Chaklader v. United States ( 1993 )

    No. 92-1818
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Andrew A. Caffrey, Senior U.S. District Judge]
    Boudin, Circuit Judge,
    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge,
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Daniel K. Sherwood, by Appointment of the Court, for appellant.
    A. John  Pappalardo, United  States Attorney,  with whom  Tobin N.
    Harvey,  Assistant United States Attorney, was on brief for the United
    March 10, 1993
    Per Curiam.  Appellant Subir  Chaklader was ordered
    by the district  court to serve a previously  suspended five-
    year sentence for  violating the conditions of  his parole by
    committing  an assault  and battery with  a deadly  weapon in
    California.  On appeal, Chaklader argues that the twenty-one-
    month delay between the time that California prison officials
    first indicated that  he would be  made available to  federal
    authorities  on a  detainer and  the commencement  of federal
    probation  revocation proceedings, violated  Rule 32.1 of the
    Federal  Rules  of Criminal  Procedure  and  the due  process
    clause of the United States Constitution.
    Chaklader was  federally indicted  in 1983  for one
    count  of mail  fraud and  one count  of using  fraudulently-
    obtained  credit cards.   In  1987, he  was sentenced  in the
    United   States   District   Court   for   the  District   of
    Massachusetts to  a three-year committed sentence  on Count 1
    and a consecutive five-year suspended sentence with probation
    1.  Some  of  the facts  mentioned  below are  found  only in
    appendices  filed  for the  first  time  with this  court  by
    Chaklader and the government after appeal.  They are not part
    of  the district  court  record, Chaklader  having failed  to
    raise his  Rule 32.1  and due  process  arguments before  the
    district  court.   While facts  not contained  in the  record
    below are not properly before this  court, we nonetheless set
    forth  the parties' version of  them by way  of background to
    our conclusion that,  even considering the Rule 32.1  and due
    process arguments, they are wholly without merit.
    for  five years on Count  2.  Chaklader  served the committed
    sentence and was released on probation in 1988.
    On  May   7,  1990,  Chaklader   was  arrested   in
    California and charged under state law with attempted murder.
    On May 9 and May  14 of that year, the United  States Marshal
    in  California  filed  detainers   against  Chaklader  for  a
    probation   violation   warrant   the   district   judge   in
    Massachusetts had ordered  several days before the  offense.2
    These  detainers  sought  notification  from  the  California
    prison  authorities if  Chaklader was  transferred, available
    for federal custody, or released from state custody.
    On  June 27,  1990,  Chaklader pled  guilty in  the
    California Superior Court to the lesser charge of assault and
    battery with a  deadly weapon and was sentenced to  a term of
    four-years imprisonment that  "may run  concurrent" with  any
    federal sentence.  Over the next two years, while serving his
    state sentence  in  a state  prison, Chaklader  says that  he
    sought  unsuccessfully  to   have  federal  authorities  take
    2.  This petition  for revocation of probation,  dated May 4,
    1990,  identified five  separate probation  violations:   (1)
    failure  to notify  his probation  officer  that he  had been
    questioned by law enforcement officers; (2) failure to notify
    his probation  officer that he  had been discharged  from his
    employment;  (3) leaving  the Southern  District of  New York
    without permission of  the Probation Department;  (4) failure
    to notify his probation officer of a change in residence; and
    (5) failure to  report to his probation  officer as directed.
    An   additional   probation   revocation  petition   alleging
    Chaklader's conviction  for the  offense committed on  May 7,
    1990  was  ordered  filed  on  May  18,  1992.    Chaklader's
    probation was eventually revoked under the later petition.
    custody of him.   On  September 17,  1990, California  prison
    authorities  notified federal authorities  that Chaklader was
    available  on the  detainer.   When, as  Chaklader says,  the
    federal authorities refused to take custody of him, Chaklader
    sought to have  the California state courts  revoke his state
    plea  agreement.   After failing  to get  this relief  in the
    state courts,  Chaklader asserts  that he  filed unsuccessful
    petitions  for  habeas  corpus  in  federal  courts  in  both
    California  and   Massachusetts,  seeking  to   have  federal
    authorities take custody of him.
    On  May  18,  1992,  the  District  Court  for  the
    District  of  Massachusetts  issued  a  second  petition  for
    revocation of probation for Chaklader's commission of the May
    1990 offense.  See supra note  2.  Chaklader was brought from
    the California prison to Boston on a writ of habeas corpus ad
    prosequendum   to  answer  the  second  probation  revocation
    petition.   A probation violation hearing was held on June 1,
    1992,  approximately  twenty-one   months  after   California
    authorities had first advised that they  were willing to make
    Chaklader available to federal authorities for this purpose.
    During the probation violation hearing, Chaklader's
    attorney asked  the court to consider the  time Chaklader had
    served  on  the  California  sentence  in   determining  what
    sentence to  impose for Chaklader's probation  violation.  In
    his allocution, Chaklader himself asked the court to consider
    the   California   sentence.     He  further   expressed  his
    frustration  over his alleged  unsuccessful attempts  to have
    federal authorities take custody of him so that his sentences
    would run concurrently, complaining  that he had "been trying
    for two years to  come here."  The district  court thereafter
    revoked Chaklader's  probation and ordered that  he serve the
    full five-year  sentence that had originally  been suspended.
    The sentence was  to be  served on and  after the  California
    state sentence.
    This appeal followed.
    On appeal, Chaklader  contends that the twenty-one-
    month  delay between  the time  California authorities  first
    indicated their  readiness to  make him available  to federal
    authorities  (September  17,  1990)   and  the  time  of  his
    probation revocation hearing (June  1, 1992) violated Fed. R.
    Crim.  P. 32.1 and his  rights to a  speedy probation hearing
    under  the due process clause.  A serious impediment to these
    arguments is  that Chaklader  did not articulate  them below.
    Absent  plain error, an  issue not presented  to the district
    court  cannot be raised for the first time on appeal.  United
    States  v.  Argentine, 
    814 F.2d 783
    , 791  (1st  Cir. 1987);
    United States  v. Chambliss, 
    766 F.2d 1520
    , 1521  (11th Cir.
    Chaklader is  unable to establish any  error on the
    part of the district court, let alone plain error.  Rule 32.1
    requires  the affording  of a  prompt probable  cause hearing
    "[w]henever  a person is held  in custody on  the ground that
    the person has  violated a  condition of probation  . . .  ."
    Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.1(a)(1); see United States  v. Sackinger,
    537 F. Supp. 1245
    , 1249 (W.D.N.Y. 1982), aff'd, 
    704 F.2d 29
    30 (2d Cir. 1983).  Thereafter, the  revocation hearing shall
    be  held  within  a  reasonable  time.    Fed.  R.  Crim.  P.
    32.1(a)(2).  Contrary to  Chaklader's contentions, he was not
    in  custody on the grounds of his federal probation violation
    when in 1990 California authorities purportedly indicated his
    availability   to  federal   authorities  on   the  detainer.
    Chaklader was  instead serving,  and continued  thereafter to
    serve, a  state sentence in a state  facility.  Not until May
    1992  was Chaklader  finally  taken into  federal custody  to
    answer  for violations  of the  conditions of  his probation.
    His  probation violation  hearing  took place  less than  one
    month later.   There was  thus clearly no  violation of  Rule
    For  similar  reasons,   Chaklader's  due   process
    argument fails as there is "no constitutional duty to provide
    petitioner an adversary parole hearing until he is taken into
    custody as a parole violator . .  . ."  Moody v. Daggett, 
    429 U.S. 78
    , 89 (1976) (emphasis  added); see also United States
    v. Wickham, 
    618 F.2d 1307
    , 1309 n.3 (9th Cir.  1979) (speedy
    revocation hearing protection under the due process clause is
    "not triggered when the warrant is placed as a detainer at an
    institution where  the probationer  or parolee is  already in
    custody awaiting disposal of an intervening charge or serving
    a  sentence  for  a   crime  committed  while  on  supervised
    Chaklader  has  suffered  no  prejudice   from  the
    twenty-one-month   delay   before   his   federal   probation
    revocation  hearing.    It  is  not alleged  that  the  delay
    impaired his ability to contest the revocation.  See Wickham,
    618 F.2d at 1310 (delay  must affect probationer's ability to
    contest  facts  of revocation);  see  also  United States  v.
    404 U.S. 307
    ,  324 (for  pre-indictment delay  to be
    cognizable  under  due process  clause,  defendant  must show
    actual  prejudice  to  the  defense of  the  criminal  case).
    Indeed,  it  would  be  difficult,  if  not  impossible,  for
    Chaklader to establish such prejudice since he pled guilty to
    the  underlying  California   assault  and  battery   charge.
    Moreover,  the  passage  of   twenty-one  months  in  no  way
    restricted   the   district   court's  ability   "to   grant,
    retroactively,  the  equivalent  of   concurrent  sentences."
    429 U.S. at 87
    .  Aware of the  California sentence and
    the time  served thereunder, the  district court  nonetheless
    chose  to require  that  the reinstated  federal sentence  be
    fully served on and after the California sentence.
    Thus  even  accepting  Chaklader's version  of  the
    facts, and considering  arguments not presented  below, there
    was  no violation of his right to a prompt revocation hearing
    either under Rule 32.1 or under the due process clause.