Cohen v. Walsh ( 2021 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 21-1032
    AMY COHEN ET AL., individually and on behalf of all others
    similarly situated,
    Plaintiffs, Appellees,
    Defendants, Appellees,
    Objectors, Appellants.
    [Hon. John J. McConnell, Jr., U.S. District Judge]
    [Hon. Patricia Sullivan, U.S. Magistrate Judge]
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Selya and Lynch, Circuit Judges.
    Robert J. Bonsignore, with whom Lisa Sleboda, Bonsignore
    Trial Lawyers, PLLC, Anthony J. Gianfrancesco, and Gianfrancesco
    & Friedmann LLP were on brief, for objectors.
    Lynette Labinger, with whom Arthur H. Bryant, Bailey &
    Glasser, LLP, Lori Bullock, and Newkirk Zwagerman were on brief,
    for plaintiffs.
    Marcella Coburn, with whom Roberta A. Kaplan, Gabrielle E.
    Tenzer, Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP, Robert Clark Corrente, and Whelan
    Corrente & Flanders LLP were on brief, for defendants.
    October 27, 2021
    SELYA, Circuit Judge.      This landmark Title IX case does
    not come to us as a stranger.          Shortly after a group of women
    student-athletes brought suit against Brown University (Brown)
    claiming gender discrimination with respect to the funding and
    operation of a panoply of varsity athletic programs, the district
    court certified a class and entered a preliminary injunction sought
    by the plaintiffs.       See Cohen v. Brown Univ. (Cohen I), 
    809 F. Supp. 978
    , 980, 1001 (D.R.I. 1992).
    We upheld the issuance of the preliminary injunction,
    concluding (among other things) that the plaintiffs were likely to
    succeed in their suit.      See Cohen v. Brown Univ. (Cohen II), 
    991 F.2d 888
    , 904, 907 (1st Cir. 1993).          After a bench trial, the
    district court found that Brown had violated Title IX by failing
    effectively to accommodate the interests and abilities of women
    athletes.   See Cohen v. Brown Univ. (Cohen III), 
    879 F. Supp. 185
    200, 211-14 (D.R.I. 1995).
    When   the   district   court   rejected   Brown's   proposed
    compliance plan, Brown again appealed.        We affirmed the district
    court's judgment in part, reversed it in part, and remanded for
    further proceedings.      See Cohen v. Brown Univ. (Cohen IV), 
    101 F.3d 155
    , 162, 188 (1st Cir. 1996).           The parties subsequently
    consummated a settlement.       That settlement, given bite by the
    imprimatur of the district court, has remained in effect for over
    two decades.
    - 3 -
    As     time    went     by   and     circumstances      changed,     Brown
    unilaterally decided in 2020 to eliminate certain varsity sports
    and to upgrade sailing to varsity status (open to men and women).
    With this reshuffling on the table and renewed litigation in the
    offing, the parties opted to revisit all of the matters embodied
    in   the     court-approved          settlement.              Following     protracted
    negotiations, ably coordinated by a magistrate judge, Brown and
    the class achieved a meeting of the minds and jointly moved for
    approval     of    a      revised    agreement         (the     Amended     Settlement
    Agreement).       But not all class members were pleased by the terms
    of the proposed amended settlement:                   some of them objected (the
    Objectors),       complaining       that       the   named    plaintiffs     were   not
    adequate representatives of the class and that the settlement's
    terms gave parts of the class a raw deal.                    The district court held
    a fairness hearing and overruled the objections. The court, ruling
    from the bench, found that the proposed amended settlement was
    fair, reasonable, and adequate.                 Dismayed by the district court's
    approval    of    the     Amended    Settlement        Agreement,     the    Objectors
    We are mindful that — especially in institutional reform
    cases — class-wide relief must be adapted to reflect changing times
    and circumstances.         One such circumstance, relevant here, is that
    the prophylaxis of Title IX has matured since the class-wide
    settlement       was    originally       put    in   place.       Another     relevant
    - 4 -
    circumstance       is    that,    over   a   span   of    many    years,   Brown   has
    demonstrated an increased awareness of and sensitivity to the
    constraints that Title IX imposes upon a university's varsity
    athletic programs.          Last — but surely not least — striking the
    Title IX balance in a case of this kind is more an art, informed
    by experience, than a science.               District courts are on the front
    lines when assessing class-wide relief and considerable deference
    is due to the exercise of their informed discretion. After careful
    consideration of the genesis of the litigation, its history and
    objectives, and Brown's evolving response to the demands of Title
    IX, we conclude that the district court's approval of the Amended
    Settlement    Agreement          was   within    the     wide    encincture   of   its
    discretion.     Consequently, we affirm the judgment below.
    We briefly rehearse the relevant facts and travel of the
    case starting with its historical roots and proceeding to its
    present-day posture.
    A.    The 1990s:         Skirmishes and Settlement.
    In 1991, Brown downgraded four athletic teams — women's
    volleyball and gymnastics, men's golf and water polo — from full
    varsity status to intercollegiate club status.                    See Cohen II, 
    991 F.2d at 892
    .            The next year, several members of the women's
    volleyball and gymnastics teams sued Brown under Title IX and its
    implementing regulations, charging that — with respect to its
    - 5 -
    athletic programs — Brown did not "effectively accommodate the
    interests and abilities of members of both sexes."                
    Id. at 892-96
    34 C.F.R. § 106.41
    (c)(1)).          The district court certified
    a class of "all present and future Brown University women students
    and    potential   students    who   participate,    seek    to   participate,
    and/or     are   deterred     from   participating     in    intercollegiate
    athletics funded by Brown."          
    Id. at 893
    .     The designated class
    representatives     were    women    student-athletes       then-enrolled    at
    Brown.      Those representatives — all of whom have long since
    graduated — remain the class representatives today, save for two
    who dropped out along the way.       So, too, the original class counsel
    remain aboard.
    In late 1992, the district court issued a preliminary
    injunction in favor of the plaintiffs.         See Cohen I, 
    809 F. Supp. at 1001
    .     Forced to "invade terra incognita" at an untrammeled
    "crossroads of the law," we affirmed.          Cohen II, 
    991 F.2d at 893, 907
    .     The district court subsequently held a trial on the merits.
    In the midst of trial, the parties reached a partial settlement
    regarding the disparate-funding portion of the plaintiffs' claims,
    and the district court approved that settlement.              See Cohen III,
    879 F. Supp. at 192-93
    .       What remained were the claims of disparate
    participation opportunities.         See 
        At the end of the trial,
    the district court ruled that Brown had violated Title IX in that
    - 6 -
    respect and ordered it to submit a compliance plan.                     See 
    id. at 213-14
    Brown proposed to cut some men's varsity teams as a means
    of leveling the playing field between the sexes, but the district
    court rejected this proposal and instead ordered Brown to elevate
    and maintain specific women's teams.               See Cohen IV, 
    101 F.3d at 162, 187
    .      A divided panel of this court affirmed the district
    court's ruling that Brown was in violation of Title IX.                    See 
    id. at 162
    .      The panel majority also agreed with the district court
    that Brown's proposal was not "a good faith effort."                
    Id. at 187
    We nonetheless concluded "that Brown's proposal to cut men's teams
    [was] a permissible means of effectuating compliance with the
    statute" and, thus, "the district court was wrong to reject out-
    of-hand Brown's . . . plan."           
            We remanded to give Brown
    another chance to come up with an acceptable compliance plan.                   See
    id. at 188
    In June of 1998, the parties reached a comprehensive
    settlement, dubbed the Joint Agreement, which the district court
    approved.     In major part, that agreement locked in a proportional
    representation scheme:        the percentage of each gender's athletes
    at   Brown    must    lie   within   3.5%    or    2.25%   (depending      on   the
    circumstances) of each gender's respective undergraduate campus
    presence.       The   Joint   Agreement      required      Brown   to    submit   a
    compliance report annually to class counsel.                 It also created a
    - 7 -
    mechanism for the parties to exchange objections and replies
    concerning Brown's compliance or the lack thereof.
    By its terms, the Joint Agreement was "indefinite in
    duration" and provided that the district court would "retain
    jurisdiction        concerning   interpretation,      enforcement   and
    compliance" with its stipulations.
    B.    The Latest Skirmish and Settlement.
    For twenty-two years, Brown's athletes played on the
    turf of this Joint Agreement. Brown dutifully submitted its annual
    report each August.       On the few occasions when issues surfaced,
    the parties resolved them without judicial intervention.
    In May of 2020, a new era dawned.        Christina Paxson, who
    had become Brown's president well after the fact and who was a
    defendant in the case by virtue of her office, announced the
    "Excellence in Brown Athletics Initiative" (the Initiative).        With
    a view toward making Brown's programs more competitive overall,
    the Initiative purposed to downgrade five women's teams and six
    men's teams from varsity status to club status,1 while elevating
    the women's sailing and co-ed sailing teams to varsity status.
    The planned hit to the men's track, field, and cross country teams,
    in particular, provoked a fierce backlash.          In a June 6 public
    1 The teams that the Initiative placed on the chopping block
    were men's and women's fencing, men's and women's golf, women's
    skiing, men's and women's squash, women's equestrian, men's track,
    men's field, and men's cross country.
    - 8 -
    statement, President Paxson contended that simply restoring men's
    track, field, and cross country would place Brown in violation of
    the Joint Agreement.       Nevertheless, Brown bowed to the pressure
    three days later:    President Paxson announced that Brown would not
    downgrade the men's track, field, and cross country teams.                   It
    would achieve compliance with the Joint Agreement "for the time
    being" by making other (unspecified) programmatic "modifications."
    The     class     representatives      were     not     inclined   to
    acquiesce.    Through class counsel, they asserted that Brown was
    violating the Joint Agreement and moved for enforcement of the
    decades-old     judgment    and   for   emergency       relief.      Expedited
    litigation ensued.         Each side engaged in document discovery,
    exchanged expert reports, deposed witnesses, and filed briefs.2
    In September of 2020, the parties entered into mediation
    under the auspices of a magistrate judge — a process that class
    counsel later described as "intense shuttle diplomacy, spanning
    nearly two dozen conferences."             The   mediation resulted in a
    negotiated settlement.       The Amended Settlement Agreement, styled
    as a modification of the Joint Agreement, expires by its terms on
    2  In one email exchange produced in discovery, Brown's
    chancellor suggested to President Paxson that they might "go after
    the Consent Decree once and for all," wondering if they could
    "channel all this emotion away from anger at Brown to anger at the
    court and kill this pestilential thing" — a reference to the Joint
    Agreement. President Paxson praised the idea, adding that "[t]his
    might be the perfect moment to petition the court to get us out of
    this agreement."
    - 9 -
    August 31, 2024.    Until then, Brown must restore two women's teams
    to varsity status3 and may not downgrade any women's varsity team.
    And should Brown elect to make a permitted upgrade of any men's
    team to varsity status, it must restore an equal number of women's
    teams plus two to varsity status.4
    The parties asked the district court to approve the
    Amended Settlement Agreement and notice was provided to the members
    of the class.   See Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(1)-(2).        Twelve members
    of Brown's varsity women's gymnastics and hockey teams objected to
    the proposed settlement.       They argued, as relevant here, that the
    named class representatives were inadequate representatives of the
    class and that the proposed settlement was not "fair, reasonable,
    and adequate," as required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    23(e)(2).     The   district    court   held   a   fairness   hearing   by
    videoconference on December 15 and approved the Amended Settlement
    Agreement.   The court singled out for praise the "masterful" work
    of the magistrate judge and the diligence of both President Paxson
    and class counsel.    In rejecting the Objectors' contentions, the
    court pointed out that "[t]he number of objectors represents a
    3 Pursuant to this clause, Brown chose to restore the women's
    equestrian team and the women's fencing team.
    4 The Amended Settlement Agreement also resolves a more
    interstitial dispute. Under it, each student-sailor counts only
    once, even when that sailor competes on multiple sailing squads.
    The Amended Settlement Agreement, though, does not resolve the
    larger question of whether the women's and co-ed sailing teams are
    to be regarded as separate teams.
    - 10 -
    very small fraction of the class members as a whole," and this
    fact "is in and of itself representative of the settlement's
    reasonableness."       This timely appeal followed.
    In   this    venue,   the   Objectors   advance   two   principal
    claims of error.        First, they assert that the designated class
    representatives "did not, and could not," adequately represent the
    class as a whole.        Second, they assert that the district court
    abused its discretion in determining that the Amended Settlement
    Agreement was fair, reasonable, and adequate.           As class members,
    the Objectors have standing to pursue these claims of error.            See
    Devlin v. Scardelletti, 
    536 U.S. 1
    , 14 (2002) (holding that
    nonnamed class members who objected at fairness hearing may appeal
    without intervening).
    We start with some general principles.        A district court
    may approve a class-action settlement only if that settlement is
    "fair, reasonable, and adequate."           Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2).
    Before 2018, the case law refracted this standard into a "laundry
    list[] of factors."       Bezdek v. Vibram USA, Inc., 
    809 F.3d 78
    , 82
    (1st Cir. 2015) (quoting Nat'l Ass'n of Chain Drug Stores v. New
    England Carpenters Health Benefits Fund, 
    582 F.3d 30
    , 44 (1st Cir.
    2009)).   Sensing a need "to focus the court and the lawyers on the
    core concerns of procedure and substance that should guide the
    decision whether to approve the proposal," Congress revised the
    - 11 -
    rule to highlight four factors.     Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2) advisory
    committee's note to 2018 amendments.5         Rule 23(e)(2) now requires
    that the district court "consider[] whether":
    (A) the class representatives and class
    counsel have adequately represented the class;
    (B) the proposal was negotiated at arm's
    (C) the relief provided for the class is
    adequate . . . and
    (D)   the  proposal   treats   class   members
    equitably relative to each other.
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2).      The Advisory Committee explained that
    the first two factors are "procedural" in nature, "looking to the
    conduct of the litigation and of the negotiations leading up to
    the proposed settlement."      
     advisory committee's note to 2018
    amendments.     As a corollary, the latter two factors guide "a
    'substantive' review of the terms of the proposed settlement."
    We have observed that "the ultimate decision by the
    [district     court]   involves    balancing      the    advantages    and
    disadvantages    of    the   proposed      settlement   as   against   the
    consequences of going to trial or other possible but perhaps
    unattainable variations on the proffered settlement."         Nat'l Ass'n
    of Chain Drug Stores, 
    582 F.3d at 44
    .          Consequently, approval or
    rejection of a class-action settlement is entrusted to the district
    5Importantly, the Advisory Committee noted that the amendment
    was not intended to "displace any factor" previously in use. Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2) advisory committee's note to 2018 amendments.
    - 12 -
    court's     informed    discretion.         See   Robinson    v.    Nat'l   Student
    14 F.4th 56
    , 59 (1st Cir. 2021).                     We review the
    district court's determination for abuse of that discretion — a
    multifaceted standard under which we scrutinize embedded legal
    issues de novo and factual findings for clear error.                  See 
    With this backdrop in place, we turn to the specifics of
    the Objectors' appeal.
    A.    Threshold Issues.
    At the outset, we must iron out two procedural wrinkles.
    Both wrinkles relate to class counsel's entreaty that we decline
    to   entertain     the        Objectors'    plaints     as    to     adequacy   of
    representation.        Class counsel first submits that this issue was
    not squarely presented below and, thus, was not preserved for
    appeal.     See Teamsters Union, Local No. 59 v. Superline Transp.
    953 F.2d 17
    , 21 (1st Cir. 1992) ("If any principle is settled
    in   this   circuit,     it    is   that,   absent    the    most   extraordinary
    circumstances, legal theories not raised squarely in the lower
    court cannot be broached for the first time on appeal.").                   Second,
    class counsel submits that we are precluded from revisiting the
    adequacy of class representation where, as here, no motion for
    either decertification or modification of the class was made below.
    The first of these two procedural barriers is easily
    scaled.     We agree that the Objectors did not make this claim with
    lapidary precision.       But the essence of the argument was advanced,
    - 13 -
    and the rule that only arguments "actually articulated in the trial
    court" are preserved for appellate review reflects the insight
    that "[o]verburdened trial judges cannot be expected to be mind
    readers."     McCoy v. Mass. Inst. of Tech., 
    950 F.2d 13
    , 22 (1st
    Cir. 1991).     This does not mean, however, that we should assume
    that trial judges are dense.        Here, we have no reason to doubt
    that   the   district   court   grasped    the   gist   of   the   Objectors'
    argument.     Cf. United States v. Sineneng-Smith, 
    140 S. Ct. 1575
    1581 (2020) (observing that "a court is not hidebound by the
    precise arguments of counsel").      The argument was not waived.
    We also conclude that the second procedural barrier does
    not block our consideration of the Objectors' claim.               The class
    representatives, through class counsel, argue that because the
    class has been certified since 1992, untouched by any motion to
    decertify or modify the class, the adequacy of class representation
    remains "the law of the case."       In their view, the Objectors may
    challenge this "law of the case" only by seeking decertification
    or modification of the class, which they failed to do.
    For this proposition, the class representatives rely
    primarily on our decision in Voss v. Rolland, 
    592 F.3d 242
    Cir. 2010).     That reliance is mislaid.        In Voss, we declined to
    consider objectors' arguments regarding adequacy of representation
    in the class-action settlement context.             See 
    id. at 251
    .        We
    explained that the class had been certified for a decade before
    - 14 -
    the objectors moved for decertification and that their failure to
    appeal the district court's denial of that motion "doom[ed] their
    attempt to raise the class certification issue before us."                      
    Our refusal to engage with the Voss objectors' class-
    certification arguments rested primarily on their packaging of
    those      arguments       in     the   district      court   as   a   motion    for
    decertification, the denial of which they failed to appeal.                      See
    id.6       So    viewed,    the    Voss    decision    reflects    a   conventional
    application of the longstanding rule that the court of appeals
    lacks jurisdiction over claims lying outside "a properly targeted
    notice of appeal or the functional equivalent thereof."                   Kotler v.
    Am. Tobacco Co., 
    981 F.2d 7
    , 12 (1st Cir. 1992). Here, in contrast,
    the Objectors offered their adequacy-of-representation objection
    to the district court in the same guise as it comes to us now and
    — crucially — timely appealed the district court's adverse order.
    In sum, we cannot fault the Objectors for challenging
    the settlement on a ground expressly contemplated by Rule 23 and
    then timely appealing the district court's rejection of that
    challenge. We hold, therefore, that the Objectors were not obliged
    to channel their class-representation grievances into a motion for
    Indeed, the district court approved the Voss settlement
    months before ruling on the objectors' motion to decertify the
    class, and its opinion approving the settlement did not address
    the adequacy of representation. See Rolland v. Patrick, 
    562 F. Supp. 2d 176
     (D. Mass. 2008); Rolland v. Patrick, No. 98-30208,
    2008 WL 4104488
     (D. Mass. Aug. 19, 2008).
    - 15 -
    decertification or modification of the class.                 See, e.g., In re
    Cendant Corp. Litig., 
    264 F.3d 201
    , 230-31, 243, 252-53 (3d Cir.
    B.    Adequacy of Representation.
    Having smoothed out the procedural wrinkles, we press on
    to the gravamen of the Objectors' claim of error.                   The Objectors
    first contend that the named class representatives no longer
    adequately    represent     the    class.      Before    grappling     with   this
    contention, we summarize the applicable law.
    Whether "the class representatives and class counsel
    have adequately represented the class" is the first factor that
    courts    must   consider    in     evaluating    a     proposed     class-action
    settlement.      Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2)(A).             Because this factor
    overlaps with other requirements imposed by Rule 23, see 4 William
    B. Rubenstein, Newberg on Class Actions (Newberg) § 13:49 (5th ed.
    2021 Suppl.), we look to case law glossing the stipulation that
    "the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect the
    interests of the class," Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a)(4).
    "The adequacy inquiry under Rule 23(a)(4) serves to
    uncover conflicts of interest between named parties and the class
    they seek to represent."          Amchem Prods., Inc. v. Windsor, 
    521 U.S. 591
    , 625 (1997).         Such conflicts undermine the indispensable
    "structural assurance of fair and adequate representation for the
    diverse   groups   and    individuals       affected"    by   the    class-action
    - 16 -
    litigation     or     settlement.          
    Id. at 627
    .          This       concern      has
    constitutional             underpinnings         because           "the      Due         Process
    Clause . . . requires           that    the     named    plaintiff           at    all    times
    adequately represent the interests of the absent class members."
    Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Shutts, 
    472 U.S. 797
    , 812 (1985).
    The    standard,     though,       is    not     "perfect          symmetry      of
    interest" among the class.             Matamoros v. Starbucks Corp., 
    699 F.3d 129
    , 138 (1st Cir. 2012).              The perfect is sometimes the enemy of
    the   good,    and     intra-class        conflicts        breach         Rule     23(a)(4)'s
    adequacy-of-representation               standard        only        when         they        "are
    fundamental     to     the     suit     and . . . go          to    the     heart        of   the
     (quoting 1 Newberg § 3:58 (5th ed. 2011)).
    In this instance, the Objectors start by complaining
    that the district court committed "legal error" in "fail[ing] to
    conduct   any        analysis     at     all"      regarding          the        adequacy      of
    representation by the class representatives.                              They assert that
    Rule 23(e)(2) required the court to make "specific findings as to
    the adequacy of the Class Representatives" before approving the
    settlement.     This assertion reads more into Rule 23(e)(2) than its
    text can bear.
    Rule     23(e)(2)        instructs        the        district        court       to
    "consider[]"         the     adequacy    of      representation             by     the     class
    representatives.            It does not direct the court to make specific
    findings as to adequacy of representation.                            Although specific
    - 17 -
    findings are always helpful, they are not obligatory.                Here,
    moreover, there is no basis for assuming that the district court
    failed to consider     this factor, particularly        in view of the
    district court's explicit acknowledgment of the Objectors' protest
    that "the class representatives are not valid."              Surveying the
    record as a whole, we are satisfied that the district court
    considered this factor and implicitly found no reason to question
    the adequacy of representation by the class representatives.           Cf.
    Paraflon Invs., Ltd. v. Fullbridge, Inc., 
    960 F.3d 17
    , 29-30 (1st
    Cir.   2020)   (accepting   district    court's   "implicit    finding[s]"
    following bench trial).
    This brings us to the heart of the Objectors' argument:
    that the named representatives could not and did not adequately
    represent the class of current and future students because the
    named representatives — who were members of the class when they
    were appointed — graduated from Brown in the distant past.          In the
    Objectors' view, the "class representatives are no longer members
    of the class" and "don't have skin in the game."          Therefore, the
    Objectors insist, the class representatives' interests are not
    "aligned" with those of the class.
    Whether   the    class    representatives   are    disqualified
    solely by dint of the mootness of their claims is a legal question
    that we review de novo.     See Bezdek, 809 F.3d at 82.       To the extent
    that the Objectors urge us down a path toward a per se rule that
    - 18 -
    alumnae cannot adequately represent a class of current and future
    students, the Supreme Court's decision in Sosna v. Iowa obstructs
    that path. 
    419 U.S. 393
     (1975). Challenging the constitutionality
    of an Iowa law requiring one year of residency in the state to
    petition for divorce, Carol Sosna represented a class of under-
    one-year Iowa residents seeking to end their marriages.                       See 
    id. at 395-97
    .      But by the time her case reached the Supreme Court,
    her multi-year Iowa residency was established and, in any event,
    she had managed to get divorced in New York.                 See 
    id. at 398-99
    Notwithstanding that Sosna's own claim was moot, the Court held
    that the class action was not moot because "the class of unnamed
    persons described in the certification acquired a legal status
    separate      from    the     interest    asserted     by"    the     named     class
    representative (Sosna), and the controversy remained "very much
    alive   for    the    class    of   persons   she    ha[d]   been     certified    to
    Id. at 399-401
    The    Sosna    Court    clarified     that,   wholly    apart     from
    mootness, an obligation remained under Rule 23(a)(4) to ensure
    "that   the    named     representative       will    adequately      protect     the
    interests of the class."            
    Id. at 403
    .     The Court proceeded to hold
    that Sosna was still an adequate representative both because it
    was "unlikely" that her interests would conflict with those of the
    class and because she had performed her representational duties
         The decision in Sosna makes it plain that —
    - 19 -
    at least sometimes — a plaintiff whose own claims are moot may
    adequately represent a class.            See U.S. Parole Comm'n v. Geraghty,
    445 U.S. 388
    , 405 (1980) ("In Sosna v. Iowa it was recognized that
    a named plaintiff whose claim on the merits expires after class
    certification may still adequately represent the class.").               There
    is no per se rule.
    Several of our sister circuits have concluded that class
    members whose claims are no longer live may adequately represent
    the class on a going-forward basis.7           See, e.g., J.D. v. Azar, 
    925 F.3d 1291
    ,   1313   (D.C.   Cir.     2019)   (per   curiam)   ("Mootness
    alone . . . does not establish [the named plaintiffs'] inadequacy
    as representatives."); Binta B. ex rel. S.A. v. Gordon, 
    710 F.3d 608
    , 619 (6th Cir. 2013) (explaining that class representative
    with moot claim is adequate "at least until such time that there
    is a determination that the representative is no longer adequate");
    Reed v. Bowen, 
    849 F.2d 1307
    , 1312 (10th Cir. 1988) (holding that
    district court "determine[s] whether mooted named plaintiffs will
    Two courts of appeals look with more jaundiced eyes upon
    class representatives whose own claims have become moot. See Irvin
    v. Harris, 
    944 F.3d 63
    , 71 (2d Cir. 2019) (holding that class of
    inmates at correctional institution was not adequately represented
    by named plaintiffs who were "no longer . . . inmates and have not
    continued to pursue the litigation"); Culver v. City of Milwaukee,
    277 F.3d 908
    , 912 (7th Cir. 2002) (stating that class
    representatives whose own claims have been rendered moot are
    "presumptively inadequate"). These cases are distinguishable on
    their facts: in each of them, the named plaintiffs — unlike in
    this case — had failed to pursue class claims diligently.      See
    Irvin, 944 F.3d at 71; Culver, 
    277 F.3d at 912
    - 20 -
    remain adequate class representatives"); Harris v. Peabody, 
    611 F.2d 543
    , 544 (5th Cir. 1980) (per curiam) ("Whether [plaintiff
    with moot claims] may continue to represent a class depends upon
    the facts of the given case."); Ahrens v. Thomas, 
    570 F.2d 286
    288-89 (8th Cir. 1978) (holding that plaintiff, no longer a
    pretrial detainee, adequately represented class of "all present
    and future pretrial detainees" at jail).
    We think that this is the proper frame of reference:       an
    inquiring court should not invoke any presumption against allowing
    a plaintiff whose own claim has become moot to continue in place
    as   a       class   representative   but,   rather,   should   consider   the
    adequacy-of-representation issue on the facts of the particular
    case.        That inquiry proceeds along the lines suggested by Sosna:
    we must ask whether the representatives' interests meaningfully
    conflict with those of the class and whether the representatives
    are competent champions of the cause.           See Sosna, 
    419 U.S. at 403
    see also 1 Newberg § 3:54 (5th ed. 2011) (discussing these "two
    component inquiries" and suggesting that "the first is by far the
    more important").8
    Just as we reject a per se rule against individuals with
    moot claims representing a class, we reject the Objectors' related
    argument that the class representatives are barred from that role
    because they are no longer members of the class. The same was
    said of the former Mrs. Sosna, see Sosna, 
    419 U.S. at 417
    J., dissenting), but the Supreme Court gave this argument short
    shrift. The Court saw no problem with the former Mrs. Sosna — by
    then, a divorcée and two-year Iowa resident — adequately
    - 21 -
    With this framework in place, we now probe the adequacy
    of representation on the facts at hand and review that aspect of
    the   district   court's    ruling      for    abuse   of   discretion.      See
    Matamoros, 699 F.2d at 138.           On this score, the Objectors first
    argue that representation by the designated class representatives
    was inadequate because those representatives did not participate
    in negotiating the Amended Settlement Agreement.                Even assuming
    that such participation is necessary — a matter on which we take
    no view — class counsel told the district court, in advance of the
    fairness    hearing,   that     the    "representatives . . . were         fully
    informed about, and provided input into, the                  prosecution and
    proposed    settlement     of   the    case."      Nothing    in   the    record
    contradicts this statement, and the Objectors did not dispute it
    below.     The district court was, therefore, free to credit class
    counsel's statement.       The Objectors' lack-of-participation claim
    More broadly, the Objectors argue that the named class
    representatives were incapable of adequately representing the
    representing the class of discontented spouses with "less than one
    year" of Iowa residency "who desire" a divorce. Id. at 397, 403
    (majority opinion). The Objectors do not dispute that the named
    representatives were "member[s] of the class . . . at the time the
    class action [was] certified." Id. at 403. Given that membership,
    we need not decide whether they formally remain part of the class
    today. Under Sosna, these representatives — as long as they are
    competent champions of the class's cause and their interests do
    not conflict with those of the class members — may continue to
    represent the class.
    - 22 -
    class    because     none       of    them    were    currently         participating    (or
    eligible to participate, for that matter) in Brown's athletic
    programs.       As       the     Objectors       put       it,    none     of   the    class
    representatives had "skin in the game."
    In one sense, this argument is merely a variation on an
    already    discredited          theme.         The     bald      fact    that   the    class
    representatives' own claims have been rendered moot by the passage
    of time does not render them unfit to represent the class.                            Rather,
    the determination as to their adequacy remains fact-specific and
    context-specific.         Here, there is every reason to believe that the
    named class representatives are competent champions of the class's
    cause.    They were the ones who first turned a spotlight on Brown's
    insensitivity       to    gender       equality       in   structuring       its   athletic
    programs; they have been combatants in this war ever since; they
    participated in bringing about an armistice in the form of the
    Joint Agreement; and they have been protagonists in the latest
    round of hostilities.            Finally, no one — not even the Objectors —
    has     suggested        that        the     class    representatives           have    been
    lackadaisical in the performance of their duties.
    It may not be an exaggeration to say that, typically,
    named representatives play only a "nominal" role because class
    actions are "in fact entirely managed by class counsel."                           Phillips
    v. Asset Acceptance, LLC, 
    736 F.3d 1076
    , 1080 (7th Cir. 2013)
    (Posner, J.).       But even a nominal plaintiff may add experience and
    - 23 -
    continuity to the class-representation equation.          For example,
    several    of   the   named   plaintiffs   here   testified   before   a
    congressional subcommittee in 1993 and, last year, wrote an open
    letter to Brown in the local paper.9       A class is well-served by
    representatives who are conscious of the case's history and their
    adversary's past behavior, and who can tell the class's story with
    a panoramic arc.      The district court was entitled to give weight
    to these values in deeming these representatives adequate.
    The Objectors have not shown that the interests of the
    named class representatives actually conflict with the interests
    of members of the class.         But the Objectors pose a separate
    problem:   they contend that any representation of the class must
    be inadequate due to conflicting interests among current students
    on different teams.      This contention draws its essence from the
    proposition that adequate representation is impossible in cases in
    which, "[i]n significant respects, the interests of those within
    the single class are not aligned."         Amchem, 
    521 U.S. at 626
    Building on this foundation, the Objectors suggest that "the class
    members whose sports were eliminated clearly would possess an
    9 See Intercollegiate Sports (Part 2): Hearings Before the
    Subcomm. on Com., Consumer Protec. & Competitiveness of the H.
    Comm. on Energy & Com., 103d Cong. 9-20 (1994); Amy Cohen & Karen
    Hurley, Title IX at Brown: A Missed Opportunity for True
    Excellence,    Providence    J.    (Sept.    25,    2020,    2:24
    - 24 -
    incentive to give up rights and benefits secured by the Joint
    Agreement in order to gain reinstatement of their sport," whereas
    other student-athletes (such as the Objectors, who are gymnasts
    and hockey players whose varsity teams were spared by Brown) would
    have an incentivize "to retain th[e] Agreement as-is."               This
    misalignment,   the   Objectors    say,    constitutes   an   irredeemable
    In the arena of Title IX athletics litigation, courts
    have taken divergent views on the issue of intra-class conflicts
    among collegiate sports teams.        Several courts, sparked by the
    Second Circuit's decision in Boucher v. Syracuse University, 
    164 F.3d 113
     (2d Cir. 1999), have required subclassing to isolate the
    conflict arising from the recognition that a school's Title IX
    "compliance might well be achieved by the elevation of one sport
    and not the other."     
    Id. at 116-17, 119
    ; see Robb v. Lock Haven
    Univ. of Penn., No. 17-00964, 
    2019 WL 2005636
    , at *12-13 (M.D. Pa.
    May 7, 2019); S.G. ex rel. Gordon v. Jordan Sch. Dist., No. 17-
    2018 WL 4899098
    , at *2 (D. Utah Oct. 9, 2018); Miller v.
    Univ. of Cincinnati, 
    241 F.R.D. 285
    , 290 (S.D. Ohio 2006).          Other
    courts, though, have not envisioned this potential conflict among
    different sports teams as necessarily disrupting the unity of the
    class (particularly where the conflict is speculative).           See A.B.
    ex rel. C.B. v. Haw. State Dep’t of Educ., 
    334 F.R.D. 600
    , 611 (D.
    Haw. 2019); Portz v. St. Cloud State Univ., 
    297 F. Supp. 3d 929
    - 25 -
    946-47 (D. Minn. 2018); Foltz v. Del. State Univ., 
    269 F.R.D. 419
    423-24 (D. Del. 2010).
    In approaching this question, we do not write on an
    entirely pristine page.   Previous opinions in this case (both from
    this court and from the district court) have proceeded on the
    implicit understanding that subclassing is not essential.   This is
    the first time, however, that any party has suggested dividing the
    class into subclasses, and we regard the issue as open in this
    The determinative factor, of course, is whether the
    conflict among members of Brown's various women's sports teams is
    "so substantial as to overbalance the common interests of the class
    members as a whole."10    Matamoros, 699 F.3d at 138.   Seeking to
    clear this hurdle, the Objectors note that women students who were
    members of any of the five varsity teams downgraded by Brown in
    2020 found themselves in a more problematic situation than those
    who were members of teams that were spared.   On this basis, their
    objection may be framed as analogous to the problem in Amchem.
    The Amchem Court held that a single class was improper because the
    10Consistent with the Objectors' argument, we consider only
    the purported intra-class conflict among current students. We do
    not address the possible use of subclassing as a means of
    separating current students from future students. Inasmuch as the
    Objectors have not pursued any such argument on appeal, we deem it
    waived. See Wills v. Brown Univ., 
    184 F.3d 20
    , 27 (1st Cir. 1999);
    United States v. Zannino, 
    895 F.2d 1
    , 17 (1st Cir. 1990).
    - 26 -
    interest of the "currently injured" plaintiffs (that is, those
    already    suffering    from     asbestos-related   disease)    sharply
    conflicted with that of the "exposure-only plaintiffs" (that is,
    those who were not yet symptomatic) who wanted to "ensur[e] an
    ample, inflation-protected fund for the future."        Amchem, 
    521 U.S. at 626
    .    The proposed analogy is that the women students on the
    five downgraded teams wanted immediate reinstatement, while their
    peers may have been more inclined to bargain for longer-term
    On further examination, though, the proposed analogy
    collapses.     The single class certified in Amchem included both a
    group focused on "current payouts" and a group focused on "distant
    Id. at 610-11
    .   That duality created an unacceptable
    risk that one group would trade away the other group's most
    cherished benefit.     See id.; see also Samuel Issacharoff & Richard
    Nagareda, Class Settlements Under Attack, 
    156 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1649
    1680      (2008)     ("The     intraclass    conflict      in    Amchem
    mattered . . . because . . . any realistic peace would turn on the
    making of tradeoffs across critical dividing lines within the
    proposed plaintiff class.").
    The lesson of Amchem is that intra-class conflict is
    unacceptable when it presents an actual and substantial risk of
    skewing available relief in favor of some subset of class members.
    See In re Payment Card Interchange Fee & Merch. Disc. Antitrust
    - 27 -
    827 F.3d 223
    , 232-33 (2d Cir. 2016); In re Motor Vehicles
    Canadian Export Antitrust Litig., 
    269 F.R.D. 80
    , 91 (D. Me. 2010).
    No such risk is apparent here.   The record simply does not suggest
    any reason to believe that the class representatives' negotiations
    were apt to be skewed in favor of reinstating certain teams by
    jettisoning others.    Consequently, there is no reason to regard
    the interests of members of the various teams as so antagonistic
    as to demand subclassing.
    In point of fact, the opposite is true.     The interests
    of all women athletes presently at Brown are in large part aligned.
    Under the Joint Agreement, every varsity team, regardless of
    gender, played at Brown's pleasure, knowing that "Title IX does
    not require institutions to fund any particular number or type of
    athletic opportunities."    Cohen II, 
    991 F.2d at 906
    ; see Cohen IV,
    101 F.3d at 187-88
     (explaining that "[o]ur respect for academic
    freedom . . . counsels that we give universities as much freedom
    as possible").    When Brown pulled the plug on certain teams in
    2020, women students on the unaffected teams may have breathed a
    sigh of relief.   At the same time, however, they must have been
    keenly aware that nothing prevented Brown from pulling the plug on
    their teams as well.    This precarity was accentuated by Brown's
    abrupt flip-flop with respect to the men's track, field, and cross
    country teams.    Under the terms of the Joint Agreement, Brown
    giveth and Brown taketh away.
    - 28 -
    It follows inexorably, as night follows day, that a
    significant   interest   common    to   all    student-athletes     was   the
    imposition of some meaningful limit on Brown's discretion to strip
    teams of varsity status.      Although this interest may have been
    less important to students on teams already downgraded, even those
    students' teams could be elevated in due course.             They would then
    benefit from negotiated safeguards.        Adequacy of representation is
    not hollowed out where, as here, the interests are generally shared
    by the members of the class, albeit "differently weighted."            Gooch
    v. Life Invs. Ins. Co. of Am., 
    672 F.3d 402
    , 429 (6th Cir. 2012);
    see J.D., 925 F.3d at 1314 ("[T]he presence of uninterested
    individuals in a class does not compel a finding of inadequacy.").
    We find, therefore, that the specter of intra-class conflict raised
    by the Objectors is purely speculative and that no intra-class
    conflict   between   sports       teams       placed   the     adequacy   of
    representation out of bounds.11
    That ends this aspect of the matter.          We conclude that
    the district court considered the quality of the representation
    11 This conclusion is also confirmed by the terms of the
    Amended Settlement Agreement, which — as discussed infra — do not
    evince prejudice toward particular teams. Cf. In re Payment Card,
    827 F.3d at 236 ("Like the Supreme Court in Amchem, we 'examine a
    settlement's substance for evidence of prejudice to the interests
    of a subset of plaintiffs' when 'assessing the adequacy of
    representation.'" (quoting In re Literary Works in Elec. Databases
    Copyright Litig., 
    654 F.3d 242
    , 252 (2d Cir. 2011))).
    - 29 -
    afforded by the class representatives and supportably found that
    representation to be adequate.
    C.    The Substance of the Amended Settlement.
    This brings us to the Objectors' second claim of error.
    The Objectors decry the substance of the settlement as not "fair,
    reasonable, and adequate."          Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2).
    At the fairness hearing, the district court acknowledged
    the parties' extensive discovery, spanning "tens of thousands of
    pages of documents," "six depositions," and "five separate expert
    reports."         The   Objectors   conceded      that   "discovery     in   this
    particular case was amazing."           The district court then commented
    favorably    on     the    "effective     and     successful    arm's     length
    negotiation" facilitated by the magistrate judge.
    When — as in this case — "the parties negotiated at arm's
    length and conducted sufficient discovery, the district court must
    presume the settlement is reasonable." In re Pharm. Indus. Average
    Wholesale Price Litig., 
    588 F.3d 24
    , 32-33 (1st Cir. 2009); see
    Robinson, 14 F.4th at 59.            A party seeking to overcome such a
    presumption faces a steep uphill climb. The Objectors cannot scale
    those heights.
    After balancing the pluses and minuses of the proposed
    settlement    as    against   other    possible    outcomes    (including     the
    uncertain consequences of a trial), see Nat'l Ass'n of Chain Drug
    582 F.3d at 44
    , the district court determined that the
    - 30 -
    Objectors had failed to rebut the presumption of reasonableness.
    The    court    went    on     to   determine         that    the    Amended      Settlement
    Agreement was not only reasonable but also fair and adequate.
    The    Objectors'         assault      on   these     findings     is    easily
    repulsed.       Their chief complaint is that the Amended Settlement
    Agreement      will    expire       in    August      of   2024,     and   this    end      date
    "forfeits"       the    protections         of     the       Joint    Agreement        without
    commensurate gains for the class.                          In their view, the class
    received very little in exchange for its acquiescence to a 2024
    expiration date.
    The Objectors' plaint comprises more cry than wool.                          The
    Amended Settlement Agreement conferred demonstrable benefits.                               For
    instance,      the     class    received      immediate         reinstatement          of    the
    women's equestrian and fencing teams.                        It also received Brown's
    commitment not to downgrade any other women's varsity teams to
    club status for the life of the Amended Settlement Agreement. That
    is    hardly    nothing,       especially        in    light    of    Brown's      colorable
    assertions that its shuffling of its athletic programs through the
    Initiative was in full compliance with the Joint Agreement.
    We add, moreover, that the passage of time had eroded
    the advantages conferred on the class by the Joint Agreement.
    Specifically, the principal benefit of the Joint Agreement —
    Brown's willingness to abide by a 2.25% permissible variance in
    women's athletic opportunities — has arguably been overtaken by
    - 31 -
    developing Title IX case law.    Although a 2.25% variance almost
    certainly would have passed legal muster in 1998, such a result is
    less certain today.   See, e.g., Portz v. St. Cloud State Univ.,
    401 F. Supp. 3d 834
    , 845, 863 (D. Minn. 2019) (finding Title IX
    violation for years in which women's athletic participation varied
    2.5% and 2.9%, respectively, from women's enrollment); Biediger v.
    Quinnipiac Univ., 
    728 F. Supp. 2d 62
    , 111-13 (D. Conn. 2010),
    691 F.3d 85
     (2d Cir. 2012) (concluding that Title IX was
    violated when 3.62% variance in women's athletic participation was
    considered along with other factors).   Thus, eliminating the 2.25%
    benchmark may open Brown up to a more exacting Title IX regime.12
    Although we leave the underlying question unresolved, we think
    that the district court was entitled to weigh these evolutionary
    changes in support of the proposed settlement.
    There is more.   The Objectors' premise is that the Joint
    Agreement should be viewed as immortal and that, therefore, the
    class representatives acted foolishly by purchasing a burial plot.
    This premise, though, is dead on arrival.     There was never any
    realistic prospect that the Joint Agreement would last forever.
    12 Another part of the Joint Settlement Agreement also has
    become obsolete. The Joint Agreement's prohibition on retaliation
    is now superfluous following the Supreme Court's decision in
    Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education, 
    544 U.S. 167
    , 178 (2005)
    (holding that "Title IX's private right of action encompasses suits
    for retaliation").     So, too, the Joint Agreement's reporting
    requirements are essentially mirrored by the federal mandates in
    34 C.F.R. § 668.47
    - 32 -
    It    has     for   some    time        been    accepted    that,   "[i]n
    institutional reform litigation, injunctions should not operate
    inviolate in perpetuity."           In re Pearson, 
    990 F.2d 653
    , 658 (1st
    Cir. 1993).       Thus, the district court's "ongoing supervisory
    responsibility" over the Joint Agreement "carrie[d] with it a
    certain correlative discretion."             
         In Justice Cardozo's words,
    "[a] continuing decree of injunction directed to events to come is
    subject always to adaptation as events may shape the need."13
    United States v. Swift & Co., 
    286 U.S. 106
    , 114 (1932).
    In    this    instance,     the    district      court     canvassed    the
    record and supportably concluded that Brown's current leadership
    is   "steadfastly       committed     to    gender     equity   in    athletics    at
    Brown . . . and to Title IX."                Given this conclusion and the
    evolution of Title IX, we think it reasonable to believe that the
    Joint Agreement had served its core purpose.                     While there are
    doubtless some costs to the class incident to the winding up of
    the Joint Agreement — as an example, future plaintiffs would have
    to   institute   new     litigation        instead    of   relying     on   what   the
    We understand that Brown is a private institution and, as
    such, the "sensitive federalism concerns" and problems of
    political accountability that haunt public institutional reform
    litigation are absent here. Horne v. Flores, 
    557 U.S. 433
    , 448-
    49 (2009). But even private consent decrees — when they are long-
    running — must be reconciled with "changes in the nature of the
    underlying problem, changes in governing law or its interpretation
    by the courts, and new policy insights" that may "warrant
    reexamination of the original judgment." 
    Id. at 447-48
    - 33 -
    Objectors call the "streamlined" procedures that have been in place
    — the district court was in the best position to weigh these costs
    against the benefits of the Amended Settlement Agreement.              Viewed
    in this light, a 2024 expiration date was not inappropriate. There
    was no abuse of discretion.
    In a final gambit, the Objectors argue that the Amended
    Settlement Agreement does not "treat[] class members equitably
    relative to each other."        Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2)(D).       As evidence
    of unfair disparity, they point out that only the women's fencing
    and equestrian teams were reinstated to varsity status by the
    Amended   Settlement     Agreement      and    that     women   students    who
    matriculate after 2024 (who, after all, are class members) will
    not benefit at all from the settlement.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion in
    rejecting these arguments.         As we already have explained, all of
    Brown's women's athletes will benefit from the settlement until
    2024.     And   even   though    only   two   women's    varsity   teams   were
    reinstated, the record makes pellucid that Brown — not the class
    representatives or class counsel — chose those two teams.                  There
    is simply no indication that either the class representatives or
    class counsel "have sold out some of the class members at the
    expense of others."      4 Newberg § 13:56 (5th ed. 2021 Suppl.).
    Nor is the settlement inequitable because the class's
    future members — those women students who will matriculate after
    - 34 -
    2024 — will not enjoy the protections of the Joint Agreement.                That
    argument merely reprises the mistaken notion that the original
    consent decree must live forever.          Because the passage of time
    works against the Joint Agreement's viability, future students are
    in this respect not similarly situated to current students.                    It
    was fair for the district court to take that difference into
    account.    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2)(D) advisory committee's
    note to 2018 amendments (explaining that equitable treatment may
    take "appropriate account of differences among [class members']
    claims").    On this record, the district court acted within the
    encincture of its discretion in finding that a 2024 end date
    furnishes insufficient cause for disallowing the settlement.
    This conclusion is bolstered by the special context
    presented here. Twice in this litigation, we addressed the gnawing
    "tension" between class-wide Title IX remedies and the "great
    leeway" our society affords to universities.          Cohen II, 
    991 F.2d at 906-07
    ; see Cohen IV, 
    101 F.3d at 187-88
     (noting "[o]ur respect
    for academic freedom and reluctance to interject ourselves into
    the   conduct   of   university   affairs").        The    statutory      anti-
    discrimination mandate sometimes compels the court to usurp a
    university's    curricular   planning.       But    that    should     be     the
    exception, not the rule.
    We add a coda.   Although we uphold the district court's
    determination   that   the   Amended   Settlement    Agreement       is     fair,
    - 35 -
    reasonable, and adequate, we do not pretend that it is perfect.
    But "there are unlikely to be ideal solutions to all the vexing
    problems that might potentially arise" in Title IX class-action
    litigation involving collegiate programs.    Cohen II, 
    991 F.2d at 907
    .   The settlement reached here, though not perfect, marks a
    fitting conclusion to decades of judicial intrusion upon Brown's
    home field.
    We need go no further.     Ensuring gender equality in
    collegiate athletic programs is serious business.      Over nearly
    three decades, Brown and the class representatives have made
    considerable strides in this direction, and the need for judicial
    supervision has diminished.   The district court fairly concluded
    that the finish line is in sight.       For the reasons elucidated
    above, the judgment of the district court is
    - 36 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 21-1032P

Filed Date: 10/27/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/27/2021

Authorities (29)

United States v. Ilario M.A. Zannino , 895 F.2d 1 ( 1990 )

In Re Pharmaceutical Industry Average Wholesale Price ... , 588 F.3d 24 ( 2009 )

In Re Donald Pearson , 990 F.2d 653 ( 1993 )

Marketa Wills v. Brown University , 184 F.3d 20 ( 1999 )

Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Union, ... , 953 F.2d 17 ( 1992 )

Joanne Kotler, Individually and as Administratrix, Etc. v. ... , 981 F.2d 7 ( 1992 )

In Re Literary Works in Electronic Databases , 654 F.3d 242 ( 2011 )

Boucher v. Syracuse University , 164 F.3d 113 ( 1999 )

Amy Cohen v. Brown University , 991 F.2d 888 ( 1993 )

National Ass'n of Chain Drug Stores v. New England ... , 582 F.3d 30 ( 2009 )

James L. McCoy Administrator of the Electrical Workers ... , 950 F.2d 13 ( 1991 )

brenda-harris-individually-and-in-behalf-of-all-other-persons-similarly , 611 F.2d 543 ( 1980 )

leo-reed-fidel-cisneros-nina-nicol-abraham-manzanares-and-margaret , 849 F.2d 1307 ( 1988 )

Amy Cohen v. Brown University , 101 F.3d 155 ( 1996 )

Gooch v. Life Investors Insurance Co. of America , 672 F.3d 402 ( 2012 )

fred-ahrens-individually-and-on-behalf-of-all-other-pretrial-detainees-in , 570 F.2d 286 ( 1978 )

Scott Culver v. City of Milwaukee, and United States of ... , 277 F.3d 908 ( 2002 )

Cohen v. Brown University , 809 F. Supp. 978 ( 1992 )

Biediger v. Quinnipiac University , 728 F. Supp. 2d 62 ( 2010 )

Rolland v. Patrick , 562 F. Supp. 2d 176 ( 2008 )

View All Authorities »