DeLong v. Dickhaut , 715 F.3d 382 ( 2013 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-1131
    Petitioner, Appellant,
    Respondent, Appellee.
    [Hon. William G. Young, U.S. District Judge]
    Thompson, Circuit Judge,
    Souter,* Associate Justice,
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Charles W. Rankin, with whom Michelle Menken and Rankin &
    Sultan were on brief, for appellant.
    Jennifer L. Sullivan, Assistant Attorney General, with whom
    Martha Coakley, Attorney General, was on brief, for appellee.
    May 6, 2013
    The Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the
    Supreme Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    PER CURIAM. Before this Court on appeal is the dismissal
    of Petitioner Joseph DeLong's 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
     federal habeas
    corpus petition.      After careful review, we remand to the district
    court.   We begin by outlining the procedural posture of DeLong's
    DeLong was convicted by a jury in Massachusetts state
    court on two indictments charging him with unarmed robbery, and
    sentenced    to    concurrent    terms   of   fifteen    to    twenty   years'
    imprisonment.      DeLong filed a motion for a new trial, alleging
    ineffectiveness of trial counsel and requesting an evidentiary
    hearing; he later filed an amended motion claiming newly discovered
    evidence--a       surveillance    tape     and   still        photographs--was
    exculpatory and warranted a new trial, or at minimum an evidentiary
    hearing on his motion.     The court denied DeLong's motion for a new
    trial, finding the evidence was reasonably discoverable at the time
    of trial.     DeLong appealed the judgments and the denial of his
    motion for new trial.
    The Massachusetts Appeals Court affirmed the convictions
    but found DeLong had made an adequate showing to warrant an
    evidentiary hearing on the newly discovered photographic and video
    evidence. The Appeals Court remanded the matter to the trial court
    for an evidentiary hearing. Following the evidentiary hearing, the
    trial court again denied the motion for a new trial; DeLong
    appealed and the Appeals Court subsequently affirmed.              DeLong then
    sought further appellate review of his motion for a new trial with
    the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC), arguing ineffective
    assistance of counsel and violations of his right to due process.
    The SJC denied his application.     DeLong applied again to the SJC
    for further appellate review of the Appeals Court's affirmance of
    his convictions, arguing ineffective assistance of counsel, denial
    of his right to fair trial, and reversible error.         The SJC also
    denied this request.
    DeLong then filed, pro se, a 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    habeas corpus petition in the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts.
    His petition raised claims of ineffective assistance of counsel and
    violations of his right to due process.1        On November 14, 2011,
    respondent Thomas Dickhaut moved for dismissal on the ground that
    DeLong's petition contained unexhausted claims.           Although the
    parties disagree as to precisely which claims were exhausted, it is
    undisputed that some claims in DeLong's habeas petition had not
    been previously raised before the Massachusetts state courts.
    On   November   30,   2011,   the   district   court   granted
    Dickhaut's motion in an electronic order, which stated only:
    "Motion allowed.    This case is dismissed as it contains both
    exhausted and unexhausted claims.       Ros[e] v. Lundy, 
    455 U.S. 509
    DeLong also moved for appointment of counsel, but this
    motion was denied.
    518-519 (1982) . . . ."       The case was dismissed on December 1,
    On December 21, 2012, the district court received from
    DeLong a    handwritten   motion   for    extension   of   time    to   oppose
    respondent's motion to dismiss, dated December 1, 2012.                    The
    district court denied his motion as moot, as the case had already
    been dismissed.     DeLong then sent a handwritten notice of appeal
    listing the denial of his motion for extension of time and the
    order denying this motion as moot, dated December 28, 2011.                He
    mistakenly sent his appeal to this court, which we received on
    January 3, 2012, and transmitted to the district court. The notice
    of appeal was docketed by the district court clerk as an appeal
    from both    the   district   court's    order   denying   the    motion   for
    extension of time and the order dismissing the case.              DeLong also
    sent a letter to the clerk of the district court, dated December
    28, 2011, stating he had not received any notification from the
    court regarding the dismissal of his case and requesting any
    written decisions or rulings in his case.
    On February 1, 2012, this court ordered the district
    court to issue or deny a certificate of appealability (COA) for its
    final order, which the district court ultimately denied stating,
    "this appeal would be frivolous."           DeLong then sought and was
    granted by this court a COA to appeal from the dismissal of his
    mixed habeas petition on the ground he was not given the option to
    delete his unexhausted claims and proceed only with his exhausted
    claims.   We now review the district court's dismissal of DeLong's
    § 2254 petition.
    I. Jurisdiction
    We    first   need    to   address   the    preliminary   issue   of
    jurisdiction.     Specifically, Dickhaut challenges our jurisdiction
    in this matter, arguing DeLong failed to file an appropriate notice
    of appeal to the district court's dismissal of his case.              Recall,
    if you will, that on December 28, DeLong filed a handwritten notice
    of appeal.      In this notice, DeLong stated his appeal consisted of
    the district court's denial of his motion for extension of time,
    ruling the motion denied as moot.            It is Dickhaut's position that
    even   though    DeLong's   notice     may    have    properly   evidenced   an
    intention to appeal the district court's denial of his motion for
    extension of time, it did not properly appeal the December 1 order
    dismissing his habeas petition.         DeLong counters that his December
    28 notice of appeal adequately evidenced an intention to appeal all
    adverse rulings of the district court, including the dismissal of
    his case, and was timely filed.         In order to determine if we have
    jurisdiction to entertain this appeal we must determine whether
    DeLong's notice of appeal was timely filed and provided sufficient
    indication of his intention to appeal the district court's December
    1 dismissal of his petition. See Campiti v. Matesanz, 
    333 F.3d 317
    319-20 (1st Cir. 2003).
    We first address whether DeLong's notice was timely
    filed.    The district court dismissed DeLong's habeas petition on
    December 1, 2011 and DeLong's notice of appeal was not docketed
    until January 3, 2012, more than thirty days later, ordinarily
    considered untimely.     Fed. R. App. P. 4(a)(1)(A).   However, under
    the "prison mailbox" rule, an inmate confined in a correctional
    institution may file a notice of appeal by depositing it in the
    institution's internal mail system on or before the last day of
    filing.   Fed. R. App. P. 4(c)(1).      "Timely filing may be shown by
    a declaration in compliance with 
    28 U.S.C. § 1746
    " that "set[s]
    forth the date of deposit and state[s] that first-class postage was
       DeLong dated his notice of appeal December 28,
    2011, and sent it along with an affidavit (which he swore was true
    under penalty of perjury) and a certificate of service that stated
    the notice was mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid.
    Applying the "prison mailbox" rule, we deem the notice of appeal
    filed on December 28, 2011, the date DeLong deposited it in prison
    mail system, which was within thirty days of the December 1
    dismissal of his case.    Thus, we hold DeLong's filing was timely.
    See United States v. Correa-Torres, 
    326 F.3d 18
    , 21-22 (1st Cir.
    Having found the filing timely, we turn next to the
    content of DeLong's appeal. A notice of appeal must "designate the
    judgment, order, or part thereof being appealed."      Fed. R. App. P.
    3(c)(1)(B).      We construe this rule liberally, and consider the
    notice in the context of the record in its entirety to ascertain
    whether petitioner's intent to appeal was "sufficiently manifest."
    See Markel Am. Ins. Co., v. Díaz-Santiago, 
    674 F.3d 21
    , 26 (1st
    Cir. 2012). But liberal construction does not excuse noncompliance
    with Rule 3, which "is fatal to an appeal."            Smith v. Barry, 
    502 U.S. 244
    , 248 (1992).
    Here, DeLong's notice of appeal challenges the district
    court's order denying his motion for extension of time as moot, a
    ruling based on the prior dismissal of his case.                  We examine
    DeLong's notice of appeal in the context of the record as a whole
    and note that the letter he sent to the district court clerk along
    with the notice clearly referenced the December 1 dismissal of his
    case.   See Markel Am. Ins. Co., 
    674 F.3d at 26
    .            DeLong's letter
    explained he was not aware of the dismissal of his case until
    December   27,   when   he   received   the   denial   of   his   motion   for
    extension of time as moot.         We find DeLong's notice of appeal
    "plainly evidences an intention to appeal" the district court's
    entire order, which specifically mentioned the motion for extension
    of time and indirectly referenced the dismissal of his case.               See
    333 F.3d at 320
    .       Although the notice does not directly
    cite the December 1 order, Rule 3 "buttressed by latitude for a pro
    se litigant forgives . . . 'informalit[ies] of form.'"                     
    (alteration in original)(quoting Fed. R. App. P. 3(c)(4)).                 We
    conclude DeLong's intent to appeal the dismissal of his case was
    sufficiently manifest.
    Having determined DeLong timely filed a notice that
    plainly   evidenced    his   intent     to   appeal,   this   court   has
    II. Dismissal of the Mixed Petition
    We now direct our attention to the district court's
    dismissal of DeLong's petition, which we review for abuse of
    discretion.     Nowaczyk v. Warden, N.H. State Prison, 
    299 F.3d 69
    74-75 (1st Cir. 2002).       Respondent argues a district court has
    authority to dismiss a habeas petition containing both exhausted
    and unexhausted claims outright, and doing so is not an abuse of
    discretion.   DeLong counters that although district courts retain
    discretion to summarily dismiss mixed petitions, that practice is
    disfavored in this circuit.
    Prior to Congress' enactment of the Antiterrorism and
    Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEPDA), the Supreme Court held
    a federal district court must dismiss mixed habeas petitions
    containing both exhausted and unexhausted claims.       Lundy, 
    455 U.S. at 522
    .   Petitioners who submit mixed petitions are entitled to
    resubmit a petition with only exhausted claims, or to exhaust the
    remainder of their claims.     
    Id. at 520
    .2     We have held that where
    This "total exhaustion" requirement directed federal courts
    to dismiss mixed petitions without prejudice so petitioners could
    return to federal court after exhausting their state law claims.
    a petition is deemed mixed, the best practice is for the district
    court    to   give   the   petitioner    an   opportunity   to     dismiss   the
    unexhausted claims. Clements v. Maloney, 
    485 F.3d 158
    , 168-69 (1st
    Cir. 2007).      And then, if the petitioner declines to dismiss the
    unexhausted claims, "the district court should dismiss the entire
    petition without prejudice." 
    Id. at 169
    . We have recommended that
    district courts advise petitioners of the option, under Lundy, to
    abandon   any    unexhausted    claims    and   consider    this    the   "wiser
    practice."      Neverson v. Farquharson, 
    366 F.3d 32
    , 43 (1st Cir.
    A district court also has the option to stay the mixed
    petition and hold it in abeyance while the petitioner exhausts the
    unexhausted claims, then lift the stay and adjudicate the petition
    once all claims are exhausted.3          Rhines, 544 U.S. at 275-76.         But
    "stay and abeyance is only appropriate when the district court
    determines there was good cause for the petitioner's failure to
    455 U.S. at 520
    . The Supreme Court imposed this requirement
    fourteen years before Congress enacted AEDPA, at a time when there
    was no statute of limitations on the filing of a habeas petition.
    Rhines v. Weber, 
    544 U.S. 269
    , 274 (2005).
    Congress included in AEDPA the "total exhaustion"
    requirement as well as a one-year statute of limitations for filing
    exhausted claims in a federal habeas petition.        
    28 U.S.C. §§ 2254
    (b)(1)(A), 2244(d).    To address the problems posed by the
    interplay of these two provisions, the Supreme Court approved the
    "stay and abeyance" procedure, noting that under AEDPA, petitioners
    who bring mixed petitions "run the risk of forever losing their
    opportunity for any federal review of their unexhausted claims."
    544 U.S. at 275
    exhaust" and even so, it would be an abuse of discretion for the
    district court to grant a stay when the "unexhausted claims are
    plainly meritless."4     
    Id. at 277
    Here, respondent moved to dismiss the case, relying on
    Lundy to argue a habeas corpus petition should be dismissed where
    it contains both exhausted and unexhausted claims.    Without giving
    DeLong the opportunity to delete his unexhausted claims, the
    district court granted respondent's motion and dismissed the case,
    stating: "This case is dismissed as it contains both exhausted and
    unexhausted   claims."     This brief   order cited only   Lundy   and
    included no explanation of the court's basis for dismissal.
    It is undisputed that DeLong presented a mixed habeas
    petition to the district court, although there is some disagreement
    as to which claims are unexhausted.      While we recognize that the
    district court could not have adjudicated DeLong's mixed petition
    as presented and had discretion to dismiss the petition, the best
    practice would have been to allow DeLong to delete his unexhausted
    claims, rather than summarily dismiss his petition.    See Clements,
    485 F.3d at 168-69
    .       And although the district court also had
    discretion to dismiss the mixed petition instead of granting a stay
    In contrast, it would likely be an abuse of discretion for
    a district court to dismiss a mixed petition instead of granting a
    stay where: there is good cause for the failure to exhaust; the
    "unexhausted claims are potentially meritorious"; and there is no
    indication of "intentionally dilatory litigation tactics" by the
    petitioner. Rhines, 
    544 U.S. at 278
    and abeyance, dismissal would have been an abuse of discretion
    unless the unexhausted claims were clearly meritless.    See Rhines,
    544 U.S. at 278
    On the record before us, it is unclear whether the court
    evaluated the unexhausted claims and deemed them meritless or
    simply followed the respondent's argument for dismissal under
    Lundy.    We must be able to figure out what the district court judge
    found and the basis for the findings to the extent necessary to
    permit effective appellate review.      See United States v. Van, 
    87 F.3d 1
    , 3 (1st Cir. 1996).    We cannot do that here, given that the
    district court's order includes no indication of the basis for
    dismissal.     Under no circumstance could we affirm the district
    court's dismissal "on the basis of a discretion the court did not
    exercise."     Clair Recreation Ctr. v. Flynn, 
    897 F.2d 623
    , 624
    (1990).    And so we see no choice but to vacate and remand the case
    to the district court for reconsideration of its decision in light
    of this opinion.   See United States v. Medina, 
    167 F.3d 77
    , 80 (1st
    Cir. 1999).    No costs are awarded.