Pan American v. EPA ( 1996 )

    No. 95-1780
    Cyr, Circuit Judge,
    Coffin and Bownes, Senior Circuit Judges.
    Romano A. Zampierollo-Rheinfeldt for petitioner.
    Banumathi Rangarajan, Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    Environmental Defense Section, with whom Lois J. Schiffer, Assistant
    Attorney General, Joseph A. Siegel, Assistant Regional Counsel, U.S.
    Environmental Protection Agency, and Michael Prosper, Office of
    General Counsel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, were on brief
    for respondent.
    September 6, 1996
    CYR,  Circuit Judge.    Petitioner  Pan American  Grain
    CYR,  Circuit Judge
    Manufacturing  Company,  Inc.  presents  two  claims  on  appeal.
    First, it challenges  the United States Environmental  Protection
    Agency's ("EPA") November 1991 designation of the Municipality of
    Guaynabo, Puerto Rico ("Guaynabo"), as a nonattainment area under
    the  National Ambient Air Quality Standards ("NAAQS") promulgated
    by the EPA pursuant to the Clean Air Act, 42  U.S.C.    7401-7671
    ("CAA").  Second, petitioner contests the EPA's May 1995 approval
    of  a revised  State Implementation  Plan ("SIP")  issued by  the
    Commonwealth of Puerto  Rico, which banned  further use of  clam-
    shell devices in grain removal operations to ensure attainment of
    the NAAQS  PM10 standard prescribed  for Guaynabo.   We  conclude
    that the first claim  is time-barred and reject the  second claim
    on the merits.
    The  CAA  was  enacted  "to  protect  and  enhance  the
    Nation's  air  quality, to  initiate  and  accelerate a  national
    program  of  research and  development  designed  to control  air
    pollution, to  provide technical and financial  assistance to the
    States in  the execution  of pollution  control programs,  and to
    encourage  the  development  of regional  pollution  control pro-
    grams." Conservation  Law Found.,  Inc. v.  Busey, 
    79 F.3d 1250
    1256  (1st Cir. 1996)  (citing 42 U.S.C.    7401(b) (1988)).   In
    furtherance of these objectives, the EPA promulgated NAAQS, which
    prescribe, inter alia, maximum allowable concentration  levels of
    fine particulate matter with  an aerodynamic diameter not greater
    than  a  nominal  ten micrometers  ("PM10").    See  42 U.S.C.
    7409(a); see also id.    7407(d)(4)(B).  The CAA  requires States
    to  develop  and  maintain  implementation  plans  for  achieving
    compliance with the NAAQS.  See id.   7410(a).  Accordingly, each
    State, as  well  as the  Commonwealth  of Puerto  Rico  ("Common-
    wealth"),  is required  to submit  for EPA  approval a  SIP which
    specifies  the manner  in which  compliance with  NAAQS is  to be
    achieved.  See id.   7407;  American Auto. Mfr. Ass'n. v. Commis-
    sioner, Mass. Dept.  of Environmental Protection, 
    31 F.3d 18
    , 21
    (1st Cir. 1994); Sierra Club v. Larson, 
    2 F.3d 462
    , 464 (1st Cir.
    1993).  A region  that has not attained compliance with  NAAQS is
    designated a "nonattainment" area, see 42 U.S.C.   7407(d)(1)(A),
    which  imposes  upon the  State  the obligation  to  include more
    stringent provisions in its SIP.  See id.   7513.
    Under the 1990 amendments  to the CAA, by operation  of
    law, Guaynabo  became a  designated nonattainment area  for PM10,
    based upon NAAQS  violations which had occurred prior  to January
    1, 1989.  See id.    7407(d)(4)(B), 7513(a); 
    56 Fed. Reg. 11,105
    Accordingly, on March 15,  1991, the EPA published notice  in the
    Federal Register announcing  its initial designation  of Guaynabo
    as a  "moderate" nonattainment  area for PM10.   See 42  U.S.C.
    7502(a)(1)  (permitting EPA  to "classify"  nonattainment areas).
    On November 6, 1991,  the EPA issued  a final rule codifying  its
    PM10  nonattainment   designation  for  Guaynabo.     See  
    id. 7407
    56 Fed. Reg. 56,694
    Thereafter, the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board
    ("EQB")  conducted a  public hearing and  received comments  on a
    proposed  SIP revision  which  would achieve  PM10 compliance  in
    Guaynabo.   On  November  14, 1993,  the  EQB submitted  its  SIP
    revision  to the  EPA;  in March  of  1994, it  supplemented  the
    revised SIP.   On August 11, 1994, the EPA  published for comment
    its proposed full approval of the SIP revision.  See 
    59 Fed. Reg. 41,265
    .   On May 31,  1995, after conducting  public meetings and
    evaluating the  comments received,  including those  submitted by
    petitioner, the EPA approved the revised SIP and published notice
    of its approval and promulgation.  See 
    60 Fed. Reg. 28,333
    .  The
    instant petition for review was filed on July 28, 1995.
    A petition to review  a final EPA action must  be filed
    in the  appropriate  court of  appeals  within sixty  days  after
    notice of  the action appears  in the Federal  Register.  See  42
    U.S.C.   7607(b)(1); e.g., Harrison v. PPG Indus., Inc., 
    446 U.S. 578
    , 588-92 (1980).  Appellate review is governed by the Adminis-
    trative Procedure Act ("APA"), 5 U.S.C.   706(2)(A), and substan-
    tial deference  is accorded final agency actions,  which will not
    be set aside unless "`arbitrary,  capricious, an abuse of discre-
    tion, or  otherwise not in  accordance with the  law.'" Citizen's
    Awareness Network, Inc.  v. United States Nuclear Reg. Comm'n, 
    59 F.3d 284
    , 290 (1st  Cir. 1995) (citations  omitted); Puerto Rico
    Sun Oil Co. v. EPA, 
    8 F.3d 73
    , 77 (1st Cir. 1993).  The deference
    due  "is  magnified when  the agency  interprets its  own regula-
    tions."   Puerto Rico Aqueduct  & Sewer Auth.,  EPA, 
    35 F.3d 600
    604  (1st Cir. 1994) (citing  Arkansas v. Oklahoma,  
    503 U.S. 91
    111-12 (1992)).
    We inquire whether the  challenged EPA action was based
    on  the wrong factors or whether there  has been a clear error in
    judgment.  Citizens to  Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe,  
    401 U.S. 402
    , 416  (1971).  Although  searching and careful,  review under
    the  `arbitrary and capricious' standard is narrow in scope.  See
    Adams v. EPA, 
    38 F.3d 43
    ,  49 (1st Cir. 1994).  Moreover,  we are
    not  empowered to substitute our judgment for that of the agency.
    See id.; Caribbean  Petroleum Corp. v. EPA, 
    28 F.3d 232
    , 234 (1st
    Cir. 1994) (citing Motor  Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n v. State  Farm Mut.
    Auto Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43 (1983)).
    Petitioner's challenge to the EPA's 1991 designation of
    Guaynabo as  a PM10  nonattainment area  is  time-barred, see  42
    U.S.C.     7607(b)(1)  (prescribing  60-day  period),  since  the
    petition  for review was filed  in July 1995,  three and one-half
    years  after the  designation.   Consequently, we  lack appellate
    jurisdiction.  Petitioner attempts  to circumvent the time-bar by
    claiming  that the  1991 PM10  nonattainment designation  did not
    constitute "final agency action"  for purposes of judicial review
    under 42 U.S.C.    7607(b)(1), but became final in May  1995 when
    the EPA  approved  the revised  SIP issued  by the  Commonwealth.
    Petitioner's  interpretation  lacks   supporting  authority   and
    conflicts with the plain language of the statute.
    In its  1990 amendments  to the CAA,  Congress directed
    the EPA to publish notice in the Federal Register announcing non-
    attainment designations under 42 U.S.C.   7407(d)(4)(B).  See id.
    7407(d)(2)(A).  On November 6, 1991, the EPA published its PM10
    nonattainment  designation for Guaynabo, thereby constituting its
    designation a  final  EPA action  in accordance  with its  terms:
    "today's codification  of the initial designations for PM10 in 40
    CFR part 81  represents final  agency action for  the purpose  of
    section 307(b)  of the CAA  [42 U.S.C.    7607(b)(1).]"   
    56 Fed. Reg. 56,706
     (emphasis  added).  Cases in  other circuits likewise
    indicate  that such  nonattainment designations  constitute final
    agency action.   See Dressman v. Costle,  
    759 F.2d 548
    , 553  (6th
    Cir.  1985); City of  Seabrook v. EPA,  
    659 F.2d 1349
    ,  1370 (5th
    Cir.  1981)   ("We  think   that  the  designations   [as  NAAQs'
    nonattainment areas] were `final  actions' subject to  immediate,
    direct  review under  [42  U.S.C.    7607(b)(1)]  when they  were
    promulgated."), cert. denied, 
    459 U.S. 822
     (1982); United States
    Steel Corp.  v. EPA, 
    595 F.2d 207
    , 211, clarified,  
    598 F.2d 915
    (5th Cir. 1979).  See also  United States Steel Corp. v. EPA, 
    605 F.2d 283
    , 290 (7th Cir. 1979) (assuming, without discussion, that
    designations [of NAAQS nonattainment  areas] were open to immedi-
    ate  judicial review),  cert. denied,  
    445 U.S. 939
     (1980).   We
    believe this to be  both a permissible construction of  the stat-
    ute,  see  Chevron, U.S.A.,  Inc.  v.  Natural Resources  Defense
    Council,  Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    ,  843 (1984), and,  from an adminis-
    trative  efficiency  perspective,  entirely  rational.    As  the
    required SIP  revision process  itself is protracted,  it is  not
    irrational  to conclude that Congress  did not intend  that it be
    further extended  indefinitely.  See,  e.g., FTC v.  Standard Oil
    449 U.S. 232
    ,  243 (1980)  ("final  agency action"  status
    designed to promote  "administrative efficiency").   Petitioner's
    counterargument that  Congress intended to  defer judicial review
    until the revised SIP has been promulgated is untenable, since it
    misconstrues the plain language  of the statute and misapprehends
    the equally clear intent of Congress.   Cf. Garcia v. Cecos Int'l
    761 F.2d 76
    ,  79  (1st Cir.  1985) (plain  language of  42
    U.S.C.    6972(b), requiring sixty days'  notice before commence-
    ment of "private  citizen" suit  is "not a  technical wrinkle  or
    superfluous formality that federal courts may waive at will . . .
    [but]  part of  the jurisdictional  conferral from  Congress that
    cannot be altered by the courts.").
    As the  EPA points out, Congress well understood how to
    defer review had that  been its intent.  Indeed,  it specifically
    provided for deferred judicial  review of classifications of PM10
    nonattainment areas until agency action has been taken on the SIP
    or any  SIP revision.  Compare  42 U.S.C.   7502(a)(1)(B)  with
    7407(d)(2)(B);  see also  supra  p.3.   Thus,  the absence  of  a
    similar deferment for  nonattainment designations affords confir-
    mation that these EPA actions were meant to be subject to immedi-
    ate  review.  We  therefore conclude that  the PM10 nonattainment
    designation for Guaynabo became a final agency action for purpos-
    es of judicial review upon its publication by  EPA in the Federal
    Register  as directed  in the  1990 CAA  amendments.1   Thus, the
    petition for review is time-barred.
    Petitioner  next  claims  that  it  was "arbitrary  and
    capricious" to approve the revised SIP  issued by the EQB.  Since
    the  revised  SIP comports  with  the  statutory requirement  for
    ensuring  attainment of  the NAAQS  for PM10  in a  moderate non-
    attainment area, this claim fails on the merits.
    Congress has mandated various SIP criteria as prerequi-
    sites  to EPA approval.  See 42  U.S.C.    7410, 7513(a) and (b).
    The CAA  generally allows States considerable  latitude in deter-
    mining how  to meet  these SIP criteria.   See  Train v.  Natural
    Resources  Defense Council, Inc., 
    421 U.S. 60
    , 65, 79, 87 (1975).
    In the instant  case, the  revised SIP submitted  by the  Common-
    wealth won  EPA approval following an agency review for complete-
    ness  and a finding that it reasonably ensured PM10 attainment in
    Petitioner contends  that  the EPA  failed  to  provide
    adequate responses to its objections to EPA's assessment of  PM10
    violations,  its "modeling"  of grain processing  operations, and
    1Petitioner's argument  that  the EPA  "reopened"  its  non-
    attainment designation during the SIP revision process is without
    merit.  Petitioner cannot revive  its time-barred claim by solic-
    iting  an EPA  response to  petitioner's comment  challenging the
    designation, especially since the EPA in this case simply reiter-
    ated its original position.   See, e.g., American Iron  and Steel
    Institute  v. EPA, 
    886 F.2d 390
    , 398 (D.C. Cir. 1989) (permitting
    such bootstrapping would be  contrary to congressional efforts to
    secure prompt  and final  review of agency  decisions; petitioner
    cannot goad  agency into  replying, then claim  agency "reopened"
    issue), cert. denied, 
    497 U.S. 1003
    the  resulting RACT/RACM ("reasonably available control technolo-
    gy/reasonably available  control measures") requirements.   We do
    not agree.
    In each  instance the  EPA presented  reasoned explana-
    tions for approving the  revised SIP notwithstanding petitioner's
    objections.  See 
    60 Fed. Reg. 28,335
    -37.   Moreover, petitioner's
    criticisms, which go to the heart of the EPA's approval methodol-
    ogy, involve areas in which  "EPA's `expertise is heavily  impli-
    cated,' and  we may not  substitute our judgment for  that of the
    Administrator." Mision Industrial, Inc. v. EPA, 
    547 F.2d 123
    , 129
    (1st Cir. 1976) (citations omitted).  Following a thorough review
    of the record, and  careful consideration of petitioner's claims,
    we are not persuaded  that petitioner has demonstrated "arbitrary
    and capricious"  agency  action which  would  warrant  disturbing
    EPA's approval and promulgation of the revised SIP.  See Citizens
    to Preserve Overton Park, Inc., 
    401 U.S. at 415
    The petition for review is denied.
    The petition for review is denied.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-1780

Filed Date: 9/6/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (23)

Puerto Rico Sun Oil Company v. United States Environmental ... , 8 F.3d 73 ( 1993 )

Caribbean Petroleum Corporation v. United States ... , 28 F.3d 232 ( 1994 )

Vincente Serrano Garcia v. Cecos International, Inc. , 761 F.2d 76 ( 1985 )

Sierra Club v. Larson , 2 F.3d 462 ( 1993 )

Mision Industrial, Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency ... , 547 F.2d 123 ( 1976 )

Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority v. United States ... , 35 F.3d 600 ( 1994 )

honorable-james-a-dressman-judge-honorable-lambert-hehl-judge-and , 759 F.2d 548 ( 1985 )

United States Steel Corp. v. United States Environmental ... , 595 F.2d 207 ( 1979 )

City of Seabrook, Texas v. United States Environmental ... , 659 F.2d 1349 ( 1981 )

United States Steel Corp. v. United States Environmental ... , 598 F.2d 915 ( 1979 )

Citizens Awareness Network, Inc. v. United States Nuclear ... , 59 F.3d 284 ( 1995 )

American Automobile Manufacturers Association v. ... , 31 F.3d 18 ( 1994 )

Adams v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , 38 F.3d 43 ( 1994 )

conservation-law-foundation-inc-v-james-busey-administrator-federal , 79 F.3d 1250 ( 1996 )

American Iron and Steel Institute v. U.S. Environmental ... , 886 F.2d 390 ( 1989 )

Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Assn. of United States, Inc. v. State ... , 103 S. Ct. 2856 ( 1983 )

Ca 79-2913 United States Steel Corporation, and Youngstown ... , 605 F.2d 283 ( 1979 )

Harrison v. PPG Industries, Inc. , 100 S. Ct. 1889 ( 1980 )

Federal Trade Commission v. Standard Oil Co. , 101 S. Ct. 488 ( 1980 )

Train v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. , 95 S. Ct. 1470 ( 1975 )

View All Authorities »