United States v. Olea ( 1993 )

    No. 92-2168
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Ernest C. Torres, U.S. District Judge]
    Boudin, Circuit Judge,
    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge,
    Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Damon  M. D'Ambrosio  with whom  Martin  D.  Harris and  Martin D.
    Harris, Esquire, Ltd. were on brief for appellant.
    Margaret E.  Curran, Assistant United  States Attorney, with  whom
    Lincoln  C.  Almond, United  States  Attorney,  and Zechariah  Chafee,
    Assistant United States Attorney, were on brief for the United States.
    March 15, 1993
    CAMPBELL,  Senior  Circuit   Judge.    This  is   a
    Sentencing  Guidelines  appeal, in  which defendant-appellant
    Santos  Olea  contends that  the  sentencing  court erred  by
    considering  as relevant  conduct quantities of  cocaine from
    sales to which  he did  not plead guilty,  by increasing  his
    sentence for  an obstruction of  justice, and by  denying his
    request   to   reduce   the  sentence   for   acceptance   of
    responsibility.  We affirm the sentence.
    Santos Olea  was indicted  in January 1992  on four
    counts: Count I charged  that on December 12, 1991,  Olea and
    codefendant Alberto Gonzalez distributed cocaine in violation
    of 21  U.S.C.   841(a)(1); Counts II and III charged that the
    same  occurred on December 16 and December 20, 1991; Count IV
    charged that  from a time  unknown until  December 20,  1991,
    Olea   and  Gonzalez  conspired   to  distribute  cocaine  in
    violation of 21  U.S.C.   846.   Olea  pleaded guilty in  the
    United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island
    to Count I  in return  for the dismissal  of the three  other
    At sentencing  in September  1992, the  court heard
    testimony  from  Detective Gannon  of  the  Providence Police
    Department,  who presented  his view  of Olea's  role in  the
    1.  Codefendant  Gonzalez,  who  is  not a  party  here,  was
    indicted  on the same four  counts and pleaded  guilty to the
    first three.
    three sales.   A  government informant, "Luis,"  arranged for
    Gannon  to  make  an  undercover  purchase  of  cocaine  from
    codefendants Olea  and Gonzalez at a  shopping center parking
    lot in Providence.
    On  December 12,  1991, at  11:30 a.m.,  Olea drove  into the
    parking  lot with Gonzalez in the  passenger seat, where they
    met with Detective  Gannon inside the  car.  Luis  introduced
    defendant  Santos Olea  as "Hector"  and Alberto  Gonzalez as
    "Jose."   Gonzalez  handed  a package  of  cocaine to  Gannon
    (weighing approximately  60 grams).   Both Olea  and Gonzalez
    told him  to check it  out.   Gannon gave Gonzalez  $1,450 in
    cash,  who counted it and handed  it to Olea who also counted
    it.   When Gannon said he would want more cocaine later, Olea
    said that Gannon could contact him through informant Luis.
    On December  16, 1991,  Gannon called Luis,  who in
    turn  called "Hector," and the three men spoke on a three-way
    telephone  line   with  Luis  acting   as  a  Spanish-English
    interpreter.   Gannon said to Hector that he wanted "the same
    thing,"  to which Hector replied, "I'm busy today.  I'll send
    my  nephew."  Hector also said, "Same place, same price, same
    quantity."    Gannon testified  that  the  voice of  "Hector"
    sounded like the voice of defendant-appellant Olea, and that,
    in  his opinion, he was speaking  with Olea.  Later that day,
    codefendant Gonzalez arrived alone at the same parking lot at
    the same time in the same  car, which was registered to Olea.
    Gonzalez delivered 60.7  grams of cocaine  to Gannon for  the
    same price.  Gonzalez then gave Gannon a phone number to call
    for more cocaine.  The number  was listed to the same address
    where Olea and Gonzalez  apparently lived and were eventually
    Three more times in the next few days, Gannon spoke
    to  "Hector" on  the telephone  in the  same manner:   Gannon
    called Luis, who in turn established a three-way conversation
    with "Hector."   Luis later  told Gannon that  he established
    the phone contact with  "Hector" by dialing the  phone number
    given  to  Gannon by  Gonzalez.   On  the third  call, Gannon
    arranged for  a purchase of  double the previous  quantity of
    cocaine.  Hector  told Gannon that  his "nephew" would  again
    deliver it at the same place.  On December 20, Gonzalez again
    came  to  the parking  lot in  Olea's  car and  completed the
    transaction  for 123.65 grams.  The total weight of the three
    sales was  245.20 grams.   Police subsequently  arrested Olea
    and Gonzalez  at the  address where  the  telephone line  was
    Prior  to sentencing,  Olea wrote  a letter  to the
    court apologizing for his involvement in the December 12 drug
    sale,  to  which  he  had  pleaded  guilty.    However,  Olea
    proclaimed  that  he  merely  gave Gonzalez  a  ride  to  the
    shopping center  on December 12,  never touched the  money or
    drugs, and  had  nothing  else to  do  with  Gonzalez's  drug
    dealing.  Olea also strenuously denied any connection with or
    knowledge  of the December 16 and December 20 sales, claiming
    that Gonzalez  merely borrowed  his car without  telling Olea
    what   he  was  doing.    The  letter  was  included  in  the
    presentence report.
    After  hearing  the   evidence  at  the  sentencing
    hearing and  considering Olea's letter and  objections to the
    presentence  report, the  court  sentenced Olea.   The  court
    judged Detective  Gannon to  be a  credible  witness, and  so
    found  that  the  "Hector"  on  the  telephone  was  actually
    defendant Olea and that Olea had actively participated in all
    three drug sales.   Based upon the evidence, the  court found
    that  the entire amount of cocaine in the three sales, 245.20
    grams,  should  be  considered  in  calculating  Olea's  base
    offense  level.  The court  also found that  Olea's letter to
    the court contained material falsehoods regarding his role in
    the transactions.  After  denying any downward adjustment for
    a  minor role in the offense, increasing the offense level by
    two points pursuant  to U.S.S.G.    3C1.1 for obstruction  of
    justice, and denying a  two-point reduction for acceptance of
    responsibility under  U.S.S.G.   3E1.1, the  court calculated
    the offense level as  22.  With criminal history  category I,
    the applicable sentencing  range was  41 to 51  months.   The
    court sentenced  defendant to  42 months incarceration  and 5
    years supervised  release, along  with other fines  and other
    conditions  not  relevant  here.     Olea  appeals  from  his
    Appellant contends that the sentencing  court erred
    in  three particulars:  (1) it  included as  relevant conduct
    under U.S.S.G.   1B1.3 the quantities of cocaine involved  in
    the  December 16  and December  20 sales;  (2) it  found that
    appellant obstructed justice under  U.S.S.G.   3C1.1; and (3)
    it denied appellant a reduction in sentence for acceptance of
    responsibility under  U.S.S.G.   3E1.1.2   All of appellant's
    three  arguments turn on the extent of his involvement in the
    three cocaine sales.
    At the sentencing hearing, the court made a factual
    finding  that  appellant was  an  active  participant in  the
    December 12  sale, and was not  a mere driver  as he claimed.
    The court also found that appellant arranged for the December
    16 and  20 sales,  even though codefendant  Gonzalez actually
    delivered the drugs to the parking lot.  The court's findings
    rested  in large part  on the testimony  of Detective Gannon,
    whom the court found to be a credible witness.  Assessment of
    the  credibility  of  witnesses is  for  the  trier of  fact.
    United States  v. Serrano, 
    870 F.2d 1
    , 5 (1st Cir. 1989).  We
    must accept these findings  unless clearly erroneous.  United
    States v. Gerante, 
    891 F.2d 364
    , 368 (1st Cir. 1989).
    2.  All references to the United States Sentencing Guidelines
    are  to the November 1,  1991, version, which  is the version
    applicable to appellant's case.
    We  do  not find  clear  error.   Detective  Gannon
    testified  that,  on  December  12, he  met  with  appellant,
    identified as "Hector," and  that appellant spoke with Gannon
    about the quality of the cocaine, counted the money, and told
    Gannon to contact him  through Luis if he wanted  more drugs.
    Gannon arranged for each  of the two later sales  by speaking
    on  the  telephone  to  someone  who  answered  to  the  name
    "Hector."   Each  call took  place in  the same  manner, with
    Gannon  calling Luis,  who  in turn  established a  three-way
    conference  call with  "Hector" by  dialing the  phone number
    supplied  to Gannon by Gonzalez.  Gannon recognized the voice
    of  "Hector" each time as  that of appellant  Olea.  "Hector"
    told Gannon  to meet his "nephew" at the "same place."  After
    such  phone calls,  the  later two  sales  took place,  under
    circumstances quite  similar to  the first sale,  with Olea's
    codefendant similarly involved, using  Olea's car.  The court
    was  under   no  obligation   to  accept  Olea's   denial  of
    involvement, which it could have found implausible in all the
    We turn next to the district court's application of
    U.S.S.G.    1B1.3(a),3  concerning  relevant conduct.   In  a
    3.  Section 1B1.3(a) provides:
    Unless otherwise specified, (i)  the base
    offense   level   where   the   guideline
    specifies  more  than  one  base  offense
    level,     (ii)      specific     offense
    characteristics    and    (iii)     cross
    drug distribution case, quantities  of drugs not specified in
    the count of conviction are to be included in determining the
    offense  level if  they  were part  of  the same  "course  of
    conduct  or part of a common scheme  or plan" as the count of
    conviction.   U.S.S.G.    1B1.3  comment.  (backg'd.); United
    States v. DiIorio, 
    948 F.2d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 1991).  We believe
    that  the court  reasonably concluded,  based on  its finding
    that appellant had participated in all three drug sales, that
    the relevant amount of cocaine here was the total amount sold
    in   the  three   separate   transactions,  the   later   two
    transactions being  relevant even  though  appellant did  not
    actually  appear in  person  at the  delivery  of the  drugs.
    948 F.2d at 7
    .  Finding no clear error, Gerante, 
    891 F.2d at 368
    ,  we thus  reject appellant's  challenge to  the
    court's determination of the relevant conduct.
    references  in  Chapter  Two,   and  (iv)
    adjustments  in  Chapter Three,  shall be
    determined on the basis of the following:
    . . .
    (2)  solely with respect to offenses
    of  a  character  for  which
    3D1.2(d)  [Groups   of  Closely
    Related  Counts] would  require
    grouping  of  multiple  counts,
    all    acts    and    omissions
    described    in    subdivisions
    (1)(A)  and  (1)(B) above  that
    were part of the same course of
    conduct  or  common  scheme  or
    plan   as    the   offense   of
    . . . .
    Appellant  also  challenges   the  obstruction   of
    justice  enhancement  under  U.S.S.G.      3C1.1.    Such  an
    enhancement  is  authorized,  inter  alia,  when  a defendant
    provides  "materially  false   information  to  a   judge  or
    magistrate"  or  "to a  probation  officer  in respect  to  a
    presentence or other investigation  for the court."  U.S.S.G.
    3C1.1,  comment.  (n.3(f),  (h)).    The  enhancement  was
    properly applied  here as appellant was  supportably found to
    have misrepresented two material  facts in his letter to  the
    district court  (which also  was considered by  the probation
    officer  in  preparing the  presentence  report): he  falsely
    portrayed  himself  as  "an  unwitting  dupe"  (the  district
    court's words) in  the December 12  sale, and falsely  stated
    that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the December 16 and
    20 sales.  Cf.  United States v. Dunnigan, 
    61 U.S.L.W. 4180
    1993 U.S. LEXIS 1779
     (U.S.  Feb. 23, 1993)  (upholding
    obstruction  of  justice  enhancement  under     3C1.1  where
    defendant committed  perjury  at  trial);  United  States  v.
    923 F.2d 221
    ,   228-29  (1st  Cir.  1991)  (same;
    defendant falsely  denied any  knowledge of drug  dealing and
    characterized  codefendant "as  the villain  of the  piece").
    While  the  counts  charging   these  later  two  sales  were
    dismissed in connection  with Olea's plea to  Count I, Olea's
    false assertions  that he had  not participated in  them were
    "material" for the  purposes of U.S.S.G.   3C1.1 because they
    "would tend to  influence or affect"  the calculation of  his
    base offense level for his conviction on Count I.  U.S.S.G.
    3C1.1, comment.  (n.5).   The sentencing  court did  not err,
    therefore,  in adding a two-level enhancement for obstruction
    of justice.
    Finally, we  turn to  appellant's challenge  to the
    court's refusal to grant  a two-level decrease for acceptance
    of responsibility.   Appellant contends that  he was entitled
    to such a decrease because he pleaded guilty to and expressed
    some  remorse for his crime  under Count I.   But a reduction
    for  acceptance of responsibility is not "a matter of right."
    U.S.S.G.    3E1.1, comment.  (n.3); United States  v. O'Neil,
    936 F.2d 599
    , 599 (1st Cir. 1991).  Except in "extraordinary
    cases," "[c]onduct resulting in  an enhancement under   3C1.1
    (Obstructing  or  Impeding  the  Administration  of  Justice)
    ordinarily indicates  that  the defendant  has  not  accepted
    responsibility for his criminal conduct . .  . ."  U.S.S.G.
    3E1.1, comment. (n.4); United States v. Aymelek, 
    926 F.2d 64
    69  (1st   Cir.  1991).    The   district  court  justifiably
    determined that this was not the extraordinary case.
    Appellant  argues that  the  court improperly  gave
    weight to  his statements denying any  responsibility for the
    two  later drug  sales  that were  charged  in the  dismissed
    counts.   It is true that, under our precedent, appellant was
    not required to have shown remorse for the dismissed charges.
    United States v.  Perez-Franco, 
    873 F.2d 455
    , 463 (1st  Cir.
    1989)  ("[A] defendant  who has  made  a plea  agreement must
    accept responsibility  solely for the  counts to which  he is
    pleading  guilty.");  see  also  O'Neil,  
    936 F.2d at 599
    However,  the district court did  not base its  denial of the
    acceptance of responsibility decrease solely upon defendant's
    statements relative to  the dismissed charges.  It noted that
    he had also lied in  asserting that he had only a  minor role
    in the December 12  sale.  His refusal to  accept appropriate
    responsibility  for that  sale,  to which  he pleaded,  alone
    warranted a  finding that  he did not  accept responsibility.
    Moreover, the  court's supported  finding that appellant  had
    lied  when denying  involvement in the  two later  sales took
    appellant  well beyond  the Perez-Franco  safe harbor,  which
    allows  a  defendant  to  remain  silent  as  to the  conduct
    contained  in  a dismissed  charge  but does  not  sanction a
    defendant's  giving of materially  false information relative
    thereto.4  There was no error in the court's  refusal to find
    that Olea had accepted responsibility.
    Finding  no error  in  any of  the court's  rulings
    below, we affirm appellant's sentence.
    4.  While this  proceeding is  not controlled by  the current
    Application  Note  1(a)  to  section  3E1.1,  that  note  now
    articulates the  distinction we make.  It reads, in pertinent
    Note  that a defendant is not required to
    volunteer,   or    affirmatively   admit,
    relevant  conduct  beyond the  offense of
    conviction in order to obtain a reduction
    under  subsection (a).   A  defendant may
    remain  silent  in  respect  to  relevant
    conduct beyond the offense  of conviction
    without affecting his ability to obtain a
    reduction    under    this    subsection.
    However, a defendant who  falsely denies,
    or frivolously contests, relevant conduct
    that the court determines  to be true has
    acted  in  a  manner   inconsistent  with
    acceptance of responsibility[.]
    U.S.S.G.   3E1.1,  comment. (n.1(a))  (as amended,  effective
    Nov.  1, 1992).  The  district court here  indicated that had
    defendant  said nothing  about  the later  sales, instead  of
    falsely denying all involvement,  it would have been prepared
    to  grant  the  decrease  for  acceptance  of  responsibility
    (assuming truthfulness as to Count I).