Medina-Velazquez v. Hernandez-Gregorat , 767 F.3d 103 ( 2014 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-2492
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    Defendants, Appellees,
    [Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Lipez and Kayatta,
    Circuit Judges.
    Eduardo Vera Ramírez, with whom Eileen Landrón Guardiola,
    Luis A. Rodríguez Muñoz, and Landrón & Vera, L.L.P. were on brief,
    for appellants.
    Margarita Luisa Mercado-Echegaray, Solicitor General, with
    whom Rosa Elena Pérez-Agosto, Assistant Solicitor General, was on
    brief, for appellees.
    September 17, 2014
    LIPEZ, Circuit Judge.    Luis M. Medina-Velázquez, Juan J.
    Méndez-Cruz, and Héctor R. Cruz-Medina ("appellants") -- employees
    of Puerto Rico's Department of Transportation and Public Works
    ("DTOP")1 and members of Puerto Rico's Popular Democratic Party
    ("PDP") -- appeal the district court's dismissal of their claims of
    political discrimination in violation of the First Amendment to the
    United States Constitution.     Marlene J. Paredes, the spouse of
    Medina-Velázquez, and Mayra Méndez-Quiñones, the spouse of Méndez-
    Cruz, also appeal, seeking the reinstatement of their derivative
    causes of action.
    We agree with appellants that they stated plausible First
    Amendment claims against the appellees who received appellants'
    cease and desist letters.   Hence, we vacate the dismissal of the
    First Amendment and derivative claims against those appellees.
    In reviewing the grant of a motion to dismiss, we recite
    the facts as alleged in the complaint and documents incorporated by
    reference into the complaint.     Grajales v. P.R. Ports Auth., 
    682 F.3d 40
    , 44 (1st Cir. 2012).    Here the Second Amended Complaint is
    the operative complaint.
    Medina-Velázquez and Méndez-Cruz each served as a DTOP
    regional Auxiliary Director I -- Medina-Velázquez for the Humacao
    We follow the district court's convention in using the
    Spanish acronym.
    Region and Méndez-Cruz for the Aguadilla Region.                  Cruz-Medina
    served as the DTOP Storage Supervisor for the Ponce Region.                All
    three appellants were active PDP members. All appellants worked in
    trust positions during past PDP administrations, and Cruz-Medina
    attended PDP events and participated in party activities, such as
    the "Concilio de Populares."     Appellants claim that appellees, NPP
    members, knew of their political activity.
    Even though appellants performed their DTOP duties "in
    excellent   fashion,"     appellees,   upon    the    change    in    political
    administration to the NPP, discriminated against appellants on the
    basis of political affiliation by relieving them of their job
    responsibilities    and     eliminating       their    travel     allowances.
    Appellants lost supervisory authority -- their subordinates having
    been instructed to report to others -- and were not permitted to
    attend meetings.     Ultimately, appellants were left without any
    staff to supervise and without tasks, except for occasional menial
    assignments.   Cruz-Medina was also subjected to negative comments
    regarding his political affiliation.            He attended meetings to
    discuss his allegations, but nothing changed.
    Appellants    sent   letters       to     appellees      requesting
    resolution of the adverse employment actions.2             Medina-Velázquez
    sent his letter to Rubén A. Hernández-Gregorat, the Secretary of
    Like the district court, we deem these letters incorporated
    by reference into the complaint.
    DTOP, copying Juan A. Avilés-Hernández, the Executive Director of
    DTOP; María M. Trinidad-Quiñones, the Human Resources Director of
    DTOP; and Woldetrudis Cruz-Torres, the Humacao Regional Director of
    DTOP.    Méndez-Cruz wrote to Luz C. del Roldán-Sotomayor, the
    Aguadilla Regional Director of DTOP, copying Hernández-Gregorat and
    Avilés-Hernández.         Cruz-Medina   sent   his   letter     to   Trinidad-
    Quiñones, copying Hernández-Gregorat; Avilés-Hernández; and Amilcar
    González-Ortiz,     the    Auxiliary    Secretary    for   Administration.3
    Receiving no redress and no responses to their letters, appellants
    subsequently   brought      suit   along   with   six   other    plaintiffs,
    claiming, inter alia, that the defendants discriminated on the
    basis of political affiliation in violation of the First Amendment.
    The spouses of appellants and their co-plaintiffs also brought
    derivative claims.4
    Cruz-Medina also copied attorney Celso Feliciano Rivera, who
    is not a defendant.
    Appellants' spouses appeal the district court's dismissal of
    these derivative claims. We do not separately address the spouses'
    derivative claims. Any conclusion we draw as to the sufficiency of
    appellants' First Amendment claims will dictate the same result for
    the derivative claims. We have acknowledged that "[u]nder Puerto
    Rico law, close relatives of one who has suffered the slings and
    arrows of employment discrimination may invoke Article 1802 as a
    vehicle for prosecuting a cause of action." Cabán-Hernández v.
    Philip Morris USA, Inc., 
    486 F.3d 1
    , 12 (1st Cir. 2007) (citing
    P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 31 § 5141).      "[S]uch a cause of action is
    wholly derivative and, thus, its viability is contingent upon the
    viability of the underlying employment discrimination claim." 
    Id. at 12-13.
    Defendants moved to dismiss the complaint for failure to
    state a claim under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). They
    argued, inter alia, that the plaintiffs had not adequately alleged
    two elements of a First Amendment political discrimination claim --
    (1) that the defendants had knowledge of the plaintiffs' political
    affiliation and (2) that political affiliation was a substantial or
    motivating factor for the adverse employment actions.
    In response to that motion, pursuant to the proposition
    in Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 679 (2009), that "'pleadings
    that . . . are no more than conclusions, are not entitled to the
    assumption of truth,'" the district court asserted that "the mere
    allegation that a defendant knew, without providing facts as to the
    source of this knowledge, is insufficient to satisfy a plaintiff's
    burden to demonstrate a defendant's knowledge of a plaintiff's
    political    affiliation."      Amended   Opinion   and   Order,   Medina-
    Velázquez v. Hernández-Gregorat, No. 09-1692 (GAG), at 8 (D.P.R.
    Jan. 3, 2011) (omission in original) (citing Jiménez-González v.
    683 F. Supp. 2d 177
    , 183-84 (D.P.R. 2010); Del Toro-
    Pacheco v. Pereira-Castillo, 
    662 F. Supp. 2d 202
    , 215 (D.P.R.
    2009)).     On that basis, the court concluded that the complaint's
    general     allegation   of   defendants'   knowledge     of   plaintiffs'
    political affiliation was, on its own, insufficient to state a
    First Amendment claim.
    The court then turned to the particular allegations
    pertaining to each plaintiff.       The complaint included allegations
    that plaintiffs' letters, which demanded plaintiffs be assigned
    tasks commensurate with their positions, identified their political
    affiliation.    However, the allegations did not specify to which
    defendants the letters were sent.           Unable to determine from the
    face of the complaint which defendants had knowledge of plaintiffs'
    political affiliation and whether this knowledge could have been a
    motivating factor for defendants' decision to alter or fail to
    reinstate    plaintiffs'    employment      duties,       the   court   ordered
    plaintiffs to supply the letters.
    After reviewing the letters, the court concluded that
    appellants' letters described dissatisfaction with reduced duties
    but did not identify appellants' political affiliation or refer to
    discriminatory conduct based on political animus. Hence, the court
    dismissed appellants' First Amendment claims and their spouses'
    derivative claims.
    Conversely,    the   court    found    that   the    remaining   six
    plaintiffs successfully pleaded political discrimination claims
    against certain defendants.       For plaintiff Eric E. Camacho-Resto,
    the court found two allegations in the operative complaint -- (1)
    that   a   particular   defendant   openly        discussed     Camacho-Resto's
    political affiliation and (2) that another defendant threatened
    Camacho-Resto's future employment -- sufficient to allege the
    knowledge element of a political discrimination claim against those
    two defendants.     The court also found the letters of the six
    plaintiffs sufficient to allege that the respective defendants who
    received the letters both had, or should have had, knowledge of the
    respective plaintiffs' political affiliation and committed, or
    failed to take any action to rectify, the discriminatory acts.
    Therefore, the court denied defendants' motion to dismiss the First
    Amendment claims of those six plaintiffs against the respective
    defendants who received the letters.
    After discovery as to the remaining six plaintiffs, the
    district court denied defendants' motion for summary judgment,
    finding genuine issues of material fact regarding those plaintiffs'
    First   Amendment   political   discrimination   claims.   These   six
    plaintiffs and the defendants then reached a settlement agreement,
    which the district court approved.
    Appellants subsequently filed a motion under Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 59(e) to alter the district court's judgment on
    defendants' earlier motion to dismiss.       Appellants argued that
    relief was warranted because it had become clear through discovery
    that the agency had a politically charged environment and that
    political animus motivated personnel decisions. The district court
    denied appellants' motion to alter the judgment, finding relief
    unwarranted and untimely. The court ruled that appellants were not
    entitled to "a second bite at the apple, simply because co-
    plaintiffs who properly plead[ed] claims [were] able to engage in
    discovery,"   and   appellants   could     not   "piggyback      on    settling
    plaintiffs' success and evidence obtained."            Order Denying Motion
    to Alter Judgment, Medina-Velázquez v. Hernández-Gregorat, No. 09-
    1692 (GAG) (D.P.R. Oct. 25, 2012).         The court also observed that
    since appellants' motion was premised on the discovery in the
    surviving plaintiffs' cases, appellants could have brought their
    motion at least by the time discovery closed and should not have
    waited until almost a year after the remaining plaintiffs settled.
    Each appellant appeals the district court's dismissal of
    his First Amendment claim against only those appellees who received
    his respective letter expressing dissatisfaction with the reduced
    job responsibilities.5    Hence, we limit our review to whether the
    district court properly dismissed the First Amendment claim of (1)
    Medina-Velázquez against the recipients of his letter -- Hernández-
    Gregorat, Avilés-Hernández, Trinidad-Quiñones, and Cruz-Torres; (2)
    Méndez-Cruz   against   the   recipients    of   his    letter    --   Roldán-
    Sotomayor, Hernández-Gregorat, and Avilés-Hernández; and (3) Cruz-
    Medina against the recipients of his letter -- Trinidad-Quiñones,
    Hernández-Gregorat, Avilés-Hernández, and González-Ortiz.
    While appellants initially appealed the dismissal of their
    First Amendment claims against all defendants, each appellant, by
    way of a joint filing after oral argument, withdrew that appeal as
    to any defendants who did not receive his respective letter.
    We   review    de   novo     a    Rule   12(b)(6)     dismissal      of
    appellants' claims.        Ocasio-Hernández v. Fortuño-Burset, 
    640 F.3d 1
    , 7 (1st Cir. 2011).       We examine whether the operative complaint
    states a claim for which relief can be granted when we construe the
    well-pleaded facts in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs,
    id., accepting their
    truth and drawing all reasonable inferences in
    plaintiffs' favor, 
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 44
    .                   We may supplement
    those    facts    and   inferences      with     information     from    documents
    incorporated by reference into the complaint.              
    Id. In resolving
    a motion to dismiss, we use a two-step
    Ocasio-Hernández, 640 F.3d at 12
    .                 First, we "must
    separate    the   complaint's      factual      allegations     (which    must    be
    accepted as true) from its conclusory legal allegations (which need
    not be credited)." A.G. ex rel. Maddox v. Elsevier, Inc., 
    732 F.3d 77
    , 80 (1st Cir. 2013) (internal quotation marks omitted). Second,
    we "must determine whether the remaining factual content allows a
    reasonable    inference     that    the       defendant   is    liable    for    the
    misconduct alleged."       
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    The complaint must contain sufficient factual matter to
    state a plausible claim.         
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 44
    .              To achieve
    plausibility, a complaint need not plead facts sufficient to make
    a prima facie case or allege all facts necessary to succeed at
    trial.   Carrero-Ojeda v. Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica, 755 F.3d
    711, __, 
    2014 WL 2786536
    , at *6 (1st Cir. 2014).          "The prima facie
    standard is an evidentiary standard, not a pleading standard, and
    there is no need to set forth a detailed evidentiary proffer in a
    complaint."     Rodríguez-Reyes, v. Molina-Rodríguez, 
    711 F.3d 49
    , 54
    (1st Cir. 2013).    Nevertheless, the elements of a prima facie case
    are relevant to the plausibility assessment, forming "part of the
    background against which a plausibility determination should be
    Id. In the
    end, "[t]here need not be a one-to-one
    relationship between any single allegation and a necessary element
    of the cause of action.      What counts is the 'cumulative effect of
    the [complaint's] factual allegations.'"           
    Id. at 55
    (alteration in
    original) (quoting 
    Ocasio-Hernández, 640 F.3d at 14
    An analysis of plausibility is "'a context-specific task
    that   requires    the   reviewing    court   to   draw   on   its   judicial
    experience and common sense,'" 
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 44
    Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 679
    ).      Moreover, "the court may not disregard
    properly pled factual allegations, 'even if it strikes a savvy
    judge that actual proof of those facts is improbable.'"               Ocasio-
    Hernández, 640 F.3d at 12
    (quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 556 (2007)).        Indeed, "a well-pleaded complaint may
    proceed even if . . . a recovery is very remote and unlikely."
    Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Ultimately, "[t]he relevant inquiry focuses on the reasonableness
    of the inference of liability that the plaintiff is asking the
    court to draw from the facts alleged in the complaint."            Ocasio-
    Hernández, 640 F.3d at 13
    The First Amendment prohibits government officials from
    taking adverse actions against public employees on the basis of
    political    affiliation,     unless   political     association   is    an
    appropriate factor for employment, Ocasio-
    Hernández, 640 F.3d at 13
    , as in "trust" positions, where employees serve at the pleasure
    of the appointing authority, 
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 43
    n.2.               An
    actionable political discrimination claim has four elements:            (1)
    the plaintiff and defendant belong to opposing political parties;
    (2) the defendant had knowledge of the plaintiff's political
    affiliation; (3) an adverse employment action occurred; and (4)
    political affiliation was a substantial or motivating factor for
    the adverse action.    Ocasio-
    Hernández, 640 F.3d at 13
    The adequacy of allegations to support the first and
    third elements of appellants' political discrimination claims is
    not   at   issue.6   Hence,    we   must   analyze   whether   appellants'
    complaint adequately supports an inference that appellees had
    knowledge of appellants' political affiliation and that appellants'
    Appellees have not developed, and thereby waive, any
    argument regarding the first element, see United States v. Zannino,
    895 F.2d 1
    , 17 (1st Cir. 1990), and they concede that appellants'
    allegations satisfy the third element.
    political affiliation was a substantial or motivating factor for
    the adverse employment actions.
    A.   Appellees' Knowledge
    In    determining   whether   the   complaint   sufficiently
    supports the inference that appellees knew of appellants' political
    affiliation, we address the allegations in the complaint and those
    made in the letters that are properly incorporated by reference
    into the complaint.
    Appellants allege that the fact that they are members of
    the PDP was "known to defendants at all times relevant to this
    action."   If the allegations of the complaint and the letters had
    stopped there, the district court would have been correct to
    dismiss appellants' claims. As we have repeatedly explained, we do
    not credit      "allegations that merely parrot the elements of the
    cause of action."      
    Ocasio-Hernandez, 640 F.3d at 12
    ; see also
    Rodríguez-Vives v. P.R. Firefighters Corps of P.R., 
    743 F.3d 278
    286 (1st Cir.     2014) ("A conclusory allegation . . . is one which
    simply asserts a legal conclusion, such as 'I was retaliated
    against,' not a specific factual allegation . . . .").         However,
    appellants went on to make a number of non-conclusory allegations
    that together support the inference that the defendants knew of
    their political affiliations. See 
    Ocasio-Hernandez, 640 F.3d at 15
    ("[T]he Supreme Court has suggested that allegations that would
    individually lack the heft to make a claim plausible may suffice to
    state a claim in the context of the complaint's other factual
    This is not a case in which a single employee was fired
    or reassigned, and then sought to blame his supervisor for acting
    with an animus based on party affiliation.             Rather, the complaint
    in this case alleges that, after a change in party control from the
    PDP to the NPP, there commenced a systematic and more or less
    simultaneous effort to essentially reassign and eliminate all the
    duties and responsibilities of the nine plaintiffs, all active PDP
    members who held trust positions during PDP administrations and
    non-trust supervisory positions at the start of the new NPP
    administration. The common modus operandi alleged in the complaint
    required the active and sustained participation of the plaintiffs'
    superiors on multiple levels. The same modus operandi was employed
    with regard to nine different people in numerous regions of the
    department.    The    defendants    were     all   higher    up   officials    who
    belonged to the NPP and who had responsibility for personnel and
    personnel transactions within their respective regions or across
    the   department.         The      complaint       alleges    that    defendant
    Hernandez-Gregorat, the senior official who appointed, or appointed
    the person who appointed, four of the other defendants, was
    personally    involved    in    giving     direct    instructions     that     the
    subordinates of two of the plaintiffs be reassigned to other
    supervisors     who   lacked    the    qualifications        to   perform     that
    supervision.     Cf. Travers v. Flight Servs.& Sys., Inc., 
    737 F.3d 144
    ,   147   (1st   Cir.   2013)   (reasonable    jury   could   infer   that
    subordinates acted to please their CEO).
    Moreover, as noted, appellants allege that they all held
    trust positions in previous PDP administrations.                 Puerto Rico
    "'trust' employees participate in policymaking and can be hired and
    fired on political grounds."         Uphoff Figueroa v. Alejandro, 
    597 F.3d 423
    , 430 n.7 (1st Cir. 2010).               We have recognized that
    "political affiliation is an appropriate requirement for . . .
    effective performance" in such trust positions.                  
    Id. at 429
    (omission in original) (internal quotation marks omitted).             Hence,
    we have previously held that defendants' knowledge of a plaintiff's
    political affiliation was inferable where the defendant was aware
    that the plaintiff previously served in a trust position.                 See
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 47-48
    .        Although the plaintiff in Grajales
    identified his particular trust position and appellants here do
    not, "[i]n connection with a threshold plausibility inquiry, a high
    degree of factual specificity is not required."          
    Id. at 47
    Twombly, 550 U.S. at 570
    Finally, each defendant received at least one letter from
    one plaintiff (and generally more) claiming that their duties were
    being eliminated in a manner that could not happen without the
    active efforts of that plaintiff's superiors. Collectively, all of
    this is enough to raise a plausible inference that a fairly wide-
    ranging and deliberate purge of high profile PDP members was
    occurring, and that it must have been known to these defendants.
    Cf. García-González v. Puig-Morales, No. 12-2357, 
    2014 WL 3765709
    at *14-15 (1st Cir. Aug. 1, 2014) (a reasonable jury could infer
    defendants' knowledge of plaintiffs' political affiliation from the
    fact that defendants took contracts exclusively from many members
    of one party and awarded them exclusively to many members of the
    other party).7
    B.   Causation
    For pleading purposes, appellants "need not establish"
    Rodríguez-Reyes, 711 F.3d at 56
    .     "[T]he   facts
    contained in the complaint need only show that the claim of
    causation     is    plausible."       
    Id. "'Smoking gun'
      proof   of
    discrimination is rarely available, especially at the pleading
    stage," and is unnecessary.       
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 49
    .            Instead,
    "telltale clues may be gathered from the circumstances surrounding
    the adverse employment action."              
    Id. In Rodríguez-Reyes,
    concluding that the pleadings sufficiently alleged causation, we
    pointed to "allegations that all of the plaintiffs were affiliated
    with political parties that opposed the NPP; that none of them ever
    received a negative evaluation for her work . . . ; that each was
    Although we hold that appellants' allegations are sufficient
    to support an inference of appellees' knowledge, appellants are
    certainly aware of the specific trust positions that they held, and
    it was unwise for appellants not to identify them.
    replaced by an NPP adherent; and that the critical decisions were
    made by newly appointed officials loyal to the NPP and in a
    politically charged atmosphere."               
    Rodríguez-Reyes, 711 F.3d at 56
    As in Rodríguez-Reyes, appellants alleged that they had
    always      performed    their        duties       in   an   "excellent    fashion."
    Nevertheless, they lost job responsibilities and subordinates
    "systematically" "[u]pon the change of administration to the NPP."
    Cruz-Medina     alleged        that    he    experienced      "negative    comments"
    regarding his political affiliation and that he was told "he needs
    to understand that there has been a change in the political party
    that rules the government."             Plaintiff Camacho-Resto claimed that
    appellee Cruz-Torres openly discussed Camacho-Resto's political
    affiliation     and     that    defendant      Jose     Villegas   threatened     his
    continued employment.8 These allegations support an inference that
    the atmosphere in appellants' workplace was politically charged, as
    was   the    situation    in     Rodríguez-Reyes.            Moreover,    "the   close
    proximity between the regime change and the onset of pervasive
    cross-party harassment, coupled with the absence of any legitimate
    reason for much of the offending conduct, permits a plausible
    inference at the pleading stage that political animus was a
    We must determine whether the complaint "'in toto'" renders
    the claims plausible. See 
    Rodríguez-Reyes, 711 F.3d at 55
    Twombly, 550 at 569 n.14). Hence, although Camacho-Resto is not an
    appellant here, we may consider his allegations in the complaint as
    we make reasonable inferences about the workplace atmosphere.
    motivating factor behind the harassment."        
    Grajales, 682 F.3d at 50
    Our inquiry, however, does not end here.      We must also
    assess whether the allegations in the complaint and in appellants'
    letters incorporated therein sufficiently allege causation with
    respect to each appellee.      See 
    Ocasio-Hernández, 640 F.3d at 16
    ("[W]e must determine whether, as to each defendant, a plaintiff's
    pleadings are sufficient to state a claim on which relief can be
    granted." (internal quotation marks omitted)).        The question is
    whether the appellees who received a particular appellant's letter
    are "plausible defendant[s]" with respect to that appellant's
    Id. Under 42
    U.S.C. § 1983, "[p]ublic officials may be held
    liable . . . for a constitutional violation only if a plaintiff can
    establish that his or her constitutional injury resulted from the
    direct acts or omissions of the official, or from indirect conduct
    that amounts to condonation or tacit authorization."            Ocasio-
    Hernández, 640 F.3d at 16
    (internal quotation marks omitted).        To
    that end, "'[a]n important factor in making the determination of
    liability is whether the official was put on some kind of notice of
    the alleged violations, for one cannot make a "deliberate" or
    "conscious" choice to act or not to act unless confronted with a
    problem    that   requires   the   taking   of   affirmative   steps.'"
    Rodríguez-García v. Miranda-Marín, 
    610 F.3d 756
    , 768 (1st Cir.
    2010) (quoting Lipsett v. Univ. of P.R., 
    864 F.2d 881
    , 902 (1st
    Cir. 1988) (quoting Pembaur v. City of Cincinnati, 
    475 U.S. 469
    483-84 (1986))). "Once an official is so notified, either actually
    or constructively, it is reasonable to infer that the failure to
    take such steps, as well as the actual taking of them constitutes
    a choice 'from among various alternatives.'"        
    Lipsett, 864 F.2d at 902
    Pembaur, 475 U.S. at 483
    We recognize that "precise knowledge of the chain of
    events   leading   to   the   constitutional   violation    may   often   be
    unavailable to a plaintiff" when a 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss is
    filed; therefore, "we take to heart the Supreme Court's call to
    'draw on our "judicial experience and common sense" as we make a
    contextual judgment about the sufficiency of the pleadings.'"
    Ocasio-Hernández, 640 F.3d at 16
    (quoting Sanchez v. Pereira-
    590 F.3d 31
    , 48 (1st Cir. 2009) (quoting 
    Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 679
    On its own, the complaint does not specifically connect
    the appellees to the adverse employment actions.           Each appellant,
    however, does claim that he "placed in writing his concern"
    regarding    the   negative     employment     actions     but    that    the
    "communication went unanswered."          The district court properly
    requested these letters, which were incorporated by reference into
    the complaint, and supplemented the allegations with the identity
    of the recipient defendants.
    We have recognized that a letter may be used as evidence
    at trial to show for purposes of § 1983 liability that the named
    recipient personally knew of the writer's employment situation.
    See Rodriguez-García v. Municipality of Caguas, 
    495 F.3d 1
    , 12-13
    (1st Cir. 2007); see also 
    Rodríguez-García, 610 F.3d at 768
    Whether the addressee actually received the letter is "a factual
    question appropriate for jury determination."         
    Rodriguez-García, 495 F.3d at 13
    .   Hence, in resolving a motion to dismiss, where the
    burden is merely demonstrating the plausibility of a claim and all
    reasonable inferences are drawn in the plaintiff's favor, we can
    infer that the recipients of the letters were aware of their
    Although   the   district    court   ascertained   the   named
    recipients of the letters, it found that the letters "fail[ed] to
    identify the writer's political affiliation, and [did] not mention
    any   discriminatory   conduct   based   on   political   animus."    The
    district court, however, required too much from the letters.9          The
    We also disagree with certain of the district court's
    assessments of the letters.     Méndez-Cruz, in his letter, did
    identify his affiliation and allege it to be the cause of the
    adverse employment actions: "I do not agree with the manner in
    which I am being discriminated because I have political beliefs
    that are contrary to those of the new administration." Although
    Cruz-Medina's   letter  alleged   "a   violation  of   guaranteed
    constitutional rights," the court was correct that neither Cruz-
    Medina   nor   Medina-Velázquez   explicitly   identified   party
    affiliation;   however,  as   explained   above,  the   complaint
    sufficiently alleged facts to support an inference of appellees'
    letters provided the link to specific defendants. Each appellant's
    letter asked the recipients, individuals in positions of authority
    over employees of DTOP, to cease and desist from continuing the
    adverse    employment   actions   and/or   to   resolve   them.     As   in
    Rodríguez-García, the letters support the claim that the named
    recipients were put on notice of the alleged violations.           
    See 610 F.3d at 768
    . Under our precedent, once the officials were notified
    of the adverse employment actions, "it is reasonable to infer that
    the failure to take" affirmative steps necessary to resolve the
    problem "constitutes a choice" not to act.         
    Lipsett, 864 F.2d at 902
    . Hence, the inference of notice, combined with the complaint's
    allegation that the letters went unanswered, makes it plausible
    that the adverse employment actions with respect to a particular
    appellant "resulted from the direct acts or omissions . . . or from
    indirect    conduct     that   amounts     to   condonation   or    tacit
    authorization" by the appellees named in that appellant's letter.
    Ocasio-Hernández, 640 F.3d at 16
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted).     Indeed, that is the very same conclusion that the
    district court made for the six other plaintiffs who survived the
    defendants' motion to dismiss.      We thus hold that each appellant
    adequately alleged a First Amendment claim against the respective
    appellees named in that appellant's letter.10
    Our holding makes it unnecessary to reach appellants' second
    argument that the district court improperly denied their Rule 59(e)
    motion to alter the judgment of dismissal.
    In conclusion, we hold that appellants' allegations
    support reasonable inferences of knowledge and causation, such that
    each appellant stated a plausible First Amendment claim against the
    appellees who received that appellant's letter.       Hence, we vacate
    the district court's dismissal of (1) Medina-Velázquez's First
    Amendment claim and Paredes's derivative claim against Hernández-
    Gregorat, Avilés-Hernández, Trinidad-Quiñones, and Cruz-Torres; (2)
    Méndez-Cruz's   First     Amendment     claim   and   Méndez-Quiñones's
    derivative claim against del Roldán-Sotomayor, Hernández-Gregorat,
    and Avilés-Hernández; and (3) Cruz-Medina's First Amendment claim
    against Trinidad-Quiñones, Hernández-Gregorat, Avilés-Hernández,
    and González-Ortiz.     We remand for further proceedings consistent
    with this decision.
    Vacated and remanded.       Costs to appellants.