Labor Relations v. Teamster Local 379 ( 1998 )

  •              United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 97-2402
    Plaintiffs, Appellees,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Reginald C. Lindsay, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Chief Judge,
    Coffin and Bownes, Senior Circuit Judges.
    Paul F. Kelley, with whom Anne R. Sills and Segal, Roitman &
    Coleman were on brief, for appellant.
    John D. O'Reilly III, with whom O'Reilly & Grosso, P.C. was on
    brief, for appellees.
    August 17, 1998
    TORRUELLA, Chief Judge.  Plaintiff, Teamsters Local 379
    ("Teamsters" or the "Union"), filed grievances against eight Boston
    Harbor Project employers on behalf of certain truck drivers on the
    project who own and drive their own trucks (the "owner-operators")
    and are engaged in the transportation and removal of fill from the
    construction site.  The Teamsters argued that those drivers were
    entitled to receive the various fringe benefit payments received by
    project employees.  The subject of the present dispute is whether
    the owner-operators qualify as "independent contractors" or as
    "employees" under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA), 29
    U.S.C.  141, et seq.  The arbitrator assigned to this case
    concluded that the owner-operators are "employees," and thus
    entitled to receive the benefit payments.  The district court
    reversed this finding, ruling that the owner-operators are
    "independent contractors," and that any payment of benefits would
    violate section 302 of the LMRA, 29 U.S.C.  186.  After careful
    review, we affirm the district court.
    Underlying the grievances in this case is the Harbor
    Project Labor Agreement (the "Project Agreement"), entered into by
    the Union and various contractors (or "project managers") engaged
    in the construction of waste water treatment facilities on Deer
    Island in the Boston Harbor (the "Boston Harbor Project").  After
    years of using private owner-operators for hauling their
    construction materials, wastes, and fills on the construction site
    without making any fringe benefit contributions on their behalf,
    project managers received complaints from the Union on March 2,
    1992, for allegedly violating the Project Agreement.  In 1994, this
    court decided Labor Relations Div. of Constr. Ind. of Mass. v.
    Teamsters Local 379, 
    29 F.3d 742
     (1st Cir. 1994) ("Teamsters I"),
    which stemmed from those grievances.  In Teamsters I, we affirmed
    an arbitrator's finding that the Project Agreement must be read to
    incorporate certain provisions of the earlier Massachusetts
    Teamsters' Heavy Construction Agreement ("Teamsters' Agreement")
    which obligates employers to make health insurance and pension
    contributions on behalf of the owner-operators.
    However, we remanded the case to the arbitrator to
    determine whether the owner-operators would be considered
    "independent contractors" or "employees" under the LMRA.  If the
    owner-operators fall into the "independent contractors" category,
    certain fringe benefit payments on their behalf would violate the
    LMRA, 29 U.S.C.  186, which prohibits such payments to labor
    unions unless the payments are made to trust funds "for the sole
    and exclusive benefit of the employees of such employer."  29
    U.S.C.  186 (c)(5) (emphasis added).  Thus, unless the owner-
    operators are considered "employees," the Project Agreement is
    unenforceable insofar as it requires illegal benefit payments to be
    made to a labor union.  If the project managers were to make
    contributions for the benefit of independent contractors, they, and
    the Union, could be subject to federal criminal prosecution.
    On remand, the arbitrator assigned to the case concluded
    that the owner-operators are employees, and not independent
    contractors.  After a thorough review of case law and agency
    doctrine, the arbitrator applied a multi-factored test which
    incorporated common law agency principles and a so-called "economic
    realities" test (which focused on the financial independence of the
    workers) in order to determine that the truck owner-operators are
    significantly similar to other employees on the Boston Harbor
    Project.  This finding was appealed to the district court.
    Because an interpretation of a federal criminal statute
    was involved, the magistrate and district court thoroughly reviewed
    the arbitrator's findings.  See Teamsters I, 
    29 F.3d at 747-48
    Washington Post v. Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, Local 35,
    787 F.2d 604
    , 606 (D.C. Cir. 1986).  Ultimately, the district
    court, adopting a lengthy and equally thorough report and
    recommendation from the magistrate, reversed the arbitrator.  The
    magistrate reported that the arbitrator had seen fit to "disregard
    uncontradicted evidence and controlling principles of law to reach
    a result that accorded with his own notions of industrial justice."
    Now, once again, this case has been appealed to our court.
    I.  Preliminary Arguments
    Before we proceed, we must address two separate arguments
    put forward by the Union as to why this proceeding is unnecessary.
    According to both of these arguments, the project managers are
    required to make the benefit payments at issue even if an
    application of the common law of agency shows that the owner-
    operators are independent contractors.  Neither argument has merit.
    The Union's first argument is premised upon LMRA section
    302(c)(2), which explicitly exempts any payments made in
    satisfaction of an arbitrator's award from section 302(a)'s general
    prohibition on employers' payments to labor organizations.  See 29
    U.S.C.  186(a) & (c)(2).  The union claims that the employers in
    this case would, therefore, not be subject to prosecution under the
    LMRA since any payments that the project managers would make on
    behalf of the owner-operators would be made pursuant to the
    arbitrator's interpretation of the Project Agreement.  The Union
    believes that the concern we expressed in Teamsters I that
    enforcement of the Project Agreement could subject the employers to
    federal prosecution, see 
    29 F.3d at 748
    , was unwarranted and our
    remand unnecessary.
    The Union, however, fails to take into account the entire
    text of LMRA section 302(c)(2), which exempts employers' payments
    to labor organizations from section 302(a) only where those
    payments are made in satisfaction of an arbitrator's award "in
    compromise, adjustment, settlement, or release of any claim,
    complaint, grievance, or dispute . . . ."  29 U.S.C.  186(c)(2).
    The arbitrator's decision affirmed in Teamsters I interpreted the
    Project Agreement as requiring, by its own terms, that project
    managers make benefit payments on behalf of the owner-operators.
    Thus, project managers were required by their contract to make the
    benefit payments on behalf of the owner-operators before the
    arbitrator ever read the Project Agreement, and are not required to
    make payments in satisfaction of any settlement, or for release of
    any claim.  LMRA section 302(c)(2) is therefore irrelevant.
    Under the Union's flawed interpretation of the LMRA, any
    employer and union wishing to circumvent section 302's prohibition
    on direct payments to labor organizations could simply contract to
    do so in plain terms, and then engage an arbitrator to interpret
    that contract.  We decline to read such an enormous loophole into
    the statute against its plain language.
    The Union's other argument that purportedly moots this
    appeal is no more useful.  According to the Teamsters, the
    employers may be obligated to contribute to benefit funds for hours
    worked by subcontractors even when those same subcontractors are
    legally ineligible to receive those funds, which are "for the sole
    and exclusive benefit of the employees . . . ."  29 U.S.C.
    186(c)(5).  This argument follows from the Supreme Court's logic
    in Walsh v. Schlecht, 
    429 U.S. 401
    , 407-410 (1977), which held that
    if an employer is contractually bound to make trust fund
    contributions based on the hours worked at a job site by
    individuals other than its own employees, then, so long as the
    individuals cannot enjoy those benefits, the employer does not
    violate section 302 of the LMRA when it performs its obligation.
    See also Illinois Conference of Teamsters and Employers Welfare
    Fund v. Mrowicki, 
    44 F.3d 451
    , 461 (7th Cir. 1994) (extending Walshto health and welfare benefit contributions).  Those funds would
    then be held in trust by the Union.  The Teamsters note that the
    Project Agreement only requires contributions for owner-operators
    based upon their hours worked, and argues that the grievance
    underlying this case was primarily concerned with whether the
    project managers were required to make the contributions, not
    whether owner-operators were eligible to receive benefits.  Thus,
    according to the Union, this case is governed by Walsh and
    Mrowicki, and our remand in Teamsters I was unnecessary.
    Unfortunately for the Union, this argument comes too
    late.  In Teamsters I, we noted that "[n]either party disputes that
    the plaintiffs' payment of fringe benefits on behalf of the owner-
    operators [would be] illegal under Section 302 if the owner-
    operators are independent contractors rather than employees." 748.  We based this conclusion on the Union's previous filings,
    wherein the Teamsters had demanded "that all Health and Welfare
    contributions and all Pension contributions be made on behalf of
    all truck drivers" while acknowledging that it did "not dispute the
    proposition that Section 302 prohibits fringe benefit contributions
    on behalf of independent contractors."  The Union claimed that its
    grievance was filed on behalf of "certain truck drivers who were
    not receiving fringe benefits" even though "the owner-operators
    were entitled to fringe benefit coverage."  In Teamsters I, the
    Union presented only one argument on the LMRA section 302 issue in
    this case, i.e., that the arbitrator correctly, if implicitly,
    found that the owner-operators were employees.  We determined that
    this argument could only be properly resolved after remand.  See 
    29 F.3d at 748-49
    Tardily, the Union tries to reverse course, after remand,
    by arguing that it is entitled to trust fund contributions based
    upon hours worked by owner-operators, even if they are found to be
    independent contractors ineligible to benefit from those trust
    funds.  The arbitrator, when first presented with this case, could
    have determined whether the Teamsters Agreement required fringe
    benefit contributions based upon the hours worked by independent
    contractors.  He did not make such a finding because he was not
    asked to do so.  Had the Union made this argument at any time prior
    to the remand in Teamsters I, we might have considered asking the
    arbitrator to address this issue.  However, the introduction of the
    issue at this late date would require another remand, and we are
    unwilling to further delay this already ancient dispute.
    When a party could have raised an argument in his initial
    appeal, and failed to do so, he has generally waived his right to
    raise that argument on remand or on appeal from remand.  See United
    States v. Adesida, 
    129 F.3d 846
    , 849-50 (6th Cir. 1997); Harmon v.
    878 F.2d 484
    , 496 (D.C. Cir. 1989); Omni Outdoor
    Adver., Inc. v. Columbia Outdoor Adver., Inc., 
    974 F.2d 502
    , 506
    (4th Cir. 1992).  This case is no exception.  An examination of the
    Teamsters' Agreement reveals that the Union's interpretation,
    although not unreasonable, is not "so compelling as to virtually
    insure appellant's success."  Credit Francais International, S.A.v. Bio-Vita, Ltd., 
    78 F.3d 698
    , 709 (1st Cir. 1996) (raise-or-waive
    rule will only be ignored where the new argument is "so compelling
    as virtually to insure appellant's success, and a gross miscarriage
    of justice would result from the failure to address it.")
    (citations omitted).  Moreover, Walsh had been decided long before
    the grievance underlying this case was ever filed, and the Union
    has failed to provide any explanation of its failure to raise this
    argument earlier.  Cf. Old Ben Coal Co. v. Director, Off. of
    Workers' Compensation Programs, U.S. Dept. of Labor, 
    62 F.3d 1003
    1007 (7th Cir. 1995) (presumption of waiver for arguments first
    raised on remand can be overcome where those arguments are based
    upon important intervening case law which could not have been
    considered during initial appeal).  We must deem the argument
    II.  Standard of Review
    In Teamsters I, we held that:
    [T]he issue of whether fringe benefit
    contributions on behalf of the owner-operators
    is illegal under federal law does not involve
    the same type of circumscribed judicial review
    that we afford arbitration decisions grounded
    in interpretations of a contract.  Although
    the arbitrator's factual findings regarding
    the status of the owner-operators under
    Section 302 of the LMRA, 29 U.S.C.  186, may
    deserve a certain amount of deference, the
    issue of illegality is ultimately one for
    federal court review.  Given that a
    determination under  302 could have criminal
    consequences, the plaintiffs deserve a
    thorough judicial review of an arbitrator's
    decision as to this issue. . . . We are not
    prepared, however, to conduct that analysis
    ourselves without first giving the arbitrator
    the opportunity to reexamine the factual
    circumstances of this case. . . . [T]he
    arbitrator can play an important role in
    providing first-hand factual findings for the
    benefit of the reviewing court.
    29 F.3d at 747-49
     (citations omitted).
    Despite this seemingly clear review of the
    responsibilities of the arbitrator and reviewing district court on
    remand, the parties, and indeed the arbitrator himself, have since
    expressed confusion regarding the deference to which the arbitrator
    was entitled on his determination of the owner-operator status.  We
    thus revisit the issue, with an eye towards further clarifying the
    roles that an arbitrator and reviewing court play when applying a
    statute to a body of facts.
    "It is by now a familiar rule that an arbitrator's award
    is entitled to significant deference."  Washington Post, 
    787 F.2d at 606
    .  In fact, where the parties have previously bargained for
    the benefit of an arbitrator's expertise in settling any
    contractual disputes, the courts have "no business weighing the
    merits of the grievance, considering whether there is equity in a
    particular claim, or determining whether there is particular
    language in the written instrument which will support the claim."
    United Steelworkers of Am. v. American Mfg. Co., 
    363 U.S. 564
    , 567-
    68 (1960).  Therefore, courts hearing appeals from arbitration
    awards interpreting contracts must tread much more gingerly than
    appellate courts reviewing district court decisions.  See United
    Paperworkers Int'l. Union v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 37-38
    "Despite this rule, it is unquestionably the province of
    the courts to say what the law is.  We need not defer to an award
    which contemplates a violation of law."  Washington Post, 
    787 F.2d at 606
    .  When an arbitrator's interpretation of a contract
    potentially exposes a party to federal prosecution, the courts
    become more active.  The law is our charge, and our responsibility
    to interpret it cannot be abdicated.  Insofar as and only insofar
    as an arbitrator's findings and conclusions will determine the
    reach of a federal criminal statute into a dispute with which he is
    involved, his findings of fact will be reviewed for clear error and
    his legal conclusions de novo.  See id.; International Brotherhood
    of Electrical Workers, Local 97 v. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., 
    143 F.3d 704
    , 726 (2d Cir. 1998).  This doctrine flows, in part, from
    the observation that private parties must not be empowered to
    contract out of a thorough judicial review of their potentially
    criminal activities.  Cf. Misco, 
    484 U.S. at 42
     (observing that
    "the public's interests in confining the scope of private
    agreements to which it is not a party will go unrepresented unless
    the judiciary takes account of those interests . . . ").  The
    doctrine also reflects the interest of private parties in not being
    compelled to engage in conduct that might subject them to criminal
    prosecution.  This provides for a limited "public policy" exception
    to the standard of review normally applied to an arbitrator's
    decisions whereby "as long as the arbitrator is even arguably
    construing or applying the contract and acting within the scope of
    his authority, that a court is convinced he committed serious error
    does not suffice to overturn his decision."  Id. at 371, quoted inS.D. Warren Co. v. United Paperworkers' Intern'l Union, Local 1069,
    845 F.2d 3
    , 7 (1st Cir. 1988).
    It was against this backdrop that we declared ourselves
    "too far removed from the dispute" to make the necessary "first-
    hand factual findings" necessary to properly resolve this case four
    years ago.  Teamsters I, 
    29 F.3d at 749
    .  Now, on review, we afford
    those first-hand factual findings great deference, with far less
    deference to those findings which are based only upon the
    arbitrator's analysis and synthesis of the existing record, and no
    deference for the arbitrator's purely legal application of federal
    law to those facts.  Again, let us be clear about the unusual
    circumstances of this case which empower us to review this
    arbitrator's findings so thoroughly.  We are not determining
    anyone's rights under contract in this appeal, but instead whether
    adherence to the Project Agreement, as interpreted by the
    arbitrator, requires criminal conduct.  Under these circumstances,
    we would be derelict in our duties if we were to afford the
    arbitrator greater deference than this.
    The arbitrator's decision reveals that he took the time
    and effort required to thoroughly review caselaw and to assemble a
    detailed list of relevant factors to consider in determining
    whether the owner-operators are employees or independent
    contractors.  The decision also reveals that the arbitrator relied
    very little upon his first-hand observations in making his
    decision.  As the magistrate judge observed, despite the fact that
    the arbitrator visited the construction site in 1995, he makes no
    explicit reference to his personal observations in his 28-page
    decision.  While we acknowledge that the fact-finder's personal
    observations may have implicitly influenced certain factual
    conclusions, reading the arbitrator's decision informs us that the
    bulk of his findings were premised solely upon his synthesis and
    analysis of the record in comparison with other relevant Circuit
    and Supreme Court cases.  Thus, most of the arbitrator's opinion
    stems from an interpretation of the common law, which, though
    carefully constructed and somewhat helpful, is not entitled to much
    deference from this court under the circumstances of this case.
    III.  Common Law Agency Analysis
    In order to determine whether the owner-operators are
    employees of the project managers under the LMRA, we must look to
    general principles of the common law of agency.  See Teamsters I,
    29 F.3d at 748
    .  Applying the common law to determine whether
    owner-operator truck drivers are employees or independent
    contractors is nothing new to this or other federal appellate
    courts.  See United States v. Silk, 
    331 U.S. 704
     (1947); NLRB v.
    Amber Delivery Service, Inc., 
    651 F.2d 57
    , 63-64 (1st Cir. 1981);
    Berger Transfer & Storage v. Central States, Southeast and
    Southwest Areas Pension Fund, 
    85 F.3d 1374
    , 1379 (8th Cir. 1996);
    C.C. Eastern, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    60 F.3d 855
    , 860-61 (D.C. Cir. 1995);
    North American Van Lines, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    869 F.2d 596
    , 604 (D.C.
    Cir. 1989); NLRB v. A. Duie Pyle, Inc., 
    606 F.2d 379
    , 387-88 (3d
    Cir. 1979); Merchants Home Delivery Service, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    580 F.2d 966
    , 975-76 (9th Cir. 1978); Associated Gen. Contractors of Cal.,
    Inc. v. NLRB, 
    564 F.2d 271
    , 280 (9th Cir. 1977).  In doing so, the
    fundamental inquiry is whether the employer has the "right to
    control the manner and means by which the product is accomplished."
    Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. v. Darden, 
    503 U.S. 318
    , 323 (1992).  This
    is the so-called "right to control" test.  In applying this multi-
    factored test, "all of the incidents of the relationship must be
    assessed and weighed with no one factor being decisive."  
    Id. at 324
     (quoting NLRB v. United Ins. Co. of Am., 
    390 U.S. 254
    , 258
    (1968)); Teamsters I, 
    29 F.3d at 748
    While no one factor is decisive in this determination,
    there can be little doubt of the prominence of the factor of
    entrepreneurial risk and reward, i.e., "'Employees' work for wages
    or salary . . .[while] 'Independent Contractors' . . . depend for
    their income . . . upon the difference between what they pay for
    goods, materials, and labor and what they receive for the end
    result, that is, . . . profits."  H.R. Rep. No. 245, 80th Cong.,
    1st Sess. 18 (1947), reprinted in 1 Legislative History of the
    Labor Management Relations Act, 1947, at 309 (1948); see also C.C.
    60 F.3d at 858-61
    ; A. Duie Pyle, 
    606 F.2d at 382
    .  This
    important factor clearly militates in favor of a finding of
    "independent contractor" status in this case.  The owner-operators
    here bear the costs of owning and insuring their own trucks, and
    cover fuel, repair, and tax expenses stemming from the operation of
    those vehicles.  Both the arbitrator and the district court
    acknowledge that this factor favors the position of the project
    The arbitrator, however, reasoned that the degree of
    control that the project managers exercised over the manner in
    which the owner-operators performed their work was so great as to
    overcome the entrepreneurial risk and reward factor.  It is true
    that this court has determined that the degree of control exercised
    over owner-operators may be so complete as to support a
    determination that an employer-employee relationship has been
    created despite the fact that the owner-operators own their own
    equipment, pay their own expenses, and purchase their own
    insurance.  See Amber Delivery Service, 
    651 F.2d at 63-64
    However, we must agree with the district court's conclusion that
    this is not such a case.  Upon examination, the arbitrator's
    erroneous conclusions can be traced to a misunderstanding of the
    "right to control" test, unsupported findings of fact, and a
    failure to appreciate the significance of further key evidence of
    an independent contractor relationship.
    An employer will always control the result to be achieved
    on a given project, whether an employer-employee or independent
    contractor relationship exists.  The difference in agency status,
    then, lies in whether the manager controls the means of obtaining
    that result.  See C.C. Eastern, 
    60 F.3d at 858
    .  With this
    background, we conclude that the arbitrator erred when he relied
    upon the fact that the project managers control where, when, and
    how often loads are necessary for transport in order to support a
    finding of an employee-employer relationship.  Such would be the
    case regardless of the employment relationship of the drivers and
    the managers.
    Other similar errors appear in the arbitrator's decision.
    For example, the arbitrator regarded the following factors as
    important evidence of an employer-employee relationship: (1) that
    employers may terminate or shorten the work day due to lack of
    work; (2) that they require truck loading and off-loading to
    conform to barge availability; and (3) that the owner-operators
    have become economically dependent upon the Boston Harbor project.
    However, these factors do not cut either way.  They pertain to the
    amount and type of work at issue, and not to the degree of control
    exercised over the means by which that work is accomplished.
    When the arbitrator examined relevant factors to the
    "right to control" test, he reached conclusions which were entirely
    unsupported by the testimony in this case.  For example, he
    concluded that employers determined the drivers' routes of travel
    on Deer Island and subjected owner-operators to constant on-site
    supervision.  The transcript, however, clearly reveals that the
    Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, a public authority,
    determined routes of travel, and, furthermore, there was simply no
    evidence to support the arbitrator's conclusion that owner-
    operators were subject to constant supervision.
    The arbitrator also failed to recognize the significance
    of certain evidence supporting independent contractor status.
    Uncontradicted evidence revealed that owner-operators often perform
    their services for more than one company during the course of a
    day, sometimes send friends or relatives to drive their trucks in
    their place, schedule their own rest breaks, and perform their
    services on whatever days they choose.  The arbitrator declined to
    factor this evidence into his analysis.  However, this evidence is
    highly probative of the agency status in the case, and helps to
    easily distinguish owner-operators from employees.  See Darden, 
    503 U.S. at 323-24
     ("the extent of the hiring party's discretion over
    when and how long to work" and "the hired party's role in hiring
    and paying assistants" factor into the common law right of control
    test); C.C. Eastern, 
    60 F.3d at 860
     (whether and how often owner-
    operators drive for other companies is important to a determination
    of agency status).
    To successfully counter the evidence that the Boston
    Harbor owner-operators assume entrepreneurial risk and reward while
    working for numerous different employers each week, the Union would
    have had to present compelling evidence that owner-operators are
    subject to a high degree of management control over the means by
    which they accomplish their job.  The Union was clearly unable to
    meet that burden.
    Both parties agree that in NLRB v. Amber Delivery
    Service, Inc., 
    651 F.2d 57
     (1st Cir. 1981), this court set out a
    proper analysis of agency status disputes involving owner-operator
    truck drivers.  A comparison between the facts of these two cases
    further illustrates why the Teamsters' present position is
    In Amber, we expressed doubts about whether the NLRB
    correctly determined that the owner-operators in that case were
    employees.  See 
    651 F.2d at
    64 n.8.  However, pursuant to the
    deferential standard of review applicable to that case, we
    determined that there was insufficient evidence to compel reversal
    of the Board.  
      Almost none of the factors which made Ambersuch a close case appear in the present dispute.  In Amber, the
    owner-operator delivery truck drivers were required to report to
    work by 8:00 a.m. with their vehicles loaded, were required to
    phone the employer every two hours during the day, were not allowed
    to reject loads, were prohibited from providing similar services to
    other employers, were required to attend training and safety
    meetings and were required to wear company uniforms and paint their
    vehicles with company colors affix company sign.  See 
    id. at 62-63
    (explaining that these specific facts were important to the
    resolution of that case).  At the Boston Harbor Project, the owner-
    operators can begin their work day at any time, occasionally reject
    loads, provide similar services to other employers, are not
    required to attend any meetings, and are not required to identify
    with a given employer by wearing uniforms, painting their trucks or
    using company signs.  Ultimately, despite factors such as the
    drivers receiving an hourly wage, which would tend to support a
    finding of an employer-employee relationship, there is insufficient
    evidence of management control over the manner in which owner-
    operators work to support the arbitrator's opinion.
    For the reasons stated herein, the judgment of the
    district court is affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-2402

Filed Date: 8/18/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (20)

National Labor Relations Board v. Amber Delivery Service, ... , 651 F.2d 57 ( 1981 )

S.D. Warren Company, a Division of Scott Paper Company v. ... , 845 F.2d 3 ( 1988 )

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 97 v.... , 143 F.3d 704 ( 1998 )

National Labor Relations Board v. A. Duie Pyle, Inc. , 606 F.2d 379 ( 1979 )

Credit Francais International v. Bio-Vita, Ltd. , 78 F.3d 698 ( 1996 )

labor-relations-division-of-construction-industries-of-massachusetts-inc , 29 F.3d 742 ( 1994 )

Mark B. Harmon v. Richard L. Thornburgh, Attorney General ... , 878 F.2d 484 ( 1989 )

C.C. Eastern, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board , 60 F.3d 855 ( 1995 )

The Washington Post v. Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild,... , 787 F.2d 604 ( 1986 )

Merchants Home Delivery Service, Inc. v. National Labor ... , 580 F.2d 966 ( 1978 )

Old Ben Coal Company v. Director, Office of Workers' ... , 62 F.3d 1003 ( 1995 )

North American Van Lines, Inc. v. National Labor Relations ... , 869 F.2d 596 ( 1989 )

Omni Outdoor Advertising, Inc. v. Columbia Outdoor ... , 974 F.2d 502 ( 1992 )

20-employee-benefits-cas-1391-pens-plan-guide-p-23921s-berger-transfer , 85 F.3d 1374 ( 1996 )

United States v. Silk , 331 U.S. 704 ( 1947 )

United Steelworkers v. American Manufacturing Co. , 80 S. Ct. 1343 ( 1960 )

National Labor Relations Board v. United Insurance Co. of ... , 88 S. Ct. 988 ( 1968 )

Walsh v. Schlecht , 97 S. Ct. 679 ( 1977 )

United Paperworkers International Union v. Misco, Inc. , 108 S. Ct. 364 ( 1987 )

Nationwide Mutual Insurance v. Darden , 112 S. Ct. 1344 ( 1992 )

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