United States v. Rodriguez-Leon ( 2005 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 02-2693
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Juan M. Pérez-Giménez, U.S. District Judge]
    Boudin, Chief Judge,
    Torruella, Circuit Judge,
    and Carter,* Senior District Judge.
    Randy Olen, on brief, for appellant.
    Thomas F. Klumper, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
    H.S. García, United States Attorney, and Nelson Pérez-Sosa,
    Assistant United States Attorney, were on brief, for appellee.
    March 17, 2005
    Of the District of Maine, sitting by designation.
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.        Defendant-appellant Víctor
    Rodríguez León ("Rodríguez") entered into a plea agreement on one
    count of aiding and abetting in the possession with intent to
    distribute and/or distribution of multiple kilograms of controlled
    substances, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a), for his involvement
    between the ages of nine and seventeen1 in a drug organization in
    which both of his parents were also involved.        He alleges that his
    competence to plead guilty was questionable and that a magistrate
    judge erroneously recommended that he be transferred to adult
    status.   Consequently, he argues, the district court erred in
    refusing to continue sentencing proceedings in order to investigate
    his apparent dissatisfaction with his guilty plea. Because we find
    no abuse of discretion in the district court's acceptance of the
    guilty plea, failure to permit its withdrawal, or refusal to
    continue sentencing, the decision below is affirmed.
    I.   Background
    On   September   19,   2001,   Rodríguez   was   charged   as   a
    juvenile in a sealed criminal complaint for conspiracy to possess
    with intent to distribute narcotics, in violation of 21 U.S.C.
    Rodríguez was born on September 14, 1983, but the government's
    brief indicates that he was seventeen and a half years old when he
    was charged on September 19, 2001 and appellant's brief indicates
    that he was nineteen years old at the time of his transfer hearing
    on May 3, 2002. Regardless of these discrepancies, there appears
    to be agreement that Rodríguez's active participation in the drug
    organization occurred when he was between the ages of nine and
    § 846.   On September 21, 2001, Rodríguez plead not guilty to the
    charge and was placed in pretrial detention.   On December 4, 2001,
    the government filed a Motion to Transfer to Adult Status, and
    amended the charge to aiding and abetting in the possession with
    intent to distribute and/or distribution of multiple kilograms of
    controlled substances, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    An evidentiary hearing was held before Magistrate Judge
    Aida M. Delgado Colón on May 3, 2001.    At the hearing, Dr. Luis
    Francisco Umpierre, a clinical psychologist, and Dr. Maria T.
    Margarida Juliá, a clinical neuropsychologist, testified on behalf
    of the Government and Rodríguez, respectively.        Dr. Umpierre
    determined that Rodríguez has an IQ of 62, corresponding to mild
    mental retardation, and both experts found evidence of cognitive
    dysfunction or brain damage.    On June 13, 2002, the magistrate
    judge issued a detailed Report and Recommendation.   In the Report,
    she made specific findings on each of the six factors that 
    18 U.S.C. § 5032
     directs judicial officers to consider in deciding on
    transfer to adult status.2     She found that Rodríguez's prior
    The factors are "[1] the age and social background of the
    juvenile; [2] the nature of the alleged offense; [3] the extent and
    nature of the juvenile's prior delinquency record; [4] the
    juvenile's present intellectual development and psychological
    maturity; [5] the nature of past treatment efforts and the
    juvenile's response to such efforts; [and 6] the availability of
    programs designed to treat the juvenile's behavioral problems." 18
    U.S.C. 5032. The guiding principle in weighing these factors is
    whether "transfer would be in the interest of justice." 
    delinquency record,3 poor response to probationary supervision and
    corresponding need for an institutional rehabilitation program, and
    mental limitations on judgment and emotional control, in addition
    to the lack of evidence of the existence of adequate non-penal
    rehabilitation programs to suit Rodríguez's needs, all weighed in
    favor of transfer to adult status.         In addition, the magistrate
    judge found that the nature of the alleged offense -- including
    reliable   government   evidence   of    Rodríguez's   participation   in
    murders and "hunting" rival drug gang members -- was sufficient,
    standing alone, to warrant transfer to adult status.
    The magistrate judge also made findings as to Rodríguez's
    competency to stand trial.     She determined, on the basis of the
    psychological reports, that although his mental and judgmental
    capacities were limited, Rodríguez was capable of distinguishing
    right from wrong, understanding if one penalty was harsher than
    another, understanding the implications of an alibi defense and
    assisting his counsel by providing facts and information in support
    Between December 2000 and February 2001, Rodríguez was found
    guilty of possession of cocaine and six counts of possession of a
    firearm; arrested on charges of attempted murder, first degree
    murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and additional weapons
    violations; and charged with four counts of illegal appropriation
    of a vehicle. He was charged as an adult in the District of Puerto
    Rico in these cases.     Additionally, Rodríguez was charged in
    commonwealth court with possession of drug paraphernalia and 135
    bags of cocaine intended for distribution.            Commonwealth
    proceedings to transfer Rodríguez to adult status on these charges
    were underway at the time the magistrate judge rendered her Report
    and Recommendation.
    thereof.   Thus, she concluded, he was competent to stand trial and
    assist defense counsel.
    Rodríguez initially filed a sealed objection to the
    Report   and   Recommendation,   but    just   over   a   month   later,   he
    submitted a motion to proceed against him as an adult.            The motion
    states that "upon advise [sic] of counsel, [Rodríguez] voluntarily
    waives all further transfer procedures in this case [and] requests
    to be proceeded against as an adult for purposes of criminal
    prosecution in this case."   The same day, he waived indictment and
    plead guilty to one count of distribution of various narcotic
    drugs, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    At the change of plea hearing before district court judge
    Juan M. Pérez Giménez, Rodríguez's counsel orally withdrew his
    opposition to the Report and Recommendation.              After questioning
    Rodríguez directly, the district judge accepted the Report and
    Recommendation and waiver of transfer proceedings, found Rodríguez
    competent to waive indictment, and accepted his guilty plea.
    A sentencing hearing was held on November 22, 2002.             At
    the hearing, the following exchange occurred between the district
    judge and Rodríguez's counsel:
    MR. ANGLADA: Your Honor, let me put something on the
    record before we start. I am ready for sentence and we
    have reviewed the PSI with the client. The client would
    like the sentence to be continued. One of the reasons is
    that his mother was already sentenced and his father is
    to be sentenced at an adjacent court on December 10th.
    We are within the thirty-five days. I am ready but I
    have the duty and the loyalty to my client to inform the
    court that he would prefer sentencing to be continued.
    THE COURT: What is the reason?
    MR. ANGLADA: The reason, Your Honor, is that he would
    prefer sentence not to be imposed in accordance with the
    written plea agreement. His father is to be sentenced by
    the Honorable Court if the plea is accepted by that
    neighboring court for a prison term of eighteen and a
    half years and, of course, I am bound by the plea
    agreement before this court and this plea calls for the
    imposition of a sentence of thirty seven points with a
    criminal history of two for the imposition of a sentence
    of 240 months. So, I am ready, he would -
    THE COURT: But the fact that his father may be sentenced
    before or after he is sentenced, how does that affect his
    own sentence?
    MR. ANGLADA: Your Honor, in my opinion I don't see any
    reasoning other than the generic attitude of his father
    now that our plea agreement is not a satisfactory plea
    agreement for his father and, therefore, for him,
    remember that he is now 18 or 19 and his IQ is one of 62.
    Now he is with his father at MDC and now he is again
    under the influence of his father.
    THE COURT: Again my question is, do you think it would be
    beneficial for him to continue now under his father's
    supervision or if I sentence him today ask the Marshals
    to transport him out of Puerto Rico, so he is not under
    that influence, which apparently is a very bad influence.
    MR. ANGLADA: Well, Your Honor, as an attorney, as a
    father, I have an opinion.     I don't want to further
    jeopardize my relationship to him, so, you know, I don't
    know, if you are going to accept my words as an answer.
    THE COURT: . . . . [W]e will proceed to sentence the
    defendant today. I think that your actions in this case
    were professionally carried out. You obtained the best
    plea agreement you could with the government under the
    circumstances and I would rather have him be sentenced
    today than leave the door open that might create problems
    between yourself and your client, which apparently they
    have been a very fruitful relationship.
    Sentencing Transcript at 3-6 (emphasis supplied). Without directly
    asking Rodríguez to clarify his reasons for wanting a continuance,
    Judge Pérez Giménez sentenced him to 235 months in prison, eight
    years supervised release, and a $100 assessment.
    Rodríguez appealed, claiming that his counsel's remarks
    at sentencing put the court on notice that he was challenging the
    plea agreement and sought to withdraw his plea.                        Accordingly,
    Rodríguez   argues     that    the    court   erred    in   failing     to   further
    investigate whether he was entitled to a change of plea, and in
    denying the requested continuance.
    II.     Analysis
    A.     Change of plea
    For     purposes     of     our    analysis,      we   will      assume
    arguendo    that    counsel's    statements      amounted     to   a    request   to
    withdraw Rodríguez's guilty plea.4            The district court's failure to
    permit withdrawal, or to inquire further into the basis for the
    request are therefore reviewed for abuse of discretion. See United
    States v. Isom, 
    85 F.3d 831
    , 834 (1996).              A defendant does not have
    Were we to hold otherwise, the district court's failure to
    permit a change of plea would be reviewed under the more stringent
    plain error standard. See United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    732 (1993); cf. United States v. Browne, 
    318 F.3d 261
    , 264-65 (1st
    Cir. 2003) (noting that ambiguous request for evidentiary hearing
    on change of plea motion would be reviewed for plain error if court
    did not assume request had been made).
    an absolute right to withdraw a guilty plea, but rather must show
    a "fair and just reason" therefor.           Fed. R. Crim. Proc. 32(e);5
    85 F.3d at 834
    .     The burden of persuading the court that such
    a reason exists is on the defendant.          See, e.g., United States v.
    362 F.3d 129
    , 134 (1st Cir. 2004); cf. Browne, 
    318 F.3d at 265
     (holding that court need hear additional evidence in support of
    a   change   of   plea   only   if   there   was   an   adequate   tender   by
    defendant).       Rodríguez has offered no authority to support his
    contention that, despite this burden, the district court was under
    an affirmative obligation to inquire further into his reasons for
    dissatisfaction with his plea.
    We turn now to an evaluation of the reasons offered by
    defense counsel.      We have identified several factors that must be
    considered in determining whether a defendant has shown a "fair and
    just reason" for withdrawing a plea,
    the most significant of which is whether the
    plea was knowing, voluntary and intelligent
    within the meaning of [Federal Rule of
    Criminal Procedure 11].     The other factors
    include 1) the force and plausibility of the
    proferred reason; 2) the timing of the
    request; 3) whether the defendant has asserted
    his legal innocence; and 4) whether the
    parties had reached a plea agreement.
    The provisions governing withdrawal of a guilty plea were
    altered and moved to Rule 11(d) by amendments that went into effect
    December 1, 2002. As Rodríguez's request was made prior to this
    date, our analysis is under the standards applicable to the earlier
    Rule 32(e). See United States v. Cheal, 
    389 F.3d 35
    , 41 n.6 (1st
    Cir. 2004).
    85 F.3d at 834
     (quoting United States v. Cotal-Crespo, 
    47 F.3d 1
    , 3-4 (1st Cir. 1995) (internal citations omitted)).        If
    these factors weigh in favor of permitting a change of plea, we
    must then consider the prejudicial effect such a change would have
    on the prosecution.   Id. at 834-35.
    1.   Rule 11
    Rodríguez argues for the first time on appeal that he
    lacked competence to plead guilty, thus precluding a knowing,
    voluntary and intelligent plea.       Competence to plead guilty is
    determined according to the same criteria as competence to stand
    trial:   the defendant must "understand[] the proceedings against
    him and ha[ve] sufficient present ability to consult with his
    lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding." United
    States v. Lebrón, 
    76 F.3d 29
    , 31 (1st Cir. 1996) (citing Dusky v.
    United States, 
    362 U.S. 402
     (1960)).     In the absence of objection
    below, we review for plain error.6     Olano, 
    507 U.S. at 732
    Given that defense counsel expressly withdrew opposition to the
    magistrate judge's Report and Recommendation -- which contained a
    finding of competence to stand trial -- and read testimony from the
    psychological experts "where competence is highlighted" at the
    change of plea hearing, it could very likely be determined that the
    issue of competence was waived. See United States v. Rodríguez,
    311 F.3d 435
    , 437 (1st Cir. 2002) ("A party waives a right when he
    intentionally relinquishes or abandons it. . . . [A] waived issue
    ordinarily cannot be resurrected on appeal . . . .") (internal
    citations omitted).    Nevertheless, defense counsel's assertions
    were made in the context of addressing Rodríguez's withdrawal of
    his objection to the magistrate judge's recommendation of transfer
    to adult status, and the Report and Recommendation's findings
    concerning competency were not explicitly addressed. Accordingly,
    and in view of the concerns generated by Rodríguez's age and mental
    In support of the argument that he lacked competence to
    plead guilty, Rodríguez relies on the findings of the expert
    witnesses Drs. Umpierre and Margarida.                        Among these findings are
    that   he     had   an    IQ    of    62,    within       the       range    of     mild   mental
    retardation, and that he suffers from brain dysfunction, which
    affects in particular his memory and ability to process language.
    Rodríguez also cites Dr. Umpierre's testimony at his transfer
    hearing that "[h]e will have problems dealing with information,
    analyzing it and responding in a very more mature or abstract way
    of responding." Transfer Hearing Transcript at 48. Dr. Margarida,
    the    defense      expert,         found    in     her       report        that    Rodríguez's
    "understanding of the legal process and functions of the court
    officials was at best simplistic and primitive."                              At the transfer
    hearing, she also testified that Rodríguez would have difficulty
    assisting      in   his     defense,         that      his    attorney        would    have    to
    diligently check to ensure he was understanding the proceedings,
    and    that    he   might      be    inclined       to       give    faulty        answers   when
    questioned in order to appease the questioner or to mislead the
    court in order to preserve his own self-interest.
    In    her   Report       and     Recommendation,              Magistrate       Judge
    Delgado     reviewed      the       findings      of    both    experts        in    evaluating
    Rodríguez's intellectual capacity, a component of the transfer
    limitations, we will assume for the sake of analysis that the issue
    of competence has merely been forfeited, not waived.
    decision. In a separate section of the report, she also determined
    that Rodríguez was competent to stand trial.              This determination
    was made on the basis of findings from both psychologists.                 She
    noted that Dr. Umpierre determined that Rodríguez's mental status
    was within normal limits, and that he was not psychotic.                Report
    and   Recommendation   at     22.      The    magistrate     judge   discussed
    Dr.   Margarida's   findings    that    Rodríguez     could    offer    only   a
    simplistic description of court proceedings, but noted that he
    nonetheless could understand the roles of court proceedings and
          When    directly      asked   about   competency,   the
    magistrate judge indicated, Dr. Margarida had stated that there are
    different levels of competency and that Rodríguez was capable of
    remembering general details and narrating facts.               
    the magistrate judge reported that "it is understood [Rodríguez]
    will be able to communicate with counsel.               For example, it is
    considered that if explained to him, [Rodríguez] may understand the
    implications of an 'alibi' defense and will be able to provide
    facts and information in support."           Id. at 23.
    Prior to discussing Rodríguez's guilty plea at the change
    of plea hearing, the district judge inquired about the defense's
    reasons for withdrawing objection to the Report and Recommendation,
    focusing primarily on the recommendation of transfer to adult
    status.   In response, defense counsel reviewed portions of the
    evidence from both psychological experts "where competence is
    highlighted."          Change of Plea Transcript at 7.              In particular,
    counsel noted that the prosecution expert had found Rodríguez to be
    in general contact with reality; responsive in a logical and
    coherent manner; capable of understanding the purpose of his
    psychological evaluation; not delusional or psychotic; articulate
    in   an   immature      way;   able    to     remember,   interpret       information
    coherently, and carry out general care; that he understood the
    nature     of    the     accusations        against     him   and   the     potential
    consequences of a long prison sentence; and that he had a general
    understanding      of    the   court,        defense,    prosecution      and   judge,
    although he did not understand the role of the jury.                            Defense
    counsel indicated that the defense expert had agreed with the
    prosecution's expert's findings.7               Id. at 6-7.
    The    district     judge        then   engaged    in    dialogue     with
    Rodríguez,       who    affirmed      that     he   understood      his   attorney's
    explanations, the plea agreement, the potential length of his
    sentence, and the potential consequences of opting to go to trial
    instead.        Id. at 10-13.      The district judge determined that:
    [t]here is a finding that based on the
    assessment of both experts in psychology that
    they consider that Víctor Rodríguez is
    When questioned at the evidentiary hearing before the magistrate
    judge on whether Rodríguez was competent to stand trial,
    Dr. Margarida stated, "Yes, again it depends on, you know, a legal
    term or what. I guess . . . I agree with Dr. Umpierre that he will
    be able . . . I think he understands sort of the basic notions and
    that . . . and he will remember general details . . . ."
    Evidentiary Hearing Transcript at 98.
    competent to stand trial and assist defense
    counsel and that although not psychologically
    or financial capable, not being independent,
    within the drug organization he acted as if he
    were an adult of greater age and experience.
    . . . [H]aving heard from counsel and the
    defendant and having reviewed the Magistrate’s
    report and recommendation, the court will
    accept the same and will accept the waiver of
    the defendant for any further transfer
    proceedings and the court hereby orders that
    the defendant be processed, continues to be
    processed in this court as an adult.
    Id. at 15-16.       The district judge then questioned Rodríguez in
    detail about his understanding of the implications of waiving grand
    jury indictment and deemed him competent to do so, finding that:
    [h]e understands the explanations made by his
    attorney as to the waiver of indictment by
    grand jury and also from my questioning here
    in court, I can see that he is reacting
    positive[ly] to my questions and it appears to
    me that he is understanding the right that he
    has to be indicted by a grand jury and the
    results of waiving that indictment by a grand
    Id. at 18.
    The   district   judge   considered   the   findings   of   both
    psychological experts, the detailed findings and recommendation of
    the magistrate judge regarding competence, and his own direct
    perception of the content and manner of Rodríguez's responses to
    questioning.       While the evidence in favor of competence was not
    overwhelming, the district court did not plainly err in finding
    Rodríguez competent.
    Beyond competence, three core concerns guide our review
    of whether Rodríguez's plea met the requirements of Rule 11:           (1)
    absence of coercion, (2) understanding of the charges, and (3)
    knowledge of the consequences of the plea.         Isom, 
    85 F.3d at 835
    Because no objection was raised below, we review the court's
    acceptance of Rodríguez's plea for plain error.          See Olano, 
    507 U.S. at 732
    ; United States v. Mescual-Cruz, 
    387 F.3d 1
    , 7 (1st Cir.
    2004). We do so with awareness of the concern that Rodríguez's age
    and   significant   mental   limitations   could   affect   the   knowing,
    voluntary and intelligent nature of his plea. See United States v.
    69 F.3d 1215
    , 1220 (1st Cir. 1995) ("Whether the
    explanation of the charges and determination of the defendant's
    understanding are sufficient for Rule 11 purposes varies depending
    upon . . . the capacity of the defendant, and the attendant
    circumstances.") (internal quotation marks omitted).
    During a thorough plea colloquy, the district judge made
    direct inquiries sufficient to establish that all three core Rule
    11 concerns had been met.       Rodríguez affirmed8 that he was not
    Rodríguez's responses most often came in the form of one-word
    answers, but Judge Pérez Giménez appears to have been satisfied
    that the "yes" or "no" answers were not automatic, but rather based
    on an understanding of the substance of the questions. In making
    these determinations, the district judge had the benefit of
    directly perceiving Rodríguez's demeanor while responding.      Cf.
    United States v. Jiménez-Villasenor, 
    270 F.3d 554
    , 560 (8th Cir.
    2001) (noting district court's opportunity to observe demeanor of
    defendant who had ingested sedatives in finding no clear error in
    determination of competence). Furthermore, the one-word answers
    were responsive to yes-or-no questions. In this case, we will not
    second-guess the district judge's acceptance of Rodríguez's one-
    word responses.
    threatened or forced to waive indictment, Change of Plea Transcript
    at 16, and that he was not threatened, forced, or enticed to plead
    guilty.   Id. at 23, 28.      He affirmed that he understood the charges
    against him, as detailed by the district judge, Id. at 18-19,
    admitted to guilt on those charges, id. at 29, 32, and affirmed
    that his plea was made freely and voluntarily because he was, in
    fact, guilty.        Id. at 28.      Rodríguez indicated that he knew the
    potential sentence to be ten years to life.                Id. at 22.     Judge
    Pérez Giménez went through the specifics of the plea agreement, and
    asked questions to ensure that Rodríguez understood the recommended
    sentence and that the judge would be free to impose a higher
    sentence if he so chose.          Id. at 24-28.    Judge Pérez Giménez also
    questioned     and    received    affirmation     from    Rodríguez    that   he
    understood the terms of supervised release after the sentence was
    served, id., and that parole was unavailable, id. at 28.                  Judge
    Pérez   Giménez      also   delved    further   into     Rodríguez's   apparent
    reluctance to accept the plea after Rodríguez indicated that he had
    spoken to his mother and other relatives, who felt, as he did, that
    the recommended 240-month sentence was too long.              Id. at 10.      The
    district judge asked why, in that case, he was accepting the plea
    agreement, and Rodríguez indicated that he did so because he felt
    he could not get a more favorable agreement.              Id. at 10-13.
    The colloquy summarized above was comprehensive, and the
    district judge adequately investigated the knowing, voluntary, and
    intelligent nature of Rodríguez's plea.           Thus, we find no plain
    2.    Other factors
    Beyond compliance with Rule 11, other factors to be
    considered in determining whether a defendant has offered a "fair
    and just" reason for withdrawing a guilty plea are "1) the force
    and plausibility of the proferred reason; 2) the timing of the
    request; 3) whether the defendant has asserted his legal innocence;
    and 4) whether the parties had reached a plea agreement."            Isom, 
    85 F.3d at 834
       (quoting    Cotal-Crespo,   
    47 F.3d at 3-4
    citations omitted)).        Each of these factors weighs against plea
    withdrawal in the instant case.
    When asked why his client wished not to be sentenced
    according to the plea agreement, defense counsel stated, "I don't
    see any reasoning other than the generic attitude of his father now
    that our plea agreement is not a satisfactory plea agreement for
    his father [who had reached a plea agreement on related drug
    charges for a sentence of 18.5 years] and, therefore, for him
    . . . ."   Sentencing Transcript at 4.       Neither Rodríguez's, nor his
    father's, dissatisfaction with the length of the sentence imposed
    by the plea agreement required the district court to permit a
    change of plea.        See Miranda-González v. United States, 
    181 F.3d 164
    , 165 (1st Cir. 1999) ("A guilty plea will not be set aside
    where a defendant has had a change of heart simply because . . . he
    is not satisfied with the sentence he has received."); see also
    United States v. Elias, 
    937 F.2d 1514
    , 1520 (10th Cir. 1991) ("A
    defendant's   dissatisfaction   with   the   length    of   his   sentence
    generally is insufficient reason to withdraw a plea."). The timing
    of Rodríguez's request, which occurred at the sentencing hearing
    over two months after entering his guilty plea, also calls the
    fairness and justice of permitting a change into question.            See,
    e.g., Isom, 
    85 F.3d at 838
     ("We have repeatedly noted that the more
    a request is delayed -- even if made before sentence is imposed --
    the more we will regard it with disfavor.").          No reason has been
    offered for this delay, nor did any change of circumstances occur
    in the interval to support a change of plea.          Rodríguez has not
    asserted his innocence of the charged offenses, and the guilty plea
    was properly accepted as part of a voluntary plea agreement. Thus,
    all four of the Isom factors weigh against permitting a change of
    Nevertheless, Rodríguez argues that an additional factor
    should be weighed in favor of permitting a change of plea:             the
    magistrate judge's recommendation that he be transferred to adult
    status was, he now argues, erroneous. Although Rodríguez initially
    filed an objection to the magistrate's Report and Recommendation,
    his counsel explicitly withdrew the objection, see Change of Plea
    Transcript at 4, and submitted a motion to the district court for
    Rodríguez to be proceeded against as an adult.         A party waives a
    right when he intentionally relinquishes or abandons it, and a
    waived issue ordinarily cannot be raised on appeal.           See United
    States v. Rodríguez, 
    311 F.3d 435
    , 437 (1st Cir. 2002); United
    States v. Mitchell, 
    85 F.3d 800
    , 807 (1st Cir. 1996) ("[W]here
    there was forfeiture, we apply a plain error analysis; where there
    was waiver, we do not.") (citing United States v. Lakich, 
    23 F.3d 1203
    , 1207 (7th Cir. 1994) (noting that "if there has been a valid
    waiver, there is no 'error' for us to correct").         Accordingly, we
    will not evaluate the merits of the decision to transfer Rodríguez
    to adult status.     The issue was waived, and may not be revived
    collaterally during our review of Rodríguez's wish to change his
    Rodríguez admitted to the factual bases of the charged
    offenses and affirmed that he had knowingly, intelligently, and
    voluntarily entered into a plea agreement with the government. The
    district court did not plainly err in finding Rodríguez competent
    to enter the guilty plea, nor in accepting the plea within the
    strictures   of   Rule   11.   Almost   three   months   later,   with   no
    explanation for the delay, Rodríguez offered only his and his
    father's dissatisfaction with the sentence as a reason for changing
    his plea.    Even considering Rodríguez's impaired mental capacity,
    we cannot find that the district court abused its discretion by
    declining to permit a change of plea under these circumstances.
    B.   Motion for continuance
    Rodríguez also posits that the district court erred in
    denying his motion to continue sentencing, arguing on appeal that
    the district court ought to have granted the continuance in order
    to more fully explore Rodríguez's reasons for dissatisfaction with
    his plea.    As we determined above, the burden of showing a valid
    reason for seeking to withdraw the guilty plea was on the defense,
    and the     district judge was under no obligation to investigate
    "We grant broad discretion to a trial court to decide a
    continuance motion and will only find abuse of that discretion with
    a showing that the court exhibited an unreasonable and arbitrary
    insistence upon expeditiousness in the face of a justifiable
    request for delay."     United States v. Rodríguez-Marrero, 
    390 F.3d 1
    , 21-22 (1st Cir. 2004) (internal quotation marks omitted).               On
    review, we consider, inter alia, "the delay entailed, the reasons
    for   the   request,   whether   the   moving   party   is   at   fault,   any
    inconvenience to the court and litigants, and whether the denial of
    a continuance unfairly would prejudice the moving party." Bogosian
    v. Woloohojian Realty Corp., 
    323 F.3d 55
    , 63 (1st Cir. 2003).
    The reasons offered for continuance were the impending
    sentencing of Rodríguez's father, along with both Rodríguez's and
    his   father's   dissatisfaction       with   the   length   of   Rodríguez's
    sentence.    As discussed above, dissatisfaction with the length of
    a sentence is insufficient to require a change of plea.             Moreover,
    even if sentencing had been postponed until after Rodríguez's
    father received the expected shorter sentence on related charges,
    this would not have entitled Rodríguez to change his plea.                   See
    United States v. Santiago, 
    229 F.3d 313
    , 317 (1st Cir. 2000)
    (finding   that   the    fact   that    defendant's     co-conspirators      had
    received lesser sentences lacked merit as a reason for permitting
    a change of plea).      Furthermore, after questioning defense counsel
    about the reason for seeking continuance at length, the district
    judge concluded that the plea agreement was the best Rodríguez
    could obtain and that continuing sentencing would have had the
    negative effect of returning Rodríguez to the same detention
    facility as his father, who exerted a negative influence on him.
    Thus, denial of the request did not cause unfair prejudice to
    Rodríguez, whereas its grant would have inconvenienced the court
    and litigants. The district judge's decision to deny a continuance
    is not the kind of manifest abuse of discretion that would merit
    reversal by this court.
    III.      Conclusion
    For    the   reasons   stated      above,   the   decision   of   the
    district court is affirmed.