Eastern Seaboard Construction Co. v. Gray Construction, Inc. , 553 F.3d 1 ( 2008 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 08-1679
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. George Z. Singal, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Boudin and Stahl, Circuit Judges.
    Gavin G. McCarthy with whom Michael P. Murphy, Pierce Atwood
    LLP, and Regnante, Sterio & Osborne LLP were on brief for
    John A. Hobson with whom Perkins Thompson, P.A. was on brief
    for appellees.
    December 31, 2008
    STAHL,       Circuit    Judge.         Eastern    Seaboard     Concrete
    Construction      Company    ("Eastern")       appeals      the   district   court
    decision vacating an amended arbitration award and denying Eastern
    prejudgment interest on its award.
    The     background      facts     of   this   case     are   thoroughly
    discussed in the magistrate judge's Recommended Decision, see E.
    Seaboard Concrete Constr. Co. v. Gray Constr. Inc., 
    2008 WL 1803781
    (D. Me. 2008).     For our purposes, Gray Construction              ("Gray"), the
    prime contractor on a construction project at the Portsmouth Naval
    Shipyard in Kittery, Maine, contracted with Eastern to perform the
    site work at the project. A dispute arose when Eastern encountered
    unexpected conditions that increased the project's scope and as a
    result, put the job behind schedule.              When the Navy refused to pay
    Gray for the extra work and Gray in turn refused to pay Eastern,
    Eastern   left    the    job,     returned    briefly,      and   ultimately   was
    terminated by Gray. Gray then hired replacement subcontractors and
    suppliers to complete Eastern's scope of the work.
    Eastern filed a complaint premised on the Miller Act, 
    40 U.S.C. § 3131
     et seq., which requires surety bonds on federal
    construction projects, against Gray in federal district court in
    Maine. Gray counterclaimed and simultaneously motioned to stay the
    proceedings      because    Eastern    had     not   exhausted      the   parties'
    contractual and administrative remedies pursuant to the parties'
    subcontract.     The parties then agreed to submit the case to
    arbitration pursuant to the arbitration clause in their contract
    and later voluntarily dismissed the court action to permit the
    arbitration to proceed on a more extended basis.        Eastern and Gray
    agreed that the American Arbitration Association's Construction
    Industry Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures ("AAA Rules")
    would apply to the proceeding.
    Following the arbitration proceedings in May 2007, the
    arbitrator issued a nine-page arbitration award on September 21,
    2007.   Noting that "[t]o the extent that an issue or claim is not
    explicitly discussed and resolved, it is denied," the arbitrator
    awarded Eastern recovery on all but one of its claims, and he also
    determined that Eastern breached its contract by abandoning its
    work and awarded Gray $77,000 for the completion of the contract,
    "to be deducted from the award paid to Eastern Seaboard."              The
    arbitrator rejected Eastern's contention that it was entitled to
    interest under a Federal Prompt Payment Act interest penalty, 
    31 U.S.C. §§ 3901-3907
    , or its implementing regulations.
    Eastern then filed an Application for Clarification of
    the Arbitration Award and sought to have the $77,000 award to Gray
    reduced   by   $66,613.89,   the   amount   remaining   on   the   parties'
    subcontract. Eastern previously had alerted the arbitrator to this
    amount in its Post-Trial Brief in which it observed, "The Parties
    do not dispute that there was           $66,613.81 remaining under the base
    Gray,        in    its   Post-Hearing       Arbitration      Brief,       had
    contended that it was not in breach of contract for non-payment.
    Gray made three independent arguments in its defense.                         First, it
    noted the pay-when-paid clause of the contract.                  Second, it stated
    that    Eastern    "had       effectively    already    been   paid     the    sums   in
    question by virtue of Gray's overpayment on the base contract."
    Finally, Gray suggested that even if Eastern had not been paid for
    the work, the contract permitted Gray to withhold payment "when
    there is reasonable doubt that [Eastern] could complete the Work on
    time, was satisfactorily prosecuting the Work, or that the Work
    could be completed for the unpaid balance of the subcontract
    price."    While the arbitrator's initial award disposed of Gray's
    first     defense,       finding     that     the     pay-when-paid      clause       was
    unenforceable under the Miller Act, it did not address Gray's other
    On November 4, 2007, acknowledging that "[t]he award
    could    have     been    clearer,"    the        arbitrator   issued    an     amended
    arbitration award and adopted Eastern's request, noting that "Gray
    does not seriously dispute the $66,613.89 figure."                    He also cited
    Section    11.2    of    the    contract     which    required   that    any     unpaid
    contract balance owed to the subcontractor be offset by the cost of
    completing the subcontractor's work, "which is precisely what is
    being awarded here."
    Gray moved to vacate the award, and Eastern filed a
    cross-motion to confirm the award and requested the court award
    prejudgment interest.         On April 18, 2008, the magistrate judge
    recommended a decision granting Gray's motion to vacate, finding
    that   AAA    Rule   R-47    ("Rule     47")    prohibited    the    substantive
    modifications in the amended award.               She also determined that
    Eastern was not entitled to interest before the date of the award.
    On May 23, 2008, the district court affirmed the magistrate's
    decision after de novo review.          Eastern now appeals the decision.
    We review the district court's decision to vacate the
    arbitral award de novo.       UMass Mem'l Med. Ctr., Inc. v. United Food
    & Commercial Workers Union, 
    527 F.3d 1
    , 5 (1st Cir. 2008).                   Our
    consideration of the award is "extremely narrow and exceedingly
    deferential," Wheelabrator Envirotech Operating Servs. Inc. v.
    Mass. Laborers Dist. Council Local 1144, 
    88 F.3d 40
    , 43 (1st Cir.
    1996) (citations omitted), such that our de novo review is "among
    the narrowest known in the law,"               Me. Cent. R. Co. v. Bhd. of
    Maint.   of    Way   Employees,   
    873 F.2d 425
    ,   428   (1st   Cir.   1989)
    (citations omitted).        Indeed, we have recognized that "[a]rbitral
    awards are nearly impervious to judicial oversight."                  Teamsters
    Local Union No. 42 v. Supervalu, Inc., 
    212 F.3d 59
    , 61 (1st Cir.
    2000)   (citations     omitted).         Thus,    "[a]   court's    review     of   an
    arbitration award is highly deferential because the parties 'have
    contracted to have disputes settled by an arbitrator' and thus, 'it
    is the arbitrator's view of the facts and of the meaning of the
    contract that they have agreed to accept.'"                  Bull HN Info. Sys.,
    Inc. v. Hutson, 
    229 F.3d 321
    , 330 (1st Cir. 2000) (quoting United
    Paperworkers    Int'l      Union   v.    Misco,    Inc.,    
    484 U.S. 29
    ,      37-38
    "Courts     must    accord     substantial       deference       to     the
    decisions of arbitrators.          Nevertheless, there are limits to that
    deference." Kashner Davidson Sec. Corp. v. Mscisz, 
    531 F.3d 68
    , 70
    (1st Cir. 2008). Section 10 of the Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA")
    permits     courts    to    vacate      arbitrators'       awards   "[w]here        the
    arbitrators exceeded their powers."              
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(4).        Because
    "arbitration is simply a matter of contract between the parties,"
    First Options of Chicago, Inc. v. Kaplan, 
    514 U.S. 938
    , 943 (1995),
    we look to the parties' contract to determine the powers the
    parties intended to bestow upon the arbitrator. "Arbitration under
    the [FAA] is a matter of consent, not coercion, and parties are
    generally free to structure their arbitration agreements as they
    see fit."     Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., 
    514 U.S. 52
    , 57 (1999).        A court may reverse an arbitrator's award on
    contractual grounds only "where an award is contrary to the plain
    language of the [contract]" and in "instances where it is clear
    from the record that the arbitrator recognized the applicable law
    -- and then ignored it."    Advest, Inc. v. McCarthy, 
    914 F.2d 6
    , 9
    (1st Cir. 1990) (citations omitted).    We thus proceed to determine
    whether the arbitrator exceeded his authority in the instant case.
    Eastern and Gray agreed that the AAA Rules would govern
    the arbitration process.1    Hence, the AAA Rules "became part and
    parcel of the arbitration contract."        Mscisz, 
    531 F.3d at
    (citing 11 Richard A. Lord, Williston on Contracts § 30:25 (4th ed.
    2008)).   AAA Rule 47 reads as follows:
    Within twenty calendar days after the transmittal of an
    award, the arbitrator on his or her initiative, or any
    party, upon notice to the other parties, may request that
    the arbitrator correct any clerical, typographical,
    technical or computational errors in the award.       The
    arbitrator is not empowered to redetermine the merits of
    any claim already decided.
    Gray argues that Rule 47 precluded the arbitrator from revisiting
    his initial award and reducing Gray's award by $66,613.89.        We
    While previously we have not had occasion to consider the
    application of Rule 47, we have discussed more generally the
    functus officio doctrine2 and an arbitrator's ability to revisit an
    Notwithstanding Eastern's argument to the contrary, the AAA
    Rules and the FAA govern the scope of the arbitrator's authority to
    amend the award.     Mastrobuono, 
    514 U.S. at 58, 63-64
    .        See
    also Volt Info. Sci., Inc. v. Bd. of Trs. of Leland Stanford Jr.
    489 U.S. 468
    , 478-79 (1989).
    This common law doctrine refers to the exhaustion of the
    arbitrator's powers which precludes him "from vacating, modifying,
    supplementing, or correcting his award." Courier-Citizen Co. v.
    award, recently noting that "the question whether and when an
    arbitrator may reverse or substantially alter his ruling is perhaps
    an open one."    Local 2322, Int'l Bhd. v. Verizon New England, Inc.,
    464 F.3d 93
    ,     97-98   (1st   Cir.       2006)        (citations    omitted).
    See also Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics, and Allied Workers
    Int'l Union v. Excelsior Foundry Co., 
    56 F.3d 844
    , 846 (7th Cir.
    1995) (noting that the functus officio doctrine "[t]oday, [is]
    riddled   with      exceptions   .   .    .    [and]    is    hanging     on   by   its
    fingernails").       Our cases still tend to differentiate between a
    second award which is "fundamentally inconsistent with the first
    award" and one which "simply flesh[es] out the remedy announced
    initially."      Courier-Citizen Co., 702 F.2d at 279; Verizon, 
    464 F.3d at 98
     (distinguishing between "clarify" and "alter").                      Thus,
    we have permitted an arbitrator to clarify whether an award to make
    whole an employee includes a back pay remedy.                 Verizon, 
    464 F.3d at 100
    ; Locals 2222 v. New England Telephone and Telegraph Co., 
    628 F.2d 644
    , 649 (1st Cir. 1980).           See also Fradella v. Petricca, 
    183 F.3d 17
    , 19 (1st Cir. 1999) (finding an amendment to the award
    ministerial where the arbitrator first incorrectly listed New York
    law as governing the arbitration and then revised the award to
    delete the New York references and replace with Massachusetts).
    Boston Electrotypers Union No. 11, 
    702 F.2d 273
    , 278 (1st Cir.
    We find in our sister circuits further evidence of "how
    limited the doctrine of functus officio has become." Excelsior, 
    56 F.3d at 849
    .     For example, in La Vale Plaza, Inc. v. R.S. Noonan,
    378 F.2d 569
    , 570 (3d Cir. 1967), a case not unlike our own,
    the arbitrators proceeded according to the AAA Rules and awarded
    Noonan $30,861.64 "in full settlement of all claims submitted to
    this arbitration one against the other."    The arbitrators did not,
    however, discuss $56,429.66 that La Vale had delivered to Noonan in
    anticipation of the arbitration, and La Vale brought an action to
    recover $25,568.02, the difference between the award and its
         The Third Circuit, after discussing the functus
    officio doctrine, held that the arbitrators should "remove the
    cloud of doubt as to whether they considered the payment of
    $56,429.66 in making their award" as it "will in no way reopen the
    merits of the controversy."      
    Id. at 573
    .     The court explained,
    "Where the award, though seemingly complete, leaves doubt whether
    the submission has been fully executed, an ambiguity arises which
    the arbitrator is entitled to clarify."    
        See also Excelsior,
    56 F.3d at 847-49
     (holding that neither the AAA Rules nor functus
    officio barred an arbitrator from clarifying his award to explain
    which party was responsible for the costs of a rehabilitative
    program); Kennecott Utah Cooper Corp. v. Becker, 
    186 F.3d 1261
    1271-72 (10th Cir. 1999) (permitting arbitrator to explain whether
    he intended to include back pay in the award); Int'l Bhd. of
    Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of Am. v. Silver
    State Disposal Serv., Inc., 
    109 F.3d 1409
    , 1411 (9th Cir. 1997)
    (same); Chase v. Cohen, 
    519 F. Supp. 2d 267
    , 280-81 (D. Conn. 2007)
    (citing Rule 47 to permit the arbitrator to add the first names of
    the parties to the award to clarify joint and several liability).
    In the present case, the arbitrator issued what appeared
    to be a complete award.                But as the Seventh Circuit observed,
    arbitrators       can    "leave       much   to     implication     and    assumption,"
    56 F.3d at 847
    , and the arbitrator, as he acknowledged
    in his amended award, failed to make clear that his award to
    Eastern included the $66,613.89 still owed for work performed on
    the contract.           In its Post-Trial Brief, before the arbitrator
    issued his initial award, Eastern noted that "[t]he parties do not
    dispute    that    there        was   $66,613.89       remaining     under    the    base
    contract."        After     Eastern       moved      to   clarify    the    award,   the
    arbitrator in his amended arbitration award observed that "Gray
    does not seriously dispute" the $66,613.89 figure and that failure
    to offset the $77,000 would result in a "windfall" to Gray.
    We acknowledge that whether this amended award exceeded
    the arbitrator's authority under Rule 47 and therefore justified
    the district court's decision to vacate the award is a close
    question.    The arbitration record before us is sparse.                     We do not
    know what arguments were made before the arbitrator during the
    hearings    nor    can     we    review      the     exhibits   submitted      for    his
    consideration to ascertain whether the $66,613.89 was discussed.
    But good evidence as to whether the $66,613.89 was discussed during
    the arbitration can be found in Gray's own representations to this
    court in which it did not take issue with Eastern's claim that the
    contract balance of $66,613.89 was undisputed.               Instead, Gray
    primarily argued that the arbitrator's initial award was not
    ambiguous and therefore did not require clarification. As the case
    law reveals, this kind of assertion belies the reality that even
    seemingly    complete   awards   may   omit    information    or    overlook
    contingencies, failures that AAA Rule 47 would allow the arbitrator
    to remedy.
    "Judicial   intrusion    is    restricted   to   extraordinary
    situations indicating abuse of arbitral power."          Raytheon Co. v.
    Computer Distrib., Inc., 
    632 F. Supp. 553
    , 557 (D. Mass. 1986)
    (citing Mobil Oil v. Oil, Chem. and Atomic Workers Int'l Union, 
    600 F.3d 322
    , 326 (1st Cir. 1979)).            If the arbitrator is "even
    arguably construing or applying the contract and acting within the
    scope of his authority, that a court is convinced he committed a
    serious error does not suffice to overturn his decision."             Misco,
    484 U.S. at 38
    .    In the amended arbitration award, the arbitrator
    expressly confirmed Eastern's assertion that Gray did not dispute
    the $66,613.89 contract balance during arbitration.                Given our
    deferential review of arbitration awards, it is not within the
    purview of this court to question such an assertion.           Instead, we
    think the arbitrator's statement provides evidence adequate to show
    that he did not exceed his authority under Rule 47.              Assuming the
    veracity of his statement, as we must, and given the lack of
    evidence to the contrary, we believe the arbitrator's omission of
    the $66,613.89 contract balance in the initial award, rather than
    a   redetermination   of   the   merits,   was   the    type    of   "clerical,
    typographical, technical or computational error[]" which AAA Rule
    47 permitted him to amend or clarify.        The amendment did not reopen
    the merits of the case.     Rather, it clarified a latent ambiguity.
    See La Vale, 
    378 F.2d at 573
    Eastern also requests that we vacate the arbitrator's
    award insofar as it denied prejudgment interest.              We summarily can
    address this claim.    AAA Rule R-44(d), which, as discussed above,
    governed   this   arbitration,    dictates    that     "the    arbitrator   may
    include interest at such a rate and from such a date as the
    arbitrator may deem appropriate."             The parties contracted to
    provide the arbitrator with this discretionary power.                Eastern did
    not within three months request modification of the award with
    respect to the denial of prejudgment interest, see 
    9 U.S.C. § 12
    and therefore, it is bound by the award.                The district court
    therefore rightly declined to upset the arbitrator's decision
    regarding prejudgment interest.
    For the foregoing reasons, the district court's decision
    is affirmed in part and reversed in part, and this case is remanded
    for entry of an order affirming the amended arbitration award in
    its entirety.

Document Info

Docket Number: 08-1679

Citation Numbers: 553 F.3d 1

Judges: Boudin, Lynch, Stahl

Filed Date: 12/31/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/3/2023

Authorities (20)

Teamsters Local Union No. 42 v. Supervalu, Inc. , 212 F.3d 59 ( 2000 )

Kashner Davidson Securities Corp. v. Mscisz , 531 F.3d 68 ( 2008 )

Bull HN Information Systems, Inc. v. Hutson , 229 F.3d 321 ( 2000 )

Courier-Citizen Company v. Boston Electrotypers Union No. ... , 702 F.2d 273 ( 1983 )

Local 2322, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers ... , 464 F.3d 93 ( 2006 )

Locals 2222, 2320-2327, International Brotherhood of ... , 628 F.2d 644 ( 1980 )

La Vale Plaza, Inc., a New York Corporation v. R. S. Noonan,... , 378 F.2d 569 ( 1967 )

Kennecott UT Copper v. United Steelworkers , 186 F.3d 1261 ( 1999 )

Picciano v. Petricca , 183 F.3d 17 ( 1999 )

the-maine-central-railroad-company-and-portland-terminal-company-v , 873 F.2d 425 ( 1989 )

Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers ... , 56 F.3d 844 ( 1995 )

wheelabrator-envirotech-operating-services-incorporated-v-massachusetts , 88 F.3d 40 ( 1996 )

Advest, Inc. v. Patrick McCarthy , 914 F.2d 6 ( 1990 )

UMass Memorial Medical Center, Inc. v. United Food & ... , 527 F.3d 1 ( 2008 )

International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, ... , 109 F.3d 1409 ( 1997 )

United Paperworkers International Union v. Misco, Inc. , 108 S. Ct. 364 ( 1987 )

Volt Info. Sciences, Inc. v. Bd. of Trustees of Leland ... , 109 S. Ct. 1248 ( 1989 )

First Options of Chicago, Inc. v. Kaplan , 115 S. Ct. 1920 ( 1995 )

Raytheon Co. v. Computer Distributors, Inc. , 632 F. Supp. 553 ( 1986 )

Chase v. Cohen , 519 F. Supp. 2d 267 ( 2007 )

View All Authorities »