Nunes v. MA Dept. of Corrections , 766 F.3d 136 ( 2014 )

  •             United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 13-2346
    behalf of themselves and others similarly situated,
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    Defendants, Appellees,
    [Hon. Rya W. Zobel, U.S. District Judge.]
    Kayatta, Baldock,* and Selya,
    Circuit Judges.
    Joel H. Thompson, with whom Tatum A. Pritchard and
    Prisoners' Legal Services were on brief, for appellants.
    Tory A. Weigand, with whom James A. Bello and Morrison
    Mahoney LLP were on brief, for appellee Thomas Groblewski.
    Nancy Ankers White, Special Assistant Attorney General,
    and Sheryl F. Grant on brief for appellees Massachusetts Department
    of Corrections and Mark Waitkevich.
    September 12, 2014
    Of the Tenth Circuit, sitting by designation.
    KAYATTA, Circuit Judge.           Massachusetts prisons provide
    inmates with semi-monthly or monthly supplies of some medications,
    which the prisoners then store in their cells and take on their
    own. Other medications are dispensed in single doses to prisoners,
    to be ingested at the dispensing window.              Five prisoners with HIV
    challenge   the   decision     of    prison    officials     to   dispense   HIV
    medication only in single doses at the dispensing window.                    The
    plaintiffs claim violations of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments
    to the United States Constitution, the Americans with Disabilities
    Act, and the Rehabilitation Act.            We affirm the district court's
    grant of summary judgment against the plaintiffs on each of their
    I. Background
    Because the district court granted summary judgment, we
    "describe the facts giving rise to this lawsuit in a light as
    favorable to [the plaintiffs] as the record will reasonably allow."
    Travers v. Flight Servs. & Sys., Inc., 
    737 F.3d 144
    , 145 (1st Cir.
    The   plaintiffs    in    this     case    are   inmates    in   the
    Massachusetts state prison system who suffer from HIV.                 They sue,
    among others, the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, which
    administers the state's prisons. Because it makes no difference to
    our analysis, we refer to the department as if it were the sole
    defendant and the sole entity responsible for the state's acts at
    issue here.
    This case arose when the department changed the manner by
    which inmates receive medication for HIV.               Prior to the change,
    many inmates could receive their HIV medication through the "Keep
    on Person" program, which we will refer to as the "KOP program."
    When receiving medication through the program, inmates pick up
    packages of medicine once or twice a month, then store the medicine
    in their cells and take it on their own initiative. [App. at 66.]
    In contrast, HIV medication is now available only through the
    "daily   med   line,"   where     inmates      report   for   each    dose    to   a
    dispensing window, then ingest the medication at the window while
    prison staff observe. [App. at 65.]              Both the daily med line and
    the KOP program are common ways for inmates to receive medications
    in Massachusetts prisons, depending on what medication they are
    receiving      and   whether      they        satisfy   various      eligibility
    A. The Department's Decision to Remove HIV Medication from the
    The department first announced its decision to remove HIV
    medication from the program in August 2008 and implemented the
    change in February 2009.         [App. at 77, 83-84.]         The parties agree
    that the department's primary aim in initiating the change in
    dispensing     practices   for    HIV    medication     was    to    save    money.
    Medication for HIV is expensive, occupying more than 40 percent of
    the department's pharmacy budget, although fewer than 3 percent of
    the prisoners have HIV.   [App. at 266.]   Faced with budget cuts in
    2008, the department examined its expenses and determined that some
    of the cost of HIV medications arose from "wasted" medication:
    medication that was dispensed to an inmate through the KOP program,
    but not used by that inmate while in prison.     [App. at 269-271.]
    Such medication cannot be reused because it has left the hands of
    licensed medical staff.   [App. at 270.] Medication scheduled to be
    dispensed through the daily med line, however, can be reused if not
    picked up by the patient.      [App. at 270-71.]     The department
    therefore concluded that it could reduce waste and save money by
    distributing all HIV medication through the daily med line. [ App.
    at 271.]
    The parties agree that there are several sources of
    wasted HIV medication, but disagree on their relative importance,
    and on whether the department chose the best approach to mitigate
    waste.   Waste can arise when a prisoner simply chooses not to take
    medication that he has received through the KOP program.   [App. at
    73.] It can also arise when an inmate is given too much medication
    when he picks up his refills. [App. at 275-76.] In addition, waste
    can result when an inmate is released from prison, is transferred
    within the system, dies, or has his treatment regimen changed.1
    [App. at 73, 274-76.]
    When the department announced the change in August 2008,
    it received complaints from medical staffers concerned about the
    effect on inmates with HIV.   Two doctors who treated inmates with
    HIV, David Stone and James Quirk, objected to the change and have
    continued to oppose it.    Their chief concern has been that some
    inmates will be unwilling or unable to take their medication
    consistently due to the time and effort required to wait at the
    dispensing window, which some inmates would have to do more than
    once per day.   [App. at 281-83, 97.]   The parties agree that it is
    very important for HIV patients to be "adherent" (or "compliant"),
    meaning that they take their medication consistently as prescribed.
    When a patient misses doses, the virus can develop resistance to
    the medication, for which there will be few alternatives.     [See,
    e.g., App. at 255.]   Stone and Quirk also worried that the change
    would exacerbate the side effects of HIV medication, as inmates
    would have less flexibility in timing their doses to coincide with
    meals or sleep.   [See, e.g., App. at 1408-09.]
    As a result of these complaints, the department initially
    put the change on hold to study its potential impacts.          The
    department then reviewed data indicating that 93 percent of HIV-
    The record does not illuminate exactly why waste can arise
    in each of these scenarios, but the parties agree that such waste
    occurs. [App. at 73.]
    positive inmates already reported to the daily med line for other
    medications.         The department also considered data indicating that
    44 percent of inmates with HIV requested refills of their HIV
    medication late or not at all under the KOP program.                        Given the
    procedural      posture     of    the   case,    we   do    not   assume    that    this
    particular data was accurate.             Rather, because the plaintiffs do
    not   cite     any    evidence     to   the     contrary,    we    assume   that     the
    department believed the data to be accurate as a product of a
    sincere effort to gauge the effects of the policy change.                          After
    reviewing this information, the department decided to adopt the
    B. The Effects of the Policy Change
    Since the new policy was implemented, the department has
    monitored its effects.            It has collected data showing that patient
    outcomes have held steady or improved since the change.                              The
    plaintiffs      do    not   dispute     the     raw   numbers     collected   by     the
    department, though the parties differ on their significance.
    A common measure of health for HIV patients is "viral
    load."       Doctors aim to achieve an "undetectable viral load,"
    meaning that the patient has such a low level of HIV in his blood
    that standard tests cannot detect it. In the last reporting period
    before the policy change, 83 percent of inmates with HIV had
    undetectable viral loads. That rate rose to 87 percent immediately
    after    the    change      and   has   been     documented       most   recently    at
    95 percent.    While accepting this data as accurate, the plaintiffs
    contend that it cannot be used to establish that the policy has
    actually improved health outcomes because the improvement in the
    first six months of the new policy was not large enough to be
    statistically significant and the eventual larger improvement may
    be the product of other factors.      [App. at 365-66.]
    The department has also monitored late refills as a
    measure of nonadherence.2     Late refills have remained more or less
    steady since before the policy change, starting at 30 percent in
    December 2008, and fluctuating between 25 percent and 35 percent
    (with one outlier month at 39 percent) after the change.        [App. at
    2020, 2036.]    The plaintiffs accept these figures as accurate, and
    admit that late refills are a "proxy" that "potentially reflect
    nonadherence."    [App. at 306-07.]     They nevertheless argue that
    current   adherence   falls   below   acceptable   standards,   without
    offering any evidence that returning HIV medication to the KOP
    program would increase adherence.3 [App. at 364-65.]
    Medications, whether delivered through the daily med line or
    the KOP program, are ordered from a pharmacy on behalf of each
    inmate receiving them. When an inmate's supply is close to running
    out, the prison orders a refill on behalf of that patient. The
    prison can then track the rate at which these refill requests occur
    behind schedule. [App. at 305-06.]
    As a matter of logic, an examination of late refills would
    seem more prone to overstate adherence for medication provided
    through the KOP program, where prisoners could return for more
    medication even without finishing their last pack, than for
    medication provided through the daily med line, where prison staff
    observe all doses.
    The plaintiffs offer no alternative quantitative metric
    for assessing the health of inmates with HIV, for determining their
    adherence, or for otherwise gauging the effects of the policy
    change.   In sum, the undisputed data that exists provides credible
    support for the department to conclude that the dispensing policy
    contributed    to     a   material    improvement     in   the    health     of    HIV
    prisoners as a group, and provides no basis to claim that the
    change worsened the health of that group of prisoners.                    It is also
    undisputed that the change led to significant cost savings.                      [App.
    at 293, 317-319.]
    C. The Plaintiffs' Situations
    The     plaintiffs      present    relatively       little    evidence
    regarding their own situations, focusing instead on the broader
    population of prisoners with HIV.                No medical professional or
    expert testified specifically about any plaintiff's situation.                     In
    describing     the     consequences     of     the   policy      change    for     the
    plaintiffs, we can therefore refer only to the plaintiffs' own
    testimony, along with written complaints they submitted to the
    Plaintiff Richard Nunes has not taken any HIV medication
    since the change, contending that he cannot wait on the daily med
    line.     He cites a painful lower back condition that makes it
    difficult for him to move or stand, chronic diarrhea, and other
    sicknesses.     [App. at 2351.]        Nunes requested as an accommodation
    of his condition that his medication be reinstated to the program.
    The department instead offered several alternative accommodations:
    it would provide Nunes with a rolling walker, and allow him to use
    bathroom facilities and sit on a bench while waiting on line
    without   losing    his   place.      Alternatively,       taking      his    claims
    regarding   the    severity   of    his    condition     at     face   value,      the
    department offered to admit him to the medical unit to receive
    medication for as long as          he is too ill to go to the dispensing
    window.     [App.   at    2224-26.]        Nunes   has    not    accepted         these
    accommodations, and now maintains that he will not attend the daily
    med line no matter what the department does to accommodate him.
    [App. at 113.]
    The other four plaintiffs have attended the daily med
    line consistently since the policy change.               Three have complained
    that, in the course of attending the line, their HIV status has
    been disclosed to other inmates.             [App. at 2457, 2487, 2510.]
    These complaints involve inadvertent disclosures by medical staff,
    occurring    sporadically,     and        sometimes      unconnected         to     the
    department's policy change.         For example, the plaintiffs complain
    about a poster in the medical unit identifying HIV medications, but
    they admit that the poster has since been taken down. [App. at
    Plaintiff Carl Coe has also complained about side effects
    arising from not being able to take medication before bed. [App. at
    2405.]   His treatment regimen has since been changed, in part to
    limit side effects. [App. at 1029, 2405.]        Plaintiff John Doe has
    complained about having to wait in line for a long time and having
    his medication unavailable there on two consecutive days, while
    plaintiff Peter Poe has complained that on one occasion he was told
    to leave the med line and return later. [App. at 131, 2501.]              The
    record does not demonstrate that the plaintiffs experienced such
    incidents any more than a handful of times in the four and a half
    years between the policy change and the district court's decision.
    Nor, with the possible exception of Nunes, does any plaintiff offer
    competent   evidence   that   his    viral   loads    or    health   worsened
    materially during that period.
    D. Procedural History
    The plaintiffs initiated this case in November 2010,
    seeking to enjoin the policy change and restore HIV medications to
    the KOP program.    They do not seek damages.        Two years later, after
    discovery, the defendants moved for summary judgment. The district
    court granted the motion, and the plaintiffs appealed.
    II. Standard of Review
    We consider de novo the question whether summary judgment
    is appropriate, training our attention not on the district court's
    opinion, but rather on whether the record entitles the moving
    party--here   the   defendants--to    judgment   as     a   matter   of   law.
    Mesnick v. General Elec. Co., 
    950 F.2d 816
    , 822 (1st Cir. 1991).
    See also Travers v. Flight Servs. & Sys., Inc., 
    737 F.3d 144
    , 145
    (1st Cir. 2013).    Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(a),
    "[t]he court shall grant summary judgment if the movant shows that
    there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant
    is entitled to judgment as a matter of law."      Generally speaking,
    a party cannot raise a genuine dispute merely "by relying on the
    hope that the jury will not trust the credibility of the witness,"
    but must instead present "some affirmative evidence" on the point,
    except perhaps where the testimony is "inherently unbelievable."
    McGrath v. Tavares, 
    757 F.3d 20
    , 28 n.13 (1st Cir. 2014).
    III. Analysis
    A. The Eighth Amendment
    The plaintiffs claim that the change in the method of
    dispensing HIV medications violated their right to be free of
    "cruel and unusual punishment[]" under the Eighth Amendment.       To
    prove an Eighth Amendment violation, the plaintiffs must first show
    that they faced an "objectively intolerable" risk of harm resulting
    from the department's decision to make HIV medications available
    only through the daily med line.        Lakin v. Barnhart, 
    2014 WL 3036303
    (1st Cir. July 7, 2014) (quoting Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 846 (1994)).      In cases based on a prisoner's medical
    treatment, a prisoner must show that the medical care provided is
    not   "adequate,"   as    measured   against   "prudent   professional
    standards." United States v. DeCologero, 
    821 F.2d 39
    , 43 (1st Cir.
    1987); see also Leavitt v. Corr. Med. Servs., Inc., 
    645 F.3d 484
    497 (1st Cir. 2011).
    A plaintiff must then show that state officials "kn[ew]
    of and disregard[ed]" the risk of harm.        
    Farmer, 511 U.S. at 837
    To satisfy this "deliberate indifference" requirement, a plaintiff
    must show that state officials were "aware of facts from which the
    inference could be drawn that a substantial risk of serious harm
    exists, and . . . dr[ew] the inference."        
    Id. The plaintiffs'
    evidence would not allow a reasonable
    jury to find that they had satisfied either requirement. As to the
    objective    requirement,   the   plaintiffs   rely   primarily   on   the
    testimony of Stone and Quirk, the two doctors who work in the
    prison system, and on the affidavit of an outside expert, Dr. David
    Bangsberg.     Yet, none of these witnesses testified specifically
    about the plaintiffs' situations.         Bangsberg did not examine the
    plaintiffs, review their medical records, or offer any analysis of
    their particular situations. [App. at 362-66.] Indeed, he did not
    conclude that the department had provided inadequate medical care
    to any inmate, although he identified, in the abstract, certain
    practices as "substandard."       [App. at 362, 366.]    Meanwhile, the
    testimony of Stone and Quirk establishes, at best, that certain
    inmates--not identified as any of the plaintiffs--have suffered
    problems resulting from the policy change, but the testimony does
    not attempt to measure these problems against medical standards.
    [See, e.g., App. at 1420, 1455.]
    Even   viewed   in   the   light    most   favorable   to   the
    plaintiffs, none of this testimony establishes that any plaintiff
    has actually received medical care falling below professional
    standards.     Nor does the remaining evidence make possible such a
    finding.   The plaintiffs present their own written complaints, but
    these complaints are unaccompanied by medical analysis and document
    only occasional medical problems arising from the policy change:
    temporary side effects for one plaintiff, and a handful of missed
    doses for two others.4        As to the statistics presented by the
    parties, they further undermine the plaintiffs' case: on the whole,
    more patients have undetectable viral loads since the change, and
    late refills have remained steady.              Even fully accepting the
    plaintiffs' criticisms of the data, one would be bound to conclude
    that the policy change did not make outcomes any worse, even if it
    did not make them any better.
    The plaintiffs' problems only multiply on the issue of
    deliberate indifference.      As demonstrated above, the record is so
    devoid of evidence of actual medical risk to the plaintiffs as to
    make it unreasonable to conclude that the department knowingly
    Although another plaintiff, Nunes, has not taken his
    medication since the policy change, we explain below in part C that
    the prison has made reasonable efforts to accommodate the problems
    that he says prevent him from doing so.
    disregarded such a risk.         Even if the plaintiffs' evidence raised
    a possibility of harm to the group of HIV-positive prisoners as a
    whole, that possibility is so uncertain and unsupported by before-
    and-after evidence as to preclude a reasonable factfinder from
    inferring that the department is now knowingly disregarding a harm
    to these prisoners.        On the contrary, the undisputed facts show
    that the department engaged in facially reasonable efforts, well
    before this litigation commenced, to assess the effects of a policy
    change, and then concluded, with ample basis, that the change would
    not harm inmates.
    B. The Right to Avoid Disclosure of Personal Information
    Claiming   that     the   policy    change    exposed    them   to
    disclosures of their HIV status to other inmates, the plaintiffs
    assert a violation of a right to privacy under the Fourteenth
    Amendment.     The Supreme Court has implied that the Constitution
    might protect in some circumstances "the individual interest in
    avoiding     disclosure     of    personal      matters"     from    government
    infringement.     Whalen v. Roe        
    429 U.S. 589
    , 599 (1977).        But cf.
    National Aeronautics & Space Admin. v. Nelson, 
    131 S. Ct. 746
    , 751
    (2011) (assuming, but declining to confirm, "that the Constitution
    protects a privacy right of the sort mentioned in Whalen").                  For
    those in prison, however, any right to privacy is inevitably
    diminished.      For example, prison officials may search an inmate's
    cell   without    regard   to    the   Fourth    Amendment    prohibition    on
    unreasonable searches.            See Hudson v. Palmer, 
    468 U.S. 517
    , 526
    (1984).        See also Sanchez v. Pereira-Castillo, 
    590 F.3d 31
    , 42-44
    (1st Cir. 2009).        Still, while we have never considered the issue,
    three other circuits have found that prisoners have at least a
    limited constitutional right against gratuitous disclosures of
    medical information.5
    We need not decide in this case whether prisoners have a
    constitutional right to keep medical information private.                  Rather,
    because the inadvertent and sporadic disclosures here occurred in
    the context of a reasonable government policy, the plaintiffs
    cannot prevail even if the department infringed on a privacy
    interest        protected    by   the       Constitution.     In    reaching   this
    conclusion, we rely on a recent Supreme Court case rejecting a
    privacy claim brought by applicants for employment with government
    contractors.        See 
    Nelson, 131 S. Ct. at 759-61
    .              There, applying
    the same precedents relied upon by the plaintiffs here, the Court
    found     no    basis   to   enjoin     a    policy   that   required   collecting
    sensitive medical information about the applicants unless the
    plaintiffs established that the policy was not "reasonable."                   See
    id. At least
    the same bar should apply when plaintiffs challenge
    See Powell v. Schriver, 
    175 F.3d 107
    , 112 (2d Cir. 1999)
    (holding that "gratuitous disclosure of an inmate's confidential
    medical information as humor or gossip" violates the Constitution);
    Doe v. Delie, 
    257 F.3d 309
    , 317 (3d Cir. 2001) (following Powell);
    Moore v. Prevo, 
    379 F. App'x 425
    , 428 (6th Cir. 2010) (following
    Powell and Delie).     Both Delie and Moore were accompanied by
    the government's administration of prisons, where state officials
    face problems "not susceptible to easy solutions" and therefore
    receive "wide-ranging deference."           Bell v. Wolfish, 
    441 U.S. 520
    547 (1979).
    Our preceding analysis of the Eighth Amendment claim
    demonstrates that the prison's policy was not unreasonable, and
    that the injunction sought by the plaintiffs would threaten to
    eliminate significant cost savings while quite possibly posing a
    risk that gains in overall health would also be lost.                    The
    plaintiffs retort that the department could have adopted a narrower
    policy that would have substantially matched the benefits of its
    current   policy     while        better     protecting     their   privacy:
    individualized determinations of how medicine is distributed to
    each prisoner.     [Reply Br. at 26.]          Yet, the Supreme Court in
    Nelson squarely rejected the claim that the government must employ
    the "least restrictive means of furthering its interest" in order
    to avoid disclosures of personal 
    information. 131 S. Ct. at 761
    On these facts, the use of an otherwise reasonable and customary
    dispensing practice does not violate any constitutional privacy
    rights merely because other prisoners may infer what medications a
    prisoner is taking and what disease he suffers from.
    C. Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act
    In     addition    to     their    constitutional    claims,   the
    plaintiffs press statutory claims based on the Americans with
    Disabilities Act ("ADA"), 42 U.S.C. § 12132, and the Rehabilitation
    Act, 29 U.S.C. § 794.       The parties agree that we need make no
    distinction between the two statutes for purposes of our analysis
    in this case.     [BB at 18 n. 7; RB at 30 n. 9.]        Both statutes
    provide,    in   nearly   identical   language,   that   "no   qualified
    individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability,
    be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the
    services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be
    subjected to discrimination by any such entity."               42 U.S.C.
    § 12132; see also 29 U.S.C. § 794(a).        The plaintiffs correctly
    argue that their condition qualifies as a disability under the
    statutes.   See 42 U.S.C.A. § 12102(2)(B).
    A plaintiff can press several different types of claims
    of disability discrimination.         First, a plaintiff can assert
    disparate treatment on account of disability, i.e., that the
    disability actually motivated the defendant's challenged adverse
    conduct. See Raytheon Co. v. Hernandez, 
    540 U.S. 44
    , 52-53 (2003).
    Such claims are governed by the same analytic framework governing
    claims of racial discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights
    Act of 1964.     
    Id. at 50-52;
    see also Regional Econ. Cmty. Action
    Program, Inc. v. City of Middletown, 
    294 F.3d 35
    , 48 (2d Cir.
    2002). Alternatively, in an appropriate case a plaintiff can claim
    that a government policy, though neutral on its face, "fall[s] more
    harshly on one group than another and cannot be justified by
    business necessity."          See Raytheon 
    Co., 540 U.S. at 52
    quotation marks omitted); 28 C.F.R. § 35.130(b)(3)(I) (establishing
    that the ADA prohibits public entities from adopting policies that
    "have       the   effect    of    subjecting     qualified      individuals    with
    disabilities       to     discrimination   on    the    basis   of    disability").
    Finally, a plaintiff can pursue a third path, claiming that a
    public entity has refused to affirmatively accommodate his or her
    disability        where    such   accommodation        was   needed    to   provide
    "meaningful       access     to   a   public    service."6      Henrietta     D.   v.
    331 F.3d 261
    , 273-76 (2d Cir. 2003).                      Although such
    claims can be seen as bearing many of the indicia of disparate
    impact or disparate treatment,7 a plaintiff pursuing such a claim
    need not directly address and satisfy the elements or methods for
    proving such theories. See 
    id. at 275.
    The regulations under the relevant portion of the ADA refer
    to "reasonable modification," 28 C.F.R. § 35.130(b)(7), while the
    coordinating regulations under the Rehabilitation Act use the term
    "reasonable accommodation," 28 C.F.R. § 41.53, but there is no
    material difference between the terms.     See Wong v. Regents of
    Univ. of California, 
    192 F.3d 807
    , 816 n.26 (9th Cir. 1999).
    When a disabled person is denied a reasonable accommodation,
    that person lacks opportunities possessed by similar non-disabled
    people on account of disability. Such denial can often be seen as
    creating a disparate impact, which under Title VII routinely
    involves the unjustified failure to avoid perpetuating a burden
    arising from history or tradition.       Similarly, a denial of
    reasonable accommodation can resemble disparate treatment if some
    discriminatory animus is involved. For example, a height test may
    create an adverse impact on women in the same way that a mobility
    test may create an adverse impact on people with certain
    disabilities, absent accommodation.
    Here, four of the plaintiffs pursue only a claim of
    disparate treatment.     They argue that the department removed their
    medications from the KOP program simply because they have HIV,
    while allowing prisoners with other illnesses to continue utilizing
    it.   These     four   plaintiffs   expressly    disavow   any    claim   for
    reasonable accommodation.     [BB at 21.]       They also make no mention
    of a disparate impact theory.
    While these plaintiffs assert disparate treatment in the
    form of "exclusion . . . from the KOP Program," that assertion is
    not literally correct.      [Reply Br. 5.]        They can still use the
    program to receive the same medications that other prisoners can
    receive through the program.        The plaintiffs, of course, need to
    access HIV medications that other prisoners do not need.            But they
    have not been singled out in this respect:         many other medications
    are also excluded from the program.         Moreover, the daily med line
    provides full access to their HIV medication.                   Although the
    plaintiffs regard this as a more burdensome means of access, we see
    no evidence of any intent by the department to impose that burden
    on the plaintiffs because they have HIV.           See Raytheon 
    Co., 540 U.S. at 52
    ("Liability in a disparate-treatment case [under the
    ADA] depends on whether the protected trait actually motivated the
    employer's     decision."   (internal      quotation   marks,    alterations
    omitted)).      Rather, the prison has offered non-discriminatory
    grounds    for    its   decision,       the    reasonableness   of    which    the
    plaintiffs have been unable to effectively challenge.
    In sum, even viewed favorably to the plaintiffs, the
    record shows that the department provides meaningful access to HIV
    medications through the daily med line; and its decision to provide
    access in that manner is driven by cost savings backed up by data
    suggesting a positive, or at worst neutral, impact on the health of
    the HIV-positive prison population.               On such a record, no jury
    could find for plaintiffs on their disparate treatment claim.
    We next turn to the claim brought by one plaintiff,
    Richard Nunes, for denial of reasonable accommodation.                       Nunes
    claims that he cannot attend the daily med line due to back pain,
    chronic diarrhea, and other illness. He contends that he is unable
    to   do    so    even   though    the    department    has   offered     several
    accommodations: the use of a rolling walker and the ability to sit
    on a bench or use the bathroom while maintaining his place in line.
    Nunes offered no medical evidence supporting this claimed
    inability.       The absence of such evidence is especially pertinent
    because the record is undisputed that Nunes regularly walks to and
    from the prison cafeteria and engages in exercise, [App. at 155-56]
    and that he recently had jobs walking with a blind prisoner and
    cleaning    corridors     [App.    at    153-154].      In   the     event    Nunes
    nevertheless becomes so ill that he cannot leave his cell, the
    department has extended a standing offer to move him to the medical
    unit where he can receive his medications daily in accord with
    normal   department   procedures    applicable    to   all   seriously    ill
    inmates.8     His only rejoinder is that he does not actually get
    quite ill enough to need the medical unit, and he would not want to
    move to the unit because he would lose his current cell and not
    have as much access to his property.        [BB at 41-42.]
    But Nunes has provided no evidence that there even
    exists, much less that he lives within, a medical no man's land
    between being unable to go to the daily med line and warranting
    transfer to the medical unit.         On such a record, no reasonable
    factfinder could find the department's accommodations were not a
    reasonable means of providing Nunes with meaningful access to his
    medication.       The    statutes     entitle     Nunes      to   reasonable
    accommodations,    not   to   optimal      ones   finely     tuned   to   his
    preferences.    See J.D. ex rel. J.D. v. Pawlet Sch. Dist., 
    224 F.3d 8
            The plaintiffs' brief implies that Nunes was once
    disciplined for attempting to use the accommodation. [BB at 42.]
    Nunes's affidavit, however, makes clear that he was actually
    disciplined for missing a scheduled medical appointment, an
    entirely different matter. [App. at 2253-2257.]
    60, 71-72 (2d Cir. 2000); Corrigan v. Perry, 
    139 F.3d 888
    , *8-9
    (4th Cir. 1998) (unpublished).9
    IV. Conclusion
    Although the plaintiffs have raised questions about the
    wisdom   of    the   department's   policies,   they   have   not   produced
    adequate evidence of any constitutional or statutory violation.
    Consequently, and for the reasons outlined above, we affirm the
    grant of summary judgment to the defendants on all claims.
    So ordered.
    Like many cases applying the employment prong of the ADA,
    see Schmidt v. Methodist Hosp. of Indiana, Inc., 
    89 F.3d 342
    , 344-
    45 (7th Cir. 1996), Corrigan holds that under the Rehabilitation
    Act an employer need not provide the plaintiff's requested
    accommodation so long as it provides some reasonable accommodation.
    The same logic applies here.        Cf. Ansonia Bd. of Educ. v.
    479 U.S. 60
    , 68 (1986) (reaching the same conclusion in
    analyzing employers' obligation to reasonably accommodate religious
    practices under Title VII).