Patrick v. Rivera-Lopez , 708 F.3d 15 ( 2013 )

  •             United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-2413
    Petitioner, Appellant,
    Respondent, Appellee.
    [Hon. Daniel R. Dominguez, U.S. District Judge]
    [Hon. Camille L. Velez-Rive, U.S. Magistrate Judge]
    Howard, Circuit Judge,
    Souter,* Associate Justice,
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Stephen J. Cullen, with whom Kelly A. Powers and Miles &
    Stockbridge P.C. were on brief, for appellant.
    Maricarmen Carrillo-Justiano, with whom Janice Gutierrez-
    Lacourt and Servicios Legales de Puerto Rico, Inc. were on brief,
    for appellee.
    February 1, 2013
    Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the Supreme
    Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    HOWARD,      Circuit    Judge.         Lisandro    Patrick    appeals   a
    decision of the United States District Court for the District of
    Puerto Rico dismissing his petition for the return of his child
    under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction.
    He also appeals the district court's order that he post a bond to
    proceed with the case.       We reverse the district court's dismissal
    of his petition and vacate the order imposing a bond.
    I. Background
    This appeal follows the district court's grant of a
    motion to dismiss.       As we explain below, the motion to dismiss is
    more properly treated as a motion for judgment on the pleadings.
    When deciding an appeal of a motion for judgment on the pleadings,
    "[w]e view the facts contained in the pleadings in the light most
    flattering   to   the    nonmovants     .     .   .   and   draw   all   reasonable
    inferences therefrom in their favor."                 Aponte-Torres v. Univ. of
    445 F.3d 50
    , 54 (1st Cir. 2006).
    A. Abduction of Patrick's Daughter
    Appellant       Lisandro      Patrick        and    Appellee      Noelia
    Rivera-Lopez are the biological parents of L.N.R., a girl born in
    Puerto   Rico   in   2009.        For   purposes       of   this   appeal,   it    is
    uncontested that before L.N.R.'s birth, Patrick signed an affidavit
    acknowledging paternity.      Nevertheless, L.N.R.'s birth certificate
    does not list a father.           Patrick and Rivera were unmarried when
    L.N.R. was born, but they married in Puerto Rico in June 2010.
    Patrick   and   Rivera   agreed   that   after   the   marriage,
    Patrick would move to the United Kingdom and that Rivera would
    follow with her children (L.N.R. and a child from another father)
    as soon as Patrick could set up the family home and earn enough
    money to pay for the family's travel.         In January 2011, Rivera and
    her children moved to the United Kingdom, where they stayed with
    Patrick.    L.N.R. made friends and attended various play groups
    there, and the family received medical care from England's National
    Health Service, as well as other public benefits.              Patrick and
    Rivera applied for a Residence Card for L.N.R. in June 2011.
    In March 2012, Rivera absconded to Puerto Rico with her
    children.     When Patrick discovered that Rivera had taken her
    children to Puerto Rico and did not intend to return to the United
    Kingdom, he filed a petition for the return of L.N.R. in the United
    States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico under the
    Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child
    Abduction, opened for signature Oct. 25, 1980, T.I.A.S. No. 11,670,
    1343 U.N.T.S. 89 ("Hague Convention" or "Convention"), as well as
    its   implementing    statute,   the   International     Child     Abduction
    Remedies Act ("ICARA"), 
    42 U.S.C. §§ 11601-11610.1
                The petition
    alleged that Rivera wrongfully removed L.N.R. from her habitual
    residence, the United Kingdom.
    Patrick did not petition for the return of Rivera's other
    child because he is not the child's biological father.
    B. District Court Proceedings
    On the day that he filed his petition, Patrick asked the
    district court to expedite his case and issue an order to show
    cause to ensure that Rivera would appear in court with L.N.R.                 The
    next    business    day,   the   case    was    assigned   to    a   judge,   who
    immediately issued an order to show cause requiring Rivera to
    appear with L.N.R. at a hearing four days later.                     The order,
    however, also required Patrick to post a $10,000 surety bond.
    Patrick moved to vacate the bond requirement, in part on the
    grounds that Article 22 of the Hague Convention prohibits a court
    from requiring a bond "to guarantee the payment of costs and
    expenses."       Patrick pointed out that he was currently unemployed
    and receiving pro bono legal assistance.             In the alternative, he
    asked the court to reduce the bond to $500.                That same day, the
    district court issued a minute order in which it refused to vacate
    the bond requirement but reduced the bond to $500.                   At the show
    cause hearing the next day, the court appointed counsel for Rivera,
    ordered her to remain in Puerto Rico with L.N.R., and set an
    evidentiary hearing.
    After a series of scheduling difficulties, the parties
    consented to proceed before a magistrate judge.                 In consultation
    with the parties, the magistrate judge scheduled a non-jury trial
    for    October    12,   2012.    Rivera       answered   Patrick's     petition,
    admitting that he is L.N.R.'s father.
    On the eve of trial, October 11, Rivera moved to dismiss
    Patrick's petition under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6)
    for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.
    Rivera argued in part that removal of a child is "wrongful" under
    the Hague Convention only if "it is in breach of [a person's]
    rights of custody," Hague Convention art. 3, and that Patrick had
    no rights of custody under the Convention because he was not
    registered as L.N.R.'s father in her birth certificate.                 The
    magistrate judge granted Rivera's motion to dismiss on the ground
    that Patrick never presented his affidavit of paternity to Puerto
    Rico's Vital Statistics Registry.          Patrick v. Rivera-Lopez, Civil
    No. 12–1501 (CVR), 
    2012 WL 5462677
     (D.P.R. Nov. 8, 2012).           Patrick
    timely appealed the dismissal of his petition, as well as the bond
    II. Analysis
    A.   Dismissal   Under   Federal   Rule   of   Civil   Procedure
    Patrick's first complaint about the dismissal of his
    petition is procedural:      Rivera filed her motion to dismiss under
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) long after the deadline
    for responsive pleadings, and after she had filed her answer.
    Patrick is correct that this motion was untimely because "[a]
    motion asserting [a defense listed in Rule 12(b)] must be made
    before pleading if a responsive pleading is allowed." Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 12(b).   Instead of deciding the motion under Rule 12(b)(6), the
    district court should have treated it as a motion for judgment on
    the pleadings under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c). Aponte-
    Torres, 445 F.3d at 54.
    The court's reliance on the wrong rule, however, was
    inconsequential.     Converting the grounds for a motion from Rule
    12(b)(6) to Rule 12(c) "does not affect our analysis inasmuch as
    the two motions are ordinarily accorded much the same treatment."
    Id.   "Rule 12(c) does not allow for any resolution of contested
    facts; rather, a court may enter judgment on the pleadings only if
    the   uncontested    and     properly   considered   facts   conclusively
    establish the movant's entitlement to a favorable judgment."            Id.
    Nothing about the district court's judgment suggests that the
    result would have been different if the court had converted the
    motion.   We will treat Rivera's motion to dismiss as a motion for
    judgment on the pleadings, and we will review the district court's
    decision de novo.     Id. at 55.
    B.   Patrick's   Entitlement   to   Relief   Under   the   Hague
    1.   The Hague Convention and United Kingdom Law
    "The [Hague] Convention was adopted in 1980 in response
    to the problem of international child abductions during domestic
    disputes.    The Convention seeks 'to secure the prompt return of
    children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting
    State,' and 'to ensure that rights of custody and of access under
    the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the
    other Contracting States.'"       Abbott v. Abbott, 
    130 S. Ct. 1983
    1989 (2010) (quoting Hague Convention art. 1).
    The Convention provides that removal of a child is
    wrongful when
    [(a)] it is in breach of rights of custody
    attributed to a person, an institution or any
    other body, either jointly or alone, under the
    law of the State in which the child was
    habitually resident immediately before the
    removal or retention; and
    [(b)] at the time of removal or retention
    those rights were actually exercised, either
    jointly or alone, or would have been so
    exercised but for the removal or retention.
    Hague Convention art. 3 (emphasis added).            "Rights of custody"
    include "rights relating to the care of the person of the child
    and, in particular, the right to determine the child's place of
     art. 5. "Where a child has been wrongfully removed
    or retained in terms of Article 3 . . . the authority concerned
    shall order the return of the child forthwith."           
     art. 12.
    The United States has implemented the Convention through
    ICARA, which authorizes a person who seeks a child's return to file
    a petition in state or federal court.           
    42 U.S.C. § 11603
    The   court    "shall   decide   the     case   in   accordance   with   the
     § 11603(d).        If the child has been "wrongfully
    removed or retained within the meaning of the Convention," the
    child shall be "promptly returned," subject to certain exceptions.
    Id. § 11601(a)(4).
    Given   this   framework,   Patrick   must   allege    facts
    sufficient to show that he has "rights of custody . . . under the
    law of the State in which the child was habitually resident
    immediately before the removal or retention."        Hague Convention
    art. 3.    Patrick alleged in his petition that L.N.R.'s habitual
    residence is the United Kingdom.       For purposes of this appeal,
    Rivera does not dispute this allegation.         Therefore, Patrick's
    rights of custody are determined with respect to United Kingdom
    To evaluate Patrick's rights of custody under United
    Kingdom law, we must follow a trail of statutes.         Our starting
    point is the law's description of "parental responsibility," which
    Patrick and Rivera agree is tantamount to "rights of custody":
    "Where a child's father and mother were married to each other at
    the time of his birth, they shall each have parental responsibility
    for the child."    Children Act, (1989) § 2(1).2    On its face, this
    provision would appear not to apply to Patrick and Rivera, who
    married after L.N.R.'s birth, but "[r]eferences in this Act to a
    child whose father and mother were . . . married to each other at
    the time of his birth must be read with section 1 of the Family Law
    Reform Act 1987 (which extends their meaning)."     Id. § 2(3).    That
    section states that "references to a person whose father and mother
    The National Archives of the United Kingdom has made these
    statutes available at
    were married to each other at the time of his birth include . . .
    references to any person to whom subsection (3) below applies."
    Family Law Reform Act, (1987) § 1(2).         Subsection (3) applies to
    "any person who . . . is a legitimated person within the meaning of
    section 10 of [the Legitimacy Act 1976]."           Id. § 1(3).     That
    section   defines   "legitimated    person"    to   include   "a   person
    legitimated or recognised as legitimated . . . under section 2 or
    3 above," Legitimacy Act, (1976) § 10(1), and Section 3 of the
    Legitimacy Act 1976 provides that
    where the parents of an illegitimate person
    marry one another and the father of the
    illegitimate person is not at the time of the
    marriage domiciled in England and Wales but is
    domiciled in a country by the law of which the
    illegitimate person became legitimated by
    virtue of such subsequent marriage, that
    person, if living, shall in England and Wales
    be recognised as having been so legitimated
    from the date of the marriage.
    Id. § 3 (emphasis added).   Based on these statutes, we conclude (as
    did the district court) that L.N.R.'s removal was wrongful under
    the Hague Convention if L.N.R. became legitimated under Puerto Rico
    law by virtue of Patrick's marriage to Rivera.3
    United Kingdom law provides other means for a father to
    obtain parental responsibility, but Patrick does not allege that he
    has complied with them.
    With his petition, Patrick filed a letter from the
    International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (a unit of Ministry
    of Justice's Official Solicitor) stating that "[t]he parents are
    married to each other and therefore both have parental
    responsibility for [L.N.R.], pursuant to Section 2(1) of the
    Children Act 1989." It is unclear whether this conclusion followed
    2.    Legitimation under Puerto Rico Law
    For more than a century, Puerto Rico law has provided
    that a child born under the same circumstances as L.N.R. is
    legitimated by the subsequent marriage of her parents.      When Spain
    ceded Puerto Rico to the United States in 1898, the Spanish Civil
    Code provided that "natural children," defined as children born out
    of wedlock to parents who could have married each other at the time
    of conception, may be legitimated by the subsequent marriage of
    their parents.    Ex Parte Hernández Martínez, 
    65 P.R.R. 132
    , 137
    (1945).   Puerto Rico's Civil Codes of 1902 and 1911 contained
    similar laws.    
    Id. at 138, 140-41
    .   Puerto Rico's current law is
    the same, except that it no longer requires that a child's parents
    be eligible to marry each other at the time of the child's
    The legitimation of children had out of
    wedlock    shall   be   accomplished   by   the
    subsequent reciprocal marriage of the parents;
    Provided, That there shall be considered as
    legitimated children, all children had out of
    wedlock prior to the approval of this Act,
    whose parents have married each other after
    the birth of said children.
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 31, § 482
    ; see also 
     § 501 ("All children
    born out of wedlock subsequent to [August 10, 1942], shall be
    natural children, whether or not the parents could have married at
    from the series of statutes above, or if it was based on an
    incorrect assumption that Patrick and Rivera were married when
    L.N.R. was born.
    the moment when such children were conceived.              These children will
    be legitimized by the subsequent marriage of the parents, to each
    Despite this clear language, the district court held that
    Patrick's marriage to Rivera did not legitimate L.N.R. under Puerto
    Rico law because Patrick did not present his affidavit of paternity
    to the Vital Statistics Registry of Puerto Rico.                The court stated
    that a child born out of wedlock "will not be automatically
    considered as begotten by" a man and woman who later marry, unless
    they register the child as theirs.            Patrick, 
    2012 WL 5462677
    , at *6
    (citing Ramos v. Rosario, 
    67 P.R.R. 641
     (1947)).                The court relied
    on León Rosario v. Torres, 
    9 P.R. Offic. Trans. 1082
     (1980), for
    the proposition that "Puerto Rico's legislative system allows no
    room for liberal interpretation regarding facts of life recorded in
    [the] Vital Statistics Registry of Puerto Rico and exceptions [to
    the   Vital    Statistics   Registry     Act     of    Puerto   Rico]   shall   be
    construed restrictively."         Patrick, 
    2012 WL 5462677
    , at *6.
    Neither   opinion   on   which     the   district    court   relied
    adequately supports its decision.             In Ramos, the Supreme Court of
    Puerto Rico decided that a man could represent his minor son in
    court based on an affidavit of paternity that he filed with the
    Vital Statistics Registry.        67 P.R.R. at 644–45.          But the Court did
    not hold that filing the affidavit with the Vital Statistics
    Registry, as opposed to the mere existence of the affidavit,
    entitled the father to represent his son, and the opinion says
    nothing about whether filing the affidavit legitimated the son. In
    León Rosario, when the Court stated that the Vital Statistics
    Registry Act must be construed narrowly, it was simply rejecting a
    claim that the Vital Statistics Registry was required to register
    a birth that took place in Massachusetts.   9 P.R. Offic. Trans. at
    For her part, Rivera claims that the Supreme Court of
    Puerto Rico held in Ex Parte Hernández Martínez that for a child to
    be legitimated, both parents must be listed on the child's birth
    certificate. The opposite is true; in an opinion that discussed at
    length the relationship between acknowledgment and legitimation of
    children, the Puerto Rico Supreme Court explained that under the
    1911 Civil Code, natural children
    were   entitled to   be   legitimated  by   a
    subsequent marriage . . . . [Section 193 of
    the 1911 Civil Code] provided that a natural
    child might be acknowledged by the father and
    mother jointly or by either of them alone,
    either in the record of birth, in a will, or
    in some other public instrument.
    65 P.R.R. at 138.   In short, the Court held that the subsequent
    marriage of the parents of a natural child legitimizes the child,
    whether or not the father appears in the record of birth, as long
    as the child is acknowledged in a public instrument.
    The 1911 Civil Code has been superseded by laws that
    expand the range of ways in which a parent can acknowledge a child.
    Ocasio v. Díaz, 
    88 P.R.R. 658
    , 695-98 & n.7 (1963).     The Supreme
    Court of Puerto Rico has held that under current law, "[t]he
    father, or in his default, his heirs, may acknowledge in any way
    their children, expressly or impliedly, regardless of the dates or
    circumstances of their births and for all legal purposes."    Id. at
    731 (emphasis added).    Because Patrick needed only to acknowledge
    L.N.R. "in any way," his affidavit acknowledging L.N.R. as his
    daughter sufficed to establish that he is her father.        Because
    Patrick is L.N.R.'s father, his marriage to Rivera legitimated
    Rivera also argues that the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico
    held in Castro Torres v. Negrón Soto, 
    159 D.P.R. 568
     (2003), that
    the subsequent marriage of a child's parents gives rise only to a
    presumption of paternity from which the mother's husband can
    benefit if he is registered as the child's father.   This holding is
    inapposite because Patrick's paternity has been settled in this
    case:     Patrick alleged in his petition that he is the father of
    L.N.R., Rivera admitted this allegation in her answer, and no one
    else has challenged Patrick's paternity.
    In the alternative, Rivera argues that L.N.R. cannot be
    legitimated because Puerto Rico's Constitution, as well as one of
    In her reply brief, Rivera cites a provision of Puerto Rico
    law that describes the requirements for an affidavit of
    acknowledgment of paternity. 
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 8, § 510
    . This
    law is inapplicable here because it merely sets out an expedited
    administrative procedure for requesting child support.
    its implementing acts, abolished the distinction between legitimate
    and illegitimate children.      In 1952, Puerto Rico ratified its
    Constitution, which guarantees that "[n]o discrimination shall be
    made on account of race, color, sex, birth, social origin or
    condition, or political or religious ideas."    P.R. Const. art. II,
    § 1 (emphasis added).     Later that year, Puerto Rico enacted Act
    No. 17, which provides that "[a]ll children have, with respect to
    their parents and to the estate left by the latter, the same rights
    that correspond to legitimate children."     
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 31, § 441
    .   Interpreting these laws, the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico
    held that
    [n]o judicial declaration of the status of
    child shall make any pronouncement as to the
    legitimacy or illegitimacy of the birth of the
    petitioner nor as to the civil status of his
    parents.    The petitioner shall be simply
    called "child" and his progenitors "father" or
    "mother," as the case may be.
    Ocasio, 88 P.R.R. at 731.     On the basis of this holding, Rivera
    asks us to conclude that her marriage to Patrick did not legitimate
    L.N.R. under Puerto Rico law.
    Although Puerto Rico has abolished discrimination against
    children based on the circumstances of their birth, it has not
    abolished the concept of legitimacy.      Act No. 17's reference to
    "the same rights that correspond to legitimate children," 
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 31, § 441
    , presupposes that legitimate children still
    exist in Puerto Rico.    See Ocasio, 88 P.R.R. at 732 ("Any judicial
    declaration of status of child shall acknowledge and decree that
    the child so declared shall have . . . the same rights that
    correspond to the legitimate children . . . ."); Perez v. Gardner,
    277 F. Supp. 985
    , 992 (E.D. Wis. 1967) ("[Act No. 17] has been
    given a much broader application so as expressly to legitimate a
    bastard for all purposes as between parent and child.").
    The concept of legitimation still exists as well. Puerto
    Rico has never repealed the statute that provides for legitimation
    of children by the subsequent marriage of their parents, and the
    statute has been cited since Ocasio was decided, both in federal
    court and the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico.               E.g., Castro Torres,
    159 D.P.R. 568
    , 583 (2003) (certified translation) (citing 
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 31, §§ 481-484
    ); Petition for Naturalization of
    429 F. Supp. 549
    , 551-52 (D.P.R. 1974) (citing 
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 31, § 482
    ); see also Vega ex rel. Morales v. Bowen, 
    664 F. Supp. 659
    , 661 (D.P.R. 1987) (citing Ocasio and stating that
    "the   status    of   legitimacy   is    to    be    preferred   over    that   of
    illegitimacy,     and   compliance      with   the    legal   requirements      to
    establish filiation under the laws of the state of the child's
    domicile should be enough to legitimate the child.               The status of
    legitimacy . . . should be decided by the courts of her domicile,
    Puerto Rico." (citation omitted)).
    The    concepts   of    legitimacy       and   legitimation    remain
    important because the laws of jurisdictions other than Puerto Rico
    may invoke them.     Here, we are interpreting a United Kingdom law
    that turns on whether Patrick's marriage to Rivera legitimated
    L.N.R. under Puerto Rico law.     In other cases, the legitimacy of a
    child under Puerto Rico law has determined the child's entitlement
    to Social Security benefits, Perez, 
    277 F. Supp. at 991-93
    , and the
    child's eligibility for naturalization, Petition for Naturalization
    of Fraga, 429 F. Supp. at 549-52.        To hold that a child can no
    longer be legitimated under Puerto Rico law, as Rivera asks us to
    do, would turn the Puerto Rico Constitution and Act No. 17 on their
    heads.     It would discriminate against L.N.R. on the basis of her
    status at birth--the very result that Puerto Rico law prohibits.
    Therefore, we hold that Patrick's marriage to Rivera legitimated
    L.N.R. under Puerto Rico law.     As a result, Patrick has "parental
    responsibility" for L.N.R. under United Kingdom law, which means
    that he has "rights of custody" under the Hague Convention.      The
    district court erred when it dismissed Patrick's petition on the
    grounds that he did not have rights of custody.
    C. Bond Requirement
    As we mentioned above, the district court ordered Patrick
    to pay a $10,000 bond, stating that "[t]his bond will serve not
    only as a non-resident bond, but shall also respond to any damages
    that Respondent may incur should Petitioner not prevail on the
    merits."    Patrick v. Rivera-Lopez, Civil No. 12–1501 (CVR) (D.P.R.
    June 25, 2012) (order to show cause).     Patrick moved to vacate the
    bond requirement, arguing that the Hague Convention explicitly
    prohibits a court from requiring such a bond:      "No security, bond
    or deposit, however described, shall be required to guarantee the
    payment of costs and expenses in the judicial or administrative
    proceedings falling within the scope of this Convention."       Hague
    Convention art. 22.    The district court continued to assert the
    authority to impose a bond but reduced the amount of the bond to
    $500.   In a minute order dated June 28, 2012, the district court
    relied on three opinions that refer to instances in which a court
    imposed a bond in a Hague Convention case:       Whiting v. Krassner,
    391 F.3d 540
     (3d Cir. 2004); Bekier v. Bekier, 
    248 F.3d 1051
    Cir. 2001); and Lops v. Lops, 
    140 F.3d 927
     (11th Cir. 1998).
    The Hague Convention deprived the district court of
    authority to impose a bond on Patrick.         We see no distinction
    between a bond imposed to "respond to damages that Respondent may
    incur should Petitioner not prevail on the merits" and the bond
    that the Convention prohibits.   The opinions on which the district
    court relied refer only in passing to a district court's imposition
    of a bond, without saying whether ordering the bond was within the
    court's power.   Whiting, 
    391 F.3d at 545
    ; Bekier, 
    248 F.3d at
    & n.2; Lops, 140 F.3d at 948, 964.      These opinions offer no reason
    to ignore the text of the Convention.
    III. Conclusion
    For the reasons above, we reverse the dismissal of
    Patrick's petition, vacate the order requiring that Patrick post a
    bond, and remand the case to the district court with instructions
    to conduct a trial as soon as possible.5     Mandate shall issue
    Presumably, the trial will address the issues raised in
    Rivera's answer to Patrick's petition, including her contentions
    that the United Kingdom was not L.N.R.'s habitual residence, that
    returning L.N.R. to the United Kingdom would expose her to a grave
    risk of harm, and that Patrick consented to L.N.R.'s return to the
    United States.