Hines v. State Room Inc. , 665 F.3d 235 ( 2011 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 10-2298
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    Defendants, Appellees,
    [Hon. Patti B. Saris, U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Ripple, and Selya, Circuit Judges.
    John F. Tocci, with whom Cary Gianoulis and Tocci, Goss & Lee,
    P.C. were on brief, for appellants.
    Colleen C. Cook, with whom Jack I. Siegal and Nystrom Beckman
    & Paris LLP were on brief, for appellees.
    November 28, 2011
    Of the Seventh Circuit, sitting by designation.
    RIPPLE,     Circuit     Judge.      Christine     Hines   originally
    brought this action in Massachusetts state court against the State
    Room, Inc., where she formerly was employed.1                In the amended
    complaint, which was before the district court following removal,
    Ms. Hines and her coplaintiffs sought unpaid overtime wages that
    they claimed were due under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”),
    29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219
    , and related state statutes.             In addition to
    the State Room, Longwood Events, Inc., Belle Mer, Inc. and James
    Apteker   were     named   as    defendants.        After   various    further
    amendments, including the addition of counterclaims, and following
    discovery, the defendants sought summary judgment on the wage
    claims.   The defendants asserted that the plaintiffs were exempt
    from the overtime requirement because they were administrative
    employees under the FLSA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 213
    (a)(1).              The plaintiffs
    countered that their work did not involve sufficient discretion to
    satisfy the exemption.          The district court determined that the
    duties of the employees did involve substantial discretion and,
    under our precedent, the exemption was applicable; accordingly,
    partial summary judgment was entered for the defendants.                    The
    plaintiffs   now    appeal.      They    continue   to   contend    that   their
    employers have failed to demonstrate that they acted with any
    Ms. Hines’s original complaint also listed Veronique
    Corporation as a defendant and claimed that it was the State Room’s
    corporate parent. Veronique Corporation was dropped as a defendant
    in the amended complaint and terminated from the action in 2009.
    meaningful discretion and, therefore, to carry the burden of
    demonstrating the applicability of the exemption.        Because the
    district court correctly applied governing legal principles, we
    affirm the judgment of the district court.
    A.   Facts
    The State Room and Belle Mer are affiliated banquet
    facilities that “host high-end wedding receptions and other social
    functions” in Boston, Massachusetts, and Newport, Rhode Island,
    respectively.     R.78 at 2.   Individual defendant James Apteker is
    the founder and president of the State Room and Belle Mer.
    Longwood Events is an affiliated management company that provides
    accounting and record-keeping services for the banquet facilities.
    According to the complaint, Longwood is the corporate parent for
    the State Room and Belle Mer, and the companies share common
    The plaintiffs are former sales managers2 at one or both
    According to their deposition testimony and their resumes,
    the plaintiffs held different titles at various points in their
    tenures with the defendant facilities. See, e.g., R.68-4 at 14-15
    (Leporacci Dep. 61-62) (stating that she was given “a few different
    titles . . ., but continued to perform the same duties no matter
    what the title was” for the majority of her time working for the
    defendants).    However, the plaintiffs themselves use the more
    generic term “sales manager” in structuring their arguments in this
    case.   The plaintiffs’ titles do not affect our analysis, and,
    therefore, for ease of reading, we employ the plaintiffs’
    terminology. See Reich v. John Alden Life Ins. Co., 
    126 F.3d 1
    , 10
    of the defendant facilities:   Ms. Hines was employed from 2006 to
    2008 at the State Room; Mary O’Connor, at Belle Mer from 2007 to
    2008; and Jessica Leporacci, at Belle Mer for several months in
    2006, then at the State Room through 2008.     As sales managers, the
    plaintiffs were the primary client contacts on behalf of the event
    venues.   Principally, their role was to secure event business for
    the company, either by use of a cold-call list kept by management
    or in response to inquiries by potential clients.        When given a
    cold-call list, the plaintiffs would assess which calls were likely
    to generate business and would not make calls they determined would
    be unproductive. See R.68-3 at 7 (O’Connor Dep. 34-35) (explaining
    that, after researching a list of law firms to cold call, she would
    not contact a firm of three attorneys to offer to host a holiday
    party and agreeing that the research she did would help her
    determine “whether to call or not”).        As part of their regular
    tasks, plaintiffs spoke by phone and in person with potential
    clients; they toured the facility with potential clients to sell
    events; and they assisted clients in determining which venue and
    time might be appropriate for an event and what minimum charges
    would apply.   The goal behind this work was to commit a prospective
    client to a contract for an event.     In addition to the efforts with
    individual clients and prospective clients, the plaintiffs engaged
    (1st Cir. 1997) (“[T]he particular title given to an employee is
    not determinative[ of] an employee’s exempt status . . . .”).
    in broader sales efforts. For example, Ms. O’Connor testified that
    she   marketed   Belle     Mer    by    attending      Chamber     of   Commerce    or
    Convention     and    Visitors         Bureau     events      as    the   company’s
    representative, again with the goal of “bring[ing] events to Belle
     (O’Connor Dep. 36).         To bring in business from within
    her   assigned     nonprofit     sector,        Ms.   Hines    suggested    to     her
    supervisor that she could develop a lunch presentation on “‘how to
    plan a gala fundraiser for [a] non[]profit’” as a marketing tool.
    R.68-20 at 2 (email from Hines to a supervisor).
    For the majority of the plaintiffs’ tenure with the
    defendant facilities, their duties extended beyond securing the
    basic sale and event contracts.            They were required to work with
    clients to design details and menus that would meet each client’s
    expectations;3 they prepared internal order forms that explained
    every detail of the event for the operations staff; and from time
    to time, they attended events to ensure that the client’s wishes
    were carried out.     As Ms. O’Connor stated in her deposition, “Soup
    to nuts is what I was doing back then.                You didn’t have any events
    managers.    You ran the whole thing.”            R.68-3 at 14 (O’Connor Dep.
    id. at 12
     (O’Connor Dep. 59) (confirming that her duties
    included “[c]oordinat[ing] the setup, design, [and] execution of
    the   wedding”);     see   also    R.68-4        at   15   (Leporacci      Dep.    63)
    See, e.g., R.68-4 at 13 (Leporacci Dep. 55) (explaining
    that she would make suggestions for an event and “could create a
    custom menu with the chef”).
    (describing her work as an events manager as including organizing
    “tastings, menu selection, . . . linen selection, design of the
    space, [and] everything else that goes into planning an event”);
    R.68-2 at 8 (Hines Dep. 44-45) (answering affirmatively when asked
    if   she   “work[ed]    closely   with   nonprofit   board   committees    in
    researching, designing and executing events”). The plaintiffs were
    responsible    for     maintaining   a   relationship   with   clients    and
    satisfying client needs in the course of their event planning with
    the defendant venues.        See R.68-15 (contemporaneous email from
    supervisor to sales and events management staff stating, “[I]t is
    your responsibility to proactively manage client expectations and
    obligations.    You are accountable for the ‘life’ of this client
    while they book, and then plan and execute their event with us.”);
    R.68-2 at 18 (Hines Dep. 123) (agreeing that her job was to “keep
    the client happy” from the initial contact through the actual
    Indeed, the picture that emerges from the record is one in
    which the primary role of sales managers was to secure a steady
    stream of business by selling each prospective client on a package
    of options--location, timing, atmosphere, design, food and the
    like, all within the client’s budget--and by ensuring that each
    event so planned was a success.          See R.68-3 at 10 (O’Connor Dep.
    51-52) (explaining the process of creating an event within a
    client’s budget); 
     (O’Connor Dep. 50-51) (“[T]his is a one-time
    event, let’s make it the most incredible thing you will ever have
    in your life.   Even if you have a small budget, let’s still make it
    the most breathtaking thing that could ever happen to you, and how
    that is going to happen is customer service.                      You have got to
    believe in me.”).      In so doing, the sales managers secured clients
    one at a time, but also worked to maintain and enhance the
    reputation of their venues as a desirable location for custom,
    high-end events for private and nonprofit clients.                   See R. 68-2 at
    21   (Hines    Dep.    145)        (confirming     that     her     tasks    included
    “develop[ing] relationships with” clients and “encourag[ing] repeat
    business”); see also R.72-8 at 8 (Longwood Events Sales Handbook)
    (instructing     sales        staff      to     “[c]apitalize       on      re-booking
    opportunities immediately” while clients “have positive feelings
    about their event”).4
    The       record    also      establishes    some       things    that   the
    plaintiffs    did    not     do    in   the   course   of   their    daily     work.
    Specifically, the plaintiffs had virtually no authority to make any
    financial decisions.              When working with a potential client to
    secure an event contract, the sales managers were bound by price
    schedules controlled by management that dictated minimum charges
    for particular rooms based on the times and dates of the event.
    See also R.68-21 at 2-3 (email chain in which Ms. Hines’s
    supervisor congratulates her on a successful event in which a
    nonprofit raised $200,000 and instructs her to “quote these numbers
    when wooing the big non[]profits,” a suggestion with which
    Ms. Hines agrees).
    R.68-3 at 5 (O’Connor Dep. 28) (noting that the prices and minimums
    “don’t change” and that “[t]here is no wavering unless you want to
    marry in the winter”).    Beyond the event minimum, each option a
    client might select for a particular event carried a price already
    fixed by management, the sum of which defined the total cost for
    the entire event, and sales managers were not permitted to deviate
    or discount in any way without management’s approval.           See, e.g.,
    R.72-8 at 6 (Longwood Events Sales Handbook) (“Do not provide
    discounts or lower [food and beverage] minimums without Sales
    Director approval.”); 
    id. at 7
     (“[A]ny discounts are with a Sales
    Director’s approval only.”).    Further, although they signed final
    event contracts as representatives of the defendant businesses,
    they were permitted to do so only when management had approved the
    terms.   R.72-9 at 4 (Gullins Aff.).      Indeed, they were prohibited
    expressly   from   creating   any    financial    obligations    for   the
    businesses without management approval. R.72-8 at 3-4 (emails from
    supervisor forbidding the staff from creating “obligation[s]” for
    the company without prior approval); see also R.72-9 at 4 (Gullins
    Aff.).   They did not generate the form contracts or intake forms
    that they used to structure their interactions with clients and to
    forward client information to management.        
    Id. at 3
    .   They were not
    supervisors and had no direct authority over any other staff.          
    They were not policy-makers for their respective businesses.           See
    id. at 4
    The plaintiffs were guided by the Longwood’s Events Sales
    Handbook, which presents “[t]he Longwood Events Way of Selling.”
    R.72-8 at 6.     Some of the instructions provided are specific and
    directive, such as “do not hold dates beyond the 7-day timeframe,”
     or “[n]ever match a deal from last year,” 
    id. at 7
    .                Equally
    often,   however,   the   handbook’s     instructions      are    generalized,
    strategic   or   aspirational.     See    
    id. at 6
       (“Always     take   the
    customer[’s] perspective.        Anticipate what they would want and
    listen to what they are asking for.         Roll up your sleeves and do
    whatever it takes to ensure the customer has a great impression of
    [Longwood Events] and the venue, enlisting operations and kitchen
    where necessary.”); 
    id. at 7
     (“Always make a concerted effort to
    up[]sell . . . .”); 
     (“Make sure the menu fits the event.                  Are
    we selling something requiring a knife and fork for an event which
    is intended to have a cocktail feel and light seating?”).                      In
    addition to the directions provided by the handbook, the defendant
    businesses provided a scripted response to one specific question
    that sales managers sometimes received regarding an affiliated
    venue, the development of which the defendants had abandoned.                 The
    vast majority of the plaintiffs’ work as sales managers, however,
    involved    unscripted    conversations    with      clients     and   potential
    Ms. Hines earned $77,000 a year in her role, second in
    the department only to the director of sales; Ms. O’Connor earned
    $48,000;     Ms.   Leporacci     earned    between    $28,000   and    $36,000.
    Although the plaintiffs claimed to have worked more than forty
    hours per week on a consistent basis--indeed, the offer letters
    that they received expressly stated that they would work forty-five
    to fifty-five hours per week5--they did not receive overtime pay
    during     their   tenure   as    sales    managers   because   the     defendant
    businesses designated them as “exempt” employees for purposes of
    overtime laws.      Although they were required to punch-in for some
    portion of their tenure, they were not required to keep specific
    All of the plaintiffs had left the defendants’ employ by
    the time this action was commenced.             When Ms. Hines resigned in
    2008, she requested a severance, which was denied.                    Mr. Apteker
    claims that,       when   Ms.    Hines    was informed   that   severance was
    unavailable, he heard her mumble something that he understood to be
    a threat that she would go after the company and “find a way” to
    get the denied severance.          R.76-8 at 4 (Apteker Dep. 125).
    B.   District Court Proceedings
    After being granted leave by the Massachusetts Attorney
    General’s Office, Ms. Hines filed a class action complaint in the
    Massachusetts state courts alleging violations of the Massachusetts
    and federal overtime laws on behalf of herself and a putative
    R.68-2 at 11 (Hines Dep. 84); R.68-4 at 11 (Leporacci Dep.
    class.     She alleged that the State Room improperly had classified
    her   as   an    exempt   employee    in   order    to   avoid       its   overtime
    obligations.      The State Room removed the action to the district
    In an amended complaint filed in federal court, Ms. Hines
    removed her class action allegations, added Ms. O’Connor and
    Ms. Leporacci as plaintiffs and added Belle Mer, Longwood and
    Mr. Apteker6 as defendants.          The amended complaint included seven
    claims under the FLSA and related Massachusetts and Rhode Island
    wage and hour laws.
    In    response,   the      defendants    filed       a    state    tort
    counter-claim for abuse of process. They claimed that the overtime
    suit was in retaliation for the denial of Ms. Hines’s requested
    severance.      Ms. Hines, in turn, counter-claimed that the abuse of
    process allegation was made in retaliation for filing the initial
    suit, relying on the anti-retaliation provision in the FLSA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 215
    Following discovery, the defendants moved for summary
    judgment on the original wage claims.              Ms. Hines sought summary
    judgment on her retaliation claim.           The district court granted the
    defendants’ motion for summary judgment and denied Ms. Hines’s
    motion.    The court set forth the relevant portion of the FLSA and
    Mr. Apteker was added pursuant to a state statute that
    deems corporate principals “employers” responsible for wage and
    hour violations. See 
    Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 149, § 148
    the regulations and noted that the central issue in the case was
    whether the plaintiffs had exercised sufficient discretion and
    independent judgment in their work to be classified properly as
    administrative employees exempt from the overtime requirement. The
    court acknowledged that the FLSA places the burden on the employer
    to establish the applicability of the exemption and that the courts
    have required that the exemption be drawn narrowly against the
    employer.      However, the court found this circuit’s decisions in
    Cash v. Cycle Craft Co., 
    508 F.3d 680
     (1st Cir. 2007), and Reich v.
    John   Alden   Life   Insurance    Co.,   
    126 F.3d 1
       (1st   Cir.   1997),
    instructive and determined that they were strong support for the
    defendants’ position in the present case.               The court concluded
    that, like the plaintiffs in Cash and John Alden, the plaintiffs
    here had a primary task of communicating with clients and assessing
    client   needs.       Although    a   handbook    guided     these   important
    interactions, it did not script them; instead, the plaintiffs’ work
    required a significant measure of judgment in all of their daily
    interactions.     The plaintiffs were “the primary conduit between
    defendants and their clients,” and their “efforts constituted major
    assignments . . . affecting a substantial portion of defendants’
    business.”     R.78 at 18.       Further, although the options that the
    plaintiffs presented to clients for various services were pre-
    priced by management, the plaintiffs “determined for themselves how
    best to fit those options to the needs of each individual client.”
       That plaintiffs’ supervisors had the authority to review and
    approve,     noted      the    court,     was     not    dispositive         under      the
    regulations.         After       reviewing       the    evidence,         including     the
    plaintiffs’ own descriptions of their work for the defendants on
    their personal resumes, which the opinion set forth in full, the
    court    concluded      that    the   employers        had   established         that   the
    plaintiffs fell properly within the administrative exception.
    The court did acknowledge that, with respect to many of
    the factors identified in the regulations as relevant to the
    application of the administrative exemption, the plaintiffs had
    demonstrated questions of fact.               The court, moreover, noted that
    the     plaintiffs      had    produced      evidence        that     weighed     against
    determining      that     they    were     properly       classified         within     the
    administrative exemption:             They did not shape (indeed, they were
    required    to   follow)       management’s       policies,         and   they   did    not
    negotiate or obligate financially the defendants.                          Further, the
    district court concluded that, in its view, taking the evidence in
    the light most favorable to the plaintiffs, they did not have
    meaningful discretion regarding the selection of potential clients
    to approach.         Nevertheless, the court found that the evidence
    clearly demonstrated that the plaintiffs “exercised discretion and
    independent judgment in determining how to assemble an event to
    suit each client’s taste.”                
    Id. at 19
    .          Accordingly, summary
    judgment was entered for the defendants on the wage claims.
    The district court further ruled that disputed issues of
    fact remained on the abuse of process claim against Ms. Hines, and
    therefore denied summary judgment on that counter-claim.        The
    parties then jointly moved for entry of a separate judgment under
    Rule 54(b), which the district court entered upon concluding that
    the ruling on the wage claims was final and that there was no
    persuasive reason for delay.7    Proceedings on the counterclaims
    were stayed pending the outcome of this appeal.
    A.   Standard of Review
    We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de
    novo.    Hunt v. Golden Rule Ins. Co., 
    638 F.3d 83
    , 86 (1st Cir.
    2011).    Summary judgment is proper where there is no genuine
    dispute of material fact and the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law.     Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).     “In the
    typical case, we will reverse a grant of summary judgment only if,
    making all factual inferences in favor of the non-moving party, a
    Consistent with the duties prescribed in Spiegel v.
    Trustees of Tufts College, 
    843 F.2d 38
    , 43 (1st Cir. 1988), and its
    progeny, we independently have examined the propriety of a Rule
    54(b) certification in the present case and are satisfied that the
    district court acted within its sound discretion. Specifically, we
    agree that the ruling upon which judgment was entered was final.
    Further, we agree that, given the separate factual bases for the
    claims at issue here and those still unadjudicated in the district
    court, the court was entitled to conclude that there was “‘no just
    reason for delay.’” 
     (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b)).
    rational factfinder could resolve the legal issue for either side.”
    D & H Therapy Assocs., LLC v. Boston Mut. Life Ins. Co., 
    640 F.3d 27
    , 34 (1st Cir. 2011).8
    B.   The FLSA and the Department of Labor’s Regulations
    The FLSA of 1938, as amended, establishes a federal
    minimum wage and restricts youth labor.      See 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219
    In addition, the Act requires overtime pay--payment at the rate of
    one and one-half of the regular rate--for all hours worked in
    excess of a forty-hour work week.       
     § 207(a)(1).     The statute
    also sets forth various exemptions from the overtime requirement.
    Relevant to the present case, the overtime requirement in § 207
    does not apply to “any employee employed in a bona fide executive,
    administrative, or professional capacity . . . (as such terms are
    defined and delimited from time to time by regulations of the
    Secretary . . .).”    Id. § 213(a)(1).
    Pursuant   to   the   statute’s    express     delegation   of
    rulemaking   authority,    the    Secretary    has      issued   detailed
    regulations, following notice-and-comment procedures, defining each
    We note the plaintiffs’ objections to the district court’s
    factual conclusions at summary judgment and, in particular, to the
    use of the plaintiffs’ resumes in determining their job duties.
    The plaintiffs would have us disregard the resumes because, in
    their view, it is common practice to include puffery about one’s
    own importance or achievements within any given position. We see
    no reason to set forth a categorical rule regarding the use of
    resumes in FLSA litigation. Our obligation on review of summary
    judgment dictates the manner in which we view all of the evidence
    of record, including the plaintiffs’ resumes.
    of the exemptions in § 207.   See generally 29 C.F.R. Part 541; see
    29 U.S.C. § 213
    (a)(1) (providing authority); John Alden, 
    126 F.3d at 7-8
     (discussing the regulations).
    The regulations in effect at the time of the plaintiffs’
    employment provide a single three-prong test9 for determining
    whether an employee qualifies for the administrative exemption:
    (a) The term “employee employed in a bona fide
    administrative capacity” in section 13(a)(1)
    of the Act shall mean any employee:
    (1) Compensated on a salary or fee
    basis at a rate of not less than
    $455 per week (or $380 per week, if
    employed   in  American   Samoa by
    employers other than the Federal
    Government), exclusive of board,
    lodging or other facilities;
    (2) Whose primary duty is the
    performance of office or non-manual
    work   directly   related  to   the
    management   or  general   business
    operations of the employer or the
    employer’s customers; and
    In 2004, the Department of Labor amended the regulations
    governing administrative employees. Prior to the amendment, the
    regulations allowed employers to demonstrate an employee’s
    qualification for the exemption under one of two tests, the “long
    test” and the “short test.” The long test covered lower-income
    employees; within a certain salary range, an employer was required
    to demonstrate that more stringent requirements were satisfied to
    establish an exemption. When an employee earned above the range
    included in the long test, the exemption could be demonstrated
    using the simpler short test. The long test no longer exists; the
    short test was modified in the new regulations and is now called
    the “standard test.” It applies to all employees that an employer
    seeks to designate as exempt administrative staff. See generally
    Defining   and   Delimiting    the   Exemptions    for   Executive,
    Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees;
    Final Rule, 
    69 Fed. Reg. 22122
     (Apr. 23, 2004).
    (3) Whose primary duty includes the
    exercise    of    discretion     and
    independent judgment with respect to
    matters of significance.
    29 C.F.R. § 541.200
    (a).        The   sections      that   follow   provide
    substantial further direction regarding the implementation of this
    standard test for the administrative exemption, and we shall
    address   them     in   significant    detail     below    as    we   analyze   the
    application of the regulatory mandate to the case before us.
    At the outset, we note that we are guided by a general
    interpretive principle.          Because of the remedial nature of the
    statute, the Supreme Court has emphasized that the exemptions
    should be “narrowly construed” and “limited to those establishments
    plainly and unmistakably within their terms and spirit.” Arnold v.
    Ben Kanowsky, Inc., 
    361 U.S. 388
    , 392 (1960); see also John Alden,
    126 F.3d at 7
     (quoting Arnold).
    The parties concede, and the record is clear, that the
    sales managers were compensated on a salary basis at a level in
    excess of the required $455 per week.            The parties also agree that
    the second prong, see 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.200
    (a)(2), which requires
    that   the    qualifying    employee’s        “primary    duty   [must    be]   the
    performance of . . . work directly related to the management or
    general business operations of the employer or the employer’s
    customers,” is met.        The regulations further provide:
    The phrase “directly related to the management
    or general business operations” refers to the
    type of work performed by the employee. To
    meet this requirement, an employee must
    perform work directly related to assisting
    with the running or servicing of the business,
    as distinguished, for example, from working on
    a manufacturing production line or selling a
    product in a retail or service establishment.
     § 541.201(a).
    We agree with the parties that the second prong is met.
    As our decisions in John Alden, 
    126 F.3d 1
    , and Cash, 
    508 F.3d 680
    make clear, the work performed by Ms. Hines, Ms. Leporacci and
    Ms. O’Connor properly is considered administrative.            The principal
    business of the defendant employers is providing banquets.                The
    sales aspect of the defendants’ businesses, although necessary to
    their success, is clearly ancillary to the principal function of
    actually    providing    the    banquet      services   themselves.        The
    plaintiffs’ own descriptions of their duties further make clear
    that they    were    focused   on   more    than   simple   individual   sales
    transactions.       With respect to each individual transaction, the
    sales managers’ own testimony indicates that they did not simply
    close contracts.      Instead, they worked with each client to create
    a custom event in all of the particulars.           Further, they worked to
    establish long-term relationships, to keep clients happy and to
    maintain the overall reputation of their employers.             Accordingly,
    the second prong of the administrative exemption is satisfied.
    C.   Discretion Regarding Matters of Significance
    The parties’ real dispute in this case concerns the third
    prong of the administrative exemption, whether the employees’
    “primary duty include[d] the exercise of discretion and independent
    judgment with respect to matters of significance.”            
    29 C.F.R. § 541.200
    (a)(3).   The   regulation   itself   provides   substantial
    further guidance on this point:
    (a)   To   qualify    for   the   administrative
    exemption, an employee’s primary duty must
    include the exercise of discretion and
    independent judgment with respect to matters
    of significance. In general, the exercise of
    discretion and independent judgment involves
    the comparison and the evaluation of possible
    courses of conduct, and acting or making a
    decision after the various possibilities have
    been considered.        The term “matters of
    significance”    refers    to   the   level   of
    importance   or    consequence   of   the   work
    (b)   The phrase “discretion and independent
    judgment” must be applied in the light of all
    the   facts    involved  in   the   particular
    employment situation in which the question
    arises. Factors to consider when determining
    whether an employee exercises discretion and
    independent judgment with respect to matters
    of significance include, but are not limited
    to:   whether the employee has authority to
    formulate, affect, interpret, or implement
    management policies or operating practices;
    whether the employee carries out major
    assignments in conducting the operations of
    the business; whether the employee performs
    work that affects business operations to a
    substantial degree, even if the employee’s
    assignments are related to operation of a
    particular segment of the business; whether
    the employee has authority to commit the
    employer in matters that have significant
    financial impact; whether the employee has
    authority to waive or deviate from established
    policies    and   procedures   without   prior
    approval; whether the employee has authority
    to   negotiate  and   bind   the company    on
    significant matters; whether the employee
    provides consultation or expert advice to
    management; whether the employee is involved
    in planning long- or short-term business
    objectives; whether the employee investigates
    and resolves matters of significance on behalf
    of management; and whether the employee
    represents the company in handling complaints,
    arbitrating disputes or resolving grievances.
    (c) The exercise of discretion and independent
    judgment implies that the employee has
    authority to make an independent choice, free
    from immediate direction or supervision.
    However, employees can exercise discretion and
    independent judgment even if their decisions
    or recommendations are reviewed at a higher
    level.     Thus, the term “discretion and
    independent judgment” does not require that
    the decisions made by an employee have a
    finality that goes with unlimited authority
    and a complete absence of review.          The
    decisions made as a result of the exercise of
    discretion   and   independent  judgment   may
    consist of recommendations for action rather
    than the actual taking of action. The fact
    that an employee’s decision may be subject to
    review and that upon occasion the decisions
    are revised or reversed after review does not
    mean that the employee is not exercising
    discretion and independent judgment. . . .
    . . .
    (e) The exercise of discretion and independent
    judgment must be more than the use of skill in
    applying     well-established     techniques,
    procedures or specific standards described in
    manuals or other sources. . . . The exercise
    of discretion and independent judgment also
    does not include clerical or secretarial work,
    recording or tabulating data, or performing
    other mechanical, repetitive, recurrent or
    routine work. . . .
     § 541.202.
    The plaintiffs contend that they perform virtually none
    of the duties outlined as “[f]actors to consider” in subsection
    541.202(b), that they do not have “authority to make an independent
    choice,    free   from    immediate    direction    or    supervision,”     id.
    § 541.202(c), and that their work, properly characterized, involved
    more skill than discretion, see id. § 541.202(e).             In particular,
    the plaintiffs focus on their lack of any authority to make any
    decisions of financial consequence to their employers, their lack
    of supervisory authority and their lack of policy-making authority.
    Again, we begin with our own precedents in John Alden and
    Cash.   In John Alden, 
    126 F.3d 1
    , we evaluated a claim by marketing
    representatives who alleged that John Alden Insurance Co. had
    misclassified them as exempt and denied overtime in violation of
    the FLSA. The marketing representatives each worked with a list of
    independent field agents, not employed by John Alden, who worked
    directly with end customers seeking insurance.              Those agents, in
    turn, would recommend a variety of insurance products to consumers,
    including those offered by John Alden’s competitors. The marketing
    representatives, who were charged with presenting their employer’s
    insurance products to the field of independent agents, did so
    primarily   through      “maintain[ing]      constant    contact   with    [the]
    Id. at 3
    .    In     an    individual    sales   call,    the
    representative attempted to engage the agent in an unscripted
    conversation about John Alden’s product offerings in the way they
    determined would market most successfully those offerings ahead of
    those offered by the competition. Although there were weekly sales
    meetings at which the representatives were presented with suggested
    points of emphasis, it was left to an individual representative to
    determine which particular products to present and discuss in any
    given conversation, drawing on his own knowledge of the agent’s
    customer base as well as John Alden’s new offerings.       
    Id. at 13
    Beyond the marketing aspect of representatives’ daily work, they
    also continued to follow sales that already had been made.
    Specifically, once an agent’s customer elected to purchase a
    John Alden product, the representative would “act[] as a conduit”
    between the purchasing party and John Alden’s own underwriting
    Id. at 4
    .        Their role in actually processing a
    transaction,   however,   was   limited.   They   “d[id]   not   set    or
    negotiate prices or terms of insurance, nor d[id] they have any
    authority to approve or deny an application, as [that was] done
    solely by the underwriting department.” 
     We concluded that, on
    those facts, the representatives exercised sufficient discretion to
    warrant the exemption and, therefore, affirmed the grant of summary
    judgment to the employer.
    In Cash, the plaintiff customer service manager was
    responsible for ensuring that motorcycles were “outfitted and
    delivered . . . according to the particular purchase order.”           
    508 F.3d at 682
    .   Following delivery, he would “stay in touch with the
    customers and make sure that they were satisfied.”                   
       On these
    facts, we also concluded that the customer service manager was
    required to use discretion and independent judgment in performing
    his primary duties of communicating with customers concerning their
    orders.     Again, we focused on the fact that he was required to
    “react[] to the unique needs of [the employer’s] customers.”                     
    Id. at 686
    Even when the record in the present case is evaluated in
    a light most favorable to the plaintiffs, as we must on summary
    judgment,    the work     performed     by   Ms.    Hines,    Ms.    O’Connor    and
    Ms.   Leporacci   exhibits      a     similar      level   of    discretion     and
    independent    judgment    to   the    discretion      that     we   already    have
    determined to be sufficient for the exemption. Like the plaintiffs
    in John Alden and Cash, the plaintiffs here had a primary duty of
    engaging potential clients and assisting them in selecting from
    various options from the employers’ offerings.                  Indeed, although
    the options from which a client could select in any given category
    were finite, the goal of the sales team was to create a truly
    custom event for each client.          In our view, working with a client
    to create a custom product, personalized to individual tastes and
    budgets, exhibits at least as much creative freedom as the John
    Alden plaintiffs had in marketing insurance plans that they had no
    authority to create, modify or repackage to suit an individual
    client.     In proposing options for an event within a budget, the
    sales managers did not operate within “a prescribed technique or
    ‘sales pitch.’”      See John Alden, 
    126 F.3d at 14
    .     Instead, they
    were guided by the instructions in the Longwood Events Sales
    Handbook.   That handbook contained certain limited iron rules, but
    largely provided guidelines.      The rules were not so numerous nor
    the guidelines--to upsell where possible, to make sure menus fit
    the tone of an event and the like--so specific as to cabin the
    judgment that the plaintiffs were required to exercise in engaging
    with clients   and    prospective clients.       Such work   requires   a
    significant degree of “invention, imagination and talent,” 
    id. at 7
     (internal quotation marks omitted).         See 
    id. at 14
     (“[T]o the
    extent that the marketing representatives receive guidance about
    products to emphasize and suggested points to make with agents,
    they nonetheless exercise discretion in applying this instruction--
    for instance, in determining which agent may have an interest in [a
    particular] product, or in fashioning bid proposals that meet the
    needs of the agent’s customers.”); Renfro v. Indiana Michigan Power
    497 F.3d 573
    , 577 (6th Cir. 2007) (noting, in the course of
    finding adequate discretion among nuclear power plant employees,
    that the technical manual they used “provide[d] a guideline on how
    to   develop   a     procedure,   not    an   encyclopedia   of   strict
    requirements”); Kennedy v. Commonwealth Edison Co., 
    410 F.3d 365
    374 (7th Cir. 2005) (noting that the plaintiffs’ discretion may be
    channeled by applicable regulations without defeating the existence
    of sufficient discretion).
    The plaintiffs repeatedly have emphasized all of the
    matters     about     which   they    had   no   authority   and    exercised   no
    discretion, primarily those involving their employers’ finances and
    contractual obligations. In both John Alden and Cash, however, the
    respective plaintiffs had similar restrictions.                    “[W]hether the
    employee has authority to commit the employer in matters that have
    significant financial impact” is a factor that the regulations
    instruct us to consider, 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.202
    (b); it is not,
    however, a requirement that must be satisfied to demonstrate that
    an   employee    exercises      independent      judgment.    The     regulations
    likewise provide that an employee’s discretionary actions need not
    “have a finality that goes with unlimited authority and a complete
    absence of review.”            
     § 541.202(c).       The fact that, after
    engaging a potential client and arriving at a proposed agreement
    for a      banquet,    the    sales   managers    submitted the      proposal   to
    management for approval does not, therefore, detract from the
    judgment that was exercised in arriving at the proposal in the
    first instance.10
    For this reason, we are not persuaded by the plaintiffs’
    arguments that the district court failed to consider “powerful,
    uncontroverted evidence,” Appellants’ Br. 33, in their favor in the
    form of the affidavit of a former supervisor, Jennifer Gullins. As
    with much of the plaintiffs’ argument before this court, the
    Gullins affidavit tells the court much of what the plaintiffs did
    not do, but does not provide substantial assistance in determining
    what the plaintiffs daily activities included and whether, in
    performing those duties, the plaintiffs exercised discretion.
    The plaintiffs rest their argument in large part on the
    recent decision of the Second Circuit in In re Novartis Wage &
    Hour Litigation, 
    611 F.3d 141
     (2d Cir. 2010).          According to the
    plaintiffs, Novartis establishes that the function of a court
    reviewing the discretion prong is to “analyz[e] all ten factors set
    forth in 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.202
    (b).” Appellants’ Br. 36.         We disagree
    that Novartis suggests broadly that a simple evaluation of the
    regulation’s exemplary list of factors to be considered among “all
    the facts involved in the particular employment situation in which
    the   question    arises”   provides   a   determinative   answer   to   the
    ultimate question whether an employee exercises discretion. See 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.202
     (noting that the “[f]actors to consider
    . . . include, but are not limited to” the ten listed items).             In
    our view, Novartis did not suggest a new methodology; it simply
    emphasized that, on the facts before it, the employer had not shown
    that the employees exercised meaningful discretion.           Although it
    identified the factors specifically listed in the regulation, the
    court went on to evaluate the specific tasks identified by the
    employer as discretionary and found none sufficient to warrant the
    application of the administrative exemption.        Indeed, the preamble
    to the current regulations identifies a host of factors, other than
    those listed in the regulations themselves, that courts have found
    sufficient   to   demonstrate   that   employees   exercise   independent
    judgment.11        We decline to impose an unnecessary rigidity on the
    circumstance-specific analysis called for in the regulations.
    Finally, we conclude that the record firmly establishes
    that    the    matters     about     which    the    sales      managers    exercised
    discretion are matters of significance to the employer.                        See 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.200
    (a)(3).            As was the case in John Alden, the sales
    and customer service position that each plaintiff occupied is
    integral to the functioning of the employers’ businesses.                           The
    sales managers were the face of the businesses to prospective
    clients, and the judgment that they exercised concerned how best to
    represent the employers and to develop a proposal that would
    attract the prospective clients to a contract with the venues.
    In    sum,   the    record     in   this   case     reveals    that   the
    plaintiffs     exercised         adequate    discretion      to   come     within   the
    boundaries of our precedents and the guidance from the Department
    of Labor.      The district court properly concluded that, under the
    law of this circuit, the plaintiffs were exempt administrative
    See 69 Fed. Reg. at 22144 (identifying as other relevant
    considerations an “employee’s freedom from direct supervision,
    personnel responsibilities, troubleshooting or problem-solving
    activities on behalf of management, use of personalized
    communication techniques, authority to handle atypical or unusual
    situations, authority to set budgets, responsibility for assessing
    customer needs, primary contact to public or customers on behalf of
    the employer, the duty to anticipate competitive products or
    services and distinguish them from competitor’s products or
    services, advertising or promotion work, and coordination of
    departments, requirements, or other activities for or on behalf of
    employer or employer’s clients or customers”).
    D.    State Causes of Action
    The plaintiffs acknowledge that their state law claims
    are   “dependent   upon     and    derivative    of”   their   FLSA   claims.
    Appellants’ Br. 15 n.5.           Our disposition of their FLSA claims on
    the merits resolves the state claims as well.             See Cash, 
    508 F.3d at 686-87
    ; Valerio v. Putnam Assocs. Inc., 
    173 F.3d 35
    , 40 (1st
    Cir. 1999).
    We   conclude    that     the   plaintiffs   appropriately    were
    classified as exempt administrative employees for the purposes of
    the FLSA and relevant state overtime laws. We therefore affirm the
    district court’s entry of summary judgment on the wage claims for
    the defendant.