Manso-Pizarro v. SHHS ( 1996 )

    No. 95-1241
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. Salvador E. Casellas, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Chief Judge,
    Selya and Lynch, Circuit Judges.
    Raymond Rivera Esteves and Juan A.  Hernandez Rivera on brief  for
    Guillermo Gil,  United  States  Attorney,  Maria  Hortensia  Rios-
    Gandara,  Assistant United  States  Attorney, and  Donna C.  McCarthy,
    Assistant Regional  Counsel, Department of Health  and Human Services,
    on brief for appellee.
    February 8, 1996
    Per  Curiam.   Claimant Victoria  Manso-Pizarro was
    fifty-eight years  old when  she applied for  social security
    insurance  benefits on September 5, 1991.  She alleged that a
    heart condition, high blood  pressure and bad circulation had
    disabled  her  from working  since June  24,  1991.   After a
    hearing,  an Administrative  Law Judge  (ALJ) concluded  that
    claimant   suffered  from  hypertension,  obesity,  and  mild
    anxiety, but that she could  still perform her last  previous
    job.   Upon judicial  review, a magistrate  judge recommended
    affirming  the ALJ's  decision.   The district  court agreed.
    The claimant  appeals.   We  vacate  and remand  for  further
    We  must   uphold  a  denial  of   social  security
    disability  benefits  unless "the  Secretary has  committed a
    legal  or factual  error in  evaluating a  particular claim."
    Sullivan  v.  Hudson,  
    490 U.S. 877
    ,  885  (1989).     The
    Secretary's findings  of fact are conclusive  if supported by
    substantial  evidence.   See  42  U.S.C.    405(g);  see also
    Richardson v. Perales, 
    402 U.S. 389
    , 401 (1971).
    There is substantial  record evidence that claimant
    met her  initial burden  to provide enough  information about
    the  activities  her  usual   work  required  and  how  those
    activities were  compromised by her  functional inability  to
    perform that  work.   Claimant has a  twelfth-grade education
    and  worked for  twenty-two years  as a  kitchen helper  in a
    public  school  cafeteria.    Her  duties   included  serving
    children, preparing  milk, washing dishes  and trays, helping
    the cook, and  cleaning the floor.   The job required  her to
    stand or  walk for six hours a day, to sit for one-half hour,
    and  to lift  and carry  up to  thirty pounds  (including, on
    occasion, lifting and carrying large, hot cooking pots).  She
    described  her work as fairly heavy and stated that she could
    no longer perform  it because:   she lacked  the strength  to
    lift  anything  heavy; she  had limited  ability to  lift and
    carry because her  hands cramped due to bad  circulation; she
    had  blurry vision  and became  dizzy when  bending; and  she
    could not  stand for very long  due to pain on  her left side
    and in her feet.   Upon this foundation, the  ALJ supportably
    concluded that claimant's past relevant  work involved medium
    physical exertion,  and required  her alternately to  walk or
    stand for six hours, to lift or carry up to thirty pounds.
    This   finding   implicated   step  four   of   the
    Secretary's sequential  evaluation process.  See  20 C.F.R.
    404.1520(e).    At step  four the  initial  burden is  on the
    claimant  to show that she  can no longer  perform her former
    work because  of her impairments.  See  Santiago v. Secretary
    of HHS, 
    944 F.2d 1
    ,  5 (1st Cir. 1991).   At that point,  the
    ALJ must compare the physical and mental demands of that past
    work  with current functional capability.   See id.; see also
    20  C.F.R.   404.1560(b).   In making a  step four appraisal,
    the ALJ is entitled to credit a claimant's own description of
    her former  job duties  and functional limitations,  see 
    but has some burden independently to develop the record.  See
    id. at 5-6
    In  this instance,  the ALJ  decided that  claimant
    retained the  residual functional  capacity (RFC)  to perform
    her  past relevant  work as  a cook's  helper.   In comparing
    claimant's  retained capacities with  the mental and physical
    demands of her prior work, the ALJ concluded that because the
    record  indicated  no  physical  restrictions   limiting  her
    ability to alternately  walk or  stand for six  hours, or  to
    lift up  to thirty pounds, claimant's RFC  coincided with her
    past relevant work activities.1   The claimant argues that in
    making this RFC assessment, the ALJ impermissibly interpreted
    raw medical evidence, and instead should have obtained an RFC
    assessment  by a physician.   The  Secretary disagrees.   She
    contends  that  the  non-severity of  claimant's  impairments
    entitled the ALJ  to make  a commonsense  RFC assessment  and
    that  the ALJ, in finding  that claimant retained  the RFC to
    perform medium-level exertion, did not overstep the bounds of
    lay competence.
    1The  ALJ deemed it "advisable" to limit the claimant to a
    medium work level  of exertion.   See generally  20 C.F.R.
    404.1567(c)  (medium work  involves lifting  no more  than 50
    pounds at a time with frequent carrying or lifting of objects
    weighing up to 25 pounds).
    With a few exceptions  (not relevant here), an ALJ,
    as a lay person, is not  qualified to interpret raw data in a
    medical record.  See Perez v. Secretary of HHS, 
    958 F.2d 445
    446  (1st Cir. 1991); Gordils  v. Secretary of  HHS, 
    921 F.2d 327
    ,  329  (1st Cir.  1990).   Of  course, where  the medical
    evidence shows relatively little  physical impairment, an ALJ
    permissibly  can   render   a  commonsense   judgment   about
    functional  capacity even  without a  physician's assessment.
    See, e.g., 
      But when, as now, a claimant has sufficiently
    put her  functional inability  to perform her  prior work  in
    issue, the ALJ must measure the claimant's capabilities, and
    to make that measurement, an expert's RFC
    evaluation is ordinarily essential unless
    the  extent of  functional loss,  and its
    effect  on  job  performance,   would  be
    apparent even to a lay person.
    944 F.2d at 7
    Here, the record contains no analysis of functional
    capacity  by a physician or other expert.  Thus, the question
    whether substantial  evidence supports the ALJ's finding that
    claimant retains  the functional capacity to  do medium-level
    work and  otherwise perform  her prior  vocational activities
    depends on  a qualitative assessment of  the medical evidence
    that  was  before  the ALJ.    If  that  evidence suggests  a
    relatively   mild   physical   impairment  posing,   to   the
    layperson's eye, no significant exertional restrictions, then
    we must uphold the ALJ's finding; elsewise, we cannot (in the
    absence of an expert's opinion).  See Perez, 
    958 F.2d at
    47; Gordils, 
    921 F.2d at 329
    .  It is  to that  perscrutation
    that we now turn.
    On  June 27,  1991,  three days  after she  stopped
    working, claimant saw  Dr. Ruiz for chest pain, dizziness and
    palpitations.   Dr. Ruiz  diagnosed her as  having high blood
    pressure  and  premature ventricular  contractions.2 Although
    he prescribed medication,  the claimant's condition  worsened
    and  he hospitalized her  on July 6.   She was  placed in the
    intensive care  unit.   Tests showed ventricular  tachycardia
    (an   abnormally  rapid  ventricular  rhythm,  most  commonly
    associated with atrioventricular dissociation, see Dorland's,
    supra,   at   1655),   frequent  PVCs,   premature   arterial
    contractions,   and  some   evidence  of   paroxysmal  atrial
    tachycardia (a condition marked by sudden onset and cessation
    of rapid  cardiac rate in the atrial locus, Dorland's, supra,
    at   655).3     The  principal   diagnosis   was  ventricular
    tachycardia.      Coexisting  admission   diagnoses  included
    premature ventricular beats, hyperthyroidism,  excess calcium
    2Premature  ventricular  contractions  (PVCs)  are  "often
    indicative of organic heart disease."   Dorland's Illustrated
    Medical Dictionary 363 (28th ed. 1994).
    3Several other entries in the record are illegible.
    and uric acid  in the  blood, moderate  dehydration, and  two
    other illegible conditions.
    During  the  claimant's  twelve-day hospital  stay,
    seven  electrocardiograms combined conclusively to show sinus
    tachycardia.   Two chest  x-rays revealed an  enlarged heart.
    No  fewer than  five physicians  were asked  to consult.4   A
    July 8 consultation report related a diagnostic impression of
    sinusal tachycardia and a history of arterial hypertension.
    The discharge  summary  is mostly  unreadable.   It
    indicates, however,  that the claimant's laboratory, chemical
    profile, and  radiology tests were not  within normal limits.
    The prognosis was described as "fair."  Claimant was released
    on  a regime  of  medication and  extremely limited  physical
    Dr. Ruiz saw the claimant as an out-patient in July
    and  August, and  again in  January of  1992.  At  the August
    visit,  he  found  her  chest  pain  to  be  precipitated  by
    hyperthyroidism   with   supraventricular   tachycardia   and
    occasional episodes of ventricular tachycardia.  He diagnosed
    her   as  suffering  from   hyperthyroidism  with  associated
    hypertensive cardiovascular disease,  ventricular and  atrial
    tachycardia, and  PVCs.   He noted other  adverse conditions,
    4Four of  the consulting physicians' reports (Dr. Gonzalez
    -July 7;  Dr. Guerra - July  8; Dr. Rodriguez -  July 10; and
    Dr. [illegible]  -  July  11)  are, like  many  other  record
    entries, inscrutable not because  of copy quality but because
    the handwriting is not intelligible.
    but  they  are  unreadable.    During that  same  month,  the
    claimant  was also  evaluated  at the  State Insurance  Fund.
    Tests  showed   cardiomegaly,  an  elongated   aorta  with  a
    calcified knob, and multifocal PVCs.
    On November 26, 1991, the claimant was seen  by Dr.
    Medina-Ruiz,  the  Secretary's consulting  cardiologist.   At
    that  point,  the claimant's  chief complaints  were fatigue,
    lack  of  energy,  cramping  of the  legs,  palpitations  and
    numbness.   The  physical  examination and  associated  tests
    revealed  many  of  the  same heart-related  problems.    Dr.
    Medina-Ruiz's  diagnostic impression  included  a finding  of
    hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
    On June 13, 1992, the claimant was hospitalized for
    three days due to high blood pressure, headaches  and blurred
    vision.   The  diagnosis  was hypertensive  crisis and  renal
    insufficiency.     She  improved  with   medication  and  was
    discharged with a one-week restriction of activities.
    Putting aside  the many  unreadable entries  in the
    medical  evidence,5  those  reports  otherwise  unambiguously
    indicate    the   existence   of   medical   conditions   and
    symptomatology that  do not appear, at  least without further
    5In  this  case,  the  unreadable entries  may  have  some
    import.  We think that it is  the duty of the ALJ, on remand,
    to make some effort to decipher them.
    evaluation by an expert, to be so mild as to  make it obvious
    to a  layperson that  the claimant's ability  to perform  her
    particular  past work as a cook's helper was unaffected.  The
    Secretary   acknowledges  that   the  record   shows  cardiac
    abnormalities and other serious conditions.   Even if we were
    to conclude that substantial evidence documented no more than
    mild  physical  impairments  with   relatively  insignificant
    exertional  loss,  the record  here is  sufficiently ramified
    that understanding it requires more than a layperson's effort
    at  a  commonsense  functional  capacity  assessment.     See
    921 F.2d at 329
     (limiting  ALJ's  assessment  of
    claimant's functional  capacity to sedentary  work activities
    only).   To sum  up,  given the  illegibility of  non-trivial
    parts  of  the  medical reports,  coupled  with  identifiable
    diagnoses  and symptoms that seem to  indicate more than mild
    impairment, we believe that the record alerted the ALJ to the
    need  for  expert  guidance   regarding  the  extent  of  the
    claimant's  residual  functional   capacity  to  perform  her
    particular  past  employment.   See Perez,  
    958 F.2d at 447
    944 F.2d at 4
    ; Gordils, 
    921 F.2d at 329
    We need go no further.   Since the ALJ's conclusion
    that the  claimant can continue to do  her prior medium-level
    work is not readily verifiable on the record as it stands, we
    think that the  case must  be remanded to  the Secretary  for
    additional evidence of functional ability.6
    The judgment  of the district court  is vacated and
    the  case  is  remanded  with  directions  to  remand  to the
    Secretary  for  further  proceedings  consistent   with  this
    6Because we remand for  further development of the record,
    we  do not reach the other arguments advanced by the claimant
    on appeal.