Providence Hospital v. NLRB ( 1996 )

    No. 96-1198
    Petitioners, Cross-Respondents,
    Respondent, Cross-Petitioner.
    Selya and Boudin, Circuit Judges,
    and McAuliffe,* District Judge.
    Maurice M.  Cahillane, with  whom Egan, Flanagan  and Cohen,
    P.C. was on brief, for petitioners and cross-respondents.
    Vincent  Falvo, with  whom Frederick  L. Feinstein,  General
    Counsel,  Linda  Sher,  Associate  General  Counsel,  Aileen   A.
    Armstrong, Deputy  Associate General  Counsel, Linda  J. Dreeben,
    Supervisory Attorney,  and Lisa  R.  Shearin, Attorney,  National
    Labor Relations Board, were  on brief, for respondent  and cross-
    August 28, 1996
    *Of the District of New Hampshire, sitting by designation.
    SELYA,   Circuit   Judge.     Petitioners   and  cross-
    SELYA,   Circuit   Judge.
    respondents,    Providence    Hospital    and   Mercy    Hospital
    (collectively, the Hospitals), seek judicial review of an adverse
    administrative determination.   We deny the  petition and enforce
    the order of respondent  and cross-petitioner, the National Labor
    Relations Board (the Board).
    The Hospitals are members  of the Sisters of Providence
    Health  System (SPHS),  a  chain  of not-for-profit  institutions
    operating  in  western  Massachusetts.   The  Hospitals'  nursing
    staffs are  unionized  and the  Massachusetts Nurses  Association
    (MNA) represents the nurses.   Spurred by rumors of  an impending
    consolidation, an MNA representative, Shirley Astle, wrote to the
    president  of  Mercy  Hospital  on August  11,  1993,  requesting
    relevant  particulars.   The hospital  responded that it  was too
    early  to  predict   the  changes  that   might  result  from   a
    consolidation,  and that in all events a reduction in force would
    likely be restricted to management personnel.
    Shortly  thereafter SPHS announced plans to consolidate
    the Hospitals' administrations.  As the first step in the pavane,
    it appointed  Vincent McCorkle  as president and  chief executive
    officer of both institutions.  A letter dated September 28, 1993,
    sent  to the union  by a member  of the newly  unified management
    team, confirmed the  earlier assurance that, although  management
    would  be  "look[ing] at  ways to  integrate how  [the Hospitals]
    provide care,"  there  were no  definite  plans to  downsize  the
    bargaining  units.   It was  simply "too  early to  determine the
    nature and  extent of  any potential  impact on  employee working
    On February  24, 1994,  McCorkle sent  a letter to  the
    Hospitals'  combined  work  force.     The  letter  informed  the
    employees  of a perceived "need to  adjust . . . staffing levels"
    and suggested that this adjustment would be accomplished at least
    in part by reduction  in force.1  Roughly three  weeks thereafter
    the Hospitals advised local media outlets that some 200 positions
    would  be eliminated  as part  of the  ongoing consolidation.   A
    second press release, distributed later that same week, indicated
    that despite  management's earlier assurances  198 Mercy Hospital
    employees  and  six   Providence  Hospital  employees   had  been
    On  the  very day  that  McCorkle  first announced  the
    impending reduction  in force,  SPHS and a  competing health-care
    system, Holyoke-Chicopee Area Health Resources  (HCAHR), signed a
    memorandum  of understanding (MOU)  commemorating their intent to
    merge.  McCorkle informed the Hospitals' employees of the planned
    merger on February 25, 1994.  Although this statement hinted at a
    further reorganization and possible future efficiencies of scale,
    1The  communique added  that the  Hospitals had  intended to
    delay   informing  workers   about  these  layoffs   until  plans
    crystallized, but that a threatened news leak forced management's
    2The record  indicates that thirty-eight of  the individuals
    laid off at Mercy were nurses.  The record is silent, however, as
    to whether any nurses were laid off at Providence.
    McCorkle claimed that no decisions had been made regarding future
    staffing.  In short order,  SPHS and HCAHR submitted applications
    to  federal and state agencies  in an endeavor  to gain necessary
    regulatory approvals.
    On May  5, 1994    with  layoffs a  reality and  with a
    merger  now in  the  offing    Astle requested  a copy  of SPHS's
    "business  plan,"  saying  that  the  MNA wanted  "to  begin  its
    assessment of the merger's  impact on the conditions of  work for
    the  RNs  MNA  represents  at Providence  and  Mercy  Hospitals."
    McCorkle  temporized  while forwarding  the  request  to counsel.
    Astle wrote again on May 24, complaining that she had received no
    substantive response.   The Hospitals' lawyer  finally replied on
    June  2, but  he gave  MNA's request  the back  of his  hand; the
    attorney took  the  position that  SPHS  "is a  totally  separate
    corporation," and,  therefore, the Hospitals did  not have access
    to a  copy of the desired  document (if, indeed, such  a document
    MNA  chose not  to quibble.   Instead,  it renewed  its
    request in somewhat  altered form.  In letters dated  July 26 and
    August 5, respectively, it set  forth a particularized listing of
    documents  that it wished to examine, a detailed statement of the
    reasons underlying its information  requests, and the legal basis
    upon  which  the  requests   rested.3    Regarding  the  internal
    3Sandwiched  between   these  requests  was  a  letter  from
    McCorkle to the Hospitals'  employees offering insights anent the
    proposed  merger.  In this missive, dated July 29, 1994, McCorkle
    acknowledged  that  some  departments  would  be  amalgamated but
    predicted that "most  jobs will be saved and moved within the new
    consolidation, MNA asked that the Hospitals provide copies of (1)
    all documents relating to the  consolidation (or in lieu thereof,
    a  detailed explanation of the consolidation);  (2) any plans for
    further  work force  reductions at  Mercy Hospital;  and  (3) any
    plans regarding changes in the  Hospitals' corporate status.   As
    to  the anticipated merger with  HCAHR, MNA sought  (1) copies of
    the MOU and other  documents explicating the merger's  terms; (2)
    plans  for, or  information about,  proposed staffing  changes at
    Mercy  Hospital  in  consequence  of this  merger;  and  (3)  all
    documents pertaining to the Hospitals'  proposed corporate status
    within  the merged group of facilities.  Each request solicited a
    response within ten days.
    The Hospitals asserted that they needed additional time
    to  formulate a meaningful  response.   MNA waited  patiently for
    more  than a month before sending a follow-up letter on September
    12.    Receiving  no immediate  response,  the  union then  filed
    charges  with  the  Board.   As  the  Board's  processing of  the
    charging  papers drew to a close, the Hospitals provided MNA with
    some   but not all    of the requested data, characterizing their
    December 29  transmittal as a  "response to the  NLRB information
    charge."  The Board's regional director issued a formal complaint
    ten days later.  In  May 1995   on the eve of the  NLRB hearing
    the  Hospitals  supplied  MNA  with  materials  explaining  their
    corporate structure and reaffirming that no further layoffs would
    system."   An attachment hinted at  possible future reductions in
    force  (though claiming that "right now, we have no game plan for
    result from  the internal consolidation.  They  furnished no data
    relating to the proposed merger with HCAHR.
    The  matter was  heard by  an administrative  law judge
    (ALJ)  who took  evidence and  reserved judgment.    Three months
    elapsed before the ALJ issued his decision.  In the interim HCAHR
    purported to terminate the  MOU.  Displeased no little  and quite
    some, SPHS filed suit in  state court alleging breach of  the MOU
    and seeking, inter alia, specific performance.
    In September 1995 the ALJ published his findings and  a
    proposed order.   He determined  that the Hospitals  had breached
    their duty  to bargain in  good faith by  withholding information
    relevant  to the  performance of  the union's  undertakings  as a
    collective  bargaining representative,  and had  thereby violated
    the National Labor Relations  Act (NLRA), specifically, 29 U.S.C.
    158(a)(1) & (5).
    The  Hospitals  took  exception  to  the  decision  and
    appealed to  the Board.  The Board adopted the ALJ's findings and
    rationale,4 albeit modifying the recommended order slightly.  See
    Providence  Hosp., 320 N.L.R.B. No.  60 (Jan. 31,  1996), 
    1996 WL 48263
    ,  at *1.   In  light  of this  adoption,  we recount  those
    findings as if they were made ab initio by the Board.
    The   Board   first   addressed   MNA's   requests  for
    4The Board  is not obliged  to make independent  findings or
    conduct its own analysis of the factors prompting an order where,
    as here,  it expressly adopts  the ALJ's findings  and reasoning.
    See NLRB  v. Horizon Air Servs.,  Inc., 
    761 F.2d 22
    ,  24 n.1 (1st
    Cir. 1985).
    information regarding  the internal  consolidation.   It adjudged
    this information relevant  because MNA might well  have needed it
    "so  that  it  could determine  what  legal  effect  if any  [the
    consolidation] would have on its collective-bargaining agreements
    with  the hospitals, when  it should  demand bargaining  over the
    effects of  the transaction,"  and what effect  the restructuring
    would have  on the bargaining units.  See id.  at *7.  Turning to
    the  requests regarding the proposed merger, the Board found that
    information to  be relevant, even  though not directly  linked to
    terms and conditions of employment.  See id. at *8.  It explained
    that "MNA needed to  know the impact of the proposed  [merger] on
    its  contracts," as  well as  any other  possible effects  on the
    status of the bargaining units.  Id. at *9.  Moreover, McCorkle's
    letters  to the  employees suggested  the possibility  "that some
    decisions might have been made which would affect bargaining unit
    employees."  Id.
    We  start by reiterating  the deferential standard that
    obtains  when federal courts review  orders of the  Board.  Then,
    before moving to specifics, we discuss in general terms the scope
    of  an employer's  duty  to disclose  relevant information  to an
    inquiring union.
    A.  The Standard of Review.
    A.  The Standard of Review.
    When a party challenges the  Board's determination that
    it has committed  an unfair  labor practice,  an inquiring  court
    must scrutinize  the record as a  whole.  As to  matters of fact,
    court should uphold the Board's findings if they are supported by
    substantial evidence.   See Universal  Camera Corp. v.  NLRB, 
    340 U.S. 474
    , 488 (1951);  Teamsters Local Union No. 42  v. NLRB, 
    825 F.2d 608
    , 612 (1st Cir.  1987).  As to matters of  law, appellate
    review is  plenary.   Nevertheless,  appellate courts  ordinarily
    should defer to  the Board's interpretations  of the statutes  it
    must  enforce, such  as the  NLRA, whenever  such interpretations
    flow  rationally from  the statutory text.   See  NLRB v.  Town &
    Country Elec., Inc., 
    116 S. Ct. 450
    , 453 (1995); NLRB v.  Curtin
    Matheson Scientific, Inc., 
    494 U.S. 775
    , 778 n.2 (1990).
    B.  The Duty to Disclose.
    B.  The Duty to Disclose.
    The NLRA imposes upon employers and unions alike a duty
    to bargain in good faith over "wages, hours,  and other terms and
    conditions of  employment."  29  U.S.C.   158(d).   The right  to
    bargain collectively would be  little more than a  hollow promise
    if a bargaining representative did not have the concomitant right
    to  muster  the information  needed  to  conduct that  bargaining
    effectively.  Thus,  "[t]he duty  to bargain collectively  . .  .
    includes a duty to provide relevant information needed by a labor
    union  for the proper performance of its duties as the employees'
    bargaining representative."  Detroit Edison Co. v. NLRB, 
    440 U.S. 301
    ,  303 (1979).   A breach of  this duty constitutes  an unfair
    labor practice under 29 U.S.C.   158(a)(5).
    Stating the rule is not a  surefire means of dispelling
    all uncertainty.   Relevance, like beauty, sometimes lies  in the
    eye  of   the  beholder,  and  parties  can   differ  about  what
    information  is (or is not)  relevant to a  union's functions qua
    bargaining  agent.    Stated  in   traditional  terms,  requested
    information is relevant if it seems probable that the information
    will be of legitimate use to the union in carrying out its duties
    and responsibilities  qua bargaining  agent.   See  NLRB v.  Acme
    Indus. Co., 
    385 U.S. 432
    , 437 (1967).  Put another way, requested
    information should  be deemed relevant if  it is likely to  be of
    material assistance in evaluating strategies  that may be open to
    the union as part of its struggle to minimize the adverse effects
    of the  employer's decisionmaking  process on persons  within the
    bargaining unit.   See Western Mass. Elec. Co.  v. NLRB, 
    589 F.2d 42
    ,  48 (1st Cir. 1978).  These  liberal formulations of the test
    make  manifest that the relevancy  threshold is low  and that the
    standard  is   neither  onerous   in  nature  nor   stringent  in
    application.5  This  is as it  should be, for  a union cannot  be
    expected  to   chart  a  prudent  course   without  reliable  and
    reasonably specific information about the employer's plans.
    The Board and  the courts have put a gloss  on the test
    for  relevancy    a gloss  that alters  the burden  of persuasion
    depending upon the nature of the  data sought by the union.  When
    "the requested information concerns wages and related information
    5The standard  is analogous  to the relevancy  standard that
    governs in the pretrial  discovery process, under which discovery
    initiatives are deemed  relevant as long as  they seem calculated
    to  lead  to the  unearthing of  admissible  evidence.   See Acme
    385 U.S. at 437
     (approving  "discovery-type standard");
    NLRB v.  New Eng. Newspapers,  Inc., 
    856 F.2d 409
    , 414 n.4  (1st
    Cir. 1988) (same).
    for  employees  in  the   bargaining  unit,  the  information  is
    presumptively  relevant to  bargainable issues."   Soule  Glass &
    Glazing  Co. v.  NLRB,  
    652 F.2d 1055
    ,  1093  (1st  Cir.  1981)
    (citation  and internal quotation marks  omitted).  In such cases
    the  employer must either  disprove relevance  or explain  why it
    cannot furnish the information.  See, e.g., NLRB v. Borden, Inc.,
    600 F.2d 313
    ,  317  (1st  Cir. 1979).    By contrast,  when  the
    requested information  only indirectly  implicates the  terms and
    conditions of employment, it is the union's burden to demonstrate
    the  relevance of  the  information  to  the performance  of  its
    statutory obligations.  See Western Mass. Elec., 573 F.2d at 105.
    Despite  this  dichotomy,  however,  the  ultimate  standard   of
    relevancy  does not  vary.   Moreover, in  both situations  it is
    necessary  to  measure  relevance   under  the  totality  of  the
    circumstances  that obtain  in a  particular case.   See  NLRB v.
    Truitt Mfg. Co, 
    351 U.S. 149
    , 153-54 (1956).
    Once  the  Board has  made  its  assessment of  whether
    particular information  must be produced, the  standard of review
    looms large.  At  that juncture, a reviewing court  should accord
    considerable respect both to the Board's determination and to the
    factual  findings  underpinning  it.    See  NLRB  v.   New  Eng.
    Newspapers, Inc., 
    856 F.2d 409
    , 414 (1st Cir. 1988).
    C.  The Merits.
    C.  The Merits.
    It  is  against  this  backdrop  that  we  mull  the
    assignments of error.  The Hospitals interpose both relevancy and
    confidentiality objections to the Board's decision concerning the
    requests for  merger-related information.   They  lodge relevancy
    and  substantial compliance  objections to  the Board's  decision
    concerning  the  requests for  consolidation-related information.
    Finally,  they question the scope of the Board's order.  Although
    the  applicable legal  principles  overlap, we  treat these  five
    points separately.
    1.  Relevance  of the Planned  Merger.  The  Hospitals'
    1.  Relevance  of the Planned  Merger.
    relevancy objection  to the compulsory sharing  of merger-related
    information  is  painted  with  too  broad  a  brush.    Whatever
    generalities may pertain to proposed mergers in the abstract, the
    concrete (and somewhat unusual) factual circumstances surrounding
    this  proposed merger  afford  substantial evidence  adequate  to
    support the Board's order.
    To be  sure, certain management actions that ultimately
    may  have a  significant impact  on the  terms and  conditions of
    employment within the bargaining  unit are nonetheless beyond the
    purview of  collective  bargaining.   In  a much-quoted  turn  of
    phrase, Justice  Stewart referred to these  actions as comprising
    "the core  of entrepreneurial control."   Fibreboard Paper Prods.
    Co.  v. NLRB, 
    379 U.S. 203
    , 223 (1964) (Stewart, J., concurring).
    The  thesis holds  that important  management decisions,  such as
    choosing a  marketing strategy or liquidating  lines of business,
    are not  concinnous subjects for mandatory  collective bargaining
    because  they "are  fundamental to  the basic direction  of [the]
    corporate  enterprise."  
      The components forming this core of
    entrepreneurial  control  are  often  classified   as  comprising
    matters that are "akin to the decision whether to be in  business
    at all."   First National Maint. Corp. v. NLRB, 
    452 U.S. 666
    , 676
    (1981).   And while such  matters are not  primarily addressed to
    conditions  of  employment, they  may  have  effects    sometimes
    profound effects   upon those conditions.
    Although  the content  of this core  of entrepreneurial
    control  eludes   a  precise  description,  see   United  Food  &
    Commercial  Workers, Etc., v. NLRB,  
    1 F.3d 24
    ,  30-33 (D.C. Cir.
    1993),  it  is plain  that the  decision  to merge  two unrelated
    corporate entities  falls within it.  See  International Ass'n of
    Machinists &  Aerospace Workers v. Northeast  Airlines, Inc., 
    473 F.2d 549
    , 556-57 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 
    409 U.S. 845
    Thus, MNA had no right either to veto the decision to merge or to
    request  information  for  the  purpose  of  intruding  into  the
    negotiations between the merger partners (SPHS and HCAHR).
    Still, there  is an  important distinction  between the
    right to  bargain about a core  entrepreneurial business decision
    (a right which a union does not possess) and the right to bargain
    about  the  effects  of  that  decision  on  employees  within  a
    bargaining  unit  (a  right  which, depending  upon  the  overall
    6We think that mergers involving independent entities are to
    be  distinguished  from   internal  consolidations  involving   a
    combination  or realignment  of  subsidiaries owned  by a  common
    parent.   Such internal  consolidations do  not require  the same
    degree of "secrecy, flexibility and quickness" that, according to
    Northeast Airlines, 473 F.2d at 557, renders arm's-length mergers
    not easily susceptible  of collective bargaining.   In any event,
    the Hospitals do  not contend  that the  decision to  consolidate
    internally,  as opposed to the decision to merge with an external
    partner, comes  within the core of  entrepreneurial control, and,
    accordingly, we express no opinion on the topic.
    circumstances,  a  union may  possess).   After  all,  subject to
    considerations such as relevancy  and immediacy, unions generally
    enjoy  the right to bargain  over the effects  of decisions which
    are  not themselves mandatory  subjects of collective bargaining.
    See First National Maint., 
    452 U.S. at 681
    ; Northeast  Airlines,
    473  F.2d at  557.   It  follows  that,  even when  a  particular
    managerial  decision  is  not   itself  a  mandatory  subject  of
    bargaining,   the  decision's  forecasted   impact  on  salaries,
    employment levels,  or other  terms and conditions  of employment
    may  constitute  a mandatory  subject  of  collective bargaining.
    See, e.g., Holly  Farms Corp. v.  NLRB, 
    48 F.3d 1360
    , 1368  (4th
    Cir. 1995), aff'd, 
    116 S. Ct. 1396
     (1996); New  Eng. Newspapers,
    856 F.2d at 413
    ; Penntech Papers, Inc.  v. NLRB, 
    706 F.2d 18
    , 26
    (1st  Cir.), cert. denied, 
    464 U.S. 892
     (1983).   Embracing this
    tenet,  MNA   contends  that  its  requests   for  merger-related
    information were relevant to  "effects bargaining," and therefore
    should have been honored.
    In an effort to parry the union's thrust, the Hospitals
    offer two  reasons why  MNA  could not  properly predicate  these
    information requests on a desire to engage in effects bargaining.
    They  suggest that  (1)  such bargaining  always  must await  the
    culmination of a pending  merger (and here, the parties  have not
    finalized the transaction and may never do so), and (2) even if a
    pending merger can sometimes be an appropriate subject of effects
    bargaining, the prospects of  this particular merger are  too dim
    and its outline too  amorphous to warrant a finding  of relevancy
    (especially since restraint-of-trade laws  may limit any detailed
    discussions  of  operating  efficiencies   until  the  merger  is
    consummated).  In our view, neither suggestion is convincing.
    The  Hospitals' contention that effects bargaining (or,
    more  accurately, the  gathering  of information  preliminary  to
    effects  bargaining)  always must  await  the  consummation of  a
    merger depends almost entirely  on their reading of  our decision
    in  Northeast Airlines.   That decision however,  is incapable of
    carrying the cargo that the Hospitals load on it.  For one thing,
    the question that we  discussed in Northeast Airlines arose  in a
    materially  different  legal  posture.   There  we  affirmed  the
    district court's denial  of an injunction sought by  a union as a
    means   of  preventing  the  merger   of  the  employer  into  an
    independent  company.  See  Northeast Airlines, 473  F.2d at 558.
    We hung our  decision on  the district court's  balancing of  the
    equities   standard fare in cases seeking injunctive relief.  For
    another  thing, the union's  goal in the  Northeast Airlines case
    was to require the employer to incorporate the union's views into
    the  framework  of  the contemplated  merger.    See  id.   Here,
    however,  the  union sought  neither to  halt  the merger  nor to
    meddle  in   the  negotiations  between  the  merging  entities.7
    7Another  difference    but one  to which  we attach  little
    weight    is that  Northeast Airlines involved  the Railway Labor
    Act  (RLA), 45 U.S.C.    151-188.   We deem it settled that cases
    brought under the RLA can inform the decisional process under the
    NLRA.  See,  e.g., Trans  World Airlines v.  Independent Fed.  of
    Flight Attendants, 
    489 U.S. 426
    , 426-27 (1989); Lebow v. American
    Trans Air, Inc., 
    86 F.3d 661
    , 665-66 (7th Cir. 1996); Brotherhood
    of  Locomotive Engineers v. Kansas City So. Ry. Co., 
    26 F.3d 787
    795 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 320
    Because considerations  not present  here informed  the Northeast
    Airlines  court's  discussion  of  the  core  of  entrepreneurial
    control,  we  think that  Northeast  Airlines  can be  reconciled
    easily with authority  (to which we  subscribe) holding that,  as
    long as a  pending merger  is sufficiently advanced,  a union  is
    entitled to  request information  shown by  the  totality of  the
    circumstances  to  be relevant  in order  to prepare  for effects
    bargaining.   See Holly Farms, 
    48 F.3d at 1360
     (upholding Board's
    finding that employer's failure  to produce merger agreement when
    requested   pre-merger  constituted  an  unfair  labor  practice)
    311 N.L.R.B. 273
    , 350 (1993)); Children's Hosp. of San
    312 N.L.R.B. 920
    , 923 (1993)  (ordering disclosure of
    merger agreement because its contents, even before the merger was
    consummated,  "clearly would  have influenced  [the union]  as to
    negotiating tactics, positions, and demands").
    This brings us to  the Hospitals' second argument.   It
    is common  ground  that a  union  cannot demand  bargaining  over
    effects  that  are  purely  speculative, ephemeral,  or  too  far
    removed from the  underlying activity.   See Detroit Edison,  
    440 U.S. at 314-15
    ; Northeast Airlines, 473 F.2d at 558.  But in this
    instance, the Hospitals themselves  presented the planned  merger
    to their  employees and to the  media as a fait  accompli.  Their
    press  release  spoke  in  categorical terms,  and  a  subsequent
    memorandum sent  by McCorkle  to the  employees  crowed that  the
    governing  boards  of  both  merger partners  "have  given  final
    approval  to   the  proposed  [transaction],"   subject  only  to
    regulatory   clearances  (which,   we  note,   were  subsequently
    procured).  The same  communique mentioned "some specifics" about
    the system that would  result from the merger, including  (1) the
    partners' plans  to "combin[e]  some acute care,  non-acute care,
    and  administrative   services"   across  facilities,   and   (2)
    McCorkle's  prediction that  "most jobs  will be saved  and moved
    within  the  new  System."    A  newsletter  distributed  by  the
    Hospitals  in the same time frame suggested that the merger would
    be completed in three to six  months.  It informed the work force
    that, although "right now, [SPHS and HCAHR] have no game plan for
    layoffs,"  the workers should  expect "a significant reallocation
    of jobs within the new System" at some point.
    A  union  is entitled  to  plan in  advance  for likely
    contingencies.   Under  the  totality of  the circumstances  that
    existed  here    especially the  employer's expressed  confidence
    that the  merger would take  place soon  and the emphasis  in its
    handouts on the  reallocation of  personnel   we  believe it  was
    within the Board's  authority to find that  the union's professed
    need for  specifics about  the  merger's probable  impact on  the
    bargaining  unit was  reasonable.   See Union  Builders, Inc.  v.
    68 F.3d 520
    , 523 (1st Cir. 1995) (explaining that employers
    must "divulge  information of even merely  potential relevance").
    In other words, given  management's professed near-certainty that
    the  merger would eventuate and  its broad hints  that it already
    had  formulated some ideas relative to future staffing of the new
    system, the  Board reasonably could find    as it did    that MNA
    needed  information  both  about  the proposed  merger  (for  the
    purpose of  bargaining over its  effects, if and  when necessary)
    and the  structural attributes of  the new  system (to  determine
    whether  the collective bargaining  agreements would  survive the
    realignment).   Thus, substantial evidence  supported the Board's
    endorsement   of   the   union's  requests   for   merger-related
    We add  an eschotocol  of sorts.   The Hospitals  claim
    that the  ultimate failure of the merger8  takes two bites out of
    the  Board's case,  serving  not  only  to moot  the  information
    requests  but also to underscore  their prematurity.   We are not
    persuaded.    The  relevance  of requested  information  must  be
    determined  by the circumstances that exist at the time the union
    makes  the request, not by  the circumstances that  obtain at the
    time an agency or a court finally vindicates the union's right to
    divulgement.   See NLRB v. Arkansas Rice Growers Coop. Ass'n, 
    400 F.2d 565
    , 567 (8th Cir. 1968); Mary Thompson Hosp., 
    296 N.L.R.B. 1245
    , 1250  (1989), enforced, 
    943 F.2d 741
     (7th Cir. 1991).  Were
    the law otherwise, an employer would have a perverse incentive to
    drag its feet, and a union could lose deserved rights through the
    ticking of the clock  and the delay inherent in  the adjudicatory
    2.   Confidentiality.   The  Hospitals' second  line of
    2.   Confidentiality.
    8In  candor, it is far from clear  that the merger is a dead
    letter.  SPHS's suit against HCAHR is still pending in  the state
    court.   In its complaint  SPHS terms the  MOU "binding" and asks
    for specific performance.
    defense is that the MOU was subject to a side agreement requiring
    the  parties to keep all matters pertaining to the merger secret.
    We agree with the basic premise  on which this defense rests:  an
    employer's  commitment to, or  genuine need  for, confidentiality
    sometimes  can  constitute  an  appropriate  reason  for  keeping
    documents   even documents  that are potentially relevant to  the
    collective  bargaining process    out  of a  union's hands.   See
    Detroit Edison, 
    440 U.S. at 319
    .  And  when confidentiality  is
    properly  put in  issue,  the Board  must  carefully balance  the
    employer's need  for privacy  against  the union's  need to  make
    informed decisions  in its capacity as  the employees' bargaining
    representative.  See New Eng. Newspapers, 
    856 F.2d at 413
    But there is  less here  than meets the  eye.   Because
    confidentiality is in the nature of an affirmative defense, it is
    the  employer's   burden  to   demonstrate  that   the  requested
    information  is shielded by a legitimate privacy claim.  See Mary
    Thompson Hosp.  v. NLRB, 
    943 F.2d 741
    , 747 (7th  Cir. 1991); see
    generally  Borden, 
    600 F.2d at 317
     (assuming relevancy, it is the
    employer's burden to provide some good and sufficient reason  why
    the union's request should  be denied).  Moreover, to  permit the
    requisite balancing, the employer normally must advance its claim
    of  confidentiality in  its response  to the  union's information
    request.    Only  in  that  way  will  the  parties  have  a fair
    opportunity  to confront  the problem  head-on and bargain  for a
    partial disclosure  that will satisfy the  legitimate concerns of
    both sides.  See Mary Thompson Hosp., 
    943 F.2d at 747
    Setting this principle into  motion, the Board has held
    that  it is untimely for  an employer to  raise a confidentiality
    objection  to an  information  request for  the first  time after
    proceedings before the  Board have been  commenced.  See  Detroit
    Newspaper Agency, 
    317 N.L.R.B. 1071
    , 1072 (1995).   This protocol
    represents  a responsible  application of  the statutory  duty to
    bargain in good faith, and we must therefore defer to the Board's
    expertise.   Thus,  because the  Hospitals  failed to  follow the
    proper   procedural   sequence   and  neglected   to   assert   a
    confidentiality objection  in their  exchange with the  union, we
    reject this line of defense.9
    3.  Relevance of the Internal Consolidation.  The Board
    3.  Relevance of the Internal Consolidation.
    also  found that  MNA's  requests for  information regarding  the
    consolidation were  relevant.   This finding cannot  seriously be
    MNA initially sought this  information in the summer of
    1993.  It honed the information requests and renewed them several
    times  in the succeeding months.   Aside from  broad denials that
    the consolidation would have any  effect on the bargaining units,
    management's first substantive response  came late in 1994 (after
    MNA  had  preferred charges  and the  Board was  on the  verge of
    issuing a complaint).  In the intervening  fifteen months (during
    9The Hospitals' asseveration that they could not explain the
    need for confidentiality without revealing privileged information
    proves too much.   If that was the case,  then the Hospitals were
    obliged to cite that  dilemma in response to the  MNA's requests.
    They did not do so.
    which interval  MNA made  five separate requests  for information
    about the  consolidation) the  Hospitals laid  off more  than 200
    workers.   In light of the  continuing uncertainty about imminent
    corporate   restructuring      uncertainty   fed   by  statements
    attributable to  management   MNA reasonably  could have believed
    that further changes were in the offing.  Consequently, the Board
    plausibly  could have  found    as it  did    that  the requested
    information had great importance to the union and was, therefore,
    relevant.   This is especially  so in view  of the fact  that the
    collective bargaining agreement at Providence Hospital expired on
    December 31, 1994,  unless automatically renewed, and  MNA had to
    decide  no  later  than October  1,  1994  whether  to allow  the
    contract to renew automatically or to reopen negotiations.
    The  Hospitals offer  no  convincing  rebuttal  to  the
    Board's relevancy  finding.  As  the Board noted,  see Providence
    1996 WL 48263
    ,  at *7, the Hospitals' position  boils down
    to a naked assertion that the union had to take management at its
    word  that  the  organizational  changes  portended   no  further
    alterations in staffing.  That is not the way the world works:  a
    union is not bound to  accept management's ipse dixit, especially
    when, as  now, the totality  of the circumstances  indicates that
    something  else  may be  afoot.    Here,  extensive  layoffs  had
    followed past assurances from management, and the union had every
    reason  to probe.  It requested information which, if extant, had
    undeniable  relevance  for  the  purpose  of effects  bargaining.
    Thus,  MNA had a statutory right to receive this information in a
    timely fashion,  or in lieu thereof to  receive a contemporaneous
    written statement  as to  some legally  sufficient reason  why it
    could not be produced  (say, that no such information  existed or
    that it was somehow privileged).10
    4.  Substantial Compliance.  We dismiss out of hand the
    4.  Substantial Compliance.
    Hospitals'   suggestion   that   their  belated   disclosure   of
    consolidation-related information  cures their default.  MNA made
    a  series of information requests over a period spanning thirteen
    months.   The  Hospitals stonewalled  for that  entire length  of
    time.  They then  furnished some information in December  of 1994
    (after the Board investigation had begun) and some in May of 1995
    (on the eve of the hearing).  Even assuming arguendo that the two
    batches  of  belatedly  supplied  information  in  the  aggregate
    fulfilled the union's requests,  the Hospitals' act of contrition
    came too late.  As the Board explained, the protracted delay that
    separated the requests from the divulgement of data could "not be
    attributed  to  the  time  needed  to  assemble  the  information
    furnished."  Id. at *8.  A union is entitled to timely disclosure
    of relevant information.   See Capitol Steel & Iron  Co. v. NLRB,
    89 F.3d 692
    , 697  (10th  Cir. 1996);  Borden, 
    600 F.2d at 318
    10We   reject  the   Hospitals'   contention   that   public
    availability of  the requested information obviated  the need for
    disclosure.   The argument is inherently circular:  MNA could not
    possibly know that all  the information was in the  public domain
    if  the Hospitals refused to turn over the requested documents or
    to make any  other substantive response.  At the  very least, the
    Hospitals had the duty to explain to MNA in a timely fashion that
    everything was  out in the open.  As the Board put it, "the Union
    was  entitled to hear that [news] directly from the [Hospitals]."
    Providence Hosp., 
    1996 WL 48263
    , at *8.
    Western Mass. Elec.,  
    589 F.2d at
    46 n.6.   Because the Hospitals
    failed to  provide MNA with relevant  documentation regarding the
    consolidation  "as  promptly  as  circumstances  allow,"  Capitol
    89 F.3d at 698
     (quoting Decker Coal Co., 
    301 N.L.R.B. 729
    740 (1991)), the Board's  finding of an unfair labor  practice is
    5.  The Scope of the Order.  We briefly  touch upon the
    5.  The Scope of the Order.
    Hospitals'  objection  to  the  Board's  remedial  order.    Some
    background is desirable.  The  ALJ initially recommended that the
    Hospitals  be  required  to  furnish  "in  a  timely  fashion, on
    request,  information  concerning  any  proposed  affiliation  or
    consolidation of Mercy Hospital and Providence Hospitals with one
    another  and  concerning  proposed  mergers,  consolidations,  or
    affiliations of Providence and  Mercy Hospitals with other health
    care  providers."  See Providence  Hosp., 
    1996 WL 48263
    , at *11.
    This language contains an  evident ambiguity, raising uncertainty
    as to  whether it applies  to all mergers  (past and  future), or
    only  to the  stalled SPHS/HCAHR  merger, or  strictly to  future
    (indeterminate)  mergers.    The  Board  removed  this ambiguity,
    modifying  the recommended  order  "to require  the Hospitals  to
    furnish to [MNA] the information requested in [MNA's] requests of
    July 26 and August 5, 1994."  
     at  *1 n.1.  To the Board's way
    of  thinking,  this  modification   "more  closely  reflects  the
    violations found."  
    The modified order responds  to the reality that, here,
    an unusual  concatenation of  events exist, e.g.,  the Hospitals'
    presentation  of the merger as a done deal, their insistence that
    the  MOU  obligated the  signing  parties  even after  HCAHR  had
    repudiated it,  and their stonewalling  in the  face of  repeated
    information  requests.     What   is  more,  by   specifying  the
    information that  the Hospitals  must disclose, the  Board limits
    the remedy and leaves  future transactions untouched.  This  step
    fits neatly with our  belief that each situation is  sui generis,
    and that  pending mergers may or  may not be a  proper subject of
    effects    bargaining    (depending    on   the    individualized
    circumstances).  Based on these  considerations, the modification
    falls well within the Board's province.
    We  need go  no further.   For  the  reasons elucidated
    above, we hold that  the Board's decision and order  comport with
    applicable precedent and are supported by substantial evidence in
    the record.
    The petition for review  is denied.  The cross-petition
    The petition for review  is denied.  The cross-petition
    for enforcement is granted.  Costs will be taxed in  favor of the
    for enforcement is granted.  Costs will be taxed in  favor of the

Document Info

Docket Number: 96-1198

Filed Date: 8/28/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (24)

teamsters-local-union-no-42-aw-international-brotherhood-of-teamsters , 825 F.2d 608 ( 1987 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Borden, Inc., Borden ... , 600 F.2d 313 ( 1979 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Horizon Air Services, Inc. , 761 F.2d 22 ( 1985 )

union-builders-inc-v-national-labor-relations-board-district-council , 68 F.3d 520 ( 1995 )

Western Massachusetts Electric Company v. National Labor ... , 589 F.2d 42 ( 1978 )

Soule Glass and Glazing Co. v. National Labor Relations ... , 652 F.2d 1055 ( 1981 )

Nos. 93-1710, 93-1882 , 48 F.3d 1360 ( 1995 )

Mary Thompson Hospital, Petitioner/cross-Respondent v. ... , 943 F.2d 741 ( 1991 )

Mark B. Lebow v. American Trans Air, Inc. , 86 F.3d 661 ( 1996 )

Capitol Steel and Iron Company v. National Labor Relations ... , 89 F.3d 692 ( 1996 )

brotherhood-of-locomotive-engineers-hl-smith-gd-mclaughlin-ld-wilson , 26 F.3d 787 ( 1994 )

National Labor Relations Board v. New England Newspapers, ... , 856 F.2d 409 ( 1988 )

united-food-and-commercial-workers-international-union-afl-cio-local-no , 1 F.3d 24 ( 1993 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Arkansas Rice Growers ... , 400 F.2d 565 ( 1968 )

Holly Farms Corp. v. National Labor Relations Board , 116 S. Ct. 1396 ( 1996 )

Universal Camera Corp. v. National Labor Relations Board , 71 S. Ct. 456 ( 1951 )

Detroit Edison Co. v. National Labor Relations Board , 99 S. Ct. 1123 ( 1979 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Truitt Manufacturing Co. , 76 S. Ct. 753 ( 1956 )

First National Maintenance Corp. v. National Labor ... , 101 S. Ct. 2573 ( 1981 )

Fibreboard Paper Products Corp. v. National Labor Relations ... , 85 S. Ct. 398 ( 1964 )

View All Authorities »