these scenarios would have played out because Paladin
    declined the district court’s invitation to hold an evidentiary
    hearing to learn more.
    As the movant seeking a new trial under Brady, the burden
    to   demonstrate         the   materiality      of    undisclosed    evidence    rests
    squarely with Paladin.               See 
    Strickler, 527 U.S. at 289
    .               Yet
    Paladin made the decision not to call either Vega or Andino as
    witnesses before the district court.5                  Of the potential scenarios
    When asked, defense counsel indicated to the district
    court that he did not intend to call either Vega or Andino, leaving
    the district court to lament that “I have limited information here
    because neither of you decided to investigate further or tried to
    produce it in front of me . . . .” With respect to Andino, the
    district court theorized that “I suspect [defense counsel elected
    not to call Andino] because you’re probably concerned that he might
    that we outline above, only two of three are potentially helpful to
    Paladin.   In scenario one, were Vega to confirm that he purchased
    Oxycontin from Andino at the direction of the government, the
    impeachment value of the Andino proffer would be nonexistent
    because it would not suggest a discrepancy in Vega’s testimony.
    If, on the other hand, in scenario two, the Andino
    proffer prompted Vega to admit that he had lied to the FBI and to
    the jury, the impeachment value of such testimony would be most
    significant. Likewise, in scenario three, were Vega to flatly deny
    dealing with Andino, it is possible that the Andino proffer could
    have been used to highlight the factual discrepancy and undermine
    Vega’s credibility, assuming that the district court admitted the
    proffer under an exception to the rule against hearsay.6
    In effect, Paladin asks this panel to infer (or, more
    accurately, guess) that either scenario two or scenario three would
    have unfolded and, furthermore, were it scenario three, that the
    not say something that favors you.”
    As the district court recognized, were Vega to deny the
    contents of the Andino proffer, use of the proffer to impeach
    Vega’s credibility would be significantly complicated by the
    prohibition against hearsay. See United States v. Walthour, 202 F.
    App’x 367, 371 (11th Cir. 2006) (per curiam) (“Statements in police
    reports made by individuals other than the reporting officer . . .
    constitute hearsay upon hearsay, and are therefore inadmissible.”).
    The parties hotly contest the applicability of several hearsay
    exceptions, and moreover whether inadmissability necessarily
    precludes a finding of materiality. But, because we find that the
    Andino proffer is of questionable impeachment value based on its
    inherent ambiguity, we need not reach these questions.
    district    court    would      have        resolved     the    various     hearsay
    complications in Paladin’s favor.             This is a bridge too far and we
    decline to cross it because we conclude that Paladin has not
    carried his burden to demonstrate that the Andino proffer would
    have been at all helpful to him.             We reach the same conclusion as
    the district court: the contents of the Andino proffer are at best
    highly ambiguous.        Based on the record before us, we can only
    conclude that the impeachment value of the undisclosed evidence was
    likely    minor,   and   thus   it     is    insufficient      to   undermine   our
    confidence in the jury’s verdict.
    ii. Was the Andino Proffer Cumulative?
    Suppressed      evidence    that     is    cumulative    of    evidence
    presented at trial is immaterial.              
    Avilés-Colón, 536 F.3d at 19
    see also Moreno-Morales v. United States, 
    334 F.3d 140
    , 148 (1st
    Cir. 2003).     Where, as here, suppressed evidence would have been
    used for impeachment purposes, the key issue is whether the defense
    had an adequate opportunity to impeach the witness by other means.
    Zeigler    v.   Callahan,    
    659 F.2d 254
    ,     266   (1st   Cir.   1981).
    “Impeachment evidence, even that which tends to further undermine
    the credibility of the key Government witness whose credibility has
    already been shaken due to extensive cross-examination, does not
    create a reasonable doubt that did not otherwise exist where that
    evidence is cumulative . . . .”              
    Dumas, 207 F.3d at 16
    United States v. Shelton, 
    588 F.2d 1242
    , 1248 (9th Cir. 1978)); see
    also United States v. Connolly, 
    504 F.3d 206
    , 217 (1st Cir. 2007).
    Nevertheless, “suppressed impeachment evidence can be immaterial
    because of its cumulative nature only if the witness was already .
    . . impeached at trial by the same kind of evidence.”   
    Conley, 415 F.3d at 192
    (quoting United States v. Cuffie, 
    80 F.3d 514
    , 518
    (D.C. Cir. 1996)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The district court’s immateriality finding was based, in
    part, on its conclusion that the Andino proffer would have provided
    avenues of impeachment that were cumulative of others already
    available to the defense.    We agree that, at best, the Andino
    proffer would have provided Paladin with more of the same kind of
    evidence that was already available to him to undermine Vega’s
    Paladin relies principally on the notion from Conley that
    evidence is cumulative only insofar as the witness was already
    impeached by the “same kind of evidence.”   See 
    id. In Conley,
    defendant police officer was convicted of perjury and obstruction
    charges stemming from his involvement in (and subsequent cover-up
    of) the accidental beating of an undercover officer.    
    Id. at 187.
    A key government witness - a fellow officer involved in the pursuit
    that led to the beating - testified regarding his perception of the
    chain of events.   However, the prosecution had failed to disclose
    an FBI interview with the witness during which he expressed
    uncertainty regarding the events, and even asked that he be
    hypnotized in order to better recall what had happened.     
    Id. at 185-86.
      This Court found that a Brady violation had occurred
    because the defendant had been unaware of any evidence suggesting
    that the witness was uncertain as to his recollection of events.
    Id. at 191
    (“Prior to trial . . . Petitioner did not know the
    Government’s key witness previously suggested he be hypnotized to
    ‘truly recall’ the events . . . . Without any other similar
    material, Petitioner did not impeach [the witness’s] ability to
    recall at trial.”).
    A prejudicial Brady violation has not been effected,
    however, where the defendant already had available to him evidence
    that would have allowed for impeachment on the same or similar
    topics.   In Moreno-Morales, for example, a key government witness
    implicated the defendant police officer in the murder of an unarmed
    suspect. 334 F.3d at 143-44
    . On appeal, the defendant argued that
    the government had turned over only a subset of polygraph test
    results demonstrating that the witness changed his story numerous
    times prior to trial.   This Court disagreed, concluding that the
    additional test results would have been cumulative because the
    defense had ample opportunity to impeach the witness’s credibility
    with other evidence of his prior inconsistencies.   
    Id. at 148;
    Connolly, 504 F.3d at 217
    (“Given [the witness’s] extensive
    criminal history, it would not have been an abuse of discretion for
    the district court to find that the absence of additional cross-
    examination on essentially the same well-developed theme would not
    undermine confidence in the jury’s verdict.”).
    Paladin’s reliance on Conley is misplaced.           While the
    Andino proffer had the potential to lead to a line of questioning
    regarding Vega’s truthfulness with law enforcement and with the
    jury, Paladin already had available - and used - the same kind of
    evidence to undermine Vega’s credibility.         For example, on cross-
    examination, the defense elicited from Vega the concession that,
    despite earning upwards of a million dollars from the sale of
    Oxycontin   tablets,   Vega   paid    virtually   nothing   in   taxes   and
    laundered the narcotics proceeds through a small business that he
    owned.   Vega was also questioned about a home invasion in which
    several masked intruders broke into his house, bound Vega and his
    wife in front of their children, and stole various items.                Vega
    admitted that he lied to police officers after the incident when he
    told them that he was not a drug dealer. In continued questioning,
    the defense suggested that Vega was similarly lying about his
    relationship with Paladin in order to avoid prosecution.
    In sum, the principal focus of the defense on cross-
    examination sought to undermine Vega’s credibility by suggesting to
    the jury that Vega was generally dishonest and was willing to lie
    to serve his own interests. In the best case scenario for Paladin,
    the Andino proffer would have permitted one additional avenue to
    accomplish this same objective.7              This, we believe, necessarily
    means     that   the   Andino   proffer    was   cumulative     because    it    is
    ultimately the same kind of evidence already in the record.                      See
    Conley, 415 F.3d at 192
    iii. Were the Issues for Impeachment Collateral?
    “Impeachment evidence . . . does not create a reasonable
    doubt that did not otherwise exist where that evidence is . . .
    Dumas, 207 F.3d at 16
    Shelton, 588 F.2d at 1248
    ).     A matter is considered collateral if “the matter itself is
    not relevant in the litigation to establish a fact of consequence,
    i.e., not relevant for a purpose other than mere contradiction of
    the   in-court     testimony    of   the    witness.”        United    States    v.
    986 F.2d 1
    , 4 (1st Cir. 1993) (quoting 1 McCormack on
    Evidence § 45, at 169 (4th ed. 1992)).
    The district court touched on this issue when it drew a
    distinction      between   “evidence      the   government    has     produced   to
    support the elements of the case” and “evidence that bears on the
    credibility of a witness.”           We read the district court’s oral
    decision as concluding, based on this distinction, that the Andino
    proffer    was   collateral     because    while   it   would    have    possibly
    Though we note again the distinct possibility that Vega
    might have responded to this line of questioning by indicating that
    the transactions with Andino had been in his capacity as a
    confidential informant and at the direction of the government - a
    response that would have served to eliminate any impeachment value
    that the proffer might have provided.
    permitted impeachment of Vega’s general credibility, it would not
    have permitted impeachment of the factual evidence underlying the
    government’s case.     In light of the weakness of the suppressed
    evidence and its cumulativeness, any error in the district court’s
    finding - if indeed there was any at all - was harmless.
    iv. Were the Issues for Impeachment Corroborated?
    “[S]uppressed impeachment evidence has little probative
    value if additional evidence strongly corroborates the witness’s
    testimony the suppressed evidence might have impeached.”            
    Conley, 415 F.3d at 189
    ; see also 
    Hall, 557 F.3d at 19
    .               Nevertheless,
    “[c]onfidence in the outcome is particularly doubtful when the
    withheld    evidence   impeaches   a      witness   whose    ‘testimony   is
    uncorroborated and essential to the conviction.’”                Norton v.
    351 F.3d 1
    , 9 (1st Cir. 2003) (quoting United States v.
    279 F.3d 105
    , 126 (1st Cir. 2002)).
    This Court has previously found undisclosed evidence to
    be immaterial by virtue of having been independently corroborated.
    See, e.g., United States v. González-González, 
    258 F.3d 16
    , 18-19
    (1st Cir. 2001) (despite government’s nondisclosure of evidence
    tending to undermine the credibility of two witnesses, numerous
    other witnesses testified as to defendant’s involvement in a drug
    conspiracy and the government introduced documentary evidence
    including    recordings   of   conversations,       travel    records     and
    surveillance photographs); 
    Connolly, 504 F.3d at 214
    (aside from a
    government witness who later purportedly recanted his testimony,
    multiple    other    witnesses          testified    as    to   defendant’s       corrupt
    dealings with organized crime figures); 
    Mathur, 624 F.3d at 505
    (despite delayed disclosure of evidence defendant argued could be
    used to shift blame to one of the witnesses against him, numerous
    other witnesses testified as to their victimization by defendant’s
    financial     scheme       and     the     government       introduced       voluminous
    corroborative records).                Nevertheless, at the other end of the
    spectrum, this Court has found that a trial court erred when it
    declined    to     grant    a    new    trial     where    evidence     emerged     post-
    conviction    that     the      government’s       sole    witness    had    fabricated
    allegations and where no additional corroborative evidence was
    introduced at trial.            See 
    Norton, 351 F.3d at 9
    Our    focus       with    respect    to     corroboration      is   on   the
    conspiracy charge.           The district court concluded, and we agree,
    that the evidence of Paladin’s guilt on the distribution and
    possession with intent to distribute charges was overwhelming and
    did not depend on Vega’s credibility.                   Jurors heard testimony from
    federal, state and local law enforcement personnel who variously
    investigated       Paladin,       conducted       surveillance     on    a   series    of
    controlled buys with Vega, tested and confirmed as cocaine the
    substances that Vega purchased from Paladin, executed a search
    warrant at Paladin’s residence where a significant cocaine stash
    was uncovered, and arrested Paladin while he was traveling in
    Georgia and carrying some ten thousand dollars in cash.                 This
    evidence was not meaningfully contested.
    As the district court recognized, however, despite the
    strength of the government’s case with respect to the other counts,
    the   conspiracy   charge   depended   in   large   part   on   the   jury’s
    willingness to accept Vega’s version of events that had taken place
    prior to his becoming a confidential informant.8
    We    believe    that   there    was     sufficient    evidence
    corroborative of Vega’s testimony on the conspiracy count.                We
    begin with Paladin’s own statements.        The jury heard a series of
    audio recordings of meetings and controlled buys between Vega and
    Paladin, as well as the testimony of members of law enforcement who
    surveilled these interactions.      Paladin is heard to make a series
    of comments indicative of a long-standing drug dealing relationship
    with Vega.      For example, in one conversation in which Vega and
    Paladin are discussing drug quantities, the following exchange took
    Paladin: That’s what you need, we don’t need,
    it’s not like [expletive deleted] to go around
    like we used to do, you know what I mean.
    “[I]n situations where the conspiracy involves only [one]
    defendant and a government informer. . . . there can be no
    conspiracy because it takes two to conspire and the government
    informer is not a true conspirator.” United States v. Giry, 
    818 F.2d 120
    , 126 (1st Cir. 1987) (second alteration in original)
    (citations omitted).     The controlled drug transactions that
    occurred after Vega became an informant could not form the basis of
    conspiracy liability.
    Vega: [Expletive deleted], what are we doing
    [expletive deleted] that one summer like 100
    Paladin: [Inaudible] . . . I’m going beyond that.
    During a separate conversation on the topic of conducting
    their meetings in parking lots, Paladin is heard to say: “Yeah,
    [expletive deleted], you gotta move in close so we can meet up like
    we did before, you feel me?”    We view these (and other) statements
    by Paladin as corroborating Vega’s testimony that Vega and Paladin
    had previously conspired to distribute cocaine prior to Vega’s
    service as an informant.
    There was also corroboration of Vega’s testimony by other
    witnesses, principally Agent Alford, the FBI agent who oversaw the
    investigation   of   Paladin   and   who   testified   first   for   the
    government.   In one instance of corroboration, among others, Vega
    testified that in approximately 2007, he paid Paladin for a
    shipment of cocaine by giving him a customized Suzuki motorcycle.
    Agent Alford testified regarding the FBI’s seizure of the same
    motorcycle in 2010 and the government offered in evidence the
    motorcycle’s title history which showed Vega’s past ownership and
    present ownership by Paladin’s girlfriend, Cristy Baez.10
    The government represented at oral argument, and we have
    no reason to doubt, that a “key” is a kilogram.
    Agent Alford testified that when the FBI tracked down the
    motorcycle, it was for sale on Craigslist, with interested buyers
    instructed to call a phone number registered to Paladin and Baez.
    Next, Agent Alford corroborated Vega’s testimony with
    respect to the nature of the “fronting” and payment practices.
    Vega testified that his independent dealings with Paladin spanned
    from 2004 to 2008, and that there was a gap between Vega’s last
    purchase in 2008 and his reinitiation of contact with Paladin at
    the   direction   of    the   FBI   in    November      2009.       Vega   testified
    regarding the details of the first controlled buy, and jurors heard
    an audio recording of what transpired.                       During this meeting,
    Paladin provided Vega with six ounces of cocaine, and Vega and
    Paladin agreed that Vega would pay for it approximately a week
    later.    This practice, in which the buyer effectively purchases
    drugs on credit, then pays the seller later with proceeds from the
    resale,    is   known   as    fronting.         Vega   testified      that    in   two
    additional controlled buys in November and December 2009, Vega and
    Paladin used similar fronting arrangements.
    Agent Alford corroborated this testimony by detailing for
    jurors his oversight of the controlled purchases.                    Specifically,
    Agent    Alford   testified     that     in     the   case    of   each    controlled
    purchase, Paladin fronted Vega the drugs, then Vega later paid for
    them with funds provided by the government.                  As the district court
    recognized, Paladin’s willingness to front significant quantities
    of cocaine to Vega beginning with the first controlled purchase in
    November 2009 is indicative of a prior drug dealing relationship.
    We believe it unlikely that Paladin would have done so were he
    dealing with Vega for the first time.
    Witnesses other than Agent Alford corroborated Vega’s
    testimony as well.      For example, Vega testified that Paladin used
    the Lowell, Massachusetts home of an associate by the name of Juan
    Burgos (nicknamed “Indio”) as a stash house for guns, drugs and
    bulletproof vests. Vega testified about a conversation that he had
    with Paladin in 2007 in which Paladin described arriving at Indio’s
    home to collect a package of marijuana, knocking on the front door,
    and it being opened by police officers and FBI agents who happened
    to have just recently raided the home in connection with an
    investigation into Indio.          Vega testified that Paladin told him
    that the officers questioned but ultimately released him.                  This
    testimony   was   corroborated      by    members   of   the   Lowell   Police
    Department who testified as to the execution of the raid at Indio’s
    home and Paladin’s ill-timed arrival, questioning and release.
    D. Conclusion
    Because of the questionable evidentiary strength of the
    Andino proffer, the fact that we believe it to provide avenues of
    impeachment that are merely cumulative of others that were already
    available   to    the   defense,    and   because   Vega’s     testimony   was
    sufficiently corroborated, we agree with the district court that
    the Andino proffer was immaterial.          As such, we AFFIRM the denial
    of Paladin’s motion to set aside verdict and for a new trial.
    III. Constitutional Challenges
    Paladin raises a series of constitutional challenges to
    the district court’s imposition of a life sentence.                    As we noted
    previously,         the   life    sentence     was   made    mandatory       by   the
    government’s        filing   of   an   information     pursuant   to    21    U.S.C.
    § 851(a)(1) regarding two prior felony drug convictions that
    Paladin had sustained.11          These convictions, combined with the fact
    that the instant charges involved more than the necessary five
    kilograms of cocaine, triggered the requirement set forth at 21
    U.S.C.       §   841(b)(1)(A)(viii)     that   “[i]f   any   person     commits    a
    violation of this subparagraph . . . after two or more prior
    convictions for a felony drug offense have become final, such
    person shall be sentenced to a mandatory term of life imprisonment
    without release . . . .”               Paladin raises these constitutional
    challenges for further appellate review because, as he concedes,
    most of them are foreclosed by binding precedent. We consider each
    of Paladin’s arguments in turn, but they need not detain us for
    The information, filed in August 2010, suggests that
    Paladin was previously convicted in 1998 for conspiracy to possess
    a controlled drug with intent to sell, and in 2003 for conspiracy
    to sell a controlled drug. Both convictions were in New Hampshire
    state courts.    The record suggests that, prior to sentencing,
    Paladin sought unsuccessfully to vacate the 1998 conviction.
    A. Does Alleyne v. United States Require Submission of
    Prior Convictions to the Jury?
    Paladin maintains that because the indictment did not
    reference his two prior felony convictions, and because the jury
    was not required to find beyond a reasonable doubt that he had been
    convicted of these crimes, Paladin’s Fifth and Sixth Amendment
    rights to have all of the elements of an offense included in an
    indictment and found by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt were
    violated.    Because this argument was preserved, our review is for
    harmless error, see United States v. Harakaly, 
    734 F.3d 88
    , 94 (1st
    Cir. 2013), cert. denied, 
    134 S. Ct. 1530
    (2014), but we conclude
    based on binding Supreme Court and Circuit precedent that there was
    no error at all.
    In Almendarez-Torres v. United States, the Supreme Court
    upheld the constitutionality of a statute that permitted district
    courts to enhance certain sentences based on the defendant’s status
    as a recidivist even where allegations of the defendant’s prior
    offenses were not set forth in the indictment.    
    523 U.S. 224
    , 228
    (1998) (“An indictment must set forth each element of the crime
    that it charges.    But it need not set forth factors relevant only
    to the sentencing of an offender found guilty of the charged
    crime.”) (citations omitted).      Four years later, in Harris v.
    United States, the Supreme Court affirmed the conviction of a
    defendant where the district court had found by a preponderance of
    the evidence that the defendant had “brandished” a firearm in
    relation to a drug crime, but the question of brandishing had not
    been submitted to the jury.      
    536 U.S. 545
    , 550-52 (2002).     Under
    the applicable statute, the district court’s finding that the
    defendant had brandished the firearm resulted in an enhanced
    mandatory minimum sentence.     
    Id. at 550-51.
    Alleyne v. United States overruled Harris, reasoning that
    “[f]acts that increase the mandatory minimum sentence are . . .
    elements and must be submitted to the jury and found beyond a
    reasonable doubt.”      
    133 S. Ct. 2151
    , 2158 (2013).      Nevertheless,
    Alleyne recognized an exception to this rule that a defendant’s
    prior convictions need not be submitted to the jury even where
    those convictions form the basis for an increased sentence. 
    Id. at 2160
    n.1.    In Alleyne, the Supreme Court expressly declined to
    revisit Almendarez-Torres.      See id.; see also United States v.
    724 F.3d 39
    , 51 n.4 (1st Cir. 2013), cert. denied, 134 S.
    Ct. 668 (2013) (“[Appellant] . . . ask[ed] this court to find that
    his sentence is unconstitutional because the question of his status
    as an [armed career criminal] should have been submitted to the
    jury pursuant to [Alleyne].     We disagree.   In Alleyne, the Supreme
    Court   stated   that    [Almendarez-Torres]     remains   good   law.”)
    (citations omitted). This being the case, we must reject Paladin’s
    argument that his Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights were implicated
    when the indictment did not set forth his prior convictions and the
    jury was not required to pass upon them.
    B. Does Alleyne Require Submission of Drug Quantity to
    the Jury?
    Paladin contends that the district court erred by not
    submitting      to    the   jury   the   question    of   whether   Paladin    was
    individually responsible for the charged quantity of cocaine (five
    kilograms    or      more).    Because     Paladin    did   not   preserve    this
    argument, our review is for plain error. See 
    Harakaly, 734 F.3d at 94
    .   To prevail, Paladin must show that the error was “prejudicial
    and affected his substantial rights, and . . . caused a miscarriage
    of    justice   or     seriously    undermined      the   integrity   or   public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.”             United States v. Carpenter,
    736 F.3d 619
    , 632 (1st Cir. 2013), cert. denied, 
    134 S. Ct. 901
    (2014) (quoting United States v. Henderson, 
    320 F.3d 92
    , 105 (1st
    Cir. 2003)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    As we noted earlier, Alleyne requires that any fact that
    serves to increase the mandatory minimum sentence be submitted to
    the jury and found beyond a reasonable 
    doubt. 133 S. Ct. at 2158
    Prior to Alleyne, this Court had held that “when a district court
    determines drug quantity for the purpose of sentencing a defendant
    convicted of participating in a drug-trafficking conspiracy, the
    court is required to make an individualized finding as to drug
    amounts attributable to, or foreseeable by, that defendant.”
    United States v. Colón-Solís, 
    354 F.3d 101
    , 103 (1st Cir. 2004).
    Paladin urges a collective reading of Colón-Solís and Alleyne to
    require that the jury make an individualized finding as to the
    quantity of drugs attributable to a particular defendant.                  Against
    that backdrop, Paladin argues that the district court’s jury
    instructions were insufficient to glean an individualized finding
    as to the quantity of cocaine attributable to him.
    This argument misconstrues the district court’s jury
    instructions and overlooks the nature of the charged conspiracy.
    The district court instructed the jury that “[i]n order for the
    defendant to be found guilty of the charged conspiracy, the
    government must prove that the defendant conspired to distribute
    and possess with intent to distribute five or more kilograms of
    cocaine.” (emphasis added).         These instructions required the jury
    to find that Paladin directly conspired with respect to the
    applicable minimum quantity in order to sustain a conviction.
    What is more, we distinguish the instant conspiracy from
    the facts underlying this Court’s holding in Colón-Solís.                   There,
    this Court was faced with one defendant involved in a large-scale
    Puerto Rican drug cartel responsible for massive quantities of
    cocaine and heroin.      
    Id. at 102.
         Of course, in these contexts, the
    automatic    attribution    of    the    full    scope    of   the    conspiracy’s
    dealings    to   a   particular    defendant         without   an   individualized
    quantity finding is problematic.                See 
    id. at 103-04.
    however, the charged five kilogram quantity was based solely on the
    conspiratorial dealings of two men: Paladin and Vega.                      Paladin
    cannot   reasonably     maintain    that       his    substantial     rights   were
    affected when there are no third parties to whom a material portion
    of the cocaine in question could be attributed.12
    Even if we were to look beyond the sufficiency of the
    jury instructions and the nature of the charged conspiracy and
    conclude that the district court had erred, Paladin would be unable
    to demonstrate the requisite prejudice necessary to prevail on
    plain error review.     This Court has previously “treated the
    presence of overwhelming evidence of the requisite drug types and
    quantities as a proxy for harmlessness.”   
    Harakaly, 734 F.3d at 95
    (quoting United States v. Pérez-Ruiz, 
    353 F.3d 1
    , 18 (1st Cir.
    Vega testified that, in his estimate, he and Paladin
    dealt in more than 100 kilograms of cocaine between 2004 and 2008.
    We acknowledge that this figure is an estimate and nothing more.
    But the volume of cocaine attributable to Paladin in the mere five
    weeks between the first controlled purchase with Vega and the raid
    on Paladin’s home confirms that he dealt in significant quantities,
    lending credibility to Vega’s estimate.
    Agent Alford testified that Vega purchased six ounces of
    cocaine from Paladin in each of two controlled buys on November 12
    and December 8, 2009, and a kilogram in a third buy on December 15.
    Indeed, jurors heard testimony about just one transaction
    in which Paladin was not directly involved. Vega testified that on
    one occasion in early 2008, after Indio’s house was raided and
    Paladin was nearly implicated, Paladin “had a little hiatus” and
    Vega purchased cocaine from Paladin’s girlfriend.
    Then, Agent Alford testified that in the raid on Paladin’s home on
    December 17, an additional three and a half kilograms of cocaine
    were found and seized.      That Paladin was responsible for nearly
    five kilograms of cocaine during this short period of time suggests
    that Vega’s estimate of their prior dealings between 2004 and 2008
    was not wildly inaccurate.13
    C. Does the Five-Year Limitation on Challenging Prior
    Convictions under 21 U.S.C. § 851(e) Violate Due Process
    and Equal Protection?
    “No person who stands convicted of an offense . . . may
    challenge the validity of any prior conviction alleged under this
    section which occurred more than five years before the date of the
    information alleging such prior conviction.”     21 U.S.C. § 851(e).
    Paladin’s argument with respect to this issue may be summarized as
    follows: the 1998 felony drug conviction that he sustained and that
    was one of two prior felonies referenced in the government’s
    information filed with the district court was tainted due to
    ineffective assistance of counsel, but Paladin was barred from
    raising this issue before the district court because the conviction
    was more than five years old.     Thus, his right to due process and
    equal protection was violated.    Our review is de novo.   See United
    States v. Robinson, 
    137 F.3d 652
    , 653 (1st Cir. 1998).
    A kilogram is equal to just over 35 ounces. The three
    controlled     purchases and the raid produced approximately 4.8
    As Paladin acknowledges, this argument has been squarely
    refuted   by   Circuit       precedent,    and     we   must   reject    it.   See
    Henderson, 320 F.3d at 104
        (“The    ban    against      challenging
    convictions over five years need only be supported by a rational
    legislative purpose because no fundamental right or suspect class
    is at issue in this case.          The five year limitation . . . has a
    rational basis in light of both the administrative difficulties
    inherent in challenges to prior convictions . . . and the interest
    in finality.         We therefore have no difficulty concluding that
    section 851(e) does not violate [defendant’s] right to due process
    and equal protection of the law.”) (citations omitted).
    D. Is the Life Sentence Arbitrary and Capricious?
    Paladin contends that broad prosecutorial discretion
    results in the arbitrary and capricious application of sentencing
    enhancements under § 851(e).          This argument too is foreclosed by
    binding precedent as the Supreme Court has reviewed and deemed
    constitutional the applicable practices under § 851.                    See United
    States v. Labonte, 
    520 U.S. 751
    , 761-62 (1997).
    E. Does the Life Sentence Violate the Eighth Amendment?
    Paladin’s final challenge suggests that his life sentence
    violates the Eighth Amendment because it is cruel and unusual and
    is contrary to an emerging national consensus on sentencing for
    non-violent drug crimes.14         Our review is de novo.        See United
    States v. Raymond, 
    697 F.3d 32
    , 40 (1st Cir. 2012).              This Court
    recently considered, and rejected, virtually identical arguments in
    United States v. Jones, 
    674 F.3d 88
    , 96-97 (1st Cir. 2012), cert.
    133 S. Ct. 363
    (2012) (citing Supreme Court cases upholding
    life and other lengthy prison sentences for non-violent repeat drug
    offenders), and we must do the same here.
    While we may well agree with the sentiment of the
    district court that the sentence here is excessive, like the
    district    court,   we   cannot   but   hold   that   it   is   lawful   and
    constitutional.      Relief in cases such as this - if there is any -
    must come, in the first instance, in the exercise of restraint and
    wisdom in the charging decision of the prosecutor, or in the
    exercise of the clemency power; both are executive not judicial
    functions and leave us powerless to intercede to grant relief.
    With respect to an emerging national consensus, Paladin
    relies principally on Graham v. Florida, 
    560 U.S. 48
    (2010), in
    which the Supreme Court considered national public opinion in
    assessing the constitutionality of sentencing juveniles to life in
    prison without the possibility of parole for non-homicide offenses.